
v1.0.11 Latest Latest

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Published: Jun 26, 2023 License: MIT Imports: 1 Imported by: 0




This section is empty.


This section is empty.


This section is empty.


type AddFavorite

type AddFavorite struct {
	ID string `json:"id"`

type AllEvents

type AllEvents struct {
	DueDateEvent    *DueDateEvent    `json:"dueDate"`
	EndDateEvent    *EndDateEvent    `json:"endDate"`
	SchedulerEvents []SchedulerEvent `json:"schedulerEvents"`

type Attachment

type Attachment struct {
	ID           string                  `json:"id"`
	FileName     string                  `json:"fileName"`
	FileUrl      string                  `json:"fileUrl"`
	FileSize     string                  `json:"fileSize"`
	Creator      common.ResourceCreator  `json:"creator"`
	Modifier     common.ResourceModifier `json:"modifier"`
	LastModified string                  `json:"lastModified"`

type Attachments

type Attachments struct {
	Attachments []Attachment `json:"files"`

type Card

type Card struct {
	ID                string  `json:"id"`
	Name              string  `json:"cardName"`
	Description       string  `json:"cardDescription"`
	SimpleDescription string  `json:"simpleDescription"`
	Color             string  `json:"color"`
	Tags              string  `json:"tags"`
	ScaleValue        *string `json:"scaleValue"`

	Attributes  []common2.DisplayAttribute `json:"attributes"`
	CardType    *CardType                  `json:"cardType"`
	Scale       *Scale                     `json:"scale"`
	TaggedUsers []TaggedUser               `json:"taggedUsers"`
	Key         *common2.SlimKey           `json:"key"`
	Project     *common2.SlimProject       `json:"project"`

	// Boolean Attributes
	Completed    *bool `json:"completed"`
	Archived     *bool `json:"archived"`
	KanbanMode   *bool `json:"kanbanMode"`
	CanUnlink    *bool `json:"canUnlink"`
	CanUnpublish bool  `json:"canUnpublish"`
	PublicKey    *bool `json:"publicKey"`

	// Project Key Attribute
	ProjectKanbanMode *bool   `json:"projectKanbanMode"`
	ProjectListName   *string `json:"projectListName"`

	// Time Attributes
	DueDate string `json:"cardDueDate"`

	// Acl Attributes
	Acl            *string       `json:"acl"`
	IsShared       *bool         `json:"isShared"`
	CanLeave       *bool         `json:"canLeave"`
	AllowDelete    *bool         `json:"allowDelete"`
	CanDelete      *bool         `json:"canDelete"`
	SharedUsers    *[]SharedUser `json:"sharedUsers"`
	CurrentUserAcl SharedUser    `json:"currentUserAcl"`

	// Count Attributes
	KeysCount        *int `json:"keysCount"`
	ProjectsCount    *int `json:"projectsCount"`
	TasksCount       *int `json:"tasksCount"`
	ChecklistsCount  *int `json:"checklistsCount"`
	AttachmentsCount *int `json:"attachmentsCount"`
	CommentsCount    *int `json:"commentsCount"`
	NotesCount       *int `json:"notesCount"`

	Creator      common2.ResourceCreator  `json:"creator"`
	Modifier     common2.ResourceModifier `json:"modifier"`
	LastModified string                   `json:"lastModified"`

type CardEvent

type CardEvent struct {
	ID      string `json:"id"`
	Name    string `json:"cardName"`
	DueDate string `json:"cardDueDate"`

	Key     common2.SlimKey     `json:"key"`
	Project common2.SlimProject `json:"project"`

type CardScaleValue

type CardScaleValue struct {
	ID           string `json:"id"`
	Name         string `json:"cardName"`
	ScaleValue   string `json:"scaleValue"`
	NumericScale int    `json:"numericScale"`

type CardTemplate

type CardTemplate struct {
	ID                string  `json:"id"`
	Name              string  `json:"templateName"`
	Description       string  `json:"templateDescription"`
	Color             string  `json:"color"`
	Tags              string  `json:"tags"`
	PreviewUrl        string  `json:"previewUrl"`
	Archived          bool    `json:"archived"`
	KeyTemplateId     *string `json:"keyTemplateId"`
	ProjectTemplateId *string `json:"projectTemplateId"`
	LastModified      string  `json:"lastModified"`

type CardTemplates

type CardTemplates struct {
	Templates []CardTemplate `json:"templates"`

type CardType

type CardType struct {
	ID    string              `json:"id"`
	Name  string              `json:"cardTypeName"`
	Cards *[]common2.SlimCard `json:"cards"`

