
package module
v1.2.0 Latest Latest

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Published: Sep 27, 2020 License: MIT Imports: 15 Imported by: 0


mplus 🚍

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mplus 是一个轻量级的非侵入式 http 请求处理辅助框架。具有以下特色:

  • 能够灵活的将大量 middleware 组合成一个 http-Handler 直接使用。
  • 能够在规划路由的时候定义需要绑定请求数据的 model 及校验规则,而不是在每个 Handler 内处理绑定及校验逻辑。
  • 能够为你的路由设置前置或后置处理器(类似 middleware)。
  • 无需改变你的路由定义,完全兼容 http 规范。
  • 在 Handler 内托管 http.ResponseWriterhttp.Request ,后续代码通过简便的 API 完成请求的响应。
  • 提供了 Query 对象,能够动态地链式完成 URI 及字段值的拼接,而非官方繁杂的处理流程。
  • 通过注册 errCode ,自动完成对应的响应状态码及响应消息处理。
  • 提供重复读取 request.Body 内容的 API。
  • 灵活配合其他框架使用。



引入 mplus

  1. use the below Go command to install mplus
$ go get -u
  1. Import it in your code:
import ""


# assume the following codes in simple.go file
$ cat simple.go
package main

import (


func main() {
	http.ListenAndServe(":8080", mplus.MRote().HandlerFunc(Hello))

// Handler
func Hello(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
	// take you w,r then give you a plus
	mplus.PlusPlus(w, r).JSONOK(map[string]string{"data": "hello world"})

# run server
$ go run simple.go
# request the server api
$ curl localhost:8080

{"data":"hello world"}



恰当的使用中间件,能够大大提升代码的可维护性,使用中间件能够实现 AOP 面向切面编程的思想,降低代码的耦合度。

面向切面的程序设计(Aspect-oriented programming,AOP,又译作面向方面的程序设计剖面导向程序设计)是计算机科学中的一种程序设计思想,旨在将横切关注点与业务主体进行进一步分离,以提高程序代码的模块化程度

mplus 的中间件分为以下三种:

  • 前置请求处理器:只在 Handler 前执行
  • 后置请求处理器:只在 Handler 后执行
  • middleware :自定义与 Handler 之间的执行关系

使用前置请求处理器,能为你将 Handler 内的部分前置逻辑进行抽离,提供更好的可维护性。

  • mplus.MRote().Before(...http.HandlerFunc) 为当前请求添加前置请求处理
  • mplus.MRote().BeforeHandler(...http.Handler) 为当前请求添加前置请求处理
var num = 0

func main() {
	http.ListenAndServe(":8080", mplus.MRote().Before(AddNum).HandlerFunc(Num))

// increase num per request
func AddNum(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
	num ++

// Handler
func Num(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
	mplus.PlusPlus(w, r).JSONOK(map[string]string{"num": num})


同样的,你能为你的 Handler 中的部分逻辑添加至后置请求处理器,在后置处理器中,你能做一些不影响当前业务的附带行为。

  • mplus.MRote().After(...http.HandlerFunc) 为当前请求添加后置请求处理
  • mplus.MRote().AfterHandler(...http.Handler) 为当前请求添加后置请求处理
var lastVisitIndex = 0

func main() {

// MaxVisitTimesControl as a before handler control visit times
func MaxVisitTimesControl(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
	if lastVisitIndex > 10 {
		mplus.PlusPlus(w, r).Forbidden() // return status cod 403

// AddNum as an after handler increase num per request
func AddNum(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
	lastVisitIndex ++

// Handler
func Num(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
	mplus.PlusPlus(w, r).JSONOK(map[string]int{"num": lastVisitIndex})
使用 middleware 中间件

当然,你也可以直接使用 middleware 灵活控制与 Handler 的关系

  • mplus.MRote().Use(...MiddlewareHandlerFunc) 为当前请求组合中间件
  • mplus.MRote().UseHandlerMiddleware(...MiddlewareHandler) 为当前请求组合中间件
func main() {
	http.ListenAndServe(":8080", mplus.MRote().Use(SetRequestID).HandlerFunc(Hello))

// use middleware to set requestID per request
func SetRequestID(next http.HandlerFunc) http.HandlerFunc {
	return func(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
		w.Header().Add(mplus.HeaderRequestID, uuid.Must(uuid.NewV4()).String())// "X-Request-Id"

		// call next ,may be is Handler or next middleware
		next.ServeHTTP(w, r)

// Handler
func Hello(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
	mplus.PlusPlus(w, r).JSONOK(map[string]string{"data": "hello world"})

mplus 同时支持在 middleware 中使用,除了能够帮你托管 ResponseWriterRequest 还支持托管 http.Handler 即上述 SetRequestID middleware 的 next 参数:

// use middleware to set requestID per request
func SetRequestID(next http.HandlerFunc) http.HandlerFunc {

	return func(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
		// write "X-Request-Id" to resp’s head then call next by mplus which take next handler

该版本的 SetRequestID 效果与上一个版本相同。

中间件与 HTTP-Handler 之间的交互

在某些时候我们可能需要在中间件之间专递信息,或则需要将信息从中间件传递到实际的 Handler 中。mplus 提供了相应的 Get/Set 方法集用于处理缓存于当前上下文中的数据

  • mplus.PP.Get(key string) 从当前请求的上下文中获取指定数据
  • mplus.PP.GetDf(key string, defaultValue interface{}) 从当前请求的上下文中获取指定数据,不存在则返回默认值
  • mplus.PP.Set(key string, value interface{}) 将指定数据放入当前请求的上下文中
  • mplus.PP.SetR(key string, value interface{}) 将指定数据放入当前请求的上下文中,并返回当前数据
type User struct {
	Name string `json:"name"`

func main() {
	http.ListenAndServe(":8080", mplus.MRote().Use(SetRequestID, PreSearchUser).HandlerFunc(Hello))

// use middleware to set requestID per request
func SetRequestID(next http.HandlerFunc) http.HandlerFunc {

	return func(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
		pp := mplus.PlusPlus(w, r).Handler(next)

		// add "X-Request-Id" to request's context and header at the same time
			pp.SetStringR(mplus.HeaderRequestID, uuid.Must(uuid.NewV4()).String()))

