
v0.23.0-alpha.7 Latest Latest

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Published: Apr 26, 2024 License: AGPL-3.0 Imports: 8 Imported by: 2



Package constants contains constant values that are used throughout Steampipe



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const (
	AppName = "steampipe"
	FdwName = "steampipe-postgres-fdw"
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const (
	ClientConnectionAppNamePrefix       = "steampipe_client"
	ServiceConnectionAppNamePrefix      = "steampipe_service"
	ClientSystemConnectionAppNamePrefix = "steampipe_client_system"
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const (
	ArgHelp                    = "help"
	ArgVersion                 = "version"
	ArgForce                   = "force"
	ArgAll                     = "all"
	ArgTiming                  = "timing"
	ArgOn                      = "on"
	ArgOff                     = "off"
	ArgVerbose                 = "verbose"
	ArgClear                   = "clear"
	ArgDatabaseListenAddresses = "database-listen"
	ArgDatabasePort            = "database-port"
	ArgDatabaseQueryTimeout    = "query-timeout"
	ArgServicePassword         = "database-password"
	ArgServiceShowPassword     = "show-password"
	ArgDashboard               = "dashboard"
	ArgDashboardListen         = "dashboard-listen"
	ArgDashboardPort           = "dashboard-port"
	ArgDashboardStartTimeout   = "dashboard-start-timeout"
	ArgSkipConfig              = "skip-config"
	ArgForeground              = "foreground"
	ArgInvoker                 = "invoker"
	ArgUpdateCheck             = "update-check"
	ArgTelemetry               = "telemetry"
	ArgInstallDir              = "install-dir"
	ArgPipesInstallDir         = "pipes-install-dir"
	ArgWorkspaceDatabase       = "workspace-database"
	ArgSchemaComments          = "schema-comments"
	ArgCloudHost               = "cloud-host"
	ArgCloudToken              = "cloud-token"
	ArgPipesHost               = "pipes-host"
	ArgPipesToken              = "pipes-token"
	ArgSearchPath              = "search-path"
	ArgSearchPathPrefix        = "search-path-prefix"
	ArgWatch                   = "watch"
	ArgTheme                   = "theme"
	ArgProgress                = "progress"
	ArgExport                  = "export"
	ArgMaxParallel             = "max-parallel"
	ArgLogLevel                = "log-level"
	ArgDryRun                  = "dry-run"
	ArgWhere                   = "where"
	ArgTag                     = "tag"
	ArgVariable                = "var"
	ArgVarFile                 = "var-file"
	ArgConnectionString        = "connection-string"
	ArgDisplayWidth            = "display-width"
	ArgPrune                   = "prune"
	ArgModInstall              = "mod-install"
	ArgServiceMode             = "service-mode"
	ArgBrowser                 = "browser"
	ArgInput                   = "input"
	ArgDashboardInput          = "dashboard-input"
	ArgMaxCacheSizeMb          = "max-cache-size-mb"
	ArgCacheTtl                = "cache-ttl"
	ArgClientCacheEnabled      = "client-cache-enabled"
	ArgServiceCacheEnabled     = "service-cache-enabled"
	ArgCacheMaxTtl             = "cache-max-ttl"
	ArgIntrospection           = "introspection"
	ArgShare                   = "share"
	ArgSnapshot                = "snapshot"
	ArgSnapshotTag             = "snapshot-tag"
	ArgWorkspaceProfile        = "workspace"
	ArgModLocation             = "mod-location"
	ArgSnapshotLocation        = "snapshot-location"
	ArgSnapshotTitle           = "snapshot-title"
	ArgDatabaseStartTimeout    = "database-start-timeout"
	ArgDatabaseSSLPassword     = "database-ssl-password"
	ArgMemoryMaxMb             = "memory-max-mb"
	ArgMemoryMaxMbPlugin       = "memory-max-mb-plugin"

