
v1.36.0 Latest Latest

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Published: May 23, 2024 License: Apache-2.0 Imports: 1 Imported by: 0




This section is empty.


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var AWSServiceNames = map[string]AwsService{
	"AWS/ACMPrivateCA":            AWSACP_PRIVATE_CA,
	"AWS/AmazonMQ":                AWSAMAZON_MQ,
	"AWS/ApiGateway":              AWSAPI_GATEWAY,
	"AWS/ApplicationELB":          AWSAPPLICATION_ELB,
	"AWS/AppStream":               AWSAPP_STREAM,
	"AWS/Athena":                  AWSATHENA,
	"AWS/AutoScaling":             AWSAUTO_SCALING,
	"AWS/Backup":                  AWSBACKUP,
	"AWS/Billing":                 AWSBILLING,
	"AWS/CertificateManager":      AWSCERT_MANAGER,
	"AWS/CloudFront":              AWSCLOUD_FRONT,
	"AWS/CloudHSM":                AWSCLOUD_HSM,
	"AWS/CloudSearch":             AWSCLOUD_SEARCH,
	"AWS/CodeBuild":               AWSCODEBUILD,
	"AWS/Cognito":                 AWSCOGNITO,
	"AWS/Connect":                 AWSCONNECT,
	"AWS/DDoSProtection":          AWSD_DO_S_PROTECTION,
	"AWS/DMS":                     AWSDMS,
	"AWS/DocDB":                   AWSDOCDB,
	"AWS/DX":                      AWSDX,
	"AWS/DynamoDB":                AWSDYNAMO_DB,
	"AWS/EBS":                     AWSEBS,
	"AWS/EC2":                     AWSEC2,
	"AWS/EC2Spot":                 AWSEC2_SPOT,
	"AWS/ECS":                     AWSECS,
	"AWS/EFS":                     AWSEFS,
	"AWS/EKS":                     AWSEKS,
	"AWS/ElastiCache":             AWSELASTI_CACHE,
	"AWS/ElasticBeanstalk":        AWSELASTIC_BEANSTALK,
	"AWS/ElasticInterface":        AWSELASTIC_INTERFACE,
	"AWS/ElasticMapReduce":        AWSELASTIC_MAP_REDUCE,
	"AWS/ElasticTranscoder":       AWSELASTIC_TRANSCODER,
	"AWS/ELB":                     AWSELB,
	"AWS/ES":                      AWSES,
	"AWS/Events":                  AWSEVENTS,
	"AWS/Firehose":                AWSFIREHOSE,
	"AWS/FSx":                     AWSFSX,
	"AWS/GameLift":                AWSGAME_LIFT,
	"AWS/GlobalAccelerator":       AWSGLOBAL_ACCELERATOR,
	"AWS/Inspector":               AWSINSPECTOR,
	"AWS/IoT":                     AWSIO_T,
	"AWS/IoTAnalytics":            AWSIO_T_ANALYTICS,
	"AWS/Kafka":                   AWSKAFKA,
	"AWS/Kinesis":                 AWSKINESIS,
	"AWS/KinesisAnalytics":        AWSKINESIS_ANALYTICS,
	"AWS/KinesisVideo":            AWSKINESIS_VIDEO,
	"AWS/KMS":                     AWSKMS,
	"AWS/Lambda":                  AWSLAMBDA,
	"AWS/Lex":                     AWSLEX,
	"AWS/Logs":                    AWSLOGS,
	"AWS/MediaConnect":            AWSMEDIA_CONNECT,
	"AWS/MediaConvert":            AWSMEDIA_CONVERT,
	"AWS/MediaPackage":            AWSMEDIA_PACKAGE,
	"AWS/MediaTailor":             AWSMEDIA_TAILOR,
	"AWS/ML":                      AWSML,
	"AWS/NATGateway":              AWSNAT_GATEWAY,
	"AWS/Neptune":                 AWSNEPTUNE,
	"AWS/NetworkELB":              AWSNETWORK_ELB,
	"AWS/OpsWorks":                AWSOPS_WORKS,
	"AWS/Polly":                   AWSPOLLY,
	"AWS/RDS":                     AWSRDS,
	"AWS/Redshift":                AWSREDSHIFT,
	"AWS/Robomaker":               AWSROBOMAKER,
	"AWS/Route53":                 AWSROUTE53,
	"AWS/S3":                      AWSS3,
	"AWS/S3/Storage-Lens":         AWSS3_STORAGE_LENS,
	"AWS/SageMaker":               AWSSAGE_MAKER,
	"aws/sagemaker/Endpoints":     AWSSAGE_MAKER_ENDPOINTS,
	"aws/sagemaker/TrainingJobs":  AWSSAGE_MAKER_TRAINING_JOBS,
	"aws/sagemaker/TransformJobs": AWSSAGE_MAKER_TRANSFORM_JOBS,
	"AWS/SDKMetrics":              AWSSDK_METRICS,
	"AWS/SES":                     AWSSES,
	"AWS/SNS":                     AWSSNS,
	"AWS/SQS":                     AWSSQS,
	"AWS/States":                  AWSSTATES,
	"AWS/StorageGateway":          AWSSTORAGE_GATEWAY,
	"AWS/SWF":                     AWSSWF,
	"AWS/Textract":                AWSTEXTRACT,
	"AWS/ThingsGraph":             AWSTHINGS_GRAPH,
	"AWS/Translate":               AWSTRANSLATE,
	"AWS/TrustedAdvisor":          AWSTRUSTED_ADVISOR,
	"AWS/VPN":                     AWSVPN,
	"AWS/WAFV2":                   AWSWAFV2,
	"AWS/WorkMail":                AWSWORK_MAIL,
	"AWS/WorkSpaces":              AWSWORK_SPACES,
	"CWAgent":                     CWAGENT,
	"Glue":                        GLUE,
	"MediaLive":                   AWSMEDIA_LIVE,
	"System/Linux":                AWS_SYSTEM_LINUX,
	"WAF":                         WAF,

Deprecated: the following map is deprecated and it is not going to be maintained anymore. Please use regular strings or convert regular strings to the AwsService type as required. For example: AwsService("AWS/FooBar")

View Source
var AzureServiceNames = map[string]AzureService{
	"microsoft.analysisservices/servers":                        AZURE_MICROSOFT_ANALYSISSERVICES_SERVERS,
	"microsoft.apimanagement/service":                           AZURE_MICROSOFT_APIMANAGEMENT_SERVICE,
	"microsoft.automation/automationaccounts":                   AZURE_MICROSOFT_AUTOMATION_AUTOMATIONACCOUNTS,
	"microsoft.batch/batchaccounts":                             AZURE_BATCH_BATCHACCOUNTS,
	"microsoft.cache/redis":                                     AZURE_CACHE_REDIS,
	"microsoft.cdn/cdnwebapplicationfirewallpolicies":           AZURE_MICROSOFT_CDN_CDNWEBAPPLICATIONFIREWALLPOLICIES,
	"microsoft.cdn/profiles":                                    AZURE_MICROSOFT_CDN_CDNPROFILES,
	"microsoft.classiccompute/virtualmachines":                  AZURE_MICROSOFT_CLASSICCOMPUTE_VIRTUALMACHINES,
	"microsoft.cognitiveservices/accounts":                      AZURE_MICROSOFT_COGNITIVESERVICES_ACCOUNTS,
	"microsoft.compute/virtualmachines":                         AZURE_COMPUTE_VIRTUALMACHINES,
	"microsoft.compute/virtualmachinescalesets":                 AZURE_COMPUTE_VIRTUALMACHINESCALESETS,
	"microsoft.compute/virtualmachinescalesets/virtualmachines": AZURE_COMPUTE_VIRTUALMACHINESCALESETS_VIRTUALMACHINES,
	"microsoft.containerinstance/containergroups":               AZURE_MICROSOFT_CONTAINERINSTANCE_CONTAINERGROUPS,
	"microsoft.containerregistry/registries":                    AZURE_MICROSOFT_CONTAINERREGISTRY_REGISTRIES,
	"microsoft.containerservice/managedclusters":                AZURE_MICROSOFT_CONTAINERINSTANCE_MANAGEDCLUSTERS,
	"microsoft.customerinsights/hubs":                           AZURE_MICROSOFT_CUSTOMERINSIGHTS_HUBS,
	"microsoft.datafactory":                                     AZURE_MICROSOFT_DATAFACTORY,
	"microsoft.datafactory/datafactories":                       AZURE_MICROSOFT_DATAFACTORY_DATAFACTORIES,
	"microsoft.datafactory/factories":                           AZURE_MICROSOFT_DATAFACTORY_FACTORIES,
	"microsoft.datalakeanalytics/accounts":                      AZURE_MICROSOFT_DATALAKEANALYTICS_ACCOUNTS,
	"microsoft.datalakestore/accounts":                          AZURE_MICROSOFT_DATALAKESTORE_ACCOUNTS,
	"microsoft.dataprotection/backupvaults":                     AZURE_MICROSOFT_DATAPROTECTION_BACKUPVAULTS,
	"microsoft.dbformariadb/servers":                            AZURE_MICROSOFT_DBFORMARIADB_SERVERS,
	"microsoft.dbformysql/servers":                              AZURE_MICROSOFT_DBFORMYSQL_SERVERS,
	"microsoft.dbformysql/flexibleservers":                      AZURE_MICROSOFT_DBFORMYSQL_FLEXIBLESERVERS,
	"microsoft.dbforpostgresql/servers":                         AZURE_MICROSOFT_DBFORPOSTGRESQL_SERVERS,
	"microsoft.dbforpostgresql/flexibleservers":                 AZURE_MICROSOFT_DBFORPOSTGRESQL_FLEXIBLESERVERS,
	"microsoft.devices":                                         AZURE_DEVICES,
	"microsoft.devices/elasticpools":                            AZURE_DEVICES_ELASTICPOOLS,
	"microsoft.devices/elasticpools/iothubtenants":              AZURE_DEVICES_ELASTICPOOLS_IOHUBTENANTS,
	"microsoft.devices/iothubs":                                 AZURE_DEVICES_IOTHUBS,
	"microsoft.devices/provisioningservices":                    AZURE_MICROSOFT_DEVICES_PROVISIONINGSERVICES,
	"microsoft.documentdb/databaseaccounts":                     AZURE_MICROSOFT_DOCUMENTDB_DATABASEACCOUNTS,
	"microsoft.eventgrid/domains":                               AZURE_MICROSOFT_EVENTGRID_DOMAINS,
	"microsoft.eventgrid/eventsubscriptions":                    AZURE_MICROSOFT_EVENTGRID_EVENTSSUBSCRIPTIONS,
	"microsoft.eventgrid/extensiontopics":                       AZURE_MICROSOFT_EVENTGRID_EXTENSIONTOPICS,
	"microsoft.eventgrid/systemtopics":                          AZURE_MICROSOFT_EVENTGRID_SYSTEMTOPICS,
	"microsoft.eventgrid/topics":                                AZURE_MICROSOFT_EVENTGRID_TOPICS,
	"microsoft.eventhub/namespaces":                             AZURE_EVENTHUB_NAMESPACES,
	"microsoft.hdinsight/clusters":                              AZURE_MICROSOFT_HDINSIGHT_CLUSTERS,
	"microsoft.insights/autoscalesettings":                      AZURE_MICROSOFT_INSIGHTS_AUTOSCALESETTINGS,
	"microsoft.keyvault/vaults":                                 AZURE_MICROSOFT_KEYVAULT_VAULTS,
	"microsoft.kusto/clusters":                                  AZURE_MICROSOFT_KUSTO_CLUSTERS,
	"microsoft.locationbasedservices/accounts":                  AZURE_MICROSOFT_LOCATIONBASEDSERVICES_ACCOUNTS,
	"microsoft.logic/workflows":                                 AZURE_LOGIC_WORKFLOWS,
	"microsoft.machinelearningservices/workspaces":              AZURE_MICROSOFT_MACHINELEARNINGSERVICES_WORKSPACES,
	"microsoft.maps/accounts":                                   AZURE_MICROSOFT_MAPS_ACCOUNTS,
	"":                                AZURE_MICROSOFT_NETWORK_DNSZONES,
	"":                              AZURE_MICROSOFT_NETWORK_FRONTDOORS,
	"":                           AZURE_MICROSOFT_NETWORK_LOADBALANCERS,
	"microsoft.notificationhubs/namespaces/notificationhubs":    AZURE_MICROSOFT_NOTIFICATIONHUBS_NAMESPACES_NOTIFICATIONHUBS,
	"microsoft.powerbidedicated/capacities":                     AZURE_MICROSOFT_POWERBIDEDICATED_CAPACITIES,
	"microsoft.recoveryservices/vaults":                         AZURE_MICROSOFT_RECOVERYSERVICES_VAULTS,
	"microsoft.relay/namespaces":                                AZURE_MICROSOFT_RELAY_NAMESPACES,
	"":                           AZURE_MICROSOFT_SEARCH_SEARCHSERVICES,
	"microsoft.servicebus/namespaces":                           AZURE_MICROSOFT_SERVICEBUS_NAMESPACES,
	"microsoft.signalrservice/signalr":                          AZURE_MICROSOFT_SIGNALRSERVICE_SIGNALR,
	"microsoft.signalrservice/webpubsub":                        AZURE_MICROSOFT_SIGNALRSERVICE_WEBPUBSUB,
	"microsoft.sql/managedinstances":                            AZURE_MICROSOFT_SQL_MANAGED_INSTANCES,
	"microsoft.sql/servers":                                     AZURE_MICROSOFT_SQL_SERVERS,
	"microsoft.sql/servers/databases":                           AZURE_SQL_SERVERS_DATABASES,
	"microsoft.sql/servers/elasticpools":                        AZURE_SQL_SERVERS_ELASTICPOOLS,
	"":                         AZURE_STORAGE_STORAGEACCOUNTS,
	"microsoft.streamanalytics/streamingjobs":                   AZURE_MICROSOFT_STREAMANALYTICS_STREAMINGJOBS,
	"microsoft.web":                                             AZURE_MICROSOFT_WEB,
	"microsoft.web/hostingenvironments/multirolepools":          AZURE_MICROSOFT_WEB_HOSTINGENVIRONMENTS_MULTIROLEPOOLS,
	"microsoft.web/hostingenvironments/workerpools":             AZURE_MICROSOFT_WEB_HOSTINGENVIRONMENTS_WORKERPOOLS,
	"microsoft.web/serverfarms":                                 AZURE_MICROSOFT_WEB_SERVERFARMS,
	"microsoft.web/sites":                                       AZURE_MICROSOFT_WEB_SITES,
	"microsoft.web/sites/slots":                                 AZURE_MICROSOFT_WEB_SITES_SLOTS,