		// call next

const KeyUser = "user"

// use middleware to check user before handler
func PreSearchUser(next http.HandlerFunc) http.HandlerFunc {

	return func(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {

		pp := mplus.PlusPlus(w, r).Handler(next)

		// search user by id which get from url then add to request's context
		pp.Set(KeyUser, SearchUserService(pp.Query("id")))

		// call next
		// Or complete all steps at once as follows
		// mplus.PlusPlus(w, r).Handler(next).
		// Set(KeyUser, SearchUserService(pp.Query("id"))).ServeHTTP()

func SearchUserService(id string) *User {
	return &User{"tom"}

// Handler
func Hello(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {

	pp := mplus.PlusPlus(w, r)

	requestID := pp.Get(mplus.HeaderRequestID) // get requestID from request's context
	userName := pp.Get(KeyUser).(*User).Name   // get user from request's context

	pp.JSONOK(mplus.Data{"request_id": requestID, "message": "hello " + userName})

$ curl http://localhost:8080?id=1

< HTTP/1.1 200 OK
{"message":"hello tom","request_id":"9ccadf01-cfdf-4822-b528-3a1b6e79987a"}
前置/后置请求处理器与 middleware 中间件之间的关系

每个 Handler 都可以与任意的 BeforeAftermiddleware 进行搭配,他们之间的关系如下:

  • BeforeAfter 与 Handler 进行组合, 执行顺序如下:
  • middleware 与 Handler 进行组合,执行顺序如下:
  • BeforeAftermiddleware 同时与 Handler 进行组合, 执行顺序如下:
绑定 model 并校验请求数据有效性

在日常的 API 开发中,我们经常需要在 Handler 中将请求数据映射到指定对象上并进行数据校验,然后再传递到其他地方进行后续处理,用原始的方式你需要写大量的处理代码,mplus 可以大大降低你的代码量。

mplus 内置使用 validator 作为 JSON 数据规则校验引擎

  • mplus.MRote().Bind(interface{}) 为当前请求绑定指定数据类型
  • mplus.RegisterValidateErrorFunc(ValidateErrorType,func(http.ResponseWriter,*http.Request, error)) 注册一个数据校验异常处理 Hook
type V struct {
	Addr string `json:"addr" validate:"min=10"` // min len is 10

func main() {
	// (*V)(nil) mean that is a nil point which hold type info
	// bind model just need type info
	http.ListenAndServe(":8080", mplus.MRote().Bind((*V)(nil)).HandlerFunc(Address))

// Handler
func Address(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
	pp := mplus.PlusPlus(w, r)

	// pass to response data is V instance from request data
# request success
$ curl --request POST \
>   --url http://localhost:8080/ \
>   --header 'content-type: application/json' \
>   --data '{"addr":"广东省深圳市南山区 xxx 号"}'

{"addr":"广东省深圳市南山区 xxx 号 :)"}
# request failed
$ curl --request POST \
>   --url http://localhost:8080/408 \
>   --header 'content-type: application/json' \
>   --data '{"addr":""}' 

< HTTP/1.1 400 Bad Request

如果需要了解到校验过程中具体发生异常的内容,可以添加如下 Hook 定义响应输出的内容

func main() {
	// register a hook to show err message when validate failed
                                  func(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request, err error) {
		mplus.PlusPlus(w, r).JSON(mplus.Data{"err_message": err.Error()}, 400)

	http.ListenAndServe(":8080", mplus.MRote().Bind((*V)(nil)).HandlerFunc(Address))
$ curl --request POST \
>   --url http://localhost:8080/408 \
>   --header 'content-type: application/json' \
>   --data '{"addr":""}' 

< HTTP/1.1 400 Bad Request
{"err_message":"Key: 'V.Addr' Error:Field validation for 'Addr' failed on the 'min' tag"}
form 数据的绑定

mplus 同时内置 form 作为 querystringform 格式数据的解析引擎,这样你便能通过 Bind 同时绑定请求体数据内容及URL 上的数据内容

// tag “form”, can parse parameter from URL or form-data
type V struct {
	Addr string `form:"addr" validate:"min=10"` // min len is 10
# addr on URL
$ curl http://localhost:8080?addr=广东省深圳市南山区xxxx

< HTTP/1.1 200 OK
# by application/x-www-form-urlencoded
$ curl http://localhost:8080 --data 'addr=广东省深圳市南山区xxxx'

< HTTP/1.1 200 OK
# Request body parameters take precedence over URL query string values
$ curl http://localhost:8080?addr=广东省深圳市南山区yyyyy --data 'addr=广东省深圳市南山区xxxx'

< HTTP/1.1 200 OK

如果 validatorform 不能满足你的校验规则,你还能为当前 model 自定义校验逻辑进行补充

type V struct {
	Addr string `json:"addr" validate:"min=10"` // min len is 10

// implement mplus.RequestValidate
func (v V) Validate(r *http.Request) (ok bool /*校验是否成功*/, errMsg string /*校验失败的原因*/) {

	if strings.Index(v.Addr, "广东") != 0 {
		return false, "addr must begin 广东"

	return true, ""

func main() {
	// register a hook to show err message when validate failed by model.Validate
                                  func(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request, err error) {
		mplus.PlusPlus(w, r).JSON(map[string]string{"err_message": err.Error()}, 400)

	http.ListenAndServe(":8080", mplus.MRote().Bind((*V)(nil)).HandlerFunc(Address))

// Handler
func Address(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
	pp := mplus.PlusPlus(w, r)

	// pass data to response
$ curl --request POST \
>   --url http://localhost:8080/ \
>   --header 'content-type: application/json' \
>   --data '{"addr":"其他省深圳市南山区 xxx 号"}' 

< HTTP/1.1 400 Bad Request
{"err_message":"addr must begin 广东"}
延迟计算 model 类型

如果你无法在声明路由的时候直接确定 Handler 绑定的 model 类型,传递一个用于延迟计算实际需要绑定的 model 类型的回调函数。

// InsertUser use for insert a new one
type InsertUser struct {
	Account  string `json:"account"     form:"account"`
	Name     string `json:"name"        form:"name"`
	Password string `json:"password"    form:"password"`