Argument name constants

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const (
	CmdNameQuery     = "query"
	CmdNameCheck     = "check"
	CmdNameDashboard = "dashboard"
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const (
	ConfigKeyInteractive                 = "interactive"
	ConfigKeyActiveCommand               = "cmd"
	ConfigKeyActiveCommandArgs           = "cmd_args"
	ConfigInteractiveVariables           = "interactive_var"
	ConfigKeyIsTerminalTTY               = "is_terminal"
	ConfigKeyServerSearchPath            = "server-search-path"
	ConfigKeyServerSearchPathPrefix      = "server-search-path-prefix"
	ConfigKeyBypassHomeDirModfileWarning = "bypass-home-dir-modfile-warning"

viper config keys

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const (
	// ControlQueryCancellationTimeoutSecs is maximum number of seconds to wait for control queries to finish cancelling
	ControlQueryCancellationTimeoutSecs = 30
	// MaxControlRunAttempts determines how many time should a cotnrol run should be retried
	// in the case of a GRPC connectivity error
	MaxControlRunAttempts = 2
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const (
	ControlOk    = "ok"
	ControlAlarm = "alarm"
	ControlSkip  = "skip"
	ControlInfo  = "info"
	ControlError = "error"
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const (
	DashboardServerDefaultPort    = 9194
	DashboardAssetsImageRefFormat = ""
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const (
	// MaxParallelClientInits is the number of clients to initialize in parallel
	// if we start initializing all clients together, it leads to bad performance on all
	MaxParallelClientInits = 3

	// MaxBackups is the maximum number of backups that will be retained
	MaxBackups = 100

Client constants

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const (
	DatabaseDefaultListenAddresses   = "localhost"
	DatabaseDefaultPort              = 9193
	DatabaseDefaultCheckQueryTimeout = 240
	DatabaseSuperUser                = "root"
	DatabaseUser                     = "steampipe"
	DatabaseName                     = "steampipe"
	DatabaseUsersRole                = "steampipe_users"
	DefaultMaxConnections            = 10
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const (
	DatabaseVersion = "14.2.0"
	FdwVersion      = "1.11.0-rc.6"

	// PostgresImageRef is the OCI Image ref for the database binaries
	PostgresImageRef    = ""
	PostgresImageDigest = "sha256:a75637209f1bc2fa9885216f7972dfa0d82010a25d3cbfc07baceba8d16f4a93"

	FdwImageRef       = "" + FdwVersion
	FdwBinaryFileName = ""

constants for installing db and fdw images

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const (

	// legacy schema names
	// these are schema names which were used previously
	// but are not relevant anymore and need to be dropped
	LegacyInternalSchema = "internal"

	// InternalSchema is the schema container for all steampipe helper functions, and connection state table
	// also used to send commands to the FDW
	InternalSchema = "steampipe_internal"

	// ServerSettingsTable is the table used to store steampipe service configuration
	ServerSettingsTable = "steampipe_server_settings"

	// RateLimiterDefinitionTable is the table used to store rate limiters defined in the config
	RateLimiterDefinitionTable = "steampipe_plugin_limiter"
	// PluginInstanceTable is the table used to store plugin configs
	PluginInstanceTable = "steampipe_plugin"
	PluginColumnTable   = "steampipe_plugin_column"

	// LegacyConnectionStateTable is the table used to store steampipe connection state
	LegacyConnectionStateTable       = "steampipe_connection_state"
	ConnectionTable                  = "steampipe_connection"
	ConnectionStatePending           = "pending"
	ConnectionStatePendingIncomplete = "incomplete"
	ConnectionStateReady             = "ready"
	ConnectionStateUpdating          = "updating"
	ConnectionStateDeleting          = "deleting"
	ConnectionStateDisabled          = "disabled"
	ConnectionStateError             = "error"

	// foreign tables in internal schema
	ForeignTableScanMetadataSummary       = "steampipe_scan_metadata_summary"
	ForeignTableScanMetadata              = "steampipe_scan_metadata"
	ForeignTableSettings                  = "steampipe_settings"
	ForeignTableSettingsKeyColumn         = "name"
	ForeignTableSettingsValueColumn       = "value"
	ForeignTableSettingsCacheKey          = "cache"
	ForeignTableSettingsCacheTtlKey       = "cache_ttl"
	ForeignTableSettingsCacheClearTimeKey = "cache_clear_time"

	FunctionCacheSet             = "meta_cache"
	FunctionConnectionCacheClear = "meta_connection_cache_clear"
	FunctionCacheSetTtl          = "meta_cache_ttl"

	// legacy
	LegacyCommandSchema = "steampipe_command"

	LegacyCommandTableCache                = "cache"
	LegacyCommandTableCacheOperationColumn = "operation"
	LegacyCommandCacheOn                   = "cache_on"
	LegacyCommandCacheOff                  = "cache_off"
	LegacyCommandCacheClear                = "cache_clear"

