Index ¶
- func Route(router RouteOut) (string, string, quickfix.MessageRoute)
- type CollateralReport
- func (m CollateralReport) GetAccount() (v string, err quickfix.MessageRejectError)
- func (m CollateralReport) GetAccountType() (v enum.AccountType, err quickfix.MessageRejectError)
- func (m CollateralReport) GetAccruedInterestAmt() (v decimal.Decimal, err quickfix.MessageRejectError)
- func (m CollateralReport) GetAgreementCurrency() (v string, err quickfix.MessageRejectError)
- func (m CollateralReport) GetAgreementDate() (v string, err quickfix.MessageRejectError)
- func (m CollateralReport) GetAgreementDesc() (v string, err quickfix.MessageRejectError)
- func (m CollateralReport) GetAgreementID() (v string, err quickfix.MessageRejectError)
- func (m CollateralReport) GetBenchmarkCurveCurrency() (v string, err quickfix.MessageRejectError)
- func (m CollateralReport) GetBenchmarkCurveName() (v enum.BenchmarkCurveName, err quickfix.MessageRejectError)
- func (m CollateralReport) GetBenchmarkCurvePoint() (v string, err quickfix.MessageRejectError)
- func (m CollateralReport) GetBenchmarkPrice() (v decimal.Decimal, err quickfix.MessageRejectError)
- func (m CollateralReport) GetBenchmarkPriceType() (v int, err quickfix.MessageRejectError)
- func (m CollateralReport) GetBenchmarkSecurityID() (v string, err quickfix.MessageRejectError)
- func (m CollateralReport) GetBenchmarkSecurityIDSource() (v string, err quickfix.MessageRejectError)
- func (m CollateralReport) GetCFICode() (v string, err quickfix.MessageRejectError)
- func (m CollateralReport) GetCPProgram() (v enum.CPProgram, err quickfix.MessageRejectError)
- func (m CollateralReport) GetCPRegType() (v string, err quickfix.MessageRejectError)
- func (m CollateralReport) GetCashOutstanding() (v decimal.Decimal, err quickfix.MessageRejectError)
- func (m CollateralReport) GetClOrdID() (v string, err quickfix.MessageRejectError)
- func (m CollateralReport) GetClearingBusinessDate() (v string, err quickfix.MessageRejectError)
- func (m CollateralReport) GetCollInquiryID() (v string, err quickfix.MessageRejectError)
- func (m CollateralReport) GetCollRptID() (v string, err quickfix.MessageRejectError)
- func (m CollateralReport) GetCollStatus() (v enum.CollStatus, err quickfix.MessageRejectError)
- func (m CollateralReport) GetContractMultiplier() (v decimal.Decimal, err quickfix.MessageRejectError)
- func (m CollateralReport) GetContractSettlMonth() (v string, err quickfix.MessageRejectError)
- func (m CollateralReport) GetCountryOfIssue() (v string, err quickfix.MessageRejectError)
- func (m CollateralReport) GetCouponPaymentDate() (v string, err quickfix.MessageRejectError)
- func (m CollateralReport) GetCouponRate() (v decimal.Decimal, err quickfix.MessageRejectError)
- func (m CollateralReport) GetCreditRating() (v string, err quickfix.MessageRejectError)
- func (m CollateralReport) GetCurrency() (v string, err quickfix.MessageRejectError)
- func (m CollateralReport) GetDatedDate() (v string, err quickfix.MessageRejectError)
- func (m CollateralReport) GetDeliveryType() (v enum.DeliveryType, err quickfix.MessageRejectError)
- func (m CollateralReport) GetEncodedIssuer() (v string, err quickfix.MessageRejectError)
- func (m CollateralReport) GetEncodedIssuerLen() (v int, err quickfix.MessageRejectError)
- func (m CollateralReport) GetEncodedSecurityDesc() (v string, err quickfix.MessageRejectError)
- func (m CollateralReport) GetEncodedSecurityDescLen() (v int, err quickfix.MessageRejectError)
- func (m CollateralReport) GetEncodedText() (v string, err quickfix.MessageRejectError)
- func (m CollateralReport) GetEncodedTextLen() (v int, err quickfix.MessageRejectError)
- func (m CollateralReport) GetEndAccruedInterestAmt() (v decimal.Decimal, err quickfix.MessageRejectError)
- func (m CollateralReport) GetEndCash() (v decimal.Decimal, err quickfix.MessageRejectError)
- func (m CollateralReport) GetEndDate() (v string, err quickfix.MessageRejectError)
- func (m CollateralReport) GetFactor() (v decimal.Decimal, err quickfix.MessageRejectError)
- func (m CollateralReport) GetInstrRegistry() (v enum.InstrRegistry, err quickfix.MessageRejectError)
- func (m CollateralReport) GetInterestAccrualDate() (v string, err quickfix.MessageRejectError)
- func (m CollateralReport) GetIssueDate() (v string, err quickfix.MessageRejectError)
- func (m CollateralReport) GetIssuer() (v string, err quickfix.MessageRejectError)
- func (m CollateralReport) GetLastRptRequested() (v bool, err quickfix.MessageRejectError)
- func (m CollateralReport) GetLocaleOfIssue() (v string, err quickfix.MessageRejectError)
- func (m CollateralReport) GetMarginExcess() (v decimal.Decimal, err quickfix.MessageRejectError)
- func (m CollateralReport) GetMarginRatio() (v decimal.Decimal, err quickfix.MessageRejectError)
- func (m CollateralReport) GetMaturityDate() (v string, err quickfix.MessageRejectError)
- func (m CollateralReport) GetMaturityMonthYear() (v string, err quickfix.MessageRejectError)
- func (m CollateralReport) GetNoDlvyInst() (NoDlvyInstRepeatingGroup, quickfix.MessageRejectError)
- func (m CollateralReport) GetNoEvents() (NoEventsRepeatingGroup, quickfix.MessageRejectError)
- func (m CollateralReport) GetNoExecs() (NoExecsRepeatingGroup, quickfix.MessageRejectError)
- func (m CollateralReport) GetNoLegs() (NoLegsRepeatingGroup, quickfix.MessageRejectError)
- func (m CollateralReport) GetNoMiscFees() (NoMiscFeesRepeatingGroup, quickfix.MessageRejectError)
- func (m CollateralReport) GetNoPartyIDs() (NoPartyIDsRepeatingGroup, quickfix.MessageRejectError)
- func (m CollateralReport) GetNoSecurityAltID() (NoSecurityAltIDRepeatingGroup, quickfix.MessageRejectError)
- func (m CollateralReport) GetNoStipulations() (NoStipulationsRepeatingGroup, quickfix.MessageRejectError)
- func (m CollateralReport) GetNoTrades() (NoTradesRepeatingGroup, quickfix.MessageRejectError)
- func (m CollateralReport) GetNoTrdRegTimestamps() (NoTrdRegTimestampsRepeatingGroup, quickfix.MessageRejectError)
- func (m CollateralReport) GetNoUnderlyings() (NoUnderlyingsRepeatingGroup, quickfix.MessageRejectError)
- func (m CollateralReport) GetOptAttribute() (v string, err quickfix.MessageRejectError)
- func (m CollateralReport) GetOrderID() (v string, err quickfix.MessageRejectError)
- func (m CollateralReport) GetPool() (v string, err quickfix.MessageRejectError)
- func (m CollateralReport) GetPrice() (v decimal.Decimal, err quickfix.MessageRejectError)
- func (m CollateralReport) GetPriceType() (v enum.PriceType, err quickfix.MessageRejectError)
- func (m CollateralReport) GetProduct() (v enum.Product, err quickfix.MessageRejectError)
- func (m CollateralReport) GetQtyType() (v enum.QtyType, err quickfix.MessageRejectError)
- func (m CollateralReport) GetQuantity() (v decimal.Decimal, err quickfix.MessageRejectError)
- func (m CollateralReport) GetRedemptionDate() (v string, err quickfix.MessageRejectError)
- func (m CollateralReport) GetRepoCollateralSecurityType() (v int, err quickfix.MessageRejectError)
- func (m CollateralReport) GetRepurchaseRate() (v decimal.Decimal, err quickfix.MessageRejectError)
- func (m CollateralReport) GetRepurchaseTerm() (v int, err quickfix.MessageRejectError)
- func (m CollateralReport) GetSecondaryClOrdID() (v string, err quickfix.MessageRejectError)
- func (m CollateralReport) GetSecondaryOrderID() (v string, err quickfix.MessageRejectError)
- func (m CollateralReport) GetSecurityDesc() (v string, err quickfix.MessageRejectError)
- func (m CollateralReport) GetSecurityExchange() (v string, err quickfix.MessageRejectError)
- func (m CollateralReport) GetSecurityID() (v string, err quickfix.MessageRejectError)
- func (m CollateralReport) GetSecurityIDSource() (v enum.SecurityIDSource, err quickfix.MessageRejectError)
- func (m CollateralReport) GetSecuritySubType() (v string, err quickfix.MessageRejectError)
- func (m CollateralReport) GetSecurityType() (v enum.SecurityType, err quickfix.MessageRejectError)
- func (m CollateralReport) GetSettlDate() (v string, err quickfix.MessageRejectError)
- func (m CollateralReport) GetSettlDeliveryType() (v enum.SettlDeliveryType, err quickfix.MessageRejectError)
- func (m CollateralReport) GetSettlSessID() (v enum.SettlSessID, err quickfix.MessageRejectError)
- func (m CollateralReport) GetSettlSessSubID() (v string, err quickfix.MessageRejectError)
- func (m CollateralReport) GetSide() (v enum.Side, err quickfix.MessageRejectError)
- func (m CollateralReport) GetSpread() (v decimal.Decimal, err quickfix.MessageRejectError)
- func (m CollateralReport) GetStandInstDbID() (v string, err quickfix.MessageRejectError)
- func (m CollateralReport) GetStandInstDbName() (v string, err quickfix.MessageRejectError)
- func (m CollateralReport) GetStandInstDbType() (v enum.StandInstDbType, err quickfix.MessageRejectError)
- func (m CollateralReport) GetStartCash() (v decimal.Decimal, err quickfix.MessageRejectError)
- func (m CollateralReport) GetStartDate() (v string, err quickfix.MessageRejectError)
- func (m CollateralReport) GetStateOrProvinceOfIssue() (v string, err quickfix.MessageRejectError)
- func (m CollateralReport) GetStrikeCurrency() (v string, err quickfix.MessageRejectError)
- func (m CollateralReport) GetStrikePrice() (v decimal.Decimal, err quickfix.MessageRejectError)
- func (m CollateralReport) GetSymbol() (v string, err quickfix.MessageRejectError)
- func (m CollateralReport) GetSymbolSfx() (v enum.SymbolSfx, err quickfix.MessageRejectError)
- func (m CollateralReport) GetTerminationType() (v enum.TerminationType, err quickfix.MessageRejectError)
- func (m CollateralReport) GetText() (v string, err quickfix.MessageRejectError)
- func (m CollateralReport) GetTotNumReports() (v int, err quickfix.MessageRejectError)
- func (m CollateralReport) GetTotalNetValue() (v decimal.Decimal, err quickfix.MessageRejectError)
- func (m CollateralReport) GetTradingSessionID() (v enum.TradingSessionID, err quickfix.MessageRejectError)
- func (m CollateralReport) GetTradingSessionSubID() (v enum.TradingSessionSubID, err quickfix.MessageRejectError)
- func (m CollateralReport) HasAccount() bool
- func (m CollateralReport) HasAccountType() bool
- func (m CollateralReport) HasAccruedInterestAmt() bool
- func (m CollateralReport) HasAgreementCurrency() bool
- func (m CollateralReport) HasAgreementDate() bool
- func (m CollateralReport) HasAgreementDesc() bool
- func (m CollateralReport) HasAgreementID() bool
- func (m CollateralReport) HasBenchmarkCurveCurrency() bool
- func (m CollateralReport) HasBenchmarkCurveName() bool
- func (m CollateralReport) HasBenchmarkCurvePoint() bool
- func (m CollateralReport) HasBenchmarkPrice() bool
- func (m CollateralReport) HasBenchmarkPriceType() bool
- func (m CollateralReport) HasBenchmarkSecurityID() bool
- func (m CollateralReport) HasBenchmarkSecurityIDSource() bool
- func (m CollateralReport) HasCFICode() bool
- func (m CollateralReport) HasCPProgram() bool
- func (m CollateralReport) HasCPRegType() bool
- func (m CollateralReport) HasCashOutstanding() bool
- func (m CollateralReport) HasClOrdID() bool
- func (m CollateralReport) HasClearingBusinessDate() bool
- func (m CollateralReport) HasCollInquiryID() bool
- func (m CollateralReport) HasCollRptID() bool
- func (m CollateralReport) HasCollStatus() bool
- func (m CollateralReport) HasContractMultiplier() bool
- func (m CollateralReport) HasContractSettlMonth() bool
- func (m CollateralReport) HasCountryOfIssue() bool
- func (m CollateralReport) HasCouponPaymentDate() bool
- func (m CollateralReport) HasCouponRate() bool
- func (m CollateralReport) HasCreditRating() bool
- func (m CollateralReport) HasCurrency() bool
- func (m CollateralReport) HasDatedDate() bool
- func (m CollateralReport) HasDeliveryType() bool
- func (m CollateralReport) HasEncodedIssuer() bool
- func (m CollateralReport) HasEncodedIssuerLen() bool
- func (m CollateralReport) HasEncodedSecurityDesc() bool
- func (m CollateralReport) HasEncodedSecurityDescLen() bool
- func (m CollateralReport) HasEncodedText() bool
- func (m CollateralReport) HasEncodedTextLen() bool
- func (m CollateralReport) HasEndAccruedInterestAmt() bool
- func (m CollateralReport) HasEndCash() bool
- func (m CollateralReport) HasEndDate() bool
- func (m CollateralReport) HasFactor() bool
- func (m CollateralReport) HasInstrRegistry() bool
- func (m CollateralReport) HasInterestAccrualDate() bool
- func (m CollateralReport) HasIssueDate() bool
- func (m CollateralReport) HasIssuer() bool
- func (m CollateralReport) HasLastRptRequested() bool
- func (m CollateralReport) HasLocaleOfIssue() bool
- func (m CollateralReport) HasMarginExcess() bool
- func (m CollateralReport) HasMarginRatio() bool
- func (m CollateralReport) HasMaturityDate() bool
- func (m CollateralReport) HasMaturityMonthYear() bool
- func (m CollateralReport) HasNoDlvyInst() bool
- func (m CollateralReport) HasNoEvents() bool
- func (m CollateralReport) HasNoExecs() bool
- func (m CollateralReport) HasNoLegs() bool
- func (m CollateralReport) HasNoMiscFees() bool
- func (m CollateralReport) HasNoPartyIDs() bool
- func (m CollateralReport) HasNoSecurityAltID() bool
- func (m CollateralReport) HasNoStipulations() bool
- func (m CollateralReport) HasNoTrades() bool
- func (m CollateralReport) HasNoTrdRegTimestamps() bool
- func (m CollateralReport) HasNoUnderlyings() bool
- func (m CollateralReport) HasOptAttribute() bool
- func (m CollateralReport) HasOrderID() bool
- func (m CollateralReport) HasPool() bool
- func (m CollateralReport) HasPrice() bool
- func (m CollateralReport) HasPriceType() bool
- func (m CollateralReport) HasProduct() bool
- func (m CollateralReport) HasQtyType() bool
- func (m CollateralReport) HasQuantity() bool
- func (m CollateralReport) HasRedemptionDate() bool
- func (m CollateralReport) HasRepoCollateralSecurityType() bool
- func (m CollateralReport) HasRepurchaseRate() bool
- func (m CollateralReport) HasRepurchaseTerm() bool
- func (m CollateralReport) HasSecondaryClOrdID() bool
- func (m CollateralReport) HasSecondaryOrderID() bool
- func (m CollateralReport) HasSecurityDesc() bool
- func (m CollateralReport) HasSecurityExchange() bool
- func (m CollateralReport) HasSecurityID() bool
- func (m CollateralReport) HasSecurityIDSource() bool
- func (m CollateralReport) HasSecuritySubType() bool
- func (m CollateralReport) HasSecurityType() bool
- func (m CollateralReport) HasSettlDate() bool
- func (m CollateralReport) HasSettlDeliveryType() bool
- func (m CollateralReport) HasSettlSessID() bool
- func (m CollateralReport) HasSettlSessSubID() bool
- func (m CollateralReport) HasSide() bool
- func (m CollateralReport) HasSpread() bool
- func (m CollateralReport) HasStandInstDbID() bool
- func (m CollateralReport) HasStandInstDbName() bool
- func (m CollateralReport) HasStandInstDbType() bool
- func (m CollateralReport) HasStartCash() bool
- func (m CollateralReport) HasStartDate() bool
- func (m CollateralReport) HasStateOrProvinceOfIssue() bool
- func (m CollateralReport) HasStrikeCurrency() bool
- func (m CollateralReport) HasStrikePrice() bool
- func (m CollateralReport) HasSymbol() bool
- func (m CollateralReport) HasSymbolSfx() bool
- func (m CollateralReport) HasTerminationType() bool
- func (m CollateralReport) HasText() bool
- func (m CollateralReport) HasTotNumReports() bool
- func (m CollateralReport) HasTotalNetValue() bool
- func (m CollateralReport) HasTradingSessionID() bool
- func (m CollateralReport) HasTradingSessionSubID() bool
- func (m CollateralReport) SetAccount(v string)
- func (m CollateralReport) SetAccountType(v enum.AccountType)
- func (m CollateralReport) SetAccruedInterestAmt(value decimal.Decimal, scale int32)
- func (m CollateralReport) SetAgreementCurrency(v string)
- func (m CollateralReport) SetAgreementDate(v string)
- func (m CollateralReport) SetAgreementDesc(v string)
- func (m CollateralReport) SetAgreementID(v string)
- func (m CollateralReport) SetBenchmarkCurveCurrency(v string)
- func (m CollateralReport) SetBenchmarkCurveName(v enum.BenchmarkCurveName)
- func (m CollateralReport) SetBenchmarkCurvePoint(v string)
- func (m CollateralReport) SetBenchmarkPrice(value decimal.Decimal, scale int32)
- func (m CollateralReport) SetBenchmarkPriceType(v int)
- func (m CollateralReport) SetBenchmarkSecurityID(v string)
- func (m CollateralReport) SetBenchmarkSecurityIDSource(v string)
- func (m CollateralReport) SetCFICode(v string)
- func (m CollateralReport) SetCPProgram(v enum.CPProgram)
- func (m CollateralReport) SetCPRegType(v string)
- func (m CollateralReport) SetCashOutstanding(value decimal.Decimal, scale int32)
- func (m CollateralReport) SetClOrdID(v string)
- func (m CollateralReport) SetClearingBusinessDate(v string)
- func (m CollateralReport) SetCollInquiryID(v string)
- func (m CollateralReport) SetCollRptID(v string)
- func (m CollateralReport) SetCollStatus(v enum.CollStatus)
- func (m CollateralReport) SetContractMultiplier(value decimal.Decimal, scale int32)
- func (m CollateralReport) SetContractSettlMonth(v string)
- func (m CollateralReport) SetCountryOfIssue(v string)
- func (m CollateralReport) SetCouponPaymentDate(v string)
- func (m CollateralReport) SetCouponRate(value decimal.Decimal, scale int32)
- func (m CollateralReport) SetCreditRating(v string)
- func (m CollateralReport) SetCurrency(v string)
- func (m CollateralReport) SetDatedDate(v string)
- func (m CollateralReport) SetDeliveryType(v enum.DeliveryType)
- func (m CollateralReport) SetEncodedIssuer(v string)
- func (m CollateralReport) SetEncodedIssuerLen(v int)
- func (m CollateralReport) SetEncodedSecurityDesc(v string)
- func (m CollateralReport) SetEncodedSecurityDescLen(v int)
- func (m CollateralReport) SetEncodedText(v string)
- func (m CollateralReport) SetEncodedTextLen(v int)
- func (m CollateralReport) SetEndAccruedInterestAmt(value decimal.Decimal, scale int32)
- func (m CollateralReport) SetEndCash(value decimal.Decimal, scale int32)
- func (m CollateralReport) SetEndDate(v string)
- func (m CollateralReport) SetFactor(value decimal.Decimal, scale int32)
- func (m CollateralReport) SetInstrRegistry(v enum.InstrRegistry)
- func (m CollateralReport) SetInterestAccrualDate(v string)
- func (m CollateralReport) SetIssueDate(v string)
- func (m CollateralReport) SetIssuer(v string)
- func (m CollateralReport) SetLastRptRequested(v bool)
- func (m CollateralReport) SetLocaleOfIssue(v string)
- func (m CollateralReport) SetMarginExcess(value decimal.Decimal, scale int32)
- func (m CollateralReport) SetMarginRatio(value decimal.Decimal, scale int32)
- func (m CollateralReport) SetMaturityDate(v string)
- func (m CollateralReport) SetMaturityMonthYear(v string)
- func (m CollateralReport) SetNoDlvyInst(f NoDlvyInstRepeatingGroup)
- func (m CollateralReport) SetNoEvents(f NoEventsRepeatingGroup)
- func (m CollateralReport) SetNoExecs(f NoExecsRepeatingGroup)
- func (m CollateralReport) SetNoLegs(f NoLegsRepeatingGroup)
- func (m CollateralReport) SetNoMiscFees(f NoMiscFeesRepeatingGroup)
- func (m CollateralReport) SetNoPartyIDs(f NoPartyIDsRepeatingGroup)
- func (m CollateralReport) SetNoSecurityAltID(f NoSecurityAltIDRepeatingGroup)
- func (m CollateralReport) SetNoStipulations(f NoStipulationsRepeatingGroup)
- func (m CollateralReport) SetNoTrades(f NoTradesRepeatingGroup)
- func (m CollateralReport) SetNoTrdRegTimestamps(f NoTrdRegTimestampsRepeatingGroup)
- func (m CollateralReport) SetNoUnderlyings(f NoUnderlyingsRepeatingGroup)
- func (m CollateralReport) SetOptAttribute(v string)
- func (m CollateralReport) SetOrderID(v string)
- func (m CollateralReport) SetPool(v string)
- func (m CollateralReport) SetPrice(value decimal.Decimal, scale int32)
- func (m CollateralReport) SetPriceType(v enum.PriceType)
- func (m CollateralReport) SetProduct(v enum.Product)
- func (m CollateralReport) SetQtyType(v enum.QtyType)
- func (m CollateralReport) SetQuantity(value decimal.Decimal, scale int32)
- func (m CollateralReport) SetRedemptionDate(v string)
- func (m CollateralReport) SetRepoCollateralSecurityType(v int)
- func (m CollateralReport) SetRepurchaseRate(value decimal.Decimal, scale int32)
- func (m CollateralReport) SetRepurchaseTerm(v int)
- func (m CollateralReport) SetSecondaryClOrdID(v string)
- func (m CollateralReport) SetSecondaryOrderID(v string)
- func (m CollateralReport) SetSecurityDesc(v string)
- func (m CollateralReport) SetSecurityExchange(v string)
- func (m CollateralReport) SetSecurityID(v string)
- func (m CollateralReport) SetSecurityIDSource(v enum.SecurityIDSource)
- func (m CollateralReport) SetSecuritySubType(v string)
- func (m CollateralReport) SetSecurityType(v enum.SecurityType)
- func (m CollateralReport) SetSettlDate(v string)
- func (m CollateralReport) SetSettlDeliveryType(v enum.SettlDeliveryType)
- func (m CollateralReport) SetSettlSessID(v enum.SettlSessID)
- func (m CollateralReport) SetSettlSessSubID(v string)
- func (m CollateralReport) SetSide(v enum.Side)
- func (m CollateralReport) SetSpread(value decimal.Decimal, scale int32)
- func (m CollateralReport) SetStandInstDbID(v string)
- func (m CollateralReport) SetStandInstDbName(v string)
- func (m CollateralReport) SetStandInstDbType(v enum.StandInstDbType)
- func (m CollateralReport) SetStartCash(value decimal.Decimal, scale int32)
- func (m CollateralReport) SetStartDate(v string)
- func (m CollateralReport) SetStateOrProvinceOfIssue(v string)
- func (m CollateralReport) SetStrikeCurrency(v string)
- func (m CollateralReport) SetStrikePrice(value decimal.Decimal, scale int32)
- func (m CollateralReport) SetSymbol(v string)
- func (m CollateralReport) SetSymbolSfx(v enum.SymbolSfx)
- func (m CollateralReport) SetTerminationType(v enum.TerminationType)
- func (m CollateralReport) SetText(v string)
- func (m CollateralReport) SetTotNumReports(v int)
- func (m CollateralReport) SetTotalNetValue(value decimal.Decimal, scale int32)
- func (m CollateralReport) SetTradingSessionID(v enum.TradingSessionID)
- func (m CollateralReport) SetTradingSessionSubID(v enum.TradingSessionSubID)
- func (m CollateralReport) ToMessage() *quickfix.Message
- type NoDlvyInst
- func (m NoDlvyInst) GetDlvyInstType() (v enum.DlvyInstType, err quickfix.MessageRejectError)
- func (m NoDlvyInst) GetNoSettlPartyIDs() (NoSettlPartyIDsRepeatingGroup, quickfix.MessageRejectError)
- func (m NoDlvyInst) GetSettlInstSource() (v enum.SettlInstSource, err quickfix.MessageRejectError)
- func (m NoDlvyInst) HasDlvyInstType() bool
- func (m NoDlvyInst) HasNoSettlPartyIDs() bool
- func (m NoDlvyInst) HasSettlInstSource() bool
- func (m NoDlvyInst) SetDlvyInstType(v enum.DlvyInstType)
- func (m NoDlvyInst) SetNoSettlPartyIDs(f NoSettlPartyIDsRepeatingGroup)
- func (m NoDlvyInst) SetSettlInstSource(v enum.SettlInstSource)
- type NoDlvyInstRepeatingGroup
- type NoEvents
- func (m NoEvents) GetEventDate() (v string, err quickfix.MessageRejectError)
- func (m NoEvents) GetEventPx() (v decimal.Decimal, err quickfix.MessageRejectError)
- func (m NoEvents) GetEventText() (v string, err quickfix.MessageRejectError)
- func (m NoEvents) GetEventType() (v enum.EventType, err quickfix.MessageRejectError)
- func (m NoEvents) HasEventDate() bool
- func (m NoEvents) HasEventPx() bool
- func (m NoEvents) HasEventText() bool
- func (m NoEvents) HasEventType() bool
- func (m NoEvents) SetEventDate(v string)
- func (m NoEvents) SetEventPx(value decimal.Decimal, scale int32)
- func (m NoEvents) SetEventText(v string)
- func (m NoEvents) SetEventType(v enum.EventType)
- type NoEventsRepeatingGroup
- type NoExecs
- type NoExecsRepeatingGroup
- type NoLegSecurityAltID
- func (m NoLegSecurityAltID) GetLegSecurityAltID() (v string, err quickfix.MessageRejectError)
- func (m NoLegSecurityAltID) GetLegSecurityAltIDSource() (v string, err quickfix.MessageRejectError)
- func (m NoLegSecurityAltID) HasLegSecurityAltID() bool
- func (m NoLegSecurityAltID) HasLegSecurityAltIDSource() bool
- func (m NoLegSecurityAltID) SetLegSecurityAltID(v string)
- func (m NoLegSecurityAltID) SetLegSecurityAltIDSource(v string)
- type NoLegSecurityAltIDRepeatingGroup
- type NoLegs
- func (m NoLegs) GetEncodedLegIssuer() (v string, err quickfix.MessageRejectError)
- func (m NoLegs) GetEncodedLegIssuerLen() (v int, err quickfix.MessageRejectError)
- func (m NoLegs) GetEncodedLegSecurityDesc() (v string, err quickfix.MessageRejectError)
- func (m NoLegs) GetEncodedLegSecurityDescLen() (v int, err quickfix.MessageRejectError)
- func (m NoLegs) GetLegCFICode() (v string, err quickfix.MessageRejectError)