// UpdateUser use for update name
type UpdateUser struct {
	Account string `json:"account"  form:"account"`
	Name    string `json:"name"     form:"name"`

// SelectBindModel will calculate which type of model to bind when handler got a request
func SelectBindModel(r *http.Request) (interface{}, error) {

	switch mplus.GetHeader(r, "X-Do-What") {
	case "update":
		return (*UpdateUser)(nil), nil
	case "insert":
		return (*InsertUser)(nil), nil
	return nil, errors.New("bind type not found")

func main() {
	// register a hook to show err message when select model failed
                                  func(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request, err error) {

		// {"err_message":"bind type not found"} 400
		mplus.PlusPlus(w, r).JSON(mplus.Data{"err_message": err.Error()}, 400)

	handler := mplus.MRote().Bind(mplus.ValidateFunc(SelectBindModel)).HandlerFunc(Whatever)

// Handler
func Whatever(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
	pp := mplus.PlusPlus(w, r)

	// got pp.VO() do anything
	// pass data to response
# request failed
$ curl http://localhost:8080

< HTTP/1.1 400 Bad Request
{"err_message":"bind type not found"}
# request success by application/x-www-form-urlencoded
$ curl http://localhost:8080 --header 'X-Do-What: update' --data 'account=xxx@xxx&name=xxx'

< HTTP/1.1 200 OK
# request success by application/json
$ curl http://localhost:8080 \
>   --header 'X-Do-What: update' \
>   --header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
>   --data '{"account":"xxx@xxx","name":"xxx"}' 

< HTTP/1.1 200 OK
使用 Query 构造请求 URI

使用官方原始的 API 方式构造 URI 非常繁琐,举例如下:

urlValues := make(url.Values)
urlValues.Add("name", "tom")
urlValues.Add("age", "15")
path := "http://localhost?" + urlValues.Encode()

mplus 能够让你的代码更优雅:

mplus.NewQuery().AddPairs("name", "tom", "age", "15").AppendToURI("http://localhost")

上面两种方式都是同样能够输出 http://localhost?age=15&name=tom

mplus 还能做到更灵活,使用 IfD 命名结尾的相关函数能动态决定是否添加字段,与原始的官方 API 处理方式对比如下:

var (
  values = map[string]bool{
    "name": false, // will be continue
    "age":  true,
  urlValues = make(url.Values)

if values["name"] {
  urlValues.Set("name", "tom")
if values["age"] {
  urlValues.Set("age", "15")

fmt.Printf("%v\n", fmt.Sprintf("http://localhost/users/%v?", 1) + urlValues.Encode())

fmt.Printf("%v\n", mplus.NewQuery().
           SetIf(values["name"], "name", "tom").
           SetIf(values["age"], "age", "15").
           AppendToURIFormat("http://localhost/users/%v", 1))

// OutPut:
// http://localhost/users/1?age=15
// http://localhost/users/1?age=15


values := map[string]interface{}{
  "name": nil, // will be continue
  "age":  "15",

query := mplus.NewQuery().
  SetIfD(values["name"] != nil, "name", func() string { return values["name"].(string) }). 
  SetIfD(values["age"] != nil, "age", func() string { return values["age"].(string) })


// OutPut:
// http://localhost/users/1?age=15

甚至你能将字段的计算统一做延迟处理并封装到独立的函数内传递到 Query:

query := mplus.NewQuery().SetPairsD(func() []string { // lazy dynamic
  values := map[string]int{
    "first":  1,
    "second": 2,
    "third":  3,

  var pairs []string

  for key, value := range values {
    pairs = append(pairs, key, fmt.Sprint(value))

  return pairs


// OutPut:
// http://localhost/users/1?first=1&second=2&third=3
便捷的 API 响应

HTTP 响应状态码指示特定 HTTP 请求是否已成功完成。mplus 为常用的响应状态码提供了便捷的 API。

  • 200:mplus.PP.OK()
  • 400:mplus.PP.BadRequest()
  • 401:mplus.PP.Unauthorized()
  • 403:mplus.PP.Forbidden()
  • 404:mplus.PP.NotFound()
  • 405:mplus.PP.NotAllowed()
  • 408:mplus.PP.RequestTimeout()
  • 409:mplus.PP.Conflict()
  • 415:mplus.PP.UnsupportedMediaType()
  • 500:mplus.PP.InternalServerError()
  • more ...


func main() {
	mux := http.NewServeMux()
	mr := mplus.MRote() // It's very easy to reuse
	//  response's status code is 200
	mux.Handle("/200", mr.HandlerFunc(func(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
		mplus.PlusPlus(w, r).OK()

	//  response's status code is 400
	mux.Handle("/400", mr.HandlerFunc(func(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
		mplus.PlusPlus(w, r).BadRequest()

	//  response's status code is 401
	mux.Handle("/401", mr.HandlerFunc(func(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {

		// WWW-Authenticate: Basic
		// see
		mplus.PlusPlus(w, r).WriteRespHeader(mplus.HeaderWWWAuthenticate, `Basic`).Unauthorized()
	//  response's status code is 403
	mux.Handle("/403", mr.HandlerFunc(func(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {

		// chang default Date header
		// Date: Sat, 28 Sep 2019 01:58:43 GMT
		// TimeFormat is the time format to use when generating times in HTTP
		// headers. It is like time.RFC1123 but hard-codes GMT as the time
		// zone. The time being formatted must be in UTC for Format to
		// generate the correct format.
		mplus.PlusPlus(w, r).WriteRespHeader(
			mplus.HeaderDate, time.Now().Add(time.Hour).UTC().Format(http.TimeFormat)).Forbidden()
	//  response's status code is 404
	mux.Handle("/404", mr.HandlerFunc(func(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
		mplus.PlusPlus(w, r).NotFound()

	//  response's status code is 405
	mux.Handle("/405", mr.HandlerFunc(func(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {

		// Allow: GET, POST, HEAD
		// see
		mplus.PlusPlus(w, r).WriteRespHeader(mplus.HeaderAllow, "GET,POST,HEAD").NotAllowed()

	//  response's status code is 408
	mux.Handle("/408", mr.HandlerFunc(func(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {

