Overview ¶
Package gocql implements a fast and robust Cassandra driver for the Go programming language.
Connecting to the cluster ¶
Pass a list of initial node IP addresses to NewCluster to create a new cluster configuration:
cluster := gocql.NewCluster("", "", "")
Port can be specified as part of the address, the above is equivalent to:
cluster := gocql.NewCluster("", "", "")
It is recommended to use the value set in the Cassandra config for broadcast_address or listen_address, an IP address not a domain name. This is because events from Cassandra will use the configured IP address, which is used to index connected hosts. If the domain name specified resolves to more than 1 IP address then the driver may connect multiple times to the same host, and will not mark the node being down or up from events.
Then you can customize more options (see ClusterConfig):
cluster.Keyspace = "example" cluster.Consistency = gocql.Quorum cluster.ProtoVersion = 4
The driver tries to automatically detect the protocol version to use if not set, but you might want to set the protocol version explicitly, as it's not defined which version will be used in certain situations (for example during upgrade of the cluster when some of the nodes support different set of protocol versions than other nodes).
The driver advertises the module name and version in the STARTUP message, so servers are able to detect the version. If you use replace directive in go.mod, the driver will send information about the replacement module instead.
When ready, create a session from the configuration. Don't forget to Close the session once you are done with it:
session, err := cluster.CreateSession() if err != nil { return err } defer session.Close()
Authentication ¶
CQL protocol uses a SASL-based authentication mechanism and so consists of an exchange of server challenges and client response pairs. The details of the exchanged messages depend on the authenticator used.
To use authentication, set ClusterConfig.Authenticator or ClusterConfig.AuthProvider.
PasswordAuthenticator is provided to use for username/password authentication:
cluster := gocql.NewCluster("", "", "") cluster.Authenticator = gocql.PasswordAuthenticator{ Username: "user", Password: "password" } session, err := cluster.CreateSession() if err != nil { return err } defer session.Close()
Transport layer security ¶
It is possible to secure traffic between the client and server with TLS.
To use TLS, set the ClusterConfig.SslOpts field. SslOptions embeds *tls.Config so you can set that directly. There are also helpers to load keys/certificates from files.
Warning: Due to historical reasons, the SslOptions is insecure by default, so you need to set EnableHostVerification to true if no Config is set. Most users should set SslOptions.Config to a *tls.Config. SslOptions and Config.InsecureSkipVerify interact as follows:
Config.InsecureSkipVerify | EnableHostVerification | Result Config is nil | false | do not verify host Config is nil | true | verify host false | false | verify host true | false | do not verify host false | true | verify host true | true | verify host
For example:
cluster := gocql.NewCluster("", "", "") cluster.SslOpts = &gocql.SslOptions{ EnableHostVerification: true, } session, err := cluster.CreateSession() if err != nil { return err } defer session.Close()
Data-center awareness and query routing ¶
To route queries to local DC first, use DCAwareRoundRobinPolicy. For example, if the datacenter you want to primarily connect is called dc1 (as configured in the database):
cluster := gocql.NewCluster("", "", "") cluster.PoolConfig.HostSelectionPolicy = gocql.DCAwareRoundRobinPolicy("dc1")
The driver can route queries to nodes that hold data replicas based on partition key (preferring local DC).
cluster := gocql.NewCluster("", "", "") cluster.PoolConfig.HostSelectionPolicy = gocql.TokenAwareHostPolicy(gocql.DCAwareRoundRobinPolicy("dc1"))
Note that TokenAwareHostPolicy can take options such as gocql.ShuffleReplicas and gocql.NonLocalReplicasFallback.
We recommend running with a token aware host policy in production for maximum performance.
The driver can only use token-aware routing for queries where all partition key columns are query parameters. For example, instead of
session.Query("select value from mytable where pk1 = 'abc' AND pk2 = ?", "def")
session.Query("select value from mytable where pk1 = ? AND pk2 = ?", "abc", "def")
Rack-level awareness ¶
The DCAwareRoundRobinPolicy can be replaced with RackAwareRoundRobinPolicy, which takes two parameters, datacenter and rack.
Instead of dividing hosts with two tiers (local datacenter and remote datacenters) it divides hosts into three (the local rack, the rest of the local datacenter, and everything else).
RackAwareRoundRobinPolicy can be combined with TokenAwareHostPolicy in the same way as DCAwareRoundRobinPolicy.
Executing queries ¶
Create queries with Session.Query. Query values must not be reused between different executions and must not be modified after starting execution of the query.
To execute a query without reading results, use Query.Exec:
err := session.Query(`INSERT INTO tweet (timeline, id, text) VALUES (?, ?, ?)`, "me", gocql.TimeUUID(), "hello world").WithContext(ctx).Exec()
Single row can be read by calling Query.Scan:
err := session.Query(`SELECT id, text FROM tweet WHERE timeline = ? LIMIT 1`, "me").WithContext(ctx).Consistency(gocql.One).Scan(&id, &text)
Multiple rows can be read using Iter.Scanner:
scanner := session.Query(`SELECT id, text FROM tweet WHERE timeline = ?`, "me").WithContext(ctx).Iter().Scanner() for scanner.Next() { var ( id gocql.UUID text string ) err = scanner.Scan(&id, &text) if err != nil { log.Fatal(err) } fmt.Println("Tweet:", id, text) } // scanner.Err() closes the iterator, so scanner nor iter should be used afterwards. if err := scanner.Err(); err != nil { log.Fatal(err) }
See Example for complete example.
Prepared statements ¶
The driver automatically prepares DML queries (SELECT/INSERT/UPDATE/DELETE/BATCH statements) and maintains a cache of prepared statements. CQL protocol does not support preparing other query types.
When using CQL protocol >= 4, it is possible to use gocql.UnsetValue as the bound value of a column. This will cause the database to ignore writing the column. The main advantage is the ability to keep the same prepared statement even when you don't want to update some fields, where before you needed to make another prepared statement.
Executing multiple queries concurrently ¶
Session is safe to use from multiple goroutines, so to execute multiple concurrent queries, just execute them from several worker goroutines. Gocql provides synchronously-looking API (as recommended for Go APIs) and the queries are executed asynchronously at the protocol level.
results := make(chan error, 2) go func() { results <- session.Query(`INSERT INTO tweet (timeline, id, text) VALUES (?, ?, ?)`, "me", gocql.TimeUUID(), "hello world 1").Exec() }() go func() { results <- session.Query(`INSERT INTO tweet (timeline, id, text) VALUES (?, ?, ?)`, "me", gocql.TimeUUID(), "hello world 2").Exec() }()
Nulls ¶
Null values are are unmarshalled as zero value of the type. If you need to distinguish for example between text column being null and empty string, you can unmarshal into *string variable instead of string.
var text *string err := scanner.Scan(&text) if err != nil { // handle error } if text != nil { // not null } else { // null }
See Example_nulls for full example.
Reusing slices ¶
The driver reuses backing memory of slices when unmarshalling. This is an optimization so that a buffer does not need to be allocated for every processed row. However, you need to be careful when storing the slices to other memory structures.
scanner := session.Query(`SELECT myints FROM table WHERE pk = ?`, "key").WithContext(ctx).Iter().Scanner() var myInts []int for scanner.Next() { // This scan reuses backing store of myInts for each row. err = scanner.Scan(&myInts) if err != nil { log.Fatal(err) } }
When you want to save the data for later use, pass a new slice every time. A common pattern is to declare the slice variable within the scanner loop:
scanner := session.Query(`SELECT myints FROM table WHERE pk = ?`, "key").WithContext(ctx).Iter().Scanner() for scanner.Next() { var myInts []int // This scan always gets pointer to fresh myInts slice, so does not reuse memory. err = scanner.Scan(&myInts) if err != nil { log.Fatal(err) } }
Paging ¶
The driver supports paging of results with automatic prefetch, see ClusterConfig.PageSize, Session.SetPrefetch, Query.PageSize, and Query.Prefetch.
It is also possible to control the paging manually with Query.PageState (this disables automatic prefetch). Manual paging is useful if you want to store the page state externally, for example in a URL to allow users browse pages in a result. You might want to sign/encrypt the paging state when exposing it externally since it contains data from primary keys.
