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Published: Mar 28, 2021 License: MIT Imports: 11 Imported by: 0


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Declarative error handling for Go.


Reading list:

ErrorFlow goal is to provide a library solution to the issues raised in articles above.

Library solution (as opposed to a language change), although less clean, has a very important benefit: it is optional. Many language proposals for addressing this issue have been rejected because language change is required to be universally applicable. Library solution can be used only for use cases where it works well.


  • 'err'-variable-free type-safe branchless business logic
reader := errf.Io.CheckReadCloser(os.Open(srcFilename))
	/* vs */
reader, err := os.Open(srcFilename)
if err != nil {
	return err
  • Declarative multiple errors handling logic
defer errf.IfError().ReturnFirst().ThenAssignTo(&err)
defer errf.CheckDeferErr(writer.Close)
	/* vs */
defer func() {
	closeErr := writer.Close()
	if closeErr != nil and err == nil {
		err = closeErr
  • Declarative errors logging logic
defer errf.IfError().LogIfSuppressed().ThenAssignTo(&err)
defer errf.CheckDeferErr(writer.Close)
	/* vs */
defer func() {
	closeErr := writer.Close()
	if closeErr != nil {
		if err == nil {
			err = closeErr
		} else {
			log.Printf("error closing writer: %w", err)
  • Doesn't affect APIs
    • Every use of ErrorFlow is scoped to a single function and doesn't leak into its API
  • Extendable
    • Custom return types for type safety
    • Custom ErrorFlow config functions (e.g. creating a wrapper that converts errors from a third-party libraries into standard error types for an internal codebase)

Example: error handling for a file gzip function

Error handling requirements for function:

  • Returns error only in case of error that affects result file correctness.
  • Cleans up dst file in case of the error instead of leaving it in inconsistent state.
  • Logs all internal errors that it didn't return.
  • Wraps returned errors with "error compressing file: " prefix.
  • Performs input parameters validation.
ErrorFlow style error handling
func GzipFile(dstFilename string, srcFilename string) (err error) {
	// defer IfError()... creates and configures
	// ErrorFlow error handler for this function.
	// When any of Check* functions encounters non-nil error
	// it immediately sends error to this handler
	// unwinding all stacked defers.
	errWrapper := errf.WrapperFmtErrorw("error compressing file")
	defer errf.IfError().ReturnFirst().LogIfSuppressed().Apply(errWrapper).ThenAssignTo(&err)

	errf.CheckAssert(len(dstFilename) > 0, "dst file should be specified")
	errf.CheckAssert(len(srcFilename) > 0, "src file should be specified")

	reader := errf.Io.CheckReadCloser(os.Open(srcFilename))
	defer errf.With(errWrapper).LogDefer(reader.Close)

	writer := errf.Io.CheckWriteCloser(os.Create(dstFilename))
	defer errf.Handle().OnAnyErrOrPanic(func() { os.Remove(dstFilename) })
	defer errf.CheckDeferErr(writer.Close)

	gzipWriter := gzip.NewWriter(writer)
	defer errf.CheckDeferErr(gzipWriter.Close)

	return errf.CheckDiscard(io.Copy(gzipWriter, reader)).IfOkReturnNil
Compare with
Plain Go implementation without any error handling
func GzipFile(dstFilename string, srcFilename string) error {
	reader, _ := os.Open(srcFilename)
	defer reader.Close()

	writer, _ := os.Create(dstFilename)
	defer writer.Close()

	gzipWriter := gzip.NewWriter(writer)
	defer gzipWriter.Close()

	_, _ = io.Copy(gzipWriter, reader)

	return nil
Plain Go implementation (functionally roughly equivalent to ErrorFlow example above; not using helper functions)
func GzipFile(dstFilename string, srcFilename string) (err error) {
	if len(dstFilename) == 0 {
		return fmt.Errorf("error compressing file: dst file should be specified")
	if len(srcFilename) == 0 {
		return fmt.Errorf("error compressing file: src file should be specified")

	reader, err := os.Open(srcFilename)
	if err != nil {
		return fmt.Errorf("error compressing file: %w", err)
	defer func() {
		closeErr := reader.Close()
		if closeErr != nil {

	writer, err := os.Create(dstFilename)
	if err != nil {
		return fmt.Errorf("error compressing file: %w", err)
	defer func() {
		if err != nil {
	defer func() {
		closeErr := writer.Close()
		if closeErr != nil {
			if err == nil {
				err = fmt.Errorf("error compressing file: %w", closeErr)
			} else {
				log.Println(fmt.Errorf("[suppressed] error compressing file: %w", closeErr))

	gzipWriter := gzip.NewWriter(writer)
	defer func() {
		closeErr := gzipWriter.Close()
		if closeErr != nil {
			if err == nil {
				err = fmt.Errorf("error compressing file: %w", closeErr)
			} else {
				log.Println(fmt.Errorf("[suppressed] error compressing file: %w", closeErr))

	_, err = io.Copy(gzipWriter, reader)
	if err != nil {
		return fmt.Errorf("error compressing file: %w", err)

	return nil
ErrorFlow-Lite style error handling (using only defer helper functions, but not IfError/Check* handler)
func GzipFile(dstFilename string, srcFilename string) (err error) {
	errflow := errf.With(
		errf.WrapperFmtErrorw("error compressing file"),

	if len(dstFilename) == 0 {
		return fmt.Errorf("error compressing file: dst file should be specified")
	if len(srcFilename) == 0 {
		return fmt.Errorf("error compressing file: src file should be specified")

	reader, err := os.Open(srcFilename)
	if err != nil {
		return fmt.Errorf("error compressing file: %w", err)
	defer errflow.LogDefer(reader.Close)

	writer, err := os.Create(dstFilename)
	if err != nil {
		return fmt.Errorf("error compressing file: %w", err)
	defer func() {
		if err != nil {
	defer errflow.IfErrorAssignTo(&err, writer.Close)

	gzipWriter := gzip.NewWriter(writer)
	defer errflow.IfErrorAssignTo(&err, gzipWriter.Close)

	_, err = io.Copy(gzipWriter, reader)
	if err != nil {
		return fmt.Errorf("error compressing file: %w", err)

	return nil



Package errf provides declarative error handling for Go.

Basic usage

Each use of errorflow has a scope of a single function.

If function uses errorflow its first statement should be IfError() handler configuration:

func exampleFunction() (err error) {
	defer errf.IfError().ReturnFirst().LogIfSuppressed().ThenAssignTo(&err)

	// ... business logic ...

Default configuration is to return first error and never log errors.

defer errf.IfError().ThenAssignTo(&err)
	/* same as */
defer errf.IfError().ReturnFirst().LogNever().ThenAssignTo(&err)

IfError() handler should always be terminated by one of Then*() functions.

Then, when function has IfError() handler setup, all error checks should be done via one of Check* functions:

func exampleFunction() (err error) {
	defer errf.IfError().ThenAssignTo(&err)

	// Just checking err.
	err := someFunction1()
		/* same as */

	// Checking err, discarding return value.
	_, err := someFunction2()
		/* same as */

	// Checking err using return value (untyped).
	var value interface{}
	value, err = someFunction3()
	typedValue := value.(type)
		/* same as */
	typedValue := errf.CheckAny(someFunction3()).(type)
	// NOTE: using CheckAny is not recommended,
	// clients should prefer using either standard typed function
	// or create custom ones (see 'Extending errorflow for custom types' below).