Deprecated: the following map is deprecated and it is not going to be maintained anymore. Please use regular strings or convert regular strings to the AzureService type as required. For example: AzureService("")

View Source
var GcpServiceNames = map[string]GcpService{
	"appengine":        GCP_APPENGINE,
	"bigquery":         GCP_BIGQUERY,
	"bigtable":         GCP_BIGTABLE,
	"cloudfunctions":   GCP_CLOUDFUNCTIONS,
	"cloudiot":         GCP_CLOUDIOT,
	"cloudsql":         GCP_CLOUDSQL,
	"cloudtasks":       GCP_CLOUDTASKS,
	"composer":         GCP_COMPOSER,
	"compute":          GCP_COMPUTE,
	"container":        GCP_CONTAINER,
	"dataflow":         GCP_DATAFLOW,
	"dataproc":         GCP_DATAPROC,
	"datastore":        GCP_DATASTORE,
	"file":             GCP_FILE,
	"firebasedatabase": GCP_FIREBASEDATABASE,
	"firebasehosting":  GCP_FIREBASEHOSTING,
	"interconnect":     GCP_INTERCONNECT,
	"knative":          GCP_KNATIVE,
	"kubernetes":       GCP_KUBERNETES,
	"loadbalancing":    GCP_LOADBALANCING,
	"logging":          GCP_LOGGING,
	"ml":               GCP_ML,
	"monitoring":       GCP_MONITORING,
	"pubsub":           GCP_PUBSUB,
	"redis":            GCP_REDIS,
	"router":           GCP_ROUTER,
	"run":              GCP_RUN,
	"serviceruntime":   GCP_SERVICERUNTIME,
	"spanner":          GCP_SPANNER,
	"storage":          GCP_STORAGE,
	"vpn":              GCP_VPN,

Deprecated: the following map is deprecated and it is not going to be maintained anymore. Please use regular strings or convert regular strings to the GcpService type as required. For example: GcpService("foo")


This section is empty.


type AdfsIntegrationModel

type AdfsIntegrationModel struct {
	// The creation date and time for the integration object, in Unix time UTC-relative. The system sets this value, and you can't modify it.
	Created int64 `json:"created,omitempty"`
	// SignalFx-assigned user ID of the user that created the integration object. If the system created the object, the value is \"AAAAAAAAAA\". The system sets this value, and you can't modify it.
	Creator string `json:"creator,omitempty"`
	// Flag that indicates the state of the integration object. If  `true`, the integration is enabled. If `false`, the integration is disabled, and you must enable it by setting \"enabled\" to `true` in a **PUT** request that updates the object. <br> **NOTE:** SignalFx always sets the flag to `true` when you call  **POST** `/integration` to create an integration.
	Enabled bool `json:"enabled,omitempty"`
	// SignalFx-assigned ID of an integration you create in the web UI or API. Use this property to retrieve an integration using the **GET**, **PUT**, or **DELETE** `/integration/{id}` endpoints or the **GET** `/integration/validate{id}/` endpoint, as described in this topic.
	Id string `json:"id,omitempty"`
	// The last time the integration was updated, in Unix time UTC-relative. This value is \"read-only\".
	LastUpdated int64 `json:"lastUpdated,omitempty"`
	// SignalFx-assigned ID of the last user who updated the integration. If the last update was by the system, the value is \"AAAAAAAAAA\". This value is \"read-only\".
	LastUpdatedBy string `json:"lastUpdatedBy,omitempty"`
	// A human-readable label for the integration. This property helps you identify a specific integration when you're using multiple integrations for the same service.
	Name string `json:"name,omitempty"`
	Type Type   `json:"type"`
	// File name of the SAML metadata XML file for the integration: `FederationMetadata.xml`
	Metadata string `json:"metadata,omitempty"`
	// Contents of the `certificate.pem` file for the public key associated with the SAML integration
	PublicKey string `json:"publicKey,omitempty"`
	// URL of the entity that issued the certificate for the SAML
	IssuerUrl map[string]interface{} `json:"issuerUrl,omitempty"`

Specifies the SAML integration between Active Directory Federation Services (**ADFS**) and SignalFx, in the form of a JSON object.

type AwsAuthMethod

type AwsAuthMethod string

AwsAuthMethod : Indicates the mechanism used to authenticate with AWS. The allowed values are:<br> * ExternalId: Expects you to supply an external ID and ARN for AWS * SecurityToken: Expects you to supply a key and token <br> **NOTE:** For the GovCloud and China AWS regions, you can only use `\"AuthMethod\": \"SecurityToken\"`

const (
	EXTERNAL_ID    AwsAuthMethod = "ExternalId"
	SECURITY_TOKEN AwsAuthMethod = "SecurityToken"

List of AWSAuthMethod

type AwsCloudWatchIntegration

type AwsCloudWatchIntegration struct {
	// The creation date and time for the integration object, in Unix time UTC-relative. The system sets this value, and you can't modify it.
	Created int64 `json:"created,omitempty"`
	// SignalFx-assigned user ID of the user that created the integration object. If the system created the object, the value is \"AAAAAAAAAA\". The system sets this value, and you can't modify it.
	Creator string `json:"creator,omitempty"`
	// Flag that indicates the state of the integration object. If  `true`, the integration is enabled. If `false`, the integration is disabled, and you must enable it by setting \"enabled\" to `true` in a **PUT** request that updates the object. <br> **NOTE:** SignalFx always sets the flag to `true` when you call  **POST** `/integration` to create an integration.
	Enabled bool `json:"enabled"`
	// SignalFx-assigned ID of an integration you create in the web UI or API. Use this property to retrieve an integration using the **GET**, **PUT**, or **DELETE** `/integration/{id}` endpoints or the **GET** `/integration/validate{id}/` endpoint, as described in this topic.
	Id string `json:"id,omitempty"`
	// The last time the integration was updated, in Unix time UTC-relative. This value is \"read-only\".
	LastUpdated int64 `json:"lastUpdated,omitempty"`
	// SignalFx-assigned ID of the last user who updated the integration. If the last update was by the system, the value is \"AAAAAAAAAA\". This value is \"read-only\".
	LastUpdatedBy string `json:"lastUpdatedBy,omitempty"`
	// A human-readable label for the integration. This property helps you identify a specific integration when you're using multiple integrations for the same service.
	Name       string        `json:"name,omitempty"`
	Type       Type          `json:"type"`
	AuthMethod AwsAuthMethod `json:"authMethod,omitempty"`
	// Comma-separated list of custom AWS CloudWatch namespaces to monitor. Custom namespaces contain custom metrics that you define in AWS; SignalFx imports the metrics so you can monitor them. See the \"Publishing Metrics\" AWS documentation for more information. If you specify the `customNamespaceSyncRules` property, SignalFx ignores the value of `customCloudWatchNamespaces`.
	CustomCloudWatchNamespaces string `json:"customCloudWatchNamespaces,omitempty"`
	// Array of objects that specify custom AWS namespaces and filters. Each element controls the data collected by SignalFx for the specified namespace.  If you specify this property, SignalFx ignores values in the  \"customCloudWatchNamespaces\" property.  To learn more about this property, see the topic  [Integrating With AWS](
	CustomNamespaceSyncRules []*AwsCustomNameSpaceSyncRule `json:"customNamespaceSyncRules,omitempty"`
	// Flag that controls how SignalFx imports usage metrics from AWS to use with AWS Optimizer. If `true`, SignalFx imports the metrics.
	EnableAwsUsage bool `json:"enableAwsUsage,omitempty"`
	// If you specify `\"authMethod\": \"ExternalId\"` in your request to create an AWS integration object, the response object contains a value for \"externalId\". Use this value and the ARN value you get from AWS to update the integration object. SignalFx can then connect to AWS using the integration object.<br> **NOTE:** SignalFx sets this value, and you can't change it.
	ExternalId string `json:"externalId,omitempty"`
	// Flag that controls how SignalFx imports Cloud Watch metrics. If `true`, SignalFx imports Cloud Watch metrics from AWS.
	ImportCloudWatch bool `json:"importCloudWatch,omitempty"`
	// If you specify `\"authMethod\": \"SecurityToken\"` in your request to create an AWS integration object, use this property to specify the key.
	Key string `json:"key,omitempty"`
	// Array of namespace sync rules. Each element in the array is an object that contains an AWS namespace name and a filter that controls the data that SignalFx collects for the namespace. If you specify this property, SignalFx ignores the values in the AWS CloudWatch Integration Model \"services\" property. If you don't specify either property, SignalFx syncs all data in all AWS namespaces. To learn more, see the topic [Integrating With AWS](
	NamespaceSyncRules []*AwsNameSpaceSyncRule `json:"namespaceSyncRules,omitempty"`
	PollRate           int64                   `json:"pollRate,omitempty"`
	// Array of AWS regions that SignalFx should monitor. The API supports the following AWS regions: <br><br> **Regular AWS regions**    * ap-northeast-1   * ap-northeast-2   * ap-south-1   * ap-southeast-1   * ap-southeast-2   * ca-central-1   * eu-central-1   * eu-north-1   * eu-west-1   * eu-west-2   * eu-west-3   * sa-east-1   * us-east-1   * us-east-2   * us-west-1   * us-west-2  **GovCloud AWS regions**    * us-gov-east-1   * us-gov-west-1  **China AWS regions**    * cn-north-1   * cn-northwest-1  If you don't specify the \"regions\" property, or if you specify `\"regions\": []`, the API adds all of the regular AWS regions to your integration. **Note:** You can't mix regions from different sets. For example, you can't specify `\"regions\": [ \"eu-west-1\", \"cn-north-1\"]`.
	Regions []string `json:"regions,omitempty"`
	// Role ARN that you add to an existing AWS integration object.<br> When you create an AWS integration object and specify \"ExternalId\" a he authentication method, SignalFx responds with an external ID. You provide this ID to AWS, which responds with a role ARN.<br> To finish the connection between SignalFx and AWS, you update the AWS integration object using a PUT request. In this request, you specify the \"roleArn\" property using the value you obtained from AWS. <br> **NOTE:** To ensure security, SignalFx doesn't return this property in response objects.
	RoleArn string `json:"roleArn,omitempty"`
	// Array of AWS services that you want SignalFx to monitor. Each element is a string designating an AWS service
	Services []AwsService `json:"services,omitempty"`
	// The account ARN used with this AWS integration.
	SfxAwsAccountArn string `json:"sfxAwsAccountArn,omitempty"`
	// If you specify `\"authMethod\": \"SecurityToken\"` in your request to create an AWS integration object, use this property to specify the token.
	Token string `json:"token,omitempty"`
	// Flag that controls how SignalFx checks for large amounts of data for this AWS integration. If `true`, SignalFx checks to see if the integration is returning a large amount of data.
	EnableCheckLargeVolume bool `json:"enableCheckLargeVolume,omitempty"`
	// If `true`, this property indicates that SignalFx is receiving a large volume of data and tags from AWS.
	IsLargeVolume bool `json:"isLargeVolume,omitempty"`
	// If `true`, this property indicates that SignalFx should use the GetMetricData API.
	UseGetMetricDataMethod bool `json:"useGetMetricDataMethod,omitempty"`
	// List of statistics to ingest per AWS metric per AWS namespace, in a form of the JSON object.
	MetricStatsToSync map[string]map[string][]string `json:"metricStatsToSync,omitempty"`
	// If `ENABLED`, this property indicates that SignalFx should use Cloudwatch Metric Streams.
	MetricStreamsSyncState string `json:"metricStreamsSyncState,omitempty"`
	// If `ENABLED`, this property indicates that SignalFx should sync logs from supported AWS services.
	LogsSyncState string `json:"logsSyncState,omitempty"`
	// Name of an existing access token (org token) in your Observability Cloud organization. Used to track usage metrics.
	NamedToken string `json:"namedToken,omitempty"`
	// If `true`, this property indicates that SignalFx should sync metrics and metadata from custom AWS namespaces only.
	SyncCustomNamespacesOnly bool `json:"syncCustomNamespacesOnly,omitempty"`