Paging state is specific to the CQL protocol version and the exact query used. It is meant as opaque state that should not be modified. If you send paging state from different query or protocol version, then the behaviour is not defined (you might get unexpected results or an error from the server). For example, do not send paging state returned by node using protocol version 3 to a node using protocol version 4. Also, when using protocol version 4, paging state between Cassandra 2.2 and 3.0 is incompatible (
The driver does not check whether the paging state is from the same protocol version/statement. You might want to validate yourself as this could be a problem if you store paging state externally. For example, if you store paging state in a URL, the URLs might become broken when you upgrade your cluster.
Call Query.PageState(nil) to fetch just the first page of the query results. Pass the page state returned by Iter.PageState to Query.PageState of a subsequent query to get the next page. If the length of slice returned by Iter.PageState is zero, there are no more pages available (or an error occurred).
Using too low values of PageSize will negatively affect performance, a value below 100 is probably too low. While Cassandra returns exactly PageSize items (except for last page) in a page currently, the protocol authors explicitly reserved the right to return smaller or larger amount of items in a page for performance reasons, so don't rely on the page having the exact count of items.
See Example_paging for an example of manual paging.
Dynamic list of columns ¶
There are certain situations when you don't know the list of columns in advance, mainly when the query is supplied by the user. Iter.Columns, Iter.RowData, Iter.MapScan and Iter.SliceMap can be used to handle this case.
See Example_dynamicColumns.
Batches ¶
The CQL protocol supports sending batches of DML statements (INSERT/UPDATE/DELETE) and so does gocql. Use Session.NewBatch to create a new batch and then fill-in details of individual queries. Then execute the batch with Session.ExecuteBatch.
Logged batches ensure atomicity, either all or none of the operations in the batch will succeed, but they have overhead to ensure this property. Unlogged batches don't have the overhead of logged batches, but don't guarantee atomicity. Updates of counters are handled specially by Cassandra so batches of counter updates have to use CounterBatch type. A counter batch can only contain statements to update counters.
For unlogged batches it is recommended to send only single-partition batches (i.e. all statements in the batch should involve only a single partition). Multi-partition batch needs to be split by the coordinator node and re-sent to correct nodes. With single-partition batches you can send the batch directly to the node for the partition without incurring the additional network hop.
It is also possible to pass entire BEGIN BATCH .. APPLY BATCH statement to Query.Exec. There are differences how those are executed. BEGIN BATCH statement passed to Query.Exec is prepared as a whole in a single statement. Session.ExecuteBatch prepares individual statements in the batch. If you have variable-length batches using the same statement, using Session.ExecuteBatch is more efficient.
See Example_batch for an example.
Lightweight transactions ¶
Query.ScanCAS or Query.MapScanCAS can be used to execute a single-statement lightweight transaction (an INSERT/UPDATE .. IF statement) and reading its result. See example for Query.MapScanCAS.
Multiple-statement lightweight transactions can be executed as a logged batch that contains at least one conditional statement. All the conditions must return true for the batch to be applied. You can use Session.ExecuteBatchCAS and Session.MapExecuteBatchCAS when executing the batch to learn about the result of the LWT. See example for Session.MapExecuteBatchCAS.
Retries and speculative execution ¶
Queries can be marked as idempotent. Marking the query as idempotent tells the driver that the query can be executed multiple times without affecting its result. Non-idempotent queries are not eligible for retrying nor speculative execution.
Idempotent queries are retried in case of errors based on the configured RetryPolicy.
Queries can be retried even before they fail by setting a SpeculativeExecutionPolicy. The policy can cause the driver to retry on a different node if the query is taking longer than a specified delay even before the driver receives an error or timeout from the server. When a query is speculatively executed, the original execution is still executing. The two parallel executions of the query race to return a result, the first received result will be returned.
User-defined types ¶
UDTs can be mapped (un)marshaled from/to map[string]interface{} a Go struct (or a type implementing UDTUnmarshaler, UDTMarshaler, Unmarshaler or Marshaler interfaces).
For structs, cql tag can be used to specify the CQL field name to be mapped to a struct field:
type MyUDT struct { FieldA int32 `cql:"a"` FieldB string `cql:"b"` }
See Example_userDefinedTypesMap, Example_userDefinedTypesStruct, ExampleUDTMarshaler, ExampleUDTUnmarshaler.
Metrics and tracing ¶
It is possible to provide observer implementations that could be used to gather metrics:
- QueryObserver for monitoring individual queries.
- BatchObserver for monitoring batch queries.
- ConnectObserver for monitoring new connections from the driver to the database.
- FrameHeaderObserver for monitoring individual protocol frames.
CQL protocol also supports tracing of queries. When enabled, the database will write information about internal events that happened during execution of the query. You can use Query.Trace to request tracing and receive the session ID that the database used to store the trace information in system_traces.sessions and tables. NewTraceWriter returns an implementation of Tracer that writes the events to a writer. Gathering trace information might be essential for debugging and optimizing queries, but writing traces has overhead, so this feature should not be used on production systems with very high load unless you know what you are doing.
Example ¶
package main import ( "context" "fmt" "" "log" ) func main() { /* The example assumes the following CQL was used to setup the keyspace: create keyspace example with replication = { 'class' : 'SimpleStrategy', 'replication_factor' : 1 }; create table example.tweet(timeline text, id UUID, text text, PRIMARY KEY(id)); create index on example.tweet(timeline); */ cluster := gocql.NewCluster("localhost:9042") cluster.Keyspace = "example" cluster.Consistency = gocql.Quorum // connect to the cluster session, err := cluster.CreateSession() if err != nil { log.Fatal(err) } defer session.Close() ctx := context.Background() // insert a tweet if err := session.Query(`INSERT INTO tweet (timeline, id, text) VALUES (?, ?, ?)`, "me", gocql.TimeUUID(), "hello world").WithContext(ctx).Exec(); err != nil { log.Fatal(err) } var id gocql.UUID var text string /* Search for a specific set of records whose 'timeline' column matches * the value 'me'. The secondary index that we created earlier will be * used for optimizing the search */ if err := session.Query(`SELECT id, text FROM tweet WHERE timeline = ? LIMIT 1`, "me").WithContext(ctx).Consistency(gocql.One).Scan(&id, &text); err != nil { log.Fatal(err) } fmt.Println("Tweet:", id, text) fmt.Println() // list all tweets scanner := session.Query(`SELECT id, text FROM tweet WHERE timeline = ?`, "me").WithContext(ctx).Iter().Scanner() for scanner.Next() { err = scanner.Scan(&id, &text) if err != nil { log.Fatal(err) } fmt.Println("Tweet:", id, text) } // scanner.Err() closes the iterator, so scanner nor iter should be used afterwards. if err := scanner.Err(); err != nil { log.Fatal(err) } // Tweet: cad53821-3731-11eb-971c-708bcdaada84 hello world // // Tweet: cad53821-3731-11eb-971c-708bcdaada84 hello world // Tweet: d577ab85-3731-11eb-81eb-708bcdaada84 hello world }
Example (Batch) ¶
Example_batch demonstrates how to execute a batch of statements.
package main import ( "context" "fmt" "" "log" ) func main() { /* The example assumes the following CQL was used to setup the keyspace: create keyspace example with replication = { 'class' : 'SimpleStrategy', 'replication_factor' : 1 }; create table example.batches(pk int, ck int, description text, PRIMARY KEY(pk, ck)); */ cluster := gocql.NewCluster("localhost:9042") cluster.Keyspace = "example" cluster.ProtoVersion = 4 session, err := cluster.CreateSession() if err != nil { log.Fatal(err) } defer session.Close() ctx := context.Background() b := session.NewBatch(gocql.UnloggedBatch).WithContext(ctx) b.Entries = append(b.Entries, gocql.BatchEntry{ Stmt: "INSERT INTO example.batches (pk, ck, description) VALUES (?, ?, ?)", Args: []interface{}{1, 2, "1.2"}, Idempotent: true, }) b.Entries = append(b.Entries, gocql.BatchEntry{ Stmt: "INSERT INTO example.batches (pk, ck, description) VALUES (?, ?, ?)", Args: []interface{}{1, 3, "1.3"}, Idempotent: true, }) err = session.ExecuteBatch(b) if err != nil { log.Fatal(err) } scanner := session.Query("SELECT pk, ck, description FROM example.batches").Iter().Scanner() for scanner.Next() { var pk, ck int32 var description string err = scanner.Scan(&pk, &ck, &description) if err != nil { log.Fatal(err) } fmt.Println(pk, ck, description) } // 1 2 1.2 // 1 3 1.3 }
Example (DynamicColumns) ¶
Example_dynamicColumns demonstrates how to handle dynamic column list.