		// Connection: close
		// see
		mplus.PlusPlus(w, r).WriteRespHeader(mplus.HeaderConnection, "close").RequestTimeout()

	//  response's status code is 500
	mux.Handle("/500", mr.HandlerFunc(func(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
		mplus.PlusPlus(w, r).InternalServerError()

	http.ListenAndServe(":8080", mux)

响应状态码系列 API 默认情况下会附带 Content-Typetext/plain; charset=utf-8 的 header,如果你不喜欢该系列 API 提供的默认行为,你可以对其行为进行更改:

  • mplus.RegisterHttpStatusMethod 更改指定 HTTP 状态码的响应处理
func main() {
	mux := http.NewServeMux()

	// register a StatusBadRequest hook to change default's behavior
                      func(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request, m message.Message, statusCode int) {

		// {"err_message":"Bad Request"} 400 Bad Request
		mplus.PlusPlus(w, r).JSON(mplus.Data{"err_message": m.En()}, m.Status())

	//  response's status code is 400
	mux.Handle("/400",  mplus.MRote().HandlerFunc(func(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
		mplus.PlusPlus(w, r).BadRequest()

	http.ListenAndServe(":8080", mux)
curl http://localhost:8080/400

< HTTP/1.1 400 Bad Request
{"err_message":"Bad Request"}
使用 errCode 规划 API 响应不同数据内容

在 API 开发过程中经常需要对不同的情况做不同的响应处理并返回对应的数据结果,第三方通过响应的数据结果内容判断 API 请求完成情况。

mplus 设计了一套通过 errCode 注册不同的响应结果处理逻辑,在 Handler 中只需要将预先定义好的 errCode 传递到 mplus,mplus 就能够对其执行预先注册的逻辑完成剩余的响应工作,而完成这个功能的媒介即 Message

  • mplus.NewCallbackMessage(int,int,string,CallbackMessage) 创建一个附带CallbcakMessage

  • mplus.Messages.Add(Message) 添加一个 Message

  • mplus.pp.CallbackByCode(int,interface{}) 通过 errCode 触发指定的 Callback

type V struct {
	Addr string `json:"addr" validate:"min=10"` // min len is 10

// errCode 400001
var ErrCodeAddrNotExists = 400001

// ErrCodeCallbackFun will be perform when ErrCodeAddrNotExists be use to PP.CallbackByCode
func ErrCodeCallbackFun(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request, m mplus.Message, respData interface{}) {
	// {"code":400001,"message":"addr not exists"}
	mplus.JSON(w, r, mplus.Data{"message": m.En()}, m.Status())

func CheckAddr(string) bool {
	return false

func main() {

	// register a message for ErrCodeAddrNotExists
		mplus.NewCallbackMessage(http.StatusBadRequest, ErrCodeAddrNotExists, "addr not exists", ErrCodeCallbackFun))

	http.ListenAndServe(":8080", mplus.MRote().Bind((*V)(nil)).HandlerFunc(Address))

// Handler
func Address(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
	pp := mplus.PlusPlus(w, r)

	if !CheckAddr(pp.VO().(*V).Addr) {

		//  pp search ErrCodeAddrNotExists message  pass to ErrCodeCallbackFun
		// second arg is respData pass to registered callback func on Messages -> ErrCodeCallbackFun
		pp.CallbackByCode(ErrCodeAddrNotExists, nil)

	pp.JSONOK(nil) // pass nil will specify mplus.EmptyRespData
$ curl --request POST \
>   --url http://localhost:8080/ \
>   --header 'content-type: application/json' \
>   --data '{"addr":"广东省深圳市南山区 xxx 号"}'

< HTTP/1.1 400 Bad Request
{"code":400001,"message":"addr not exists"}
重复读取 request.Body

由于request.Body 是一个 io.ReadCloser 实例,默认没有提供重复读取的能力。mplus 提供了API 在保留 request.Body 读取数据能力的同时获取数据内容。

  • mplus.PP.ReqBody() 保持 request.Body 可用并返回 string 格式的 body 内容
  • mplus.PP.ReqBodyPure() 保持 request.Body 可用并返回 []byte 格式的 body 内容
  • mplus.PP.ReqBodyMap() 保持 request.Body 可用并返回 map[string]interface{} 格式的 body 内容
  • mplus.PP.ReqBodyToUnmarshaler(unmarshaler json.Unmarshaler) 保持 request.Body 可用并将 body 内容序列化到 unmarshaler
type V struct {
	Addr string `json:"addr"`

func main() {
	// (*V)(nil) mean that is a nil point which hold type info
	// Bind model just need type info
	http.ListenAndServe(":8080", mplus.MRote().Bind((*V)(nil)).HandlerFunc(Address))

func Address(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
	pp := mplus.PlusPlus(w, r)

	v, ok := pp.VO().(*V)
	if !ok {
		pp.BadRequest() // 400

	if string(pp.ReqBodyPure()) != pp.ReqBody() {

		pp.InternalServerError() // 500

	if bodyMap, err := pp.ReqBodyMap(); err != nil || v.Addr != bodyMap["addr"] {

		pp.InternalServerError() // 500

	pp.OK() // 200
$ curl --request POST \
> --url http://localhost:8080/ \
> --header 'content-type: application/json' \
> --data '{"addr":"广东省深圳市南山区 xxx 号"}'