Specifies the data collection integration between AWS CloudWatch and SignalFx, in the form of a JSON object.

type AwsCustomNameSpaceSyncRule

type AwsCustomNameSpaceSyncRule struct {
	DefaultAction AwsSyncRuleFilterAction `json:"defaultAction,omitempty"`
	Filter        *AwsSyncRuleFilter      `json:"filter,omitempty"`
	// An AWS custom namespace having custom AWS metrics that you want to sync with SignalFx. See the AWS documentation on publishing metrics for more information.
	Namespace string `json:"namespace,omitempty"`

Specifies AWS custom namespaces and the filters that SignalFx uses to retrieve metrics from the namespaces.

type AwsNameSpaceSyncRule

type AwsNameSpaceSyncRule struct {
	DefaultAction AwsSyncRuleFilterAction `json:"defaultAction,omitempty"`
	Filter        *AwsSyncRuleFilter      `json:"filter,omitempty"`
	Namespace     AwsService              `json:"namespace"`

Namespace sync rule that contains an AWS namespace name and filter criteria. SignalFx applies the criteria to data coming in from the namespace.

type AwsService

type AwsService string
const (
	AWSACP_PRIVATE_CA            AwsService = "AWS/ACMPrivateCA"
	AWSAMAZON_MQ                 AwsService = "AWS/AmazonMQ"
	AWSAPI_GATEWAY               AwsService = "AWS/ApiGateway"
	AWSAPPLICATION_ELB           AwsService = "AWS/ApplicationELB"
	AWSAPP_STREAM                AwsService = "AWS/AppStream"
	AWSATHENA                    AwsService = "AWS/Athena"
	AWSAUTO_SCALING              AwsService = "AWS/AutoScaling"
	AWSBACKUP                    AwsService = "AWS/Backup"
	AWSBILLING                   AwsService = "AWS/Billing"
	AWSCERT_MANAGER              AwsService = "AWS/CertificateManager"
	AWSCLOUD_FRONT               AwsService = "AWS/CloudFront"
	AWSCLOUD_HSM                 AwsService = "AWS/CloudHSM"
	AWSCLOUD_SEARCH              AwsService = "AWS/CloudSearch"
	AWSCODEBUILD                 AwsService = "AWS/CodeBuild"
	AWSCOGNITO                   AwsService = "AWS/Cognito"
	AWSCONNECT                   AwsService = "AWS/Connect"
	AWSD_DO_S_PROTECTION         AwsService = "AWS/DDoSProtection"
	AWSDMS                       AwsService = "AWS/DMS"
	AWSDOCDB                     AwsService = "AWS/DocDB"
	AWSDX                        AwsService = "AWS/DX"
	AWSDYNAMO_DB                 AwsService = "AWS/DynamoDB"
	AWSEBS                       AwsService = "AWS/EBS"
	AWSEC2                       AwsService = "AWS/EC2"
	AWSEC2_SPOT                  AwsService = "AWS/EC2Spot"
	AWSECS                       AwsService = "AWS/ECS"
	AWSEFS                       AwsService = "AWS/EFS"
	AWSEKS                       AwsService = "AWS/EKS"
	AWSELASTI_CACHE              AwsService = "AWS/ElastiCache"
	AWSELASTIC_BEANSTALK         AwsService = "AWS/ElasticBeanstalk"
	AWSELASTIC_INTERFACE         AwsService = "AWS/ElasticInterface"
	AWSELASTIC_MAP_REDUCE        AwsService = "AWS/ElasticMapReduce"
	AWSELASTIC_TRANSCODER        AwsService = "AWS/ElasticTranscoder"
	AWSELB                       AwsService = "AWS/ELB"
	AWSES                        AwsService = "AWS/ES"
	AWSEVENTS                    AwsService = "AWS/Events"
	AWSFIREHOSE                  AwsService = "AWS/Firehose"
	AWSFSX                       AwsService = "AWS/FSx"
	AWSGAME_LIFT                 AwsService = "AWS/GameLift"
	AWSGLOBAL_ACCELERATOR        AwsService = "AWS/GlobalAccelerator"
	AWSINSPECTOR                 AwsService = "AWS/Inspector"
	AWSIO_T                      AwsService = "AWS/IoT"
	AWSIO_T_ANALYTICS            AwsService = "AWS/IoTAnalytics"
	AWSKAFKA                     AwsService = "AWS/Kafka"
	AWSKINESIS                   AwsService = "AWS/Kinesis"
	AWSKINESIS_ANALYTICS         AwsService = "AWS/KinesisAnalytics"
	AWSKINESIS_VIDEO             AwsService = "AWS/KinesisVideo"
	AWSKMS                       AwsService = "AWS/KMS"
	AWSLAMBDA                    AwsService = "AWS/Lambda"
	AWSLEX                       AwsService = "AWS/Lex"
	AWSLOGS                      AwsService = "AWS/Logs"
	AWSMEDIA_CONNECT             AwsService = "AWS/MediaConnect"
	AWSMEDIA_CONVERT             AwsService = "AWS/MediaConvert"
	AWSMEDIA_PACKAGE             AwsService = "AWS/MediaPackage"
	AWSMEDIA_TAILOR              AwsService = "AWS/MediaTailor"
	AWSML                        AwsService = "AWS/ML"
	AWSNAT_GATEWAY               AwsService = "AWS/NATGateway"
	AWSNEPTUNE                   AwsService = "AWS/Neptune"
	AWSNETWORK_ELB               AwsService = "AWS/NetworkELB"
	AWSOPS_WORKS                 AwsService = "AWS/OpsWorks"
	AWSPOLLY                     AwsService = "AWS/Polly"
	AWSRDS                       AwsService = "AWS/RDS"
	AWSREDSHIFT                  AwsService = "AWS/Redshift"
	AWSROBOMAKER                 AwsService = "AWS/Robomaker"
	AWSROUTE53                   AwsService = "AWS/Route53"
	AWSS3                        AwsService = "AWS/S3"
	AWSS3_STORAGE_LENS           AwsService = "AWS/S3/Storage-Lens"
	AWSSAGE_MAKER                AwsService = "AWS/SageMaker"
	AWSSAGE_MAKER_ENDPOINTS      AwsService = "aws/sagemaker/Endpoints"
	AWSSAGE_MAKER_TRAINING_JOBS  AwsService = "aws/sagemaker/TrainingJobs"
	AWSSAGE_MAKER_TRANSFORM_JOBS AwsService = "aws/sagemaker/TransformJobs"
	AWSSDK_METRICS               AwsService = "AWS/SDKMetrics"
	AWSSES                       AwsService = "AWS/SES"
	AWSSNS                       AwsService = "AWS/SNS"
	AWSSQS                       AwsService = "AWS/SQS"
	AWSSTATES                    AwsService = "AWS/States"
	AWSSTORAGE_GATEWAY           AwsService = "AWS/StorageGateway"
	AWSSWF                       AwsService = "AWS/SWF"
	AWSTEXTRACT                  AwsService = "AWS/Textract"
	AWSTHINGS_GRAPH              AwsService = "AWS/ThingsGraph"
	AWSTRANSLATE                 AwsService = "AWS/Translate"
	AWSTRUSTED_ADVISOR           AwsService = "AWS/TrustedAdvisor"
	AWSVPN                       AwsService = "AWS/VPN"
	AWSWAFV2                     AwsService = "AWS/WAFV2"
	AWSWORK_MAIL                 AwsService = "AWS/WorkMail"
	AWSWORK_SPACES               AwsService = "AWS/WorkSpaces"
	CWAGENT                      AwsService = "CWAgent"
	GLUE                         AwsService = "Glue"
	AWSMEDIA_LIVE                AwsService = "MediaLive"
	AWS_SYSTEM_LINUX             AwsService = "System/Linux"
	WAF                          AwsService = "WAF"

Deprecated: the following constants are deprecated and this list is not going to be maintained anymore. Please use regular strings or convert regular strings to the AwsService type as required. For example: AwsService("AWS/FooBar")

type AwsSyncRuleFilter

type AwsSyncRuleFilter struct {
	Action AwsSyncRuleFilterAction `json:"action,omitempty"`
	// Expression that selects the data that SignalFx should sync for the custom namespace associated with this sync rule.<br> The expression uses the syntax defined for the SignalFlow `filter()`  function; it can be any valid SignalFlow filter expression.<br> **NOTE:** Some filter options aren't visible in the web UI for AWS filters. The SignalFlow expression for a filter that SignalFx can't display in the filters UI appears in the web UI, but you can only edit it with API calls.<br> You can refer to AWS tags by prefacing the tag name with the string `aws_tag_`. The value doesn't need a preface.<br> To refer to AWS metrics, preface the metric name with the string `sf_metric`. The value doesn't need a preface. See the topic [Integrating With AWS]( for more information.
	Source string `json:"source,omitempty"`

Filter that SignalFx applies to data coming in from an AWS namespace. This gives you more fine-grained control over the incoming data. If you don't specify a filter, SignalFx brings in all the data from the namespace.

type AwsSyncRuleFilterAction

type AwsSyncRuleFilterAction string

AwsSyncRuleFilterAction : Controls how SignalFx processes data from a custom AWS namespace. The available actions are:<br> * Exclude: Don't sync data from the namespace unless a filter includes it * Include: Sync the data from the name namespace unless a filter excludes it <br> **NOTE:** Use \"action\" in conjunction with \"defaultAction\" to control data collection from the custom namespace. Set \"action\" as the opposite of \"defaultAction\". SignalFx accepts the same value for \"action\" and \"defaultAction\", but the filter won't have any affect.

const (
	EXCLUDE AwsSyncRuleFilterAction = "Exclude"
	INCLUDE AwsSyncRuleFilterAction = "Include"

List of AWSSyncRuleFilterAction

type AzureActiveDirectoryIntegrationModel

type AzureActiveDirectoryIntegrationModel struct {
	// The creation date and time for the integration object, in Unix time UTC-relative. The system sets this value, and you can't modify it.
	Created int64 `json:"created,omitempty"`
	// SignalFx-assigned user ID of the user that created the integration object. If the system created the object, the value is \"AAAAAAAAAA\". The system sets this value, and you can't modify it.
	Creator string `json:"creator,omitempty"`
	// Flag that indicates the state of the integration object. If  `true`, the integration is enabled. If `false`, the integration is disabled, and you must enable it by setting \"enabled\" to `true` in a **PUT** request that updates the object. <br> **NOTE:** SignalFx always sets the flag to `true` when you call  **POST** `/integration` to create an integration.
	Enabled bool `json:"enabled,omitempty"`
	// SignalFx-assigned ID of an integration you create in the web UI or API. Use this property to retrieve an integration using the **GET**, **PUT**, or **DELETE** `/integration/{id}` endpoints or the **GET** `/integration/validate{id}/` endpoint, as described in this topic.
	Id string `json:"id,omitempty"`
	// The last time the integration was updated, in Unix time UTC-relative. This value is \"read-only\".
	LastUpdated int64 `json:"lastUpdated,omitempty"`
	// SignalFx-assigned ID of the last user who updated the integration. If the last update was by the system, the value is \"AAAAAAAAAA\". This value is \"read-only\".
	LastUpdatedBy string `json:"lastUpdatedBy,omitempty"`
	// A human-readable label for the integration. This property helps you identify a specific integration when you're using multiple integrations for the same service.
	Name string `json:"name,omitempty"`
	Type Type   `json:"type"`
	// Contents of the `certificate.pem` file for the public key associated with the SAML integration
	PublicKey string `json:"publicKey,omitempty"`
	// URL of the entity that issued the certificate for the SAML
	IssuerUrl map[string]interface{} `json:"issuerUrl,omitempty"`
	// URL for SAML metadata
	MetadataUrl string `json:"metadataUrl,omitempty"`