- func (m NoLegs) GetLegContractMultiplier() (v decimal.Decimal, err quickfix.MessageRejectError)
- func (m NoLegs) GetLegContractSettlMonth() (v string, err quickfix.MessageRejectError)
- func (m NoLegs) GetLegCountryOfIssue() (v string, err quickfix.MessageRejectError)
- func (m NoLegs) GetLegCouponPaymentDate() (v string, err quickfix.MessageRejectError)
- func (m NoLegs) GetLegCouponRate() (v decimal.Decimal, err quickfix.MessageRejectError)
- func (m NoLegs) GetLegCreditRating() (v string, err quickfix.MessageRejectError)
- func (m NoLegs) GetLegCurrency() (v string, err quickfix.MessageRejectError)
- func (m NoLegs) GetLegDatedDate() (v string, err quickfix.MessageRejectError)
- func (m NoLegs) GetLegFactor() (v decimal.Decimal, err quickfix.MessageRejectError)
- func (m NoLegs) GetLegInstrRegistry() (v string, err quickfix.MessageRejectError)
- func (m NoLegs) GetLegInterestAccrualDate() (v string, err quickfix.MessageRejectError)
- func (m NoLegs) GetLegIssueDate() (v string, err quickfix.MessageRejectError)
- func (m NoLegs) GetLegIssuer() (v string, err quickfix.MessageRejectError)
- func (m NoLegs) GetLegLocaleOfIssue() (v string, err quickfix.MessageRejectError)
- func (m NoLegs) GetLegMaturityDate() (v string, err quickfix.MessageRejectError)
- func (m NoLegs) GetLegMaturityMonthYear() (v string, err quickfix.MessageRejectError)
- func (m NoLegs) GetLegOptAttribute() (v string, err quickfix.MessageRejectError)
- func (m NoLegs) GetLegPool() (v string, err quickfix.MessageRejectError)
- func (m NoLegs) GetLegProduct() (v int, err quickfix.MessageRejectError)
- func (m NoLegs) GetLegRatioQty() (v decimal.Decimal, err quickfix.MessageRejectError)
- func (m NoLegs) GetLegRedemptionDate() (v string, err quickfix.MessageRejectError)
- func (m NoLegs) GetLegRepoCollateralSecurityType() (v int, err quickfix.MessageRejectError)
- func (m NoLegs) GetLegRepurchaseRate() (v decimal.Decimal, err quickfix.MessageRejectError)
- func (m NoLegs) GetLegRepurchaseTerm() (v int, err quickfix.MessageRejectError)
- func (m NoLegs) GetLegSecurityDesc() (v string, err quickfix.MessageRejectError)
- func (m NoLegs) GetLegSecurityExchange() (v string, err quickfix.MessageRejectError)
- func (m NoLegs) GetLegSecurityID() (v string, err quickfix.MessageRejectError)
- func (m NoLegs) GetLegSecurityIDSource() (v string, err quickfix.MessageRejectError)
- func (m NoLegs) GetLegSecuritySubType() (v string, err quickfix.MessageRejectError)
- func (m NoLegs) GetLegSecurityType() (v string, err quickfix.MessageRejectError)
- func (m NoLegs) GetLegSide() (v string, err quickfix.MessageRejectError)
- func (m NoLegs) GetLegStateOrProvinceOfIssue() (v string, err quickfix.MessageRejectError)
- func (m NoLegs) GetLegStrikeCurrency() (v string, err quickfix.MessageRejectError)
- func (m NoLegs) GetLegStrikePrice() (v decimal.Decimal, err quickfix.MessageRejectError)
- func (m NoLegs) GetLegSymbol() (v string, err quickfix.MessageRejectError)
- func (m NoLegs) GetLegSymbolSfx() (v string, err quickfix.MessageRejectError)
- func (m NoLegs) GetNoLegSecurityAltID() (NoLegSecurityAltIDRepeatingGroup, quickfix.MessageRejectError)
- func (m NoLegs) HasEncodedLegIssuer() bool
- func (m NoLegs) HasEncodedLegIssuerLen() bool
- func (m NoLegs) HasEncodedLegSecurityDesc() bool
- func (m NoLegs) HasEncodedLegSecurityDescLen() bool
- func (m NoLegs) HasLegCFICode() bool
- func (m NoLegs) HasLegContractMultiplier() bool
- func (m NoLegs) HasLegContractSettlMonth() bool
- func (m NoLegs) HasLegCountryOfIssue() bool
- func (m NoLegs) HasLegCouponPaymentDate() bool
- func (m NoLegs) HasLegCouponRate() bool
- func (m NoLegs) HasLegCreditRating() bool
- func (m NoLegs) HasLegCurrency() bool
- func (m NoLegs) HasLegDatedDate() bool
- func (m NoLegs) HasLegFactor() bool
- func (m NoLegs) HasLegInstrRegistry() bool
- func (m NoLegs) HasLegInterestAccrualDate() bool
- func (m NoLegs) HasLegIssueDate() bool
- func (m NoLegs) HasLegIssuer() bool
- func (m NoLegs) HasLegLocaleOfIssue() bool
- func (m NoLegs) HasLegMaturityDate() bool
- func (m NoLegs) HasLegMaturityMonthYear() bool
- func (m NoLegs) HasLegOptAttribute() bool
- func (m NoLegs) HasLegPool() bool
- func (m NoLegs) HasLegProduct() bool
- func (m NoLegs) HasLegRatioQty() bool
- func (m NoLegs) HasLegRedemptionDate() bool
- func (m NoLegs) HasLegRepoCollateralSecurityType() bool
- func (m NoLegs) HasLegRepurchaseRate() bool
- func (m NoLegs) HasLegRepurchaseTerm() bool
- func (m NoLegs) HasLegSecurityDesc() bool
- func (m NoLegs) HasLegSecurityExchange() bool
- func (m NoLegs) HasLegSecurityID() bool
- func (m NoLegs) HasLegSecurityIDSource() bool
- func (m NoLegs) HasLegSecuritySubType() bool
- func (m NoLegs) HasLegSecurityType() bool
- func (m NoLegs) HasLegSide() bool
- func (m NoLegs) HasLegStateOrProvinceOfIssue() bool
- func (m NoLegs) HasLegStrikeCurrency() bool
- func (m NoLegs) HasLegStrikePrice() bool
- func (m NoLegs) HasLegSymbol() bool
- func (m NoLegs) HasLegSymbolSfx() bool
- func (m NoLegs) HasNoLegSecurityAltID() bool
- func (m NoLegs) SetEncodedLegIssuer(v string)
- func (m NoLegs) SetEncodedLegIssuerLen(v int)
- func (m NoLegs) SetEncodedLegSecurityDesc(v string)
- func (m NoLegs) SetEncodedLegSecurityDescLen(v int)
- func (m NoLegs) SetLegCFICode(v string)
- func (m NoLegs) SetLegContractMultiplier(value decimal.Decimal, scale int32)
- func (m NoLegs) SetLegContractSettlMonth(v string)
- func (m NoLegs) SetLegCountryOfIssue(v string)
- func (m NoLegs) SetLegCouponPaymentDate(v string)
- func (m NoLegs) SetLegCouponRate(value decimal.Decimal, scale int32)
- func (m NoLegs) SetLegCreditRating(v string)
- func (m NoLegs) SetLegCurrency(v string)
- func (m NoLegs) SetLegDatedDate(v string)
- func (m NoLegs) SetLegFactor(value decimal.Decimal, scale int32)
- func (m NoLegs) SetLegInstrRegistry(v string)
- func (m NoLegs) SetLegInterestAccrualDate(v string)
- func (m NoLegs) SetLegIssueDate(v string)
- func (m NoLegs) SetLegIssuer(v string)
- func (m NoLegs) SetLegLocaleOfIssue(v string)
- func (m NoLegs) SetLegMaturityDate(v string)
- func (m NoLegs) SetLegMaturityMonthYear(v string)
- func (m NoLegs) SetLegOptAttribute(v string)
- func (m NoLegs) SetLegPool(v string)
- func (m NoLegs) SetLegProduct(v int)
- func (m NoLegs) SetLegRatioQty(value decimal.Decimal, scale int32)
- func (m NoLegs) SetLegRedemptionDate(v string)
- func (m NoLegs) SetLegRepoCollateralSecurityType(v int)
- func (m NoLegs) SetLegRepurchaseRate(value decimal.Decimal, scale int32)
- func (m NoLegs) SetLegRepurchaseTerm(v int)
- func (m NoLegs) SetLegSecurityDesc(v string)
- func (m NoLegs) SetLegSecurityExchange(v string)
- func (m NoLegs) SetLegSecurityID(v string)
- func (m NoLegs) SetLegSecurityIDSource(v string)
- func (m NoLegs) SetLegSecuritySubType(v string)
- func (m NoLegs) SetLegSecurityType(v string)
- func (m NoLegs) SetLegSide(v string)
- func (m NoLegs) SetLegStateOrProvinceOfIssue(v string)
- func (m NoLegs) SetLegStrikeCurrency(v string)
- func (m NoLegs) SetLegStrikePrice(value decimal.Decimal, scale int32)
- func (m NoLegs) SetLegSymbol(v string)
- func (m NoLegs) SetLegSymbolSfx(v string)
- func (m NoLegs) SetNoLegSecurityAltID(f NoLegSecurityAltIDRepeatingGroup)
- type NoLegsRepeatingGroup
- type NoMiscFees
- func (m NoMiscFees) GetMiscFeeAmt() (v decimal.Decimal, err quickfix.MessageRejectError)
- func (m NoMiscFees) GetMiscFeeBasis() (v enum.MiscFeeBasis, err quickfix.MessageRejectError)
- func (m NoMiscFees) GetMiscFeeCurr() (v string, err quickfix.MessageRejectError)
- func (m NoMiscFees) GetMiscFeeType() (v enum.MiscFeeType, err quickfix.MessageRejectError)
- func (m NoMiscFees) HasMiscFeeAmt() bool
- func (m NoMiscFees) HasMiscFeeBasis() bool
- func (m NoMiscFees) HasMiscFeeCurr() bool
- func (m NoMiscFees) HasMiscFeeType() bool
- func (m NoMiscFees) SetMiscFeeAmt(value decimal.Decimal, scale int32)
- func (m NoMiscFees) SetMiscFeeBasis(v enum.MiscFeeBasis)
- func (m NoMiscFees) SetMiscFeeCurr(v string)
- func (m NoMiscFees) SetMiscFeeType(v enum.MiscFeeType)
- type NoMiscFeesRepeatingGroup
- type NoPartyIDs
- func (m NoPartyIDs) GetNoPartySubIDs() (NoPartySubIDsRepeatingGroup, quickfix.MessageRejectError)
- func (m NoPartyIDs) GetPartyID() (v string, err quickfix.MessageRejectError)
- func (m NoPartyIDs) GetPartyIDSource() (v enum.PartyIDSource, err quickfix.MessageRejectError)
- func (m NoPartyIDs) GetPartyRole() (v enum.PartyRole, err quickfix.MessageRejectError)
- func (m NoPartyIDs) HasNoPartySubIDs() bool
- func (m NoPartyIDs) HasPartyID() bool
- func (m NoPartyIDs) HasPartyIDSource() bool
- func (m NoPartyIDs) HasPartyRole() bool
- func (m NoPartyIDs) SetNoPartySubIDs(f NoPartySubIDsRepeatingGroup)
- func (m NoPartyIDs) SetPartyID(v string)
- func (m NoPartyIDs) SetPartyIDSource(v enum.PartyIDSource)
- func (m NoPartyIDs) SetPartyRole(v enum.PartyRole)
- type NoPartyIDsRepeatingGroup
- type NoPartySubIDs
- func (m NoPartySubIDs) GetPartySubID() (v string, err quickfix.MessageRejectError)
- func (m NoPartySubIDs) GetPartySubIDType() (v enum.PartySubIDType, err quickfix.MessageRejectError)
- func (m NoPartySubIDs) HasPartySubID() bool
- func (m NoPartySubIDs) HasPartySubIDType() bool
- func (m NoPartySubIDs) SetPartySubID(v string)
- func (m NoPartySubIDs) SetPartySubIDType(v enum.PartySubIDType)
- type NoPartySubIDsRepeatingGroup
- type NoSecurityAltID
- func (m NoSecurityAltID) GetSecurityAltID() (v string, err quickfix.MessageRejectError)
- func (m NoSecurityAltID) GetSecurityAltIDSource() (v string, err quickfix.MessageRejectError)
- func (m NoSecurityAltID) HasSecurityAltID() bool
- func (m NoSecurityAltID) HasSecurityAltIDSource() bool
- func (m NoSecurityAltID) SetSecurityAltID(v string)
- func (m NoSecurityAltID) SetSecurityAltIDSource(v string)
- type NoSecurityAltIDRepeatingGroup
- type NoSettlPartyIDs
- func (m NoSettlPartyIDs) GetNoSettlPartySubIDs() (NoSettlPartySubIDsRepeatingGroup, quickfix.MessageRejectError)
- func (m NoSettlPartyIDs) GetSettlPartyID() (v string, err quickfix.MessageRejectError)
- func (m NoSettlPartyIDs) GetSettlPartyIDSource() (v string, err quickfix.MessageRejectError)
- func (m NoSettlPartyIDs) GetSettlPartyRole() (v int, err quickfix.MessageRejectError)
- func (m NoSettlPartyIDs) HasNoSettlPartySubIDs() bool
- func (m NoSettlPartyIDs) HasSettlPartyID() bool
- func (m NoSettlPartyIDs) HasSettlPartyIDSource() bool
- func (m NoSettlPartyIDs) HasSettlPartyRole() bool
- func (m NoSettlPartyIDs) SetNoSettlPartySubIDs(f NoSettlPartySubIDsRepeatingGroup)
- func (m NoSettlPartyIDs) SetSettlPartyID(v string)
- func (m NoSettlPartyIDs) SetSettlPartyIDSource(v string)
- func (m NoSettlPartyIDs) SetSettlPartyRole(v int)
- type NoSettlPartyIDsRepeatingGroup
- type NoSettlPartySubIDs
- func (m NoSettlPartySubIDs) GetSettlPartySubID() (v string, err quickfix.MessageRejectError)
- func (m NoSettlPartySubIDs) GetSettlPartySubIDType() (v int, err quickfix.MessageRejectError)
- func (m NoSettlPartySubIDs) HasSettlPartySubID() bool
- func (m NoSettlPartySubIDs) HasSettlPartySubIDType() bool
- func (m NoSettlPartySubIDs) SetSettlPartySubID(v string)
- func (m NoSettlPartySubIDs) SetSettlPartySubIDType(v int)
- type NoSettlPartySubIDsRepeatingGroup
- type NoStipulations
- func (m NoStipulations) GetStipulationType() (v enum.StipulationType, err quickfix.MessageRejectError)
- func (m NoStipulations) GetStipulationValue() (v string, err quickfix.MessageRejectError)
- func (m NoStipulations) HasStipulationType() bool
- func (m NoStipulations) HasStipulationValue() bool
- func (m NoStipulations) SetStipulationType(v enum.StipulationType)
- func (m NoStipulations) SetStipulationValue(v string)
- type NoStipulationsRepeatingGroup
- type NoTrades
- func (m NoTrades) GetSecondaryTradeReportID() (v string, err quickfix.MessageRejectError)
- func (m NoTrades) GetTradeReportID() (v string, err quickfix.MessageRejectError)
- func (m NoTrades) HasSecondaryTradeReportID() bool
- func (m NoTrades) HasTradeReportID() bool
- func (m NoTrades) SetSecondaryTradeReportID(v string)
- func (m NoTrades) SetTradeReportID(v string)
- type NoTradesRepeatingGroup
- type NoTrdRegTimestamps
- func (m NoTrdRegTimestamps) GetTrdRegTimestamp() (v time.Time, err quickfix.MessageRejectError)
- func (m NoTrdRegTimestamps) GetTrdRegTimestampOrigin() (v string, err quickfix.MessageRejectError)
- func (m NoTrdRegTimestamps) GetTrdRegTimestampType() (v enum.TrdRegTimestampType, err quickfix.MessageRejectError)
- func (m NoTrdRegTimestamps) HasTrdRegTimestamp() bool
- func (m NoTrdRegTimestamps) HasTrdRegTimestampOrigin() bool
- func (m NoTrdRegTimestamps) HasTrdRegTimestampType() bool
- func (m NoTrdRegTimestamps) SetTrdRegTimestamp(v time.Time)
- func (m NoTrdRegTimestamps) SetTrdRegTimestampOrigin(v string)
- func (m NoTrdRegTimestamps) SetTrdRegTimestampType(v enum.TrdRegTimestampType)
- type NoTrdRegTimestampsRepeatingGroup
- type NoUnderlyingSecurityAltID
- func (m NoUnderlyingSecurityAltID) GetUnderlyingSecurityAltID() (v string, err quickfix.MessageRejectError)
- func (m NoUnderlyingSecurityAltID) GetUnderlyingSecurityAltIDSource() (v string, err quickfix.MessageRejectError)
- func (m NoUnderlyingSecurityAltID) HasUnderlyingSecurityAltID() bool
- func (m NoUnderlyingSecurityAltID) HasUnderlyingSecurityAltIDSource() bool
- func (m NoUnderlyingSecurityAltID) SetUnderlyingSecurityAltID(v string)
- func (m NoUnderlyingSecurityAltID) SetUnderlyingSecurityAltIDSource(v string)
- type NoUnderlyingSecurityAltIDRepeatingGroup
- type NoUnderlyingStips
- func (m NoUnderlyingStips) GetUnderlyingStipType() (v string, err quickfix.MessageRejectError)
- func (m NoUnderlyingStips) GetUnderlyingStipValue() (v string, err quickfix.MessageRejectError)
- func (m NoUnderlyingStips) HasUnderlyingStipType() bool
- func (m NoUnderlyingStips) HasUnderlyingStipValue() bool
- func (m NoUnderlyingStips) SetUnderlyingStipType(v string)
- func (m NoUnderlyingStips) SetUnderlyingStipValue(v string)
- type NoUnderlyingStipsRepeatingGroup
- type NoUnderlyings
- func (m NoUnderlyings) GetEncodedUnderlyingIssuer() (v string, err quickfix.MessageRejectError)
- func (m NoUnderlyings) GetEncodedUnderlyingIssuerLen() (v int, err quickfix.MessageRejectError)
- func (m NoUnderlyings) GetEncodedUnderlyingSecurityDesc() (v string, err quickfix.MessageRejectError)
- func (m NoUnderlyings) GetEncodedUnderlyingSecurityDescLen() (v int, err quickfix.MessageRejectError)
- func (m NoUnderlyings) GetNoUnderlyingSecurityAltID() (NoUnderlyingSecurityAltIDRepeatingGroup, quickfix.MessageRejectError)
- func (m NoUnderlyings) GetNoUnderlyingStips() (NoUnderlyingStipsRepeatingGroup, quickfix.MessageRejectError)
- func (m NoUnderlyings) GetUnderlyingCFICode() (v string, err quickfix.MessageRejectError)
- func (m NoUnderlyings) GetUnderlyingCPProgram() (v string, err quickfix.MessageRejectError)
- func (m NoUnderlyings) GetUnderlyingCPRegType() (v string, err quickfix.MessageRejectError)
- func (m NoUnderlyings) GetUnderlyingContractMultiplier() (v decimal.Decimal, err quickfix.MessageRejectError)
- func (m NoUnderlyings) GetUnderlyingCountryOfIssue() (v string, err quickfix.MessageRejectError)
- func (m NoUnderlyings) GetUnderlyingCouponPaymentDate() (v string, err quickfix.MessageRejectError)
- func (m NoUnderlyings) GetUnderlyingCouponRate() (v decimal.Decimal, err quickfix.MessageRejectError)
- func (m NoUnderlyings) GetUnderlyingCreditRating() (v string, err quickfix.MessageRejectError)
- func (m NoUnderlyings) GetUnderlyingCurrency() (v string, err quickfix.MessageRejectError)
- func (m NoUnderlyings) GetUnderlyingCurrentValue() (v decimal.Decimal, err quickfix.MessageRejectError)
- func (m NoUnderlyings) GetUnderlyingDirtyPrice() (v decimal.Decimal, err quickfix.MessageRejectError)
- func (m NoUnderlyings) GetUnderlyingEndPrice() (v decimal.Decimal, err quickfix.MessageRejectError)
- func (m NoUnderlyings) GetUnderlyingEndValue() (v decimal.Decimal, err quickfix.MessageRejectError)
- func (m NoUnderlyings) GetUnderlyingFactor() (v decimal.Decimal, err quickfix.MessageRejectError)
- func (m NoUnderlyings) GetUnderlyingInstrRegistry() (v string, err quickfix.MessageRejectError)
- func (m NoUnderlyings) GetUnderlyingIssueDate() (v string, err quickfix.MessageRejectError)
- func (m NoUnderlyings) GetUnderlyingIssuer() (v string, err quickfix.MessageRejectError)
- func (m NoUnderlyings) GetUnderlyingLocaleOfIssue() (v string, err quickfix.MessageRejectError)
- func (m NoUnderlyings) GetUnderlyingMaturityDate() (v string, err quickfix.MessageRejectError)
- func (m NoUnderlyings) GetUnderlyingMaturityMonthYear() (v string, err quickfix.MessageRejectError)
- func (m NoUnderlyings) GetUnderlyingOptAttribute() (v string, err quickfix.MessageRejectError)
- func (m NoUnderlyings) GetUnderlyingProduct() (v int, err quickfix.MessageRejectError)
- func (m NoUnderlyings) GetUnderlyingPx() (v decimal.Decimal, err quickfix.MessageRejectError)
- func (m NoUnderlyings) GetUnderlyingQty() (v decimal.Decimal, err quickfix.MessageRejectError)
- func (m NoUnderlyings) GetUnderlyingRedemptionDate() (v string, err quickfix.MessageRejectError)
- func (m NoUnderlyings) GetUnderlyingRepoCollateralSecurityType() (v int, err quickfix.MessageRejectError)
- func (m NoUnderlyings) GetUnderlyingRepurchaseRate() (v decimal.Decimal, err quickfix.MessageRejectError)
- func (m NoUnderlyings) GetUnderlyingRepurchaseTerm() (v int, err quickfix.MessageRejectError)
- func (m NoUnderlyings) GetUnderlyingSecurityDesc() (v string, err quickfix.MessageRejectError)
- func (m NoUnderlyings) GetUnderlyingSecurityExchange() (v string, err quickfix.MessageRejectError)
- func (m NoUnderlyings) GetUnderlyingSecurityID() (v string, err quickfix.MessageRejectError)
- func (m NoUnderlyings) GetUnderlyingSecurityIDSource() (v string, err quickfix.MessageRejectError)
- func (m NoUnderlyings) GetUnderlyingSecuritySubType() (v string, err quickfix.MessageRejectError)
- func (m NoUnderlyings) GetUnderlyingSecurityType() (v string, err quickfix.MessageRejectError)
- func (m NoUnderlyings) GetUnderlyingStartValue() (v decimal.Decimal, err quickfix.MessageRejectError)
- func (m NoUnderlyings) GetUnderlyingStateOrProvinceOfIssue() (v string, err quickfix.MessageRejectError)
- func (m NoUnderlyings) GetUnderlyingStrikeCurrency() (v string, err quickfix.MessageRejectError)
- func (m NoUnderlyings) GetUnderlyingStrikePrice() (v decimal.Decimal, err quickfix.MessageRejectError)
- func (m NoUnderlyings) GetUnderlyingSymbol() (v string, err quickfix.MessageRejectError)
- func (m NoUnderlyings) GetUnderlyingSymbolSfx() (v string, err quickfix.MessageRejectError)
- func (m NoUnderlyings) HasEncodedUnderlyingIssuer() bool
- func (m NoUnderlyings) HasEncodedUnderlyingIssuerLen() bool
- func (m NoUnderlyings) HasEncodedUnderlyingSecurityDesc() bool
- func (m NoUnderlyings) HasEncodedUnderlyingSecurityDescLen() bool
- func (m NoUnderlyings) HasNoUnderlyingSecurityAltID() bool
- func (m NoUnderlyings) HasNoUnderlyingStips() bool
- func (m NoUnderlyings) HasUnderlyingCFICode() bool
- func (m NoUnderlyings) HasUnderlyingCPProgram() bool
- func (m NoUnderlyings) HasUnderlyingCPRegType() bool
- func (m NoUnderlyings) HasUnderlyingContractMultiplier() bool
- func (m NoUnderlyings) HasUnderlyingCountryOfIssue() bool
- func (m NoUnderlyings) HasUnderlyingCouponPaymentDate() bool
- func (m NoUnderlyings) HasUnderlyingCouponRate() bool
- func (m NoUnderlyings) HasUnderlyingCreditRating() bool
- func (m NoUnderlyings) HasUnderlyingCurrency() bool
- func (m NoUnderlyings) HasUnderlyingCurrentValue() bool
- func (m NoUnderlyings) HasUnderlyingDirtyPrice() bool
- func (m NoUnderlyings) HasUnderlyingEndPrice() bool
- func (m NoUnderlyings) HasUnderlyingEndValue() bool
- func (m NoUnderlyings) HasUnderlyingFactor() bool
- func (m NoUnderlyings) HasUnderlyingInstrRegistry() bool
- func (m NoUnderlyings) HasUnderlyingIssueDate() bool
- func (m NoUnderlyings) HasUnderlyingIssuer() bool
- func (m NoUnderlyings) HasUnderlyingLocaleOfIssue() bool
- func (m NoUnderlyings) HasUnderlyingMaturityDate() bool
- func (m NoUnderlyings) HasUnderlyingMaturityMonthYear() bool
- func (m NoUnderlyings) HasUnderlyingOptAttribute() bool
- func (m NoUnderlyings) HasUnderlyingProduct() bool
- func (m NoUnderlyings) HasUnderlyingPx() bool
- func (m NoUnderlyings) HasUnderlyingQty() bool
- func (m NoUnderlyings) HasUnderlyingRedemptionDate() bool
- func (m NoUnderlyings) HasUnderlyingRepoCollateralSecurityType() bool
- func (m NoUnderlyings) HasUnderlyingRepurchaseRate() bool
- func (m NoUnderlyings) HasUnderlyingRepurchaseTerm() bool
- func (m NoUnderlyings) HasUnderlyingSecurityDesc() bool
- func (m NoUnderlyings) HasUnderlyingSecurityExchange() bool
- func (m NoUnderlyings) HasUnderlyingSecurityID() bool
- func (m NoUnderlyings) HasUnderlyingSecurityIDSource() bool
- func (m NoUnderlyings) HasUnderlyingSecuritySubType() bool
- func (m NoUnderlyings) HasUnderlyingSecurityType() bool
- func (m NoUnderlyings) HasUnderlyingStartValue() bool
- func (m NoUnderlyings) HasUnderlyingStateOrProvinceOfIssue() bool
- func (m NoUnderlyings) HasUnderlyingStrikeCurrency() bool
- func (m NoUnderlyings) HasUnderlyingStrikePrice() bool
- func (m NoUnderlyings) HasUnderlyingSymbol() bool
- func (m NoUnderlyings) HasUnderlyingSymbolSfx() bool
- func (m NoUnderlyings) SetEncodedUnderlyingIssuer(v string)
- func (m NoUnderlyings) SetEncodedUnderlyingIssuerLen(v int)
- func (m NoUnderlyings) SetEncodedUnderlyingSecurityDesc(v string)
- func (m NoUnderlyings) SetEncodedUnderlyingSecurityDescLen(v int)
- func (m NoUnderlyings) SetNoUnderlyingSecurityAltID(f NoUnderlyingSecurityAltIDRepeatingGroup)
- func (m NoUnderlyings) SetNoUnderlyingStips(f NoUnderlyingStipsRepeatingGroup)
- func (m NoUnderlyings) SetUnderlyingCFICode(v string)
- func (m NoUnderlyings) SetUnderlyingCPProgram(v string)
- func (m NoUnderlyings) SetUnderlyingCPRegType(v string)
- func (m NoUnderlyings) SetUnderlyingContractMultiplier(value decimal.Decimal, scale int32)
- func (m NoUnderlyings) SetUnderlyingCountryOfIssue(v string)
- func (m NoUnderlyings) SetUnderlyingCouponPaymentDate(v string)
- func (m NoUnderlyings) SetUnderlyingCouponRate(value decimal.Decimal, scale int32)
- func (m NoUnderlyings) SetUnderlyingCreditRating(v string)
- func (m NoUnderlyings) SetUnderlyingCurrency(v string)
- func (m NoUnderlyings) SetUnderlyingCurrentValue(value decimal.Decimal, scale int32)
- func (m NoUnderlyings) SetUnderlyingDirtyPrice(value decimal.Decimal, scale int32)
- func (m NoUnderlyings) SetUnderlyingEndPrice(value decimal.Decimal, scale int32)
- func (m NoUnderlyings) SetUnderlyingEndValue(value decimal.Decimal, scale int32)
- func (m NoUnderlyings) SetUnderlyingFactor(value decimal.Decimal, scale int32)
- func (m NoUnderlyings) SetUnderlyingInstrRegistry(v string)
- func (m NoUnderlyings) SetUnderlyingIssueDate(v string)
- func (m NoUnderlyings) SetUnderlyingIssuer(v string)
- func (m NoUnderlyings) SetUnderlyingLocaleOfIssue(v string)
- func (m NoUnderlyings) SetUnderlyingMaturityDate(v string)
- func (m NoUnderlyings) SetUnderlyingMaturityMonthYear(v string)
- func (m NoUnderlyings) SetUnderlyingOptAttribute(v string)
- func (m NoUnderlyings) SetUnderlyingProduct(v int)
- func (m NoUnderlyings) SetUnderlyingPx(value decimal.Decimal, scale int32)
- func (m NoUnderlyings) SetUnderlyingQty(value decimal.Decimal, scale int32)
- func (m NoUnderlyings) SetUnderlyingRedemptionDate(v string)
- func (m NoUnderlyings) SetUnderlyingRepoCollateralSecurityType(v int)
- func (m NoUnderlyings) SetUnderlyingRepurchaseRate(value decimal.Decimal, scale int32)
- func (m NoUnderlyings) SetUnderlyingRepurchaseTerm(v int)
- func (m NoUnderlyings) SetUnderlyingSecurityDesc(v string)
- func (m NoUnderlyings) SetUnderlyingSecurityExchange(v string)
- func (m NoUnderlyings) SetUnderlyingSecurityID(v string)
- func (m NoUnderlyings) SetUnderlyingSecurityIDSource(v string)
- func (m NoUnderlyings) SetUnderlyingSecuritySubType(v string)
- func (m NoUnderlyings) SetUnderlyingSecurityType(v string)
- func (m NoUnderlyings) SetUnderlyingStartValue(value decimal.Decimal, scale int32)
- func (m NoUnderlyings) SetUnderlyingStateOrProvinceOfIssue(v string)
- func (m NoUnderlyings) SetUnderlyingStrikeCurrency(v string)
- func (m NoUnderlyings) SetUnderlyingStrikePrice(value decimal.Decimal, scale int32)
- func (m NoUnderlyings) SetUnderlyingSymbol(v string)
- func (m NoUnderlyings) SetUnderlyingSymbolSfx(v string)
- type NoUnderlyingsRepeatingGroup
- type RouteOut
Constants ¶
This section is empty.