	// Checking err using return value (typed).
	int64Value, err := someFunction4()
		/* same as */
	int64Value := errf.Std.CheckInt64(someFunction4())
		/* same as */
	int64Value, err := errf.Std.CheckInt64Err(someFunction4())

	// It is not recommended to manually return errors (return fmt.Errorf(...))
	// or assign errors (err = fmt.Errorf(...)) for functions with IfError() handler.
	// In such cases, wrap error in errf.CheckErr(...) to make sure it is handled
	// by IfError() handler.
	return errf.CheckErr(someFunction5()).IfOkReturnNil

When any of Check* functions encounters an error, it immediately sends a program flow control to IfError() handler, unwinding stack of already registered 'defers'. Internally it uses panic to accomplish this goal.

Never use Check* functions in functions without IfError() handler set up (including nested anonymous functions).

Usage correctness validation

When running Go tests, errorflow automatically verifies correctness of errorflow usage and panics with message "errflow incorrect call sequence" when the issue is detected. Stacktrace will point to the location of the issue.

Validation automatically checks for these rules:

  • If any of Check* functions is used in a function, IfError() handler should be set up for this function.
  • If IfError() handler is set up, it should be terminated by one of Then* functions.

By default, validation is only enabled in tests and is disabled in production binaries.

To enable/disable validation (e.g. because of performance issues, false positives, incorrect test/prod environment detection), clients can use SetNoopValidator or SetStackTraceValidator functions.

func Test_WithDisabledValidator(t *testing.T) {
	defer errf.SetNoopValidator().ThenRestore()

	// Validator will be disabled until the end of this function.

Return Strategy

Return strategy controls what error to return from a function in case if multiple errors were produced (e.g. by gzipWriter.Close() function and then fileWriter.Close() function).

Return strategy is set by using one of Return* functions from IfError() handler.

Available strategies:

  • ReturnFirst() - return first encountered error.
  • ReturnLast() - return last encountered error.
  • ReturnWrapped() - return error where:
  • error message combines both messages;
  • first error instance is available via errors.Unwrap();
  • second error instance instance is discarded.
  • ReturnCombined() - return error where:
  • error message combines both messages;
  • all error instances are available via errf.GetCombinedErrors() function.


func example() (err error) {
	defer errf.IfError().Return*().ThenAssignTo(&err)
	defer errf.CheckErr(fmt.Errorf("error 3"))
	defer errf.CheckErr(fmt.Errorf("error 2"))
	defer errf.CheckErr(fmt.Errorf("error 1"))
	return nil

* ReturnFirst -> "error 1"
* ReturnLast -> "error 3"
* ReturnWrapped -> "error 1 (also: error 2) (also: error 3)"
                   errors.Unwrap(err).Error() == "error 1"
* ReturnCombined -> "combined error {error 1; error 2; error 3}"
                   errf.GetCombinedErrors(err) ->
                     {fmt.Errorf("error 1"), fmt.Errorf("error 2"), fmt.Errorf("error 3")}

Log Strategy

Log strategy controls IfError() handler logging behavior.

Available strategies:

  • LogNever() - never log errors.
  • LogIfSuppressed() - log only errors which are not included in result.
  • LogAlways() - log all errors.


func example() (err error) {
	defer errf.IfError().ReturnFirst().Log*().ThenAssignTo(&err)
	defer errf.CheckErr(fmt.Errorf("error 2"))
	defer errf.CheckErr(fmt.Errorf("error 1"))
	return nil

* LogNever -> no logs
* LogIfSuppressed -> "error 2" is logged
* LogAlways -> both "error 1" and "error 2" are logged


Wrappers are functions which wrap error objects into other error objects.

They can be applied to:

  • individual Check* functions example: errf.With(wrapper).CheckErr(err)
  • IfError() helper example: defer errf.IfError().Apply(wrapper).ThenAssignTo(&err)
  • helper functions (errf.Log, errf.IfErrorAssignTo) example: defer errf.With(wrapper).Log(err)


func example() (err error) {
	defer errf.IfError().Apply(errf.WrapperFmtErrorw("wrapped")).ThenAssignTo(&err)
	return errf.CheckErr(fmt.Errorf("error"))

Returns error with message: "wrapped: error"

Custom wrappers can be implemented using errf.Wrapper function:

func addStacktraceToError(err error) error {
	/* ... actual implementation ... */

var WrapperAddStacktrace = func(ef *Errflow) *Errflow {
	return ef.With(errf.Wrapper(addStacktraceToError))


func example() (err error) {
	defer errf.IfError().Apply(WrapperAddStacktrace).ThenAssignTo(&err)

	// business logic ...


Handlers are used to handle errors and panics that are bubbling up the defers ladder.

Unlike IfError()... handler, Handle() API can be used in a middle of the function, thus e.g. skipped if preparation steps haven't been executed yet.

This might be useful for additional cleanup logic. Consider function that copies files. If there is an error during copying, we would want to delete destination file rather than leaving it in inconsistent state. But, unlike closing a file, this action needs to be performed only when there's an error and should not be performed on a successful copy.

Here's how handlers can be used to implement this logic:

func copyfile(src, dst string) (err error) {
	defer errf.IfError().ThenAssignTo(&err)

	/* some code */

	writer := errf.Io.WriteCloser(os.Create(filename))
	defer errf.Handle().OnAnyErrorOrPanic(func() { os.Remove(filename) })
	defer errf.CheckDeferErr(writer.Close)

	/* more code */

For full list of handlers, see documentation for:

  • (*InterimHandler) On* methods
  • (*InterimHandler) {Always, Everything} methods


  • Handle() API should be used only in defer statements.
  • Handlers with "Err" in the name (e.g. OnErr, OnErrOrPanic) can only be used in functions with IfError() handler.
  • Handlers without "Err" in the name (e.g. Always, OnPanic) can be used in any function.
  • It is allowed to use Check* funcions inside Handlers even without IfError() set up inside a handler. In such cases, defer Handle()... enclosing function IfError() will be used to catch errors.

Custom log function

Custom log function can be set using SetLogFn method:

func customLogFn(logMessage *LogMessage) {
	/* ... implementation ... */

func main() {
	defer errf.SetLogFn(customLogFn).ThenRestore()

	/* app main function */

Helper functions

Errflow also implements few helper functions which can be used in functions without IfError() handler.

errf.Log(err) will log error, if not nil. It doesn't affect control flow.

defer errf.IfErrorThenAssign(&err, operationErr) will assign (*err = operationErr) if operationErr != nil.
  Note: it is useful only in 'defer' for function without IfError() handler
        as a lightweight alternative.

This functions might be configured using errf.With(...).

NOTE: since these functions don't use IfError() handler, they will not use config defined on IfError() handler.

func example() (err error) {
	errOpts = errf.WrapperFmtErrorw("error in example function")
	defer errf.IfError().Apply(errOpts).ThenAssignTo(&err)

	errf.With(errOpts).Log(fmt.Errorf("operation 1 error"))
	return errf.CheckErr(fmt.Errorf("operation 2 error"))

This function will return error "error in example function: operation 2 error".
Also it will log "error in example function: operation 1 error".
Note that Log requires .With(errOpts), because it won't use IfError() context.