Specifies the SAML integration between Azure Active Directory and SignalFx, in the form of a JSON object.

type AzureEnvironment

type AzureEnvironment string

AzureEnvironment : Enumerated string that tells SignalFx what type of Azure integration this is. The allowed values are \"AZURE_US_GOVERNMENT\" and \"AZURE\". If you don't specify a value in a **POST** request, SignalFx defaults to \"AZURE\".<br> If it's not already set, this property doesn't appear in a response body.

const (
	AZURE_DEFAULT       AzureEnvironment = "AZURE"

List of AzureEnvironment

type AzureFilterExpression added in v1.10.0

type AzureFilterExpression struct {
	Source string `json:"source"`

type AzureFilterRule added in v1.10.0

type AzureFilterRule struct {
	Filter AzureFilterExpression `json:"filter"`

AzureFilterRule defines Azure resource filter rule; see AzureIntegration.ResourceFilterRules for details

type AzureIntegration added in v1.4.0

type AzureIntegration struct {
	// The creation date and time for the integration object, in Unix time UTC-relative. The system sets this value, and you can't modify it.
	Created int64 `json:"created,omitempty"`
	// SignalFx-assigned user ID of the user that created the integration object. If the system created the object, the value is \"AAAAAAAAAA\". The system sets this value, and you can't modify it.
	Creator string `json:"creator,omitempty"`
	// Flag that indicates the state of the integration object. If  `true`, the integration is enabled. If `false`, the integration is disabled, and you must enable it by setting \"enabled\" to `true` in a **PUT** request that updates the object. <br> **NOTE:** SignalFx always sets the flag to `true` when you call  **POST** `/integration` to create an integration.
	Enabled bool `json:"enabled"`
	// SignalFx-assigned ID of an integration you create in the web UI or API. Use this property to retrieve an integration using the **GET**, **PUT**, or **DELETE** `/integration/{id}` endpoints or the **GET** `/integration/validate{id}/` endpoint, as described in this topic.
	Id string `json:"id,omitempty"`
	// The last time the integration was updated, in Unix time UTC-relative. This value is \"read-only\".
	LastUpdated int64 `json:"lastUpdated,omitempty"`
	// SignalFx-assigned ID of the last user who updated the integration. If the last update was by the system, the value is \"AAAAAAAAAA\". This value is \"read-only\".
	LastUpdatedBy string `json:"lastUpdatedBy,omitempty"`
	// A human-readable label for the integration. This property helps you identify a specific integration when you're using multiple integrations for the same service.
	Name string `json:"name,omitempty"`
	Type Type   `json:"type"`
	// Azure application ID for the SignalFx app. To learn how to get this ID, see the topic ([Connect to Microsoft Azure] in the product documentation.<br> **NOTE:** To ensure security, SignalFx doesn't return this property in response objects.
	AppId                      string              `json:"appId,omitempty"`
	AzureEnvironment           AzureEnvironment    `json:"azureEnvironment,omitempty"`
	CustomNamespacesPerService map[string][]string `json:"customNamespacesPerService,omitempty"`
	PollRate                   *PollRate           `json:"-"`
	PollRateMs                 int64               `json:"pollRate,omitempty"`
	// List of rules for filtering Azure resources by their tags. The source of each
	// filter rule must be in the form `filter('key', 'value') or filter('key', 'value')`.
	// Supported operators are `and` and `or`.
	// Referenced keys or fields are limited to tags and must start with the `azure_tag_` prefix.
	ResourceFilterRules []AzureFilterRule `json:"resourceFilterRules,omitempty"`
	// Azure secret key that associates the SignalFx app in Azure with the Azure tenant ID. To learn how to get this ID, see the topic ([Connect to Microsoft Azure] in the product documentation.<br> **NOTE:** To ensure security, SignalFx doesn't return this property in response objects.
	SecretKey string `json:"secretKey,omitempty"`
	// Array of Microsoft Azure service names for the Azure services you want SignalFx to monitor. SignalFx only supports certain services, and if you specify an unsupported one, you receive an API error.  The supported services are:   * microsoft.sql/servers/elasticpools   *   *   *   *   *   * microsoft.compute/virtualmachinescalesets   * microsoft.compute/virtualmachinescalesets/virtualmachines   * microsoft.compute/virtualmachines   * microsoft.devices   * microsoft.devices/iothubs   * microsoft.devices/elasticpools   * microsoft.devices/elasticpools/iothubtenants   * microsoft.eventhub/namespaces   * microsoft.batch/batchaccounts   * microsoft.sql/servers/databases   * microsoft.cache/redis   * microsoft.logic/workflows   * microsoft.web   * microsoft.web/sites   * microsoft.web/serverfarms   * microsoft.web/sites/slots   * microsoft.web/hostingenvironments/multirolepools   * microsoft.web/hostingenvironments/workerpools   * microsoft.analysisservices/servers   * microsoft.apimanagement/service   * microsoft.automation/automationaccounts   * microsoft.classiccompute/virtualmachines   * microsoft.cognitiveservices/accounts   * microsoft.customerinsights/hubs   * microsoft.datafactory   * microsoft.datafactory/datafactories   * microsoft.datafactory/factories   * microsoft.datalakeanalytics/accounts   * microsoft.datalakestore/accounts   * microsoft.dbformysql/servers   * microsoft.dbforpostgresql/servers   * microsoft.documentdb/databaseaccounts   * microsoft.keyvault/vaults   * microsoft.locationbasedservices/accounts   *   *   *   *   *   *   * microsoft.notificationhubs/namespaces/notificationhubs   * microsoft.powerbidedicated/capacities   * microsoft.relay/namespaces   *   * microsoft.servicebus/namespaces   * microsoft.sql/servers   * microsoft.streamanalytics/streamingjobs   *   * microsoft.hdinsight/clusters   * microsoft.containerinstance/containergroups   * microsoft.containerservice/managedclusters   * microsoft.kusto/clusters   * microsoft.machinelearningservices/workspaces   * microsoft.eventgrid/eventsubscriptions   * microsoft.eventgrid/extensiontopics   * microsoft.eventgrid/systemtopics   * microsoft.eventgrid/topics   * microsoft.eventgrid/domains   *   *   * microsoft.maps/accounts   *
	Services           []AzureService `json:"services,omitempty"`
	AdditionalServices []string       `json:"additionalServices,omitempty"`
	// List of Azure subscriptions that SignalFx should monitor, in the form of a JSON array
	Subscriptions         []string `json:"subscriptions,omitempty"`
	SyncGuestOsNamespaces bool     `json:"syncGuestOsNamespaces"`
	// Flag determining whether SignalFx should also import metrics from Azure Monitor (when value is true) or only metadata (when value is false).
	ImportAzureMonitor *bool `json:"importAzureMonitor,omitempty"`
	// Azure ID of the Azure tenant. To learn how to get this ID, see the topic ([Connect to Microsoft Azure] in the product documentation.
	TenantId   string `json:"tenantId,omitempty"`
	NamedToken string `json:"namedToken,omitempty"`

Specifies the data collection integration between Microsoft Azure and SignalFx, in the form of a JSON object.

func (*AzureIntegration) MarshalJSON added in v1.9.0

func (gcp *AzureIntegration) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)

func (*AzureIntegration) UnmarshalJSON added in v1.9.0

func (gcp *AzureIntegration) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error

type AzureService added in v1.4.0

type AzureService string
const (
	AZURE_MICROSOFT_ANALYSISSERVICES_SERVERS                     AzureService = "microsoft.analysisservices/servers"
	AZURE_MICROSOFT_APIMANAGEMENT_SERVICE                        AzureService = "microsoft.apimanagement/service"
	AZURE_MICROSOFT_AUTOMATION_AUTOMATIONACCOUNTS                AzureService = "microsoft.automation/automationaccounts"
	AZURE_BATCH_BATCHACCOUNTS                                    AzureService = "microsoft.batch/batchaccounts"
	AZURE_CACHE_REDIS                                            AzureService = "microsoft.cache/redis"
	AZURE_MICROSOFT_CDN_CDNWEBAPPLICATIONFIREWALLPOLICIES        AzureService = "microsoft.cdn/cdnwebapplicationfirewallpolicies"
	AZURE_MICROSOFT_CDN_CDNPROFILES                              AzureService = "microsoft.cdn/profiles"
	AZURE_MICROSOFT_CLASSICCOMPUTE_VIRTUALMACHINES               AzureService = "microsoft.classiccompute/virtualmachines"
	AZURE_MICROSOFT_COGNITIVESERVICES_ACCOUNTS                   AzureService = "microsoft.cognitiveservices/accounts"
	AZURE_COMPUTE_VIRTUALMACHINES                                AzureService = "microsoft.compute/virtualmachines"
	AZURE_COMPUTE_VIRTUALMACHINESCALESETS                        AzureService = "microsoft.compute/virtualmachinescalesets"
	AZURE_COMPUTE_VIRTUALMACHINESCALESETS_VIRTUALMACHINES        AzureService = "microsoft.compute/virtualmachinescalesets/virtualmachines"
	AZURE_MICROSOFT_CONTAINERINSTANCE_CONTAINERGROUPS            AzureService = "microsoft.containerinstance/containergroups"
	AZURE_MICROSOFT_CONTAINERREGISTRY_REGISTRIES                 AzureService = "microsoft.containerregistry/registries"
	AZURE_MICROSOFT_CONTAINERINSTANCE_MANAGEDCLUSTERS            AzureService = "microsoft.containerservice/managedclusters"
	AZURE_MICROSOFT_CUSTOMERINSIGHTS_HUBS                        AzureService = "microsoft.customerinsights/hubs"
	AZURE_MICROSOFT_DATAFACTORY                                  AzureService = "microsoft.datafactory"
	AZURE_MICROSOFT_DATAFACTORY_DATAFACTORIES                    AzureService = "microsoft.datafactory/datafactories"
	AZURE_MICROSOFT_DATAFACTORY_FACTORIES                        AzureService = "microsoft.datafactory/factories"
	AZURE_MICROSOFT_DATALAKEANALYTICS_ACCOUNTS                   AzureService = "microsoft.datalakeanalytics/accounts"
	AZURE_MICROSOFT_DATALAKESTORE_ACCOUNTS                       AzureService = "microsoft.datalakestore/accounts"
	AZURE_MICROSOFT_DATAPROTECTION_BACKUPVAULTS                  AzureService = "microsoft.dataprotection/backupvaults"
	AZURE_MICROSOFT_DBFORMARIADB_SERVERS                         AzureService = "microsoft.dbformariadb/servers"
	AZURE_MICROSOFT_DBFORMYSQL_SERVERS                           AzureService = "microsoft.dbformysql/servers"
	AZURE_MICROSOFT_DBFORMYSQL_FLEXIBLESERVERS                   AzureService = "microsoft.dbformysql/flexibleservers"
	AZURE_MICROSOFT_DBFORPOSTGRESQL_SERVERS                      AzureService = "microsoft.dbforpostgresql/servers"
	AZURE_MICROSOFT_DBFORPOSTGRESQL_FLEXIBLESERVERS              AzureService = "microsoft.dbforpostgresql/flexibleservers"
	AZURE_DEVICES                                                AzureService = "microsoft.devices"
	AZURE_DEVICES_ELASTICPOOLS                                   AzureService = "microsoft.devices/elasticpools"
	AZURE_DEVICES_ELASTICPOOLS_IOHUBTENANTS                      AzureService = "microsoft.devices/elasticpools/iothubtenants"
	AZURE_DEVICES_IOTHUBS                                        AzureService = "microsoft.devices/iothubs"
	AZURE_MICROSOFT_DEVICES_PROVISIONINGSERVICES                 AzureService = "microsoft.devices/provisioningservices"
	AZURE_MICROSOFT_DOCUMENTDB_DATABASEACCOUNTS                  AzureService = "microsoft.documentdb/databaseaccounts"
	AZURE_MICROSOFT_EVENTGRID_DOMAINS                            AzureService = "microsoft.eventgrid/domains"
	AZURE_MICROSOFT_EVENTGRID_EVENTSSUBSCRIPTIONS                AzureService = "microsoft.eventgrid/eventsubscriptions"
	AZURE_MICROSOFT_EVENTGRID_EXTENSIONTOPICS                    AzureService = "microsoft.eventgrid/extensiontopics"
	AZURE_MICROSOFT_EVENTGRID_SYSTEMTOPICS                       AzureService = "microsoft.eventgrid/systemtopics"
	AZURE_MICROSOFT_EVENTGRID_TOPICS                             AzureService = "microsoft.eventgrid/topics"
	AZURE_EVENTHUB_NAMESPACES                                    AzureService = "microsoft.eventhub/namespaces"
	AZURE_MICROSOFT_HDINSIGHT_CLUSTERS                           AzureService = "microsoft.hdinsight/clusters"
	AZURE_MICROSOFT_INSIGHTS_AUTOSCALESETTINGS                   AzureService = "microsoft.insights/autoscalesettings"
	AZURE_MICROSOFT_KEYVAULT_VAULTS                              AzureService = "microsoft.keyvault/vaults"
	AZURE_MICROSOFT_KUSTO_CLUSTERS                               AzureService = "microsoft.kusto/clusters"
	AZURE_MICROSOFT_LOCATIONBASEDSERVICES_ACCOUNTS               AzureService = "microsoft.locationbasedservices/accounts"
	AZURE_LOGIC_WORKFLOWS                                        AzureService = "microsoft.logic/workflows"
	AZURE_MICROSOFT_MACHINELEARNINGSERVICES_WORKSPACES           AzureService = "microsoft.machinelearningservices/workspaces"
	AZURE_MICROSOFT_MAPS_ACCOUNTS                                AzureService = "microsoft.maps/accounts"
	AZURE_MICROSOFT_NETWORK_AZUREFIREWALLS                       AzureService = ""
	AZURE_MICROSOFT_NETWORK_DNSZONES                             AzureService = ""
	AZURE_MICROSOFT_NETWORK_FRONTDOORS                           AzureService = ""
	AZURE_MICROSOFT_NETWORK_LOADBALANCERS                        AzureService = ""
	AZURE_MICROSOFT_NOTIFICATIONHUBS_NAMESPACES_NOTIFICATIONHUBS AzureService = "microsoft.notificationhubs/namespaces/notificationhubs"
	AZURE_MICROSOFT_POWERBIDEDICATED_CAPACITIES                  AzureService = "microsoft.powerbidedicated/capacities"
	AZURE_MICROSOFT_RECOVERYSERVICES_VAULTS                      AzureService = "microsoft.recoveryservices/vaults"
	AZURE_MICROSOFT_RELAY_NAMESPACES                             AzureService = "microsoft.relay/namespaces"
	AZURE_MICROSOFT_SEARCH_SEARCHSERVICES                        AzureService = ""
	AZURE_MICROSOFT_SERVICEBUS_NAMESPACES                        AzureService = "microsoft.servicebus/namespaces"
	AZURE_MICROSOFT_SIGNALRSERVICE_SIGNALR                       AzureService = "microsoft.signalrservice/signalr"
	AZURE_MICROSOFT_SIGNALRSERVICE_WEBPUBSUB                     AzureService = "microsoft.signalrservice/webpubsub"
	AZURE_MICROSOFT_SQL_MANAGED_INSTANCES                        AzureService = "microsoft.sql/managedinstances"
	AZURE_MICROSOFT_SQL_SERVERS                                  AzureService = "microsoft.sql/servers"
	AZURE_SQL_SERVERS_DATABASES                                  AzureService = "microsoft.sql/servers/databases"
	AZURE_SQL_SERVERS_ELASTICPOOLS                               AzureService = "microsoft.sql/servers/elasticpools"
	AZURE_STORAGE_STORAGEACCOUNTS                                AzureService = ""
	AZURE_MICROSOFT_STREAMANALYTICS_STREAMINGJOBS                AzureService = "microsoft.streamanalytics/streamingjobs"
	AZURE_MICROSOFT_WEB                                          AzureService = "microsoft.web"
	AZURE_MICROSOFT_WEB_HOSTINGENVIRONMENTS_MULTIROLEPOOLS       AzureService = "microsoft.web/hostingenvironments/multirolepools"
	AZURE_MICROSOFT_WEB_HOSTINGENVIRONMENTS_WORKERPOOLS          AzureService = "microsoft.web/hostingenvironments/workerpools"
	AZURE_MICROSOFT_WEB_SERVERFARMS                              AzureService = "microsoft.web/serverfarms"
	AZURE_MICROSOFT_WEB_SITES                                    AzureService = "microsoft.web/sites"
	AZURE_MICROSOFT_WEB_SITES_SLOTS                              AzureService = "microsoft.web/sites/slots"

