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Published: May 26, 2024 License: MIT Imports: 0 Imported by: 0



Package lang provides language constants for use in HTTP headers Accept-Language, Content-Language & HTML global attribute `lang`.



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const (
	Afrikaans            = "af"
	AfrikaansSouthAfrica = "af-ZA"

	Amharic = "am" // Ethiopian Semitic.

	Arabic            = "ar"
	ArabicUAE         = "ar-AE"
	ArabicBahrain     = "ar-BH"
	ArabicAlgeria     = "ar-DZ"
	ArabicEgypt       = "ar-EG"
	ArabicIraq        = "ar-IQ"
	ArabicJordan      = "ar-JO"
	ArabicKuwait      = "ar-KW"
	ArabicLebanon     = "ar-LB"
	ArabicLibya       = "ar-LY"
	ArabicMorocco     = "ar-MA"
	ArabicMauritania  = "ar-MR"
	ArabicOman        = "ar-OM"
	ArabicPalestine   = "ar-PS"
	ArabicQatar       = "ar-QA"
	ArabicSaudiArabia = "ar-SA"
	ArabicSyria       = "ar-SY"
	ArabicTunisia     = "ar-TN"
	ArabicYemen       = "ar-YE"

	Mapudungun = "arn" // South-central Chile & west-central Argentina by the Mapuche people.

	Assamese = "as" // North-eastern Indian state of Assam.

	Asturian = "ast"

	Azeri                   = "az"
	AzeriCyrillicAzerbaijan = "az-Cyrl-AZ"
	AzeriLatinAzerbaijan    = "az-Latn-AZ"

	Bashkir = "ba" // Russia, Ukraine, Belarus, Kazakhstan, Uzbekistan, Estonia.

	Bangla           = "bn"
	BanglaBangladesh = "bn-BD"
	BanglaIndia      = "bn-IN"

	Belarusian        = "be"
	BelarusianBelarus = "be-BY"

	Bulgarian         = "bg"
	BulgarianBulgaria = "bg-BG"

	Tibetan = "bo"

	Breton = "br"

	Bosnian                  = "bs"
	BosnianBosniaHerzegovina = "bs-Latn-BA"

	Catalan        = "ca"
	CatalanCatalan = "ca-ES"

	Corsican = "co"

	Coptic = "cop"

	Czech              = "cs"
	CzechCzechRepublic = "cs-CZ"

	Welsh              = "cy"
	WelshUnitedKingdom = "cy-GB"

	Danish        = "da"
	DanishDenmark = "da-DK"

	German              = "de"
	GermanAustria       = "de-AT"
	GermanGermany       = "de-DE"
	GermanSwitzerland   = "de-CH"
	GermanLiechtenstein = "de-LI"
	GermanLuxembourg    = "de-LU"

	Divehi         = "dv"
	DivehiMaldives = "dv-MV"

	Greek       = "el"
	GreekGreece = "el-GR"

	English               = "en"
	EnglishCaribbean      = "en-029"
	EnglishAustralia      = "en-AU"
	EnglishBelize         = "en-BZ"
	EnglishCanada         = "en-CA"
	EnglishUnitedKingdom  = "en-GB"
	EnglishIreland        = "en-IE"
	EnglishIndia          = "en-IN"
	EnglishJamaica        = "en-JM"
	EnglishNewZealand     = "en-NZ"
	EnglishNigeria        = "en-NG"
	EnglishPhilippines    = "en-PH"
	EnglishTrinidadTobago = "en-TT"
	EnglishUSA            = "en-US"
	EnglishSouthAfrica    = "en-ZA"
	EnglishZimbabwe       = "en-ZW"

	Esperanto = "eo"

	Spanish                  = "es"
	SpanishArgentina         = "es-AR"
	SpanishBolivia           = "es-BO"
	SpanishChile             = "es-CL"
	SpanishColombia          = "es-CO"
	SpanishCostaRica         = "es-CR"
	SpanishDominicanRepublic = "es-DO"
	SpanishEcuador           = "es-EC"
	SpanishSpain             = "es-ES"
	SpanishGuatemala         = "es-GT"
	SpanishHonduras          = "es-HN"
	SpanishMexico            = "es-MX"
	SpanishNicaragua         = "es-NI"
	SpanishPanama            = "es-PA"
	SpanishPeru              = "es-PE"
	SpanishPuertoRico        = "es-PR"
	SpanishParaguay          = "es-PY"
	SpanishElSalvador        = "es-SV"
	SpanishUruguay           = "es-UY"
	SpanishUSA               = "es-US"
	SpanishVenezuela         = "es-VE"