	Modifier     common2.ResourceModifier `json:"modifier"`
	LastModified string                   `json:"lastModified"`

type CardTypes

type CardTypes struct {
	CardTypes []CardType `json:"cardTypes"`

type CardTypesKey

type CardTypesKey struct {
	ID           string      `json:"id"`
	Name         string      `json:"keyName"`
	Type         string      `json:"keyType"`
	CardTypes    *[]CardType `json:"cardTypes"`
	LastModified string      `json:"lastModified"`

type CardTypesKeys

type CardTypesKeys struct {
	Keys *[]CardTypesKey `json:"keys"`
	Key  *CardTypesKey   `json:"key"`

type CardTypesKeysCard

type CardTypesKeysCard struct {
	Card CardTypesKeys `json:"card"`

type Cards

type Cards struct {
	Cards []Card `json:"cards"`

type Checklist

type Checklist struct {
	ID             string                   `json:"id"`
	Title          string                   `json:"title"`
	ChecklistItems []ChecklistItem          `json:"checklistItems"`
	Key            *common2.SlimKey         `json:"key"`
	Creator        common2.ResourceCreator  `json:"creator"`
	Modifier       common2.ResourceModifier `json:"modifier"`

type ChecklistItem

type ChecklistItem struct {
	ID          string       `json:"id"`
	ItemTitle   string       `json:"title"`
	Completed   bool         `json:"completed"`
	TaggedUsers []TaggedUser `json:"taggedUsers"`

	ItemSequence *int                      `json:"checklistItemSeq"`
	Creator      *common2.ResourceCreator  `json:"creator"`
	Modifier     *common2.ResourceModifier `json:"modifier"`

type ChecklistItems

type ChecklistItems struct {
	ChecklistItems []ChecklistItem `json:"checklistItems"`

type Checklists

type Checklists struct {
	Checklists []Checklist `json:"checklists"`

type Comment

type Comment struct {
	ID          string       `json:"id"`
	CommentText string       `json:"commentText"`
	TaggedUsers []TaggedUser `json:"taggedUsers"`

	CanEdit   *bool `json:"canEdit"`
	CanDelete *bool `json:"canDelete"`

	Key     *common2.SlimKey     `json:"key"`
	Project *common2.SlimProject `json:"project"`
	Card    *common2.SlimCard    `json:"card"`

	Creator      common2.ResourceCreator  `json:"creator"`
	Modifier     common2.ResourceModifier `json:"modifier"`
	LastModified string                   `json:"lastModified"`

type Comments

type Comments struct {
	Comments []Comment `json:"comments"`

type Conversation

type Conversation struct {
	ID            string `json:"id"`
	Type          string `json:"type"`
	RecentMessage string `json:"recentMessage"`

	IsGroup         bool `json:"isGroup"`
	UserProjected   bool `json:"projectedUser"`
	UserLeft        bool `json:"leftConversation"`
	UserCanLeave    bool `json:"canLeave"`
	Archived        bool `json:"archived"`
	AllMessagesRead bool `json:"allMessagesRead"`

	Members      []Member               `json:"members"`
	Messages     *[]ConversationMessage `json:"messages"`
	LastModified string                 `json:"lastModified"`

type ConversationMessage

type ConversationMessage struct {
	ID          string `json:"id"`
	Sequence    int    `json:"sequence"`
	AddedBy     string `json:"addedBy"`
	MessageText string `json:"messageText"`
	MessageTime string `json:"messageTime"`
	ReadReceipt string `json:"readReceipt"`

type Conversations

type Conversations struct {
	Conversations []Conversation `json:"conversations"`

type Dashboard

type Dashboard struct {
	Dashboard DashboardResources `json:"dashboard"`

type DashboardCard

type DashboardCard struct {
	ID      string `json:"id"`
	Name    string `json:"cardName"`
	DueDate string `json:"cardDueDate"`