Deprecated: the following constants are deprecated and this list is not going to be maintained anymore. Please use regular strings or convert regular strings to the AzureService type as required. For example: AzureService("AWS/FooBar")

type BigPandaIntegration

type BigPandaIntegration struct {
	// The creation date and time for the integration object, in Unix time UTC-relative. The system sets this value, and you can't modify it.
	Created int64 `json:"created,omitempty"`
	// SignalFx-assigned user ID of the user that created the integration object. If the system created the object, the value is \"AAAAAAAAAA\". The system sets this value, and you can't modify it.
	Creator string `json:"creator,omitempty"`
	// Flag that indicates the state of the integration object. If  `true`, the integration is enabled. If `false`, the integration is disabled, and you must enable it by setting \"enabled\" to `true` in a **PUT** request that updates the object. <br> **NOTE:** SignalFx always sets the flag to `true` when you call  **POST** `/integration` to create an integration.
	Enabled bool `json:"enabled"`
	// SignalFx-assigned ID of an integration you create in the web UI or API. Use this property to retrieve an integration using the **GET**, **PUT**, or **DELETE** `/integration/{id}` endpoints or the **GET** `/integration/validate{id}/` endpoint, as described in this topic.
	Id string `json:"id,omitempty"`
	// The last time the integration was updated, in Unix time UTC-relative. This value is \"read-only\".
	LastUpdated int64 `json:"lastUpdated,omitempty"`
	// SignalFx-assigned ID of the last user who updated the integration. If the last update was by the system, the value is \"AAAAAAAAAA\". This value is \"read-only\".
	LastUpdatedBy string `json:"lastUpdatedBy,omitempty"`
	// A human-readable label for the integration. This property helps you identify a specific integration when you're using multiple integrations for the same service.
	Name string `json:"name,omitempty"`
	Type Type   `json:"type"`
	// Application key you get from BigPanda.<br> **NOTE:** To ensure security, SignalFx doesn't return this property in response objects.
	AppKey string `json:"appKey,omitempty"`
	// Token you get from BigPanda.<br> **NOTE:** To ensure security, SignalFx doesn't return this property in response objects.
	Token string `json:"token,omitempty"`

Specifies the properties of a notification service integration between BigPanda and SignalFx, in the form of a JSON object

type BitiumIntegration

type BitiumIntegration struct {
	// The creation date and time for the integration object, in Unix time UTC-relative. The system sets this value, and you can't modify it.
	Created int64 `json:"created,omitempty"`
	// SignalFx-assigned user ID of the user that created the integration object. If the system created the object, the value is \"AAAAAAAAAA\". The system sets this value, and you can't modify it.
	Creator string `json:"creator,omitempty"`
	// Flag that indicates the state of the integration object. If  `true`, the integration is enabled. If `false`, the integration is disabled, and you must enable it by setting \"enabled\" to `true` in a **PUT** request that updates the object. <br> **NOTE:** SignalFx always sets the flag to `true` when you call  **POST** `/integration` to create an integration.
	Enabled bool `json:"enabled"`
	// SignalFx-assigned ID of an integration you create in the web UI or API. Use this property to retrieve an integration using the **GET**, **PUT**, or **DELETE** `/integration/{id}` endpoints or the **GET** `/integration/validate{id}/` endpoint, as described in this topic.
	Id string `json:"id,omitempty"`
	// The last time the integration was updated, in Unix time UTC-relative. This value is \"read-only\".
	LastUpdated int64 `json:"lastUpdated,omitempty"`
	// SignalFx-assigned ID of the last user who updated the integration. If the last update was by the system, the value is \"AAAAAAAAAA\". This value is \"read-only\".
	LastUpdatedBy string `json:"lastUpdatedBy,omitempty"`
	// A human-readable label for the integration. This property helps you identify a specific integration when you're using multiple integrations for the same service.
	Name string `json:"name,omitempty"`
	Type Type   `json:"type"`
	// Contents of the `certificate.pem` file for the public key associated with the SAML integration
	PublicKey string `json:"publicKey,omitempty"`
	// URL of the entity that issued the certificate for the SAML
	IssuerUrl map[string]interface{} `json:"issuerUrl,omitempty"`
	// URL for SAML metadata
	MetadataUrl string `json:"metadataUrl,omitempty"`

Specifies the SAML integration between Bitium and SignalFx, in the form of a JSON object.

type GCPIntegration added in v1.6.0

type GCPIntegration struct {
	// The creation date and time for the integration object, in Unix time UTC-relative. The system sets this value, and you can't modify it.
	Created int64 `json:"created,omitempty"`
	// SignalFx-assigned user ID of the user that created the integration object. If the system created the object, the value is \"AAAAAAAAAA\". The system sets this value, and you can't modify it.
	Creator string `json:"creator,omitempty"`
	// Flag that indicates the state of the integration object. If  `true`, the integration is enabled. If `false`, the integration is disabled, and you must enable it by setting \"enabled\" to `true` in a **PUT** request that updates the object. <br> **NOTE:** SignalFx always sets the flag to `true` when you call  **POST** `/integration` to create an integration.
	Enabled bool `json:"enabled"`
	// SignalFx-assigned ID of an integration you create in the web UI or API. Use this property to retrieve an integration using the **GET**, **PUT**, or **DELETE** `/integration/{id}` endpoints or the **GET** `/integration/validate{id}/` endpoint, as described in this topic.
	Id string `json:"id,omitempty"`
	// The last time the integration was updated, in Unix time UTC-relative. This value is \"read-only\".
	LastUpdated int64 `json:"lastUpdated,omitempty"`
	// SignalFx-assigned ID of the last user who updated the integration. If the last update was by the system, the value is \"AAAAAAAAAA\". This value is \"read-only\".
	LastUpdatedBy string `json:"lastUpdatedBy,omitempty"`
	// A human-readable label for the integration. This property helps you identify a specific integration when you're using multiple integrations for the same service.
	Name       string    `json:"name,omitempty"`
	Type       Type      `json:"type"`
	PollRate   *PollRate `json:"-"`
	PollRateMs int64     `json:"pollRate,omitempty"`
	// Array of GCP services that you want SignalFx to monitor. SignalFx only supports certain services, and if you specify an unsupported one, you receive an API error. The supported services are: <br>   * appengine   * bigquery   * bigtable   * cloudfunctions   * cloudiot   * cloudsql   * cloudtasks   * compute   * container   * dataflow   * datastore   * firebasedatabase   * firebasehosting   * interconnect   * loadbalancing   * logging   * ml   * monitoring   * pubsub   * router   * serviceruntime   * spanner   * storage   * vpn
	Services []GcpService `json:"services,omitempty"`
	// A list of additional GCP service domain names that you want to monitor using Observability Cloud. Use this list to specify services that Observability Cloud doesn't support. If you specify an invalid name, the system responds to your API request with an HTTP response code <i>400</i>.
	CustomMetricTypeDomains []string `json:"customMetricTypeDomains,omitempty"`
	// List of GCP project that you want SignalFx to monitor, in the form of a JSON array of objects
	ProjectServiceKeys []*GCPProject `json:"projectServiceKeys,omitempty"`
	// When this value is set to true Observability Cloud will force usage of a quota from the project where metrics are stored. For this to work the service account provided for the project needs to be provided with permission or Service Usage Consumer role in this project. When set to false default quota settings are used.
	UseMetricSourceProjectForQuota bool `json:"useMetricSourceProjectForQuota,omitempty"`
	// List of custom metadata keys that you want SignalFx to collect for Compute Engine Instances, in the form of a JSON array. Refer to Google's GCP documentation to find out the names you want to include.
	IncludeList []string `json:"includeList,omitempty"`
	Whitelist   []string `json:"-"`
	NamedToken  string   `json:"namedToken,omitempty"`
	// Flag determining whether SignalFx should also import Google Cloud metrics (when value is true) or only metadata (when value is false).
	ImportGCPMetrics *bool `json:"importGCPMetrics,omitempty"`

Specifies the data collection integration between Google Cloud Platform and SignalFx, in the form of a JSON object.

func (*GCPIntegration) MarshalJSON added in v1.9.0

func (gcp *GCPIntegration) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)

func (*GCPIntegration) UnmarshalJSON added in v1.9.0

func (gcp *GCPIntegration) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error

type GCPProject added in v1.6.0

type GCPProject struct {
	// GCP project ID you specified when you created your GCP project
	ProjectId string `json:"projectId,omitempty"`
	// Google Service Account Key generated for the project. This property is a JSON string; you must properly escape special characters before you send it to SignalFx.<br> **NOTE:** To ensure security, SignalFx doesn't return the value of this property in a response object.
	ProjectKey string `json:"projectKey,omitempty"`

Properties of a GCP project, in the form of a JSON object. Contains the GCP project ID and GCP service account key for a GCP project that you want SignalFx to monitor.

