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Published: Mar 31, 2024 License: MIT Imports: 7 Imported by: 0


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Kairos comes from the Greek word for "time". It means the right or opportune moment. It is a library equipped with a predefined timeout mechanism for executing specific tasks.

I wanted to simplify my development process and easily set up libraries to perform tasks at specific points in time. During my long-term development work, I realized that I needed to write a lot of code around context, which lacked generality. When something went wrong, it was difficult to pinpoint the source of errors. Much of the business code couldn't be reused across different projects.

Why Kairos

To finish my work early and have more time to spend with my family. With this purpose in mind, I have abstracted tedious work tasks into a general function library for easy use. And of course, I want to help you too.

The original intention of my design is:

  1. Easy to use: It doesn't take much time to learn.
  2. Highly reliable: Use a small amount of code to complete complex tasks without introducing too many complex toolkits.
  3. Simple logic: Use Golang's GMP coroutine model directly.


  • Simple and user-friendly
  • Lightweight with no external dependencies
  • Supports callback functions for custom actions


go get github.com/shengyanli1982/kairos

Quick Start

Kairos is very simple to use. Just few lines of code to get started.

1. Config

Kairos has a config object, which can be used to register callback functions. The config object has the following fields:

  • WithCallback: Register a callback function for the task.
// Callback 是一个接口,定义了任务添加、执行和移除时的回调函数
// Callback is an interface that defines the callback functions when a task is added, executed, and removed
type Callback interface {
	// OnTaskAdded 是当任务被添加时的回调函数,它接收任务 id、任务名称和执行时间作为参数
	// OnTaskAdded is the callback function when a task is added, it takes the task id, task name, and execution time as parameters
	OnTaskAdded(id, name string, execAt time.Time)

	// OnTaskExecuted 是当任务被执行时的回调函数,它接收任务 id、任务名称、数据、原因和错误作为参数
	// OnTaskExecuted is the callback function when a task is executed, it takes the task id, task name, data, reason, and error as parameters
	OnTaskExecuted(id, name string, data interface{}, reason, err error)

	// OnTaskRemoved 是当任务被移除时的回调函数,它接收任务 id 和任务名称作为参数
	// OnTaskRemoved is the callback function when a task is removed, it takes the task id and task name as parameters
	OnTaskRemoved(id, name string)

2. Methods

The Kairos provides the following methods:

  • New: Create a new Scheduler object. The Scheduler object is used to manage tasks.
  • Stop: Stop the Scheduler. If the Scheduler object is stopped, all tasks will be stopped and removed.
  • Set: Add a task to the Scheduler. The Set method takes the task name, the delay time.Duration to execute the task, and handleFunc to the task as parameters.
  • SetAt: Add a task to the Scheduler at a specific time. The SetAt method takes the task name, the execAt time.Time to execute the task, and handleFunc to the task as parameters.
  • Get: Get the task from the Scheduler by the task id.
  • Delete: Delete the task from the Scheduler by the task id.

3. Task

The Task is a crucial concept in Kairos. It allows for the execution of specific tasks at designated times. The Task object provides the following methods:

  • GetMetadata: Retrieves the metadata of the task, which includes methods to obtain task information.
    1. GetID: Retrieves the task ID.
    2. GetName: Retrieves the task name.
    3. GetHandleFunc: Retrieves the task handle function.
  • EarlyReturn: Manually stops task execution and returns early, without waiting for the timeout or cancel signal. It invokes the handleFunc.
  • Cancel: Manually stops task execution and returns immediately, without executing the handleFunc.
  • Wait: Waits for the task to complete, blocking the current goroutine until the task is finished.


The Wait method is a blocking method. It is recommended to use it in a separate goroutine to avoid blocking the main goroutine.

If you need to retrieve a task, you can use the Get method to obtain the task by its ID. Once you have the task, you can use the Wait method to wait for its completion.

There is no need to manually stop a task. After the task is executed, its status is automatically cleared in the Scheduler. If you want to actively delete a task, you can use the Delete method to remove the corresponding task (this should only be done if necessary).

4. Example

Example code is located in the examples directory.

