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Published: Dec 27, 2016 License: Apache-2.0 Imports: 1 Imported by: 16



Package structures provides common and useful structures for interacting with Redis



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type AllInfoConfig

type AllInfoConfig struct {
	Input map[string]map[string]string
	Info  RedisInfoAll

AllInfoConfig is used to contain the RedisInfoAll struct and the data parsed from the info command

type ClusterNode

type ClusterNode struct {
	Id          string
	Address     string
	Flags       []string
	Master      string
	PingSent    int64
	PongRecv    int64
	ConfigEpoch int
	LinkStateUp bool
	Slots       []ClusterSlot

<id> <ip:port> <flags> <master> <ping-sent> <pong-recv> <config-epoch> <link-state> <slot> <slot> ... <slot>

type ClusterSlot

type ClusterSlot struct {
	Start      int64
	End        int64
	MasterHost string
	MasterPort int64
	Slaves     []string

type CommandEntry

type CommandEntry struct {
	Name        string
	Arity       int64
	Flags       map[string]bool
	FirstKey    int64
	LastKey     int64
	RepeatCount int64

CommandEntry defines the entries for a Redis command as shown in the results of the COMMAND command.

func (*CommandEntry) Admin

func (c *CommandEntry) Admin() bool

Admin returns true if the command has the "admin" flag set.

func (*CommandEntry) Pubsub

func (c *CommandEntry) Pubsub() bool

Pubsub returns true if the command is pubsub related

func (*CommandEntry) ReadOnly

func (c *CommandEntry) ReadOnly() bool

ReadOnly returns true if the command has the "readonly" flag set.

func (*CommandEntry) Writes

func (c *CommandEntry) Writes() bool

Writes returns true if the command has the "write" flag set. This indicates modifications are made to the datastore

type InfoCPU

type InfoCPU struct {
	UsedCPUSystem       float64 `redis:"used_cpu_sys"`
	UsedCPUUser         float64 `redis:"used_cpu_user"`
	UsedCPUChildren     float64 `redis:"used_cpu_sys_children"`
	UsedCPUUserChildren float64 `redis:"used_cpu_user_children"`

InfoCPU represents the CPU section of Redis INFO

type InfoClients

type InfoClients struct {
	ConnectedClients         int `redis:"connected_clients"`
	ClientLongestOutputList  int `redis:"client_longest_output_list"`
	ClientBiggestInputBuffer int `redis:"client_biggest_input_buf"`
	BlockedClients           int `redis:"blocked_clients"`

InfoClients represents the Client section of Redis INFO

type InfoCluster

type InfoCluster struct {
	Enabled bool

InfoCluster is a struct representing the Cluster section of Redis Info

type InfoCommandStats

type InfoCommandStats struct {
	Stats map[string]map[string]float64 `redis:"cmdstat_del"`

InfoCommandStats represents the CommandStats section of Redis INFO

type InfoKeyspace

type InfoKeyspace struct {
	Databases []map[string]int64

InfoKeyspace represents the Keyspace section of Redis INFO

type InfoMemory

type InfoMemory struct {
	UsedMemory               int     `redis:"used_memory"`
	UsedMemoryHuman          string  `redis:"used_memory_human"`
	UsedMemoryRss            int     `redis:"used_memory_rss"`
	UsedMemoryPeak           int     `redis:"used_memory_peak"`
	UsedMemoryPeakHuman      string  `redis:"used_memory_peak_human"`
	TotalSystemMemory        int     `redis:"total_system_memory"`
	TotalSystemMemoryHuman   string  `redis:"total_system_memory_human"`
	UsedMemoryLua            int     `redis:"used_memory_lua"`
	UsedMemoryLuaHuman       int     `redis:"used_memory_lua_human"`
	MaxMemory                int     `redis:"maxmemory"`
	MaxMemoryHuman           int     `redis:"maxmemory_human"`
	MaxMemoryPolicy          int     `redis:"maxmemory_policy"`
	MemoryFragmentationRatio float64 `redis:"mem_fragmentation_ratio"`
	MemoryAllocator          string  `redis:"mem_allocator"`

InfoMemory is the struct returning the memory section for Redis Info

type InfoPersistence

type InfoPersistence struct {
	Loading                     bool   `redis:"loading"`
	ChangesSinceSave            int    `redis:"rdb_changes_since_last_save"`
	BGSavesInProgress           bool   `redis:"rdb_bgsave_in_progress"`
	LastSaveTime                uint   `redis:"rdb_last_save_time"`
	LastBGSaveStatus            string `redis:"rdb_last_bgsave_status"`
	LastBGSaveTime              uint   `redis:"rdb_last_bgsave_time_sec"`
	CurrentBGSaveTime           uint   `redis:"rdb_current_bgsave_time_sec"`
	AOFEnabled                  bool   `redis:"aof_enabled"`
	FRewriteInProgress          bool   `redis:"aof_rewrite_in_progress"`
	RewriteScheduled            bool   `redis:"aof_rewrite_scheduled"`
	LastRewriteTimeInSeconds    int    `redis:"aof_last_rewrite_time_sec"`
	CurrentRewriteTimeInSeconds int    `redis:"aof_current_rewrite_time_sec"`
	LastBGRewriteStatus         string `redis:"aof_last_bgrewrite_status"`
	LastAOFWriteSTats           string `redis:"aof_last_write_status"`