Extending errorflow for custom types

Library clients can create new Check* functions for custom return types. This is useful for writing type safe code (until generics will solve this problem).


package fancypackage

var Errf = FancyPackageErrflow{}

type FancyPackageErrflow struct {
	errflow *Errflow

func (ef FancyPackageErrflow) With(options ...ErrflowOption) FancyPackageErrflow {
	return FancyPackageErrflow{errflow: ef.errflow.With(options...)}

func (ef FancyPackageErrflow) CheckCustomType1(value *CustomType1, err error) *CustomType1 {
	ef.errflow.ImplementCheck(recover(), err)
	return value

func (ef FancyPackageErrflow) CheckCustomType2(value *CustomType2, err error) *CustomType2 {
	ef.errflow.ImplementCheck(recover(), err)
	return value

package main

func ProcessCustomStruct() (err error) {
	defer errflow.IfError().ThenAssignTo(&err)

	customStructValue := fancypackage.Errf.CheckCustomType1(fancypackage.ReadCustomType1())

	customStructValue := fancypackage.Errf.
		With(errf.WrapperFmtErrorw("error in ProcessCustomStruct")).

	// ...



This section is empty.


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var Bufio = BufioErrflow{}

Bufio contains collection of Check* functions for bufio.* types.

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var DefaultErrflow = &Errflow{}

DefaultErrflow is default Errflow instance. Clients should never set its value.

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var Io = IoErrflow{}

Io contains collection of Check* functions for io.* types.

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var OriginalErr = &originalErrType{}

OriginalErr is a placeholder for error in WrapperFmtErrorf(...) call.

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var Os = OsErrflow{}

Os contains collection of Check* functions for os.* types.

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var Std = StdErrflow{}

Std contains collection of Check* functions for built-in types.


func CheckAny

func CheckAny(value interface{}, err error) interface{}

CheckAny is an alias for DefaultErrflow.CheckAny(...).

func GetCombinedErrors

func GetCombinedErrors(err error) []error

GetCombinedErrors returns all error instances from CombinedError error, even if the error was wrapped using fmt.Errorf with "%w" parameter.

Note that resulting errors are all flattened out into a single list, meaning that calling GetCombinedErrors on errors returned from GetCombinedErrors will always result in returning the same error.

func GetPanic added in v0.2.0

func GetPanic(err error, panicObj *interface{}) bool

GetPanic returns true when error send to handler callback indicates a panic (not error or success). Also it writes panic value into panicObj pointer.

func IfErrorAssignTo

func IfErrorAssignTo(outErr *error, closeFn func() error)

IfErrorAssignTo is an alias for DefaultErrflow.IfErrorAssignTo(...).

func IsErr added in v0.2.0

func IsErr(err error) bool

IsErr returns true when error send to handler callback indicates an error (not panic or success). Useful for handlers which handle multiple types (e.g. Everything(), OnErrOrPanic())

func IsPanic added in v0.2.0

func IsPanic(err error) bool

IsPanic returns true when error send to handler callback indicates a panic (not error or success). Useful for handlers which handle multiple types (e.g. Everything(), OnErrOrPanic())

func IsSuccess added in v0.2.0

func IsSuccess(err error) bool

IsSuccess returns true when error send to handler callback indicates success (is null, no errors or panics). Useful for handlers which handle multiple types (e.g. Everything())

func Log

func Log(err error)

Log is an alias for DefaultErrflow.Log(...).

func LogDefer added in v0.3.0

func LogDefer(closeFn func() error)

LogDefer is an alias for DefaultErrflow.LogDefer(...).


type BufioErrflow

type BufioErrflow struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

BufioErrflow implements Check* functions for bufio package types.

Clients should not instantiate BufioErrflow, use 'errf.Bufio' instead.

func (BufioErrflow) CheckReadWriter

func (ef BufioErrflow) CheckReadWriter(value *bufio.ReadWriter, err error) *bufio.ReadWriter

CheckReadWriter calls errflow.Check and returns a typed value from a function call.

func (BufioErrflow) CheckReadWriterErr

func (ef BufioErrflow) CheckReadWriterErr(value *bufio.ReadWriter, err error) (*bufio.ReadWriter, error)

CheckReadWriterErr calls errflow.Check and returns a typed value and error from a function call.

func (BufioErrflow) CheckReader

func (ef BufioErrflow) CheckReader(value *bufio.Reader, err error) *bufio.Reader

CheckReader calls errflow.Check and returns a typed value from a function call.

func (BufioErrflow) CheckReaderErr

func (ef BufioErrflow) CheckReaderErr(value *bufio.Reader, err error) (*bufio.Reader, error)

CheckReaderErr calls errflow.Check and returns a typed value and error from a function call.

func (BufioErrflow) CheckWriter

func (ef BufioErrflow) CheckWriter(value *bufio.Writer, err error) *bufio.Writer

CheckWriter calls errflow.Check and returns a typed value from a function call.

func (BufioErrflow) CheckWriterErr

func (ef BufioErrflow) CheckWriterErr(value *bufio.Writer, err error) (*bufio.Writer, error)

CheckWriterErr calls errflow.Check and returns a typed value and error from a function call.

func (BufioErrflow) With

func (ef BufioErrflow) With(options ...ErrflowOption) BufioErrflow

With implements Errflow.With(...) for bufio types.

type CheckResult added in v0.4.0

type CheckResult struct {
	IfOkReturnNil error

CheckResult default object is returned by Check* functions which don't return any value, as a helper for return statements:

return errf.CheckErr(err).IfOkReturnNil

func CheckAssert added in v0.4.0

func CheckAssert(condition bool, format string, a ...interface{}) CheckResult

CheckAssert is an alias for DefaultErrflow.CheckAssert(...).

func CheckCondition

func CheckCondition(condition bool, format string, a ...interface{}) CheckResult

CheckCondition is an alias for DefaultErrflow.CheckCondition(...).

func CheckDeferErr added in v0.3.0

func CheckDeferErr(closeFn func() error) CheckResult

CheckDeferErr is an alias for DefaultErrflow.CheckDeferErr(...).

func CheckDiscard

func CheckDiscard(_ interface{}, err error) CheckResult

CheckDiscard is an alias for DefaultErrflow.CheckDiscard(...).

func CheckErr

func CheckErr(err error) CheckResult

CheckErr is an alias for DefaultErrflow.CheckErr(...).

type CombinedError

type CombinedError struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

CombinedError implements an error that holds multiple errors.

func (CombinedError) Error

func (cErr CombinedError) Error() string

type DeferRestorer

type DeferRestorer interface {

	// ThenRestore restores previous global config.
	// See DeferRestorer comment for example.

DeferRestorer is helper interface to update global config in a scope of a single function, typically useful for testing or for main function configuration.


func Test1(t *testing.Test) {
  defer SetGlobalConfig(&Config{ param1: "value1", param2: "value2" }).ThenRestore()

  // ...

func SetLogFn

func SetLogFn(logFn LogFn) DeferRestorer

SetLogFn replaces logging function for errflow. It returns errf.DeferRestorer instance, which can be used to restore previous logFn, if needed. Default log function is log.Println().

func SetNoopValidator

func SetNoopValidator() DeferRestorer

SetNoopValidator sets no-op validator for errflow.

