
This is a parser for graphql, written to mirror the graphql-js reference implementation as closely while remaining idiomatic and easy to use.
spec target: June 2018 (Schema definition language, block strings as descriptions, error paths & extension)
This parser is used by gqlgen, and it should be reasonably stable.
Guiding principles:
- maintainability: It should be easy to stay up to date with the spec
- well tested: It shouldn't need a graphql server to validate itself. Changes to this repo should be self contained.
- server agnostic: It should be usable by any of the graphql server implementations, and any graphql client tooling.
- idiomatic & stable api: It should follow go best practices, especially around forwards compatibility.
- fast: Where it doesn't impact on the above it should be fast. Avoid unnecessary allocs in hot paths.
- close to reference: Where it doesn't impact on the above, it should stay close to the graphql/graphql-js reference implementation.