< HTTP/1.1 200 OK 






View Source
const (
	ReqData  = context.ReqData
	BodyData = context.BodyData


View Source
const (
	ErrBodyRead        = errs.ErrBodyRead
	ErrBodyUnmarshal   = errs.ErrBodyUnmarshal
	ErrBodyParse       = errs.ErrBodyParse
	ErrMediaTypeParse  = errs.ErrMediaTypeParse
	ErrMediaType       = errs.ErrMediaType
	ErrDecode          = errs.ErrDecode
	ErrParseQuery      = errs.ErrParseQuery
	ErrBodyValidate    = errs.ErrBodyValidate
	ErrRequestValidate = errs.ErrRequestValidate
	ErrDefault         = errs.ErrDefault
	ErrModelSelect     = errs.ErrModelSelect
View Source
const (
	HeaderAccept                          = header.Accept
	HeaderAcceptCharset                   = header.AcceptCharset
	HeaderAccessControlAllowCredentials   = header.AccessControlAllowCredentials
	HeaderAccessControlAllowHeader        = header.AccessControlAllowHeaders
	HeaderAccessControlAllowMethods       = header.AccessControlAllowMethods
	HeaderAccessControlAllowOrigin        = header.AccessControlAllowOrigin
	HeaderAccessControlExposeHeader       = header.AccessControlExposeHeaders
	HeaderAccessControlMaxAge             = header.AccessControlMaxAge
	HeaderAccessControlRequestHeader      = header.AccessControlRequestHeaders
	HeaderAccessControlRequestMethod      = header.AccessControlRequestMethod
	HeaderAcceptEncoding                  = header.AcceptEncoding
	HeaderAcceptLanguage                  = header.AcceptLanguage
	HeaderAcceptRanges                    = header.AcceptRanges
	HeaderAllow                           = header.Allow
	HeaderAge                             = header.Age
	HeaderAltSvc                          = header.AltSvc
	HeaderAuthorization                   = header.Authorization
	HeaderCacheControl                    = header.CacheControl
	HeaderCc                              = header.Cc
	HeaderClearSiteData                   = header.ClearSiteData
	HeaderConnection                      = header.Connection
	HeaderContentType                     = header.ContentType
	HeaderContentLocation                 = header.ContentLocation
	HeaderContentRange                    = header.ContentRange
	HeaderContentID                       = header.ContentID
	HeaderContentDisposition              = header.ContentDisposition
	HeaderContentLanguage                 = header.ContentLanguage
	HeaderContentLength                   = header.ContentLength
	HeaderContentEncoding                 = header.ContentEncoding
	HeaderContentTransferEncoding         = header.ContentTransferEncoding
	HeaderCookie                          = header.Cookie
	HeaderCrossOriginResourcePolicy       = header.CrossOriginResourcePolicy
	HeaderContentSecurityPolicyReportOnly = header.ContentSecurityPolicyReportOnly
	HeaderContentSecurityPolicy           = header.ContentSecurityPolicy
	HeaderDNS                             = header.DNS
	HeaderDate                            = header.Date
	HeaderDNT                             = header.DNT
	HeaderDigest                          = header.Digest
	HeaderDkimSignature                   = header.DkimSignature
	HeaderEtag                            = header.Etag
	HeaderEarlyData                       = header.EarlyData
	HeaderExpect                          = header.Expect
	HeaderExpectCT                        = header.ExpectCT
	HeaderExpires                         = header.Expires
	HeaderFeaturePolicy                   = header.FeaturePolicy
	HeaderFrom                            = header.From
	HeaderForwarded                       = header.Forwarded
	HeaderHost                            = header.Host
	HeaderIfUnmodifiedSince               = header.IfUnmodifiedSince
	HeaderIfModifiedSince                 = header.IfModifiedSince
	HeaderIfMatch                         = header.IfMatch
	HeaderIfRange                         = header.IfRange
	HeaderIfNoneMatch                     = header.IfNoneMatch
	HeaderInReplyTo                       = header.InReplyTo
	HeaderKeepAlive                       = header.KeepAlive
	HeaderLargeAllocation                 = header.LargeAllocation
	HeaderLastModified                    = header.LastModified
	HeaderLocation                        = header.Location
	HeaderMessageID                       = header.MessageID
	HeaderMimeVersion                     = header.MimeVersion
	HeaderOrigin                          = header.Origin
	HeaderPublicKeyPinsReportOnly         = header.PublicKeyPinsReportOnly
	HeaderPublicKeyPins                   = header.PublicKeyPins
	HeaderProxyAuthorization              = header.ProxyAuthorization
	HeaderProxyAuthenticate               = header.ProxyAuthenticate
	HeaderPragma                          = header.Pragma
	HeaderRange                           = header.Range
	HeaderReferer                         = header.Referer
	HeaderRetryAfter                      = header.RetryAfter
	HeaderReferrerPolicy                  = header.ReferrerPolicy
	HeaderReceived                        = header.Received
	HeaderReturnPath                      = header.ReturnPath
	HeaderSaveData                        = header.SaveData
	HeaderServer                          = header.Server
	HeaderSecWebSocketAccept              = header.SecWebSocketAccept
	HeaderServerTiming                    = header.ServerTiming
	HeaderSetCookie                       = header.SetCookie
	HeaderSubject                         = header.Subject
	HeaderStrictTransportSecurity         = header.StrictTransportSecurity
	HeaderSourceMap                       = header.SourceMap
	HeaderTE                              = header.TE
	HeaderTimingAllowOrigin               = header.TimingAllowOrigin
	HeaderTk                              = header.Tk
	HeaderTrailer                         = header.Trailer
	HeaderTransferEncoding                = header.TransferEncoding
	HeaderTo                              = header.To
	HeaderUserAgent                       = header.UserAgent
	HeaderUpgradeInsecureRequests         = header.UpgradeInsecureRequests
	HeaderVia                             = header.Via
	HeaderVary                            = header.Vary
	HeaderWWWAuthenticate                 = header.WWWAuthenticate
	HeaderWantDigest                      = header.WantDigest
	HeaderWarning                         = header.Warning
	HeaderForwardedHost                   = header.ForwardedHost
	HeaderForwardedProto                  = header.ForwardedProto
	HeaderFrameOptions                    = header.FrameOptions
	HeaderXSSProtection                   = header.XSSProtection
	HeaderContentTypeOptions              = header.ContentTypeOptions
	HeaderDNSPrefetchControl              = header.DNSPrefetchControl
	HeaderPoweredBy                       = header.PoweredBy
	HeaderImforwards                      = header.Imforwards
	HeaderRequestID                       = header.RequestID
	HeaderForwardedFor                    = header.ForwardedFor
	HeaderRealIP                          = header.RealIP
	HeaderAppEngineRemoteAddr             = header.AppEngineRemoteAddr