package main import ( "context" "fmt" "" "log" "os" "reflect" "text/tabwriter" ) func main() { /* The example assumes the following CQL was used to setup the keyspace: create keyspace example with replication = { 'class' : 'SimpleStrategy', 'replication_factor' : 1 }; create table example.table1(pk text, ck int, value1 text, value2 int, PRIMARY KEY(pk, ck)); insert into example.table1 (pk, ck, value1, value2) values ('a', 1, 'b', 2); insert into example.table1 (pk, ck, value1, value2) values ('c', 3, 'd', 4); insert into example.table1 (pk, ck, value1, value2) values ('c', 5, null, null); create table example.table2(pk int, value1 timestamp, PRIMARY KEY(pk)); insert into example.table2 (pk, value1) values (1, '2020-01-02 03:04:05'); */ cluster := gocql.NewCluster("localhost:9042") cluster.Keyspace = "example" cluster.ProtoVersion = 4 session, err := cluster.CreateSession() if err != nil { log.Fatal(err) } defer session.Close() printQuery := func(ctx context.Context, session *gocql.Session, stmt string, values ...interface{}) error { iter := session.Query(stmt, values...).WithContext(ctx).Iter() fmt.Println(stmt) w := tabwriter.NewWriter(os.Stdout, 0, 0, 1, ' ', 0) for i, columnInfo := range iter.Columns() { if i > 0 { fmt.Fprint(w, "\t| ") } fmt.Fprintf(w, "%s (%s)", columnInfo.Name, columnInfo.TypeInfo) } for { rd, err := iter.RowData() if err != nil { return err } if !iter.Scan(rd.Values...) { break } fmt.Fprint(w, "\n") for i, val := range rd.Values { if i > 0 { fmt.Fprint(w, "\t| ") } fmt.Fprint(w, reflect.Indirect(reflect.ValueOf(val)).Interface()) } } fmt.Fprint(w, "\n") w.Flush() fmt.Println() return iter.Close() } ctx := context.Background() err = printQuery(ctx, session, "SELECT * FROM table1") if err != nil { log.Fatal(err) } err = printQuery(ctx, session, "SELECT value2, pk, ck FROM table1") if err != nil { log.Fatal(err) } err = printQuery(ctx, session, "SELECT * FROM table2") if err != nil { log.Fatal(err) } // SELECT * FROM table1 // pk (varchar) | ck (int) | value1 (varchar) | value2 (int) // a | 1 | b | 2 // c | 3 | d | 4 // c | 5 | | 0 // // SELECT value2, pk, ck FROM table1 // value2 (int) | pk (varchar) | ck (int) // 2 | a | 1 // 4 | c | 3 // 0 | c | 5 // // SELECT * FROM table2 // pk (int) | value1 (timestamp) // 1 | 2020-01-02 03:04:05 +0000 UTC }
Example (MarshalerUnmarshaler) ¶
Example_marshalerUnmarshaler demonstrates how to implement a Marshaler and Unmarshaler.
package main import ( "context" "fmt" "" "log" "strconv" "strings" ) // MyMarshaler implements Marshaler and Unmarshaler. // It represents a version number stored as string. type MyMarshaler struct { major, minor, patch int } func (m MyMarshaler) MarshalCQL(info gocql.TypeInfo) ([]byte, error) { return gocql.Marshal(info, fmt.Sprintf("%d.%d.%d", m.major, m.minor, m.patch)) } func (m *MyMarshaler) UnmarshalCQL(info gocql.TypeInfo, data []byte) error { var s string err := gocql.Unmarshal(info, data, &s) if err != nil { return err } parts := strings.SplitN(s, ".", 3) if len(parts) != 3 { return fmt.Errorf("parse version %q: %d parts instead of 3", s, len(parts)) } major, err := strconv.Atoi(parts[0]) if err != nil { return fmt.Errorf("parse version %q major number: %v", s, err) } minor, err := strconv.Atoi(parts[1]) if err != nil { return fmt.Errorf("parse version %q minor number: %v", s, err) } patch, err := strconv.Atoi(parts[2]) if err != nil { return fmt.Errorf("parse version %q patch number: %v", s, err) } m.major = major m.minor = minor m.patch = patch return nil } // Example_marshalerUnmarshaler demonstrates how to implement a Marshaler and Unmarshaler. func main() { /* The example assumes the following CQL was used to setup the keyspace: create keyspace example with replication = { 'class' : 'SimpleStrategy', 'replication_factor' : 1 }; create table example.my_marshaler_table(pk int, value text, PRIMARY KEY(pk)); */ cluster := gocql.NewCluster("localhost:9042") cluster.Keyspace = "example" cluster.ProtoVersion = 4 session, err := cluster.CreateSession() if err != nil { log.Fatal(err) } defer session.Close() ctx := context.Background() value := MyMarshaler{ major: 1, minor: 2, patch: 3, } err = session.Query("INSERT INTO example.my_marshaler_table (pk, value) VALUES (?, ?)", 1, value).WithContext(ctx).Exec() if err != nil { log.Fatal(err) } var stringValue string err = session.Query("SELECT value FROM example.my_marshaler_table WHERE pk = 1").WithContext(ctx). Scan(&stringValue) if err != nil { log.Fatal(err) } fmt.Println(stringValue) var unmarshaledValue MyMarshaler err = session.Query("SELECT value FROM example.my_marshaler_table WHERE pk = 1").WithContext(ctx). Scan(&unmarshaledValue) if err != nil { log.Fatal(err) } fmt.Println(unmarshaledValue) // 1.2.3 // {1 2 3} }
Example (Nulls) ¶
Example_nulls demonstrates how to distinguish between null and zero value when needed.
Null values are unmarshalled as zero value of the type. If you need to distinguish for example between text column being null and empty string, you can unmarshal into *string field.
package main import ( "fmt" "" "log" ) func main() { /* The example assumes the following CQL was used to setup the keyspace: create keyspace example with replication = { 'class' : 'SimpleStrategy', 'replication_factor' : 1 }; create table example.stringvals(id int, value text, PRIMARY KEY(id)); insert into example.stringvals (id, value) values (1, null); insert into example.stringvals (id, value) values (2, ''); insert into example.stringvals (id, value) values (3, 'hello'); */ cluster := gocql.NewCluster("localhost:9042") cluster.Keyspace = "example" session, err := cluster.CreateSession() if err != nil { log.Fatal(err) } defer session.Close() scanner := session.Query(`SELECT id, value FROM stringvals`).Iter().Scanner() for scanner.Next() { var ( id int32 val *string ) err := scanner.Scan(&id, &val) if err != nil { log.Fatal(err) } if val != nil { fmt.Printf("Row %d is %q\n", id, *val) } else { fmt.Printf("Row %d is null\n", id) } } err = scanner.Err() if err != nil { log.Fatal(err) } // Row 1 is null // Row 2 is "" // Row 3 is "hello" }
Example (Paging) ¶
Example_paging demonstrates how to manually fetch pages and use page state.