	Key      *common2.SlimKey       `json:"key"`
	Projects *[]ProjectWithCardType `json:"projects"`

	Creator  common2.ResourceCreator  `json:"creator"`
	Modifier common2.ResourceModifier `json:"modifier"`

type DashboardProject

type DashboardProject struct {
	ID      string `json:"id"`
	Name    string `json:"projectName"`
	DueDate string `json:"projectDueDate"`

	Key         *common2.SlimKey `json:"key"`
	ProjectType *ProjectType     `json:"projectType"`

	Creator  common2.ResourceCreator  `json:"creator"`
	Modifier common2.ResourceModifier `json:"modifier"`

type DashboardResources

type DashboardResources struct {
	RecentlyModifiedResources *RecentlyModifiedResources `json:"recentlyModified"`
	ShortlyDueResources       *DueShortlyResources       `json:"dueShortly"`

type DashboardTask

type DashboardTask struct {
	ID      string `json:"id"`
	Name    string `json:"taskName"`
	DueDate string `json:"taskDueDate"`

	Key      *common2.SlimKey       `json:"key"`
	Project  *common2.SlimProject   `json:"project"`
	Card     *common2.SlimCard      `json:"card"`
	Projects *[]common2.SlimProject `json:"projects"`

	Creator  common2.ResourceCreator  `json:"creator"`
	Modifier common2.ResourceModifier `json:"modifier"`

type DashboardUnreadCount

type DashboardUnreadCount struct {
	DueTasks    int `json:"dueTasks"`
	DueProjects int `json:"dueProjects"`
	DueCards    int `json:"dueCards"`

	Notifications int `json:"notifications"`
	Conversations int `json:"conversations"`

type DueDateEvent

type DueDateEvent struct {
	Tasks    TasksEvent     `json:"tasks"`
	Projects []ProjectEvent `json:"projects"`
	Cards    []CardEvent    `json:"cards"`

type DueShortlyResources

type DueShortlyResources struct {
	Projects *[]DashboardProject `json:"projects"`
	Cards    []DashboardCard     `json:"cards"`
	Tasks    []DashboardTask     `json:"tasks"`

type EndDateEvent

type EndDateEvent struct {
	Projects []ProjectEvent `json:"projects"`

type Favorite

type Favorite struct {
	ID       string                  `json:"id"`
	Modifier common.ResourceModifier `json:"modifier"`
	Resource FavoriteResource        `json:"resource"`

type FavoriteKey

type FavoriteKey struct {
	ID       string                  `json:"id"`
	Name     string                  `json:"keyName"`
	Modifier common.ResourceModifier `json:"modifier"`

type FavoriteProject

type FavoriteProject struct {
	ID       string                  `json:"id"`
	Name     string                  `json:"projectName"`
	Modifier common.ResourceModifier `json:"modifier"`

type FavoriteResource

type FavoriteResource struct {
	ID           string                  `json:"id"`
	ResourceType string                  `json:"resourceType"`
	KeyName      *string                 `json:"keyName"`
	ProjectName  *string                 `json:"projectName"`
	CardName     *string                 `json:"cardName"`
	Key          *FavoriteKey            `json:"key"`
	Project      *FavoriteProject        `json:"project"`
	Modifier     common.ResourceModifier `json:"modifier"`

type Favorites

type Favorites struct {
	Favorites []Favorite `json:"favorites"`

type FilteredKey

type FilteredKey struct {
	ID               string           `json:"id"`
	Name             string           `json:"keyName"`
	Type             string           `json:"keyType"`
	CreatedByMe      ProjectsAndCards `json:"createdByMe"`
	SharedWithMe     ProjectsAndCards `json:"sharedWithMe"`
	SharedWithOthers ProjectsAndCards `json:"sharedWithOthers"`