	LegacyCommandTableScanMetadata = "scan_metadata"

schema names

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const (
	IntrospectionTableQuery              = "steampipe_query"
	IntrospectionTableControl            = "steampipe_control"
	IntrospectionTableBenchmark          = "steampipe_benchmark"
	IntrospectionTableMod                = "steampipe_mod"
	IntrospectionTableDashboard          = "steampipe_dashboard"
	IntrospectionTableDashboardContainer = "steampipe_dashboard_container"
	IntrospectionTableDashboardCard      = "steampipe_dashboard_card"
	IntrospectionTableDashboardChart     = "steampipe_dashboard_chart"
	IntrospectionTableDashboardFlow      = "steampipe_dashboard_flow"
	IntrospectionTableDashboardGraph     = "steampipe_dashboard_graph"
	IntrospectionTableDashboardHierarchy = "steampipe_dashboard_hierarchy"
	IntrospectionTableDashboardImage     = "steampipe_dashboard_image"
	IntrospectionTableDashboardInput     = "steampipe_dashboard_input"
	IntrospectionTableDashboardTable     = "steampipe_dashboard_table"
	IntrospectionTableDashboardText      = "steampipe_dashboard_text"
	IntrospectionTableVariable           = "steampipe_variable"
	IntrospectionTableReference          = "steampipe_reference"

introspection table names

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const (
	// InvokerService is set when invoked by `service start`
	InvokerService Invoker = "service"
	// InvokerQuery is set when invoked by query command
	InvokerQuery = "query"
	// InvokerCheck is set when invoked by check command
	InvokerCheck = "check"
	// InvokerPlugin is set when invoked by a plugin command
	InvokerPlugin = "plugin"
	// InvokerDashboard is set when invoked by dashboard command
	InvokerDashboard = "dashboard"
	// InvokerConnectionWatcher is set when invoked by the connection watcher process
	InvokerConnectionWatcher = "connection-watcher"
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const (
	// SpinnerShowTimeout is the duration after which spinner should be shown
	SpinnerShowTimeout = 1 * time.Second

	MaxColumnWidth = 1024

	// NullString is the string which is displayed for null column values
	NullString = "<null>"

Display constants

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const (
	EnvUpdateCheck     = "STEAMPIPE_UPDATE_CHECK"
	EnvInstallDir      = "STEAMPIPE_INSTALL_DIR"
	EnvMaxParallel     = "STEAMPIPE_MAX_PARALLEL"


	EnvWorkspaceProfile  = "STEAMPIPE_WORKSPACE"
	EnvCloudHost         = "STEAMPIPE_CLOUD_HOST"
	EnvCloudToken        = "STEAMPIPE_CLOUD_TOKEN"

	EnvPipesHost  = "PIPES_HOST"
	EnvPipesToken = "PIPES_TOKEN"

	EnvCacheEnabled = "STEAMPIPE_CACHE"

	EnvConnectionWatcher        = "STEAMPIPE_CONNECTION_WATCHER"
	EnvWorkspaceChDir           = "STEAMPIPE_WORKSPACE_CHDIR"
	EnvModLocation              = "STEAMPIPE_MOD_LOCATION"
	EnvTelemetry                = "STEAMPIPE_TELEMETRY"
	EnvIntrospection            = "STEAMPIPE_INTROSPECTION"

	// EnvInputVarPrefix is the prefix for environment variables that represent values for input variables.
	EnvInputVarPrefix = "SP_VAR_"

	// EnvConfigDump is an undocumented variable is subject to change in the future

	EnvMemoryMaxMb       = "STEAMPIPE_MEMORY_MAX_MB"