See also package documentation about paging.
package main import ( "fmt" "" "log" ) func main() { /* The example assumes the following CQL was used to setup the keyspace: create keyspace example with replication = { 'class' : 'SimpleStrategy', 'replication_factor' : 1 }; create table example.itoa(id int, description text, PRIMARY KEY(id)); insert into example.itoa (id, description) values (1, 'one'); insert into example.itoa (id, description) values (2, 'two'); insert into example.itoa (id, description) values (3, 'three'); insert into example.itoa (id, description) values (4, 'four'); insert into example.itoa (id, description) values (5, 'five'); insert into example.itoa (id, description) values (6, 'six'); */ cluster := gocql.NewCluster("localhost:9042") cluster.Keyspace = "example" cluster.ProtoVersion = 4 session, err := cluster.CreateSession() if err != nil { log.Fatal(err) } defer session.Close() var pageState []byte for { // We use PageSize(2) for the sake of example, use larger values in production (default is 5000) for performance // reasons. iter := session.Query(`SELECT id, description FROM itoa`).PageSize(2).PageState(pageState).Iter() nextPageState := iter.PageState() scanner := iter.Scanner() for scanner.Next() { var ( id int description string ) err = scanner.Scan(&id, &description) if err != nil { log.Fatal(err) } fmt.Println(id, description) } err = scanner.Err() if err != nil { log.Fatal(err) } fmt.Printf("next page state: %+v\n", nextPageState) if len(nextPageState) == 0 { break } pageState = nextPageState } // 5 five // 1 one // next page state: [4 0 0 0 1 0 240 127 255 255 253 0] // 2 two // 4 four // next page state: [4 0 0 0 4 0 240 127 255 255 251 0] // 6 six // 3 three // next page state: [4 0 0 0 3 0 240 127 255 255 249 0] // next page state: [] }
Example (Set) ¶
Example_set demonstrates how to use sets.
package main import ( "fmt" "" "log" "sort" ) func main() { /* The example assumes the following CQL was used to setup the keyspace: create keyspace example with replication = { 'class' : 'SimpleStrategy', 'replication_factor' : 1 }; create table example.sets(id int, value set<text>, PRIMARY KEY(id)); */ cluster := gocql.NewCluster("localhost:9042") cluster.Keyspace = "example" session, err := cluster.CreateSession() if err != nil { log.Fatal(err) } defer session.Close() err = session.Query(`UPDATE sets SET value=? WHERE id=1`, []string{"alpha", "beta", "gamma"}).Exec() if err != nil { log.Fatal(err) } err = session.Query(`UPDATE sets SET value=value+? WHERE id=1`, "epsilon").Exec() if err != nil { // This does not work because the ? expects a set, not a single item. fmt.Printf("expected error: %v\n", err) } err = session.Query(`UPDATE sets SET value=value+? WHERE id=1`, []string{"delta"}).Exec() if err != nil { log.Fatal(err) } // map[x]struct{} is supported too. toRemove := map[string]struct{}{ "alpha": {}, "gamma": {}, } err = session.Query(`UPDATE sets SET value=value-? WHERE id=1`, toRemove).Exec() if err != nil { log.Fatal(err) } scanner := session.Query(`SELECT id, value FROM sets`).Iter().Scanner() for scanner.Next() { var ( id int32 val []string ) err := scanner.Scan(&id, &val) if err != nil { log.Fatal(err) } sort.Strings(val) fmt.Printf("Row %d is %v\n", id, val) } err = scanner.Err() if err != nil { log.Fatal(err) } // expected error: can not marshal string into set(varchar) // Row 1 is [beta delta] }
Example (UserDefinedTypesMap) ¶
Example_userDefinedTypesMap demonstrates how to work with user-defined types as maps. See also Example_userDefinedTypesStruct and examples for UDTMarshaler and UDTUnmarshaler if you want to map to structs.
package main import ( "context" "fmt" "" "log" ) func main() { /* The example assumes the following CQL was used to setup the keyspace: create keyspace example with replication = { 'class' : 'SimpleStrategy', 'replication_factor' : 1 }; create type example.my_udt (field_a text, field_b int); create table example.my_udt_table(pk int, value frozen<my_udt>, PRIMARY KEY(pk)); */ cluster := gocql.NewCluster("localhost:9042") cluster.Keyspace = "example" cluster.ProtoVersion = 4 session, err := cluster.CreateSession() if err != nil { log.Fatal(err) } defer session.Close() ctx := context.Background() value := map[string]interface{}{ "field_a": "a value", "field_b": 42, } err = session.Query("INSERT INTO example.my_udt_table (pk, value) VALUES (?, ?)", 1, value).WithContext(ctx).Exec() if err != nil { log.Fatal(err) } var readValue map[string]interface{} err = session.Query("SELECT value FROM example.my_udt_table WHERE pk = 1").WithContext(ctx).Scan(&readValue) if err != nil { log.Fatal(err) } fmt.Println(readValue["field_a"]) fmt.Println(readValue["field_b"]) // a value // 42 }
Example (UserDefinedTypesStruct) ¶
Example_userDefinedTypesStruct demonstrates how to work with user-defined types as structs. See also examples for UDTMarshaler and UDTUnmarshaler if you need more control/better performance.
package main import ( "context" "fmt" "" "log" ) type MyUDT struct { FieldA string `cql:"field_a"` FieldB int32 `cql:"field_b"` } // Example_userDefinedTypesStruct demonstrates how to work with user-defined types as structs. // See also examples for UDTMarshaler and UDTUnmarshaler if you need more control/better performance. func main() { /* The example assumes the following CQL was used to setup the keyspace: create keyspace example with replication = { 'class' : 'SimpleStrategy', 'replication_factor' : 1 }; create type example.my_udt (field_a text, field_b int); create table example.my_udt_table(pk int, value frozen<my_udt>, PRIMARY KEY(pk)); */ cluster := gocql.NewCluster("localhost:9042") cluster.Keyspace = "example" cluster.ProtoVersion = 4 session, err := cluster.CreateSession() if err != nil { log.Fatal(err) } defer session.Close() ctx := context.Background() value := MyUDT{ FieldA: "a value", FieldB: 42, } err = session.Query("INSERT INTO example.my_udt_table (pk, value) VALUES (?, ?)", 1, value).WithContext(ctx).Exec() if err != nil { log.Fatal(err) } var readValue MyUDT err = session.Query("SELECT value FROM example.my_udt_table WHERE pk = 1").WithContext(ctx).Scan(&readValue) if err != nil { log.Fatal(err) } fmt.Println(readValue.FieldA) fmt.Println(readValue.FieldB) // a value // 42 }
Index ¶
- Constants
- Variables
- func GetKey(b []byte) int64
- func JoinHostPort(addr string, port int) string
- func LookupIP(host string) ([]net.IP, error)
- func Marshal(info TypeInfo, value interface{}) ([]byte, error)
- func MarshalYb(info TypeInfo, value interface{}) ([]byte, error)
- func NamedValue(name string, value interface{}) interface{}
- func NewErrProtocol(format string, args ...interface{}) error
- func NonLocalReplicasFallback() func(policy *tokenAwareHostPolicy)
- func ShuffleReplicas() func(*tokenAwareHostPolicy)
- func SingleHostReadyPolicy(p HostSelectionPolicy) *singleHostReadyPolicy
- func TupleColumnName(c string, n int) string
- func Unmarshal(info TypeInfo, data []byte, value interface{}) error
- type AddressTranslator
- type AddressTranslatorFunc
- type AggregateMetadata
- type Authenticator
- type Batch
- func NewBatch(typ BatchType) *Batchdeprecated
- func (b *Batch) AddAttempts(i int, host *HostInfo)
- func (b *Batch) AddLatency(l int64, host *HostInfo)
- func (b *Batch) Attempts() int
- func (b *Batch) Bind(stmt string, bind func(q *QueryInfo) ([]interface{}, error))
