Introducing the cloud topology ("clou" + "t") representation language, which is, simply put,
a straightforward and rather generic graph database stored as
"agnostic raw data", in YAML, JSON, XML, or CBOR.
By default it will be in YAML.
Clout functions as the intermediary format for your deployments. As an analogy, consider a program
written in the C language. First, you must compile the C source into machine code for your
hardware architecture. Then, you link the compiled object, together with various libraries, into a
deployable executable for a specific target platform. Clout is the compiled object in this analogy.
If you only care about the final result then you won't see the Clout at all. However, the decoupling
allows for a more powerful toolchain. For example, some tools might change your Clout after the
initial compilation (to scale out, to optimize, to add platform hooks, debugging features, etc.) and
then you just need to "re-link" in order to update your deployment. This can happen without
requiring you to update your original source design. It may also possible to "de-compile" some cloud
deployments so that you can generate a Clout without any TOSCA "source code".
Design Principles
Clout is essentially a big, unopinionated, implementation-specific dump of vertexes and the edges
between them with un-typed, non-validated properties.
In itself Clout is an unremarkable format. Think of it as a way to gather various deployment
specifications for disparate technologies in one place while allowing for the relationships
(edges) between entities to be specified and annotated. That's the topology.
Clout is not supposed to be human-readable or human-manageable. The idea is to use tools (Clout
frontends and processors) to deal with its complexity. For example, with Puccini you can use just
a little bit of TOSCA to generate a single big Clout file that describes a complex Kubernetes
service mesh.
Rule #1 of Clout is that everything and the kitchen sink should be in one Clout file. Really, anything
goes: specifications, configurations, metadata, annotations, source code, documentation, and even
text-encoded binaries. (The only exception might be that security certificates and keys are best stored
in a separate vault.)
Orchestrators may choose to store Clout opaquely, as is, in a key-value database or filesystem.
This could work well because cloud deployments change infrequently: often all that's needed is to
retrieve a Clout, parse and lookup data, and possibly update a TOSCA attribute and store it again.
Iterating many Clouts in sequence this way could be done quickly enough even for large
environments. Simple solutions are often best.
That said, it could also make sense to store Clout data in a graph database. This would allow for
sophisticated queries, using languages such GraphQL and
Gremlin, as well as localized transactional updates.
This approach could be especially useful for highly composable and dynamic environments in which
Clouts combine together to form larger topologies and even relate to data coming from other systems.
Graph databases are quite diverse in features and Clout is very flexible, so one schema will not
fit all. Puccini instead comes with examples: see storing in Neo4j and
storing in Dgraph.
Must be "1.0" to conform with this document.
General metadata for the whole topology. It may include information about which frontend or
processor generated the Clout file, a timestamp, etc.
(map of string to anything)
General implementation-specific properties for the whole topology.
The difference between metadata
and properties
is a matter of convention. Generally, properties
should be used for data that is implementation-specific while metadata
should be used for tooling.
It is understood that this distinction might not always be clear and thus you should not treat the
two areas differently in terms of state management.
(map of string to Vertex)
It is very important that you do not treat the keys of this map as data, for example as the
unique name of a vertex. If you need a "name" for the vertex, it should be a property within the
vertex. The vertex map keys are an internal implementation detail of Clout.
The reason for this is critical to Clout's intended use. The vertex key is used only as a way to
map the topology internally within an instance of Clout. More specifically, it is used for the
field in an edge so that the topology can graphed.
But a Clout processor may very well transform a Clout file and modify the topology. This could
involve adding new vertexes and edges or moving them around, for example to optimize a topology,
to heal a broken implementation, to scale out an overloaded system, etc. In doing so it may
regenerate these IDs. These IDs need only be unique to one specific Clout file, not generally.
If you do need to lookup a vertex by, say, its name
property, then the correct way to do so is to
iterate through all vertexes and look for the first vertex that has that particular name. Indeed, it
is reasonable for Clout parsers to entirely hide these IDs from the user and perhaps represent the
vertex map as a list.
Often you'll find information here about what kind of vertex this is, e.g. a TOSCA node.