Environment Variables

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const (
	ExitCodeSuccessful                  = 0
	ExitCodeControlsAlarm               = 1   // check - no runtime errors, 1 or more control alarms, no control errors
	ExitCodeControlsError               = 2   // check - no runtime errors, 1 or more control errors
	ExitCodePluginLoadingError          = 11  // plugin - loading error
	ExitCodePluginListFailure           = 12  // plugin - listing failed
	ExitCodePluginNotFound              = 13  // plugin - not found
	ExitCodePluginInstallFailure        = 14  // plugin - install failed
	ExitCodeSnapshotCreationFailed      = 21  // snapshot - creation failed
	ExitCodeSnapshotUploadFailed        = 22  // snapshot - upload failed
	ExitCodeServiceSetupFailure         = 31  // service - setup failed
	ExitCodeServiceStartupFailure       = 32  // service - start failed
	ExitCodeServiceStopFailure          = 33  // service - stop failed
	ExitCodeQueryExecutionFailed        = 41  // query - 1 or more queries failed - change in behavior(previously the exitCode used to be the number of queries that failed)
	ExitCodeLoginCloudConnectionFailed  = 51  // login - connecting to cloud failed
	ExitCodeModInitFailed               = 61  // mod - init failed
	ExitCodeModInstallFailed            = 62  // mod - install failed
	ExitCodeInvalidExecutionEnvironment = 249 // common - when steampipe is run in an unsupported environment
	ExitCodeInitializationFailed        = 250 // common - initialization failed
	ExitCodeBindPortUnavailable         = 251 // common(service/dashboard) - port binding failed
	ExitCodeNoModFile                   = 252 // common - no mod file
	ExitCodeFileSystemAccessFailure     = 253 // common - file system access failed
	ExitCodeInsufficientOrWrongInputs   = 254 // common - runtime error(insufficient or wrong input)
	ExitCodeUnknownErrorPanic           = 255 // common - runtime error(unknown panic)
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const (
	PluginExtension      = ".plugin"
	ConfigExtension      = ".spc"
	SqlExtension         = ".sql"
	JsonExtension        = ".json"
	TextExtension        = ".txt"
	SnapshotExtension    = ".sps"
	TokenExtension       = ".tptt"
	LegacyTokenExtension = ".sptt"
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const (
	HistoryFile = "history.json" // File to store historical data
	HistorySize = 500            // Number of historical records to store

Constants for History

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const (
	IntrospectionNone    = "none"
	IntrospectionInfo    = "info"
	IntrospectionControl = "control"

constants for introspection config flag

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const (
	CmdTableList        = ".tables"             // List all tables
	CmdOutput           = ".output"             // Set output mode
	CmdTiming           = ".timing"             // Toggle query timer
	CmdHeaders          = ".header"             // Toggle headers output
	CmdSeparator        = ".separator"          // Set the column separator
	CmdExit             = ".exit"               // Exit the interactive prompt
	CmdQuit             = ".quit"               // Alias for .exit
	CmdInspect          = ".inspect"            // inspect
	CmdConnections      = ".connections"        // list all connections
	CmdMulti            = ".multi"              // toggle multi line query
	CmdClear            = ".clear"              // clear the console
	CmdHelp             = ".help"               // list all meta commands
	CmdSearchPath       = ".search_path"        // Set or show search-path
	CmdSearchPathPrefix = ".search_path_prefix" // set search path prefix
	CmdCache            = ".cache"              // cache control
	CmdCacheTtl         = ".cache_ttl"          // set cache ttl
	CmdAutoComplete     = ".autocomplete"       // enable or disable auto complete
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const (
	OutputFormatCSV           = "csv"
	OutputFormatJSON          = "json"
	OutputFormatTable         = "table"
	OutputFormatLine          = "line"
	OutputFormatNone          = "none"
	OutputFormatText          = "text"
	OutputFormatBrief         = "brief"
	OutputFormatSnapshot      = "snapshot"
	OutputFormatSnapshotShort = "sps"
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const (
	ArchAMD64 = "amd64"
	ArchARM64 = "arm64"
	OSLinux   = "linux"
	OSDarwin  = "darwin"
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const (
	InstallMessagePluginAlreadyInstalled       = "Already installed"
	InstallMessagePluginLatestAlreadyInstalled = "Latest already installed"
	InstallMessagePluginNotInstalled           = "Not installed"
	InstallMessagePluginNotFound               = "Not found"
	ConnectionErrorPluginFailedToStart         = "plugin failed to start"
	ConnectionErrorPluginNotInstalled          = "plugin not installed"

	SteampipeHubOCIBase = ""
View Source
const (
	ServerCertKey = "server.key"
	RootCertKey   = "root.key"
	ServerCert    = "server.crt"
	RootCert      = "root.crt"
	SslConfDir    = "/etc/ssl"

constants for ssl key and certificate

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const (
	TelemetryNone = "none"
	TelemetryInfo = "info"

constants for telemetry config flag

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const (
	DefaultPipesHost         = ""
	LegacyDefaultPipesHost   = ""
	DefaultWorkspaceDatabase = "local"
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const DefaultConnectionConfigContent = `` /* 1537-byte string literal not displayed */

DefaultConnectionConfigContent is the content of the sample connection config file(default.spc.sample), that is created if it does not exist

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const DefaultMaxCacheSizeMb = 16384
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const DefaultWorkspaceContent = `` /* 1456-byte string literal not displayed */