Variables ¶
This section is empty.
Functions ¶
Types ¶
type CollateralReport ¶
type CollateralReport struct { fix44.Header *quickfix.Body fix44.Trailer Message *quickfix.Message }
CollateralReport is the fix44 CollateralReport type, MsgType = BA
func FromMessage ¶
func FromMessage(m *quickfix.Message) CollateralReport
FromMessage creates a CollateralReport from a quickfix.Message instance
func New ¶
func New(collrptid field.CollRptIDField, collstatus field.CollStatusField) (m CollateralReport)
New returns a CollateralReport initialized with the required fields for CollateralReport
func (CollateralReport) GetAccount ¶
func (m CollateralReport) GetAccount() (v string, err quickfix.MessageRejectError)
GetAccount gets Account, Tag 1
func (CollateralReport) GetAccountType ¶
func (m CollateralReport) GetAccountType() (v enum.AccountType, err quickfix.MessageRejectError)
GetAccountType gets AccountType, Tag 581
func (CollateralReport) GetAccruedInterestAmt ¶
func (m CollateralReport) GetAccruedInterestAmt() (v decimal.Decimal, err quickfix.MessageRejectError)
GetAccruedInterestAmt gets AccruedInterestAmt, Tag 159
func (CollateralReport) GetAgreementCurrency ¶
func (m CollateralReport) GetAgreementCurrency() (v string, err quickfix.MessageRejectError)
GetAgreementCurrency gets AgreementCurrency, Tag 918
func (CollateralReport) GetAgreementDate ¶
func (m CollateralReport) GetAgreementDate() (v string, err quickfix.MessageRejectError)
GetAgreementDate gets AgreementDate, Tag 915
func (CollateralReport) GetAgreementDesc ¶
func (m CollateralReport) GetAgreementDesc() (v string, err quickfix.MessageRejectError)
GetAgreementDesc gets AgreementDesc, Tag 913
func (CollateralReport) GetAgreementID ¶
func (m CollateralReport) GetAgreementID() (v string, err quickfix.MessageRejectError)
GetAgreementID gets AgreementID, Tag 914
func (CollateralReport) GetBenchmarkCurveCurrency ¶
func (m CollateralReport) GetBenchmarkCurveCurrency() (v string, err quickfix.MessageRejectError)
GetBenchmarkCurveCurrency gets BenchmarkCurveCurrency, Tag 220
func (CollateralReport) GetBenchmarkCurveName ¶
func (m CollateralReport) GetBenchmarkCurveName() (v enum.BenchmarkCurveName, err quickfix.MessageRejectError)
GetBenchmarkCurveName gets BenchmarkCurveName, Tag 221
func (CollateralReport) GetBenchmarkCurvePoint ¶
func (m CollateralReport) GetBenchmarkCurvePoint() (v string, err quickfix.MessageRejectError)
GetBenchmarkCurvePoint gets BenchmarkCurvePoint, Tag 222
func (CollateralReport) GetBenchmarkPrice ¶
func (m CollateralReport) GetBenchmarkPrice() (v decimal.Decimal, err quickfix.MessageRejectError)
GetBenchmarkPrice gets BenchmarkPrice, Tag 662
func (CollateralReport) GetBenchmarkPriceType ¶
func (m CollateralReport) GetBenchmarkPriceType() (v int, err quickfix.MessageRejectError)
GetBenchmarkPriceType gets BenchmarkPriceType, Tag 663
func (CollateralReport) GetBenchmarkSecurityID ¶
func (m CollateralReport) GetBenchmarkSecurityID() (v string, err quickfix.MessageRejectError)
GetBenchmarkSecurityID gets BenchmarkSecurityID, Tag 699
func (CollateralReport) GetBenchmarkSecurityIDSource ¶
func (m CollateralReport) GetBenchmarkSecurityIDSource() (v string, err quickfix.MessageRejectError)
GetBenchmarkSecurityIDSource gets BenchmarkSecurityIDSource, Tag 761
func (CollateralReport) GetCFICode ¶
func (m CollateralReport) GetCFICode() (v string, err quickfix.MessageRejectError)
GetCFICode gets CFICode, Tag 461
func (CollateralReport) GetCPProgram ¶
func (m CollateralReport) GetCPProgram() (v enum.CPProgram, err quickfix.MessageRejectError)
GetCPProgram gets CPProgram, Tag 875
func (CollateralReport) GetCPRegType ¶
func (m CollateralReport) GetCPRegType() (v string, err quickfix.MessageRejectError)
GetCPRegType gets CPRegType, Tag 876
func (CollateralReport) GetCashOutstanding ¶
func (m CollateralReport) GetCashOutstanding() (v decimal.Decimal, err quickfix.MessageRejectError)
GetCashOutstanding gets CashOutstanding, Tag 901
func (CollateralReport) GetClOrdID ¶
func (m CollateralReport) GetClOrdID() (v string, err quickfix.MessageRejectError)
GetClOrdID gets ClOrdID, Tag 11
func (CollateralReport) GetClearingBusinessDate ¶
func (m CollateralReport) GetClearingBusinessDate() (v string, err quickfix.MessageRejectError)
GetClearingBusinessDate gets ClearingBusinessDate, Tag 715
func (CollateralReport) GetCollInquiryID ¶
func (m CollateralReport) GetCollInquiryID() (v string, err quickfix.MessageRejectError)
GetCollInquiryID gets CollInquiryID, Tag 909
func (CollateralReport) GetCollRptID ¶
func (m CollateralReport) GetCollRptID() (v string, err quickfix.MessageRejectError)
GetCollRptID gets CollRptID, Tag 908
func (CollateralReport) GetCollStatus ¶
func (m CollateralReport) GetCollStatus() (v enum.CollStatus, err quickfix.MessageRejectError)
GetCollStatus gets CollStatus, Tag 910
func (CollateralReport) GetContractMultiplier ¶
func (m CollateralReport) GetContractMultiplier() (v decimal.Decimal, err quickfix.MessageRejectError)
GetContractMultiplier gets ContractMultiplier, Tag 231
func (CollateralReport) GetContractSettlMonth ¶
func (m CollateralReport) GetContractSettlMonth() (v string, err quickfix.MessageRejectError)
GetContractSettlMonth gets ContractSettlMonth, Tag 667
func (CollateralReport) GetCountryOfIssue ¶
func (m CollateralReport) GetCountryOfIssue() (v string, err quickfix.MessageRejectError)
GetCountryOfIssue gets CountryOfIssue, Tag 470
func (CollateralReport) GetCouponPaymentDate ¶
func (m CollateralReport) GetCouponPaymentDate() (v string, err quickfix.MessageRejectError)
GetCouponPaymentDate gets CouponPaymentDate, Tag 224
func (CollateralReport) GetCouponRate ¶
func (m CollateralReport) GetCouponRate() (v decimal.Decimal, err quickfix.MessageRejectError)
GetCouponRate gets CouponRate, Tag 223
func (CollateralReport) GetCreditRating ¶
func (m CollateralReport) GetCreditRating() (v string, err quickfix.MessageRejectError)
GetCreditRating gets CreditRating, Tag 255
func (CollateralReport) GetCurrency ¶
func (m CollateralReport) GetCurrency() (v string, err quickfix.MessageRejectError)
GetCurrency gets Currency, Tag 15
func (CollateralReport) GetDatedDate ¶
func (m CollateralReport) GetDatedDate() (v string, err quickfix.MessageRejectError)
GetDatedDate gets DatedDate, Tag 873
func (CollateralReport) GetDeliveryType ¶
func (m CollateralReport) GetDeliveryType() (v enum.DeliveryType, err quickfix.MessageRejectError)
GetDeliveryType gets DeliveryType, Tag 919
func (CollateralReport) GetEncodedIssuer ¶
func (m CollateralReport) GetEncodedIssuer() (v string, err quickfix.MessageRejectError)
GetEncodedIssuer gets EncodedIssuer, Tag 349
func (CollateralReport) GetEncodedIssuerLen ¶
func (m CollateralReport) GetEncodedIssuerLen() (v int, err quickfix.MessageRejectError)
GetEncodedIssuerLen gets EncodedIssuerLen, Tag 348
func (CollateralReport) GetEncodedSecurityDesc ¶
func (m CollateralReport) GetEncodedSecurityDesc() (v string, err quickfix.MessageRejectError)
GetEncodedSecurityDesc gets EncodedSecurityDesc, Tag 351
func (CollateralReport) GetEncodedSecurityDescLen ¶
func (m CollateralReport) GetEncodedSecurityDescLen() (v int, err quickfix.MessageRejectError)
GetEncodedSecurityDescLen gets EncodedSecurityDescLen, Tag 350
func (CollateralReport) GetEncodedText ¶
func (m CollateralReport) GetEncodedText() (v string, err quickfix.MessageRejectError)
GetEncodedText gets EncodedText, Tag 355
func (CollateralReport) GetEncodedTextLen ¶
func (m CollateralReport) GetEncodedTextLen() (v int, err quickfix.MessageRejectError)
GetEncodedTextLen gets EncodedTextLen, Tag 354
func (CollateralReport) GetEndAccruedInterestAmt ¶
func (m CollateralReport) GetEndAccruedInterestAmt() (v decimal.Decimal, err quickfix.MessageRejectError)
GetEndAccruedInterestAmt gets EndAccruedInterestAmt, Tag 920
func (CollateralReport) GetEndCash ¶
func (m CollateralReport) GetEndCash() (v decimal.Decimal, err quickfix.MessageRejectError)
GetEndCash gets EndCash, Tag 922
func (CollateralReport) GetEndDate ¶
func (m CollateralReport) GetEndDate() (v string, err quickfix.MessageRejectError)
GetEndDate gets EndDate, Tag 917
func (CollateralReport) GetFactor ¶
func (m CollateralReport) GetFactor() (v decimal.Decimal, err quickfix.MessageRejectError)
GetFactor gets Factor, Tag 228
func (CollateralReport) GetInstrRegistry ¶
func (m CollateralReport) GetInstrRegistry() (v enum.InstrRegistry, err quickfix.MessageRejectError)
GetInstrRegistry gets InstrRegistry, Tag 543
func (CollateralReport) GetInterestAccrualDate ¶
func (m CollateralReport) GetInterestAccrualDate() (v string, err quickfix.MessageRejectError)
GetInterestAccrualDate gets InterestAccrualDate, Tag 874
func (CollateralReport) GetIssueDate ¶
func (m CollateralReport) GetIssueDate() (v string, err quickfix.MessageRejectError)
GetIssueDate gets IssueDate, Tag 225
func (CollateralReport) GetIssuer ¶
func (m CollateralReport) GetIssuer() (v string, err quickfix.MessageRejectError)
GetIssuer gets Issuer, Tag 106
func (CollateralReport) GetLastRptRequested ¶
func (m CollateralReport) GetLastRptRequested() (v bool, err quickfix.MessageRejectError)
GetLastRptRequested gets LastRptRequested, Tag 912
func (CollateralReport) GetLocaleOfIssue ¶
func (m CollateralReport) GetLocaleOfIssue() (v string, err quickfix.MessageRejectError)
GetLocaleOfIssue gets LocaleOfIssue, Tag 472
func (CollateralReport) GetMarginExcess ¶
func (m CollateralReport) GetMarginExcess() (v decimal.Decimal, err quickfix.MessageRejectError)
GetMarginExcess gets MarginExcess, Tag 899
func (CollateralReport) GetMarginRatio ¶
func (m CollateralReport) GetMarginRatio() (v decimal.Decimal, err quickfix.MessageRejectError)
GetMarginRatio gets MarginRatio, Tag 898
func (CollateralReport) GetMaturityDate ¶
func (m CollateralReport) GetMaturityDate() (v string, err quickfix.MessageRejectError)
GetMaturityDate gets MaturityDate, Tag 541
func (CollateralReport) GetMaturityMonthYear ¶
func (m CollateralReport) GetMaturityMonthYear() (v string, err quickfix.MessageRejectError)
GetMaturityMonthYear gets MaturityMonthYear, Tag 200
func (CollateralReport) GetNoDlvyInst ¶
func (m CollateralReport) GetNoDlvyInst() (NoDlvyInstRepeatingGroup, quickfix.MessageRejectError)
GetNoDlvyInst gets NoDlvyInst, Tag 85
func (CollateralReport) GetNoEvents ¶
func (m CollateralReport) GetNoEvents() (NoEventsRepeatingGroup, quickfix.MessageRejectError)
GetNoEvents gets NoEvents, Tag 864
func (CollateralReport) GetNoExecs ¶
func (m CollateralReport) GetNoExecs() (NoExecsRepeatingGroup, quickfix.MessageRejectError)
GetNoExecs gets NoExecs, Tag 124
func (CollateralReport) GetNoLegs ¶
func (m CollateralReport) GetNoLegs() (NoLegsRepeatingGroup, quickfix.MessageRejectError)
GetNoLegs gets NoLegs, Tag 555
func (CollateralReport) GetNoMiscFees ¶
func (m CollateralReport) GetNoMiscFees() (NoMiscFeesRepeatingGroup, quickfix.MessageRejectError)
GetNoMiscFees gets NoMiscFees, Tag 136
func (CollateralReport) GetNoPartyIDs ¶
func (m CollateralReport) GetNoPartyIDs() (NoPartyIDsRepeatingGroup, quickfix.MessageRejectError)
GetNoPartyIDs gets NoPartyIDs, Tag 453
func (CollateralReport) GetNoSecurityAltID ¶
func (m CollateralReport) GetNoSecurityAltID() (NoSecurityAltIDRepeatingGroup, quickfix.MessageRejectError)
GetNoSecurityAltID gets NoSecurityAltID, Tag 454
func (CollateralReport) GetNoStipulations ¶
func (m CollateralReport) GetNoStipulations() (NoStipulationsRepeatingGroup, quickfix.MessageRejectError)
GetNoStipulations gets NoStipulations, Tag 232
func (CollateralReport) GetNoTrades ¶
func (m CollateralReport) GetNoTrades() (NoTradesRepeatingGroup, quickfix.MessageRejectError)
GetNoTrades gets NoTrades, Tag 897
func (CollateralReport) GetNoTrdRegTimestamps ¶
func (m CollateralReport) GetNoTrdRegTimestamps() (NoTrdRegTimestampsRepeatingGroup, quickfix.MessageRejectError)
GetNoTrdRegTimestamps gets NoTrdRegTimestamps, Tag 768
func (CollateralReport) GetNoUnderlyings ¶
func (m CollateralReport) GetNoUnderlyings() (NoUnderlyingsRepeatingGroup, quickfix.MessageRejectError)
GetNoUnderlyings gets NoUnderlyings, Tag 711
func (CollateralReport) GetOptAttribute ¶
func (m CollateralReport) GetOptAttribute() (v string, err quickfix.MessageRejectError)
GetOptAttribute gets OptAttribute, Tag 206
func (CollateralReport) GetOrderID ¶
func (m CollateralReport) GetOrderID() (v string, err quickfix.MessageRejectError)
GetOrderID gets OrderID, Tag 37
func (CollateralReport) GetPool ¶
func (m CollateralReport) GetPool() (v string, err quickfix.MessageRejectError)
GetPool gets Pool, Tag 691
func (CollateralReport) GetPrice ¶
func (m CollateralReport) GetPrice() (v decimal.Decimal, err quickfix.MessageRejectError)
GetPrice gets Price, Tag 44
func (CollateralReport) GetPriceType ¶
func (m CollateralReport) GetPriceType() (v enum.PriceType, err quickfix.MessageRejectError)
GetPriceType gets PriceType, Tag 423
func (CollateralReport) GetProduct ¶
func (m CollateralReport) GetProduct() (v enum.Product, err quickfix.MessageRejectError)
GetProduct gets Product, Tag 460
func (CollateralReport) GetQtyType ¶
func (m CollateralReport) GetQtyType() (v enum.QtyType, err quickfix.MessageRejectError)
GetQtyType gets QtyType, Tag 854
func (CollateralReport) GetQuantity ¶
func (m CollateralReport) GetQuantity() (v decimal.Decimal, err quickfix.MessageRejectError)
GetQuantity gets Quantity, Tag 53
func (CollateralReport) GetRedemptionDate ¶
func (m CollateralReport) GetRedemptionDate() (v string, err quickfix.MessageRejectError)
GetRedemptionDate gets RedemptionDate, Tag 240
func (CollateralReport) GetRepoCollateralSecurityType ¶
func (m CollateralReport) GetRepoCollateralSecurityType() (v int, err quickfix.MessageRejectError)
GetRepoCollateralSecurityType gets RepoCollateralSecurityType, Tag 239
func (CollateralReport) GetRepurchaseRate ¶
func (m CollateralReport) GetRepurchaseRate() (v decimal.Decimal, err quickfix.MessageRejectError)
GetRepurchaseRate gets RepurchaseRate, Tag 227
func (CollateralReport) GetRepurchaseTerm ¶
func (m CollateralReport) GetRepurchaseTerm() (v int, err quickfix.MessageRejectError)
GetRepurchaseTerm gets RepurchaseTerm, Tag 226
func (CollateralReport) GetSecondaryClOrdID ¶
func (m CollateralReport) GetSecondaryClOrdID() (v string, err quickfix.MessageRejectError)
GetSecondaryClOrdID gets SecondaryClOrdID, Tag 526
func (CollateralReport) GetSecondaryOrderID ¶
func (m CollateralReport) GetSecondaryOrderID() (v string, err quickfix.MessageRejectError)
GetSecondaryOrderID gets SecondaryOrderID, Tag 198
func (CollateralReport) GetSecurityDesc ¶
func (m CollateralReport) GetSecurityDesc() (v string, err quickfix.MessageRejectError)
GetSecurityDesc gets SecurityDesc, Tag 107
func (CollateralReport) GetSecurityExchange ¶
func (m CollateralReport) GetSecurityExchange() (v string, err quickfix.MessageRejectError)
GetSecurityExchange gets SecurityExchange, Tag 207
func (CollateralReport) GetSecurityID ¶
func (m CollateralReport) GetSecurityID() (v string, err quickfix.MessageRejectError)
GetSecurityID gets SecurityID, Tag 48
func (CollateralReport) GetSecurityIDSource ¶
func (m CollateralReport) GetSecurityIDSource() (v enum.SecurityIDSource, err quickfix.MessageRejectError)
GetSecurityIDSource gets SecurityIDSource, Tag 22
func (CollateralReport) GetSecuritySubType ¶
func (m CollateralReport) GetSecuritySubType() (v string, err quickfix.MessageRejectError)
GetSecuritySubType gets SecuritySubType, Tag 762
func (CollateralReport) GetSecurityType ¶
func (m CollateralReport) GetSecurityType() (v enum.SecurityType, err quickfix.MessageRejectError)
GetSecurityType gets SecurityType, Tag 167
func (CollateralReport) GetSettlDate ¶
func (m CollateralReport) GetSettlDate() (v string, err quickfix.MessageRejectError)
GetSettlDate gets SettlDate, Tag 64
func (CollateralReport) GetSettlDeliveryType ¶
func (m CollateralReport) GetSettlDeliveryType() (v enum.SettlDeliveryType, err quickfix.MessageRejectError)
GetSettlDeliveryType gets SettlDeliveryType, Tag 172
func (CollateralReport) GetSettlSessID ¶
func (m CollateralReport) GetSettlSessID() (v enum.SettlSessID, err quickfix.MessageRejectError)
GetSettlSessID gets SettlSessID, Tag 716
func (CollateralReport) GetSettlSessSubID ¶
func (m CollateralReport) GetSettlSessSubID() (v string, err quickfix.MessageRejectError)
GetSettlSessSubID gets SettlSessSubID, Tag 717
func (CollateralReport) GetSide ¶
func (m CollateralReport) GetSide() (v enum.Side, err quickfix.MessageRejectError)
GetSide gets Side, Tag 54
func (CollateralReport) GetSpread ¶
func (m CollateralReport) GetSpread() (v decimal.Decimal, err quickfix.MessageRejectError)
GetSpread gets Spread, Tag 218
func (CollateralReport) GetStandInstDbID ¶
func (m CollateralReport) GetStandInstDbID() (v string, err quickfix.MessageRejectError)
GetStandInstDbID gets StandInstDbID, Tag 171
func (CollateralReport) GetStandInstDbName ¶
func (m CollateralReport) GetStandInstDbName() (v string, err quickfix.MessageRejectError)
GetStandInstDbName gets StandInstDbName, Tag 170
func (CollateralReport) GetStandInstDbType ¶
func (m CollateralReport) GetStandInstDbType() (v enum.StandInstDbType, err quickfix.MessageRejectError)
GetStandInstDbType gets StandInstDbType, Tag 169
func (CollateralReport) GetStartCash ¶
func (m CollateralReport) GetStartCash() (v decimal.Decimal, err quickfix.MessageRejectError)
GetStartCash gets StartCash, Tag 921
func (CollateralReport) GetStartDate ¶
func (m CollateralReport) GetStartDate() (v string, err quickfix.MessageRejectError)
GetStartDate gets StartDate, Tag 916
func (CollateralReport) GetStateOrProvinceOfIssue ¶
func (m CollateralReport) GetStateOrProvinceOfIssue() (v string, err quickfix.MessageRejectError)
GetStateOrProvinceOfIssue gets StateOrProvinceOfIssue, Tag 471
func (CollateralReport) GetStrikeCurrency ¶
func (m CollateralReport) GetStrikeCurrency() (v string, err quickfix.MessageRejectError)
GetStrikeCurrency gets StrikeCurrency, Tag 947
func (CollateralReport) GetStrikePrice ¶
func (m CollateralReport) GetStrikePrice() (v decimal.Decimal, err quickfix.MessageRejectError)
GetStrikePrice gets StrikePrice, Tag 202
func (CollateralReport) GetSymbol ¶
func (m CollateralReport) GetSymbol() (v string, err quickfix.MessageRejectError)
GetSymbol gets Symbol, Tag 55
func (CollateralReport) GetSymbolSfx ¶
func (m CollateralReport) GetSymbolSfx() (v enum.SymbolSfx, err quickfix.MessageRejectError)
GetSymbolSfx gets SymbolSfx, Tag 65
func (CollateralReport) GetTerminationType ¶
func (m CollateralReport) GetTerminationType() (v enum.TerminationType, err quickfix.MessageRejectError)
GetTerminationType gets TerminationType, Tag 788
func (CollateralReport) GetText ¶
func (m CollateralReport) GetText() (v string, err quickfix.MessageRejectError)
GetText gets Text, Tag 58
func (CollateralReport) GetTotNumReports ¶
func (m CollateralReport) GetTotNumReports() (v int, err quickfix.MessageRejectError)
GetTotNumReports gets TotNumReports, Tag 911
func (CollateralReport) GetTotalNetValue ¶
func (m CollateralReport) GetTotalNetValue() (v decimal.Decimal, err quickfix.MessageRejectError)
GetTotalNetValue gets TotalNetValue, Tag 900
func (CollateralReport) GetTradingSessionID ¶
func (m CollateralReport) GetTradingSessionID() (v enum.TradingSessionID, err quickfix.MessageRejectError)
GetTradingSessionID gets TradingSessionID, Tag 336
func (CollateralReport) GetTradingSessionSubID ¶
func (m CollateralReport) GetTradingSessionSubID() (v enum.TradingSessionSubID, err quickfix.MessageRejectError)
GetTradingSessionSubID gets TradingSessionSubID, Tag 625
func (CollateralReport) HasAccount ¶
func (m CollateralReport) HasAccount() bool
HasAccount returns true if Account is present, Tag 1
func (CollateralReport) HasAccountType ¶
func (m CollateralReport) HasAccountType() bool
HasAccountType returns true if AccountType is present, Tag 581
func (CollateralReport) HasAccruedInterestAmt ¶
func (m CollateralReport) HasAccruedInterestAmt() bool
HasAccruedInterestAmt returns true if AccruedInterestAmt is present, Tag 159
func (CollateralReport) HasAgreementCurrency ¶
func (m CollateralReport) HasAgreementCurrency() bool
HasAgreementCurrency returns true if AgreementCurrency is present, Tag 918
func (CollateralReport) HasAgreementDate ¶
func (m CollateralReport) HasAgreementDate() bool
HasAgreementDate returns true if AgreementDate is present, Tag 915
func (CollateralReport) HasAgreementDesc ¶
func (m CollateralReport) HasAgreementDesc() bool
HasAgreementDesc returns true if AgreementDesc is present, Tag 913
func (CollateralReport) HasAgreementID ¶
func (m CollateralReport) HasAgreementID() bool
HasAgreementID returns true if AgreementID is present, Tag 914
func (CollateralReport) HasBenchmarkCurveCurrency ¶
func (m CollateralReport) HasBenchmarkCurveCurrency() bool
HasBenchmarkCurveCurrency returns true if BenchmarkCurveCurrency is present, Tag 220