type GcpService added in v1.6.37

type GcpService string
const (
	GCP_APPENGINE        GcpService = "appengine"
	GCP_BIGQUERY         GcpService = "bigquery"
	GCP_BIGTABLE         GcpService = "bigtable"
	GCP_CLOUDFUNCTIONS   GcpService = "cloudfunctions"
	GCP_CLOUDIOT         GcpService = "cloudiot"
	GCP_CLOUDSQL         GcpService = "cloudsql"
	GCP_CLOUDTASKS       GcpService = "cloudtasks"
	GCP_COMPOSER         GcpService = "composer"
	GCP_COMPUTE          GcpService = "compute"
	GCP_CONTAINER        GcpService = "container"
	GCP_DATAFLOW         GcpService = "dataflow"
	GCP_DATAPROC         GcpService = "dataproc"
	GCP_DATASTORE        GcpService = "datastore"
	GCP_FILE             GcpService = "file"
	GCP_FIREBASEDATABASE GcpService = "firebasedatabase"
	GCP_FIREBASEHOSTING  GcpService = "firebasehosting"
	GCP_INTERCONNECT     GcpService = "interconnect"
	GCP_KNATIVE          GcpService = "knative"
	GCP_KUBERNETES       GcpService = "kubernetes"
	GCP_LOADBALANCING    GcpService = "loadbalancing"
	GCP_LOGGING          GcpService = "logging"
	GCP_ML               GcpService = "ml"
	GCP_MONITORING       GcpService = "monitoring"
	GCP_PUBSUB           GcpService = "pubsub"
	GCP_REDIS            GcpService = "redis"
	GCP_ROUTER           GcpService = "router"
	GCP_RUN              GcpService = "run"
	GCP_SERVICERUNTIME   GcpService = "serviceruntime"
	GCP_SPANNER          GcpService = "spanner"
	GCP_STORAGE          GcpService = "storage"
	GCP_VPN              GcpService = "vpn"

Deprecated: the following constants are deprecated and this list is not going to be maintained anymore. Please use regular strings or convert regular strings to the GcpService type as required. For example: GcpService("foo")

type GoogleCloudIdentityIntegration

type GoogleCloudIdentityIntegration struct {
	// The creation date and time for the integration object, in Unix time UTC-relative. The system sets this value, and you can't modify it.
	Created int64 `json:"created,omitempty"`
	// SignalFx-assigned user ID of the user that created the integration object. If the system created the object, the value is \"AAAAAAAAAA\". The system sets this value, and you can't modify it.
	Creator string `json:"creator,omitempty"`
	// Flag that indicates the state of the integration object. If  `true`, the integration is enabled. If `false`, the integration is disabled, and you must enable it by setting \"enabled\" to `true` in a **PUT** request that updates the object. <br> **NOTE:** SignalFx always sets the flag to `true` when you call  **POST** `/integration` to create an integration.
	Enabled bool `json:"enabled"`
	// SignalFx-assigned ID of an integration you create in the web UI or API. Use this property to retrieve an integration using the **GET**, **PUT**, or **DELETE** `/integration/{id}` endpoints or the **GET** `/integration/validate{id}/` endpoint, as described in this topic.
	Id string `json:"id,omitempty"`
	// The last time the integration was updated, in Unix time UTC-relative. This value is \"read-only\".
	LastUpdated int64 `json:"lastUpdated,omitempty"`
	// SignalFx-assigned ID of the last user who updated the integration. If the last update was by the system, the value is \"AAAAAAAAAA\". This value is \"read-only\".
	LastUpdatedBy string `json:"lastUpdatedBy,omitempty"`
	// A human-readable label for the integration. This property helps you identify a specific integration when you're using multiple integrations for the same service.
	Name string `json:"name,omitempty"`
	Type Type   `json:"type"`
	// File name of the SAML metadata XML file for the integration: `FederationMetadata.xml`
	Metadata string `json:"metadata,omitempty"`
	// Contents of the `certificate.pem` file for the public key associated with the SAML integration
	PublicKey string `json:"publicKey,omitempty"`
	// URL of the entity that issued the certificate for the SAML
	IssuerUrl map[string]interface{} `json:"issuerUrl,omitempty"`

Specifies the SAML integration between Google Cloud Identity Integration Model and SignalFx, in the form of a JSON object.

type IntegrationCommonProperties

type IntegrationCommonProperties struct {
	// The creation date and time for the integration object, in Unix time UTC-relative. The system sets this value, and you can't modify it.
	Created int64 `json:"created,omitempty"`
	// SignalFx-assigned user ID of the user that created the integration object. If the system created the object, the value is \"AAAAAAAAAA\". The system sets this value, and you can't modify it.
	Creator string `json:"creator,omitempty"`
	// Flag that indicates the state of the integration object. If  `true`, the integration is enabled. If `false`, the integration is disabled, and you must enable it by setting \"enabled\" to `true` in a **PUT** request that updates the object. <br> **NOTE:** SignalFx always sets the flag to `true` when you call  **POST** `/integration` to create an integration.
	Enabled bool `json:"enabled"`
	// SignalFx-assigned ID of an integration you create in the web UI or API. Use this property to retrieve an integration using the **GET**, **PUT**, or **DELETE** `/integration/{id}` endpoints or the **GET** `/integration/validate{id}/` endpoint, as described in this topic.
	Id string `json:"id,omitempty"`
	// The last time the integration was updated, in Unix time UTC-relative. This value is \"read-only\".
	LastUpdated int64 `json:"lastUpdated,omitempty"`
	// SignalFx-assigned ID of the last user who updated the integration. If the last update was by the system, the value is \"AAAAAAAAAA\". This value is \"read-only\".
	LastUpdatedBy string `json:"lastUpdatedBy,omitempty"`
	// A human-readable label for the integration. This property helps you identify a specific integration when you're using multiple integrations for the same service.
	Name string `json:"name,omitempty"`
	Type Type   `json:"type"`

Properties common to all integrations

type IssuerUrl

type IssuerUrl struct {

URL of the entity that issued the certificate for the SAML

type JiraAssignee added in v1.6.5

type JiraAssignee struct {
	// Jira display name for the assignee
	DisplayName string `json:"displayName,omitempty"`
	// Jira user name for the assignee
	Name string `json:"name"`

type JiraIntegration added in v1.6.5

type JiraIntegration struct {
	// The creation date and time for the integration object, in Unix time UTC-relative. The system sets this value, and you can't modify it.
	Created int64 `json:"created,omitempty"`
	// SignalFx-assigned user ID of the user that created the integration object. If the system created the object, the value is \"AAAAAAAAAA\". The system sets this value, and you can't modify it.
	Creator string `json:"creator,omitempty"`
	// Flag that indicates the state of the integration object. If  `true`, the integration is enabled. If `false`, the integration is disabled, and you must enable it by setting \"enabled\" to `true` in a **PUT** request that updates the object. <br> **NOTE:** SignalFx always sets the flag to `true` when you call  **POST** `/integration` to create an integration.
	Enabled bool `json:"enabled"`
	// SignalFx-assigned ID of an integration you create in the web UI or API. Use this property to retrieve an integration using the **GET**, **PUT**, or **DELETE** `/integration/{id}` endpoints or the **GET** `/integration/validate{id}/` endpoint, as described in this topic.
	Id string `json:"id,omitempty"`
	// The last time the integration was updated, in Unix time UTC-relative. This value is \"read-only\".
	LastUpdated int64 `json:"lastUpdated,omitempty"`
	// SignalFx-assigned ID of the last user who updated the integration. If the last update was by the system, the value is \"AAAAAAAAAA\". This value is \"read-only\".
	LastUpdatedBy string `json:"lastUpdatedBy,omitempty"`
	// A human-readable label for the integration. This property helps you identify a specific integration when you're using multiple integrations for the same service.
	Name string `json:"name,omitempty"`
	Type Type   `json:"type"`

	APIToken   string        `json:"apiToken,omitempty"`
	UserEmail  string        `json:"userEmail,omitempty"`
	Username   string        `json:"username,omitempty"`
	Password   string        `json:"password,omitempty"`
	Assignee   *JiraAssignee `json:"assignee,omitempty"`
	AuthMethod string        `json:"authMethod"`
	BaseURL    string        `json:"baseUrl"`
	IssueType  string        `json:"issueType"`
	ProjectKey string        `json:"projectKey"`

Specifies the data collection integration between Microsoft Azure and SignalFx, in the form of a JSON object.

type NewRelicIntegration

type NewRelicIntegration struct {
	// The creation date and time for the integration object, in Unix time UTC-relative. The system sets this value, and you can't modify it.
	Created int64 `json:"created,omitempty"`
	// SignalFx-assigned user ID of the user that created the integration object. If the system created the object, the value is \"AAAAAAAAAA\". The system sets this value, and you can't modify it.
	Creator string `json:"creator,omitempty"`
	// Flag that indicates the state of the integration object. If  `true`, the integration is enabled. If `false`, the integration is disabled, and you must enable it by setting \"enabled\" to `true` in a **PUT** request that updates the object. <br> **NOTE:** SignalFx always sets the flag to `true` when you call  **POST** `/integration` to create an integration.
	Enabled bool `json:"enabled"`
	// SignalFx-assigned ID of an integration you create in the web UI or API. Use this property to retrieve an integration using the **GET**, **PUT**, or **DELETE** `/integration/{id}` endpoints or the **GET** `/integration/validate{id}/` endpoint, as described in this topic.
	Id string `json:"id,omitempty"`
	// The last time the integration was updated, in Unix time UTC-relative. This value is \"read-only\".
	LastUpdated int64 `json:"lastUpdated,omitempty"`
	// SignalFx-assigned ID of the last user who updated the integration. If the last update was by the system, the value is \"AAAAAAAAAA\". This value is \"read-only\".
	LastUpdatedBy string `json:"lastUpdatedBy,omitempty"`
	// A human-readable label for the integration. This property helps you identify a specific integration when you're using multiple integrations for the same service.
	Name string `json:"name,omitempty"`
	Type Type   `json:"type"`
	// The API key you get from NewRelic. This key lets SignalFx connect with NewRelic.<br> **NOTE:** To ensure security, SignalFx doesn't return this property in response objects.
	ApiKey string `json:"apiKey,omitempty"`
	// List of NewRelic products you want to use with this integration, in the form of a JSON array. The allowed values are:<br>   * APM   * Mobile   * Servers
	Products      []string                        `json:"products,omitempty"`
	ApmFilters    NewRelicIntegrationFilterObject `json:"apmFilters,omitempty"`
	MobileFilters NewRelicIntegrationFilterObject `json:"mobileFilters,omitempty"`
	ServerFilters NewRelicIntegrationFilterObject `json:"serverFilters,omitempty"`

Specifies the data collection integration between NewRelic and SignalFx, in the form of a JSON object.

type NewRelicIntegrationFilterObject

type NewRelicIntegrationFilterObject struct {
	// Array of filters to apply to incoming NewRelic app names for the specified product. SignalFx combines the filters with an implicit OR, so it accepts data that matches any of the specified filters.
	FilterDomains []string `json:"filterDomains,omitempty"`
	// Array of filters to apply to incoming NewRelic metrics for the specified product. SignalFx combines the filters with an implicit OR, so it accepts data that matches any of the specified filters.
	FilterMetricNames []string `json:"filterMetricNames,omitempty"`
	// Array of filters to apply to incoming NewRelic statistics for the specified product. SignalFx combines the filters with an implicit OR, so it accepts data that matches any of the specified filters.
	FilterStats []string `json:"filterStats,omitempty"`

Specifies filters to apply to the data SignalFx receives from a NewRelic product

type Office365Integration

type Office365Integration struct {
	// The creation date and time for the integration object, in Unix time UTC-relative. The system sets this value, and you can't modify it.
	Created int64 `json:"created,omitempty"`
	// SignalFx-assigned user ID of the user that created the integration object. If the system created the object, the value is \"AAAAAAAAAA\". The system sets this value, and you can't modify it.
	Creator string `json:"creator,omitempty"`
	// Flag that indicates the state of the integration object. If  `true`, the integration is enabled. If `false`, the integration is disabled, and you must enable it by setting \"enabled\" to `true` in a **PUT** request that updates the object. <br> **NOTE:** SignalFx always sets the flag to `true` when you call  **POST** `/integration` to create an integration.
	Enabled bool `json:"enabled"`
	// SignalFx-assigned ID of an integration you create in the web UI or API. Use this property to retrieve an integration using the **GET**, **PUT**, or **DELETE** `/integration/{id}` endpoints or the **GET** `/integration/validate{id}/` endpoint, as described in this topic.
	Id string `json:"id,omitempty"`
	// The last time the integration was updated, in Unix time UTC-relative. This value is \"read-only\".
	LastUpdated int64 `json:"lastUpdated,omitempty"`
	// SignalFx-assigned ID of the last user who updated the integration. If the last update was by the system, the value is \"AAAAAAAAAA\". This value is \"read-only\".
	LastUpdatedBy string `json:"lastUpdatedBy,omitempty"`
	// A human-readable label for the integration. This property helps you identify a specific integration when you're using multiple integrations for the same service.
	Name string `json:"name,omitempty"`
	Type Type   `json:"type"`
	// A Webhook URL provided by Microsoft when you integrate Office 365 with SignalFx.<br> **NOTE:** To ensure security, SignalFx doesn't return this property in response objects. In addition, you can't update it in a **PUT** request. It's described here for informational purposes only.
	WebhookUrl string `json:"webhookUrl,omitempty"`