DefaultWorkspaceContent is the content of the sample workspaces config file(workspaces.spc.sample), that is created if it does not exist

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const (
	PostgresNotificationChannel = "steampipe_notification"
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const PostgresqlConfContent = `` /* 810-byte string literal not displayed */
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const ReservedConnectionNamePrefix = "steampipe_"
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const (
	RuntimeParamsKeyApplicationName = "application_name"
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const SteampipeConfContent = `` /* 1556-byte string literal not displayed */


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var (
	// OptLeftArrowASCIICode ::
	OptLeftArrowASCIICode = []byte{0x1b, 0x62}
	// OptRightArrowASCIICode ::
	OptRightArrowASCIICode = []byte{0x1b, 0x66}
	// AltLeftArrowASCIICode ::
	AltLeftArrowASCIICode = []byte{0x1b, 0x1b, 0x5B, 0x44}
	// AltRightArrowASCIICode ::
	AltRightArrowASCIICode = []byte{0x1b, 0x1b, 0x5B, 0x43}
View Source
var (
	ColoredErr  = color.RedString("Error")
	ColoredWarn = color.YellowString("Warning")
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var (
	DashboardStartTimeout    = 30 * time.Second
	DBStartTimeout           = 30 * time.Second
	DBConnectionRetryBackoff = 200 * time.Millisecond
	DBRecoveryTimeout        = 24 * time.Hour
	DBRecoveryRetryBackoff   = 200 * time.Millisecond
	ServicePingInterval      = 50 * time.Millisecond
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var ArgMultiLine = ArgFromMetaquery(CmdMulti)
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var AutoVariablesExtensions = []string{".auto.spvars"}
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var Black = aurora.Black
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var Blink = aurora.Blink
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var Blue = aurora.Blue
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var Bold = aurora.Bold
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var BrightBlack = aurora.BrightBlack
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var BrightBlue = aurora.BrightBlue
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var BrightCyan = aurora.BrightCyan
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var BrightGreen = aurora.BrightGreen
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var BrightMagenta = aurora.BrightMagenta
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var BrightRed = aurora.BrightRed
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var BrightWhite = aurora.BrightWhite
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var BrightYellow = aurora.BrightYellow
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var CheckTimingValueLookup = map[string]struct{}{
	constants.ArgOff: {},
	constants.ArgOn:  {},
View Source
var Colors = map[string]func(arg interface{}) aurora.Value{
	"bold":       Bold,
	"italic":     Italic,
	"underline":  Underline,
	"slow-blink": SlowBlink,

	"black":   Black,
	"red":     Red,
	"green":   Green,
	"yellow":  Yellow,
	"blue":    Blue,
	"magenta": Magenta,
	"cyan":    Cyan,
	"white":   White,

	"bold-black":   BoldBlack,
	"bold-red":     BoldRed,
	"bold-green":   BoldGreen,
	"bold-yellow":  BoldYellow,
	"bold-blue":    BoldBlue,
	"bold-magenta": BoldMagenta,
	"bold-cyan":    BoldCyan,
	"bold-white":   BoldWhite,

	"bright-black":   BrightBlack,
	"bright-red":     BrightRed,
	"bright-green":   BrightGreen,
	"bright-yellow":  BrightYellow,
	"bright-blue":    BrightBlue,
	"bright-magenta": BrightMagenta,
	"bright-cyan":    BrightCyan,
	"bright-white":   BrightWhite,

	"bold-bright-black":   BoldBrightBlack,
	"bold-bright-red":     BoldBrightRed,
	"bold-bright-green":   BoldBrightGreen,
	"bold-bright-yellow":  BoldBrightYellow,
	"bold-bright-blue":    BoldBrightBlue,
	"bold-bright-magenta": BoldBrightMagenta,
	"bold-bright-cyan":    BoldBrightCyan,
	"bold-bright-white":   BoldBrightWhite,

	"gray1": Gray1,
	"gray2": Gray2,
	"gray3": Gray3,
	"gray4": Gray4,
	"gray5": Gray5,

Colors is a map of string to aurora colour value

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var ConnectionConfigExtensions = append(YamlExtensions, ConfigExtension, JsonExtension)

ConnectionStates is a handy array of all states

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var Cyan = aurora.Cyan
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var DashboardListenAddresses = []string{"localhost", ""}

DashboardListenAddresses is an arrays is listen addresses which Steampipe accepts

