GoKrazy Appliance of the OpenTelemetry Collector
Run the OpenTelemetry collector as an appliance on a Raspberry Pi (powered by gokrazy).
The motivation behind gokrazy is to get "... rid of memory-unsafe languages and all software we don’t strictly need" and with that you don't have to "... care about security issues and Linux distribution maintenance on our various Raspberry Pis". Having these features for the OpenTelemetry collector is the motiviation behind this project.

Quick Start
Install the latest version of Go.
Follow the instructions from the gokrazy quickstart to build an image for a SD card, e.g.
go install github.com/gokrazy/tools/cmd/gokr-packer@latest
mkdir -p ~/${INSTANCE?}
cd ~/${INSTANCE?}
go mod init otelcol
Next, you put the configuration file for the opentelemetry collector in place:
mkdir -p extrafiles/github.com/svrnm/krazyotelcol/etc/
# Downloading the config from the otel collector test. Of course you can use any other config.
curl https://raw.githubusercontent.com/open-telemetry/opentelemetry-collector/main/cmd/builder/test/core.otel.yaml > ./extrafiles/github.com/svrnm/krazyotelcol/etc/otelcol-config.yaml
mkdir -p flags/github.com/svrnm/krazyotelcol/
echo '--config=/etc/otelcol-config.yaml' \
> flags/github.com/svrnm/krazyotelcol/flags.txt
On Linux, run the gokr-packer
to overwrite an SD card with gokrazy:
gokr-packer -overwrite=/dev/sdx -serial_console=disabled -target_storage_bytes=2147483648 github.com/gokrazy/fbstatus github.com/svrnm/krazyotelcol
On MacOS write the image to a file, and use a tool like etcher to flash your image on your SD card:
gokr-packer -overwrite=./full.img -serial_console=disabled -target_storage_bytes=2147483648 github.com/gokrazy/fbstatus github.com/svrnm/krazyotelcol
After flashing your SD card, unplug it and boot from it.
If you have plugged in a monitor, you should see a system status on it via fbstatus
After a few more minutes you should be able to access the web-interface at http://gokrazy (username and password are provided during image creation). You can also watch the logs of the OpenTelemetry Collector at http://gokrazy/status?path=%2fuser%2fkrazyotelcol:

Build your own
By default krazyotelcol uses the same otelcol-builder.yaml as the otelcol distribution. If you need your own distribution of
the collector you can do the following:
# Download the opentelemetry collector builder
GO111MODULE=on go install go.opentelemetry.io/collector/cmd/builder@latest
mkdir -p ~/gokrazy/collector
cd ~/gokrazy/collector
# download the base config
curl https://github.com/svrnm/krazyotelcol/tree/main/otelcol-builder.yaml
# edit your config
vim otelcol-builder.yaml
# build the config
~/go/bin/builder --config=./otelcol-builder.yaml --skip-compilation
cd ..
mkdir package
cd package
go mod init otelcol
go mod edit -require github.com/svrnm/krazyotelcol@v0.0.0
go mod edit -replace github.com/svrnm/krazyotelcol=../
From here you can follow the instructions above to setup your configs and to overwrite your SD card with gokrazy