Specifies the properties of a notification service integration between Microsoft Office 365 and SignalFx, in the form of a JSON object.<br> **NOTE:**<br> You can't use the API to add a Microsoft Office 365 integration. Use the web UI to add the integration.<br> In addition, you can use the API to:<br> * Update some of the integration properties. * Retrieve all of the integration properties. * Delete a Microsoft Office 365 integration.

type OktaIntegration

type OktaIntegration struct {
	// The creation date and time for the integration object, in Unix time UTC-relative. The system sets this value, and you can't modify it.
	Created int64 `json:"created,omitempty"`
	// SignalFx-assigned user ID of the user that created the integration object. If the system created the object, the value is \"AAAAAAAAAA\". The system sets this value, and you can't modify it.
	Creator string `json:"creator,omitempty"`
	// Flag that indicates the state of the integration object. If  `true`, the integration is enabled. If `false`, the integration is disabled, and you must enable it by setting \"enabled\" to `true` in a **PUT** request that updates the object. <br> **NOTE:** SignalFx always sets the flag to `true` when you call  **POST** `/integration` to create an integration.
	Enabled bool `json:"enabled"`
	// SignalFx-assigned ID of an integration you create in the web UI or API. Use this property to retrieve an integration using the **GET**, **PUT**, or **DELETE** `/integration/{id}` endpoints or the **GET** `/integration/validate{id}/` endpoint, as described in this topic.
	Id string `json:"id,omitempty"`
	// The last time the integration was updated, in Unix time UTC-relative. This value is \"read-only\".
	LastUpdated int64 `json:"lastUpdated,omitempty"`
	// SignalFx-assigned ID of the last user who updated the integration. If the last update was by the system, the value is \"AAAAAAAAAA\". This value is \"read-only\".
	LastUpdatedBy string `json:"lastUpdatedBy,omitempty"`
	// A human-readable label for the integration. This property helps you identify a specific integration when you're using multiple integrations for the same service.
	Name string `json:"name,omitempty"`
	Type Type   `json:"type"`
	// Contents of the `certificate.pem` file for the public key associated with the SAML integration
	PublicKey string `json:"publicKey,omitempty"`
	// URL of the entity that issued the certificate for the SAML
	IssuerUrl map[string]interface{} `json:"issuerUrl,omitempty"`
	// URL for SAML metadata
	MetadataUrl string `json:"metadataUrl,omitempty"`

Specifies the SAML integration between Okta and SignalFx, in the form of a JSON object.

type OneLoginIntegration

type OneLoginIntegration struct {
	// The creation date and time for the integration object, in Unix time UTC-relative. The system sets this value, and you can't modify it.
	Created int64 `json:"created,omitempty"`
	// SignalFx-assigned user ID of the user that created the integration object. If the system created the object, the value is \"AAAAAAAAAA\". The system sets this value, and you can't modify it.
	Creator string `json:"creator,omitempty"`
	// Flag that indicates the state of the integration object. If  `true`, the integration is enabled. If `false`, the integration is disabled, and you must enable it by setting \"enabled\" to `true` in a **PUT** request that updates the object. <br> **NOTE:** SignalFx always sets the flag to `true` when you call  **POST** `/integration` to create an integration.
	Enabled bool `json:"enabled"`
	// SignalFx-assigned ID of an integration you create in the web UI or API. Use this property to retrieve an integration using the **GET**, **PUT**, or **DELETE** `/integration/{id}` endpoints or the **GET** `/integration/validate{id}/` endpoint, as described in this topic.
	Id string `json:"id,omitempty"`
	// The last time the integration was updated, in Unix time UTC-relative. This value is \"read-only\".
	LastUpdated int64 `json:"lastUpdated,omitempty"`
	// SignalFx-assigned ID of the last user who updated the integration. If the last update was by the system, the value is \"AAAAAAAAAA\". This value is \"read-only\".
	LastUpdatedBy string `json:"lastUpdatedBy,omitempty"`
	// A human-readable label for the integration. This property helps you identify a specific integration when you're using multiple integrations for the same service.
	Name string `json:"name,omitempty"`
	Type Type   `json:"type"`
	// Contents of the `certificate.pem` file for the public key associated with the SAML integration
	PublicKey string `json:"publicKey,omitempty"`
	// URL of the entity that issued the certificate for the SAML
	IssuerUrl map[string]interface{} `json:"issuerUrl,omitempty"`
	// URL for SAML metadata
	MetadataUrl string `json:"metadataUrl,omitempty"`

Specifies the SAML integration between OneLogin and SignalFx, in the form of a JSON object.

type OpsgenieIntegration added in v1.6.0

type OpsgenieIntegration struct {
	// The creation date and time for the integration object, in Unix time UTC-relative. The system sets this value, and you can't modify it.
	Created int64 `json:"created,omitempty"`
	// SignalFx-assigned user ID of the user that created the integration object. If the system created the object, the value is \"AAAAAAAAAA\". The system sets this value, and you can't modify it.
	Creator string `json:"creator,omitempty"`
	// Flag that indicates the state of the integration object. If  `true`, the integration is enabled. If `false`, the integration is disabled, and you must enable it by setting \"enabled\" to `true` in a **PUT** request that updates the object. <br> **NOTE:** SignalFx always sets the flag to `true` when you call  **POST** `/integration` to create an integration.
	Enabled bool `json:"enabled"`
	// SignalFx-assigned ID of an integration you create in the web UI or API. Use this property to retrieve an integration using the **GET**, **PUT**, or **DELETE** `/integration/{id}` endpoints or the **GET** `/integration/validate{id}/` endpoint, as described in this topic.
	Id string `json:"id,omitempty"`
	// The last time the integration was updated, in Unix time UTC-relative. This value is \"read-only\".
	LastUpdated int64 `json:"lastUpdated,omitempty"`
	// SignalFx-assigned ID of the last user who updated the integration. If the last update was by the system, the value is \"AAAAAAAAAA\". This value is \"read-only\".
	LastUpdatedBy string `json:"lastUpdatedBy,omitempty"`
	// A human-readable label for the integration. This property helps you identify a specific integration when you're using multiple integrations for the same service.
	Name string `json:"name,omitempty"`
	Type Type   `json:"type"`
	// An Opsgenie API key for sending alerts to an Opsgenie team or teams.<br> **NOTE:** To ensure security, SignalFx doesn't return this property in response objects.
	ApiKey string `json:"apiKey"`
	// Your Opsgenie API URL
	ApiUrl string `json:"apiUrl"`

Specifies the properties of a notification service integration between Opsgenie and SignalFx, in the form of a JSON object

type PagerDutyIntegration

type PagerDutyIntegration struct {
	// The creation date and time for the integration object, in Unix time UTC-relative. The system sets this value, and you can't modify it.
	Created int64 `json:"created,omitempty"`
	// SignalFx-assigned user ID of the user that created the integration object. If the system created the object, the value is \"AAAAAAAAAA\". The system sets this value, and you can't modify it.
	Creator string `json:"creator,omitempty"`
	// Flag that indicates the state of the integration object. If  `true`, the integration is enabled. If `false`, the integration is disabled, and you must enable it by setting \"enabled\" to `true` in a **PUT** request that updates the object. <br> **NOTE:** SignalFx always sets the flag to `true` when you call  **POST** `/integration` to create an integration.
	Enabled bool `json:"enabled"`
	// SignalFx-assigned ID of an integration you create in the web UI or API. Use this property to retrieve an integration using the **GET**, **PUT**, or **DELETE** `/integration/{id}` endpoints or the **GET** `/integration/validate{id}/` endpoint, as described in this topic.
	Id string `json:"id,omitempty"`
	// The last time the integration was updated, in Unix time UTC-relative. This value is \"read-only\".
	LastUpdated int64 `json:"lastUpdated,omitempty"`
	// SignalFx-assigned ID of the last user who updated the integration. If the last update was by the system, the value is \"AAAAAAAAAA\". This value is \"read-only\".
	LastUpdatedBy string `json:"lastUpdatedBy,omitempty"`
	// A human-readable label for the integration. This property helps you identify a specific integration when you're using multiple integrations for the same service.
	Name string `json:"name,omitempty"`
	Type Type   `json:"type"`
	// A key you get from PagerDuty that lets you integrate SignalFx with PagerDuty. PagerDuty refers to this property as the `integrationKey`. <br> **NOTE:** To ensure security, SignalFx doesn't return this property in response objects.
	ApiKey string `json:"apiKey,omitempty"`

Specifies the properties of a notification service integration between PagerDuty and SignalFx, in the form of a JSON object.

type PagerDutyIntegrationList added in v1.7.14

type PagerDutyIntegrationList struct {
	// Number of integrations in the result set
	Count int `json:"count,omitempty"`
	// List of returned integration objects
	Results []PagerDutyIntegration `json:"results,omitempty"`

type PingOneIntegration

type PingOneIntegration struct {
	// The creation date and time for the integration object, in Unix time UTC-relative. The system sets this value, and you can't modify it.
	Created int64 `json:"created,omitempty"`
	// SignalFx-assigned user ID of the user that created the integration object. If the system created the object, the value is \"AAAAAAAAAA\". The system sets this value, and you can't modify it.
	Creator string `json:"creator,omitempty"`
	// Flag that indicates the state of the integration object. If  `true`, the integration is enabled. If `false`, the integration is disabled, and you must enable it by setting \"enabled\" to `true` in a **PUT** request that updates the object. <br> **NOTE:** SignalFx always sets the flag to `true` when you call  **POST** `/integration` to create an integration.
	Enabled bool `json:"enabled"`
	// SignalFx-assigned ID of an integration you create in the web UI or API. Use this property to retrieve an integration using the **GET**, **PUT**, or **DELETE** `/integration/{id}` endpoints or the **GET** `/integration/validate{id}/` endpoint, as described in this topic.
	Id string `json:"id,omitempty"`
	// The last time the integration was updated, in Unix time UTC-relative. This value is \"read-only\".
	LastUpdated int64 `json:"lastUpdated,omitempty"`
	// SignalFx-assigned ID of the last user who updated the integration. If the last update was by the system, the value is \"AAAAAAAAAA\". This value is \"read-only\".
	LastUpdatedBy string `json:"lastUpdatedBy,omitempty"`
	// A human-readable label for the integration. This property helps you identify a specific integration when you're using multiple integrations for the same service.
	Name string `json:"name,omitempty"`
	Type Type   `json:"type"`
	// File name of the SAML metadata XML file for the integration: `FederationMetadata.xml`
	Metadata string `json:"metadata,omitempty"`
	// Contents of the `certificate.pem` file for the public key associated with the SAML integration
	PublicKey string `json:"publicKey,omitempty"`

Specifies the SAML integration between PingOne and SignalFx, in the form of a JSON object.

type PollRate deprecated

type PollRate int64

Deprecated: use int64 values in milliseconds instead PollRate : The rate at which SignalFx polls a data collection for data, in milliseconds. The allowed values are 60000 (1 minute) and 300000 (5 minutes).