func (CollateralReport) HasBenchmarkCurveName ¶
func (m CollateralReport) HasBenchmarkCurveName() bool
HasBenchmarkCurveName returns true if BenchmarkCurveName is present, Tag 221
func (CollateralReport) HasBenchmarkCurvePoint ¶
func (m CollateralReport) HasBenchmarkCurvePoint() bool
HasBenchmarkCurvePoint returns true if BenchmarkCurvePoint is present, Tag 222
func (CollateralReport) HasBenchmarkPrice ¶
func (m CollateralReport) HasBenchmarkPrice() bool
HasBenchmarkPrice returns true if BenchmarkPrice is present, Tag 662
func (CollateralReport) HasBenchmarkPriceType ¶
func (m CollateralReport) HasBenchmarkPriceType() bool
HasBenchmarkPriceType returns true if BenchmarkPriceType is present, Tag 663
func (CollateralReport) HasBenchmarkSecurityID ¶
func (m CollateralReport) HasBenchmarkSecurityID() bool
HasBenchmarkSecurityID returns true if BenchmarkSecurityID is present, Tag 699
func (CollateralReport) HasBenchmarkSecurityIDSource ¶
func (m CollateralReport) HasBenchmarkSecurityIDSource() bool
HasBenchmarkSecurityIDSource returns true if BenchmarkSecurityIDSource is present, Tag 761
func (CollateralReport) HasCFICode ¶
func (m CollateralReport) HasCFICode() bool
HasCFICode returns true if CFICode is present, Tag 461
func (CollateralReport) HasCPProgram ¶
func (m CollateralReport) HasCPProgram() bool
HasCPProgram returns true if CPProgram is present, Tag 875
func (CollateralReport) HasCPRegType ¶
func (m CollateralReport) HasCPRegType() bool
HasCPRegType returns true if CPRegType is present, Tag 876
func (CollateralReport) HasCashOutstanding ¶
func (m CollateralReport) HasCashOutstanding() bool
HasCashOutstanding returns true if CashOutstanding is present, Tag 901
func (CollateralReport) HasClOrdID ¶
func (m CollateralReport) HasClOrdID() bool
HasClOrdID returns true if ClOrdID is present, Tag 11
func (CollateralReport) HasClearingBusinessDate ¶
func (m CollateralReport) HasClearingBusinessDate() bool
HasClearingBusinessDate returns true if ClearingBusinessDate is present, Tag 715
func (CollateralReport) HasCollInquiryID ¶
func (m CollateralReport) HasCollInquiryID() bool
HasCollInquiryID returns true if CollInquiryID is present, Tag 909
func (CollateralReport) HasCollRptID ¶
func (m CollateralReport) HasCollRptID() bool
HasCollRptID returns true if CollRptID is present, Tag 908
func (CollateralReport) HasCollStatus ¶
func (m CollateralReport) HasCollStatus() bool
HasCollStatus returns true if CollStatus is present, Tag 910
func (CollateralReport) HasContractMultiplier ¶
func (m CollateralReport) HasContractMultiplier() bool
HasContractMultiplier returns true if ContractMultiplier is present, Tag 231
func (CollateralReport) HasContractSettlMonth ¶
func (m CollateralReport) HasContractSettlMonth() bool
HasContractSettlMonth returns true if ContractSettlMonth is present, Tag 667
func (CollateralReport) HasCountryOfIssue ¶
func (m CollateralReport) HasCountryOfIssue() bool
HasCountryOfIssue returns true if CountryOfIssue is present, Tag 470
func (CollateralReport) HasCouponPaymentDate ¶
func (m CollateralReport) HasCouponPaymentDate() bool
HasCouponPaymentDate returns true if CouponPaymentDate is present, Tag 224
func (CollateralReport) HasCouponRate ¶
func (m CollateralReport) HasCouponRate() bool
HasCouponRate returns true if CouponRate is present, Tag 223
func (CollateralReport) HasCreditRating ¶
func (m CollateralReport) HasCreditRating() bool
HasCreditRating returns true if CreditRating is present, Tag 255
func (CollateralReport) HasCurrency ¶
func (m CollateralReport) HasCurrency() bool
HasCurrency returns true if Currency is present, Tag 15
func (CollateralReport) HasDatedDate ¶
func (m CollateralReport) HasDatedDate() bool
HasDatedDate returns true if DatedDate is present, Tag 873
func (CollateralReport) HasDeliveryType ¶
func (m CollateralReport) HasDeliveryType() bool
HasDeliveryType returns true if DeliveryType is present, Tag 919
func (CollateralReport) HasEncodedIssuer ¶
func (m CollateralReport) HasEncodedIssuer() bool
HasEncodedIssuer returns true if EncodedIssuer is present, Tag 349
func (CollateralReport) HasEncodedIssuerLen ¶
func (m CollateralReport) HasEncodedIssuerLen() bool
HasEncodedIssuerLen returns true if EncodedIssuerLen is present, Tag 348
func (CollateralReport) HasEncodedSecurityDesc ¶
func (m CollateralReport) HasEncodedSecurityDesc() bool
HasEncodedSecurityDesc returns true if EncodedSecurityDesc is present, Tag 351
func (CollateralReport) HasEncodedSecurityDescLen ¶
func (m CollateralReport) HasEncodedSecurityDescLen() bool
HasEncodedSecurityDescLen returns true if EncodedSecurityDescLen is present, Tag 350
func (CollateralReport) HasEncodedText ¶
func (m CollateralReport) HasEncodedText() bool
HasEncodedText returns true if EncodedText is present, Tag 355
func (CollateralReport) HasEncodedTextLen ¶
func (m CollateralReport) HasEncodedTextLen() bool
HasEncodedTextLen returns true if EncodedTextLen is present, Tag 354
func (CollateralReport) HasEndAccruedInterestAmt ¶
func (m CollateralReport) HasEndAccruedInterestAmt() bool
HasEndAccruedInterestAmt returns true if EndAccruedInterestAmt is present, Tag 920
func (CollateralReport) HasEndCash ¶
func (m CollateralReport) HasEndCash() bool
HasEndCash returns true if EndCash is present, Tag 922
func (CollateralReport) HasEndDate ¶
func (m CollateralReport) HasEndDate() bool
HasEndDate returns true if EndDate is present, Tag 917
func (CollateralReport) HasFactor ¶
func (m CollateralReport) HasFactor() bool
HasFactor returns true if Factor is present, Tag 228
func (CollateralReport) HasInstrRegistry ¶
func (m CollateralReport) HasInstrRegistry() bool
HasInstrRegistry returns true if InstrRegistry is present, Tag 543
func (CollateralReport) HasInterestAccrualDate ¶
func (m CollateralReport) HasInterestAccrualDate() bool
HasInterestAccrualDate returns true if InterestAccrualDate is present, Tag 874
func (CollateralReport) HasIssueDate ¶
func (m CollateralReport) HasIssueDate() bool
HasIssueDate returns true if IssueDate is present, Tag 225
func (CollateralReport) HasIssuer ¶
func (m CollateralReport) HasIssuer() bool
HasIssuer returns true if Issuer is present, Tag 106
func (CollateralReport) HasLastRptRequested ¶
func (m CollateralReport) HasLastRptRequested() bool
HasLastRptRequested returns true if LastRptRequested is present, Tag 912
func (CollateralReport) HasLocaleOfIssue ¶
func (m CollateralReport) HasLocaleOfIssue() bool
HasLocaleOfIssue returns true if LocaleOfIssue is present, Tag 472
func (CollateralReport) HasMarginExcess ¶
func (m CollateralReport) HasMarginExcess() bool
HasMarginExcess returns true if MarginExcess is present, Tag 899
func (CollateralReport) HasMarginRatio ¶
func (m CollateralReport) HasMarginRatio() bool
HasMarginRatio returns true if MarginRatio is present, Tag 898
func (CollateralReport) HasMaturityDate ¶
func (m CollateralReport) HasMaturityDate() bool
HasMaturityDate returns true if MaturityDate is present, Tag 541
func (CollateralReport) HasMaturityMonthYear ¶
func (m CollateralReport) HasMaturityMonthYear() bool
HasMaturityMonthYear returns true if MaturityMonthYear is present, Tag 200
func (CollateralReport) HasNoDlvyInst ¶
func (m CollateralReport) HasNoDlvyInst() bool
HasNoDlvyInst returns true if NoDlvyInst is present, Tag 85
func (CollateralReport) HasNoEvents ¶
func (m CollateralReport) HasNoEvents() bool
HasNoEvents returns true if NoEvents is present, Tag 864
func (CollateralReport) HasNoExecs ¶
func (m CollateralReport) HasNoExecs() bool
HasNoExecs returns true if NoExecs is present, Tag 124
func (CollateralReport) HasNoLegs ¶
func (m CollateralReport) HasNoLegs() bool
HasNoLegs returns true if NoLegs is present, Tag 555
func (CollateralReport) HasNoMiscFees ¶
func (m CollateralReport) HasNoMiscFees() bool
HasNoMiscFees returns true if NoMiscFees is present, Tag 136
func (CollateralReport) HasNoPartyIDs ¶
func (m CollateralReport) HasNoPartyIDs() bool
HasNoPartyIDs returns true if NoPartyIDs is present, Tag 453
func (CollateralReport) HasNoSecurityAltID ¶
func (m CollateralReport) HasNoSecurityAltID() bool
HasNoSecurityAltID returns true if NoSecurityAltID is present, Tag 454
func (CollateralReport) HasNoStipulations ¶
func (m CollateralReport) HasNoStipulations() bool
HasNoStipulations returns true if NoStipulations is present, Tag 232
func (CollateralReport) HasNoTrades ¶
func (m CollateralReport) HasNoTrades() bool
HasNoTrades returns true if NoTrades is present, Tag 897
func (CollateralReport) HasNoTrdRegTimestamps ¶
func (m CollateralReport) HasNoTrdRegTimestamps() bool
HasNoTrdRegTimestamps returns true if NoTrdRegTimestamps is present, Tag 768
func (CollateralReport) HasNoUnderlyings ¶
func (m CollateralReport) HasNoUnderlyings() bool
HasNoUnderlyings returns true if NoUnderlyings is present, Tag 711
func (CollateralReport) HasOptAttribute ¶
func (m CollateralReport) HasOptAttribute() bool
HasOptAttribute returns true if OptAttribute is present, Tag 206
func (CollateralReport) HasOrderID ¶
func (m CollateralReport) HasOrderID() bool
HasOrderID returns true if OrderID is present, Tag 37
func (CollateralReport) HasPool ¶
func (m CollateralReport) HasPool() bool
HasPool returns true if Pool is present, Tag 691
func (CollateralReport) HasPrice ¶
func (m CollateralReport) HasPrice() bool
HasPrice returns true if Price is present, Tag 44
func (CollateralReport) HasPriceType ¶
func (m CollateralReport) HasPriceType() bool
HasPriceType returns true if PriceType is present, Tag 423
func (CollateralReport) HasProduct ¶
func (m CollateralReport) HasProduct() bool
HasProduct returns true if Product is present, Tag 460
func (CollateralReport) HasQtyType ¶
func (m CollateralReport) HasQtyType() bool
HasQtyType returns true if QtyType is present, Tag 854
func (CollateralReport) HasQuantity ¶
func (m CollateralReport) HasQuantity() bool
HasQuantity returns true if Quantity is present, Tag 53
func (CollateralReport) HasRedemptionDate ¶
func (m CollateralReport) HasRedemptionDate() bool
HasRedemptionDate returns true if RedemptionDate is present, Tag 240
func (CollateralReport) HasRepoCollateralSecurityType ¶
func (m CollateralReport) HasRepoCollateralSecurityType() bool
HasRepoCollateralSecurityType returns true if RepoCollateralSecurityType is present, Tag 239
func (CollateralReport) HasRepurchaseRate ¶
func (m CollateralReport) HasRepurchaseRate() bool
HasRepurchaseRate returns true if RepurchaseRate is present, Tag 227
func (CollateralReport) HasRepurchaseTerm ¶
func (m CollateralReport) HasRepurchaseTerm() bool
HasRepurchaseTerm returns true if RepurchaseTerm is present, Tag 226
func (CollateralReport) HasSecondaryClOrdID ¶
func (m CollateralReport) HasSecondaryClOrdID() bool
HasSecondaryClOrdID returns true if SecondaryClOrdID is present, Tag 526
func (CollateralReport) HasSecondaryOrderID ¶
func (m CollateralReport) HasSecondaryOrderID() bool
HasSecondaryOrderID returns true if SecondaryOrderID is present, Tag 198
func (CollateralReport) HasSecurityDesc ¶
func (m CollateralReport) HasSecurityDesc() bool
HasSecurityDesc returns true if SecurityDesc is present, Tag 107
func (CollateralReport) HasSecurityExchange ¶
func (m CollateralReport) HasSecurityExchange() bool
HasSecurityExchange returns true if SecurityExchange is present, Tag 207
func (CollateralReport) HasSecurityID ¶
func (m CollateralReport) HasSecurityID() bool
HasSecurityID returns true if SecurityID is present, Tag 48
func (CollateralReport) HasSecurityIDSource ¶
func (m CollateralReport) HasSecurityIDSource() bool
HasSecurityIDSource returns true if SecurityIDSource is present, Tag 22
func (CollateralReport) HasSecuritySubType ¶
func (m CollateralReport) HasSecuritySubType() bool
HasSecuritySubType returns true if SecuritySubType is present, Tag 762
func (CollateralReport) HasSecurityType ¶
func (m CollateralReport) HasSecurityType() bool
HasSecurityType returns true if SecurityType is present, Tag 167
func (CollateralReport) HasSettlDate ¶
func (m CollateralReport) HasSettlDate() bool
HasSettlDate returns true if SettlDate is present, Tag 64
func (CollateralReport) HasSettlDeliveryType ¶
func (m CollateralReport) HasSettlDeliveryType() bool
HasSettlDeliveryType returns true if SettlDeliveryType is present, Tag 172
func (CollateralReport) HasSettlSessID ¶
func (m CollateralReport) HasSettlSessID() bool
HasSettlSessID returns true if SettlSessID is present, Tag 716
func (CollateralReport) HasSettlSessSubID ¶
func (m CollateralReport) HasSettlSessSubID() bool
HasSettlSessSubID returns true if SettlSessSubID is present, Tag 717
func (CollateralReport) HasSide ¶
func (m CollateralReport) HasSide() bool
HasSide returns true if Side is present, Tag 54
func (CollateralReport) HasSpread ¶
func (m CollateralReport) HasSpread() bool
HasSpread returns true if Spread is present, Tag 218
func (CollateralReport) HasStandInstDbID ¶
func (m CollateralReport) HasStandInstDbID() bool
HasStandInstDbID returns true if StandInstDbID is present, Tag 171
func (CollateralReport) HasStandInstDbName ¶
func (m CollateralReport) HasStandInstDbName() bool
HasStandInstDbName returns true if StandInstDbName is present, Tag 170
func (CollateralReport) HasStandInstDbType ¶
func (m CollateralReport) HasStandInstDbType() bool
HasStandInstDbType returns true if StandInstDbType is present, Tag 169
func (CollateralReport) HasStartCash ¶
func (m CollateralReport) HasStartCash() bool
HasStartCash returns true if StartCash is present, Tag 921
func (CollateralReport) HasStartDate ¶
func (m CollateralReport) HasStartDate() bool
HasStartDate returns true if StartDate is present, Tag 916
func (CollateralReport) HasStateOrProvinceOfIssue ¶
func (m CollateralReport) HasStateOrProvinceOfIssue() bool
HasStateOrProvinceOfIssue returns true if StateOrProvinceOfIssue is present, Tag 471
func (CollateralReport) HasStrikeCurrency ¶
func (m CollateralReport) HasStrikeCurrency() bool
HasStrikeCurrency returns true if StrikeCurrency is present, Tag 947
func (CollateralReport) HasStrikePrice ¶
func (m CollateralReport) HasStrikePrice() bool
HasStrikePrice returns true if StrikePrice is present, Tag 202
func (CollateralReport) HasSymbol ¶
func (m CollateralReport) HasSymbol() bool
HasSymbol returns true if Symbol is present, Tag 55
func (CollateralReport) HasSymbolSfx ¶
func (m CollateralReport) HasSymbolSfx() bool
HasSymbolSfx returns true if SymbolSfx is present, Tag 65
func (CollateralReport) HasTerminationType ¶
func (m CollateralReport) HasTerminationType() bool
HasTerminationType returns true if TerminationType is present, Tag 788
func (CollateralReport) HasText ¶
func (m CollateralReport) HasText() bool
HasText returns true if Text is present, Tag 58
func (CollateralReport) HasTotNumReports ¶
func (m CollateralReport) HasTotNumReports() bool
HasTotNumReports returns true if TotNumReports is present, Tag 911
func (CollateralReport) HasTotalNetValue ¶
func (m CollateralReport) HasTotalNetValue() bool
HasTotalNetValue returns true if TotalNetValue is present, Tag 900
func (CollateralReport) HasTradingSessionID ¶
func (m CollateralReport) HasTradingSessionID() bool
HasTradingSessionID returns true if TradingSessionID is present, Tag 336
func (CollateralReport) HasTradingSessionSubID ¶
func (m CollateralReport) HasTradingSessionSubID() bool
HasTradingSessionSubID returns true if TradingSessionSubID is present, Tag 625
func (CollateralReport) SetAccount ¶
func (m CollateralReport) SetAccount(v string)
SetAccount sets Account, Tag 1
func (CollateralReport) SetAccountType ¶
func (m CollateralReport) SetAccountType(v enum.AccountType)
SetAccountType sets AccountType, Tag 581
func (CollateralReport) SetAccruedInterestAmt ¶
func (m CollateralReport) SetAccruedInterestAmt(value decimal.Decimal, scale int32)
SetAccruedInterestAmt sets AccruedInterestAmt, Tag 159
func (CollateralReport) SetAgreementCurrency ¶
func (m CollateralReport) SetAgreementCurrency(v string)
SetAgreementCurrency sets AgreementCurrency, Tag 918
func (CollateralReport) SetAgreementDate ¶
func (m CollateralReport) SetAgreementDate(v string)
SetAgreementDate sets AgreementDate, Tag 915
func (CollateralReport) SetAgreementDesc ¶
func (m CollateralReport) SetAgreementDesc(v string)
SetAgreementDesc sets AgreementDesc, Tag 913
func (CollateralReport) SetAgreementID ¶
func (m CollateralReport) SetAgreementID(v string)
SetAgreementID sets AgreementID, Tag 914
func (CollateralReport) SetBenchmarkCurveCurrency ¶
func (m CollateralReport) SetBenchmarkCurveCurrency(v string)
SetBenchmarkCurveCurrency sets BenchmarkCurveCurrency, Tag 220
func (CollateralReport) SetBenchmarkCurveName ¶
func (m CollateralReport) SetBenchmarkCurveName(v enum.BenchmarkCurveName)
SetBenchmarkCurveName sets BenchmarkCurveName, Tag 221
func (CollateralReport) SetBenchmarkCurvePoint ¶
func (m CollateralReport) SetBenchmarkCurvePoint(v string)
SetBenchmarkCurvePoint sets BenchmarkCurvePoint, Tag 222
func (CollateralReport) SetBenchmarkPrice ¶
func (m CollateralReport) SetBenchmarkPrice(value decimal.Decimal, scale int32)
SetBenchmarkPrice sets BenchmarkPrice, Tag 662
func (CollateralReport) SetBenchmarkPriceType ¶
func (m CollateralReport) SetBenchmarkPriceType(v int)
SetBenchmarkPriceType sets BenchmarkPriceType, Tag 663
func (CollateralReport) SetBenchmarkSecurityID ¶
func (m CollateralReport) SetBenchmarkSecurityID(v string)
SetBenchmarkSecurityID sets BenchmarkSecurityID, Tag 699
func (CollateralReport) SetBenchmarkSecurityIDSource ¶
func (m CollateralReport) SetBenchmarkSecurityIDSource(v string)
SetBenchmarkSecurityIDSource sets BenchmarkSecurityIDSource, Tag 761
func (CollateralReport) SetCFICode ¶
func (m CollateralReport) SetCFICode(v string)
SetCFICode sets CFICode, Tag 461
func (CollateralReport) SetCPProgram ¶
func (m CollateralReport) SetCPProgram(v enum.CPProgram)
SetCPProgram sets CPProgram, Tag 875
func (CollateralReport) SetCPRegType ¶
func (m CollateralReport) SetCPRegType(v string)
SetCPRegType sets CPRegType, Tag 876
func (CollateralReport) SetCashOutstanding ¶
func (m CollateralReport) SetCashOutstanding(value decimal.Decimal, scale int32)
SetCashOutstanding sets CashOutstanding, Tag 901
func (CollateralReport) SetClOrdID ¶
func (m CollateralReport) SetClOrdID(v string)
SetClOrdID sets ClOrdID, Tag 11
func (CollateralReport) SetClearingBusinessDate ¶
func (m CollateralReport) SetClearingBusinessDate(v string)
SetClearingBusinessDate sets ClearingBusinessDate, Tag 715
func (CollateralReport) SetCollInquiryID ¶
func (m CollateralReport) SetCollInquiryID(v string)
SetCollInquiryID sets CollInquiryID, Tag 909
func (CollateralReport) SetCollRptID ¶
func (m CollateralReport) SetCollRptID(v string)
SetCollRptID sets CollRptID, Tag 908
func (CollateralReport) SetCollStatus ¶
func (m CollateralReport) SetCollStatus(v enum.CollStatus)
SetCollStatus sets CollStatus, Tag 910
func (CollateralReport) SetContractMultiplier ¶
func (m CollateralReport) SetContractMultiplier(value decimal.Decimal, scale int32)
SetContractMultiplier sets ContractMultiplier, Tag 231
func (CollateralReport) SetContractSettlMonth ¶
func (m CollateralReport) SetContractSettlMonth(v string)
SetContractSettlMonth sets ContractSettlMonth, Tag 667
func (CollateralReport) SetCountryOfIssue ¶
func (m CollateralReport) SetCountryOfIssue(v string)
SetCountryOfIssue sets CountryOfIssue, Tag 470
func (CollateralReport) SetCouponPaymentDate ¶
func (m CollateralReport) SetCouponPaymentDate(v string)
SetCouponPaymentDate sets CouponPaymentDate, Tag 224
func (CollateralReport) SetCouponRate ¶
func (m CollateralReport) SetCouponRate(value decimal.Decimal, scale int32)
SetCouponRate sets CouponRate, Tag 223
func (CollateralReport) SetCreditRating ¶
func (m CollateralReport) SetCreditRating(v string)
SetCreditRating sets CreditRating, Tag 255
func (CollateralReport) SetCurrency ¶
func (m CollateralReport) SetCurrency(v string)
SetCurrency sets Currency, Tag 15
func (CollateralReport) SetDatedDate ¶
func (m CollateralReport) SetDatedDate(v string)
SetDatedDate sets DatedDate, Tag 873
func (CollateralReport) SetDeliveryType ¶
func (m CollateralReport) SetDeliveryType(v enum.DeliveryType)
SetDeliveryType sets DeliveryType, Tag 919
func (CollateralReport) SetEncodedIssuer ¶
func (m CollateralReport) SetEncodedIssuer(v string)
SetEncodedIssuer sets EncodedIssuer, Tag 349
func (CollateralReport) SetEncodedIssuerLen ¶
func (m CollateralReport) SetEncodedIssuerLen(v int)
SetEncodedIssuerLen sets EncodedIssuerLen, Tag 348
func (CollateralReport) SetEncodedSecurityDesc ¶
func (m CollateralReport) SetEncodedSecurityDesc(v string)
SetEncodedSecurityDesc sets EncodedSecurityDesc, Tag 351
func (CollateralReport) SetEncodedSecurityDescLen ¶
func (m CollateralReport) SetEncodedSecurityDescLen(v int)
SetEncodedSecurityDescLen sets EncodedSecurityDescLen, Tag 350
