
v1.3.9 Latest Latest

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Published: Sep 13, 2023 License: MIT


license Go Report Card Go Reference Artifact Hub Docker Pulls gateboard Docker Pulls gateboard-discovery


gateboard resolves AWS Private API Gateway ID.

In order to invoke an AWS API Gateway private API, an applications needs its API ID.

However, whenever API is destroyed and recreated, the API ID will change.

This projects helps in building an autodiscovery mechanism to withstand changes in the API ID.

There are three main pieces:

1. gateboard service (gateboard) provides a simple REST API for saving/retrieving name-to-id mappings:

# add api1=>id1 mapping
curl -X PUT -d '{"gateway_id":"id1"}' localhost:8080/gateway/api1

# retrieve mapping for api1
curl localhost:8080/gateway/api1

2. gateboard-discovery service (gateboard-discovery) provides autodiscovery by periodically scanning AWS API Gateway API and updating gateboard with discovered name-to-id mappings.

3. gateboard client (gateboard) is a helper library to assist client application in retrieving current API ID for a given API name. The main benefit from this client is automatic caching for the name-to-id mappings.

gateboard client usage looks like this:

client := gateboard.NewClient(gateboard.ClientOptions{
    ServerURL: "http://gateboard:8080/gateway",

apiName := "my-api"

apiID := client.GatewayID(ctx, apiName)
if gatewayID == "" {
    log.Printf("missing gateway_id for gateway_name=%s", apiName)

// code to invoke AWS API with apiID follows

Find client documentation here:


  • SQS listener
  • Client with async update
  • Create mongodb index on startup
  • Define TTL on server record (60s), restrict acceptable TTL range on client (60s..600s)
  • Repository tests
  • HTTP server tests
  • SQS tests
  • Docker image
  • Client tests
  • Refactor config
  • Repository DynamoDB
  • Optional authentication
  • AWS Secrets Manager
  • Preload token for optional authentication
  • Gateway load sharing
  • Repository redis
  • Discovery service
  • Metrics
  • Repository S3
  • Tracing
  • Benchmark
  • User guide
  • Zap logging
  • Cache service
  • Multiple repositories - basic tests
  • Multiple repositories - dump
  • Multiple repositories - multirepo tests
  • Multiple repositories - README
  • Multiple repositories - secrets
  • Multiple repositories - metrics
  • Multiple repositories - helm chart
  • Multiple repositories - fastest concurrent response
  • Multiple repositories - fastest concurrent response tests


Service Description
gateboard Holds database of key value mappings: gateway_name => gateway_id. You can populate the database as you wish.
gateboard-discovery Can be used to scan AWS API Gateway APIs and to save the name x ID mappings into gateboard.
gateboard-cache Can be used as local fast cache to save resources on a centralized main gateboard service.


git clone
cd gateboard
CGO_ENABLED=0 go install ./...

Supported Repositories (Persistent Storage)

# Available repo kinds:
# mem:      testing-only pseudo-storage
# mongo:    MongoDB
# redis:    redis
# dynamodb: DynamoDB
# s3:       S3

export REPO_LIST=repo.yaml

$ cat repo.yaml
- kind: mem
  name: mem1 # name is used for metrics
- kind: mem
  name: mem2 # pick distinct names for multiple instances of the same kind

- kind: mongo
  name: mongo1 # name is used for metrics
    uri: mongodb://localhost:27017/
    database: gateboard
    collection: gateboard
    username: ""
    #password: "aws-parameterstore:us-east-1:/mongo/cluster1/password" # see
    #tls_ca_file: /etc/gateboard/mongo-tls-ca-bundle.pem
    min_pool: 1
    index_creation_disable: false
    index_creation_retry: 5
    index_creation_cooldown: 5s

- kind: dynamodb
  name: dynamo1 # name is used for metrics
    table: gateboard
    region: us-east-1
    role_arn: ""
    manual_create: false # if false, gateboard will create the table automatically

- kind: redis
  name: redis1 # name is used for metrics
    addr: localhost:6379
    #password: "aws-parameterstore:us-east-1:/redis/cluster3/password" # see
    key: gateboard

- kind: s3
  name: s3one # name is used for metrics
    bucket_name: ""
    bucket_region: us-east-1
    prefix: gateboard
    role_arn: ""
    manual_create: false # if false, gateboard will create the bucket automatically
    #server_side_encryption: AES256

Testing repositories

Testing repository mongo

Start mongodb:

docker run --rm --name mongo-main -p 27017:27017 -d mongo

Run repository tests:

export TEST_REPO_MONGO=true ;# enable mongodb tests
go test -count=1 -run TestRepository ./cmd/gateboard

Testing repository dynamodb

Create a dynamodb table named gateboard_test with partition key gateway_name.

Make sure the table is empty before running the tests.

Run repository tests:

export TEST_REPO_DYNAMO=true ;# enable dynamodb tests
go test -count=1 -run TestRepository ./cmd/gateboard

Testing repository redis

Start redis:

docker run --rm --name redis-main -p 6379:6379 -d redis

Run repository tests:

export TEST_REPO_REDIS=true ;# enable redis tests
go test -count=1 -run TestRepository ./cmd/gateboard

Testing repository S3

Create a bucket.

Make sure the bucket is empty before running the tests.

Run repository tests:

export TEST_REPO_S3=put_bucket_name_here ;# enable S3 tests
go test -count=1 -run TestRepository ./cmd/gateboard

Optional Authentication

Enable WRITE_TOKEN=true in order to require token authentication for write requests.

export WRITE_TOKEN=true

Make sure the repository has the token token1 assigned to gateway gw2.