View Source
const (
	ContentTypeJSON              = header.ContentTypeJSON
	ContentTypeForm              = header.ContentTypeForm
	ContentTypeText              = header.ContentTypeText
	ContentTypeXML               = header.ContentTypeXML
	ContentTypeStream            = header.ContentTypeStream
	ContentTypeHTML              = header.ContentTypeHTML
	ContentTypeXML2              = header.ContentTypeXML2
	ContentTypePlain             = header.ContentTypePlain
	ContentTypeMultipartPOSTForm = header.ContentTypeMultipartPOSTForm
	ContentTypePROTOBUF          = header.ContentTypePROTOBUF
	ContentTypeMSGPACK           = header.ContentTypeMSGPACK
	ContentTypeMSGPACK2          = header.ContentTypeMSGPACK2
View Source
const (
	SplitSepBlankSpace = header.SplitSepBlankSpace
	SplitSepComma      = header.SplitSepComma
	SplitSepSemicolon  = header.SplitSepSemicolon


View Source
const (
	MSGLangZH = message.MSGLangZH
	MSGLangEN = message.MSGLangEN
View Source
const (
	MIMEJSON              = mime.MIMEJSON
	MIMEHTML              = mime.MIMEHTML
	MIMEXML               = mime.MIMEXML
	MIMEXML2              = mime.MIMEXML2
	MIMEPlain             = mime.MIMEPlain
	MIMEPOSTForm          = mime.MIMEPOSTForm
	MIMEMultipartPOSTForm = mime.MIMEMultipartPOSTForm
	MIMEStream            = mime.MIMEStream