func (CollateralReport) SetEncodedText ¶
func (m CollateralReport) SetEncodedText(v string)
SetEncodedText sets EncodedText, Tag 355
func (CollateralReport) SetEncodedTextLen ¶
func (m CollateralReport) SetEncodedTextLen(v int)
SetEncodedTextLen sets EncodedTextLen, Tag 354
func (CollateralReport) SetEndAccruedInterestAmt ¶
func (m CollateralReport) SetEndAccruedInterestAmt(value decimal.Decimal, scale int32)
SetEndAccruedInterestAmt sets EndAccruedInterestAmt, Tag 920
func (CollateralReport) SetEndCash ¶
func (m CollateralReport) SetEndCash(value decimal.Decimal, scale int32)
SetEndCash sets EndCash, Tag 922
func (CollateralReport) SetEndDate ¶
func (m CollateralReport) SetEndDate(v string)
SetEndDate sets EndDate, Tag 917
func (CollateralReport) SetFactor ¶
func (m CollateralReport) SetFactor(value decimal.Decimal, scale int32)
SetFactor sets Factor, Tag 228
func (CollateralReport) SetInstrRegistry ¶
func (m CollateralReport) SetInstrRegistry(v enum.InstrRegistry)
SetInstrRegistry sets InstrRegistry, Tag 543
func (CollateralReport) SetInterestAccrualDate ¶
func (m CollateralReport) SetInterestAccrualDate(v string)
SetInterestAccrualDate sets InterestAccrualDate, Tag 874
func (CollateralReport) SetIssueDate ¶
func (m CollateralReport) SetIssueDate(v string)
SetIssueDate sets IssueDate, Tag 225
func (CollateralReport) SetIssuer ¶
func (m CollateralReport) SetIssuer(v string)
SetIssuer sets Issuer, Tag 106
func (CollateralReport) SetLastRptRequested ¶
func (m CollateralReport) SetLastRptRequested(v bool)
SetLastRptRequested sets LastRptRequested, Tag 912
func (CollateralReport) SetLocaleOfIssue ¶
func (m CollateralReport) SetLocaleOfIssue(v string)
SetLocaleOfIssue sets LocaleOfIssue, Tag 472
func (CollateralReport) SetMarginExcess ¶
func (m CollateralReport) SetMarginExcess(value decimal.Decimal, scale int32)
SetMarginExcess sets MarginExcess, Tag 899
func (CollateralReport) SetMarginRatio ¶
func (m CollateralReport) SetMarginRatio(value decimal.Decimal, scale int32)
SetMarginRatio sets MarginRatio, Tag 898
func (CollateralReport) SetMaturityDate ¶
func (m CollateralReport) SetMaturityDate(v string)
SetMaturityDate sets MaturityDate, Tag 541
func (CollateralReport) SetMaturityMonthYear ¶
func (m CollateralReport) SetMaturityMonthYear(v string)
SetMaturityMonthYear sets MaturityMonthYear, Tag 200
func (CollateralReport) SetNoDlvyInst ¶
func (m CollateralReport) SetNoDlvyInst(f NoDlvyInstRepeatingGroup)
SetNoDlvyInst sets NoDlvyInst, Tag 85
func (CollateralReport) SetNoEvents ¶
func (m CollateralReport) SetNoEvents(f NoEventsRepeatingGroup)
SetNoEvents sets NoEvents, Tag 864
func (CollateralReport) SetNoExecs ¶
func (m CollateralReport) SetNoExecs(f NoExecsRepeatingGroup)
SetNoExecs sets NoExecs, Tag 124
func (CollateralReport) SetNoLegs ¶
func (m CollateralReport) SetNoLegs(f NoLegsRepeatingGroup)
SetNoLegs sets NoLegs, Tag 555
func (CollateralReport) SetNoMiscFees ¶
func (m CollateralReport) SetNoMiscFees(f NoMiscFeesRepeatingGroup)
SetNoMiscFees sets NoMiscFees, Tag 136
func (CollateralReport) SetNoPartyIDs ¶
func (m CollateralReport) SetNoPartyIDs(f NoPartyIDsRepeatingGroup)
SetNoPartyIDs sets NoPartyIDs, Tag 453
func (CollateralReport) SetNoSecurityAltID ¶
func (m CollateralReport) SetNoSecurityAltID(f NoSecurityAltIDRepeatingGroup)
SetNoSecurityAltID sets NoSecurityAltID, Tag 454
func (CollateralReport) SetNoStipulations ¶
func (m CollateralReport) SetNoStipulations(f NoStipulationsRepeatingGroup)
SetNoStipulations sets NoStipulations, Tag 232
func (CollateralReport) SetNoTrades ¶
func (m CollateralReport) SetNoTrades(f NoTradesRepeatingGroup)
SetNoTrades sets NoTrades, Tag 897
func (CollateralReport) SetNoTrdRegTimestamps ¶
func (m CollateralReport) SetNoTrdRegTimestamps(f NoTrdRegTimestampsRepeatingGroup)
SetNoTrdRegTimestamps sets NoTrdRegTimestamps, Tag 768
func (CollateralReport) SetNoUnderlyings ¶
func (m CollateralReport) SetNoUnderlyings(f NoUnderlyingsRepeatingGroup)
SetNoUnderlyings sets NoUnderlyings, Tag 711
func (CollateralReport) SetOptAttribute ¶
func (m CollateralReport) SetOptAttribute(v string)
SetOptAttribute sets OptAttribute, Tag 206
func (CollateralReport) SetOrderID ¶
func (m CollateralReport) SetOrderID(v string)
SetOrderID sets OrderID, Tag 37
func (CollateralReport) SetPool ¶
func (m CollateralReport) SetPool(v string)
SetPool sets Pool, Tag 691
func (CollateralReport) SetPrice ¶
func (m CollateralReport) SetPrice(value decimal.Decimal, scale int32)
SetPrice sets Price, Tag 44
func (CollateralReport) SetPriceType ¶
func (m CollateralReport) SetPriceType(v enum.PriceType)
SetPriceType sets PriceType, Tag 423
func (CollateralReport) SetProduct ¶
func (m CollateralReport) SetProduct(v enum.Product)
SetProduct sets Product, Tag 460
func (CollateralReport) SetQtyType ¶
func (m CollateralReport) SetQtyType(v enum.QtyType)
SetQtyType sets QtyType, Tag 854
func (CollateralReport) SetQuantity ¶
func (m CollateralReport) SetQuantity(value decimal.Decimal, scale int32)
SetQuantity sets Quantity, Tag 53
func (CollateralReport) SetRedemptionDate ¶
func (m CollateralReport) SetRedemptionDate(v string)
SetRedemptionDate sets RedemptionDate, Tag 240
func (CollateralReport) SetRepoCollateralSecurityType ¶
func (m CollateralReport) SetRepoCollateralSecurityType(v int)
SetRepoCollateralSecurityType sets RepoCollateralSecurityType, Tag 239
func (CollateralReport) SetRepurchaseRate ¶
func (m CollateralReport) SetRepurchaseRate(value decimal.Decimal, scale int32)
SetRepurchaseRate sets RepurchaseRate, Tag 227
func (CollateralReport) SetRepurchaseTerm ¶
func (m CollateralReport) SetRepurchaseTerm(v int)
SetRepurchaseTerm sets RepurchaseTerm, Tag 226
func (CollateralReport) SetSecondaryClOrdID ¶
func (m CollateralReport) SetSecondaryClOrdID(v string)
SetSecondaryClOrdID sets SecondaryClOrdID, Tag 526
func (CollateralReport) SetSecondaryOrderID ¶
func (m CollateralReport) SetSecondaryOrderID(v string)
SetSecondaryOrderID sets SecondaryOrderID, Tag 198
func (CollateralReport) SetSecurityDesc ¶
func (m CollateralReport) SetSecurityDesc(v string)
SetSecurityDesc sets SecurityDesc, Tag 107
func (CollateralReport) SetSecurityExchange ¶
func (m CollateralReport) SetSecurityExchange(v string)
SetSecurityExchange sets SecurityExchange, Tag 207
func (CollateralReport) SetSecurityID ¶
func (m CollateralReport) SetSecurityID(v string)
SetSecurityID sets SecurityID, Tag 48
func (CollateralReport) SetSecurityIDSource ¶
func (m CollateralReport) SetSecurityIDSource(v enum.SecurityIDSource)
SetSecurityIDSource sets SecurityIDSource, Tag 22
func (CollateralReport) SetSecuritySubType ¶
func (m CollateralReport) SetSecuritySubType(v string)
SetSecuritySubType sets SecuritySubType, Tag 762
func (CollateralReport) SetSecurityType ¶
func (m CollateralReport) SetSecurityType(v enum.SecurityType)
SetSecurityType sets SecurityType, Tag 167
func (CollateralReport) SetSettlDate ¶
func (m CollateralReport) SetSettlDate(v string)
SetSettlDate sets SettlDate, Tag 64
func (CollateralReport) SetSettlDeliveryType ¶
func (m CollateralReport) SetSettlDeliveryType(v enum.SettlDeliveryType)
SetSettlDeliveryType sets SettlDeliveryType, Tag 172
func (CollateralReport) SetSettlSessID ¶
func (m CollateralReport) SetSettlSessID(v enum.SettlSessID)
SetSettlSessID sets SettlSessID, Tag 716
func (CollateralReport) SetSettlSessSubID ¶
func (m CollateralReport) SetSettlSessSubID(v string)
SetSettlSessSubID sets SettlSessSubID, Tag 717
func (CollateralReport) SetSide ¶
func (m CollateralReport) SetSide(v enum.Side)
SetSide sets Side, Tag 54
func (CollateralReport) SetSpread ¶
func (m CollateralReport) SetSpread(value decimal.Decimal, scale int32)
SetSpread sets Spread, Tag 218
func (CollateralReport) SetStandInstDbID ¶
func (m CollateralReport) SetStandInstDbID(v string)
SetStandInstDbID sets StandInstDbID, Tag 171
func (CollateralReport) SetStandInstDbName ¶
func (m CollateralReport) SetStandInstDbName(v string)
SetStandInstDbName sets StandInstDbName, Tag 170
func (CollateralReport) SetStandInstDbType ¶
func (m CollateralReport) SetStandInstDbType(v enum.StandInstDbType)
SetStandInstDbType sets StandInstDbType, Tag 169
func (CollateralReport) SetStartCash ¶
func (m CollateralReport) SetStartCash(value decimal.Decimal, scale int32)
SetStartCash sets StartCash, Tag 921
func (CollateralReport) SetStartDate ¶
func (m CollateralReport) SetStartDate(v string)
SetStartDate sets StartDate, Tag 916
func (CollateralReport) SetStateOrProvinceOfIssue ¶
func (m CollateralReport) SetStateOrProvinceOfIssue(v string)
SetStateOrProvinceOfIssue sets StateOrProvinceOfIssue, Tag 471
func (CollateralReport) SetStrikeCurrency ¶
func (m CollateralReport) SetStrikeCurrency(v string)
SetStrikeCurrency sets StrikeCurrency, Tag 947
func (CollateralReport) SetStrikePrice ¶
func (m CollateralReport) SetStrikePrice(value decimal.Decimal, scale int32)
SetStrikePrice sets StrikePrice, Tag 202
func (CollateralReport) SetSymbol ¶
func (m CollateralReport) SetSymbol(v string)
SetSymbol sets Symbol, Tag 55
func (CollateralReport) SetSymbolSfx ¶
func (m CollateralReport) SetSymbolSfx(v enum.SymbolSfx)
SetSymbolSfx sets SymbolSfx, Tag 65
func (CollateralReport) SetTerminationType ¶
func (m CollateralReport) SetTerminationType(v enum.TerminationType)
SetTerminationType sets TerminationType, Tag 788
func (CollateralReport) SetText ¶
func (m CollateralReport) SetText(v string)
SetText sets Text, Tag 58
func (CollateralReport) SetTotNumReports ¶
func (m CollateralReport) SetTotNumReports(v int)
SetTotNumReports sets TotNumReports, Tag 911
func (CollateralReport) SetTotalNetValue ¶
func (m CollateralReport) SetTotalNetValue(value decimal.Decimal, scale int32)
SetTotalNetValue sets TotalNetValue, Tag 900
func (CollateralReport) SetTradingSessionID ¶
func (m CollateralReport) SetTradingSessionID(v enum.TradingSessionID)
SetTradingSessionID sets TradingSessionID, Tag 336
func (CollateralReport) SetTradingSessionSubID ¶
func (m CollateralReport) SetTradingSessionSubID(v enum.TradingSessionSubID)
SetTradingSessionSubID sets TradingSessionSubID, Tag 625
func (CollateralReport) ToMessage ¶
func (m CollateralReport) ToMessage() *quickfix.Message
ToMessage returns a quickfix.Message instance
type NoDlvyInst ¶
NoDlvyInst is a repeating group element, Tag 85
func (NoDlvyInst) GetDlvyInstType ¶
func (m NoDlvyInst) GetDlvyInstType() (v enum.DlvyInstType, err quickfix.MessageRejectError)
GetDlvyInstType gets DlvyInstType, Tag 787
func (NoDlvyInst) GetNoSettlPartyIDs ¶
func (m NoDlvyInst) GetNoSettlPartyIDs() (NoSettlPartyIDsRepeatingGroup, quickfix.MessageRejectError)
GetNoSettlPartyIDs gets NoSettlPartyIDs, Tag 781
func (NoDlvyInst) GetSettlInstSource ¶
func (m NoDlvyInst) GetSettlInstSource() (v enum.SettlInstSource, err quickfix.MessageRejectError)
GetSettlInstSource gets SettlInstSource, Tag 165
func (NoDlvyInst) HasDlvyInstType ¶
func (m NoDlvyInst) HasDlvyInstType() bool
HasDlvyInstType returns true if DlvyInstType is present, Tag 787
func (NoDlvyInst) HasNoSettlPartyIDs ¶
func (m NoDlvyInst) HasNoSettlPartyIDs() bool
HasNoSettlPartyIDs returns true if NoSettlPartyIDs is present, Tag 781
func (NoDlvyInst) HasSettlInstSource ¶
func (m NoDlvyInst) HasSettlInstSource() bool
HasSettlInstSource returns true if SettlInstSource is present, Tag 165
func (NoDlvyInst) SetDlvyInstType ¶
func (m NoDlvyInst) SetDlvyInstType(v enum.DlvyInstType)
SetDlvyInstType sets DlvyInstType, Tag 787
func (NoDlvyInst) SetNoSettlPartyIDs ¶
func (m NoDlvyInst) SetNoSettlPartyIDs(f NoSettlPartyIDsRepeatingGroup)
SetNoSettlPartyIDs sets NoSettlPartyIDs, Tag 781
func (NoDlvyInst) SetSettlInstSource ¶
func (m NoDlvyInst) SetSettlInstSource(v enum.SettlInstSource)
SetSettlInstSource sets SettlInstSource, Tag 165
type NoDlvyInstRepeatingGroup ¶
type NoDlvyInstRepeatingGroup struct {
NoDlvyInstRepeatingGroup is a repeating group, Tag 85
func NewNoDlvyInstRepeatingGroup ¶
func NewNoDlvyInstRepeatingGroup() NoDlvyInstRepeatingGroup
NewNoDlvyInstRepeatingGroup returns an initialized, NoDlvyInstRepeatingGroup
func (NoDlvyInstRepeatingGroup) Add ¶
func (m NoDlvyInstRepeatingGroup) Add() NoDlvyInst
Add create and append a new NoDlvyInst to this group
func (NoDlvyInstRepeatingGroup) Get ¶
func (m NoDlvyInstRepeatingGroup) Get(i int) NoDlvyInst
Get returns the ith NoDlvyInst in the NoDlvyInstRepeatinGroup
type NoEvents ¶
NoEvents is a repeating group element, Tag 864
func (NoEvents) GetEventDate ¶
func (m NoEvents) GetEventDate() (v string, err quickfix.MessageRejectError)
GetEventDate gets EventDate, Tag 866
func (NoEvents) GetEventPx ¶
func (m NoEvents) GetEventPx() (v decimal.Decimal, err quickfix.MessageRejectError)
GetEventPx gets EventPx, Tag 867
func (NoEvents) GetEventText ¶
func (m NoEvents) GetEventText() (v string, err quickfix.MessageRejectError)
GetEventText gets EventText, Tag 868
func (NoEvents) GetEventType ¶
func (m NoEvents) GetEventType() (v enum.EventType, err quickfix.MessageRejectError)
GetEventType gets EventType, Tag 865
func (NoEvents) HasEventDate ¶
HasEventDate returns true if EventDate is present, Tag 866
func (NoEvents) HasEventPx ¶
HasEventPx returns true if EventPx is present, Tag 867
func (NoEvents) HasEventText ¶
HasEventText returns true if EventText is present, Tag 868
func (NoEvents) HasEventType ¶
HasEventType returns true if EventType is present, Tag 865
func (NoEvents) SetEventDate ¶
SetEventDate sets EventDate, Tag 866
func (NoEvents) SetEventPx ¶
SetEventPx sets EventPx, Tag 867
func (NoEvents) SetEventText ¶
SetEventText sets EventText, Tag 868
func (NoEvents) SetEventType ¶
SetEventType sets EventType, Tag 865
type NoEventsRepeatingGroup ¶
type NoEventsRepeatingGroup struct {
NoEventsRepeatingGroup is a repeating group, Tag 864
func NewNoEventsRepeatingGroup ¶
func NewNoEventsRepeatingGroup() NoEventsRepeatingGroup
NewNoEventsRepeatingGroup returns an initialized, NoEventsRepeatingGroup
func (NoEventsRepeatingGroup) Add ¶
func (m NoEventsRepeatingGroup) Add() NoEvents
Add create and append a new NoEvents to this group
func (NoEventsRepeatingGroup) Get ¶
func (m NoEventsRepeatingGroup) Get(i int) NoEvents
Get returns the ith NoEvents in the NoEventsRepeatinGroup
type NoExecs ¶
NoExecs is a repeating group element, Tag 124
func (NoExecs) GetExecID ¶
func (m NoExecs) GetExecID() (v string, err quickfix.MessageRejectError)
GetExecID gets ExecID, Tag 17
type NoExecsRepeatingGroup ¶
type NoExecsRepeatingGroup struct {
NoExecsRepeatingGroup is a repeating group, Tag 124
func NewNoExecsRepeatingGroup ¶
func NewNoExecsRepeatingGroup() NoExecsRepeatingGroup
NewNoExecsRepeatingGroup returns an initialized, NoExecsRepeatingGroup
func (NoExecsRepeatingGroup) Add ¶
func (m NoExecsRepeatingGroup) Add() NoExecs
Add create and append a new NoExecs to this group
func (NoExecsRepeatingGroup) Get ¶
func (m NoExecsRepeatingGroup) Get(i int) NoExecs
Get returns the ith NoExecs in the NoExecsRepeatinGroup
type NoLegSecurityAltID ¶
NoLegSecurityAltID is a repeating group element, Tag 604
func (NoLegSecurityAltID) GetLegSecurityAltID ¶
func (m NoLegSecurityAltID) GetLegSecurityAltID() (v string, err quickfix.MessageRejectError)
GetLegSecurityAltID gets LegSecurityAltID, Tag 605
func (NoLegSecurityAltID) GetLegSecurityAltIDSource ¶
func (m NoLegSecurityAltID) GetLegSecurityAltIDSource() (v string, err quickfix.MessageRejectError)
GetLegSecurityAltIDSource gets LegSecurityAltIDSource, Tag 606
func (NoLegSecurityAltID) HasLegSecurityAltID ¶
func (m NoLegSecurityAltID) HasLegSecurityAltID() bool
HasLegSecurityAltID returns true if LegSecurityAltID is present, Tag 605
func (NoLegSecurityAltID) HasLegSecurityAltIDSource ¶
func (m NoLegSecurityAltID) HasLegSecurityAltIDSource() bool
HasLegSecurityAltIDSource returns true if LegSecurityAltIDSource is present, Tag 606
func (NoLegSecurityAltID) SetLegSecurityAltID ¶
func (m NoLegSecurityAltID) SetLegSecurityAltID(v string)
SetLegSecurityAltID sets LegSecurityAltID, Tag 605
func (NoLegSecurityAltID) SetLegSecurityAltIDSource ¶
func (m NoLegSecurityAltID) SetLegSecurityAltIDSource(v string)
SetLegSecurityAltIDSource sets LegSecurityAltIDSource, Tag 606
type NoLegSecurityAltIDRepeatingGroup ¶
type NoLegSecurityAltIDRepeatingGroup struct {
NoLegSecurityAltIDRepeatingGroup is a repeating group, Tag 604
func NewNoLegSecurityAltIDRepeatingGroup ¶
func NewNoLegSecurityAltIDRepeatingGroup() NoLegSecurityAltIDRepeatingGroup
NewNoLegSecurityAltIDRepeatingGroup returns an initialized, NoLegSecurityAltIDRepeatingGroup
func (NoLegSecurityAltIDRepeatingGroup) Add ¶
func (m NoLegSecurityAltIDRepeatingGroup) Add() NoLegSecurityAltID
Add create and append a new NoLegSecurityAltID to this group
func (NoLegSecurityAltIDRepeatingGroup) Get ¶
func (m NoLegSecurityAltIDRepeatingGroup) Get(i int) NoLegSecurityAltID
Get returns the ith NoLegSecurityAltID in the NoLegSecurityAltIDRepeatinGroup
type NoLegs ¶
NoLegs is a repeating group element, Tag 555
func (NoLegs) GetEncodedLegIssuer ¶
func (m NoLegs) GetEncodedLegIssuer() (v string, err quickfix.MessageRejectError)
GetEncodedLegIssuer gets EncodedLegIssuer, Tag 619
func (NoLegs) GetEncodedLegIssuerLen ¶
func (m NoLegs) GetEncodedLegIssuerLen() (v int, err quickfix.MessageRejectError)
GetEncodedLegIssuerLen gets EncodedLegIssuerLen, Tag 618
func (NoLegs) GetEncodedLegSecurityDesc ¶
func (m NoLegs) GetEncodedLegSecurityDesc() (v string, err quickfix.MessageRejectError)
GetEncodedLegSecurityDesc gets EncodedLegSecurityDesc, Tag 622
func (NoLegs) GetEncodedLegSecurityDescLen ¶
func (m NoLegs) GetEncodedLegSecurityDescLen() (v int, err quickfix.MessageRejectError)
GetEncodedLegSecurityDescLen gets EncodedLegSecurityDescLen, Tag 621
func (NoLegs) GetLegCFICode ¶
func (m NoLegs) GetLegCFICode() (v string, err quickfix.MessageRejectError)
GetLegCFICode gets LegCFICode, Tag 608
func (NoLegs) GetLegContractMultiplier ¶
func (m NoLegs) GetLegContractMultiplier() (v decimal.Decimal, err quickfix.MessageRejectError)
GetLegContractMultiplier gets LegContractMultiplier, Tag 614
func (NoLegs) GetLegContractSettlMonth ¶
func (m NoLegs) GetLegContractSettlMonth() (v string, err quickfix.MessageRejectError)
GetLegContractSettlMonth gets LegContractSettlMonth, Tag 955
func (NoLegs) GetLegCountryOfIssue ¶
func (m NoLegs) GetLegCountryOfIssue() (v string, err quickfix.MessageRejectError)
GetLegCountryOfIssue gets LegCountryOfIssue, Tag 596
func (NoLegs) GetLegCouponPaymentDate ¶
func (m NoLegs) GetLegCouponPaymentDate() (v string, err quickfix.MessageRejectError)
GetLegCouponPaymentDate gets LegCouponPaymentDate, Tag 248
func (NoLegs) GetLegCouponRate ¶
func (m NoLegs) GetLegCouponRate() (v decimal.Decimal, err quickfix.MessageRejectError)
GetLegCouponRate gets LegCouponRate, Tag 615
func (NoLegs) GetLegCreditRating ¶
func (m NoLegs) GetLegCreditRating() (v string, err quickfix.MessageRejectError)
GetLegCreditRating gets LegCreditRating, Tag 257
func (NoLegs) GetLegCurrency ¶
func (m NoLegs) GetLegCurrency() (v string, err quickfix.MessageRejectError)
GetLegCurrency gets LegCurrency, Tag 556
func (NoLegs) GetLegDatedDate ¶
func (m NoLegs) GetLegDatedDate() (v string, err quickfix.MessageRejectError)
GetLegDatedDate gets LegDatedDate, Tag 739
func (NoLegs) GetLegFactor ¶
func (m NoLegs) GetLegFactor() (v decimal.Decimal, err quickfix.MessageRejectError)
GetLegFactor gets LegFactor, Tag 253
func (NoLegs) GetLegInstrRegistry ¶
func (m NoLegs) GetLegInstrRegistry() (v string, err quickfix.MessageRejectError)
GetLegInstrRegistry gets LegInstrRegistry, Tag 599
func (NoLegs) GetLegInterestAccrualDate ¶
func (m NoLegs) GetLegInterestAccrualDate() (v string, err quickfix.MessageRejectError)
GetLegInterestAccrualDate gets LegInterestAccrualDate, Tag 956
func (NoLegs) GetLegIssueDate ¶
func (m NoLegs) GetLegIssueDate() (v string, err quickfix.MessageRejectError)
GetLegIssueDate gets LegIssueDate, Tag 249
func (NoLegs) GetLegIssuer ¶
func (m NoLegs) GetLegIssuer() (v string, err quickfix.MessageRejectError)
GetLegIssuer gets LegIssuer, Tag 617
func (NoLegs) GetLegLocaleOfIssue ¶
func (m NoLegs) GetLegLocaleOfIssue() (v string, err quickfix.MessageRejectError)
GetLegLocaleOfIssue gets LegLocaleOfIssue, Tag 598
func (NoLegs) GetLegMaturityDate ¶
func (m NoLegs) GetLegMaturityDate() (v string, err quickfix.MessageRejectError)
GetLegMaturityDate gets LegMaturityDate, Tag 611
func (NoLegs) GetLegMaturityMonthYear ¶
func (m NoLegs) GetLegMaturityMonthYear() (v string, err quickfix.MessageRejectError)
GetLegMaturityMonthYear gets LegMaturityMonthYear, Tag 610
func (NoLegs) GetLegOptAttribute ¶
func (m NoLegs) GetLegOptAttribute() (v string, err quickfix.MessageRejectError)
GetLegOptAttribute gets LegOptAttribute, Tag 613
func (NoLegs) GetLegPool ¶
func (m NoLegs) GetLegPool() (v string, err quickfix.MessageRejectError)