- func (*Batch) Cancel()
- func (b *Batch) Context() context.Context
- func (b *Batch) DefaultTimestamp(enable bool) *Batch
- func (b *Batch) GetConsistency() Consistency
- func (b *Batch) GetRoutingKey() ([]byte, error)
- func (b *Batch) GetRoutingKeyYb() ([]byte, error)
- func (b *Batch) IsIdempotent() bool
- func (b *Batch) Keyspace() string
- func (b *Batch) KeyspaceAndTableYb() (string, string)
- func (b *Batch) Latency() int64
- func (b *Batch) Observer(observer BatchObserver) *Batch
- func (b *Batch) Query(stmt string, args ...interface{})
- func (b *Batch) RetryPolicy(r RetryPolicy) *Batch
- func (b *Batch) SerialConsistency(cons SerialConsistency) *Batch
- func (b *Batch) SetConsistency(c Consistency)
- func (b *Batch) Size() int
- func (b *Batch) SpeculativeExecutionPolicy(sp SpeculativeExecutionPolicy) *Batch
- func (b *Batch) Table() string
- func (b *Batch) Trace(trace Tracer) *Batch
- func (b *Batch) WithContext(ctx context.Context) *Batch
- func (b *Batch) WithTimestamp(timestamp int64) *Batch
- type BatchEntry
- type BatchObserver
- type BatchType
- type ClusterConfig
- type CollectionType
- type ColumnIndexMetadata
- type ColumnInfo
- type ColumnKind
- type ColumnMetadata
- type ColumnOrder
- type Compressor
- type Conn
- func (c *Conn) Address() string
- func (c *Conn) AvailableStreams() int
- func (c *Conn) Close()
- func (c *Conn) Closed() bool
- func (c *Conn) Pick(qry *Query) *Conn
- func (c *Conn) Read(p []byte) (n int, err error)
- func (c *Conn) UseKeyspace(keyspace string) error
- func (c *Conn) Write(p []byte) (n int, err error)
- type ConnConfig
- type ConnErrorHandler
- type ConnectObserver
- type Consistency
- type ConstantReconnectionPolicy
- type ConvictionPolicy
- type DialedHost
- type Dialer
- type DowngradingConsistencyRetryPolicy
- type Duration
- type ErrProtocol
- type Error
- type ErrorMap
- type ExecutableQuery
- type ExponentialBackoffRetryPolicy
- type ExponentialReconnectionPolicy
- type FrameHeaderObserver
- type FunctionMetadata
- type HostDialer
- type HostFilter
- type HostFilterFunc
- type HostInfo
- func (h *HostInfo) BroadcastAddress() net.IP
- func (h *HostInfo) ClusterName() string
- func (h *HostInfo) ConnectAddress() net.IP
- func (h *HostInfo) ConnectAddressAndPort() string
- func (h *HostInfo) DSEVersion() string
- func (h *HostInfo) DataCenter() string
- func (h *HostInfo) Equal(host *HostInfo) bool
- func (h *HostInfo) Graph() bool
- func (h *HostInfo) HostID() string
- func (h *HostInfo) HostnameAndPort() string
- func (h *HostInfo) IsUp() bool
- func (h *HostInfo) ListenAddress() net.IP
- func (h *HostInfo) Partitioner() string
- func (h *HostInfo) Peer() net.IP
- func (h *HostInfo) Port() int
- func (h *HostInfo) PreferredIP() net.IP
- func (h *HostInfo) RPCAddress() net.IP
- func (h *HostInfo) Rack() string
- func (h *HostInfo) SetConnectAddress(address net.IP) *HostInfo
- func (h *HostInfo) SetHostID(hostID string)
- func (h *HostInfo) State() nodeState
- func (h *HostInfo) String() string
- func (h *HostInfo) Tokens() []string
- func (h *HostInfo) Version() cassVersion
- func (h *HostInfo) WorkLoad() string
- type HostSelectionPolicy
- func DCAwareRoundRobinPolicy(localDC string) HostSelectionPolicy
- func HostPoolHostPolicy(hp hostpool.HostPool) HostSelectionPolicy
- func RackAwareRoundRobinPolicy(localDC string, localRack string) HostSelectionPolicy
- func RoundRobinHostPolicy() HostSelectionPolicy
- func TokenAwareHostPolicy(fallback HostSelectionPolicy, opts ...func(*tokenAwareHostPolicy)) HostSelectionPolicy
- func YBPartitionAwareHostPolicy(fallback HostSelectionPolicy, opts ...func(*ybPartitionAwareHostPolicy)) HostSelectionPolicy
- type HostStateNotifier
- type HostTierer
- type Iter
- func (iter *Iter) Close() error
- func (iter *Iter) Columns() []ColumnInfo
- func (iter *Iter) GetCustomPayload() map[string][]byte
- func (iter *Iter) Host() *HostInfo
- func (iter *Iter) MapScan(m map[string]interface{}) bool
- func (iter *Iter) NumRows() int
- func (iter *Iter) PageState() []byte
- func (iter *Iter) RowData() (RowData, error)
- func (iter *Iter) Scan(dest ...interface{}) bool
- func (iter *Iter) Scanner() Scanner
- func (iter *Iter) SliceMap() ([]map[string]interface{}, error)
- func (iter *Iter) Warnings() []string
- func (iter *Iter) WillSwitchPage() bool
- type KeyspaceMetadata
- type KeyspaceUpdateEvent
- type MarshalError
- type Marshaler
- type MaterializedViewMetadata
- type NativeType
- type NextHost
- type NonSpeculativeExecution
- type ObservedBatch
- type ObservedConnect
- type ObservedFrameHeader
- type ObservedQuery
- type ObservedStream
- type PartitionMetadata
- type PasswordAuthenticator
- type PoolConfig
- type QualifiedTableName
- type Query
- func (q *Query) AddAttempts(i int, host *HostInfo)
- func (q *Query) AddLatency(l int64, host *HostInfo)
- func (q *Query) Attempts() int
- func (q *Query) Bind(v ...interface{}) *Query
- func (q *Query) Cancel()
- func (q *Query) Consistency(c Consistency) *Query
- func (q *Query) Context() context.Context
- func (q *Query) CustomPayload(customPayload map[string][]byte) *Query
- func (q *Query) DefaultTimestamp(enable bool) *Query
- func (q *Query) Exec() error
- func (q *Query) GetConsistency() Consistency
- func (q *Query) GetRoutingKey() ([]byte, error)
- func (q *Query) GetRoutingKeyYb() ([]byte, error)
- func (q *Query) Idempotent(value bool) *Query
- func (q *Query) IsIdempotent() bool
- func (q *Query) Iter() *Iter
- func (q *Query) Keyspace() string
- func (q *Query) KeyspaceAndTableYb() (string, string)
- func (q *Query) Latency() int64
- func (q *Query) MapScan(m map[string]interface{}) error
- func (q *Query) MapScanCAS(dest map[string]interface{}) (applied bool, err error)
- func (q *Query) NoSkipMetadata() *Query
- func (q *Query) Observer(observer QueryObserver) *Query
- func (q *Query) PageSize(n int) *Query
- func (q *Query) PageState(state []byte) *Query
- func (q *Query) Prefetch(p float64) *Query
- func (q *Query) Release()
- func (q *Query) RetryPolicy(r RetryPolicy) *Query
- func (q *Query) RoutingKey(routingKey []byte) *Query
- func (q *Query) Scan(dest ...interface{}) error
- func (q *Query) ScanCAS(dest ...interface{}) (applied bool, err error)
- func (q *Query) SerialConsistency(cons SerialConsistency) *Query
- func (q *Query) SetConsistency(c Consistency)
- func (q *Query) SetSpeculativeExecutionPolicy(sp SpeculativeExecutionPolicy) *Query
- func (q Query) Statement() string
- func (q Query) String() string
- func (q *Query) Table() string
- func (q *Query) Trace(trace Tracer) *Query
- func (q Query) Values() []interface{}
- func (q *Query) WithContext(ctx context.Context) *Query
- func (q *Query) WithTimestamp(timestamp int64) *Query
- type QueryInfo
- type QueryObserver
- type ReadyPolicy
- type ReconnectionPolicy
- type RequestErrAlreadyExists
- type RequestErrCASWriteUnknown
- type RequestErrCDCWriteFailure
- type RequestErrFunctionFailure
- type RequestErrReadFailure
- type RequestErrReadTimeout
- type RequestErrUnavailable
- type RequestErrUnprepared
- type RequestErrWriteFailure
- type RequestErrWriteTimeout
- type RequestError
- type RetryPolicy
- type RetryType
- type RetryableQuery
- type RowData
- type Scanner
- type SelectedHost
- type SerialConsistency
- type Session
- func (s *Session) AwaitSchemaAgreement(ctx context.Context) error
- func (s *Session) Bind(stmt string, b func(q *QueryInfo) ([]interface{}, error)) *Query