type FilteredKeys

type FilteredKeys struct {
	Keys []FilteredKey `json:"keys"`

type Key

type Key struct {
	ID                string                    `json:"id"`
	Name              string                    `json:"keyName"`
	Type              string                    `json:"keyType"`
	Description       string                    `json:"keyDescription"`
	SimpleDescription string                    `json:"simpleDescription"`
	Color             string                    `json:"color"`
	Tags              string                    `json:"tags"`
	Attributes        []common.DisplayAttribute `json:"attributes"`

	// Boolean Attributes
	Archived          *bool `json:"archived"`
	KanbanMode        *bool `json:"kanbanMode"`
	ProjectKanbanMode *bool `json:"projectKanbanMode"`
	Public            *bool `json:"public"`

	// Count Attributes
	ProjectsCount   *int `json:"projectsCount"`
	CardsCount      *int `json:"cardsCount"`
	TasksCount      *int `json:"tasksCount"`
	ChecklistsCount *int `json:"checklistsCount"`
	NotesCount      *int `json:"notesCount"`

	Creator      common.ResourceCreator  `json:"creator"`
	Modifier     common.ResourceModifier `json:"modifier"`
	LastModified string                  `json:"lastModified"`

type KeyTemplate

type KeyTemplate struct {
	ID           string `json:"id"`
	Name         string `json:"templateName"`
	Description  string `json:"templateDescription"`
	Color        string `json:"color"`
	Tags         string `json:"tags"`
	PreviewUrl   string `json:"previewUrl"`
	Archived     bool   `json:"archived"`
	LastModified string `json:"lastModified"`

type KeyTemplates

type KeyTemplates struct {
	Templates []KeyTemplatesWithType `json:"templates"`

type KeyTemplatesWithType

type KeyTemplatesWithType struct {
	Type      string        `json:"type"`
	Templates []KeyTemplate `json:"templates"`

type Keys

type Keys struct {
	Keys []Key `json:"keys"`

type LinkedResources

type LinkedResources struct {
	CurrentKey LinkedResourcesKey `json:"currentKey"`
	SharedKey  LinkedResourcesKey `json:"sharedKey"`
	Keys       *[]UserKey         `json:"keys"`
	Projects   []UserProject      `json:"projects"`

type LinkedResourcesKey

type LinkedResourcesKey struct {
	SlimKey common2.SlimKey `json:"key"`

type Member

type Member struct {
	ID                string `json:"id"`
	Username          string `json:"userName"`
	FirstName         string `json:"firstName"`
	FullName          string `json:"fullName"`
	LastSeenMessageId int    `json:"LastSeenMessageId"`

type Note

type Note struct {
	ID           string                  `json:"id"`
	NoteText     string                  `json:"noteText"`
	Creator      common.ResourceCreator  `json:"creator"`
	Modifier     common.ResourceModifier `json:"modifier"`
	LastModified string                  `json:"lastModified"`

type Notes

type Notes struct {
	Notes []Note `json:"notes"`

type Notification

type Notification struct {
	ID       string               `json:"id"`
	Type     string               `json:"badgeType"` // See above
	Text     string               `json:"badgeText"` // See above
	Unread   bool                 `json:"unread"`
	Resource NotificationResource `json:"resource"`

type NotificationEvent

type NotificationEvent struct {
	PerformedOn string     `json:"performedOn"`
	PerformedBy *Performer `json:"performedBy"`

type NotificationResource

type NotificationResource struct {
	ID           string `json:"id"`
	ResourceType string `json:"resourceType"`
	IsTask       *bool  `json:"isTask"`

	KeyName     *string `json:"keyName"`
	ProjectName *string `json:"projectName"`
	CardName    *string `json:"cardName"`

	Key      *common2.SlimKey       `json:"key"`
	Projects *[]common2.SlimProject `json:"projects"`