Validator is used to validate that the library is used correctly, meaning each usage is limited to a single function.

This is a default mode for production, which doesn't compromise performance, but library can be misused in this mode.

It returns errf.DeferRestorer instance, which can be used to restore previous validator, if needed.

func SetStackTraceValidator

func SetStackTraceValidator() DeferRestorer

SetStackTraceValidator sets a stack-trace based validator for errflow.

Validator is used to validate that the library is used correctly, meaning each usage is limited to a single function.

This is a default mode for tests, which works in most cases, but has performance penalty and might return false positives in some cases.

It returns errf.DeferRestorer instance, which can be used to restore previous validator, if needed.

type Errflow

type Errflow struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

Errflow contains configuration for error handling logic. It exposes an immutable API for clients, but it is not thread-safe.

func LogStrategyAlways

func LogStrategyAlways(ef *Errflow) *Errflow

LogStrategyAlways configures Errflow instance to always log errors.

func LogStrategyIfSuppressed

func LogStrategyIfSuppressed(ef *Errflow) *Errflow

LogStrategyIfSuppressed configures Errflow instance to log errors only if they are not present in resulting error value.

func LogStrategyNever

func LogStrategyNever(ef *Errflow) *Errflow

LogStrategyNever configures Errflow instance to never log errors. This is default behavior.

func ReturnStrategyCombined

func ReturnStrategyCombined(ef *Errflow) *Errflow

ReturnStrategyCombined configures Errflow instance to return all errors. All error messages will be collected in resulting message and all error instances will be preserved. Error instances can be retrieved using GetCombinedErrors() function.

func ReturnStrategyFirst

func ReturnStrategyFirst(ef *Errflow) *Errflow

ReturnStrategyFirst configures Errflow instance to return first error instance. This is default behavior.

func ReturnStrategyLast

func ReturnStrategyLast(ef *Errflow) *Errflow

ReturnStrategyLast configures Errflow instance to return last error instance.

func ReturnStrategyWrapped

func ReturnStrategyWrapped(ef *Errflow) *Errflow

ReturnStrategyWrapped configures Errflow instance to return all errors. First error will be wrapped using fmt.Errorf with "%w" parameter. For other error, their messages will be included in resulting errors, but the instances will be discarded.

func With

func With(options ...ErrflowOption) *Errflow

With is an alias for DefaultErrflow.With(...).

func (*Errflow) AsOpts added in v0.2.0

func (ef *Errflow) AsOpts() ErrflowOption

AsOpts returns ErrflowOption copies all configs of Errflow.

func (*Errflow) CheckAny

func (ef *Errflow) CheckAny(value interface{}, err error) interface{}

CheckAny sends error to IfError() handler for processing, if there is an error. If there is no error, it returns value as a generic interface{}.


function ProcessFile() (err error) {
  defer errf.IfError().ThenAssignTo(&err)

  file := errf.CheckAny(os.Create("file.go")).(*os.File)
  defer errf.CheckDeferErr(file.Close)

  // Write to file ...

Tip: prefer using typed functions, defined in either this library, or custom ones, implemented using errf.ImplementCheck(...).

Example above can usually rewritten as:

function ProcessFile() (err error) {
  defer errf.IfError().ThenAssignTo(&err)

  writer := errf.Io.CheckWriteCloser(os.Create("file.go"))
  defer errf.CheckDeferErr(writer.Close)

  // Write to file ...

func (*Errflow) CheckAssert added in v0.4.0

func (ef *Errflow) CheckAssert(condition bool, format string, a ...interface{}) CheckResult

CheckAssert creates and sends error to IfError() handler for processing, if condition is false.

func (*Errflow) CheckCondition

func (ef *Errflow) CheckCondition(condition bool, format string, a ...interface{}) CheckResult

CheckCondition creates and sends error to IfError() handler for processing, if condition is true.

func (*Errflow) CheckDeferErr added in v0.3.0

func (ef *Errflow) CheckDeferErr(closeFn func() error) CheckResult

CheckDeferErr calls closeFn and checks for return error. Useful in defer statements:

writer := ...
defer errf.CheckDeferErr(writer.Close)

func (*Errflow) CheckDiscard

func (ef *Errflow) CheckDiscard(_ interface{}, err error) CheckResult

CheckDiscard sends error to IfError() handler for processing, if there is an error. Non-error value returned from a function is discarded.


function writeBuf(w io.Writer, buf []byte) (err error) {
  defer errf.IfError().ThenAssignTo(&err)

  return errf.CheckDiscard(w.Write(buf))

func (*Errflow) CheckErr

func (ef *Errflow) CheckErr(err error) CheckResult

CheckErr sends error to IfError() handler for processing, if there is an error.

It is required that 'defer errf.IfError().Then...' is configured in the same function as CheckErr, otherwise validation will fail when running tests.

CheckErr always returns nil, but type system allows using it to skip return nil statement:

return nil

is the same as:

return errflow.CheckErr(functionCall())

func (*Errflow) IfErrorAssignTo

func (ef *Errflow) IfErrorAssignTo(outErr *error, closeFn func() error)

IfErrorAssignTo is a helper method to set function return error value in defer calls. It is useful in functions that don't use 'defer errf.IfError()...' handlers. It is possible to use most of errf.With(...) configs. Unsupported configs (e.g. ReturnStrategyLast) will panic when used.

Note: don't mix IfErrorAssignTo with 'defer errf.IfError()...' and Check* functions in the same function. They are not designed to work together.


func example() (err error) {
	writer, err := openWriter(...)
	defer errf.With(
	).IfErrorAssignTo(&err, writer.Close)

	// ...

func (*Errflow) ImplementCheck

func (ef *Errflow) ImplementCheck(recoverObj interface{}, err error) CheckResult

ImplementCheck is used to implement a strongly-typed errflow.Check(...) for new types.


package fancypackage

var Errf = FancyPackageErrflow{}

type FancyPackageErrflow struct {
	errflow *Errflow

func (ef FancyPackageErrflow) With(options ...ErrflowOption) FancyPackageErrflow {
	return FancyPackageErrflow{errflow: ef.errflow.With(options...)}

func (ef FancyPackageErrflow) CheckCustomType1(value *CustomType1, err error) *CustomType1 {
	ef.errflow.ImplementCheck(recover(), err)
	return value

func (ef FancyPackageErrflow) CheckCustomType2(value *CustomType2, err error) *CustomType2 {
	ef.errflow.ImplementCheck(recover(), err)
	return value

package main

func ProcessCustomStruct() (err error) {
	defer errflow.IfError().ThenAssignTo(&err)

	customStructValue := fancypackage.Errf.CheckCustomType1(

	// ...

func (*Errflow) Log

func (ef *Errflow) Log(err error)

Log logs error, if not nil. Always logs, even if log strategy is LogStrategyNever. Doesn't affect control flow.

func (*Errflow) LogDefer added in v0.3.0

func (ef *Errflow) LogDefer(closeFn func() error)

LogDefer calls closeFn, then calls Log(...) on result of a call. Useful in defer statements:

reader := ...
defer errf.LogDefer(reader.Close)

func (*Errflow) Opts

func (ef *Errflow) Opts() []ErrflowOption

Opts returns all options, which were applied on top of DefaultErrflow instance.

func (*Errflow) With

func (ef *Errflow) With(options ...ErrflowOption) *Errflow

With adds additional configs to Errflow instance. It returns a new instance. Original instance is unmodified.

type ErrflowOption

type ErrflowOption func(ef *Errflow) *Errflow

ErrflowOption is used for extending config API. Clients can extend config API with new methods by implementing ErrflowOption.


func WrapInOurError(ef *Errflow) *Errflow {
	return ef.With(errf.Wrapper(func (err error) error {
		return ourerrors.Wrap(err)

func exampleUsage() (err error) {
	defer errf.IfError().Apply(WrapInOurError).ThenAssignTo(&err)
	// ...

func Opts

func Opts(options ...ErrflowOption) ErrflowOption

Opts combines multiple options into a single.

func OptsFrom

func OptsFrom(ef *Errflow) ErrflowOption

OptsFrom creates ErrflowOption which applies all options from provided Errflow.

func Wrapper

func Wrapper(wrapper func(err error) error) ErrflowOption

Wrapper function creates ErrflowOption that wraps original errors using provided 'func(err error) error' function.

