Heavily adapted from
terraform-applier enables continuous deployment of Terraform code by applying
modules from a Git repository or local directory.
Environment variables
MODULES_PATH - (string) Absolute path to the directory containing the modules
to be applied. The immediate subdirectories of this directory should contain
the root modules you wish to apply.
If this path is a git repository then the modules will be reapplied when
there is a change in the repo.
DIFF_URL_FORMAT - (string) (default: "") Should be a URL for a hosted remote repo that supports linking to a commit hash. Replace the commit
hash portion with %s so it can be filled in by terraform-applier (e.g. https://github.com/kubernetes/kubernetes/commit/%s) .
DRY_RUN - (bool) (default: false) If true, terraform-applier will stop after running plan, whether there are changes to be made or not
FULL_RUN_INTERVAL_SECONDS - (int) (default: 3600) Number of seconds between automatic full runs . Set to 0 to disable
LISTEN_ADDRESS - (string) (default: :8080) The address the applier webserver will listen on
LOG_LEVEL - (string) (default: INFO) TRACE|DEBUG|INFO|WARN|ERROR|FATAL, case insensitive
POLL_INTERVAL_SECONDS - (int) (default: 5) Number of seconds to wait between each check for new commits to the repo
MODULES_PATH_FILTERS - (string) (default: "") A comma separated list of sub directories to be applied. Supports shell file name patterns.
TERRAFORM_PATH - (string) (default: "") The local path to a terraform
binary to use.
TERRAFORM_VERSION - (string) (default: "") The version of terraform to
use. The applier will install the requested release when it starts up. If you
don't specify an explicit version, it will choose the latest available
one. Ignored if TERRAFORM_PATH is set.
Variables used by terraform resources
You can also provide environment variables for use by terraform providers (such as AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID) or variables for use in your
code (TF_VAR_your_variable_name). This is useful for providing sensitive values that you don't want to save in version control or
variables that are only available in your Kube environment
terraform-applier exports Prometheus metrics. The metrics are hosted on the webserver at /__/metrics.
In addition to the Prometheus default metrics, the following custom metrics are included:
terraform_applier_module_apply_count - (tags: module, success) A Counter for each module that has had an apply attempt over the lifetime of
the application, incremented with each apply attempt and tagged with the result of the run (success=true|false)
terraform_applier_module_apply_duration_seconds - (tags: module, success) A Summary that keeps track of the durations of each apply run for
each module, tagged with the result of the run (success=true|false)
terraform_applier_module_apply_success - (tags: module) A Gauge which
tracks whether the last apply run for a module was successful.
terraform_applier_terraform_exit_code_count - (tags: module, command, exit_code) A Counter for each exit code returned by executions of
terraform, labelled with the command issued (init, plan,apply) and the exit code. It's worth noting that plan will
return a code of 2 if there are changes to be made, which is not an error or a failure, so you may wish to account for this in your alerting.