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Published: Mar 12, 2018 License: Apache-2.0


Getting Start with Operator SDK

This guide is designed for beginners who want to start an operator project from scratch.

What is Operator SDK?

Kubernetes is a wonderful platform and a lot of applications can be run on top of it smoothly. However, there are still some applications not so native to Kubernetes. In other words, it requires significant effort to write Kubernetes deploy code/scripts, besides that those applications are already hard to configure and manage correctly. Operator is an approach to easily and natively manage applications on Kubernetes. Domain experts write down operational knowledge as code and extend kube-API to connect everything to a single platform.

Operator SDK is a Kubernetes operator framework written in Go language. It is designed to make writing an operator easier by having opinions about the programming model. It empowers developers to build powerful operators by providing a high level API and reusing common modules to do more with less. It makes developing on Kubernetes more fun.

Guide prerequisites

Before creating any project, this guide has the following prerequisites:

  • dep version v0.4.1+.
  • go version v1.10+.
  • docker version 17.03+. This guide uses image repository quay.io/example/memcached-operator as an example.
  • kubectl version v1.9.0+.
  • (optional) minikube version v0.25.0+. This guide uses minikube as a quickstart Kubernetes playground. Run the command:
    minikube start
    This will start minikube in the background and set up kubectl configuration accordingly.

Installing Operator SDK CLI

Operator SDK CLI tool is used to manage development lifecycle.

Checkout the desired release tag and install the SDK CLI tool:

git checkout tags/v0.0.1
go install github.com/coreos/operator-sdk/commands/operator-sdk

Creating a new project

Operator SDK comes with a number of code generators that are designed to facilitate development lifecycle. It helps create the project scaffolding, preprocess custom resource API to generate Kubernetes related code, generate deployment scripts -- just everything that is necessary to build an operator.

Navigate to $GOPATH/src/github.com/example-inc/.

To start a project, we use the new generator to provide the foundation of a fresh operator project. Run the following command:

operator-sdk new memcached-operator --api-version=cache.example.com/v1alpha1 --kind=Memcached

This generates a project repo memcached-operator, a custom resource with APIVersion cache.example.com/v1apha1 and Kind Memcached, and an example operator that watches all deployments in the same namespace and logs deployment names.

Navigate to the project folder:

cd memcached-operator

More details about the structure of the project can be found in this doc.

Up and running

At this step we actually have a functional operator already. To see it, first build the memcached-operator container and then push it to a public registry:

operator-sdk build quay.io/example/memcached-operator:v0.0.1
docker push quay.io/example/memcached-operator:v0.0.1

Kubernetes deployment manifests are generated in deploy/operator.yaml. The deployment image is set to the container image specified above.

Deploy memcached-operator:

kubectl create -f deploy/rbac.yaml
kubectl create -f deploy/operator.yaml

The memcached-operator would be up and running:

$ kubectl get deploy
memcached-operator       1         1         1            1           1m

Check memcached-operator pod’s log:

$ kubectl get pod | grep memcached-operator | cut -d' ' -f1 | xargs kubectl logs
Received Deployment: memcached-operator

Clean up resources:

kubectl delete -f deploy/operator.yaml

This is a basic test that verifies everything works correctly. Next we are going to write the business logic and do something more interesting.

Customizing operator logic

An operator is used to extend the kube-API and codify application domain knowledge. Operator SDK is designed to provide non-Kubernetes developers an easy way to write the business logic.

In the following steps we are adding a custom resource Memcached, and customizing the operator logic that creating a new Memcached CR will create a Memcached Deployment and (optional) Service.

In pkg/apis/cache/v1alpha1/types.go, add to MemcachedSpec a new field WithService:

type MemcachedSpec struct {
  WithService bool `json:"withService"`

Re-render the generated code for custom resource:

operator-sdk generate k8s

In cmd/memcached-operator/main.go, modify sdk.Watch to watch on Memcached custom resource:

func main() {
  sdk.Watch("cache.example.com/v1alpha1", "Memcached", "default")

In pkg/stub/handler.go, modify Handle() to create a Memcached Deployment and an (optional) Service:

import (
	v1alpha1 "github.com/example-inc/memcached-operator/pkg/apis/cache/v1alpha1"

	apps_v1 "k8s.io/api/apps/v1"
	metav1 "k8s.io/apimachinery/pkg/apis/meta/v1"

func (h *Handler) Handle(ctx types.Context, event types.Event) []types.Action {
	var actions []types.Action
	switch obj := event.Object.(type) {
	case *v1alpha1.Memcached:
		logrus.Infof("Received Memcached: %v", obj.Name)
		ls := map[string]string{
			"app":  "memcached",
			"name": obj.Name,
		ns := "default"
		d := &apps_v1.Deployment{
			TypeMeta: metav1.TypeMeta{
				APIVersion: "apps/v1",
				Kind:       "Deployment",
			ObjectMeta: metav1.ObjectMeta{
				Name:      obj.Name,
				Namespace: ns,
			Spec: apps_v1.DeploymentSpec{
				Selector: &metav1.LabelSelector{
					MatchLabels: ls,
				Template: v1.PodTemplateSpec{
					ObjectMeta: metav1.ObjectMeta{
						Labels: ls,
					Spec: v1.PodSpec{
						Containers: []v1.Container{{
							Image:   "memcached:1.4.36-alpine",
							Name:    "memcached",
							Command: []string{"memcached", "-m=64", "-o", "modern", "-v"},
							Ports: []v1.ContainerPort{{
								ContainerPort: 11211,
								Name:          "memcached",
		logrus.Infof("Creating Deployment: %v", obj.Name)
		actions = append(actions, types.Action{
			Object: d,
			Func:   action.KubeApplyFunc,

		if !obj.Spec.WithService {

		svc := &v1.Service{
			TypeMeta: metav1.TypeMeta{
				APIVersion: "v1",
				Kind:       "Service",
			ObjectMeta: metav1.ObjectMeta{
				Name:      obj.Name,
				Namespace: ns,
			Spec: v1.ServiceSpec{
				Selector: ls,
				Ports: []v1.ServicePort{{
					Port: 11211,
					Name: "memcached",
		logrus.Infof("Creating Service: %v", obj.Name)
		actions = append(actions, types.Action{
			Object: svc,
			Func:   action.KubeApplyFunc,
	return actions

Rebuild the container:

operator-sdk build quay.io/example/memcached-operator:v0.0.2
docker push quay.io/example/memcached-operator:v0.0.2

Deploy operator:

kubectl create -f deploy/operator.yaml

Create a Memcached custom resource with the following spec:

apiVersion: "cache.example.com/v1alpha1"
kind: "Memcached"
  name: "example"
  withService: true

There will be a new Memcached Deployment:

$ kubectl get deploy

There will be a new Memcached Service:

$ kubectl get service

We can test the Memcached service by opening a telnet session and running commands via Memcached protocols:

  1. Open a telnet session in another pod in order to talk to the service:
    kubectl run -it --rm busybox --image=busybox --restart=Never -- telnet example 11211
  2. In the telnet prompt, enter the following commands to set a key:
    set foo 0 0 3
  3. Enter the following command to get the key:
    get foo
    It should output:
    VALUE foo 0 3

Now we have successfully customized the event handling logic to deploy a Memcached service for us.

Clean up the resources:

kubectl delete memcached example
kubectl delete -f deploy/operator.yaml
kubectl delete deployment/example service/example

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