4.1 Simple Example

With just a few lines of code, you can effortlessly create and run a task while obtaining its information.

package main

import (

	ks "github.com/shengyanli1982/kairos"

func main() {
	// 创建一个新的配置,并设置回调函数。
	// Create a new configuration and set the callback function.
	config := ks.NewConfig()

	// 使用配置创建一个新的调度器。
	// Create a new scheduler with the configuration.
	scheduler := ks.New(config)

	// 停止调度器,停止所有的任务。
	// Stop the scheduler, stop all tasks.

	// 添加一个新的任务到调度器,并获取任务的 ID。
	// Add a new task to the scheduler and get the ID of the task.
	taskID := scheduler.Set("test_task", func(done ks.WaitForContextDone) (result any, err error) {
		// 做你想做的任何事情
		// Do whatever you want to do
		// ......
		time.Sleep(time.Millisecond * 100)

		// 如果任务没有完成,返回 nil。
		// If the task is not done, return nil.
		return nil, nil

		// 设置任务的延迟时间为 200 毫秒。
		// Set the delay time of the task to 200 milliseconds.
	}, time.Millisecond*200)

	// 获取任务。
	// Get the task.
	task := scheduler.Get(taskID)

	// 打印任务添加的信息。
	// Print the information when the task is added.
	fmt.Printf("%% [MAIN] Task can be retrieved, id: %s, name: %s\n", task.GetMetadata().GetID(), task.GetMetadata().GetName())


$ go run demo.go
% [MAIN] Task can be retrieved, id: 045a6ecb-5d4d-4393-84a3-679c943bd6f7, name: test_task
4.2 Full Example

This example showcases the usage of a callback function to handle task execution, addition, and removal.

package main

import (

	ks "github.com/shengyanli1982/kairos"

// demoSchedCallback 结构体实现了调度器的回调接口。
// The demoSchedCallback struct implements the callback interface of the scheduler.
type demoSchedCallback struct{}

// OnTaskExecuted 是一个方法,当任务执行后会被调用。
// OnTaskExecuted is a method that is called after a task is executed.
func (tc *demoSchedCallback) OnTaskExecuted(id, name string, data any, reason, err error) {
	// 打印任务执行后的信息。
	// Print the information after the task is executed.
	fmt.Printf("# [CALLBACK] Task executed, id: %s, name: %s, data: %v, reason: %v, err: %v\n", id, name, data, reason, err)

// OnTaskAdded 是一个方法,当任务被添加时会被调用。
// OnTaskAdded is a method that is called when a task is added.
func (tc *demoSchedCallback) OnTaskAdded(id, name string, execAt time.Time) {
	// 打印任务添加的信息。
	// Print the information when the task is added.
	fmt.Printf("# [CALLBACK] Task added, id: %s, name: %s, execAt: %s\n", id, name, execAt.String())

// OnTaskRemoved 是一个方法,当任务被删除时会被调用。
// OnTaskRemoved is a method that is called when a task is removed.
func (tc *demoSchedCallback) OnTaskRemoved(id, name string) {
	// 打印任务删除的信息。
	// Print the information when the task is removed.
	fmt.Printf("# [CALLBACK] Task removed, id: %s, name: %s\n", id, name)

// main 是程序的入口点。
// main is the entry point of the program.
func main() {
	// 创建一个新的配置,并设置回调函数。
	// Create a new configuration and set the callback function.
	config := ks.NewConfig().WithCallback(&demoSchedCallback{})

	// 使用配置创建一个新的调度器。
	// Create a new scheduler with the configuration.
	scheduler := ks.New(config)

	// 循环添加 10 个任务到调度器。
	// Loop to add 10 tasks to the scheduler.
	for i := 0; i < 10; i++ {
		// 保存当前的索引值。
		// Save the current index value.
		index := i

		// taskName 是任务的名称,通过格式化字符串生成
		// taskName is the name of the task, generated by formatting a string
		taskName := fmt.Sprintf("test_task_%d", index)

		// 添加一个新的任务到调度器,并获取任务的 ID。
		// Add a new task to the scheduler and get the ID of the task.
		taskID := scheduler.Set(taskName, func(done ks.WaitForContextDone) (result any, err error) {