	StartTime *string `json:"eventStartTime"`
	EndTime   *string `json:"eventEndTime"`

type Notifications

type Notifications struct {
	//TODO(Anish,3,03/23/23): Rename `badges` to `notifications` first on gateway post processor and then here.
	Notifications []Notification `json:"badges"`

type Performer

type Performer struct {
	Username  string `json:"userName"`
	FirstName string `json:"firstName"`

type Preference

type Preference struct {
	SubscribeMail              bool `json:"subscribeMail"`
	SubscribeSms               bool `json:"subscribeSms"`
	ShowResourcesChart         bool `json:"showResourcesChart"`
	ShowScalesChartForProjects bool `json:"showScalesChartForProjects"`
	ShowScalesChartForCards    bool `json:"showScalesChartForCards"`

type Profile

type Profile struct {
	ID            string `json:"id"`
	Email         string `json:"email"`
	Username      string `json:"userName"`
	FirstName     string `json:"firstName"`
	MiddleName    string `json:"middleName"`
	LastName      string `json:"lastName"`
	PhoneNumber   string `json:"phoneNumber"`
	AddressUserBy string `json:"addressUserBy"`
	UserInitial   string `json:"userInitial"`
	AvatarName    string `json:"avatarName"`
	AvatarUrl     string `json:"avatarUrl"`

	IsInactive         bool `json:"inactive"`
	IsAnnualSubscriber bool `json:"isAnnualSubscriber"`

	ProjectedUsers []ProjectedUser `json:"projectedUsers"`
	Preferences    []Preference    `json:"preferences"`

type Project

type Project struct {
	ID                string  `json:"id"`
	Name              string  `json:"projectName"`
	ProjectId         string  `json:"projectId"`
	Description       string  `json:"projectDescription"`
	SimpleDescription string  `json:"simpleDescription"`
	Color             string  `json:"color"`
	Tags              string  `json:"tags"`
	ScaleValue        *string `json:"scaleValue"`

	Attributes  []common2.DisplayAttribute `json:"attributes"`
	ProjectType *ProjectType               `json:"projectType"`
	Scale       *Scale                     `json:"scale"`
	TaggedUsers []TaggedUser               `json:"taggedUsers"`
	Key         *common2.SlimKey           `json:"key"`

	// Boolean Attributes
	Completed  *bool `json:"completed"`
	Archived   *bool `json:"archived"`
	KanbanMode *bool `json:"kanbanMode"`
	CanUnlink  *bool `json:"canUnlink"`
	PublicKey  *bool `json:"publicKey"`

	// Project Key Attribute
	ProjectKanbanMode *bool `json:"projectKanbanMode"`

	// Time Attributes
	DueDate   string `json:"projectDueDate"`
	StartTime string `json:"projectStartTime"`
	EndTime   string `json:"projectEndTime"`

	// Acl Attributes
	Acl            *string       `json:"acl"`
	IsShared       *bool         `json:"isShared"`
	CanLeave       *bool         `json:"canLeave"`
	AllowDelete    *bool         `json:"allowDelete"`
	CanDelete      *bool         `json:"canDelete"`
	SharedUsers    *[]SharedUser `json:"sharedUsers"`
	CurrentUserAcl SharedUser    `json:"currentUserAcl"`

	// Count Attributes
	KeysCount        *int `json:"keysCount"`
	CardsCount       *int `json:"cardsCount"`
	TasksCount       *int `json:"tasksCount"`
	ChecklistsCount  *int `json:"checklistsCount"`
	AttachmentsCount *int `json:"attachmentsCount"`
	CommentsCount    *int `json:"commentsCount"`
	NotesCount       *int `json:"notesCount"`

	Creator      common2.ResourceCreator  `json:"creator"`
	Modifier     common2.ResourceModifier `json:"modifier"`
	LastModified string                   `json:"lastModified"`

type ProjectEvent

type ProjectEvent struct {
	ID          string `json:"id"`
	Name        string `json:"projectName"`
	Description string `json:"projectDescription"`

	DueDate   *string `json:"projectDueDate"`
	StartTime *string `json:"projectStartTime"`
	EndTime   *string `json:"projectEndTime"`