See WrapperFmtErrorw for common scenario fmt.Errorf("wrap message: %w", err).


func WrapInOurError(ef *Errflow) *Errflow {
	return ef.With(errf.Wrapper(func (err error) error {
		return ourerrors.Wrap(err)

func exampleUsage() (err error) {
	defer errf.IfError().Apply(WrapInOurError).ThenAssignTo(&err)
	// ...

func WrapperFmtErrorf

func WrapperFmtErrorf(format string, a ...interface{}) ErrflowOption

WrapperFmtErrorf is a Wrapper that uses fmt.Errorf to wrap errors. errf.OriginalErr is used as a placeholder for error in fmt.Errorf args.

See WrapperFmtErrorw for common scenario fmt.Errorf("wrap message: %w", err).


func exampleUsage() (err error) {
	defer errf.IfError().Apply(
		errf.WrapperFmtErrorf("%s %w %s", "-->", errf.OriginalErr, "<--")

	// ...

func WrapperFmtErrorw

func WrapperFmtErrorw(s string) ErrflowOption

WrapperFmtErrorw is a Wrapper that uses fmt.Errorf("%s: %w", ...) to wrap errors.


func exampleUsage() (err error) {
	defer errf.IfError().Apply(errf.WrapperFmtErrorw("error in exampleUsage")).ThenAssignTo(&err)

	// ...

type ErrorActionFn added in v0.2.0

type ErrorActionFn func(err error)

ErrorActionFn is a callback for errors handlers.

type IfErrorHandler

type IfErrorHandler struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

IfErrorHandler configures errorflow error handling behavior in a scope of a function.

Should be created only via IfError() method.

func IfError

func IfError() *IfErrorHandler

IfError creates IfErrorHandler.

Should always:

  • be used only in defer statements;
  • be in the beginning of a function;
  • terminated by one of Then*(...) functions.


function example() (err error) {
  defer errf.IfError().ThenAssignTo(&err)

  // ...

func (*IfErrorHandler) Apply

func (c *IfErrorHandler) Apply(options ...ErrflowOption) *IfErrorHandler

Apply configures IfErrorHandler to apply additional configs to Errflow.


func example() (err error) {
	defer errf.IfError().Apply(errf.WrapperFmtErrorw("wrapper 2")).ThenAssignTo(&err)

	With(errf.WrapperFmtErrorw("wrapper 1")).CheckErr(fmt.Errorf("error 1"))
	return nil

When example() is called, "wrapper 1" will be applied first and "wrapper 2" will be applied second.

Resulting error message is: "wrapper 2: wrapper 1: error 1".

func (*IfErrorHandler) LogAlways

func (c *IfErrorHandler) LogAlways() *IfErrorHandler

LogAlways is an alias for Apply(LogStrategyAlways).

func (*IfErrorHandler) LogIfSuppressed

func (c *IfErrorHandler) LogIfSuppressed() *IfErrorHandler

LogIfSuppressed is an alias for Apply(LogStrategyIfSuppressed).

func (*IfErrorHandler) LogNever

func (c *IfErrorHandler) LogNever() *IfErrorHandler

LogNever is an alias for Apply(LogStrategyNever).

func (*IfErrorHandler) ReturnCombined

func (c *IfErrorHandler) ReturnCombined() *IfErrorHandler

ReturnCombined is an alias for Apply(ReturnStrategyCombined).

func (*IfErrorHandler) ReturnFirst

func (c *IfErrorHandler) ReturnFirst() *IfErrorHandler

ReturnFirst is an alias for Apply(ReturnStrategyFirst).

func (*IfErrorHandler) ReturnLast

func (c *IfErrorHandler) ReturnLast() *IfErrorHandler

ReturnLast is an alias for Apply(ReturnStrategyLast).

func (*IfErrorHandler) ReturnWrapped

func (c *IfErrorHandler) ReturnWrapped() *IfErrorHandler

ReturnWrapped is an alias for Apply(ReturnStrategyWrapped).

func (*IfErrorHandler) Then

func (c *IfErrorHandler) Then(fns ...ErrorActionFn)

Then calls callbacks for resulting error (only if non-nil).

func (*IfErrorHandler) ThenAssignTo

func (c *IfErrorHandler) ThenAssignTo(outErr *error)

ThenAssignTo assigns resulting error to outErr (only if non-nil). If outErr is already non-nil, it will be replaced by error returned from IfErrorHandler, and logged if log strategy is IfSuppressed or Always.

Note: it is not recommended to mix returning errors directly and via Check* function because IfError handler doesn't have much control over direct errors, which might result in counterintuitive behavior.

To avoid mixing, always instead of:

return err


return errf.CheckErr(err).IfOkReturnNil

func (*IfErrorHandler) ThenIgnore

func (c *IfErrorHandler) ThenIgnore()

ThenIgnore ignores resulting error.

type InterimHandler added in v0.2.0

type InterimHandler struct{}

InterimHandler defines Handle() API.

func Handle added in v0.2.0

func Handle() *InterimHandler

Handle enables additional error handlers in the middle of functions, in addition to IfError() handlers.


  • Handle() API should be used only in defer statements.
  • Handlers with "Err" in the name (e.g. OnErr, OnErrOrPanic) can only be used in functions with IfError() handler.
  • Handlers without "Err" in the name (e.g. Always, OnPanic) can be used in any function.
  • It is allowed to use Check* functions inside Handlers even without IfError() set up inside a handler. In such cases, defer Handle()... enclosing function IfError() will be used to catch errors.


func example(filename string) (err error) {
	defer errf.IfError().ThenAssignTo(&err)

	/* some code */

	writer := errf.Io.WriteCloser(os.Create(filename))
	defer errf.Handle().OnAnyErrorOrPanic(func() { os.Remove(filename) })
	defer errf.CheckDeferErr(writer.Close)

	/* more code */

func (*InterimHandler) Always added in v0.2.0

func (h *InterimHandler) Always(errFn func())

Always handler is always executed. Error is not sent to the callback.

Use Everything(), if error info is required.

func (*InterimHandler) Everything added in v0.2.0

func (h *InterimHandler) Everything(errFn ErrorActionFn)

Everything handler is always executed. Errors and panics are sent to the callback.