const (
	OneMinutely  PollRate = 60000
	FiveMinutely PollRate = 300000

List of PollRate

type ServiceNowIntegration

type ServiceNowIntegration struct {
	// The creation date and time for the integration object, in Unix time UTC-relative. This value is "read-only".
	Created int64 `json:"created,omitempty"`
	// Observability-assigned user ID of the user that created the integration. If the system created the object, the value is "AAAAAAAAAA". This value is "read-only".
	Creator string `json:"creator,omitempty"`
	// Flag that indicates the state of the integration object. If `true`, the integration is enabled. If `false`, the integration is disabled, and you must enable it by setting "enabled" to `true` in a **PUT** request that updates the object. **NOTE:** Observability always sets the flag to `true` when you call  **POST** `/integration` to create an integration.
	Enabled bool `json:"enabled"`
	// Observability-assigned ID of an integration you create in the web UI or API. Use this property to retrieve an integration using the **GET**, **PUT**, or **DELETE** `/integration/{id}` endpoints or the **GET** `/integration/validate{id}/` endpoint, as described in this topic.
	Id string `json:"id,omitempty"`
	// The last time the integration was updated, in Unix time UTC-relative. This value is "read-only".
	LastUpdated int64 `json:"lastUpdated,omitempty"`
	// Observability-assigned ID of the last user who updated the integration. If the last update was by the system, the value is "AAAAAAAAAA". This value is "read-only".
	LastUpdatedBy string `json:"lastUpdatedBy,omitempty"`
	// A human-readable label for the integration. This property helps you identify a specific integration when you're using multiple integrations for the same service.
	Name string `json:"name,omitempty"`
	// Integration type, always "ServiceNow"
	Type Type `json:"type"`
	// Name of the ServiceNow instance, for example ``. To learn more, see the documentation.
	InstanceName string `json:"instanceName,omitempty"`
	// Describe the type of issue, using standard **ITIL** terminology. The allowed values are:   * Incident   * Problem
	IssueType string `json:"issueType,omitempty"`
	// Username you created in ServiceNow for the Observability Cloud integration. **NOTE:** In ServiceNow, you have to assign the roles  `web_service_admin` and `itil` to this username.
	Username string `json:"username,omitempty"`
	// Password associated with the `username` you created for this integration.
	Password string `json:"password,omitempty"`
	// An optional template that Observability Cloud uses to create the ServiceNow POST JSON payloads when an alert sends a notification to ServiceNow. Use this optional field to send the values of Observability Cloud alert properties to specific fields in ServiceNow. See API reference for details.
	AlertTriggeredPayloadTemplate string `json:"alertTriggeredPayloadTemplate,omitempty"`
	// An optional template that Observability Cloud uses to create the ServiceNow PUT JSON payloads when an alert is cleared in ServiceNow. Use this optional field to send the values of Observability Cloud alert properties to specific fields in ServiceNow. See API reference for details.
	AlertResolvedPayloadTemplate string `json:"alertResolvedPayloadTemplate,omitempty"`

ServiceNowIntegration specifies the properties of a notification service integration between ServiceNow and Observability Cloud, in the form of a JSON object

type SlackIntegration

type SlackIntegration struct {
	// The creation date and time for the integration object, in Unix time UTC-relative. The system sets this value, and you can't modify it.
	Created int64 `json:"created,omitempty"`
	// SignalFx-assigned user ID of the user that created the integration object. If the system created the object, the value is \"AAAAAAAAAA\". The system sets this value, and you can't modify it.
	Creator string `json:"creator,omitempty"`
	// Flag that indicates the state of the integration object. If  `true`, the integration is enabled. If `false`, the integration is disabled, and you must enable it by setting \"enabled\" to `true` in a **PUT** request that updates the object. <br> **NOTE:** SignalFx always sets the flag to `true` when you call  **POST** `/integration` to create an integration.
	Enabled bool `json:"enabled"`
	// SignalFx-assigned ID of an integration you create in the web UI or API. Use this property to retrieve an integration using the **GET**, **PUT**, or **DELETE** `/integration/{id}` endpoints or the **GET** `/integration/validate{id}/` endpoint, as described in this topic.
	Id string `json:"id,omitempty"`
	// The last time the integration was updated, in Unix time UTC-relative. This value is \"read-only\".
	LastUpdated int64 `json:"lastUpdated,omitempty"`
	// SignalFx-assigned ID of the last user who updated the integration. If the last update was by the system, the value is \"AAAAAAAAAA\". This value is \"read-only\".
	LastUpdatedBy string `json:"lastUpdatedBy,omitempty"`
	// A human-readable label for the integration. This property helps you identify a specific integration when you're using multiple integrations for the same service.
	Name string `json:"name,omitempty"`
	Type Type   `json:"type"`
	// Indicates the authentication method you want to use for integrating with the Slack API. The allowed values are:<br>   * Webhook   * OAuth
	Method string `json:"method,omitempty"`
	// If you set the \"method\" property to \"Webhook\", use \"webhookUrl\" to specify the incoming Webhook URL.<br> **NOTE:** To ensure security, SignalFx doesn't return this property in response objects.
	WebhookUrl string `json:"webhookUrl,omitempty"`
	// If you set the \"method\" property to \"OAuth\", use \"scope\" to specify the Slack OAuth scope string associated with this integration.
	Scope string `json:"scope,omitempty"`
	// If you set the \"method\" property to \"OAuth\", use \"slackTeamName\"  to specify the name of the Slack team you've approved for this integration.
	SlackTeamName string `json:"slackTeamName,omitempty"`
	// If you set the \"method\" property to \"OAuth\", use \"slackTeamId\" to specify the Slack ID for the Slack team you've approved for this integration.
	SlackTeamId string `json:"slackTeamId,omitempty"`
	// If you set the \"method\" property to \"OAuth\", use \"slackUserId\" to specify the Slack ID for the Slack user that approved this integration.
	SlackUserId string `json:"slackUserId,omitempty"`
	// If you set the \"method\" property to \"OAuth\", \"accessTokenUpdated\" contains the last time that Slack refreshed or updated the access token. The value is in Unix time UTC-relative
	AccessTokenUpdated int64 `json:"accessTokenUpdated,omitempty"`

Specifies the properties of a notification service integration between Slack and SignalFx, in the form of a JSON object

type Type

type Type string

Type : Service that this integration object configures in SignalFx. This is an enumerated string that describes the service. SignalFx processes requests based on the type specified.<br> In addition, the \"type\" property controls OpenApi 3 validation. If you use a model for one service but specify the type for another service, OAS 3 validation programs may reject your request. <br> **For data collection services, the allowed values are:**<br> * AWSCloudWatch * Azure * GCP * NewRelic **For SSO integrations, the allowed values are:**<br> * ADFS * AzureAD * Bitium * GoogleSaml * Okta * OneLogin * PingOne **For alerting services, the allowed values are:**<br> * BigPanda * Office365 * Opsgenie * PagerDuty * ServiceNow * Slack * VictorOps * Webhook * XMatters (note the capital \"X\") ## Viewing request or response bodies To see the request or response body format, find it in the following dropdown box. To see a full list, click the down arrow and navigate with the vertical scrollbar.

const (
	ADFS            Type = "ADFS"
	AWS_CLOUD_WATCH Type = "AWSCloudWatch"
	AZURE           Type = "Azure"
	AZURE_AD        Type = "AzureAD"
	BITIUM          Type = "Bitium"
	BIG_PANDA       Type = "BigPanda"
	GCP             Type = "GCP"
	GOOGLE_SAML     Type = "GoogleSaml"
	OFFICE365       Type = "Office365"
	OKTA            Type = "Okta"
	ONE_LOGIN       Type = "OneLogin"
	OPSGENIE        Type = "Opsgenie"
	PAGER_DUTY      Type = "PagerDuty"
	PING_ONE        Type = "PingOne"
	NEW_RELIC       Type = "NewRelic"
	SERVICE_NOW     Type = "ServiceNow"
	SLACK           Type = "Slack"
	VICTOR_OPS      Type = "VictorOps"
	WEBHOOK         Type = "Webhook"
	X_MATTERS       Type = "XMatters"

List of Type

type VictorOpsIntegration

type VictorOpsIntegration struct {
	// The creation date and time for the integration object, in Unix time UTC-relative. The system sets this value, and you can't modify it.
	Created int64 `json:"created,omitempty"`
	// SignalFx-assigned user ID of the user that created the integration object. If the system created the object, the value is \"AAAAAAAAAA\". The system sets this value, and you can't modify it.
	Creator string `json:"creator,omitempty"`
	// Flag that indicates the state of the integration object. If  `true`, the integration is enabled. If `false`, the integration is disabled, and you must enable it by setting \"enabled\" to `true` in a **PUT** request that updates the object. <br> **NOTE:** SignalFx always sets the flag to `true` when you call  **POST** `/integration` to create an integration.
	Enabled bool `json:"enabled"`
	// SignalFx-assigned ID of an integration you create in the web UI or API. Use this property to retrieve an integration using the **GET**, **PUT**, or **DELETE** `/integration/{id}` endpoints or the **GET** `/integration/validate{id}/` endpoint, as described in this topic.
	Id string `json:"id,omitempty"`
	// The last time the integration was updated, in Unix time UTC-relative. This value is \"read-only\".
	LastUpdated int64 `json:"lastUpdated,omitempty"`
	// SignalFx-assigned ID of the last user who updated the integration. If the last update was by the system, the value is \"AAAAAAAAAA\". This value is \"read-only\".
	LastUpdatedBy string `json:"lastUpdatedBy,omitempty"`
	// A human-readable label for the integration. This property helps you identify a specific integration when you're using multiple integrations for the same service.
	Name string `json:"name,omitempty"`
	Type Type   `json:"type"`
	// VictorOps API integration URL.<br> **NOTE:** To ensure security, SignalFx doesn't return this property in response objects.
	PostUrl string `json:"postUrl,omitempty"`

Specifies the properties of a notification service integration between VictorOps and SignalFx, in the form of a JSON object

type WebhookIntegration

type WebhookIntegration struct {
	// The creation date and time for the integration object, in Unix time UTC-relative. The system sets this value, and you can't modify it.
	Created int64 `json:"created,omitempty"`
	// SignalFx-assigned user ID of the user that created the integration object. If the system created the object, the value is \"AAAAAAAAAA\". The system sets this value, and you can't modify it.
	Creator string `json:"creator,omitempty"`
	// Flag that indicates the state of the integration object. If  `true`, the integration is enabled. If `false`, the integration is disabled, and you must enable it by setting \"enabled\" to `true` in a **PUT** request that updates the object. <br> **NOTE:** SignalFx always sets the flag to `true` when you call  **POST** `/integration` to create an integration.
	Enabled bool `json:"enabled"`
	// SignalFx-assigned ID of an integration you create in the web UI or API. Use this property to retrieve an integration using the **GET**, **PUT**, or **DELETE** `/integration/{id}` endpoints or the **GET** `/integration/validate{id}/` endpoint, as described in this topic.
	Id string `json:"id,omitempty"`
	// The last time the integration was updated, in Unix time UTC-relative. This value is \"read-only\".
	LastUpdated int64 `json:"lastUpdated,omitempty"`
	// SignalFx-assigned ID of the last user who updated the integration. If the last update was by the system, the value is \"AAAAAAAAAA\". This value is \"read-only\".
	LastUpdatedBy string `json:"lastUpdatedBy,omitempty"`
	// A human-readable label for the integration. This property helps you identify a specific integration when you're using multiple integrations for the same service.
	Name string `json:"name,omitempty"`
	Type Type   `json:"type"`
	// Webhook URL
	Url             string                 `json:"url,omitempty"`
	SharedSecret    string                 `json:"sharedSecret,omitempty"`
	Headers         map[string]interface{} `json:"headers,omitempty"`
	Method          string                 `json:"method,omitempty"`
	PayloadTemplate string                 `json:"payloadTemplate,omitempty"`

Specifies the properties of a notification service integration between a Webhook URL and SignalFx, in the form of a JSON object

type XMattersIntegration

type XMattersIntegration struct {
	// The creation date and time for the integration object, in Unix time UTC-relative. The system sets this value, and you can't modify it.
	Created int64 `json:"created,omitempty"`
	// SignalFx-assigned user ID of the user that created the integration object. If the system created the object, the value is \"AAAAAAAAAA\". The system sets this value, and you can't modify it.
	Creator string `json:"creator,omitempty"`
	// Flag that indicates the state of the integration object. If  `true`, the integration is enabled. If `false`, the integration is disabled, and you must enable it by setting \"enabled\" to `true` in a **PUT** request that updates the object. <br> **NOTE:** SignalFx always sets the flag to `true` when you call  **POST** `/integration` to create an integration.
	Enabled bool `json:"enabled"`
	// SignalFx-assigned ID of an integration you create in the web UI or API. Use this property to retrieve an integration using the **GET**, **PUT**, or **DELETE** `/integration/{id}` endpoints or the **GET** `/integration/validate{id}/` endpoint, as described in this topic.
	Id string `json:"id,omitempty"`
	// The last time the integration was updated, in Unix time UTC-relative. This value is \"read-only\".
	LastUpdated int64 `json:"lastUpdated,omitempty"`
	// SignalFx-assigned ID of the last user who updated the integration. If the last update was by the system, the value is \"AAAAAAAAAA\". This value is \"read-only\".
	LastUpdatedBy string `json:"lastUpdatedBy,omitempty"`
	// A human-readable label for the integration. This property helps you identify a specific integration when you're using multiple integrations for the same service.
	Name string `json:"name,omitempty"`
	Type Type   `json:"type"`
	// Webhook URL that connects the integration to your xMatters account. You get this URL from your xMatters account. To learn how, see the \"SignalFx\" topic in the \"Integrations\" section of the xMatters website.
	Url string `json:"url,omitempty"`

Specifies the properties of a notification service integration between xMatters and SignalFx, in the form of a JSON object

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