			// 当任务完成时,返回任务的名称 (这步不是必须,只是为了表示函数内部可以接收外部的 ctx 信号)。
			// When the task is done, return the name of the task (this step is not necessary, just to indicate that the function can receive the ctx signal from the outside).
			for range done {
				return taskName, nil

			// 如果任务没有完成,返回 nil。
			// If the task is not done, return nil.
			return nil, nil

			// 设置任务的延迟时间为 200 毫秒。
			// Set the delay time of the task to 200 milliseconds.
		}, time.Millisecond*200)

		// 获取任务。
		// Get the task.
		task := scheduler.Get(taskID)

		// 打印任务添加的信息。
		// Print the information when the task is added.
		fmt.Printf("%% [MAIN] Task %d can be retrieved, id: %s, name: %s\n", index, task.GetMetadata().GetID(), task.GetMetadata().GetName())

	// 等待一段时间,让任务有机会执行。
	// Wait for a while to give the tasks a chance to execute.
	time.Sleep(time.Millisecond * 500)

	// 停止调度器,停止所有的任务。
	// Stop the scheduler, stop all tasks.


$ go run demo.go
# [CALLBACK] Task added, id: 63f053cf-5da8-4070-802c-2d9c9f493c23, name: test_task_0, execAt: 2024-03-29 22:14:20.347086 +0800 CST m=+0.200244340
% [MAIN] Task 0 can be retrieved, id: 63f053cf-5da8-4070-802c-2d9c9f493c23, name: test_task_0
# [CALLBACK] Task added, id: 3006c080-ac62-4523-9ff7-a7d21b5d6e23, name: test_task_1, execAt: 2024-03-29 22:14:20.347357 +0800 CST m=+0.200515252
% [MAIN] Task 1 can be retrieved, id: 3006c080-ac62-4523-9ff7-a7d21b5d6e23, name: test_task_1
# [CALLBACK] Task added, id: 585408bd-1f31-433e-be4b-a7f03e4ccb58, name: test_task_2, execAt: 2024-03-29 22:14:20.347379 +0800 CST m=+0.200536895
% [MAIN] Task 2 can be retrieved, id: 585408bd-1f31-433e-be4b-a7f03e4ccb58, name: test_task_2
# [CALLBACK] Task added, id: 6ea38719-503e-4fce-9155-03280a818c0d, name: test_task_3, execAt: 2024-03-29 22:14:20.347391 +0800 CST m=+0.200548818
% [MAIN] Task 3 can be retrieved, id: 6ea38719-503e-4fce-9155-03280a818c0d, name: test_task_3
# [CALLBACK] Task added, id: 8d7a4d5e-27b9-47c7-b307-445e84e8fa79, name: test_task_4, execAt: 2024-03-29 22:14:20.34741 +0800 CST m=+0.200567656
% [MAIN] Task 4 can be retrieved, id: 8d7a4d5e-27b9-47c7-b307-445e84e8fa79, name: test_task_4
# [CALLBACK] Task added, id: 0ebb9759-18ea-4476-8b78-d1840a547ef2, name: test_task_5, execAt: 2024-03-29 22:14:20.347428 +0800 CST m=+0.200586399
% [MAIN] Task 5 can be retrieved, id: 0ebb9759-18ea-4476-8b78-d1840a547ef2, name: test_task_5
# [CALLBACK] Task added, id: 8234e5a4-e06d-4bc6-8642-949ae86ac2e6, name: test_task_6, execAt: 2024-03-29 22:14:20.347439 +0800 CST m=+0.200597544
% [MAIN] Task 6 can be retrieved, id: 8234e5a4-e06d-4bc6-8642-949ae86ac2e6, name: test_task_6
# [CALLBACK] Task added, id: 8c2f8b22-3fd6-4aff-97b2-07c6b18aeb43, name: test_task_7, execAt: 2024-03-29 22:14:20.34745 +0800 CST m=+0.200607930
% [MAIN] Task 7 can be retrieved, id: 8c2f8b22-3fd6-4aff-97b2-07c6b18aeb43, name: test_task_7