- func (s *Session) Close()
- func (s *Session) Closed() bool
- func (s *Session) ExecuteBatch(batch *Batch) error
- func (s *Session) ExecuteBatchCAS(batch *Batch, dest ...interface{}) (applied bool, iter *Iter, err error)
- func (s *Session) KeyspaceMetadata(keyspace string) (*KeyspaceMetadata, error)
- func (s *Session) MapExecuteBatchCAS(batch *Batch, dest map[string]interface{}) (applied bool, iter *Iter, err error)
- func (s *Session) NewBatch(typ BatchType) *Batch
- func (s *Session) Query(stmt string, values ...interface{}) *Query
- func (s *Session) SetConsistency(cons Consistency)
- func (s *Session) SetPageSize(n int)
- func (s *Session) SetPrefetch(p float64)
- func (s *Session) SetTrace(trace Tracer)
- type SetHosts
- type SetPartitioner
- type SimpleConvictionPolicy
- type SimpleRetryPolicy
- type SimpleSpeculativeExecution
- type SnappyCompressor
- type SpeculativeExecutionPolicy
- type SslOptions
- type StdLogger
- type StreamObserver
- type StreamObserverContext
- type TableMetadata
- type TableSplitMetadata
- type Tracer
- type TupleTypeInfo
- type Type
- type TypeInfo
- type UDTField
- type UDTMarshaler
- type UDTTypeInfo
- type UDTUnmarshaler
- type UUID
- func MaxTimeUUID(t time.Time) UUID
- func MinTimeUUID(t time.Time) UUID
- func MustRandomUUID() UUID
- func ParseUUID(input string) (UUID, error)
- func RandomUUID() (UUID, error)
- func TimeUUID() UUID
- func TimeUUIDWith(t int64, clock uint32, node []byte) UUID
- func UUIDFromBytes(input []byte) (UUID, error)
- func UUIDFromTime(t time.Time) UUID
- func (u UUID) Bytes() []byte
- func (u UUID) Clock() uint32
- func (u UUID) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
- func (u UUID) MarshalText() ([]byte, error)
- func (u UUID) Node() []byte
- func (u UUID) String() string
- func (u UUID) Time() time.Time
- func (u UUID) Timestamp() int64
- func (u *UUID) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error
- func (u *UUID) UnmarshalText(text []byte) (err error)
- func (u UUID) Variant() int
- func (u UUID) Version() int
- type UnmarshalError
- type Unmarshaler
- type UserTypeMetadata
- type ViewMetadata
Examples ¶
Constants ¶
const ( // ErrCodeServer indicates unexpected error on server-side. // // See ErrCodeServer = 0x0000 // ErrCodeProtocol indicates a protocol violation by some client message. // // See ErrCodeProtocol = 0x000A // ErrCodeCredentials indicates missing required authentication. // // See ErrCodeCredentials = 0x0100 // // See ErrCodeUnavailable = 0x1000 // ErrCodeOverloaded returned in case of request on overloaded node coordinator. // // See ErrCodeOverloaded = 0x1001 // ErrCodeBootstrapping returned from the coordinator node in bootstrapping phase. // // See ErrCodeBootstrapping = 0x1002 // ErrCodeTruncate indicates truncation exception. // // See ErrCodeTruncate = 0x1003 // ErrCodeWriteTimeout returned in case of timeout during the request write. // // See ErrCodeWriteTimeout = 0x1100 // ErrCodeReadTimeout returned in case of timeout during the request read. // // See ErrCodeReadTimeout = 0x1200 // ErrCodeReadFailure indicates request read error which is not covered by ErrCodeReadTimeout. // // See ErrCodeReadFailure = 0x1300 // ErrCodeFunctionFailure indicates an error in user-defined function. // // See ErrCodeFunctionFailure = 0x1400 // ErrCodeWriteFailure indicates request write error which is not covered by ErrCodeWriteTimeout. // // See ErrCodeWriteFailure = 0x1500 // ErrCodeCDCWriteFailure is defined, but not yet documented in CQLv5 protocol. // // See ErrCodeCDCWriteFailure = 0x1600 // ErrCodeCASWriteUnknown indicates only partially completed CAS operation. // // See ErrCodeCASWriteUnknown = 0x1700 // ErrCodeSyntax indicates the syntax error in the query. // // See ErrCodeSyntax = 0x2000 // // See ErrCodeUnauthorized = 0x2100 // ErrCodeInvalid indicates invalid query error which is not covered by ErrCodeSyntax. // // See ErrCodeInvalid = 0x2200 // ErrCodeConfig indicates the configuration error. // // See ErrCodeConfig = 0x2300 // ErrCodeAlreadyExists is returned for the requests creating the existing keyspace/table. // // See ErrCodeAlreadyExists = 0x2400 // ErrCodeUnprepared returned from the host for prepared statement which is unknown. // // See ErrCodeUnprepared = 0x2500 )
See CQL Binary Protocol v5, section 8 for more details.
const ( NodeUp nodeState = iota NodeDown )
default alias values
const ( REVERSED_TYPE = "org.apache.cassandra.db.marshal.ReversedType" COMPOSITE_TYPE = "org.apache.cassandra.db.marshal.CompositeType" COLLECTION_TYPE = "org.apache.cassandra.db.marshal.ColumnToCollectionType" LIST_TYPE = "org.apache.cassandra.db.marshal.ListType" SET_TYPE = "org.apache.cassandra.db.marshal.SetType" MAP_TYPE = "org.apache.cassandra.db.marshal.MapType" )
const ( VariantNCSCompat = 0 VariantIETF = 2 VariantMicrosoft = 6 VariantFuture = 7 )
const BatchSizeMaximum = 65535
BatchSizeMaximum is the maximum number of statements a batch operation can have. This limit is set by cassandra and could change in the future.
Variables ¶
var ( ErrNoHosts = errors.New("no hosts provided") ErrNoConnectionsStarted = errors.New("no connections were made when creating the session") ErrHostQueryFailed = errors.New("unable to populate Hosts") )
var ( ErrQueryArgLength = errors.New("gocql: query argument length mismatch") ErrTimeoutNoResponse = errors.New("gocql: no response received from cassandra within timeout period") ErrTooManyTimeouts = errors.New("gocql: too many query timeouts on the connection") ErrConnectionClosed = errors.New("gocql: connection closed waiting for response") ErrNoStreams = errors.New("gocql: no streams available on connection") )
var ( ErrNotFound = errors.New("not found") ErrUnsupported = errors.New("feature not supported") ErrTooManyStmts = errors.New("too many statements") ErrUseStmt = errors.New("use statements aren't supported. Please see for explanation.") ErrSessionClosed = errors.New("session has been closed") ErrNoConnections = errors.New("gocql: no hosts available in the pool") ErrNoKeyspace = errors.New("no keyspace provided") ErrKeyspaceDoesNotExist = errors.New("keyspace does not exist") ErrNoMetadata = errors.New("no metadata available") )
var ErrCannotFindHost = errors.New("cannot find host")
var (
ErrFrameTooBig = errors.New("frame length is bigger than the maximum allowed")
var ErrHostAlreadyExists = errors.New("host already exists")
var ErrUnknownRetryType = errors.New("unknown retry type returned by retry policy")
ErrUnknownRetryType is returned if the retry policy returns a retry type unknown to the query executor.
var (
)var TimeoutLimit int64 = 0
If not zero, how many timeouts we will allow to occur before the connection is closed and restarted. This is to prevent a single query timeout from killing a connection which may be serving more queries just fine. Default is 0, should not be changed concurrently with queries.
var UnsetValue = unsetColumn{}
UnsetValue represents a value used in a query binding that will be ignored by Cassandra.
By setting a field to the unset value Cassandra will ignore the write completely. The main advantage is the ability to keep the same prepared statement even when you don't want to update some fields, where before you needed to make another prepared statement.
UnsetValue is only available when using the version 4 of the protocol.