Example for mongodb:


Now requests to update gateway gw2 must include the token token1.

curl -X PUT -s -d '{"gateway_id":"id1","token":"token1"}' localhost:8080/gateway/gw2


Otherwise the request will be denied.

curl -X PUT -v -d '{"gateway_id":"id2"}' localhost:8080/gateway/gw2
*   Trying ::1:8080...
* Connected to localhost (::1) port 8080 (#0)
> PUT /gateway/gw2 HTTP/1.1
> Host: localhost:8080
> User-Agent: curl/7.68.0
> Accept: */*
> Content-Length: 20
> Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded
* upload completely sent off: 20 out of 20 bytes
* Mark bundle as not supporting multiuse
< HTTP/1.1 401 Unauthorized
< Content-Type: application/json; charset=utf-8
< Date: Sat, 17 Dec 2022 00:59:22 GMT
< Content-Length: 65
* Connection #0 to host localhost left intact
{"gateway_name":"gw2","gateway_id":"id2","error":"invalid token"}


curl localhost:8080/gateway/gate1
{"gateway_name":"gate1","gateway_id":"","error":"gatewayGet: not found: repository gateway not found error"}

curl -X PUT -d '{"gateway_id":"id1"}' localhost:8080/gateway/gate1

curl localhost:8080/gateway/gate1

curl -X PUT -d '{"gateway_id":"id2"}' localhost:8080/gateway/gate1

curl localhost:8080/gateway/gate1


Save to server

Discovery writes directly to server.

Start server.

export REPO_LIST=repo.yaml
cat repo.yaml
- kind: mem
  name: mem1

Run discovery.

export SAVE=server
export DRY_RUN=false

Dump database.

curl localhost:8080/dump | jq

Save to webhook

Discovery writes to webhook that forwards to SQS queue.

Start server.

export QUEUE_URL=
export REPO_LIST=repo.yaml
cat repo.yaml
- kind: mem
  name: mem1

Run discovery.

export SAVE=webhook
# use lambda function url as webhook
export DRY_RUN=false

Dump database.

curl localhost:8080/dump | jq

Save to SQS

Discovery writes to SQS queue.

Start server.

export QUEUE_URL=
export REPO_LIST=repo.yaml
cat repo.yaml
- kind: mem
  name: mem1

Run discovery.

export SAVE=sqs
export QUEUE_URL=
export DRY_RUN=false

Dump database.

curl localhost:8080/dump | jq

Save to SNS

Discovery writes to SNS topic that forwards to SQS queue.

Start server.

export QUEUE_URL=
export REPO_LIST=repo.yaml
cat repo.yaml
- kind: mem
  name: mem1

Run discovery.

export SAVE=sns
export TOPIC_ARN=arn:aws:sns:us-east-1:123456789012:gateboard
export DRY_RUN=false

Dump database.

curl localhost:8080/dump | jq

Save to lambda

Discovery writes to lambda function that forwards to SQS queue.

Start server.

export QUEUE_URL=
export REPO_LIST=repo.yaml
cat repo.yaml
- kind: mem
  name: mem1

Run discovery.

export SAVE=lambda
export LAMBDA_ARN=arn:aws:lambda:us-east-1:123456789012:function:forward_to_sqs
export DRY_RUN=false

Dump database.

curl localhost:8080/dump | jq

AWS Secrets Manager

Retrieve config vars from AWS Secrets Manager.

export CONFIG_VAR=aws-secretsmanager:region:name:json_field

See detailed documentation at


export MONGO_URL=aws-secretsmanager::mongo_uri

# The secret `mongo_uri` must store a scalar value like: `mongodb://`

Example with JSON field uri:

export MONGO_URL=aws-secretsmanager::mongo:uri

# The secret `mongo` must store a JSON value like: `{"uri":"mongodb://"}`


# HELP http_server_requests_seconds Spring-like server request duration in seconds.
# TYPE http_server_requests_seconds histogram

Example: http_server_requests_seconds_bucket{method="GET",status="200",uri="/gateway/*gateway_name",le="0.001"} 4

# HELP repository_requests_seconds Repository request duration in seconds.
# TYPE repository_requests_seconds histogram

Example: repository_requests_seconds_bucket{method="get",status="success",le="0.00025"} 4

Test Jaeger Tracing

# start jaeger

# start gateboard
export REPO_LIST=repo.yaml
cat repo.yaml
- kind: mem
    name: mem1
export JAEGER_URL=http://localhost:14268/api/traces
export OTEL_TRACES_SAMPLER=parentbased_always_on
export OTEL_SERVICE_NAME=mynamespace.gateboard

# open jaeger UI http://localhost:16686/


Open Telemetry Go:


gateboard docker image

Docker hub:

Pull from docker hub:

docker pull udhos/gateboard:0.0.0

Build recipe:


Multiarch build recipe:


gateboard-discovery docker image

Docker hub:

Pull from docker hub:

docker pull udhos/gateboard-discovery:0.0.0

Build recipe:



docker push -a udhos/gateboard-discovery

Helm charts

You can use the provided helm charts to install gateboard in your Kubernetes cluster.



Path Synopsis
This is the main package for gateboard service.
This is the main package for gateboard service.
This is the main package for gateboard-cache service.
This is the main package for gateboard-cache service.
This is the main package for the example client.
This is the main package for the example client.
This is the main package for gateboard-discovery service.
This is the main package for gateboard-discovery service.
Package main implements the program.
Package main implements the program.
Package zlog provides logging services.
Package zlog provides logging services.
Package gateboard provides library for clients.
Package gateboard provides library for clients.
Package tracing provides utilities for working with open telemetry tracing.
Package tracing provides utilities for working with open telemetry tracing.

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Keyboard shortcuts

? : This menu
/ : Search site
f or F : Jump to
y or Y : Canonical URL