GetLegPool gets LegPool, Tag 740
func (NoLegs) GetLegProduct ¶
func (m NoLegs) GetLegProduct() (v int, err quickfix.MessageRejectError)
GetLegProduct gets LegProduct, Tag 607
func (NoLegs) GetLegRatioQty ¶
func (m NoLegs) GetLegRatioQty() (v decimal.Decimal, err quickfix.MessageRejectError)
GetLegRatioQty gets LegRatioQty, Tag 623
func (NoLegs) GetLegRedemptionDate ¶
func (m NoLegs) GetLegRedemptionDate() (v string, err quickfix.MessageRejectError)
GetLegRedemptionDate gets LegRedemptionDate, Tag 254
func (NoLegs) GetLegRepoCollateralSecurityType ¶
func (m NoLegs) GetLegRepoCollateralSecurityType() (v int, err quickfix.MessageRejectError)
GetLegRepoCollateralSecurityType gets LegRepoCollateralSecurityType, Tag 250
func (NoLegs) GetLegRepurchaseRate ¶
func (m NoLegs) GetLegRepurchaseRate() (v decimal.Decimal, err quickfix.MessageRejectError)
GetLegRepurchaseRate gets LegRepurchaseRate, Tag 252
func (NoLegs) GetLegRepurchaseTerm ¶
func (m NoLegs) GetLegRepurchaseTerm() (v int, err quickfix.MessageRejectError)
GetLegRepurchaseTerm gets LegRepurchaseTerm, Tag 251
func (NoLegs) GetLegSecurityDesc ¶
func (m NoLegs) GetLegSecurityDesc() (v string, err quickfix.MessageRejectError)
GetLegSecurityDesc gets LegSecurityDesc, Tag 620
func (NoLegs) GetLegSecurityExchange ¶
func (m NoLegs) GetLegSecurityExchange() (v string, err quickfix.MessageRejectError)
GetLegSecurityExchange gets LegSecurityExchange, Tag 616
func (NoLegs) GetLegSecurityID ¶
func (m NoLegs) GetLegSecurityID() (v string, err quickfix.MessageRejectError)
GetLegSecurityID gets LegSecurityID, Tag 602
func (NoLegs) GetLegSecurityIDSource ¶
func (m NoLegs) GetLegSecurityIDSource() (v string, err quickfix.MessageRejectError)
GetLegSecurityIDSource gets LegSecurityIDSource, Tag 603
func (NoLegs) GetLegSecuritySubType ¶
func (m NoLegs) GetLegSecuritySubType() (v string, err quickfix.MessageRejectError)
GetLegSecuritySubType gets LegSecuritySubType, Tag 764
func (NoLegs) GetLegSecurityType ¶
func (m NoLegs) GetLegSecurityType() (v string, err quickfix.MessageRejectError)
GetLegSecurityType gets LegSecurityType, Tag 609
func (NoLegs) GetLegSide ¶
func (m NoLegs) GetLegSide() (v string, err quickfix.MessageRejectError)
GetLegSide gets LegSide, Tag 624
func (NoLegs) GetLegStateOrProvinceOfIssue ¶
func (m NoLegs) GetLegStateOrProvinceOfIssue() (v string, err quickfix.MessageRejectError)
GetLegStateOrProvinceOfIssue gets LegStateOrProvinceOfIssue, Tag 597
func (NoLegs) GetLegStrikeCurrency ¶
func (m NoLegs) GetLegStrikeCurrency() (v string, err quickfix.MessageRejectError)
GetLegStrikeCurrency gets LegStrikeCurrency, Tag 942
func (NoLegs) GetLegStrikePrice ¶
func (m NoLegs) GetLegStrikePrice() (v decimal.Decimal, err quickfix.MessageRejectError)
GetLegStrikePrice gets LegStrikePrice, Tag 612
func (NoLegs) GetLegSymbol ¶
func (m NoLegs) GetLegSymbol() (v string, err quickfix.MessageRejectError)
GetLegSymbol gets LegSymbol, Tag 600
func (NoLegs) GetLegSymbolSfx ¶
func (m NoLegs) GetLegSymbolSfx() (v string, err quickfix.MessageRejectError)
GetLegSymbolSfx gets LegSymbolSfx, Tag 601
func (NoLegs) GetNoLegSecurityAltID ¶
func (m NoLegs) GetNoLegSecurityAltID() (NoLegSecurityAltIDRepeatingGroup, quickfix.MessageRejectError)
GetNoLegSecurityAltID gets NoLegSecurityAltID, Tag 604
func (NoLegs) HasEncodedLegIssuer ¶
HasEncodedLegIssuer returns true if EncodedLegIssuer is present, Tag 619
func (NoLegs) HasEncodedLegIssuerLen ¶
HasEncodedLegIssuerLen returns true if EncodedLegIssuerLen is present, Tag 618
func (NoLegs) HasEncodedLegSecurityDesc ¶
HasEncodedLegSecurityDesc returns true if EncodedLegSecurityDesc is present, Tag 622
func (NoLegs) HasEncodedLegSecurityDescLen ¶
HasEncodedLegSecurityDescLen returns true if EncodedLegSecurityDescLen is present, Tag 621
func (NoLegs) HasLegCFICode ¶
HasLegCFICode returns true if LegCFICode is present, Tag 608
func (NoLegs) HasLegContractMultiplier ¶
HasLegContractMultiplier returns true if LegContractMultiplier is present, Tag 614
func (NoLegs) HasLegContractSettlMonth ¶
HasLegContractSettlMonth returns true if LegContractSettlMonth is present, Tag 955
func (NoLegs) HasLegCountryOfIssue ¶
HasLegCountryOfIssue returns true if LegCountryOfIssue is present, Tag 596
func (NoLegs) HasLegCouponPaymentDate ¶
HasLegCouponPaymentDate returns true if LegCouponPaymentDate is present, Tag 248
func (NoLegs) HasLegCouponRate ¶
HasLegCouponRate returns true if LegCouponRate is present, Tag 615
func (NoLegs) HasLegCreditRating ¶
HasLegCreditRating returns true if LegCreditRating is present, Tag 257
func (NoLegs) HasLegCurrency ¶
HasLegCurrency returns true if LegCurrency is present, Tag 556
func (NoLegs) HasLegDatedDate ¶
HasLegDatedDate returns true if LegDatedDate is present, Tag 739
func (NoLegs) HasLegFactor ¶
HasLegFactor returns true if LegFactor is present, Tag 253
func (NoLegs) HasLegInstrRegistry ¶
HasLegInstrRegistry returns true if LegInstrRegistry is present, Tag 599
func (NoLegs) HasLegInterestAccrualDate ¶
HasLegInterestAccrualDate returns true if LegInterestAccrualDate is present, Tag 956
func (NoLegs) HasLegIssueDate ¶
HasLegIssueDate returns true if LegIssueDate is present, Tag 249
func (NoLegs) HasLegIssuer ¶
HasLegIssuer returns true if LegIssuer is present, Tag 617
func (NoLegs) HasLegLocaleOfIssue ¶
HasLegLocaleOfIssue returns true if LegLocaleOfIssue is present, Tag 598
func (NoLegs) HasLegMaturityDate ¶
HasLegMaturityDate returns true if LegMaturityDate is present, Tag 611
func (NoLegs) HasLegMaturityMonthYear ¶
HasLegMaturityMonthYear returns true if LegMaturityMonthYear is present, Tag 610
func (NoLegs) HasLegOptAttribute ¶
HasLegOptAttribute returns true if LegOptAttribute is present, Tag 613
func (NoLegs) HasLegPool ¶
HasLegPool returns true if LegPool is present, Tag 740
func (NoLegs) HasLegProduct ¶
HasLegProduct returns true if LegProduct is present, Tag 607
func (NoLegs) HasLegRatioQty ¶
HasLegRatioQty returns true if LegRatioQty is present, Tag 623
func (NoLegs) HasLegRedemptionDate ¶
HasLegRedemptionDate returns true if LegRedemptionDate is present, Tag 254
func (NoLegs) HasLegRepoCollateralSecurityType ¶
HasLegRepoCollateralSecurityType returns true if LegRepoCollateralSecurityType is present, Tag 250
func (NoLegs) HasLegRepurchaseRate ¶
HasLegRepurchaseRate returns true if LegRepurchaseRate is present, Tag 252
func (NoLegs) HasLegRepurchaseTerm ¶
HasLegRepurchaseTerm returns true if LegRepurchaseTerm is present, Tag 251
func (NoLegs) HasLegSecurityDesc ¶
HasLegSecurityDesc returns true if LegSecurityDesc is present, Tag 620
func (NoLegs) HasLegSecurityExchange ¶
HasLegSecurityExchange returns true if LegSecurityExchange is present, Tag 616
func (NoLegs) HasLegSecurityID ¶
HasLegSecurityID returns true if LegSecurityID is present, Tag 602
func (NoLegs) HasLegSecurityIDSource ¶
HasLegSecurityIDSource returns true if LegSecurityIDSource is present, Tag 603
func (NoLegs) HasLegSecuritySubType ¶
HasLegSecuritySubType returns true if LegSecuritySubType is present, Tag 764
func (NoLegs) HasLegSecurityType ¶
HasLegSecurityType returns true if LegSecurityType is present, Tag 609
func (NoLegs) HasLegSide ¶
HasLegSide returns true if LegSide is present, Tag 624
func (NoLegs) HasLegStateOrProvinceOfIssue ¶
HasLegStateOrProvinceOfIssue returns true if LegStateOrProvinceOfIssue is present, Tag 597
func (NoLegs) HasLegStrikeCurrency ¶
HasLegStrikeCurrency returns true if LegStrikeCurrency is present, Tag 942
func (NoLegs) HasLegStrikePrice ¶
HasLegStrikePrice returns true if LegStrikePrice is present, Tag 612
func (NoLegs) HasLegSymbol ¶
HasLegSymbol returns true if LegSymbol is present, Tag 600
func (NoLegs) HasLegSymbolSfx ¶
HasLegSymbolSfx returns true if LegSymbolSfx is present, Tag 601
func (NoLegs) HasNoLegSecurityAltID ¶
HasNoLegSecurityAltID returns true if NoLegSecurityAltID is present, Tag 604
func (NoLegs) SetEncodedLegIssuer ¶
SetEncodedLegIssuer sets EncodedLegIssuer, Tag 619
func (NoLegs) SetEncodedLegIssuerLen ¶
SetEncodedLegIssuerLen sets EncodedLegIssuerLen, Tag 618
func (NoLegs) SetEncodedLegSecurityDesc ¶
SetEncodedLegSecurityDesc sets EncodedLegSecurityDesc, Tag 622
func (NoLegs) SetEncodedLegSecurityDescLen ¶
SetEncodedLegSecurityDescLen sets EncodedLegSecurityDescLen, Tag 621
func (NoLegs) SetLegCFICode ¶
SetLegCFICode sets LegCFICode, Tag 608
func (NoLegs) SetLegContractMultiplier ¶
SetLegContractMultiplier sets LegContractMultiplier, Tag 614
func (NoLegs) SetLegContractSettlMonth ¶
SetLegContractSettlMonth sets LegContractSettlMonth, Tag 955
func (NoLegs) SetLegCountryOfIssue ¶
SetLegCountryOfIssue sets LegCountryOfIssue, Tag 596
func (NoLegs) SetLegCouponPaymentDate ¶
SetLegCouponPaymentDate sets LegCouponPaymentDate, Tag 248
func (NoLegs) SetLegCouponRate ¶
SetLegCouponRate sets LegCouponRate, Tag 615
func (NoLegs) SetLegCreditRating ¶
SetLegCreditRating sets LegCreditRating, Tag 257
func (NoLegs) SetLegCurrency ¶
SetLegCurrency sets LegCurrency, Tag 556
func (NoLegs) SetLegDatedDate ¶
SetLegDatedDate sets LegDatedDate, Tag 739
func (NoLegs) SetLegFactor ¶
SetLegFactor sets LegFactor, Tag 253
func (NoLegs) SetLegInstrRegistry ¶
SetLegInstrRegistry sets LegInstrRegistry, Tag 599
func (NoLegs) SetLegInterestAccrualDate ¶
SetLegInterestAccrualDate sets LegInterestAccrualDate, Tag 956
func (NoLegs) SetLegIssueDate ¶
SetLegIssueDate sets LegIssueDate, Tag 249
func (NoLegs) SetLegIssuer ¶
SetLegIssuer sets LegIssuer, Tag 617
func (NoLegs) SetLegLocaleOfIssue ¶
SetLegLocaleOfIssue sets LegLocaleOfIssue, Tag 598
func (NoLegs) SetLegMaturityDate ¶
SetLegMaturityDate sets LegMaturityDate, Tag 611
func (NoLegs) SetLegMaturityMonthYear ¶
SetLegMaturityMonthYear sets LegMaturityMonthYear, Tag 610
func (NoLegs) SetLegOptAttribute ¶
SetLegOptAttribute sets LegOptAttribute, Tag 613
func (NoLegs) SetLegProduct ¶
SetLegProduct sets LegProduct, Tag 607
func (NoLegs) SetLegRatioQty ¶
SetLegRatioQty sets LegRatioQty, Tag 623
func (NoLegs) SetLegRedemptionDate ¶
SetLegRedemptionDate sets LegRedemptionDate, Tag 254
func (NoLegs) SetLegRepoCollateralSecurityType ¶
SetLegRepoCollateralSecurityType sets LegRepoCollateralSecurityType, Tag 250
func (NoLegs) SetLegRepurchaseRate ¶
SetLegRepurchaseRate sets LegRepurchaseRate, Tag 252
func (NoLegs) SetLegRepurchaseTerm ¶
SetLegRepurchaseTerm sets LegRepurchaseTerm, Tag 251
func (NoLegs) SetLegSecurityDesc ¶
SetLegSecurityDesc sets LegSecurityDesc, Tag 620
func (NoLegs) SetLegSecurityExchange ¶
SetLegSecurityExchange sets LegSecurityExchange, Tag 616
func (NoLegs) SetLegSecurityID ¶
SetLegSecurityID sets LegSecurityID, Tag 602
func (NoLegs) SetLegSecurityIDSource ¶
SetLegSecurityIDSource sets LegSecurityIDSource, Tag 603
func (NoLegs) SetLegSecuritySubType ¶
SetLegSecuritySubType sets LegSecuritySubType, Tag 764
func (NoLegs) SetLegSecurityType ¶
SetLegSecurityType sets LegSecurityType, Tag 609
func (NoLegs) SetLegStateOrProvinceOfIssue ¶
SetLegStateOrProvinceOfIssue sets LegStateOrProvinceOfIssue, Tag 597
func (NoLegs) SetLegStrikeCurrency ¶
SetLegStrikeCurrency sets LegStrikeCurrency, Tag 942
func (NoLegs) SetLegStrikePrice ¶
SetLegStrikePrice sets LegStrikePrice, Tag 612
func (NoLegs) SetLegSymbol ¶
SetLegSymbol sets LegSymbol, Tag 600
func (NoLegs) SetLegSymbolSfx ¶
SetLegSymbolSfx sets LegSymbolSfx, Tag 601
func (NoLegs) SetNoLegSecurityAltID ¶
func (m NoLegs) SetNoLegSecurityAltID(f NoLegSecurityAltIDRepeatingGroup)
SetNoLegSecurityAltID sets NoLegSecurityAltID, Tag 604
type NoLegsRepeatingGroup ¶
type NoLegsRepeatingGroup struct {
NoLegsRepeatingGroup is a repeating group, Tag 555
func NewNoLegsRepeatingGroup ¶
func NewNoLegsRepeatingGroup() NoLegsRepeatingGroup
NewNoLegsRepeatingGroup returns an initialized, NoLegsRepeatingGroup
func (NoLegsRepeatingGroup) Add ¶
func (m NoLegsRepeatingGroup) Add() NoLegs
Add create and append a new NoLegs to this group
func (NoLegsRepeatingGroup) Get ¶
func (m NoLegsRepeatingGroup) Get(i int) NoLegs
Get returns the ith NoLegs in the NoLegsRepeatinGroup
type NoMiscFees ¶
NoMiscFees is a repeating group element, Tag 136
func (NoMiscFees) GetMiscFeeAmt ¶
func (m NoMiscFees) GetMiscFeeAmt() (v decimal.Decimal, err quickfix.MessageRejectError)
GetMiscFeeAmt gets MiscFeeAmt, Tag 137
func (NoMiscFees) GetMiscFeeBasis ¶
func (m NoMiscFees) GetMiscFeeBasis() (v enum.MiscFeeBasis, err quickfix.MessageRejectError)
GetMiscFeeBasis gets MiscFeeBasis, Tag 891
func (NoMiscFees) GetMiscFeeCurr ¶
func (m NoMiscFees) GetMiscFeeCurr() (v string, err quickfix.MessageRejectError)
GetMiscFeeCurr gets MiscFeeCurr, Tag 138
func (NoMiscFees) GetMiscFeeType ¶
func (m NoMiscFees) GetMiscFeeType() (v enum.MiscFeeType, err quickfix.MessageRejectError)
GetMiscFeeType gets MiscFeeType, Tag 139
func (NoMiscFees) HasMiscFeeAmt ¶
func (m NoMiscFees) HasMiscFeeAmt() bool
HasMiscFeeAmt returns true if MiscFeeAmt is present, Tag 137
func (NoMiscFees) HasMiscFeeBasis ¶
func (m NoMiscFees) HasMiscFeeBasis() bool
HasMiscFeeBasis returns true if MiscFeeBasis is present, Tag 891
func (NoMiscFees) HasMiscFeeCurr ¶
func (m NoMiscFees) HasMiscFeeCurr() bool
HasMiscFeeCurr returns true if MiscFeeCurr is present, Tag 138
func (NoMiscFees) HasMiscFeeType ¶
func (m NoMiscFees) HasMiscFeeType() bool
HasMiscFeeType returns true if MiscFeeType is present, Tag 139
func (NoMiscFees) SetMiscFeeAmt ¶
func (m NoMiscFees) SetMiscFeeAmt(value decimal.Decimal, scale int32)
SetMiscFeeAmt sets MiscFeeAmt, Tag 137
func (NoMiscFees) SetMiscFeeBasis ¶
func (m NoMiscFees) SetMiscFeeBasis(v enum.MiscFeeBasis)
SetMiscFeeBasis sets MiscFeeBasis, Tag 891
func (NoMiscFees) SetMiscFeeCurr ¶
func (m NoMiscFees) SetMiscFeeCurr(v string)
SetMiscFeeCurr sets MiscFeeCurr, Tag 138
func (NoMiscFees) SetMiscFeeType ¶
func (m NoMiscFees) SetMiscFeeType(v enum.MiscFeeType)
SetMiscFeeType sets MiscFeeType, Tag 139
type NoMiscFeesRepeatingGroup ¶
type NoMiscFeesRepeatingGroup struct {
NoMiscFeesRepeatingGroup is a repeating group, Tag 136
func NewNoMiscFeesRepeatingGroup ¶
func NewNoMiscFeesRepeatingGroup() NoMiscFeesRepeatingGroup
NewNoMiscFeesRepeatingGroup returns an initialized, NoMiscFeesRepeatingGroup
func (NoMiscFeesRepeatingGroup) Add ¶
func (m NoMiscFeesRepeatingGroup) Add() NoMiscFees
Add create and append a new NoMiscFees to this group
func (NoMiscFeesRepeatingGroup) Get ¶
func (m NoMiscFeesRepeatingGroup) Get(i int) NoMiscFees
Get returns the ith NoMiscFees in the NoMiscFeesRepeatinGroup
type NoPartyIDs ¶
NoPartyIDs is a repeating group element, Tag 453
func (NoPartyIDs) GetNoPartySubIDs ¶
func (m NoPartyIDs) GetNoPartySubIDs() (NoPartySubIDsRepeatingGroup, quickfix.MessageRejectError)
GetNoPartySubIDs gets NoPartySubIDs, Tag 802
func (NoPartyIDs) GetPartyID ¶
func (m NoPartyIDs) GetPartyID() (v string, err quickfix.MessageRejectError)
GetPartyID gets PartyID, Tag 448
func (NoPartyIDs) GetPartyIDSource ¶
func (m NoPartyIDs) GetPartyIDSource() (v enum.PartyIDSource, err quickfix.MessageRejectError)
GetPartyIDSource gets PartyIDSource, Tag 447
func (NoPartyIDs) GetPartyRole ¶
func (m NoPartyIDs) GetPartyRole() (v enum.PartyRole, err quickfix.MessageRejectError)
GetPartyRole gets PartyRole, Tag 452
func (NoPartyIDs) HasNoPartySubIDs ¶
func (m NoPartyIDs) HasNoPartySubIDs() bool
HasNoPartySubIDs returns true if NoPartySubIDs is present, Tag 802
func (NoPartyIDs) HasPartyID ¶
func (m NoPartyIDs) HasPartyID() bool
HasPartyID returns true if PartyID is present, Tag 448
func (NoPartyIDs) HasPartyIDSource ¶
func (m NoPartyIDs) HasPartyIDSource() bool
HasPartyIDSource returns true if PartyIDSource is present, Tag 447
func (NoPartyIDs) HasPartyRole ¶
func (m NoPartyIDs) HasPartyRole() bool
HasPartyRole returns true if PartyRole is present, Tag 452
func (NoPartyIDs) SetNoPartySubIDs ¶
func (m NoPartyIDs) SetNoPartySubIDs(f NoPartySubIDsRepeatingGroup)
SetNoPartySubIDs sets NoPartySubIDs, Tag 802
func (NoPartyIDs) SetPartyID ¶
func (m NoPartyIDs) SetPartyID(v string)
SetPartyID sets PartyID, Tag 448
func (NoPartyIDs) SetPartyIDSource ¶
func (m NoPartyIDs) SetPartyIDSource(v enum.PartyIDSource)
SetPartyIDSource sets PartyIDSource, Tag 447
func (NoPartyIDs) SetPartyRole ¶
func (m NoPartyIDs) SetPartyRole(v enum.PartyRole)
SetPartyRole sets PartyRole, Tag 452
type NoPartyIDsRepeatingGroup ¶
type NoPartyIDsRepeatingGroup struct {
NoPartyIDsRepeatingGroup is a repeating group, Tag 453
func NewNoPartyIDsRepeatingGroup ¶
func NewNoPartyIDsRepeatingGroup() NoPartyIDsRepeatingGroup
NewNoPartyIDsRepeatingGroup returns an initialized, NoPartyIDsRepeatingGroup
func (NoPartyIDsRepeatingGroup) Add ¶
func (m NoPartyIDsRepeatingGroup) Add() NoPartyIDs
Add create and append a new NoPartyIDs to this group
func (NoPartyIDsRepeatingGroup) Get ¶
func (m NoPartyIDsRepeatingGroup) Get(i int) NoPartyIDs
Get returns the ith NoPartyIDs in the NoPartyIDsRepeatinGroup
type NoPartySubIDs ¶
NoPartySubIDs is a repeating group element, Tag 802
func (NoPartySubIDs) GetPartySubID ¶
func (m NoPartySubIDs) GetPartySubID() (v string, err quickfix.MessageRejectError)
GetPartySubID gets PartySubID, Tag 523
func (NoPartySubIDs) GetPartySubIDType ¶
func (m NoPartySubIDs) GetPartySubIDType() (v enum.PartySubIDType, err quickfix.MessageRejectError)
GetPartySubIDType gets PartySubIDType, Tag 803
func (NoPartySubIDs) HasPartySubID ¶
func (m NoPartySubIDs) HasPartySubID() bool
HasPartySubID returns true if PartySubID is present, Tag 523
func (NoPartySubIDs) HasPartySubIDType ¶
func (m NoPartySubIDs) HasPartySubIDType() bool
HasPartySubIDType returns true if PartySubIDType is present, Tag 803
func (NoPartySubIDs) SetPartySubID ¶
func (m NoPartySubIDs) SetPartySubID(v string)
SetPartySubID sets PartySubID, Tag 523
func (NoPartySubIDs) SetPartySubIDType ¶
func (m NoPartySubIDs) SetPartySubIDType(v enum.PartySubIDType)
SetPartySubIDType sets PartySubIDType, Tag 803
type NoPartySubIDsRepeatingGroup ¶
type NoPartySubIDsRepeatingGroup struct {
NoPartySubIDsRepeatingGroup is a repeating group, Tag 802
func NewNoPartySubIDsRepeatingGroup ¶
func NewNoPartySubIDsRepeatingGroup() NoPartySubIDsRepeatingGroup
NewNoPartySubIDsRepeatingGroup returns an initialized, NoPartySubIDsRepeatingGroup
func (NoPartySubIDsRepeatingGroup) Add ¶
func (m NoPartySubIDsRepeatingGroup) Add() NoPartySubIDs
Add create and append a new NoPartySubIDs to this group
func (NoPartySubIDsRepeatingGroup) Get ¶
func (m NoPartySubIDsRepeatingGroup) Get(i int) NoPartySubIDs
Get returns the ith NoPartySubIDs in the NoPartySubIDsRepeatinGroup
type NoSecurityAltID ¶
NoSecurityAltID is a repeating group element, Tag 454
func (NoSecurityAltID) GetSecurityAltID ¶
func (m NoSecurityAltID) GetSecurityAltID() (v string, err quickfix.MessageRejectError)
GetSecurityAltID gets SecurityAltID, Tag 455
func (NoSecurityAltID) GetSecurityAltIDSource ¶
func (m NoSecurityAltID) GetSecurityAltIDSource() (v string, err quickfix.MessageRejectError)
GetSecurityAltIDSource gets SecurityAltIDSource, Tag 456
func (NoSecurityAltID) HasSecurityAltID ¶
func (m NoSecurityAltID) HasSecurityAltID() bool
HasSecurityAltID returns true if SecurityAltID is present, Tag 455
func (NoSecurityAltID) HasSecurityAltIDSource ¶
func (m NoSecurityAltID) HasSecurityAltIDSource() bool
HasSecurityAltIDSource returns true if SecurityAltIDSource is present, Tag 456
func (NoSecurityAltID) SetSecurityAltID ¶
func (m NoSecurityAltID) SetSecurityAltID(v string)
SetSecurityAltID sets SecurityAltID, Tag 455
func (NoSecurityAltID) SetSecurityAltIDSource ¶
func (m NoSecurityAltID) SetSecurityAltIDSource(v string)
SetSecurityAltIDSource sets SecurityAltIDSource, Tag 456
type NoSecurityAltIDRepeatingGroup ¶
type NoSecurityAltIDRepeatingGroup struct {
NoSecurityAltIDRepeatingGroup is a repeating group, Tag 454
func NewNoSecurityAltIDRepeatingGroup ¶
func NewNoSecurityAltIDRepeatingGroup() NoSecurityAltIDRepeatingGroup
NewNoSecurityAltIDRepeatingGroup returns an initialized, NoSecurityAltIDRepeatingGroup
func (NoSecurityAltIDRepeatingGroup) Add ¶
func (m NoSecurityAltIDRepeatingGroup) Add() NoSecurityAltID
Add create and append a new NoSecurityAltID to this group
func (NoSecurityAltIDRepeatingGroup) Get ¶
func (m NoSecurityAltIDRepeatingGroup) Get(i int) NoSecurityAltID
Get returns the ith NoSecurityAltID in the NoSecurityAltIDRepeatinGroup
type NoSettlPartyIDs ¶
NoSettlPartyIDs is a repeating group element, Tag 781
func (NoSettlPartyIDs) GetNoSettlPartySubIDs ¶
func (m NoSettlPartyIDs) GetNoSettlPartySubIDs() (NoSettlPartySubIDsRepeatingGroup, quickfix.MessageRejectError)
GetNoSettlPartySubIDs gets NoSettlPartySubIDs, Tag 801
func (NoSettlPartyIDs) GetSettlPartyID ¶
func (m NoSettlPartyIDs) GetSettlPartyID() (v string, err quickfix.MessageRejectError)
GetSettlPartyID gets SettlPartyID, Tag 782
func (NoSettlPartyIDs) GetSettlPartyIDSource ¶
func (m NoSettlPartyIDs) GetSettlPartyIDSource() (v string, err quickfix.MessageRejectError)