# [CALLBACK] Task added, id: c3758e02-7cd5-45ce-8618-d83a3843c5a1, name: test_task_8, execAt: 2024-03-29 22:14:20.34746 +0800 CST m=+0.200618501
% [MAIN] Task 8 can be retrieved, id: c3758e02-7cd5-45ce-8618-d83a3843c5a1, name: test_task_8
# [CALLBACK] Task added, id: a7f95604-fe2b-46b1-a762-44b69228ed43, name: test_task_9, execAt: 2024-03-29 22:14:20.34749 +0800 CST m=+0.200648064
% [MAIN] Task 9 can be retrieved, id: a7f95604-fe2b-46b1-a762-44b69228ed43, name: test_task_9
# [CALLBACK] Task executed, id: 8d7a4d5e-27b9-47c7-b307-445e84e8fa79, name: test_task_4, data: <nil>, reason: task timeout, err: <nil>
# [CALLBACK] Task executed, id: 3006c080-ac62-4523-9ff7-a7d21b5d6e23, name: test_task_1, data: <nil>, reason: task timeout, err: <nil>
# [CALLBACK] Task removed, id: 8d7a4d5e-27b9-47c7-b307-445e84e8fa79, name: test_task_4
# [CALLBACK] Task removed, id: 3006c080-ac62-4523-9ff7-a7d21b5d6e23, name: test_task_1
# [CALLBACK] Task executed, id: 63f053cf-5da8-4070-802c-2d9c9f493c23, name: test_task_0, data: <nil>, reason: task timeout, err: <nil>
# [CALLBACK] Task executed, id: 0ebb9759-18ea-4476-8b78-d1840a547ef2, name: test_task_5, data: <nil>, reason: task timeout, err: <nil>
# [CALLBACK] Task removed, id: 0ebb9759-18ea-4476-8b78-d1840a547ef2, name: test_task_5
# [CALLBACK] Task executed, id: 8c2f8b22-3fd6-4aff-97b2-07c6b18aeb43, name: test_task_7, data: <nil>, reason: task timeout, err: <nil>
# [CALLBACK] Task removed, id: 8c2f8b22-3fd6-4aff-97b2-07c6b18aeb43, name: test_task_7
# [CALLBACK] Task executed, id: a7f95604-fe2b-46b1-a762-44b69228ed43, name: test_task_9, data: <nil>, reason: task timeout, err: <nil>
# [CALLBACK] Task removed, id: a7f95604-fe2b-46b1-a762-44b69228ed43, name: test_task_9
# [CALLBACK] Task executed, id: 585408bd-1f31-433e-be4b-a7f03e4ccb58, name: test_task_2, data: <nil>, reason: task timeout, err: <nil>
# [CALLBACK] Task executed, id: c3758e02-7cd5-45ce-8618-d83a3843c5a1, name: test_task_8, data: <nil>, reason: task timeout, err: <nil>
# [CALLBACK] Task executed, id: 8234e5a4-e06d-4bc6-8642-949ae86ac2e6, name: test_task_6, data: <nil>, reason: task timeout, err: <nil>
# [CALLBACK] Task removed, id: 8234e5a4-e06d-4bc6-8642-949ae86ac2e6, name: test_task_6
# [CALLBACK] Task removed, id: 585408bd-1f31-433e-be4b-a7f03e4ccb58, name: test_task_2
# [CALLBACK] Task removed, id: c3758e02-7cd5-45ce-8618-d83a3843c5a1, name: test_task_8
# [CALLBACK] Task removed, id: 63f053cf-5da8-4070-802c-2d9c9f493c23, name: test_task_0
# [CALLBACK] Task executed, id: 6ea38719-503e-4fce-9155-03280a818c0d, name: test_task_3, data: <nil>, reason: task timeout, err: <nil>
# [CALLBACK] Task removed, id: 6ea38719-503e-4fce-9155-03280a818c0d, name: test_task_3




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View Source
var (
	// ErrorTaskCanceled 表示任务被取消
	// ErrorTaskCanceled represents the task is canceled
	ErrorTaskCanceled = errors.New("task canceled")