Functions ¶
func JoinHostPort ¶
JoinHostPort is a utility to return an address string that can be used by `gocql.Conn` to form a connection with a host.
func Marshal ¶
Marshal returns the CQL encoding of the value for the Cassandra internal type described by the info parameter.
nil is serialized as CQL null. If value implements Marshaler, its MarshalCQL method is called to marshal the data. If value is a pointer, the pointed-to value is marshaled.
Supported conversions are as follows, other type combinations may be added in the future:
CQL type | Go type (value) | Note varchar, ascii, blob, text | string, []byte | boolean | bool | tinyint, smallint, int | integer types | tinyint, smallint, int | string | formatted as base 10 number bigint, counter | integer types | bigint, counter | big.Int | bigint, counter | string | formatted as base 10 number float | float32 | double | float64 | decimal | inf.Dec | time | int64 | nanoseconds since start of day time | time.Duration | duration since start of day timestamp | int64 | milliseconds since Unix epoch timestamp | time.Time | list, set | slice, array | list, set | map[X]struct{} | map | map[X]Y | uuid, timeuuid | gocql.UUID | uuid, timeuuid | [16]byte | raw UUID bytes uuid, timeuuid | []byte | raw UUID bytes, length must be 16 bytes uuid, timeuuid | string | hex representation, see ParseUUID varint | integer types | varint | big.Int | varint | string | value of number in decimal notation inet | net.IP | inet | string | IPv4 or IPv6 address string tuple | slice, array | tuple | struct | fields are marshaled in order of declaration user-defined type | gocql.UDTMarshaler | MarshalUDT is called user-defined type | map[string]interface{} | user-defined type | struct | struct fields' cql tags are used for column names date | int64 | milliseconds since Unix epoch to start of day (in UTC) date | time.Time | start of day (in UTC) date | string | parsed using "2006-01-02" format duration | int64 | duration in nanoseconds duration | time.Duration | duration | gocql.Duration | duration | string | parsed with time.ParseDuration
func NamedValue ¶
func NamedValue(name string, value interface{}) interface{}
NamedValue produce a value which will bind to the named parameter in a query
func NewErrProtocol ¶
func NonLocalReplicasFallback ¶
func NonLocalReplicasFallback() func(policy *tokenAwareHostPolicy)
NonLocalReplicasFallback enables fallback to replicas that are not considered local.
TokenAwareHostPolicy used with DCAwareHostPolicy fallback first selects replicas by partition key in local DC, then falls back to other nodes in the local DC. Enabling NonLocalReplicasFallback causes TokenAwareHostPolicy to first select replicas by partition key in local DC, then replicas by partition key in remote DCs and fall back to other nodes in local DC.
func ShuffleReplicas ¶
func ShuffleReplicas() func(*tokenAwareHostPolicy)
func SingleHostReadyPolicy ¶
func SingleHostReadyPolicy(p HostSelectionPolicy) *singleHostReadyPolicy
SingleHostReadyPolicy wraps a HostSelectionPolicy and returns Ready after a single host has been added via HostUp
func TupleColumnName ¶
TupeColumnName will return the column name of a tuple value in a column named c at index n. It should be used if a specific element within a tuple is needed to be extracted from a map returned from SliceMap or MapScan.
func Unmarshal ¶
Unmarshal parses the CQL encoded data based on the info parameter that describes the Cassandra internal data type and stores the result in the value pointed by value.
If value implements Unmarshaler, it's UnmarshalCQL method is called to unmarshal the data. If value is a pointer to pointer, it is set to nil if the CQL value is null. Otherwise, nulls are unmarshalled as zero value.
Supported conversions are as follows, other type combinations may be added in the future:
CQL type | Go type (value) | Note varchar, ascii, blob, text | *string | varchar, ascii, blob, text | *[]byte | non-nil buffer is reused bool | *bool | tinyint, smallint, int, bigint, counter | *integer types | tinyint, smallint, int, bigint, counter | *big.Int | tinyint, smallint, int, bigint, counter | *string | formatted as base 10 number float | *float32 | double | *float64 | decimal | *inf.Dec | time | *int64 | nanoseconds since start of day time | *time.Duration | timestamp | *int64 | milliseconds since Unix epoch timestamp | *time.Time | list, set | *slice, *array | map | *map[X]Y | uuid, timeuuid | *string | see UUID.String uuid, timeuuid | *[]byte | raw UUID bytes uuid, timeuuid | *gocql.UUID | timeuuid | *time.Time | timestamp of the UUID inet | *net.IP | inet | *string | IPv4 or IPv6 address string tuple | *slice, *array | tuple | *struct | struct fields are set in order of declaration user-defined types | gocql.UDTUnmarshaler | UnmarshalUDT is called user-defined types | *map[string]interface{} | user-defined types | *struct | cql tag is used to determine field name date | *time.Time | time of beginning of the day (in UTC) date | *string | formatted with 2006-01-02 format duration | *gocql.Duration |
Types ¶
type AddressTranslator ¶
type AddressTranslator interface { // Translate will translate the provided address and/or port to another // address and/or port. If no translation is possible, Translate will return the // address and port provided to it. Translate(addr net.IP, port int) (net.IP, int) }
AddressTranslator provides a way to translate node addresses (and ports) that are discovered or received as a node event. This can be useful in an ec2 environment, for instance, to translate public IPs to private IPs.
func IdentityTranslator ¶
func IdentityTranslator() AddressTranslator
IdentityTranslator will do nothing but return what it was provided. It is essentially a no-op.
type AddressTranslatorFunc ¶
type AggregateMetadata ¶
type AggregateMetadata struct { Keyspace string Name string ArgumentTypes []TypeInfo FinalFunc FunctionMetadata InitCond string ReturnType TypeInfo StateFunc FunctionMetadata StateType TypeInfo // contains filtered or unexported fields }
AggregateMetadata holds metadata for aggregate constructs
type Authenticator ¶
type Batch ¶
type Batch struct { Type BatchType Entries []BatchEntry Cons Consistency CustomPayload map[string][]byte // contains filtered or unexported fields }
func (*Batch) AddAttempts ¶
func (*Batch) AddLatency ¶
func (*Batch) Bind ¶
Bind adds the query to the batch operation and correlates it with a binding callback that will be invoked when the batch is executed. The binding callback allows the application to define which query argument values will be marshalled as part of the batch execution.
func (*Batch) Cancel ¶
func (*Batch) Cancel()
Deprecate: does nothing, cancel the context passed to WithContext
func (*Batch) DefaultTimestamp ¶
DefaultTimestamp will enable the with default timestamp flag on the query. If enable, this will replace the server side assigned timestamp as default timestamp. Note that a timestamp in the query itself will still override this timestamp. This is entirely optional.
Only available on protocol >= 3
func (*Batch) GetConsistency ¶
func (b *Batch) GetConsistency() Consistency
GetConsistency returns the currently configured consistency level for the batch operation.
func (*Batch) GetRoutingKey ¶
func (*Batch) GetRoutingKeyYb ¶
func (*Batch) IsIdempotent ¶
func (*Batch) KeyspaceAndTableYb ¶
func (*Batch) Latency ¶
Latency returns the average number of nanoseconds to execute a single attempt of the batch.
func (*Batch) Observer ¶
func (b *Batch) Observer(observer BatchObserver) *Batch
Observer enables batch-level observer on this batch. The provided observer will be called every time this batched query is executed.
func (*Batch) RetryPolicy ¶
func (b *Batch) RetryPolicy(r RetryPolicy) *Batch
RetryPolicy sets the retry policy to use when executing the batch operation
func (*Batch) SerialConsistency ¶
func (b *Batch) SerialConsistency(cons SerialConsistency) *Batch
SerialConsistency sets the consistency level for the serial phase of conditional updates. That consistency can only be either SERIAL or LOCAL_SERIAL and if not present, it defaults to SERIAL. This option will be ignored for anything else that a conditional update/insert.
Only available for protocol 3 and above
func (*Batch) SetConsistency ¶
func (b *Batch) SetConsistency(c Consistency)
SetConsistency sets the currently configured consistency level for the batch operation.
func (*Batch) Size ¶
Size returns the number of batch statements to be executed by the batch operation.
func (*Batch) SpeculativeExecutionPolicy ¶
func (b *Batch) SpeculativeExecutionPolicy(sp SpeculativeExecutionPolicy) *Batch
func (*Batch) Trace ¶
Trace enables tracing of this batch. Look at the documentation of the Tracer interface to learn more about tracing.
func (*Batch) WithContext ¶
WithContext returns a shallow copy of b with its context set to ctx.