mime 媒体类型


View Source
var (
	GetContextValue        = context.GetContextValue
	SetContextValue        = context.SetContextValue
	NewContext             = context.NewContext
	CopyContext            = context.CopyContext
	GetContextValueString  = context.GetContextValueString
	GetContextValueInt     = context.GetContextValueInt
	GetContextValueInt8    = context.GetContextValueInt8
	GetContextValueInt16   = context.GetContextValueInt16
	GetContextValueInt32   = context.GetContextValueInt32
	GetContextValueInt64   = context.GetContextValueInt64
	GetContextValueUInt    = context.GetContextValueUInt
	GetContextValueUInt8   = context.GetContextValueUInt8
	GetContextValueUInt16  = context.GetContextValueUInt16
	GetContextValueUInt32  = context.GetContextValueUInt32
	GetContextValueUInt64  = context.GetContextValueUInt64
	GetContextValueBool    = context.GetContextValueBool
	GetContextValueByte    = context.GetContextValueByte
	GetContextValueBytes   = context.GetContextValueBytes
	GetContextValueTime    = context.GetContextValueTime
	GetContextValueFloat32 = context.GetContextValueFloat32
	GetContextValueFloat64 = context.GetContextValueFloat64
View Source
var (
	Decoder    = decode.Decoder
	DecodeForm = decode.DecodeForm
View Source
var (
	ValidateErrorTypeMsg               = errs.ValidateErrorTypeMsg
	ValidateErrorHub                   = errs.ValidateErrorHub
	ValidateErrorWrap                  = errs.ValidateErrorWrap
	GlobalValidateErrorHandler         = errs.GlobalValidateErrorHandler
	RegisterGlobalValidateErrorHandler = errs.RegisterGlobalValidateErrorHandler
	RegisterValidateErrorFunc          = errs.RegisterValidateErrorFunc
View Source
var (
	GetHeader                  = header.GetHeader
	GetHeaderValues            = header.GetHeaderValues
	SplitHeader                = header.SplitHeader
	GetHeaderRequestID         = header.GetHeaderRequestID
	SetRequestHeader           = header.SetRequestHeader
	SetRequestHeaderIf         = header.SetRequestHeaderIf
	SetRequestHeaders          = header.SetRequestHeaders
	SetRequestHeadersIf        = header.SetRequestHeadersIf
	AddRequestHeader           = header.AddRequestHeader
	AddRequestHeaderIf         = header.AddRequestHeaderIf
	AddRequestHeaders          = header.AddRequestHeaders
	AddRequestHeadersIf        = header.AddRequestHeadersIf
	GetResponseHeader          = header.GetResponseHeader
	GetResponseHeaderValues    = header.GetResponseHeaderValues
	SetResponseHeader          = header.SetResponseHeader
	SetResponseHeaderIf        = header.SetResponseHeaderIf
	SetResponseHeaders         = header.SetResponseHeaders
	SetResponseHeadersIf       = header.SetResponseHeadersIf
	AddResponseHeader          = header.AddResponseHeader
	AddResponseHeaderIf        = header.AddResponseHeaderIf
	AddResponseHeaders         = header.AddResponseHeaders
	AddResponseHeadersIf       = header.AddResponseHeadersIf
	SetRequestHeaderRequestID  = header.SetRequestHeaderRequestID
	SetResponseHeaderRequestID = header.SetResponseHeaderRequestID
	GetClientIP                = header.GetClientIP
View Source
var (
	EmptyRespData                     = mhttp.EmptyRespData
	DefaultMemorySize                 = mhttp.DefaultMemorySize
	SetDefaultMemorySize              = mhttp.SetDefaultMemorySize
	Abort                             = mhttp.Abort
	NotAbort                          = mhttp.NotAbort
	IsAbort                           = mhttp.IsAbort
	Error                             = mhttp.Error
	ErrorEmpty                        = mhttp.ErrorEmpty
	Plain                             = mhttp.Plain
	PlainEmpty                        = mhttp.PlainEmpty
	AbortError                        = mhttp.AbortError
	AbortEmptyError                   = mhttp.AbortEmptyError
	AbortPlain                        = mhttp.AbortPlain
	AbortEmptyPlain                   = mhttp.AbortEmptyPlain
	Redirect                          = mhttp.Redirect
	JSON                              = mhttp.JSON
	JSONOK                            = mhttp.JSONOK
	DumpRequest                       = mhttp.DumpRequest
	DumpRequestPure                   = mhttp.DumpRequestPure
	RegisterHttpStatusMethod          = mhttp.RegisterHttpStatusMethod
	NewResponseWrite                  = mhttp.NewResponseWrite
	GetHTTPRespStatus                 = mhttp.GetHTTPRespStatus
	SetHTTPRespStatus                 = mhttp.SetHTTPRespStatus
	UnWrapResponseWriter              = mhttp.UnWrapResponseWriter
	CopyRequest                       = mhttp.CopyRequest
	OK                                = mhttp.OK
	Created                           = mhttp.Created
	Accepted                          = mhttp.Accepted
	NonAuthoritativeInfo              = mhttp.NonAuthoritativeInfo
	NoContent                         = mhttp.NoContent
	ResetContent                      = mhttp.ResetContent
	PartialContent                    = mhttp.PartialContent
	MultiStatus                       = mhttp.MultiStatus
	AlreadyReported                   = mhttp.AlreadyReported
	IMUsed                            = mhttp.IMUsed
	MultipleChoices                   = mhttp.MultipleChoices
	MovedPermanently                  = mhttp.MovedPermanently
	Found                             = mhttp.Found
	SeeOther                          = mhttp.SeeOther
	NotModified                       = mhttp.NotModified
	UseProxy                          = mhttp.UseProxy
	TemporaryRedirect                 = mhttp.TemporaryRedirect
	PermanentRedirect                 = mhttp.PermanentRedirect
	BadRequest                        = mhttp.BadRequest
	Unauthorized                      = mhttp.Unauthorized
	PaymentRequired                   = mhttp.PaymentRequired
	Forbidden                         = mhttp.Forbidden
	NotFound                          = mhttp.NotFound
	MethodNotAllowed                  = mhttp.MethodNotAllowed
	NotAcceptable                     = mhttp.NotAcceptable
	ProxyAuthRequired                 = mhttp.ProxyAuthRequired
	RequestTimeout                    = mhttp.RequestTimeout
	Conflict                          = mhttp.Conflict
	Gone                              = mhttp.Gone
	LengthRequired                    = mhttp.LengthRequired
	PreconditionFailed                = mhttp.PreconditionFailed
	RequestEntityTooLarge             = mhttp.RequestEntityTooLarge
	RequestURITooLong                 = mhttp.RequestURITooLong
	UnsupportedMediaType              = mhttp.UnsupportedMediaType
	RequestedRangeNotSatisfiable      = mhttp.RequestedRangeNotSatisfiable
	ExpectationFailed                 = mhttp.ExpectationFailed
	Teapot                            = mhttp.Teapot
	MisdirectedRequest                = mhttp.MisdirectedRequest
	UnprocessableEntity               = mhttp.UnprocessableEntity
	Locked                            = mhttp.Locked
	FailedDependency                  = mhttp.FailedDependency
	TooEarly                          = mhttp.TooEarly
	UpgradeRequired                   = mhttp.UpgradeRequired
	PreconditionRequired              = mhttp.PreconditionRequired
	TooManyRequests                   = mhttp.TooManyRequests
	RequestHeaderFieldsTooLarge       = mhttp.RequestHeaderFieldsTooLarge
	UnavailableForLegalReasons        = mhttp.UnavailableForLegalReasons
	InternalServerError               = mhttp.InternalServerError
	NotImplemented                    = mhttp.NotImplemented
	BadGateway                        = mhttp.BadGateway
	ServiceUnavailable                = mhttp.ServiceUnavailable
	GatewayTimeout                    = mhttp.GatewayTimeout
	HTTPVersionNotSupported           = mhttp.HTTPVersionNotSupported
	VariantAlsoNegotiates             = mhttp.VariantAlsoNegotiates
	InsufficientStorage               = mhttp.InsufficientStorage
	LoopDetected                      = mhttp.LoopDetected
	NotExtended                       = mhttp.NotExtended
	NetworkAuthenticationRequired     = mhttp.NetworkAuthenticationRequired
	CallRegisterFuncOrAbortEmptyError = mhttp.CallRegisterFuncOrAbortEmptyError
	CallRegisterFuncOrAbortEmptyPlain = mhttp.CallRegisterFuncOrAbortEmptyPlain
	CallRegisterFuncOrAbortError      = mhttp.CallRegisterFuncOrAbortError
	CallRegisterFuncOrAbortPlain      = mhttp.CallRegisterFuncOrAbortPlain
View Source
var (
	Messages                                   = message.Messages
	NewMessage                                 = message.NewMessage
	NewCallbackMessage                         = message.NewCallbackMessage
	NewErrCodeMessage                          = message.NewErrCodeMessage
	SetDefaultLang                             = message.SetDefaultLang
	MessageStatusOK                            = message.MessageStatusOK
	MessageStatusCreated                       = message.MessageStatusCreated
	MessageStatusAccepted                      = message.MessageStatusAccepted
	MessageStatusNonAuthoritativeInfo          = message.MessageStatusNonAuthoritativeInfo
	MessageStatusNoContent                     = message.MessageStatusNoContent
	MessageStatusResetContent                  = message.MessageStatusResetContent
	MessageStatusPartialContent                = message.MessageStatusPartialContent
	MessageStatusMultiStatus                   = message.MessageStatusMultiStatus
	MessageStatusAlreadyReported               = message.MessageStatusAlreadyReported
	MessageStatusIMUsed                        = message.MessageStatusIMUsed
	MessageStatusMultipleChoices               = message.MessageStatusMultipleChoices
	MessageStatusMovedPermanently              = message.MessageStatusMovedPermanently
	MessageStatusFound                         = message.MessageStatusFound
	MessageStatusSeeOther                      = message.MessageStatusSeeOther
	MessageStatusNotModified                   = message.MessageStatusNotModified
	MessageStatusUseProxy                      = message.MessageStatusUseProxy
	MessageStatusTemporaryRedirect             = message.MessageStatusTemporaryRedirect
	MessageStatusPermanentRedirect             = message.MessageStatusPermanentRedirect
	MessageStatusBadRequest                    = message.MessageStatusBadRequest
	MessageStatusUnauthorized                  = message.MessageStatusUnauthorized
	MessageStatusPaymentRequired               = message.MessageStatusPaymentRequired
	MessageStatusForbidden                     = message.MessageStatusForbidden
	MessageStatusNotFound                      = message.MessageStatusNotFound
	MessageStatusMethodNotAllowed              = message.MessageStatusMethodNotAllowed
	MessageStatusNotAcceptable                 = message.MessageStatusNotAcceptable
	MessageStatusProxyAuthRequired             = message.MessageStatusProxyAuthRequired
	MessageStatusRequestTimeout                = message.MessageStatusRequestTimeout
	MessageStatusConflict                      = message.MessageStatusConflict
	MessageStatusGone                          = message.MessageStatusGone
	MessageStatusLengthRequired                = message.MessageStatusLengthRequired
	MessageStatusPreconditionFailed            = message.MessageStatusPreconditionFailed
	MessageStatusRequestEntityTooLarge         = message.MessageStatusRequestEntityTooLarge
	MessageStatusRequestURITooLong             = message.MessageStatusRequestURITooLong
	MessageStatusUnsupportedMediaType          = message.MessageStatusUnsupportedMediaType
	MessageStatusRequestedRangeNotSatisfiable  = message.MessageStatusRequestedRangeNotSatisfiable
	MessageStatusExpectationFailed             = message.MessageStatusExpectationFailed
	MessageStatusTeapot                        = message.MessageStatusTeapot
	MessageStatusMisdirectedRequest            = message.MessageStatusMisdirectedRequest
	MessageStatusUnprocessableEntity           = message.MessageStatusUnprocessableEntity
	MessageStatusLocked                        = message.MessageStatusLocked
	MessageStatusFailedDependency              = message.MessageStatusFailedDependency
	MessageStatusTooEarly                      = message.MessageStatusTooEarly
	MessageStatusUpgradeRequired               = message.MessageStatusUpgradeRequired
	MessageStatusPreconditionRequired          = message.MessageStatusPreconditionRequired
	MessageStatusTooManyRequests               = message.MessageStatusTooManyRequests
	MessageStatusRequestHeaderFieldsTooLarge   = message.MessageStatusRequestHeaderFieldsTooLarge
	MessageStatusUnavailableForLegalReasons    = message.MessageStatusUnavailableForLegalReasons
	MessageStatusInternalServerError           = message.MessageStatusInternalServerError
	MessageStatusNotImplemented                = message.MessageStatusNotImplemented
	MessageStatusBadGateway                    = message.MessageStatusBadGateway
	MessageStatusServiceUnavailable            = message.MessageStatusServiceUnavailable
	MessageStatusGatewayTimeout                = message.MessageStatusGatewayTimeout
	MessageStatusHTTPVersionNotSupported       = message.MessageStatusHTTPVersionNotSupported
	MessageStatusVariantAlsoNegotiates         = message.MessageStatusVariantAlsoNegotiates
	MessageStatusInsufficientStorage           = message.MessageStatusInsufficientStorage
	MessageStatusLoopDetected                  = message.MessageStatusLoopDetected
	MessageStatusNotExtended                   = message.MessageStatusNotExtended
	MessageStatusNetworkAuthenticationRequired = message.MessageStatusNetworkAuthenticationRequired
View Source
var (
	PreMiddleware              = middleware.Pre
	PreHandlerMiddleware       = middleware.PreHandler
	RequestIDMiddleware        = middleware.RequestID
	RequestIDHandlerMiddleware = middleware.RequestIDHandler
	Use                        = middleware.Use
	UseHandlerMiddleware       = middleware.UseHandlerMiddleware
	Thunk                      = middleware.Thunk
	ThunkHandler               = middleware.ThunkHandler
	Bind                       = middleware.Bind
View Source
var (
	ParseQuery   = query.ParseQuery
	Queries      = query.Queries
	NewQuery     = query.New
	NewQueryWith = query.NewWith
View Source
var (
	MRote      = route.MRote
	EmptyMRote = route.EmptyMRote
View Source
var (
	Validate               = validate.Validate
	BindValidate           = validate.BindValidate
	DecodeTo               = validate.DecodeTo
	Parse                  = validate.Parse
	CheckValidateData      = validate.CheckValidateData
	ValidatorStandErrMsg   = validate.ValidatorStandErrMsg
	StrictJSONBodyCheck    = validate.StrictJSONBodyCheck
	SetStrictJSONBodyCheck = validate.SetStrictJSONBodyCheck
View Source
var (
	DefaultValidateErrorHub = map[ValidateErrorType]ValidateErrorFunc{}