(map of string to anything)
Implementation-specific properties for the vertex.
(list of Edge)
Clout edges are directional, though you may choose to semantically ignore the direction. The edges
are stored in the source vertex, which is why this field is named edgesOut
As a convenience, Clout parsers may very well add an in-memory edgesIn
field, which would also be
a list of edges, after mapping the targetID
fields of all edges to vertexes, or otherwise provide
a tool for looking up edges for which a certain vertex is a target.
Often you'll find information here about what kind of edge this is, e.g. a TOSCA relationship.
(map of string to anything)
Implementation-specific properties for the vertex.
The key in the vertexes map to which this edge is the target.
Note that there is no need for a sourceID
because the edge is already located in the edgesOut
field of its source vertex. Clout parsers may very well add such a field for convenience.
Better yet, Clout parsers may do the ID lookup internally, provide direct access to the source and
target vertexes, and hide the targetID
A common feature in many Clout use cases is the inclusion of values that are meant to be "coerced"
at runtime. Coercion could include evaluating an expression, calling a function, testing for
validity of the value by applying constraints, etc.
Clout does not enforce a notation for such coercible values, however we do suggest a convention.
Puccini comes with tools to help you parse according to this notation and to perform coercion using
The convention is recursive and assumes that each value is a map with one and only one of
the following fields:
: this is an ARD literal value (boolean, integer, float, string, list, map, etc.)
: this is a list of coercibles
: this is a list of coercibles (not a map!) whereby each entry also includes a $key
which itself is also a coercible (a list is used for better compatibility with systems that do
not support maps with arbitrary keys; note that because this is a list duplicate keys are
syntactically possible here, but that should be considered a semantic error)
: this is a function call notation (see below)
All coercibles may also have the following optional fields:
: a list of coercibles in the $functionCall
format (see notation below)
: a map with descriptive data (see below)
If the value of $value
is itself a map, that map may have following optional fields:
: textual representation of the value for human-readability, comparison, sorting, etc.
: numeric representation of the value (float or integer) for comparison, sorting, etc.
: if the value was parsed from a string then this would be that string
: name of scriptlet to be used for value comparisons
coercibles may also have the following optional fields:
: a list of coercibles in the $functionCall
format (see notation below) intended
to be applied to each entry in the list
coercibles may also have the following optional fields:
: a list of coercibles in the $functionCall
format (see notation below) intended
to be applied to each key in the map
: a list of coercibles in the $functionCall
format (see notation below) intended
to be applied to each value in the map
The value of $functionCall
is a map with the following required fields:
: a string representing the name of the function
: a list of coercibles (can be an empty list but not null)
Additionally, it may have the follow optional fields (for debugging information):
: a string representing a semantic path within the source document (implementation-specific)
: a string representing the URL of the source document
: an integer representing the row within the source document
: an integer representing the column within the source document
The $information
is a map with the following optional fields:
: a human-readable description of the coercible
: type information map (see below) for the coercible's definition
: type information map (see below) for the coercible's type
: type information map (see below) for a $list
coercible's entries
: type information map (see below) for a $map
coercible's keys
: type information map (see below) for a $map
coercible's values
: a map of $map
coercible keys (strings) to an $information
structure (recursive)
The "type information" mentioned above is a map with the following optional fields:
: the canonical name of the type
: a human-readable description of the type
: a human-readable description of the schema (for entry
, key
, and value
: a map of metadata strings
Example (generated from this TOSCA example):
- $key:
name: tosca.function.concat
- $value: recip
- $value: ient
path: topology_template.node_templates["data"].properties["lowercase_string_map"]["concat:¶ - recip¶ - ient"]
url: file:examples/tosca/data-types.yaml
row: 180
column: 9
$value: Puccini
- $key:
$value: greeting
$value: Hello
- $functionCall:
name: tosca.constraint.pattern
- $value: '[a-z]*'
path: topology_template.node_templates["data"].properties["lowercase_string_map"]
url: file:examples/tosca/data-types.yaml
row: 180
column: 9
name: map
name: LowerCase
description: Lowercase string
name: string