GetSettlPartyIDSource gets SettlPartyIDSource, Tag 783
func (NoSettlPartyIDs) GetSettlPartyRole ¶
func (m NoSettlPartyIDs) GetSettlPartyRole() (v int, err quickfix.MessageRejectError)
GetSettlPartyRole gets SettlPartyRole, Tag 784
func (NoSettlPartyIDs) HasNoSettlPartySubIDs ¶
func (m NoSettlPartyIDs) HasNoSettlPartySubIDs() bool
HasNoSettlPartySubIDs returns true if NoSettlPartySubIDs is present, Tag 801
func (NoSettlPartyIDs) HasSettlPartyID ¶
func (m NoSettlPartyIDs) HasSettlPartyID() bool
HasSettlPartyID returns true if SettlPartyID is present, Tag 782
func (NoSettlPartyIDs) HasSettlPartyIDSource ¶
func (m NoSettlPartyIDs) HasSettlPartyIDSource() bool
HasSettlPartyIDSource returns true if SettlPartyIDSource is present, Tag 783
func (NoSettlPartyIDs) HasSettlPartyRole ¶
func (m NoSettlPartyIDs) HasSettlPartyRole() bool
HasSettlPartyRole returns true if SettlPartyRole is present, Tag 784
func (NoSettlPartyIDs) SetNoSettlPartySubIDs ¶
func (m NoSettlPartyIDs) SetNoSettlPartySubIDs(f NoSettlPartySubIDsRepeatingGroup)
SetNoSettlPartySubIDs sets NoSettlPartySubIDs, Tag 801
func (NoSettlPartyIDs) SetSettlPartyID ¶
func (m NoSettlPartyIDs) SetSettlPartyID(v string)
SetSettlPartyID sets SettlPartyID, Tag 782
func (NoSettlPartyIDs) SetSettlPartyIDSource ¶
func (m NoSettlPartyIDs) SetSettlPartyIDSource(v string)
SetSettlPartyIDSource sets SettlPartyIDSource, Tag 783
func (NoSettlPartyIDs) SetSettlPartyRole ¶
func (m NoSettlPartyIDs) SetSettlPartyRole(v int)
SetSettlPartyRole sets SettlPartyRole, Tag 784
type NoSettlPartyIDsRepeatingGroup ¶
type NoSettlPartyIDsRepeatingGroup struct {
NoSettlPartyIDsRepeatingGroup is a repeating group, Tag 781
func NewNoSettlPartyIDsRepeatingGroup ¶
func NewNoSettlPartyIDsRepeatingGroup() NoSettlPartyIDsRepeatingGroup
NewNoSettlPartyIDsRepeatingGroup returns an initialized, NoSettlPartyIDsRepeatingGroup
func (NoSettlPartyIDsRepeatingGroup) Add ¶
func (m NoSettlPartyIDsRepeatingGroup) Add() NoSettlPartyIDs
Add create and append a new NoSettlPartyIDs to this group
func (NoSettlPartyIDsRepeatingGroup) Get ¶
func (m NoSettlPartyIDsRepeatingGroup) Get(i int) NoSettlPartyIDs
Get returns the ith NoSettlPartyIDs in the NoSettlPartyIDsRepeatinGroup
type NoSettlPartySubIDs ¶
NoSettlPartySubIDs is a repeating group element, Tag 801
func (NoSettlPartySubIDs) GetSettlPartySubID ¶
func (m NoSettlPartySubIDs) GetSettlPartySubID() (v string, err quickfix.MessageRejectError)
GetSettlPartySubID gets SettlPartySubID, Tag 785
func (NoSettlPartySubIDs) GetSettlPartySubIDType ¶
func (m NoSettlPartySubIDs) GetSettlPartySubIDType() (v int, err quickfix.MessageRejectError)
GetSettlPartySubIDType gets SettlPartySubIDType, Tag 786
func (NoSettlPartySubIDs) HasSettlPartySubID ¶
func (m NoSettlPartySubIDs) HasSettlPartySubID() bool
HasSettlPartySubID returns true if SettlPartySubID is present, Tag 785
func (NoSettlPartySubIDs) HasSettlPartySubIDType ¶
func (m NoSettlPartySubIDs) HasSettlPartySubIDType() bool
HasSettlPartySubIDType returns true if SettlPartySubIDType is present, Tag 786
func (NoSettlPartySubIDs) SetSettlPartySubID ¶
func (m NoSettlPartySubIDs) SetSettlPartySubID(v string)
SetSettlPartySubID sets SettlPartySubID, Tag 785
func (NoSettlPartySubIDs) SetSettlPartySubIDType ¶
func (m NoSettlPartySubIDs) SetSettlPartySubIDType(v int)
SetSettlPartySubIDType sets SettlPartySubIDType, Tag 786
type NoSettlPartySubIDsRepeatingGroup ¶
type NoSettlPartySubIDsRepeatingGroup struct {
NoSettlPartySubIDsRepeatingGroup is a repeating group, Tag 801
func NewNoSettlPartySubIDsRepeatingGroup ¶
func NewNoSettlPartySubIDsRepeatingGroup() NoSettlPartySubIDsRepeatingGroup
NewNoSettlPartySubIDsRepeatingGroup returns an initialized, NoSettlPartySubIDsRepeatingGroup
func (NoSettlPartySubIDsRepeatingGroup) Add ¶
func (m NoSettlPartySubIDsRepeatingGroup) Add() NoSettlPartySubIDs
Add create and append a new NoSettlPartySubIDs to this group
func (NoSettlPartySubIDsRepeatingGroup) Get ¶
func (m NoSettlPartySubIDsRepeatingGroup) Get(i int) NoSettlPartySubIDs
Get returns the ith NoSettlPartySubIDs in the NoSettlPartySubIDsRepeatinGroup
type NoStipulations ¶
NoStipulations is a repeating group element, Tag 232
func (NoStipulations) GetStipulationType ¶
func (m NoStipulations) GetStipulationType() (v enum.StipulationType, err quickfix.MessageRejectError)
GetStipulationType gets StipulationType, Tag 233
func (NoStipulations) GetStipulationValue ¶
func (m NoStipulations) GetStipulationValue() (v string, err quickfix.MessageRejectError)
GetStipulationValue gets StipulationValue, Tag 234
func (NoStipulations) HasStipulationType ¶
func (m NoStipulations) HasStipulationType() bool
HasStipulationType returns true if StipulationType is present, Tag 233
func (NoStipulations) HasStipulationValue ¶
func (m NoStipulations) HasStipulationValue() bool
HasStipulationValue returns true if StipulationValue is present, Tag 234
func (NoStipulations) SetStipulationType ¶
func (m NoStipulations) SetStipulationType(v enum.StipulationType)
SetStipulationType sets StipulationType, Tag 233
func (NoStipulations) SetStipulationValue ¶
func (m NoStipulations) SetStipulationValue(v string)
SetStipulationValue sets StipulationValue, Tag 234
type NoStipulationsRepeatingGroup ¶
type NoStipulationsRepeatingGroup struct {
NoStipulationsRepeatingGroup is a repeating group, Tag 232
func NewNoStipulationsRepeatingGroup ¶
func NewNoStipulationsRepeatingGroup() NoStipulationsRepeatingGroup
NewNoStipulationsRepeatingGroup returns an initialized, NoStipulationsRepeatingGroup
func (NoStipulationsRepeatingGroup) Add ¶
func (m NoStipulationsRepeatingGroup) Add() NoStipulations
Add create and append a new NoStipulations to this group
func (NoStipulationsRepeatingGroup) Get ¶
func (m NoStipulationsRepeatingGroup) Get(i int) NoStipulations
Get returns the ith NoStipulations in the NoStipulationsRepeatinGroup
type NoTrades ¶
NoTrades is a repeating group element, Tag 897
func (NoTrades) GetSecondaryTradeReportID ¶
func (m NoTrades) GetSecondaryTradeReportID() (v string, err quickfix.MessageRejectError)
GetSecondaryTradeReportID gets SecondaryTradeReportID, Tag 818
func (NoTrades) GetTradeReportID ¶
func (m NoTrades) GetTradeReportID() (v string, err quickfix.MessageRejectError)
GetTradeReportID gets TradeReportID, Tag 571
func (NoTrades) HasSecondaryTradeReportID ¶
HasSecondaryTradeReportID returns true if SecondaryTradeReportID is present, Tag 818
func (NoTrades) HasTradeReportID ¶
HasTradeReportID returns true if TradeReportID is present, Tag 571
func (NoTrades) SetSecondaryTradeReportID ¶
SetSecondaryTradeReportID sets SecondaryTradeReportID, Tag 818
func (NoTrades) SetTradeReportID ¶
SetTradeReportID sets TradeReportID, Tag 571
type NoTradesRepeatingGroup ¶
type NoTradesRepeatingGroup struct {
NoTradesRepeatingGroup is a repeating group, Tag 897
func NewNoTradesRepeatingGroup ¶
func NewNoTradesRepeatingGroup() NoTradesRepeatingGroup
NewNoTradesRepeatingGroup returns an initialized, NoTradesRepeatingGroup
func (NoTradesRepeatingGroup) Add ¶
func (m NoTradesRepeatingGroup) Add() NoTrades
Add create and append a new NoTrades to this group
func (NoTradesRepeatingGroup) Get ¶
func (m NoTradesRepeatingGroup) Get(i int) NoTrades
Get returns the ith NoTrades in the NoTradesRepeatinGroup
type NoTrdRegTimestamps ¶
NoTrdRegTimestamps is a repeating group element, Tag 768
func (NoTrdRegTimestamps) GetTrdRegTimestamp ¶
func (m NoTrdRegTimestamps) GetTrdRegTimestamp() (v time.Time, err quickfix.MessageRejectError)
GetTrdRegTimestamp gets TrdRegTimestamp, Tag 769
func (NoTrdRegTimestamps) GetTrdRegTimestampOrigin ¶
func (m NoTrdRegTimestamps) GetTrdRegTimestampOrigin() (v string, err quickfix.MessageRejectError)
GetTrdRegTimestampOrigin gets TrdRegTimestampOrigin, Tag 771
func (NoTrdRegTimestamps) GetTrdRegTimestampType ¶
func (m NoTrdRegTimestamps) GetTrdRegTimestampType() (v enum.TrdRegTimestampType, err quickfix.MessageRejectError)
GetTrdRegTimestampType gets TrdRegTimestampType, Tag 770
func (NoTrdRegTimestamps) HasTrdRegTimestamp ¶
func (m NoTrdRegTimestamps) HasTrdRegTimestamp() bool
HasTrdRegTimestamp returns true if TrdRegTimestamp is present, Tag 769
func (NoTrdRegTimestamps) HasTrdRegTimestampOrigin ¶
func (m NoTrdRegTimestamps) HasTrdRegTimestampOrigin() bool
HasTrdRegTimestampOrigin returns true if TrdRegTimestampOrigin is present, Tag 771
func (NoTrdRegTimestamps) HasTrdRegTimestampType ¶
func (m NoTrdRegTimestamps) HasTrdRegTimestampType() bool
HasTrdRegTimestampType returns true if TrdRegTimestampType is present, Tag 770
func (NoTrdRegTimestamps) SetTrdRegTimestamp ¶
func (m NoTrdRegTimestamps) SetTrdRegTimestamp(v time.Time)
SetTrdRegTimestamp sets TrdRegTimestamp, Tag 769
func (NoTrdRegTimestamps) SetTrdRegTimestampOrigin ¶
func (m NoTrdRegTimestamps) SetTrdRegTimestampOrigin(v string)
SetTrdRegTimestampOrigin sets TrdRegTimestampOrigin, Tag 771
func (NoTrdRegTimestamps) SetTrdRegTimestampType ¶
func (m NoTrdRegTimestamps) SetTrdRegTimestampType(v enum.TrdRegTimestampType)
SetTrdRegTimestampType sets TrdRegTimestampType, Tag 770
type NoTrdRegTimestampsRepeatingGroup ¶
type NoTrdRegTimestampsRepeatingGroup struct {
NoTrdRegTimestampsRepeatingGroup is a repeating group, Tag 768
func NewNoTrdRegTimestampsRepeatingGroup ¶
func NewNoTrdRegTimestampsRepeatingGroup() NoTrdRegTimestampsRepeatingGroup
NewNoTrdRegTimestampsRepeatingGroup returns an initialized, NoTrdRegTimestampsRepeatingGroup
func (NoTrdRegTimestampsRepeatingGroup) Add ¶
func (m NoTrdRegTimestampsRepeatingGroup) Add() NoTrdRegTimestamps
Add create and append a new NoTrdRegTimestamps to this group
func (NoTrdRegTimestampsRepeatingGroup) Get ¶
func (m NoTrdRegTimestampsRepeatingGroup) Get(i int) NoTrdRegTimestamps
Get returns the ith NoTrdRegTimestamps in the NoTrdRegTimestampsRepeatinGroup
type NoUnderlyingSecurityAltID ¶
NoUnderlyingSecurityAltID is a repeating group element, Tag 457
func (NoUnderlyingSecurityAltID) GetUnderlyingSecurityAltID ¶
func (m NoUnderlyingSecurityAltID) GetUnderlyingSecurityAltID() (v string, err quickfix.MessageRejectError)
GetUnderlyingSecurityAltID gets UnderlyingSecurityAltID, Tag 458
func (NoUnderlyingSecurityAltID) GetUnderlyingSecurityAltIDSource ¶
func (m NoUnderlyingSecurityAltID) GetUnderlyingSecurityAltIDSource() (v string, err quickfix.MessageRejectError)
GetUnderlyingSecurityAltIDSource gets UnderlyingSecurityAltIDSource, Tag 459
func (NoUnderlyingSecurityAltID) HasUnderlyingSecurityAltID ¶
func (m NoUnderlyingSecurityAltID) HasUnderlyingSecurityAltID() bool
HasUnderlyingSecurityAltID returns true if UnderlyingSecurityAltID is present, Tag 458
func (NoUnderlyingSecurityAltID) HasUnderlyingSecurityAltIDSource ¶
func (m NoUnderlyingSecurityAltID) HasUnderlyingSecurityAltIDSource() bool
HasUnderlyingSecurityAltIDSource returns true if UnderlyingSecurityAltIDSource is present, Tag 459
func (NoUnderlyingSecurityAltID) SetUnderlyingSecurityAltID ¶
func (m NoUnderlyingSecurityAltID) SetUnderlyingSecurityAltID(v string)
SetUnderlyingSecurityAltID sets UnderlyingSecurityAltID, Tag 458
func (NoUnderlyingSecurityAltID) SetUnderlyingSecurityAltIDSource ¶
func (m NoUnderlyingSecurityAltID) SetUnderlyingSecurityAltIDSource(v string)
SetUnderlyingSecurityAltIDSource sets UnderlyingSecurityAltIDSource, Tag 459
type NoUnderlyingSecurityAltIDRepeatingGroup ¶
type NoUnderlyingSecurityAltIDRepeatingGroup struct {
NoUnderlyingSecurityAltIDRepeatingGroup is a repeating group, Tag 457
func NewNoUnderlyingSecurityAltIDRepeatingGroup ¶
func NewNoUnderlyingSecurityAltIDRepeatingGroup() NoUnderlyingSecurityAltIDRepeatingGroup
NewNoUnderlyingSecurityAltIDRepeatingGroup returns an initialized, NoUnderlyingSecurityAltIDRepeatingGroup
func (NoUnderlyingSecurityAltIDRepeatingGroup) Add ¶
func (m NoUnderlyingSecurityAltIDRepeatingGroup) Add() NoUnderlyingSecurityAltID
Add create and append a new NoUnderlyingSecurityAltID to this group
func (NoUnderlyingSecurityAltIDRepeatingGroup) Get ¶
func (m NoUnderlyingSecurityAltIDRepeatingGroup) Get(i int) NoUnderlyingSecurityAltID
Get returns the ith NoUnderlyingSecurityAltID in the NoUnderlyingSecurityAltIDRepeatinGroup
type NoUnderlyingStips ¶
NoUnderlyingStips is a repeating group element, Tag 887
func (NoUnderlyingStips) GetUnderlyingStipType ¶
func (m NoUnderlyingStips) GetUnderlyingStipType() (v string, err quickfix.MessageRejectError)
GetUnderlyingStipType gets UnderlyingStipType, Tag 888
func (NoUnderlyingStips) GetUnderlyingStipValue ¶
func (m NoUnderlyingStips) GetUnderlyingStipValue() (v string, err quickfix.MessageRejectError)
GetUnderlyingStipValue gets UnderlyingStipValue, Tag 889
func (NoUnderlyingStips) HasUnderlyingStipType ¶
func (m NoUnderlyingStips) HasUnderlyingStipType() bool
HasUnderlyingStipType returns true if UnderlyingStipType is present, Tag 888
func (NoUnderlyingStips) HasUnderlyingStipValue ¶
func (m NoUnderlyingStips) HasUnderlyingStipValue() bool
HasUnderlyingStipValue returns true if UnderlyingStipValue is present, Tag 889
func (NoUnderlyingStips) SetUnderlyingStipType ¶
func (m NoUnderlyingStips) SetUnderlyingStipType(v string)
SetUnderlyingStipType sets UnderlyingStipType, Tag 888
func (NoUnderlyingStips) SetUnderlyingStipValue ¶
func (m NoUnderlyingStips) SetUnderlyingStipValue(v string)
SetUnderlyingStipValue sets UnderlyingStipValue, Tag 889
type NoUnderlyingStipsRepeatingGroup ¶
type NoUnderlyingStipsRepeatingGroup struct {
NoUnderlyingStipsRepeatingGroup is a repeating group, Tag 887
func NewNoUnderlyingStipsRepeatingGroup ¶
func NewNoUnderlyingStipsRepeatingGroup() NoUnderlyingStipsRepeatingGroup
NewNoUnderlyingStipsRepeatingGroup returns an initialized, NoUnderlyingStipsRepeatingGroup
func (NoUnderlyingStipsRepeatingGroup) Add ¶
func (m NoUnderlyingStipsRepeatingGroup) Add() NoUnderlyingStips
Add create and append a new NoUnderlyingStips to this group
func (NoUnderlyingStipsRepeatingGroup) Get ¶
func (m NoUnderlyingStipsRepeatingGroup) Get(i int) NoUnderlyingStips
Get returns the ith NoUnderlyingStips in the NoUnderlyingStipsRepeatinGroup
type NoUnderlyings ¶
NoUnderlyings is a repeating group element, Tag 711
func (NoUnderlyings) GetEncodedUnderlyingIssuer ¶
func (m NoUnderlyings) GetEncodedUnderlyingIssuer() (v string, err quickfix.MessageRejectError)
GetEncodedUnderlyingIssuer gets EncodedUnderlyingIssuer, Tag 363
func (NoUnderlyings) GetEncodedUnderlyingIssuerLen ¶
func (m NoUnderlyings) GetEncodedUnderlyingIssuerLen() (v int, err quickfix.MessageRejectError)
GetEncodedUnderlyingIssuerLen gets EncodedUnderlyingIssuerLen, Tag 362
func (NoUnderlyings) GetEncodedUnderlyingSecurityDesc ¶
func (m NoUnderlyings) GetEncodedUnderlyingSecurityDesc() (v string, err quickfix.MessageRejectError)
GetEncodedUnderlyingSecurityDesc gets EncodedUnderlyingSecurityDesc, Tag 365
func (NoUnderlyings) GetEncodedUnderlyingSecurityDescLen ¶
func (m NoUnderlyings) GetEncodedUnderlyingSecurityDescLen() (v int, err quickfix.MessageRejectError)
GetEncodedUnderlyingSecurityDescLen gets EncodedUnderlyingSecurityDescLen, Tag 364
func (NoUnderlyings) GetNoUnderlyingSecurityAltID ¶
func (m NoUnderlyings) GetNoUnderlyingSecurityAltID() (NoUnderlyingSecurityAltIDRepeatingGroup, quickfix.MessageRejectError)
GetNoUnderlyingSecurityAltID gets NoUnderlyingSecurityAltID, Tag 457
func (NoUnderlyings) GetNoUnderlyingStips ¶
func (m NoUnderlyings) GetNoUnderlyingStips() (NoUnderlyingStipsRepeatingGroup, quickfix.MessageRejectError)
GetNoUnderlyingStips gets NoUnderlyingStips, Tag 887
func (NoUnderlyings) GetUnderlyingCFICode ¶
func (m NoUnderlyings) GetUnderlyingCFICode() (v string, err quickfix.MessageRejectError)
GetUnderlyingCFICode gets UnderlyingCFICode, Tag 463
func (NoUnderlyings) GetUnderlyingCPProgram ¶
func (m NoUnderlyings) GetUnderlyingCPProgram() (v string, err quickfix.MessageRejectError)
GetUnderlyingCPProgram gets UnderlyingCPProgram, Tag 877
func (NoUnderlyings) GetUnderlyingCPRegType ¶
func (m NoUnderlyings) GetUnderlyingCPRegType() (v string, err quickfix.MessageRejectError)
GetUnderlyingCPRegType gets UnderlyingCPRegType, Tag 878
func (NoUnderlyings) GetUnderlyingContractMultiplier ¶
func (m NoUnderlyings) GetUnderlyingContractMultiplier() (v decimal.Decimal, err quickfix.MessageRejectError)
GetUnderlyingContractMultiplier gets UnderlyingContractMultiplier, Tag 436
func (NoUnderlyings) GetUnderlyingCountryOfIssue ¶
func (m NoUnderlyings) GetUnderlyingCountryOfIssue() (v string, err quickfix.MessageRejectError)
GetUnderlyingCountryOfIssue gets UnderlyingCountryOfIssue, Tag 592
func (NoUnderlyings) GetUnderlyingCouponPaymentDate ¶
func (m NoUnderlyings) GetUnderlyingCouponPaymentDate() (v string, err quickfix.MessageRejectError)
GetUnderlyingCouponPaymentDate gets UnderlyingCouponPaymentDate, Tag 241
func (NoUnderlyings) GetUnderlyingCouponRate ¶
func (m NoUnderlyings) GetUnderlyingCouponRate() (v decimal.Decimal, err quickfix.MessageRejectError)
GetUnderlyingCouponRate gets UnderlyingCouponRate, Tag 435
func (NoUnderlyings) GetUnderlyingCreditRating ¶
func (m NoUnderlyings) GetUnderlyingCreditRating() (v string, err quickfix.MessageRejectError)
GetUnderlyingCreditRating gets UnderlyingCreditRating, Tag 256
func (NoUnderlyings) GetUnderlyingCurrency ¶
func (m NoUnderlyings) GetUnderlyingCurrency() (v string, err quickfix.MessageRejectError)
GetUnderlyingCurrency gets UnderlyingCurrency, Tag 318
func (NoUnderlyings) GetUnderlyingCurrentValue ¶
func (m NoUnderlyings) GetUnderlyingCurrentValue() (v decimal.Decimal, err quickfix.MessageRejectError)
GetUnderlyingCurrentValue gets UnderlyingCurrentValue, Tag 885
func (NoUnderlyings) GetUnderlyingDirtyPrice ¶
func (m NoUnderlyings) GetUnderlyingDirtyPrice() (v decimal.Decimal, err quickfix.MessageRejectError)
GetUnderlyingDirtyPrice gets UnderlyingDirtyPrice, Tag 882
func (NoUnderlyings) GetUnderlyingEndPrice ¶
func (m NoUnderlyings) GetUnderlyingEndPrice() (v decimal.Decimal, err quickfix.MessageRejectError)
GetUnderlyingEndPrice gets UnderlyingEndPrice, Tag 883
func (NoUnderlyings) GetUnderlyingEndValue ¶
func (m NoUnderlyings) GetUnderlyingEndValue() (v decimal.Decimal, err quickfix.MessageRejectError)
GetUnderlyingEndValue gets UnderlyingEndValue, Tag 886
func (NoUnderlyings) GetUnderlyingFactor ¶
func (m NoUnderlyings) GetUnderlyingFactor() (v decimal.Decimal, err quickfix.MessageRejectError)
GetUnderlyingFactor gets UnderlyingFactor, Tag 246
func (NoUnderlyings) GetUnderlyingInstrRegistry ¶
func (m NoUnderlyings) GetUnderlyingInstrRegistry() (v string, err quickfix.MessageRejectError)
GetUnderlyingInstrRegistry gets UnderlyingInstrRegistry, Tag 595
func (NoUnderlyings) GetUnderlyingIssueDate ¶
func (m NoUnderlyings) GetUnderlyingIssueDate() (v string, err quickfix.MessageRejectError)
GetUnderlyingIssueDate gets UnderlyingIssueDate, Tag 242
func (NoUnderlyings) GetUnderlyingIssuer ¶
func (m NoUnderlyings) GetUnderlyingIssuer() (v string, err quickfix.MessageRejectError)
GetUnderlyingIssuer gets UnderlyingIssuer, Tag 306
func (NoUnderlyings) GetUnderlyingLocaleOfIssue ¶
func (m NoUnderlyings) GetUnderlyingLocaleOfIssue() (v string, err quickfix.MessageRejectError)
GetUnderlyingLocaleOfIssue gets UnderlyingLocaleOfIssue, Tag 594
func (NoUnderlyings) GetUnderlyingMaturityDate ¶
func (m NoUnderlyings) GetUnderlyingMaturityDate() (v string, err quickfix.MessageRejectError)
GetUnderlyingMaturityDate gets UnderlyingMaturityDate, Tag 542
func (NoUnderlyings) GetUnderlyingMaturityMonthYear ¶
func (m NoUnderlyings) GetUnderlyingMaturityMonthYear() (v string, err quickfix.MessageRejectError)
GetUnderlyingMaturityMonthYear gets UnderlyingMaturityMonthYear, Tag 313
func (NoUnderlyings) GetUnderlyingOptAttribute ¶
func (m NoUnderlyings) GetUnderlyingOptAttribute() (v string, err quickfix.MessageRejectError)
GetUnderlyingOptAttribute gets UnderlyingOptAttribute, Tag 317
func (NoUnderlyings) GetUnderlyingProduct ¶
func (m NoUnderlyings) GetUnderlyingProduct() (v int, err quickfix.MessageRejectError)
GetUnderlyingProduct gets UnderlyingProduct, Tag 462
func (NoUnderlyings) GetUnderlyingPx ¶
func (m NoUnderlyings) GetUnderlyingPx() (v decimal.Decimal, err quickfix.MessageRejectError)
GetUnderlyingPx gets UnderlyingPx, Tag 810
func (NoUnderlyings) GetUnderlyingQty ¶
func (m NoUnderlyings) GetUnderlyingQty() (v decimal.Decimal, err quickfix.MessageRejectError)
GetUnderlyingQty gets UnderlyingQty, Tag 879
func (NoUnderlyings) GetUnderlyingRedemptionDate ¶
func (m NoUnderlyings) GetUnderlyingRedemptionDate() (v string, err quickfix.MessageRejectError)
GetUnderlyingRedemptionDate gets UnderlyingRedemptionDate, Tag 247
func (NoUnderlyings) GetUnderlyingRepoCollateralSecurityType ¶
func (m NoUnderlyings) GetUnderlyingRepoCollateralSecurityType() (v int, err quickfix.MessageRejectError)
GetUnderlyingRepoCollateralSecurityType gets UnderlyingRepoCollateralSecurityType, Tag 243
func (NoUnderlyings) GetUnderlyingRepurchaseRate ¶