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var Green = aurora.Green
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var Italic = aurora.Italic
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var Magenta = aurora.Magenta
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var MinimalPgHbaContent string = `
hostssl all root samehost trust
host all root samehost trust
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var ModDataExtensions = []string{".sp"}
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var PgHbaTemplate string = `` /* 1099-byte string literal not displayed */

PgHbaTemplate is to be formatted with two variables:

  • databaseName
  • username


fmt.Sprintf(template, datName, username)
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var QueryTimingValueLookup = map[string]struct{}{
	constants.ArgOff:     {},
	constants.ArgOn:      {},
	constants.ArgVerbose: {},
View Source
var Red = aurora.Red
View Source
var ReservedConnectionNames = []string{
View Source
var SlowBlink = aurora.SlowBlink
View Source
var TelemetryLevels = []string{TelemetryNone, TelemetryInfo}
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var Underline = aurora.Underline
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var VariablesExtensions = []string{".spvars"}
View Source
var White = aurora.White
View Source
var YamlExtensions = []string{".yml", ".yaml"}
View Source
var Yellow = aurora.Yellow


func ArgFromMetaquery

func ArgFromMetaquery(cmd string) string

ArgFromMetaquery converts a metaquery of form '.header' into the config argument used to set the mode, i.e. 'header'

func BoldBlack

func BoldBlack(arg interface{}) aurora.Value

func BoldBlue

func BoldBlue(arg interface{}) aurora.Value

func BoldBrightBlack

func BoldBrightBlack(arg interface{}) aurora.Value

func BoldBrightBlue

func BoldBrightBlue(arg interface{}) aurora.Value

func BoldBrightCyan

func BoldBrightCyan(arg interface{}) aurora.Value

func BoldBrightGreen

func BoldBrightGreen(arg interface{}) aurora.Value

func BoldBrightMagenta

func BoldBrightMagenta(arg interface{}) aurora.Value

func BoldBrightRed

func BoldBrightRed(arg interface{}) aurora.Value

func BoldBrightWhite

func BoldBrightWhite(arg interface{}) aurora.Value

func BoldBrightYellow

func BoldBrightYellow(arg interface{}) aurora.Value

func BoldCyan

func BoldCyan(arg interface{}) aurora.Value

func BoldGreen

func BoldGreen(arg interface{}) aurora.Value

func BoldMagenta

func BoldMagenta(arg interface{}) aurora.Value

func BoldRed

func BoldRed(arg interface{}) aurora.Value

func BoldWhite

func BoldWhite(arg interface{}) aurora.Value

func BoldYellow

func BoldYellow(arg interface{}) aurora.Value

func BoolToEnableDisable

func BoolToEnableDisable(val bool) string

BoolToEnableDisable converts a boolean value onto the string "enable" or "disable"

func BoolToOnOff

func BoolToOnOff(val bool) string

BoolToOnOff converts a boolean value onto the string "on" or "off"

func FlagValues added in v0.23.0

func FlagValues[T comparable](mappings map[T][]string) []string

func Gray1

func Gray1(arg interface{}) aurora.Value

func Gray2

func Gray2(arg interface{}) aurora.Value

func Gray3

func Gray3(arg interface{}) aurora.Value

func Gray4

func Gray4(arg interface{}) aurora.Value

func Gray5

func Gray5(arg interface{}) aurora.Value

func IsYamlExtension

func IsYamlExtension(ext string) bool


type CheckOutputMode added in v0.23.0

type CheckOutputMode enumflag.Flag
const (
	CheckOutputModeText  CheckOutputMode = iota
	CheckOutputModeBrief CheckOutputMode = iota

type CheckTimingMode added in v0.23.0

type CheckTimingMode enumflag.Flag
const (
	CheckTimingModeOff CheckTimingMode = iota

type Invoker

type Invoker string

Invoker is a pseudoEnum for the command/operation which starts the service

func (Invoker) IsValid

func (i Invoker) IsValid() error

IsValid is a validator for Invoker known values

type QueryOutputMode added in v0.23.0

type QueryOutputMode enumflag.Flag
const (
	QueryOutputModeCsv QueryOutputMode = iota

type QueryTimingMode added in v0.23.0

type QueryTimingMode enumflag.Flag
const (
	QueryTimingModeOff QueryTimingMode = iota


Path Synopsis

Jump to

Keyboard shortcuts

? : This menu
/ : Search site
f or F : Jump to
y or Y : Canonical URL