Use IsPanic(), IsErr(), IsSuccess() to differentiate between those outcomes.

Use Always(), if error info is not needed.

func (*InterimHandler) OnAnyErr added in v0.2.0

func (h *InterimHandler) OnAnyErr(errFn func())

OnAnyErr handler is same as OnErr, when err is not required.

func (*InterimHandler) OnAnyErrOrPanic added in v0.2.0

func (h *InterimHandler) OnAnyErrOrPanic(errFn func())

OnAnyErrOrPanic handler is same as OnErrOrPanic, when err is not required.

func (*InterimHandler) OnAnyPanic added in v0.2.0

func (h *InterimHandler) OnAnyPanic(panicFn func())

OnAnyPanic handler is same as OnPanic, when panicObj is not required.

func (*InterimHandler) OnErr added in v0.2.0

func (h *InterimHandler) OnErr(errFn ErrorActionFn)

OnErr handler is executed in case of error triggered by one of "Check*" functions.

First encountered error is passed to the callback.

func (*InterimHandler) OnErrAs added in v0.2.0

func (h *InterimHandler) OnErrAs(errFn interface{})

OnErrAs handler is executed in case of error triggered by one of "Check*" functions and first encountered error has type of callback argument (using errors.As definition).


defer errf.Handle().OnErrAs(func (err net.Error) {
	// This callback only will be executed if first encountered
	// error has type of net.Error.

func (*InterimHandler) OnErrIs added in v0.2.0

func (h *InterimHandler) OnErrIs(targetErr error, errFn func())

OnErrIs handler is executed in case of error triggered by one of "Check*" functions and first encountered error is targetErr (using errors.Is definition).

func (*InterimHandler) OnErrOrPanic added in v0.2.0

func (h *InterimHandler) OnErrOrPanic(errFn ErrorActionFn)

OnErrOrPanic handler is executed in case of error triggered by one of "Check*" functions or a panic.

First encountered error is passed to the callback. See also errf.IsPanic(), errf.IsErr().

func (*InterimHandler) OnPanic added in v0.2.0

func (h *InterimHandler) OnPanic(panicFn func(panicObj interface{}))

OnPanic handler is executed in case of a panic.

func (*InterimHandler) OnSuccess added in v0.2.0

func (h *InterimHandler) OnSuccess(successFn func())

OnSuccess handler is executed in case of no errors or panics.

type IoErrflow

type IoErrflow struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

IoErrflow implements Check* functions for io package types.

Clients should not instantiate IoErrflow, use 'errf.Io' instead.

func (IoErrflow) CheckReadCloser

func (ef IoErrflow) CheckReadCloser(value io.ReadCloser, err error) io.ReadCloser

CheckReadCloser calls errf.Check and returns a typed value from a function call.

func (IoErrflow) CheckReadCloserErr

func (ef IoErrflow) CheckReadCloserErr(value io.ReadCloser, err error) (io.ReadCloser, error)

CheckReadCloserErr calls errf.Check and returns a typed value and error from a function call.

func (IoErrflow) CheckReader

func (ef IoErrflow) CheckReader(value io.Reader, err error) io.Reader

CheckReader calls errf.Check and returns a typed value from a function call.

func (IoErrflow) CheckReaderErr

func (ef IoErrflow) CheckReaderErr(value io.Reader, err error) (io.Reader, error)

CheckReaderErr calls errf.Check and returns a typed value and error from a function call.

func (IoErrflow) CheckWriteCloser

func (ef IoErrflow) CheckWriteCloser(value io.WriteCloser, err error) io.WriteCloser

CheckWriteCloser calls errf.Check and returns a typed value from a function call.

func (IoErrflow) CheckWriteCloserErr

func (ef IoErrflow) CheckWriteCloserErr(value io.WriteCloser, err error) (io.WriteCloser, error)

CheckWriteCloserErr calls errf.Check and returns a typed value and error from a function call.

func (IoErrflow) CheckWriter

func (ef IoErrflow) CheckWriter(value io.Writer, err error) io.Writer

CheckWriter calls errf.Check and returns a typed value from a function call.

func (IoErrflow) CheckWriterErr

func (ef IoErrflow) CheckWriterErr(value io.Writer, err error) (io.Writer, error)

CheckWriterErr calls errf.Check and returns a typed value and error from a function call.

func (IoErrflow) With

func (ef IoErrflow) With(options ...ErrflowOption) IoErrflow

With implements Errflow.With(...) for io types.

type LogFn

type LogFn func(logMessage *LogMessage)

LogFn defines logger function API for errflow.

type LogMessage

type LogMessage struct {
	// Format is a format string.
	Format string
	// A contains arguments for Format string.
	A []interface{}

	// Stack function returns stacktrace string.
	Stack func() string

	// Tags contains additional tags.
	Tags []string

LogMessage defines a single log message interface.

type OsErrflow added in v0.2.0

type OsErrflow struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

OsErrflow implements Check* functions for os package types.

Clients should not instantiate OsErrflow, use 'errf.Os' instead.

func (OsErrflow) CheckFile added in v0.2.0

func (ef OsErrflow) CheckFile(value *os.File, err error) *os.File

CheckFile calls errflow.Check and returns a typed value from a function call.

func (OsErrflow) CheckFileErr added in v0.2.0

func (ef OsErrflow) CheckFileErr(value *os.File, err error) (*os.File, error)

CheckFileErr calls errflow.Check and returns a typed value and error from a function call.

func (OsErrflow) With added in v0.2.0

func (ef OsErrflow) With(options ...ErrflowOption) OsErrflow

With implements Errflow.With(...) for os types.

type PanicErr added in v0.2.0

type PanicErr struct {
	PanicObj interface{}

PanicErr is an error type, which is used in error fn Handle()... callbacks, in case if handler was triggered by a panic instead of an error.

See also: errf.IsPanic, errf.GetPanic.

func (PanicErr) Error added in v0.2.0

func (p PanicErr) Error() string

type StdErrflow

type StdErrflow struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

StdErrflow implements Check* functions for built-in types.

Clients should not instantiate StdErrflow, use 'errf.Std' instead.

func (StdErrflow) CheckBool

func (ef StdErrflow) CheckBool(value bool, err error) bool

CheckBool calls errf.Check and returns a typed value from a function call.

func (StdErrflow) CheckBoolErr

func (ef StdErrflow) CheckBoolErr(value bool, err error) (bool, error)

CheckBoolErr calls errf.Check and returns a typed value and error from a function call.

func (StdErrflow) CheckBoolSlice

func (ef StdErrflow) CheckBoolSlice(value []bool, err error) []bool

CheckBoolSlice calls errf.Check and returns a typed value from a function call.

func (StdErrflow) CheckBoolSliceErr

func (ef StdErrflow) CheckBoolSliceErr(value []bool, err error) ([]bool, error)

CheckBoolSliceErr calls errf.Check and returns a typed value and error from a function call.

func (StdErrflow) CheckByte

func (ef StdErrflow) CheckByte(value byte, err error) byte

CheckByte calls errf.Check and returns a typed value from a function call.

func (StdErrflow) CheckByteErr

func (ef StdErrflow) CheckByteErr(value byte, err error) (byte, error)

CheckByteErr calls errf.Check and returns a typed value and error from a function call.