	// ErrorTaskTimeout 表示任务超时
	// ErrorTaskTimeout represents the task is timeout
	ErrorTaskTimeout = errors.New("task timeout")

	// ErrorTaskEarlyReturn 表示任务提前返回
	// ErrorTaskEarlyReturn represents the task returns early
	ErrorTaskEarlyReturn = errors.New("task early return")

定义一些常见的任务错误 Define some common task errors


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type Callback

type Callback interface {
	// OnTaskAdded 是当任务被添加时的回调函数,它接收任务 id、任务名称和执行时间作为参数
	// OnTaskAdded is the callback function when a task is added, it takes the task id, task name, and execution time as parameters
	OnTaskAdded(id, name string, execAt time.Time)

	// OnTaskExecuted 是当任务被执行时的回调函数,它接收任务 id、任务名称、数据、原因和错误作为参数
	// OnTaskExecuted is the callback function when a task is executed, it takes the task id, task name, data, reason, and error as parameters
	OnTaskExecuted(id, name string, data interface{}, reason, err error)

	// OnTaskRemoved 是当任务被移除时的回调函数,它接收任务 id 和任务名称作为参数
	// OnTaskRemoved is the callback function when a task is removed, it takes the task id and task name as parameters
	OnTaskRemoved(id, name string)

Callback 是一个接口,定义了任务添加、执行和移除时的回调函数 Callback is an interface that defines the callback functions when a task is added, executed, and removed

type Config

type Config struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

Config 是一个结构体,包含一个 Callback 类型的字段 Config is a struct that contains a field of type Callback

func DefaultConfig

func DefaultConfig() *Config

DefaultConfig 是一个函数,用于获取默认的 Config 实例 DefaultConfig is a function used to get the default instance of Config

func NewConfig

func NewConfig() *Config

NewConfig 是一个函数,用于创建一个新的 Config 实例 NewConfig is a function used to create a new instance of Config

func (*Config) WithCallback

func (c *Config) WithCallback(callback Callback) *Config

WithCallback 是 Config 的一个方法,用于设置 Config 的 callback 字段 WithCallback is a method of Config, used to set the callback field of Config

type EmptyCallback

type EmptyCallback struct{}

EmptyCallback 是一个空的回调实现,它的所有方法都是空操作 EmptyCallback is an empty callback implementation, all of its methods are no-ops

func NewEmptyTaskCallback

func NewEmptyTaskCallback() *EmptyCallback

NewEmptyTaskCallback 是一个函数,它返回一个新的 EmptyCallback 实例 NewEmptyTaskCallback is a function that returns a new instance of EmptyCallback

func (EmptyCallback) OnTaskAdded

func (EmptyCallback) OnTaskAdded(id, name string, execAt time.Time)

OnTaskAdded 是 EmptyCallback 的一个方法,它是一个空操作 OnTaskAdded is a method of EmptyCallback, it is a no-op

func (EmptyCallback) OnTaskExecuted

func (EmptyCallback) OnTaskExecuted(id, name string, data interface{}, reason, err error)

OnTaskExecuted 是 EmptyCallback 的一个方法,它是一个空操作 OnTaskExecuted is a method of EmptyCallback, it is a no-op

func (EmptyCallback) OnTaskRemoved

func (EmptyCallback) OnTaskRemoved(id, name string)

OnTaskRemoved 是 EmptyCallback 的一个方法,它是一个空操作 OnTaskRemoved is a method of EmptyCallback, it is a no-op

type ParentRef

type ParentRef struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

ParentRef 结构体包含一个上下文和一个取消函数。 The ParentRef struct contains a context and a cancel function.

type Scheduler

type Scheduler struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

Scheduler 结构体定义了一个调度器,它包含了一些用于任务调度的关键字段。 The Scheduler struct defines a scheduler, which contains some key fields for task scheduling.

func New

func New(conf *Config) *Scheduler

New 是一个函数,接收一个指向 Config 结构体的指针作为参数,返回一个新的 Scheduler 结构体指针。 New is a function that takes a pointer to a Config struct as a parameter and returns a new pointer to a Scheduler struct.