	Estonian        = "et"
	EstonianEstonia = "et-EE"

	Basque       = "eu"
	BasqueBasque = "eu-ES"

	Farsi     = "fa" // Persian.
	FarsiIran = "fa-IR"

	Filipino = "fil"

	Finnish        = "fi"
	FinnishFinland = "fi-FI"

	Faroese             = "fo" // Denmark.
	FaroeseFaroeIslands = "fo-FO"

	French            = "fr"
	FrenchBelgium     = "fr-BE"
	FrenchCanada      = "fr-CA"
	FrenchFrance      = "fr-FR"
	FrenchSwitzerland = "fr-CH"
	FrenchLuxembourg  = "fr-LU"
	FrenchMonaco      = "fr-MC"

	Frisian = "fy"

	Friulan = "fur"

	Irish = "ga" // Gaelic.

	ScottishGaelic = "gd"

	Geʽez = "gez" // Ethiopia & Eritrea.

	Galician         = "gl"
	GalicianGalician = "gl-ES"

	AncientGreek = "grc"

	SwissGerman = "gsw"

	Gujarati      = "gu"
	GujaratiIndia = "gu-IN"

	Hausa = "ha"

	Hebrew       = "he"
	HebrewIsrael = "he-IL"

	Hindi      = "hi"
	HindiIndia = "hi-IN"

	SerboCroatian = "hrv"

	Croatian                  = "hr"
	CroatianBosniaHerzegovina = "hr-BA"
	CroatianCroatia           = "hr-HR"

	Magyar        = "hu" // Hungarian.
	MagyarHungary = "hu-HU"

	Armenian        = "hy"
	ArmenianArmenia = "hy-AM"

	Interlingua = "ia"

	Indonesian          = "id"
	IndonesianIndonesia = "id-ID"

	Igbo = "ig"

	Yi = "ii"

	Icelandic        = "is"
	IcelandicIceland = "is-IS"

	Italian            = "it"
	ItalianSwitzerland = "it-CH"
	ItalianItaly       = "it-IT"

	Inuktitut = "iu"

	Japanese      = "ja"
	JapaneseJapan = "ja-JP"

	Yiddish = "ji" // Europe.

	Georgian        = "ka"
	GeorgianGeorgia = "ka-GE"

	Kurdi = "kb"

	Kazakh           = "kk"
	KazakhKazakhstan = "kk-KZ"

	Greenlandic = "kl"

	Khmer = "km"

	Kurmanji = "kmr"

	Kannada      = "kn"
	KannadaIndia = "kn-IN"

	Korean      = "ko"
	KoreanKorea = "ko-KR"

	Konkani      = "kok"
	KonkaniIndia = "kok-IN"

	Kurdish = "ku"

	Kyrgyz           = "ky"
	KyrgyzKyrgyzstan = "ky-KG"

	Latin = "la"

	Luxembourgish = "lb"

	Lao = "lo"

	Lithuanian          = "lt"
	LithuanianLithuania = "lt-LT"

	Latvian       = "lv"
	LatvianLatvia = "lv-LV"

	Maori           = "mi"
	MaoriNewZealand = "mi-NZ"

	Macedonian                                = "mk"
	MacedonianFormerYugoslavRepublicMacedonia = "mk-MK"

	Malayalam = "ml" // India.

	Mongolian                 = "mn"
	MongolianCyrillicMongolia = "mn-MN"

	Mohawk = "moh"

	Marathi      = "mr"
	MarathiIndia = "mr-IN"

	Malay                 = "ms" // Malaysia, Singapore, Brunei, East Timor, Indonesia, Southern Thailand, Christmas Island & Cocos (Keeling) Islands.
	MalayBruneiDarussalam = "ms-BN"
	MalayMalaysia         = "ms-MY"

	Maltese      = "mt"
	MalteseMalta = "mt-MT"

	Burmese = "my"

	Bokmål       = "nb"
	BokmålNorway = "nb-NO"

	Nepali = "ne"

	Dutch            = "nl"
	DutchBelgium     = "nl-BE"
	DutchNetherlands = "nl-NL"

	Nynorsk       = "nn"
	NynorskNorway = "nn-NO"

	Norwegian       = "no"
	NorwegianNorway = "no-NO"

	NorthernSotho            = "ns"
	NorthernSothoSouthAfrica = "ns-ZA"

	Occitan = "oc"

	Odia = "or"

	Piedmontese = "pms" // Northwest Italy.