func (StdErrflow) CheckByteSlice

func (ef StdErrflow) CheckByteSlice(value []byte, err error) []byte

CheckByteSlice calls errf.Check and returns a typed value from a function call.

func (StdErrflow) CheckByteSliceErr

func (ef StdErrflow) CheckByteSliceErr(value []byte, err error) ([]byte, error)

CheckByteSliceErr calls errf.Check and returns a typed value and error from a function call.

func (StdErrflow) CheckComplex128

func (ef StdErrflow) CheckComplex128(value complex128, err error) complex128

CheckComplex128 calls errf.Check and returns a typed value from a function call.

func (StdErrflow) CheckComplex128Err

func (ef StdErrflow) CheckComplex128Err(value complex128, err error) (complex128, error)

CheckComplex128Err calls errf.Check and returns a typed value and error from a function call.

func (StdErrflow) CheckComplex128Slice

func (ef StdErrflow) CheckComplex128Slice(value []complex128, err error) []complex128

CheckComplex128Slice calls errf.Check and returns a typed value from a function call.

func (StdErrflow) CheckComplex128SliceErr

func (ef StdErrflow) CheckComplex128SliceErr(value []complex128, err error) ([]complex128, error)

CheckComplex128SliceErr calls errf.Check and returns a typed value and error from a function call.

func (StdErrflow) CheckComplex64

func (ef StdErrflow) CheckComplex64(value complex64, err error) complex64

CheckComplex64 calls errf.Check and returns a typed value from a function call.

func (StdErrflow) CheckComplex64Err

func (ef StdErrflow) CheckComplex64Err(value complex64, err error) (complex64, error)

CheckComplex64Err calls errf.Check and returns a typed value and error from a function call.

func (StdErrflow) CheckComplex64Slice

func (ef StdErrflow) CheckComplex64Slice(value []complex64, err error) []complex64

CheckComplex64Slice calls errf.Check and returns a typed value from a function call.

func (StdErrflow) CheckComplex64SliceErr

func (ef StdErrflow) CheckComplex64SliceErr(value []complex64, err error) ([]complex64, error)

CheckComplex64SliceErr calls errf.Check and returns a typed value and error from a function call.

func (StdErrflow) CheckFloat32

func (ef StdErrflow) CheckFloat32(value float32, err error) float32

CheckFloat32 calls errf.Check and returns a typed value from a function call.

func (StdErrflow) CheckFloat32Err

func (ef StdErrflow) CheckFloat32Err(value float32, err error) (float32, error)

CheckFloat32Err calls errf.Check and returns a typed value and error from a function call.

func (StdErrflow) CheckFloat32Slice

func (ef StdErrflow) CheckFloat32Slice(value []float32, err error) []float32

CheckFloat32Slice calls errf.Check and returns a typed value from a function call.

func (StdErrflow) CheckFloat32SliceErr

func (ef StdErrflow) CheckFloat32SliceErr(value []float32, err error) ([]float32, error)

CheckFloat32SliceErr calls errf.Check and returns a typed value and error from a function call.

func (StdErrflow) CheckFloat64

func (ef StdErrflow) CheckFloat64(value float64, err error) float64

CheckFloat64 calls errf.Check and returns a typed value from a function call.

func (StdErrflow) CheckFloat64Err

func (ef StdErrflow) CheckFloat64Err(value float64, err error) (float64, error)

CheckFloat64Err calls errf.Check and returns a typed value and error from a function call.

func (StdErrflow) CheckFloat64Slice

func (ef StdErrflow) CheckFloat64Slice(value []float64, err error) []float64

CheckFloat64Slice calls errf.Check and returns a typed value from a function call.

func (StdErrflow) CheckFloat64SliceErr

func (ef StdErrflow) CheckFloat64SliceErr(value []float64, err error) ([]float64, error)

CheckFloat64SliceErr calls errf.Check and returns a typed value and error from a function call.

func (StdErrflow) CheckInt

func (ef StdErrflow) CheckInt(value int, err error) int

CheckInt calls errf.Check and returns a typed value from a function call.

func (StdErrflow) CheckInt16

func (ef StdErrflow) CheckInt16(value int16, err error) int16

CheckInt16 calls errf.Check and returns a typed value from a function call.

func (StdErrflow) CheckInt16Err

func (ef StdErrflow) CheckInt16Err(value int16, err error) (int16, error)

CheckInt16Err calls errf.Check and returns a typed value and error from a function call.

func (StdErrflow) CheckInt16Slice

func (ef StdErrflow) CheckInt16Slice(value []int16, err error) []int16

CheckInt16Slice calls errf.Check and returns a typed value from a function call.

func (StdErrflow) CheckInt16SliceErr

func (ef StdErrflow) CheckInt16SliceErr(value []int16, err error) ([]int16, error)

CheckInt16SliceErr calls errf.Check and returns a typed value and error from a function call.

func (StdErrflow) CheckInt32

func (ef StdErrflow) CheckInt32(value int32, err error) int32

CheckInt32 calls errf.Check and returns a typed value from a function call.

func (StdErrflow) CheckInt32Err

func (ef StdErrflow) CheckInt32Err(value int32, err error) (int32, error)

CheckInt32Err calls errf.Check and returns a typed value and error from a function call.

func (StdErrflow) CheckInt32Slice

func (ef StdErrflow) CheckInt32Slice(value []int32, err error) []int32

CheckInt32Slice calls errf.Check and returns a typed value from a function call.

func (StdErrflow) CheckInt32SliceErr

func (ef StdErrflow) CheckInt32SliceErr(value []int32, err error) ([]int32, error)

CheckInt32SliceErr calls errf.Check and returns a typed value and error from a function call.

func (StdErrflow) CheckInt64

func (ef StdErrflow) CheckInt64(value int64, err error) int64

CheckInt64 calls errf.Check and returns a typed value from a function call.

func (StdErrflow) CheckInt64Err

func (ef StdErrflow) CheckInt64Err(value int64, err error) (int64, error)

CheckInt64Err calls errf.Check and returns a typed value and error from a function call.

func (StdErrflow) CheckInt64Slice

func (ef StdErrflow) CheckInt64Slice(value []int64, err error) []int64

CheckInt64Slice calls errf.Check and returns a typed value from a function call.

func (StdErrflow) CheckInt64SliceErr

func (ef StdErrflow) CheckInt64SliceErr(value []int64, err error) ([]int64, error)

CheckInt64SliceErr calls errf.Check and returns a typed value and error from a function call.

func (StdErrflow) CheckInt8

func (ef StdErrflow) CheckInt8(value int8, err error) int8

CheckInt8 calls errf.Check and returns a typed value from a function call.

func (StdErrflow) CheckInt8Err

func (ef StdErrflow) CheckInt8Err(value int8, err error) (int8, error)

CheckInt8Err calls errf.Check and returns a typed value and error from a function call.

func (StdErrflow) CheckInt8Slice

func (ef StdErrflow) CheckInt8Slice(value []int8, err error) []int8

CheckInt8Slice calls errf.Check and returns a typed value from a function call.

func (StdErrflow) CheckInt8SliceErr

func (ef StdErrflow) CheckInt8SliceErr(value []int8, err error) ([]int8, error)

CheckInt8SliceErr calls errf.Check and returns a typed value and error from a function call.