	Key common2.SlimKey `json:"key"`

type ProjectList

type ProjectList struct {
	ID       string `json:"id"`
	Name     string `json:"projectListName"`
	Sequence int    `json:"projectListSequence"`

	Key     common2.SlimKey     `json:"key"`
	Project common2.SlimProject `json:"project"`
	Cards   []Card              `json:"cards"`

	Creator      common2.ResourceModifier `json:"creator"`
	Modifier     common2.ResourceModifier `json:"modifier"`
	LastModified string                   `json:"lastModified"`

type ProjectLists

type ProjectLists struct {
	ProjectLists []ProjectList `json:"projectLists"`

type ProjectScaleValue

type ProjectScaleValue struct {
	ID           string `json:"id"`
	Name         string `json:"projectName"`
	ScaleValue   string `json:"scaleValue"`
	NumericScale int    `json:"numericScale"`

type ProjectTemplate

type ProjectTemplate struct {
	ID            string  `json:"id"`
	Name          string  `json:"templateName"`
	Description   string  `json:"templateDescription"`
	Color         string  `json:"color"`
	Tags          string  `json:"tags"`
	PreviewUrl    string  `json:"previewUrl"`
	Archived      bool    `json:"archived"`
	KeyTemplateId *string `json:"keyTemplateId"`
	LastModified  string  `json:"lastModified"`

type ProjectTemplates

type ProjectTemplates struct {
	Templates []ProjectTemplate `json:"templates"`

type ProjectType

type ProjectType struct {
	ID       string                 `json:"id"`
	Name     string                 `json:"projectTypeName"`
	Projects *[]common2.SlimProject `json:"projects"`

	Modifier     *common2.ResourceModifier `json:"modifier"`
	LastModified string                    `json:"lastModified"`

type ProjectTypes

type ProjectTypes struct {
	ProjectTypes []ProjectType `json:"projectTypes"`

type ProjectTypesKey

type ProjectTypesKey struct {
	ID           string        `json:"id"`
	Name         string        `json:"keyName"`
	Type         string        `json:"keyType"`
	ProjectTypes []ProjectType `json:"projectTypes"`
	LastModified string        `json:"lastModified"`

type ProjectTypesKeys

type ProjectTypesKeys struct {
	Keys []ProjectTypesKey `json:"keys"`

type ProjectWithCardType

type ProjectWithCardType struct {
	ID       string           `json:"id"`
	Name     string           `json:"projectName"`
	Key      *common2.SlimKey `json:"key"`
	CardType *CardType        `json:"cardType"`

type ProjectedUser

type ProjectedUser struct {
	ID        string `json:"id"`
	Username  string `json:"userName"`
	FirstName string `json:"firstName"`

type Projects

type Projects struct {
	Projects []Project `json:"projects"`

type ProjectsAndCards

type ProjectsAndCards struct {
	Projects []common2.SlimProject `json:"projects"`
	Cards    []common2.SlimCard    `json:"cards"`

type RecentComment

type RecentComment struct {
	ID          string `json:"id"`
	CommentText string `json:"commentText"`

	Key      *common2.SlimKey       `json:"key"`
	Project  *common2.SlimProject   `json:"project"`
	Projects *[]common2.SlimProject `json:"projects"`
	Card     *common2.SlimCard      `json:"card"`

	Creator      common2.ResourceCreator  `json:"creator"`
	Modifier     common2.ResourceModifier `json:"modifier"`
	LastModified string                   `json:"lastModified"`

type RecentComments

type RecentComments struct {
	Comments []RecentComment `json:"comments"`

type RecentlyModifiedKeys

type RecentlyModifiedKeys struct {
	Keys []common2.SlimKey `json:"keys"`

type RecentlyModifiedResources

type RecentlyModifiedResources struct {
	Projects []DashboardProject `json:"projects"`
	Cards    []DashboardCard    `json:"cards"`