InfoPersistence reprsents the Perisstence section of Redis INFO

type InfoReplication

type InfoReplication struct {
	Role                        string       `redis:"role"`
	ConnectedSlaves             int          `redis:"connected_slaves"`
	MasterReplicationOffset     int          `redis:"master_repl_offset"`
	ReplicationBacklogActive    int          `redis:"repl_backlog_active"`
	ReplicationBacklogSize      int          `redis:"repl_backlog_size"`
	ReplicationBacklogFirstByte int          `redis:"repl_backlog_first_byte_offset"`
	ReplicationBacklogHistLen   int          `redis:"repl_backlog_histlen"`
	MasterHost                  string       `redis:"master_host"`
	MasterPort                  int          `redis:"master_port"`
	MasterLinkStatus            string       `redis:"master_link_status"`
	MasterLastIOSecondsAgo      int          `redis:"master_last_io_seconds_ago"`
	MasterSyncInProgress        bool         `redis:"master_sync_in_progress"`
	SlaveReplicationOffset      int          `redis:"slave_repl_offset"`
	SlavePriority               int          `redis:"slave_priority"`
	SlaveReadOnly               bool         `redis:"slave_read_only"`
	Slaves                      []InfoSlaves `redis:"slave*"`

InfoReplication represents the Replication section of Redis INFO

type InfoServer

type InfoServer struct {
	Version         string `redis:"redis_version"`
	Git_sha1        int    `redis:"redis_git_sha1"`
	Git_dirty       bool   `redis:"redis_git_dirty"`
	RedisBuildId    string `redis:"redis_build_id"`
	Mode            string `redis:"redis_mode"`
	OS              string `redis:"os"`
	Arch_bits       int    `redis:"arch_bits"`
	Multiplexing    string `redis:"multiplexing_api"`
	GCC_version     string `redis:"gcc_version"`
	ProcessId       int    `redis:"process_id"`
	TCPPort         int    `redis:"tcp_port"`
	UptimeInSeconds int    `redis:"uptime_in_seconds"`
	UptimeInDays    int    `redis:"uptime_in_days"`
	Hz              int    `redis:"hz"`
	LRU_clock       int    `redis:"lru_clock"`
	Executable      string `redis:"executable"`
	ConfigFile      string `redis:"config_file"`

InfoServer is a struct for the results returned from an 'INFO server' command

Currently the members defined by redis are as follows. redis_version redis_git_sha1 redis_git_dirty redis_build_id redis_mode os arch_bits multiplexing_api gcc_version process_id run_id tcp_port uptime_in_seconds uptime_in_days hz lru_clock config_file

type InfoSlaves

type InfoSlaves struct {
	IP     string
	Port   int
	State  string
	Offset int
	Lag    int

InfoSlaves represents the slave identity in the replication section of the Redis INFO command

type InfoStats

type InfoStats struct {
	TotalConnectionsReceived int     `redis:"total_connections_received"`
	TotalCommandsProcessed   int     `redis:"total_commands_processed"`
	InstanteousOpsPerSecond  int     `redis:"instantaneous_ops_per_sec"`
	TotalNetInputBytes       int     `redis:"total_net_input_bytes"`
	TotalNetOutputBytes      int     `redis:"total_net_output_bytes"`
	InstanteousInputKbps     float64 `redis:"instantaneous_input_kbps"`
	InstanteousOutputKbps    float64 `redis:"instantaneous_output_kbps"`
	RejectedConnections      int     `redis:"rejected_connections"`
	SyncFull                 int     `redis:"sync_full"`
	SyncPartialOk            int     `redis:"sync_partial_ok"`
	SyncPartialErr           int     `redis:"sync_partial_err"`
	ExpiredKeys              int     `redis:"expired_keys"`
	EvictedKeys              int     `redis:"evicted_keys"`
	KeyspaceHits             int     `redis:"keyspace_hits"`
	KeyspaceMisses           int     `redis:"keyspace_misses"`
	PubSubChannels           int     `redis:"pubsub_channels"`
	PubSubPatterns           int     `redis:"pubsub_patterns"`
	LatestForkUsec           int     `redis:"latest_fork_usec"`
	MigrateCachedSockets     int     `redis:"migrate_cached_sockets"`