func (StdErrflow) CheckIntErr

func (ef StdErrflow) CheckIntErr(value int, err error) (int, error)

CheckIntErr calls errf.Check and returns a typed value and error from a function call.

func (StdErrflow) CheckIntSlice

func (ef StdErrflow) CheckIntSlice(value []int, err error) []int

CheckIntSlice calls errf.Check and returns a typed value from a function call.

func (StdErrflow) CheckIntSliceErr

func (ef StdErrflow) CheckIntSliceErr(value []int, err error) ([]int, error)

CheckIntSliceErr calls errf.Check and returns a typed value and error from a function call.

func (StdErrflow) CheckRune

func (ef StdErrflow) CheckRune(value rune, err error) rune

CheckRune calls errf.Check and returns a typed value from a function call.

func (StdErrflow) CheckRuneErr

func (ef StdErrflow) CheckRuneErr(value rune, err error) (rune, error)

CheckRuneErr calls errf.Check and returns a typed value and error from a function call.

func (StdErrflow) CheckRuneSlice

func (ef StdErrflow) CheckRuneSlice(value []rune, err error) []rune

CheckRuneSlice calls errf.Check and returns a typed value from a function call.

func (StdErrflow) CheckRuneSliceErr

func (ef StdErrflow) CheckRuneSliceErr(value []rune, err error) ([]rune, error)

CheckRuneSliceErr calls errf.Check and returns a typed value and error from a function call.

func (StdErrflow) CheckString

func (ef StdErrflow) CheckString(value string, err error) string

CheckString calls errf.Check and returns a typed value from a function call.

func (StdErrflow) CheckStringErr

func (ef StdErrflow) CheckStringErr(value string, err error) (string, error)

CheckStringErr calls errf.Check and returns a typed value and error from a function call.

func (StdErrflow) CheckStringSlice

func (ef StdErrflow) CheckStringSlice(value []string, err error) []string

CheckStringSlice calls errf.Check and returns a typed value from a function call.

func (StdErrflow) CheckStringSliceErr

func (ef StdErrflow) CheckStringSliceErr(value []string, err error) ([]string, error)

CheckStringSliceErr calls errf.Check and returns a typed value and error from a function call.

func (StdErrflow) CheckUint

func (ef StdErrflow) CheckUint(value uint, err error) uint

CheckUint calls errf.Check and returns a typed value from a function call.

func (StdErrflow) CheckUint16

func (ef StdErrflow) CheckUint16(value uint16, err error) uint16

CheckUint16 calls errf.Check and returns a typed value from a function call.

func (StdErrflow) CheckUint16Err

func (ef StdErrflow) CheckUint16Err(value uint16, err error) (uint16, error)

CheckUint16Err calls errf.Check and returns a typed value and error from a function call.

func (StdErrflow) CheckUint16Slice

func (ef StdErrflow) CheckUint16Slice(value []uint16, err error) []uint16

CheckUint16Slice calls errf.Check and returns a typed value from a function call.

func (StdErrflow) CheckUint16SliceErr

func (ef StdErrflow) CheckUint16SliceErr(value []uint16, err error) ([]uint16, error)

CheckUint16SliceErr calls errf.Check and returns a typed value and error from a function call.

func (StdErrflow) CheckUint32

func (ef StdErrflow) CheckUint32(value uint32, err error) uint32

CheckUint32 calls errf.Check and returns a typed value from a function call.

func (StdErrflow) CheckUint32Err

func (ef StdErrflow) CheckUint32Err(value uint32, err error) (uint32, error)

CheckUint32Err calls errf.Check and returns a typed value and error from a function call.

func (StdErrflow) CheckUint32Slice

func (ef StdErrflow) CheckUint32Slice(value []uint32, err error) []uint32

CheckUint32Slice calls errf.Check and returns a typed value from a function call.

func (StdErrflow) CheckUint32SliceErr

func (ef StdErrflow) CheckUint32SliceErr(value []uint32, err error) ([]uint32, error)

CheckUint32SliceErr calls errf.Check and returns a typed value and error from a function call.

func (StdErrflow) CheckUint64

func (ef StdErrflow) CheckUint64(value uint64, err error) uint64

CheckUint64 calls errf.Check and returns a typed value from a function call.

func (StdErrflow) CheckUint64Err

func (ef StdErrflow) CheckUint64Err(value uint64, err error) (uint64, error)

CheckUint64Err calls errf.Check and returns a typed value and error from a function call.

func (StdErrflow) CheckUint64Slice

func (ef StdErrflow) CheckUint64Slice(value []uint64, err error) []uint64

CheckUint64Slice calls errf.Check and returns a typed value from a function call.

func (StdErrflow) CheckUint64SliceErr

func (ef StdErrflow) CheckUint64SliceErr(value []uint64, err error) ([]uint64, error)

CheckUint64SliceErr calls errf.Check and returns a typed value and error from a function call.

func (StdErrflow) CheckUint8

func (ef StdErrflow) CheckUint8(value uint8, err error) uint8

CheckUint8 calls errf.Check and returns a typed value from a function call.

func (StdErrflow) CheckUint8Err

func (ef StdErrflow) CheckUint8Err(value uint8, err error) (uint8, error)

CheckUint8Err calls errf.Check and returns a typed value and error from a function call.

func (StdErrflow) CheckUint8Slice

func (ef StdErrflow) CheckUint8Slice(value []uint8, err error) []uint8

CheckUint8Slice calls errf.Check and returns a typed value from a function call.

func (StdErrflow) CheckUint8SliceErr

func (ef StdErrflow) CheckUint8SliceErr(value []uint8, err error) ([]uint8, error)

CheckUint8SliceErr calls errf.Check and returns a typed value and error from a function call.

func (StdErrflow) CheckUintErr

func (ef StdErrflow) CheckUintErr(value uint, err error) (uint, error)

CheckUintErr calls errf.Check and returns a typed value and error from a function call.

func (StdErrflow) CheckUintSlice

func (ef StdErrflow) CheckUintSlice(value []uint, err error) []uint

CheckUintSlice calls errf.Check and returns a typed value from a function call.

func (StdErrflow) CheckUintSliceErr

func (ef StdErrflow) CheckUintSliceErr(value []uint, err error) ([]uint, error)

CheckUintSliceErr calls errf.Check and returns a typed value and error from a function call.

func (StdErrflow) CheckUintptr

func (ef StdErrflow) CheckUintptr(value uintptr, err error) uintptr

CheckUintptr calls errf.Check and returns a typed value from a function call.

func (StdErrflow) CheckUintptrErr

func (ef StdErrflow) CheckUintptrErr(value uintptr, err error) (uintptr, error)

CheckUintptrErr calls errf.Check and returns a typed value and error from a function call.

func (StdErrflow) CheckUintptrSlice

func (ef StdErrflow) CheckUintptrSlice(value []uintptr, err error) []uintptr

CheckUintptrSlice calls errf.Check and returns a typed value from a function call.

func (StdErrflow) CheckUintptrSliceErr

func (ef StdErrflow) CheckUintptrSliceErr(value []uintptr, err error) ([]uintptr, error)

CheckUintptrSliceErr calls errf.Check and returns a typed value and error from a function call.

func (StdErrflow) With

func (ef StdErrflow) With(options ...ErrflowOption) StdErrflow

With implements Errflow.With(...) for built-in types.


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