func (m NoUnderlyings) GetUnderlyingRepurchaseRate() (v decimal.Decimal, err quickfix.MessageRejectError)
GetUnderlyingRepurchaseRate gets UnderlyingRepurchaseRate, Tag 245
func (NoUnderlyings) GetUnderlyingRepurchaseTerm ¶
func (m NoUnderlyings) GetUnderlyingRepurchaseTerm() (v int, err quickfix.MessageRejectError)
GetUnderlyingRepurchaseTerm gets UnderlyingRepurchaseTerm, Tag 244
func (NoUnderlyings) GetUnderlyingSecurityDesc ¶
func (m NoUnderlyings) GetUnderlyingSecurityDesc() (v string, err quickfix.MessageRejectError)
GetUnderlyingSecurityDesc gets UnderlyingSecurityDesc, Tag 307
func (NoUnderlyings) GetUnderlyingSecurityExchange ¶
func (m NoUnderlyings) GetUnderlyingSecurityExchange() (v string, err quickfix.MessageRejectError)
GetUnderlyingSecurityExchange gets UnderlyingSecurityExchange, Tag 308
func (NoUnderlyings) GetUnderlyingSecurityID ¶
func (m NoUnderlyings) GetUnderlyingSecurityID() (v string, err quickfix.MessageRejectError)
GetUnderlyingSecurityID gets UnderlyingSecurityID, Tag 309
func (NoUnderlyings) GetUnderlyingSecurityIDSource ¶
func (m NoUnderlyings) GetUnderlyingSecurityIDSource() (v string, err quickfix.MessageRejectError)
GetUnderlyingSecurityIDSource gets UnderlyingSecurityIDSource, Tag 305
func (NoUnderlyings) GetUnderlyingSecuritySubType ¶
func (m NoUnderlyings) GetUnderlyingSecuritySubType() (v string, err quickfix.MessageRejectError)
GetUnderlyingSecuritySubType gets UnderlyingSecuritySubType, Tag 763
func (NoUnderlyings) GetUnderlyingSecurityType ¶
func (m NoUnderlyings) GetUnderlyingSecurityType() (v string, err quickfix.MessageRejectError)
GetUnderlyingSecurityType gets UnderlyingSecurityType, Tag 310
func (NoUnderlyings) GetUnderlyingStartValue ¶
func (m NoUnderlyings) GetUnderlyingStartValue() (v decimal.Decimal, err quickfix.MessageRejectError)
GetUnderlyingStartValue gets UnderlyingStartValue, Tag 884
func (NoUnderlyings) GetUnderlyingStateOrProvinceOfIssue ¶
func (m NoUnderlyings) GetUnderlyingStateOrProvinceOfIssue() (v string, err quickfix.MessageRejectError)
GetUnderlyingStateOrProvinceOfIssue gets UnderlyingStateOrProvinceOfIssue, Tag 593
func (NoUnderlyings) GetUnderlyingStrikeCurrency ¶
func (m NoUnderlyings) GetUnderlyingStrikeCurrency() (v string, err quickfix.MessageRejectError)
GetUnderlyingStrikeCurrency gets UnderlyingStrikeCurrency, Tag 941
func (NoUnderlyings) GetUnderlyingStrikePrice ¶
func (m NoUnderlyings) GetUnderlyingStrikePrice() (v decimal.Decimal, err quickfix.MessageRejectError)
GetUnderlyingStrikePrice gets UnderlyingStrikePrice, Tag 316
func (NoUnderlyings) GetUnderlyingSymbol ¶
func (m NoUnderlyings) GetUnderlyingSymbol() (v string, err quickfix.MessageRejectError)
GetUnderlyingSymbol gets UnderlyingSymbol, Tag 311
func (NoUnderlyings) GetUnderlyingSymbolSfx ¶
func (m NoUnderlyings) GetUnderlyingSymbolSfx() (v string, err quickfix.MessageRejectError)
GetUnderlyingSymbolSfx gets UnderlyingSymbolSfx, Tag 312
func (NoUnderlyings) HasEncodedUnderlyingIssuer ¶
func (m NoUnderlyings) HasEncodedUnderlyingIssuer() bool
HasEncodedUnderlyingIssuer returns true if EncodedUnderlyingIssuer is present, Tag 363
func (NoUnderlyings) HasEncodedUnderlyingIssuerLen ¶
func (m NoUnderlyings) HasEncodedUnderlyingIssuerLen() bool
HasEncodedUnderlyingIssuerLen returns true if EncodedUnderlyingIssuerLen is present, Tag 362
func (NoUnderlyings) HasEncodedUnderlyingSecurityDesc ¶
func (m NoUnderlyings) HasEncodedUnderlyingSecurityDesc() bool
HasEncodedUnderlyingSecurityDesc returns true if EncodedUnderlyingSecurityDesc is present, Tag 365
func (NoUnderlyings) HasEncodedUnderlyingSecurityDescLen ¶
func (m NoUnderlyings) HasEncodedUnderlyingSecurityDescLen() bool
HasEncodedUnderlyingSecurityDescLen returns true if EncodedUnderlyingSecurityDescLen is present, Tag 364
func (NoUnderlyings) HasNoUnderlyingSecurityAltID ¶
func (m NoUnderlyings) HasNoUnderlyingSecurityAltID() bool
HasNoUnderlyingSecurityAltID returns true if NoUnderlyingSecurityAltID is present, Tag 457
func (NoUnderlyings) HasNoUnderlyingStips ¶
func (m NoUnderlyings) HasNoUnderlyingStips() bool
HasNoUnderlyingStips returns true if NoUnderlyingStips is present, Tag 887
func (NoUnderlyings) HasUnderlyingCFICode ¶
func (m NoUnderlyings) HasUnderlyingCFICode() bool
HasUnderlyingCFICode returns true if UnderlyingCFICode is present, Tag 463
func (NoUnderlyings) HasUnderlyingCPProgram ¶
func (m NoUnderlyings) HasUnderlyingCPProgram() bool
HasUnderlyingCPProgram returns true if UnderlyingCPProgram is present, Tag 877
func (NoUnderlyings) HasUnderlyingCPRegType ¶
func (m NoUnderlyings) HasUnderlyingCPRegType() bool
HasUnderlyingCPRegType returns true if UnderlyingCPRegType is present, Tag 878
func (NoUnderlyings) HasUnderlyingContractMultiplier ¶
func (m NoUnderlyings) HasUnderlyingContractMultiplier() bool
HasUnderlyingContractMultiplier returns true if UnderlyingContractMultiplier is present, Tag 436
func (NoUnderlyings) HasUnderlyingCountryOfIssue ¶
func (m NoUnderlyings) HasUnderlyingCountryOfIssue() bool
HasUnderlyingCountryOfIssue returns true if UnderlyingCountryOfIssue is present, Tag 592
func (NoUnderlyings) HasUnderlyingCouponPaymentDate ¶
func (m NoUnderlyings) HasUnderlyingCouponPaymentDate() bool
HasUnderlyingCouponPaymentDate returns true if UnderlyingCouponPaymentDate is present, Tag 241
func (NoUnderlyings) HasUnderlyingCouponRate ¶
func (m NoUnderlyings) HasUnderlyingCouponRate() bool
HasUnderlyingCouponRate returns true if UnderlyingCouponRate is present, Tag 435
func (NoUnderlyings) HasUnderlyingCreditRating ¶
func (m NoUnderlyings) HasUnderlyingCreditRating() bool
HasUnderlyingCreditRating returns true if UnderlyingCreditRating is present, Tag 256
func (NoUnderlyings) HasUnderlyingCurrency ¶
func (m NoUnderlyings) HasUnderlyingCurrency() bool
HasUnderlyingCurrency returns true if UnderlyingCurrency is present, Tag 318
func (NoUnderlyings) HasUnderlyingCurrentValue ¶
func (m NoUnderlyings) HasUnderlyingCurrentValue() bool
HasUnderlyingCurrentValue returns true if UnderlyingCurrentValue is present, Tag 885
func (NoUnderlyings) HasUnderlyingDirtyPrice ¶
func (m NoUnderlyings) HasUnderlyingDirtyPrice() bool
HasUnderlyingDirtyPrice returns true if UnderlyingDirtyPrice is present, Tag 882
func (NoUnderlyings) HasUnderlyingEndPrice ¶
func (m NoUnderlyings) HasUnderlyingEndPrice() bool
HasUnderlyingEndPrice returns true if UnderlyingEndPrice is present, Tag 883
func (NoUnderlyings) HasUnderlyingEndValue ¶
func (m NoUnderlyings) HasUnderlyingEndValue() bool
HasUnderlyingEndValue returns true if UnderlyingEndValue is present, Tag 886
func (NoUnderlyings) HasUnderlyingFactor ¶
func (m NoUnderlyings) HasUnderlyingFactor() bool
HasUnderlyingFactor returns true if UnderlyingFactor is present, Tag 246
func (NoUnderlyings) HasUnderlyingInstrRegistry ¶
func (m NoUnderlyings) HasUnderlyingInstrRegistry() bool
HasUnderlyingInstrRegistry returns true if UnderlyingInstrRegistry is present, Tag 595
func (NoUnderlyings) HasUnderlyingIssueDate ¶
func (m NoUnderlyings) HasUnderlyingIssueDate() bool
HasUnderlyingIssueDate returns true if UnderlyingIssueDate is present, Tag 242
func (NoUnderlyings) HasUnderlyingIssuer ¶
func (m NoUnderlyings) HasUnderlyingIssuer() bool
HasUnderlyingIssuer returns true if UnderlyingIssuer is present, Tag 306
func (NoUnderlyings) HasUnderlyingLocaleOfIssue ¶
func (m NoUnderlyings) HasUnderlyingLocaleOfIssue() bool
HasUnderlyingLocaleOfIssue returns true if UnderlyingLocaleOfIssue is present, Tag 594
func (NoUnderlyings) HasUnderlyingMaturityDate ¶
func (m NoUnderlyings) HasUnderlyingMaturityDate() bool
HasUnderlyingMaturityDate returns true if UnderlyingMaturityDate is present, Tag 542
func (NoUnderlyings) HasUnderlyingMaturityMonthYear ¶
func (m NoUnderlyings) HasUnderlyingMaturityMonthYear() bool
HasUnderlyingMaturityMonthYear returns true if UnderlyingMaturityMonthYear is present, Tag 313
func (NoUnderlyings) HasUnderlyingOptAttribute ¶
func (m NoUnderlyings) HasUnderlyingOptAttribute() bool
HasUnderlyingOptAttribute returns true if UnderlyingOptAttribute is present, Tag 317
func (NoUnderlyings) HasUnderlyingProduct ¶
func (m NoUnderlyings) HasUnderlyingProduct() bool
HasUnderlyingProduct returns true if UnderlyingProduct is present, Tag 462
func (NoUnderlyings) HasUnderlyingPx ¶
func (m NoUnderlyings) HasUnderlyingPx() bool
HasUnderlyingPx returns true if UnderlyingPx is present, Tag 810
func (NoUnderlyings) HasUnderlyingQty ¶
func (m NoUnderlyings) HasUnderlyingQty() bool
HasUnderlyingQty returns true if UnderlyingQty is present, Tag 879
func (NoUnderlyings) HasUnderlyingRedemptionDate ¶
func (m NoUnderlyings) HasUnderlyingRedemptionDate() bool
HasUnderlyingRedemptionDate returns true if UnderlyingRedemptionDate is present, Tag 247
func (NoUnderlyings) HasUnderlyingRepoCollateralSecurityType ¶
func (m NoUnderlyings) HasUnderlyingRepoCollateralSecurityType() bool
HasUnderlyingRepoCollateralSecurityType returns true if UnderlyingRepoCollateralSecurityType is present, Tag 243
func (NoUnderlyings) HasUnderlyingRepurchaseRate ¶
func (m NoUnderlyings) HasUnderlyingRepurchaseRate() bool
HasUnderlyingRepurchaseRate returns true if UnderlyingRepurchaseRate is present, Tag 245
func (NoUnderlyings) HasUnderlyingRepurchaseTerm ¶
func (m NoUnderlyings) HasUnderlyingRepurchaseTerm() bool
HasUnderlyingRepurchaseTerm returns true if UnderlyingRepurchaseTerm is present, Tag 244
func (NoUnderlyings) HasUnderlyingSecurityDesc ¶
func (m NoUnderlyings) HasUnderlyingSecurityDesc() bool
HasUnderlyingSecurityDesc returns true if UnderlyingSecurityDesc is present, Tag 307
func (NoUnderlyings) HasUnderlyingSecurityExchange ¶
func (m NoUnderlyings) HasUnderlyingSecurityExchange() bool
HasUnderlyingSecurityExchange returns true if UnderlyingSecurityExchange is present, Tag 308
func (NoUnderlyings) HasUnderlyingSecurityID ¶
func (m NoUnderlyings) HasUnderlyingSecurityID() bool
HasUnderlyingSecurityID returns true if UnderlyingSecurityID is present, Tag 309
func (NoUnderlyings) HasUnderlyingSecurityIDSource ¶
func (m NoUnderlyings) HasUnderlyingSecurityIDSource() bool
HasUnderlyingSecurityIDSource returns true if UnderlyingSecurityIDSource is present, Tag 305
func (NoUnderlyings) HasUnderlyingSecuritySubType ¶
func (m NoUnderlyings) HasUnderlyingSecuritySubType() bool
HasUnderlyingSecuritySubType returns true if UnderlyingSecuritySubType is present, Tag 763
func (NoUnderlyings) HasUnderlyingSecurityType ¶
func (m NoUnderlyings) HasUnderlyingSecurityType() bool
HasUnderlyingSecurityType returns true if UnderlyingSecurityType is present, Tag 310
func (NoUnderlyings) HasUnderlyingStartValue ¶
func (m NoUnderlyings) HasUnderlyingStartValue() bool
HasUnderlyingStartValue returns true if UnderlyingStartValue is present, Tag 884
func (NoUnderlyings) HasUnderlyingStateOrProvinceOfIssue ¶
func (m NoUnderlyings) HasUnderlyingStateOrProvinceOfIssue() bool
HasUnderlyingStateOrProvinceOfIssue returns true if UnderlyingStateOrProvinceOfIssue is present, Tag 593
func (NoUnderlyings) HasUnderlyingStrikeCurrency ¶
func (m NoUnderlyings) HasUnderlyingStrikeCurrency() bool
HasUnderlyingStrikeCurrency returns true if UnderlyingStrikeCurrency is present, Tag 941
func (NoUnderlyings) HasUnderlyingStrikePrice ¶
func (m NoUnderlyings) HasUnderlyingStrikePrice() bool
HasUnderlyingStrikePrice returns true if UnderlyingStrikePrice is present, Tag 316
func (NoUnderlyings) HasUnderlyingSymbol ¶
func (m NoUnderlyings) HasUnderlyingSymbol() bool
HasUnderlyingSymbol returns true if UnderlyingSymbol is present, Tag 311
func (NoUnderlyings) HasUnderlyingSymbolSfx ¶
func (m NoUnderlyings) HasUnderlyingSymbolSfx() bool
HasUnderlyingSymbolSfx returns true if UnderlyingSymbolSfx is present, Tag 312
func (NoUnderlyings) SetEncodedUnderlyingIssuer ¶
func (m NoUnderlyings) SetEncodedUnderlyingIssuer(v string)
SetEncodedUnderlyingIssuer sets EncodedUnderlyingIssuer, Tag 363
func (NoUnderlyings) SetEncodedUnderlyingIssuerLen ¶
func (m NoUnderlyings) SetEncodedUnderlyingIssuerLen(v int)
SetEncodedUnderlyingIssuerLen sets EncodedUnderlyingIssuerLen, Tag 362
func (NoUnderlyings) SetEncodedUnderlyingSecurityDesc ¶
func (m NoUnderlyings) SetEncodedUnderlyingSecurityDesc(v string)
SetEncodedUnderlyingSecurityDesc sets EncodedUnderlyingSecurityDesc, Tag 365
func (NoUnderlyings) SetEncodedUnderlyingSecurityDescLen ¶
func (m NoUnderlyings) SetEncodedUnderlyingSecurityDescLen(v int)
SetEncodedUnderlyingSecurityDescLen sets EncodedUnderlyingSecurityDescLen, Tag 364
func (NoUnderlyings) SetNoUnderlyingSecurityAltID ¶
func (m NoUnderlyings) SetNoUnderlyingSecurityAltID(f NoUnderlyingSecurityAltIDRepeatingGroup)
SetNoUnderlyingSecurityAltID sets NoUnderlyingSecurityAltID, Tag 457
func (NoUnderlyings) SetNoUnderlyingStips ¶
func (m NoUnderlyings) SetNoUnderlyingStips(f NoUnderlyingStipsRepeatingGroup)
SetNoUnderlyingStips sets NoUnderlyingStips, Tag 887
func (NoUnderlyings) SetUnderlyingCFICode ¶
func (m NoUnderlyings) SetUnderlyingCFICode(v string)
SetUnderlyingCFICode sets UnderlyingCFICode, Tag 463
func (NoUnderlyings) SetUnderlyingCPProgram ¶
func (m NoUnderlyings) SetUnderlyingCPProgram(v string)
SetUnderlyingCPProgram sets UnderlyingCPProgram, Tag 877
func (NoUnderlyings) SetUnderlyingCPRegType ¶
func (m NoUnderlyings) SetUnderlyingCPRegType(v string)
SetUnderlyingCPRegType sets UnderlyingCPRegType, Tag 878
func (NoUnderlyings) SetUnderlyingContractMultiplier ¶
func (m NoUnderlyings) SetUnderlyingContractMultiplier(value decimal.Decimal, scale int32)
SetUnderlyingContractMultiplier sets UnderlyingContractMultiplier, Tag 436
func (NoUnderlyings) SetUnderlyingCountryOfIssue ¶
func (m NoUnderlyings) SetUnderlyingCountryOfIssue(v string)
SetUnderlyingCountryOfIssue sets UnderlyingCountryOfIssue, Tag 592
func (NoUnderlyings) SetUnderlyingCouponPaymentDate ¶
func (m NoUnderlyings) SetUnderlyingCouponPaymentDate(v string)
SetUnderlyingCouponPaymentDate sets UnderlyingCouponPaymentDate, Tag 241
func (NoUnderlyings) SetUnderlyingCouponRate ¶
func (m NoUnderlyings) SetUnderlyingCouponRate(value decimal.Decimal, scale int32)
SetUnderlyingCouponRate sets UnderlyingCouponRate, Tag 435
func (NoUnderlyings) SetUnderlyingCreditRating ¶
func (m NoUnderlyings) SetUnderlyingCreditRating(v string)
SetUnderlyingCreditRating sets UnderlyingCreditRating, Tag 256
func (NoUnderlyings) SetUnderlyingCurrency ¶
func (m NoUnderlyings) SetUnderlyingCurrency(v string)
SetUnderlyingCurrency sets UnderlyingCurrency, Tag 318
func (NoUnderlyings) SetUnderlyingCurrentValue ¶
func (m NoUnderlyings) SetUnderlyingCurrentValue(value decimal.Decimal, scale int32)
SetUnderlyingCurrentValue sets UnderlyingCurrentValue, Tag 885
func (NoUnderlyings) SetUnderlyingDirtyPrice ¶
func (m NoUnderlyings) SetUnderlyingDirtyPrice(value decimal.Decimal, scale int32)
SetUnderlyingDirtyPrice sets UnderlyingDirtyPrice, Tag 882
func (NoUnderlyings) SetUnderlyingEndPrice ¶
func (m NoUnderlyings) SetUnderlyingEndPrice(value decimal.Decimal, scale int32)
SetUnderlyingEndPrice sets UnderlyingEndPrice, Tag 883
func (NoUnderlyings) SetUnderlyingEndValue ¶
func (m NoUnderlyings) SetUnderlyingEndValue(value decimal.Decimal, scale int32)
SetUnderlyingEndValue sets UnderlyingEndValue, Tag 886
func (NoUnderlyings) SetUnderlyingFactor ¶
func (m NoUnderlyings) SetUnderlyingFactor(value decimal.Decimal, scale int32)
SetUnderlyingFactor sets UnderlyingFactor, Tag 246
func (NoUnderlyings) SetUnderlyingInstrRegistry ¶
func (m NoUnderlyings) SetUnderlyingInstrRegistry(v string)
SetUnderlyingInstrRegistry sets UnderlyingInstrRegistry, Tag 595
func (NoUnderlyings) SetUnderlyingIssueDate ¶
func (m NoUnderlyings) SetUnderlyingIssueDate(v string)
SetUnderlyingIssueDate sets UnderlyingIssueDate, Tag 242
func (NoUnderlyings) SetUnderlyingIssuer ¶
func (m NoUnderlyings) SetUnderlyingIssuer(v string)
SetUnderlyingIssuer sets UnderlyingIssuer, Tag 306
func (NoUnderlyings) SetUnderlyingLocaleOfIssue ¶
func (m NoUnderlyings) SetUnderlyingLocaleOfIssue(v string)
SetUnderlyingLocaleOfIssue sets UnderlyingLocaleOfIssue, Tag 594
func (NoUnderlyings) SetUnderlyingMaturityDate ¶
func (m NoUnderlyings) SetUnderlyingMaturityDate(v string)
SetUnderlyingMaturityDate sets UnderlyingMaturityDate, Tag 542
func (NoUnderlyings) SetUnderlyingMaturityMonthYear ¶
func (m NoUnderlyings) SetUnderlyingMaturityMonthYear(v string)
SetUnderlyingMaturityMonthYear sets UnderlyingMaturityMonthYear, Tag 313
func (NoUnderlyings) SetUnderlyingOptAttribute ¶
func (m NoUnderlyings) SetUnderlyingOptAttribute(v string)
SetUnderlyingOptAttribute sets UnderlyingOptAttribute, Tag 317
func (NoUnderlyings) SetUnderlyingProduct ¶
func (m NoUnderlyings) SetUnderlyingProduct(v int)
SetUnderlyingProduct sets UnderlyingProduct, Tag 462
func (NoUnderlyings) SetUnderlyingPx ¶
func (m NoUnderlyings) SetUnderlyingPx(value decimal.Decimal, scale int32)
SetUnderlyingPx sets UnderlyingPx, Tag 810
func (NoUnderlyings) SetUnderlyingQty ¶
func (m NoUnderlyings) SetUnderlyingQty(value decimal.Decimal, scale int32)
SetUnderlyingQty sets UnderlyingQty, Tag 879
func (NoUnderlyings) SetUnderlyingRedemptionDate ¶
func (m NoUnderlyings) SetUnderlyingRedemptionDate(v string)
SetUnderlyingRedemptionDate sets UnderlyingRedemptionDate, Tag 247
func (NoUnderlyings) SetUnderlyingRepoCollateralSecurityType ¶
func (m NoUnderlyings) SetUnderlyingRepoCollateralSecurityType(v int)
SetUnderlyingRepoCollateralSecurityType sets UnderlyingRepoCollateralSecurityType, Tag 243
func (NoUnderlyings) SetUnderlyingRepurchaseRate ¶
func (m NoUnderlyings) SetUnderlyingRepurchaseRate(value decimal.Decimal, scale int32)
SetUnderlyingRepurchaseRate sets UnderlyingRepurchaseRate, Tag 245
func (NoUnderlyings) SetUnderlyingRepurchaseTerm ¶
func (m NoUnderlyings) SetUnderlyingRepurchaseTerm(v int)
SetUnderlyingRepurchaseTerm sets UnderlyingRepurchaseTerm, Tag 244
func (NoUnderlyings) SetUnderlyingSecurityDesc ¶
func (m NoUnderlyings) SetUnderlyingSecurityDesc(v string)
SetUnderlyingSecurityDesc sets UnderlyingSecurityDesc, Tag 307
func (NoUnderlyings) SetUnderlyingSecurityExchange ¶
func (m NoUnderlyings) SetUnderlyingSecurityExchange(v string)
SetUnderlyingSecurityExchange sets UnderlyingSecurityExchange, Tag 308
func (NoUnderlyings) SetUnderlyingSecurityID ¶
func (m NoUnderlyings) SetUnderlyingSecurityID(v string)
SetUnderlyingSecurityID sets UnderlyingSecurityID, Tag 309
func (NoUnderlyings) SetUnderlyingSecurityIDSource ¶
func (m NoUnderlyings) SetUnderlyingSecurityIDSource(v string)
SetUnderlyingSecurityIDSource sets UnderlyingSecurityIDSource, Tag 305
func (NoUnderlyings) SetUnderlyingSecuritySubType ¶
func (m NoUnderlyings) SetUnderlyingSecuritySubType(v string)
SetUnderlyingSecuritySubType sets UnderlyingSecuritySubType, Tag 763
func (NoUnderlyings) SetUnderlyingSecurityType ¶
func (m NoUnderlyings) SetUnderlyingSecurityType(v string)
SetUnderlyingSecurityType sets UnderlyingSecurityType, Tag 310
func (NoUnderlyings) SetUnderlyingStartValue ¶
func (m NoUnderlyings) SetUnderlyingStartValue(value decimal.Decimal, scale int32)
SetUnderlyingStartValue sets UnderlyingStartValue, Tag 884
func (NoUnderlyings) SetUnderlyingStateOrProvinceOfIssue ¶
func (m NoUnderlyings) SetUnderlyingStateOrProvinceOfIssue(v string)
SetUnderlyingStateOrProvinceOfIssue sets UnderlyingStateOrProvinceOfIssue, Tag 593
func (NoUnderlyings) SetUnderlyingStrikeCurrency ¶
func (m NoUnderlyings) SetUnderlyingStrikeCurrency(v string)
SetUnderlyingStrikeCurrency sets UnderlyingStrikeCurrency, Tag 941
func (NoUnderlyings) SetUnderlyingStrikePrice ¶
func (m NoUnderlyings) SetUnderlyingStrikePrice(value decimal.Decimal, scale int32)
SetUnderlyingStrikePrice sets UnderlyingStrikePrice, Tag 316
func (NoUnderlyings) SetUnderlyingSymbol ¶
func (m NoUnderlyings) SetUnderlyingSymbol(v string)
SetUnderlyingSymbol sets UnderlyingSymbol, Tag 311
func (NoUnderlyings) SetUnderlyingSymbolSfx ¶
func (m NoUnderlyings) SetUnderlyingSymbolSfx(v string)
SetUnderlyingSymbolSfx sets UnderlyingSymbolSfx, Tag 312
type NoUnderlyingsRepeatingGroup ¶
type NoUnderlyingsRepeatingGroup struct {
NoUnderlyingsRepeatingGroup is a repeating group, Tag 711
func NewNoUnderlyingsRepeatingGroup ¶
func NewNoUnderlyingsRepeatingGroup() NoUnderlyingsRepeatingGroup
NewNoUnderlyingsRepeatingGroup returns an initialized, NoUnderlyingsRepeatingGroup
func (NoUnderlyingsRepeatingGroup) Add ¶
func (m NoUnderlyingsRepeatingGroup) Add() NoUnderlyings
Add create and append a new NoUnderlyings to this group
func (NoUnderlyingsRepeatingGroup) Get ¶
func (m NoUnderlyingsRepeatingGroup) Get(i int) NoUnderlyings
Get returns the ith NoUnderlyings in the NoUnderlyingsRepeatinGroup
type RouteOut ¶
type RouteOut func(msg CollateralReport, sessionID quickfix.SessionID) quickfix.MessageRejectError
A RouteOut is the callback type that should be implemented for routing Message