InfoStats represents the Stats section of Redis INFO

type MasterAddress

type MasterAddress struct {
	Host string
	Port int

MasterAddress is a small struct to provide connection information for a Master as returned from get-master-addr-by-name

type MasterInfo

type MasterInfo struct {
	Name                  string `redis:"name"`
	Port                  int    `redis:"port"`
	NumSlaves             int    `redis:"num-slaves"`
	Quorum                int    `redis:"quorum"`
	NumOtherSentinels     int    `redis:"num-other-sentinels"`
	ParallelSyncs         int    `redis:"parallel-syncs"`
	Runid                 string `redis:"runid"`
	IP                    string `redis:"ip"`
	DownAfterMilliseconds int    `redis:"down-after-milliseconds"`
	IsMasterDown          bool   `redis:"is-master-down"`
	LastOkPingReply       int    `redis:"last-ok-ping-reply"`
	RoleReportedTime      int    `redis:"role-reported-time"`
	InfoRefresh           int    `redis:"info-refresh"`
	RoleReported          string `redis:"role-reported"`
	LastPingReply         int    `redis:"last-ping-reply"`
	LastPingSent          int    `redis:"last-ping-sent"`
	FailoverTimeout       int    `redis:"failover-timeout"`
	ConfigEpoch           int    `redis:"config-epoch"`
	Flags                 string `redis:"flags"`

MasterInfo is a struct providing the information available from sentinel about a given master (aka pod) The way this works is you tag the field with the name redis returns and reflect is used in the methods which return this structure to populate it with the data from Redis

Note this means it will nee dto be updated when new fields are added in sentinel. Fortunately this appears to be rare.

Currently the list is: 'pending-commands' 'ip' 'down-after-milliseconds' 'role-reported' 'runid' 'port' 'last-ok-ping-reply' 'last-ping-sent' 'failover-timeout' 'config-epoch' 'quorum' 'role-reported-time' 'last-ping-reply' 'name' 'parallel-syncs' 'info-refresh' 'flags' 'num-slaves' 'num-other-sentinels'

type RedisInfoAll

type RedisInfoAll struct {
	Server       InfoServer       `section:"server"`
	CPU          InfoCPU          `section:"cpu"`
	Client       InfoClients      `section:"client"`
	Replication  InfoReplication  `section:"replication"`
	Memory       InfoMemory       `section:"memory"`
	Stats        InfoStats        `section:"stats"`
	Persistence  InfoPersistence  `section:"persistence"`
	Keyspace     InfoKeyspace     `section:"keyspace"`
	Commandstats InfoCommandStats `section:"commandstats"`

RedisInfoAll is a struct containing structs for each redis section

type Sentinel

type Sentinel struct {
	Address        string
	LastConnection time.Time

type SentinelInfo

type SentinelInfo struct {
	Name                  string `redis:"name"`
	IP                    string `redis:"ip"`
	Port                  int    `redis:"port"`
	Runid                 string `redis:"runid"`
	Flags                 string `redis:"flags"`
	PendingCommands       int    `redis:"pending-commands"`
	LastPingReply         int    `redis:"last-ping-reply"`
	LastPingSent          int    `redis:"last-ping-sent"`
	LastOkPingReply       int    `redis:"last-ok-ping-reply"`
	DownAfterMilliseconds int    `redis:"down-after-milliseconds"`
	LastHelloMessage      int    `redis:"last-hello-message"`
	VotedLeader           string `redis:"voted-leader"`
	VotedLeaderEpoch      int    `redis:"voted-leader-epoch"`

SentinelInfo represents the information returned from a "SENTINEL SENTINELS <name>" command

type SentinelList

type SentinelList []Sentinel

type SlaveInfo

type SlaveInfo struct {
	Name                   string `redis:"name"`
	Host                   string `redis:"ip"`
	Port                   int    `redis:"port"`
	Runid                  string `redis:"runid"`
	Flags                  string `redis:"flags"`
	PendingCommands        int    `redis:"pending-commands"`
	IsMasterDown           bool   `redis:"is-master-down"`
	LastOkPingReply        int    `redis:"last-ok-ping-reply"`
	RoleReportedTime       int    `redis:"role-reported-time"`
	LastPingReply          int    `redis:"last-ping-reply"`
	LastPingSent           int    `redis:"last-ping-sent"`
	InfoRefresh            int    `redis:"info-refresh"`
	RoleReported           string `redis:"role-reported"`
	MasterLinkDownTime     int    `redis:"master-link-down-time"`
	MasterLinkStatus       string `redis:"master-link-status"`
	MasterHost             string `redis:"master-host"`
	MasterPort             int    `redis:"master-port"`
	SlavePriority          int    `redis:"slave-priority"`
	SlaveReplicationOffset int    `redis:"slave-repl-offset"`

SlaveInfo is a struct for the results returned from slave queries, specifically the individual entries of the `sentinel slave <podname>` command. As with the other Sentinel structs this may change and will need updated for new entries Currently the members defined by sentinel are as follows. "name" "ip" "port" "runid" "flags" "pending-commands" "last-ping-sent" "last-ok-ping-reply" "last-ping-reply" "down-after-milliseconds" "info-refresh" "role-reported" "role-reported-time" "master-link-down-time" "master-link-status" "master-host" "master-port" "slave-priority" "slave-repl-offset"

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