DefaultValidateErrorHub 测试使用 不应该在实际项目中使用

View Source
var Genders = testdata.Genders

Genders 测试数据

View Source
var ParseMediaType = mime.ParseMediaType
View Source
var ParseRequestMediaType = mime.ParseRequestMediaType
View Source
var ParseResponseMediaType = mime.ParseResponseMediaType
View Source
var PlusPlus = plus.PlusPlus
View Source
var TestLockChan = make(chan struct{}, 1)

TestLockChan 用于避免多个测试互相干扰 不应该在实际项目中使用


func AfterTest

func AfterTest(resetHub bool)

func BeforeTest

func BeforeTest(setStrictJSON bool)

func ResetValidateErrorHub

func ResetValidateErrorHub()


type Callback

type Callback = message.Callback

type CallbackMessage

type CallbackMessage = message.CallbackMessage

type Data

type Data = data.Data

type DynamicDataValue

type DynamicDataValue = data.DynamicDataValue

type DynamicQueryPairs

type DynamicQueryPairs = query.DynamicQueryPairs

type DynamicQueryValue

type DynamicQueryValue = query.DynamicQueryValue

type MSGType

type MSGType = message.MSGType

type Message

type Message = message.Message

type MiddlewareHandler

type MiddlewareHandler = middleware.MiddlewareHandler

type MiddlewareHandlerFunc

type MiddlewareHandlerFunc = middleware.MiddlewareHandlerFunc

type PP

type PP = plus.PP

type Query

type Query = query.Query

type RequestValidate

type RequestValidate = validate.RequestValidate

type ResponseWriter

type ResponseWriter = mhttp.ResponseWriter

type Route

type Route = route.Route

type StatusMethodCallback

type StatusMethodCallback = mhttp.StatusMethodCallback

type User

type User testdata.User

User contains user information

type ValidateError

type ValidateError = errs.ValidateError

type ValidateErrorFunc

type ValidateErrorFunc = errs.ValidateErrorFunc

type ValidateErrorType

type ValidateErrorType = errs.ValidateErrorType

type ValidateFunc

type ValidateFunc = validate.ValidateFunc

type ValidateResult

type ValidateResult = validate.ValidateResult

Jump to

Keyboard shortcuts

? : This menu
/ : Search site
f or F : Jump to
y or Y : Canonical URL