type Relations

type Relations struct {
	Relationships Relationships `json:"relationships"`

type Relationships

type Relationships struct {
	Keys     []common2.SlimKey     `json:"keys"`
	Projects []common2.SlimProject `json:"projects"`
	Cards    []common2.SlimCard    `json:"cards"`

type ResourceAttribute

type ResourceAttribute struct {
	Name    string `json:"attributeName"`
	CanHide bool   `json:"canHide"`

type ResourceAttributes

type ResourceAttributes struct {
	KeyAttributes     []ResourceAttribute
	ProjectAttributes []ResourceAttribute
	CardAttributes    []ResourceAttribute

type Scale

type Scale struct {
	ID           string                  `json:"id"`
	Name         string                  `json:"scaleName"`
	Type         *string                 `json:"scaleType"`
	ScaleValues  []string                `json:"scaleValues"`
	Modifier     common.ResourceModifier `json:"modifier"`
	LastModified string                  `json:"lastModified"`

type ScaleValues

type ScaleValues struct {
	Scale    Scale                `json:"scale"`
	Key      common2.SlimKey      `json:"key"`
	Project  *common2.SlimProject `json:"project"`
	Projects *[]ProjectScaleValue `json:"projects"`
	Cards    []CardScaleValue     `json:"cards"`

type Scales

type Scales struct {
	Scales []Scale `json:"scales"`

type ScalesKey

type ScalesKey struct {
	ID           string   `json:"id"`
	Name         string   `json:"keyName"`
	Type         string   `json:"keyType"`
	Scales       *[]Scale `json:"scales"`
	LastModified string   `json:"lastModified"`

type ScalesKeys

type ScalesKeys struct {
	Keys *[]ScalesKey `json:"keys"`
	Key  *ScalesKey   `json:"key"`

type ScalesKeysCard

type ScalesKeysCard struct {
	Card ScalesKeys `json:"card"`

type ScalesKeysProject

type ScalesKeysProject struct {
	Project ScalesKeys `json:"project"`

type SchedulerEvent

type SchedulerEvent struct {
	SchedulerId      string            `json:"schedulerId"`
	StandaloneEvents []StandaloneEvent `json:"standaloneEvents"`

type SearchResource

type SearchResource struct {
	ID   string `json:"id"`
	Type string `json:"type"`

	// Relation attribute
	IsRelated bool `json:"isRelated"`

	KeyName     *string `json:"keyName"`
	KeyType     *string `json:"keyType"`
	ProjectName *string `json:"projectName"`
	CardName    *string `json:"cardName"`

	Key      *common2.SlimKey       `json:"key"`
	Project  *common2.SlimProject   `json:"project"`
	Projects *[]common2.SlimProject `json:"projects"`

	Modifier common2.ResourceModifier `json:"modifier"`

type SearchResources

type SearchResources struct {
	Results []SearchResource `json:"results"`

type SearchUser

type SearchUser struct {
	ID        string `json:"id"`
	ProfileID string `json:"profileId"`
	Username  string `json:"userName"`
	FirstName string `json:"firstName"`
	FullName  string `json:"fullName"`

type SearchUsers

type SearchUsers struct {
	SearchUsers []SearchUser `json:"users"`

type SharedUser

type SharedUser struct {
	ID            string `json:"id"`
	Acl           string `json:"acl"`
	Username      string `json:"userName"`
	FirstName     string `json:"firstName"`
	LastName      string `json:"lastName"`
	FullName      string `json:"fullName"`
	AddressUserBy string `json:"addressUserBy"`

type StandaloneEvent

type StandaloneEvent struct {
	ID          string `json:"id"`
	Description string `json:"description"`
	StartTime   string `json:"eventStartTime"`
	EndTime     string `json:"eventEndTime"`