	Punjabi      = "pa"
	PunjabiIndia = "pa-IN"

	Polish       = "pl"
	PolishPoland = "pl-PL"

	Dari = "prs"

	Pashto = "ps"

	Portuguese         = "pt"
	PortugueseBrazil   = "pt-BR"
	PortuguesePortugal = "pt-PT"

	Quechua = "qu"

	Kiche = "quc"

	QuechuaBolivia = "quz-BO"
	QuechuaEcuador = "quz-EC"
	QuechuaPeru    = "quz-PE"

	Romansh = "rm" // Switzerland.

	Romanian        = "ro"
	RomanianMoldova = "ro-MD"
	RomanianRomania = "ro-RO"

	Russian        = "ru"
	RussianMoldova = "ru-MD"
	RussianRussia  = "ru-RU"

	Kinyarwanda = "rw"

	Sanskrit      = "sa"
	SanskritIndia = "sa-IN"

	Yakut = "sah"

	Sorbian      = "sb"
	LowerSorbian = "dsb" // Lower Lusatia (Germany).
	UpperSorbian = "hsb" // Upper Lusatia (Germany).

	SamiNorthern        = "se"
	SamiNorthernFinland = "se-FI"
	SamiNorthernNorway  = "se-NO"
	SamiNorthernSweden  = "se-SE"

	Sinhala = "si" // Sri Lanka.

	Slovak         = "sk"
	SlovakSlovakia = "sk-SK"

	Slovenian         = "sl"
	SlovenianSlovenia = "sl-SI"

	SamiSouthern       = "sma"
	SamiSouthernNorway = "sma-NO"
	SamiSouthernSweden = "sma-SE"

	SamiLule       = "smj"
	SamiLuleNorway = "smj-NO"
	SamiLuleSweden = "smj-SE"

	SamiInari        = "smn"
	SamiInariFinland = "smn-FI"

	SamiSkolt        = "sms"
	SamiSkoltFinland = "sms-FI"

	Albanian        = "sq"
	AlbanianAlbania = "sq-AL"

	Serbian                          = "sr"
	SerbianCyrillicBosniaHerzegovina = "sr-Cyrl-BA"
	SerbianCyrillicSerbia            = "sr-Cyrl-CS"
	SerbianLatinBosniaHerzegovina    = "sr-Latn-BA"
	SerbianLatinSerbia               = "sr-Latn-CS"

	Swedish        = "sv"
	SwedishFinland = "sv-FI"
	SwedishSweden  = "sv-SE"

	Sotho = "st" // Lesotho, South Africa & Zimbabwe.

	Kiswahili      = "sw"
	KiswahiliKenya = "sw-KE"

	Syriac      = "syr"
	SyriacSyria = "syr-SY"

	Tamil         = "ta"
	TamilIndia    = "ta-IN"
	TamilSriLanka = "ta-LK"

	Telugu      = "te"
	TeluguIndia = "te-IN"

	Tajik = "tg"

	Thai         = "th"
	ThaiThailand = "th-Th"

	Tigrinya = "ti" // Eritrea & northern Ethiopia.

	Turkmen = "tk" // Turkmenistan, Afghanistan, Iran, Uzbekistan, Tajikistan, Turkey & Russia.

	Tswana            = "tn"
	TswanaSouthAfrica = "tn-ZA"

	Turkish       = "tr"
	TurkishTurkey = "tr-TR"

	Tsonga = "ts" //	Eswatini, Mozambique, South Africa & Zimbabwe.

	Tatar       = "tt"
	TatarRussia = "tt-RU"

	Tamazight = "tzm"

	Uyghur = "ug"

	Ukrainian        = "uk"
	UkrainianUkraine = "uk-UA"

	Urdu                        = "ur"
	UrduIslamicRepublicPakistan = "ur-PK"

	Uzbek                   = "uz"
	UzbekCyrillicUzbekistan = "uz-Cyrl-UZ"
	UzbekLatinUzbekistan    = "uz-Latn-UZ"

	Vietnamese        = "vi"
	VietnameseVietnam = "vi-VN"

	Venda = "ve" // South Africa & Zimbabwe.

	Wolof = "wo"

	Xhosa            = "xh"
	XhosaSouthAfrica = "xh-ZA"

	Yoruba = "yo"

	Chinese            = "zh"
	ChineseChina       = "zh-CN"
	ChineseHongKong    = "zh-HK"
	ChineseSimplified  = "zh-CHS"
	ChineseTraditional = "zh-CHT"
	ChineseMacao       = "zh-MO"
	ChineseSingapore   = "zh-SG"
	ChineseTaiwan      = "zh-TW"

	Zulu            = "zu"
	ZuluSouthAfrica = "zu-ZA"

IANA Language Subtag Registry:


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