func (*Scheduler) Delete

func (s *Scheduler) Delete(id string)

Delete 是一个方法,用于删除指定 ID 的任务。 Delete is a method used to delete the task with the specified ID.

func (*Scheduler) Get

func (s *Scheduler) Get(id string) *Task

Get 是一个方法,用于获取指定 ID 的任务。 Get is a method used to get the task with the specified ID.

func (*Scheduler) GetTaskCount

func (s *Scheduler) GetTaskCount() int

GetTaskCount 是一个方法,用于获取调度器中的任务数量。 GetTaskCount is a method used to get the number of tasks in the scheduler.

func (*Scheduler) Set

func (s *Scheduler) Set(name string, handleFunc TaskHandleFunc, delay time.Duration) string

Set 是一个方法,用于在指定的延迟后执行任务。 Set is a method used to execute tasks after a specified delay.

func (*Scheduler) SetAt

func (s *Scheduler) SetAt(name string, handleFunc TaskHandleFunc, execAt time.Time) string

SetAt 是一个方法,用于在指定时间执行任务。 SetAt is a method used to execute tasks at a specified time.

func (*Scheduler) Stop

func (s *Scheduler) Stop()

Stop 是一个方法,用于停止调度器的所有任务。 Stop is a method used to stop all tasks of the scheduler.

type Task

type Task struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

Task 结构体定义 Definition of Task struct

func NewTask

func NewTask(parentCtx context.Context, name string, handleFunc TaskHandleFunc) *Task

NewTask 函数用于创建一个新的任务 The NewTask function is used to create a new task

func (*Task) Cancel

func (t *Task) Cancel()

Cancel 方法用于取消任务 The Cancel method is used to cancel the task

func (*Task) EarlyReturn

func (t *Task) EarlyReturn()

EarlyReturn 方法用于提前返回任务 The EarlyReturn method is used to return the task early

func (*Task) GetMetadata

func (t *Task) GetMetadata() *TaskMetadata

GetMetadata 方法用于获取任务的元数据 The GetMetadata method is used to get the metadata of the task

func (*Task) Wait

func (t *Task) Wait()

Wait 方法用于等待任务完成 The Wait method is used to wait for the task to complete

type TaskHandleFunc

type TaskHandleFunc = func(done WaitForContextDone) (data interface{}, err error)

TaskHandleFunc 是一个函数类型,它接收一个 WaitForContextDone 参数,并返回一个接口类型的数据和一个错误 TaskHandleFunc is a function type that takes a WaitForContextDone parameter and returns an interface type data and an error

var DefaultTaskHandleFunc TaskHandleFunc = func(done WaitForContextDone) (data any, err error) { return nil, nil }

DefaultTaskHandleFunc 是默认的任务处理函数,它返回 nil 数据和 nil 错误 DefaultTaskHandleFunc is the default task handling function, it returns nil data and nil error

type TaskMetadata

type TaskMetadata struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

TaskMetadata 结构体包含任务的 id、name 和 handleFunc The TaskMetadata struct contains the id, name and handleFunc of the task

func (*TaskMetadata) GetHandleFunc

func (stm *TaskMetadata) GetHandleFunc() TaskHandleFunc

GetHandleFunc 方法返回任务的 handleFunc The GetHandleFunc method returns the handleFunc of the task

func (*TaskMetadata) GetID

func (stm *TaskMetadata) GetID() string

GetID 方法返回任务的 id The GetID method returns the id of the task

func (*TaskMetadata) GetName

func (stm *TaskMetadata) GetName() string

GetName 方法返回任务的 name The GetName method returns the name of the task

type TaskRef

type TaskRef struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

TaskRef 结构体包含一个父引用和一个任务。 The TaskRef struct contains a parent reference and a task.

func (*TaskRef) Reset

func (ref *TaskRef) Reset()

Reset 方法重置任务引用的父引用和任务。 The Reset method resets the parent reference and task of the task reference.

type WaitForContextDone

type WaitForContextDone = <-chan struct{}

WaitForContextDone 是一个只能接收的通道,用于等待上下文完成 WaitForContextDone is a receive-only channel used to wait for context completion


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