	Creator  *common2.ResourceCreator  `json:"creator"`
	Modifier *common2.ResourceModifier `json:"modifier"`

type TaggedUser

type TaggedUser struct {
	ID        string `json:"userId"`
	ProfileID string `json:"profileId"`
	FirstName string `json:"firstName"`
	LastName  string `json:"lastName"`
	Username  string `json:"username"`
	Initial   string `json:"userInitial"`
	Email     string `json:"email"`

type Task

type Task struct {
	ID        string                   `json:"id"`
	Name      string                   `json:"taskName"`
	DueDate   string                   `json:"taskDueDate"`
	Completed bool                     `json:"isCompleted"`
	Assignees []TaggedUser             `json:"assignees"`
	Key       *common2.SlimKey         `json:"key"`
	Project   *common2.SlimProject     `json:"project"`
	Creator   common2.ResourceCreator  `json:"creator"`
	Modifier  common2.ResourceModifier `json:"modifier"`

type TaskEvent

type TaskEvent struct {
	ID      string               `json:"id"`
	Name    string               `json:"taskName"`
	DueDate string               `json:"taskDueDate"`
	Key     common2.SlimKey      `json:"key"`
	Project *common2.SlimProject `json:"project"`
	Card    *common2.SlimCard    `json:"card"`

type TaskStatus

type TaskStatus struct {
	Complete   int `json:"complete"`
	Incomplete int `json:"incomplete"`

type Tasks

type Tasks struct {
	Tasks []Task `json:"tasks"`

type TasksEvent

type TasksEvent struct {
	KeyTasks     []TaskEvent `json:"keys"`
	ProjectTasks []TaskEvent `json:"projects"`
	CardTasks    []TaskEvent `json:"cards"`

type TasksStatusKey

type TasksStatusKey struct {
	ID           string     `json:"id"`
	Name         string     `json:"keyName"`
	TaskStatus   TaskStatus `json:"taskStatus"`
	LastModified string     `json:"lastModified"`

type TasksStatusKeys

type TasksStatusKeys struct {
	Keys []TasksStatusKey `json:"keys"`

type TasksStatusProject

type TasksStatusProject struct {
	ID           string          `json:"id"`
	Name         string          `json:"projectName"`
	TaskStatus   TaskStatus      `json:"taskStatus"`
	Key          common2.SlimKey `json:"key"`
	LastModified string          `json:"lastModified"`

type UpdateCardScaleValue

type UpdateCardScaleValue struct {
	ID           string `json:"id"`
	Name         string `json:"name"`
	ScaleValue   string `json:"scaleValue"`
	NumericScale int    `json:"numericScale"`

	Key     common2.SlimKey      `json:"key"`
	Project *common2.SlimProject `json:"project"`

type UpdateProjectScaleValue

type UpdateProjectScaleValue struct {
	ID           string `json:"id"`
	Name         string `json:"name"`
	ScaleValue   string `json:"scaleValue"`
	NumericScale int    `json:"numericScale"`

	Key common2.SlimKey `json:"key"`

type User

type User struct {
	ID          string `json:"id"`
	Uuid        string `json:"uuid"`
	Email       string `json:"email"`
	Inactive    bool   `json:"inactive"`
	Deactivated bool   `json:"userDeactivated"`
	Dormant     bool   `json:"dormant"`
	AvatarUrl   string `json:"avatarUrl"`
	JwtToken    string `json:"jwtToken"`

type UserKey

type UserKey struct {
	ID           string             `json:"id"`
	Name         string             `json:"keyName"`
	Type         string             `json:"keyType"`
	Projects     []UserProject      `json:"projects"`
	Cards        []common2.SlimCard `json:"cards"`
	LastModified string             `json:"lastModified"`

type UserKeys

type UserKeys struct {
	Keys []UserKey `json:"keys"`

type UserProject

type UserProject struct {
	ID           string             `json:"id"`
	Name         string             `json:"keyName"`
	Cards        []common2.SlimCard `json:"cards"`
	LastModified string             `json:"lastModified"`

type UserRegistration

type UserRegistration struct {
	User User `json:"user"`

type Users

type Users struct {
	Users []User `json:"users"`

type Version

type Version struct {
	Status              string  `json:"status"`
	Version             string  `json:"version"`
	InternalVersion     string  `json:"internalVersion"`
	DeploymentIteration *string `json:"deploymentIteration"`

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