The provided context controls the entire lifetime of executing a query, queries will be canceled and return once the context is canceled.
func (*Batch) WithTimestamp ¶
WithTimestamp will enable the with default timestamp flag on the query like DefaultTimestamp does. But also allows to define value for timestamp. It works the same way as USING TIMESTAMP in the query itself, but should not break prepared query optimization.
Only available on protocol >= 3
type BatchEntry ¶
type BatchObserver ¶
type BatchObserver interface { // ObserveBatch gets called on every batch query to cassandra. // It also gets called once for each query in a batch. // It doesn't get called if there is no query because the session is closed or there are no connections available. // The error reported only shows query errors, i.e. if a SELECT is valid but finds no matches it will be nil. // Unlike QueryObserver.ObserveQuery it does no reporting on rows read. ObserveBatch(context.Context, ObservedBatch) }
BatchObserver is the interface implemented by batch observers / stat collectors.
type ClusterConfig ¶
type ClusterConfig struct { // addresses for the initial connections. It is recommended to use the value set in // the Cassandra config for broadcast_address or listen_address, an IP address not // a domain name. This is because events from Cassandra will use the configured IP // address, which is used to index connected hosts. If the domain name specified // resolves to more than 1 IP address then the driver may connect multiple times to // the same host, and will not mark the node being down or up from events. Hosts []string // CQL version (default: 3.0.0) CQLVersion string // ProtoVersion sets the version of the native protocol to use, this will // enable features in the driver for specific protocol versions, generally this // should be set to a known version (2,3,4) for the cluster being connected to. // // If it is 0 or unset (the default) then the driver will attempt to discover the // highest supported protocol for the cluster. In clusters with nodes of different // versions the protocol selected is not defined (ie, it can be any of the supported in the cluster) ProtoVersion int // Timeout limits the time spent on the client side while executing a query. // Specifically, query or batch execution will return an error if the client does not receive a response // from the server within the Timeout period. // Timeout is also used to configure the read timeout on the underlying network connection. // Client Timeout should always be higher than the request timeouts configured on the server, // so that retries don't overload the server. // Timeout has a default value of 11 seconds, which is higher than default server timeout for most query types. // Timeout is not applied to requests during initial connection setup, see ConnectTimeout. Timeout time.Duration // ConnectTimeout limits the time spent during connection setup. // During initial connection setup, internal queries, AUTH requests will return an error if the client // does not receive a response within the ConnectTimeout period. // ConnectTimeout is applied to the connection setup queries independently. // ConnectTimeout also limits the duration of dialing a new TCP connection // in case there is no Dialer nor HostDialer configured. // ConnectTimeout has a default value of 11 seconds. ConnectTimeout time.Duration // WriteTimeout limits the time the driver waits to write a request to a network connection. // WriteTimeout should be lower than or equal to Timeout. // WriteTimeout defaults to the value of Timeout. WriteTimeout time.Duration // Port used when dialing. // Default: 9042 Port int // Initial keyspace. Optional. Keyspace string // Number of connections per host. // Default: 2 NumConns int // Default consistency level. // Default: Quorum Consistency Consistency // Compression algorithm. // Default: nil Compressor Compressor // Default: nil Authenticator Authenticator // An Authenticator factory. Can be used to create alternative authenticators. // Default: nil AuthProvider func(h *HostInfo) (Authenticator, error) // Default retry policy to use for queries. // Default: no retries. RetryPolicy RetryPolicy // ConvictionPolicy decides whether to mark host as down based on the error and host info. // Default: SimpleConvictionPolicy ConvictionPolicy ConvictionPolicy // Default reconnection policy to use for reconnecting before trying to mark host as down. ReconnectionPolicy ReconnectionPolicy // The keepalive period to use, enabled if > 0 (default: 0) // SocketKeepalive is used to set up the default dialer and is ignored if Dialer or HostDialer is provided. SocketKeepalive time.Duration // Maximum cache size for prepared statements globally for gocql. // Default: 1000 MaxPreparedStmts int // Maximum cache size for query info about statements for each session. // Default: 1000 MaxRoutingKeyInfo int // Default page size to use for created sessions. // Default: 5000 PageSize int // Consistency for the serial part of queries, values can be either SERIAL or LOCAL_SERIAL. // Default: unset SerialConsistency SerialConsistency // SslOpts configures TLS use when HostDialer is not set. // SslOpts is ignored if HostDialer is set. SslOpts *SslOptions // Sends a client side timestamp for all requests which overrides the timestamp at which it arrives at the server. // Default: true, only enabled for protocol 3 and above. DefaultTimestamp bool // PoolConfig configures the underlying connection pool, allowing the // configuration of host selection and connection selection policies. PoolConfig PoolConfig // If not zero, gocql attempt to reconnect known DOWN nodes in every ReconnectInterval. ReconnectInterval time.Duration // The maximum amount of time to wait for schema agreement in a cluster after // receiving a schema change frame. (default: 60s) MaxWaitSchemaAgreement time.Duration // HostFilter will filter all incoming events for host, any which don't pass // the filter will be ignored. If set will take precedence over any options set // via Discovery HostFilter HostFilter // AddressTranslator will translate addresses found on peer discovery and/or // node change events. AddressTranslator AddressTranslator // If IgnorePeerAddr is true and the address in system.peers does not match // the supplied host by either initial hosts or discovered via events then the // host will be replaced with the supplied address. // // For example if an event comes in with host= but when looking up that // address in system.local or system.peers returns, the peer will be // set to which is what will be used to connect to. IgnorePeerAddr bool // If DisableInitialHostLookup then the driver will not attempt to get host info // from the system.peers table, this will mean that the driver will connect to // hosts supplied and will not attempt to lookup the hosts information, this will // mean that data_centre, rack and token information will not be available and as // such host filtering and token aware query routing will not be available. DisableInitialHostLookup bool // Configure events the driver will register for Events struct { // disable registering for status events (node up/down) DisableNodeStatusEvents bool // disable registering for topology events (node added/removed/moved) DisableTopologyEvents bool // disable registering for schema events (keyspace/table/function removed/created/updated) DisableSchemaEvents bool } // DisableSkipMetadata will override the internal result metadata cache so that the driver does not // send skip_metadata for queries, this means that the result will always contain // the metadata to parse the rows and will not reuse the metadata from the prepared // statement. // // See DisableSkipMetadata bool // QueryObserver will set the provided query observer on all queries created from this session. // Use it to collect metrics / stats from queries by providing an implementation of QueryObserver. QueryObserver QueryObserver // BatchObserver will set the provided batch observer on all queries created from this session. // Use it to collect metrics / stats from batch queries by providing an implementation of BatchObserver. BatchObserver BatchObserver // ConnectObserver will set the provided connect observer on all queries // created from this session. ConnectObserver ConnectObserver // FrameHeaderObserver will set the provided frame header observer on all frames' headers created from this session. // Use it to collect metrics / stats from frames by providing an implementation of FrameHeaderObserver. FrameHeaderObserver FrameHeaderObserver // StreamObserver will be notified of stream state changes. // This can be used to track in-flight protocol requests and responses. StreamObserver StreamObserver // Default idempotence for queries DefaultIdempotence bool // The time to wait for frames before flushing the frames connection to Cassandra. // Can help reduce syscall overhead by making less calls to write. Set to 0 to // disable. // // (default: 200 microseconds) WriteCoalesceWaitTime time.Duration // Dialer will be used to establish all connections created for this Cluster. // If not provided, a default dialer configured with ConnectTimeout will be used. // Dialer is ignored if HostDialer is provided. Dialer Dialer // HostDialer will be used to establish all connections for this Cluster. // If not provided, Dialer will be used instead. HostDialer HostDialer // Logger for this ClusterConfig. // If not specified, defaults to the global gocql.Logger. Logger StdLogger // contains filtered or unexported fields }
ClusterConfig is a struct to configure the default cluster implementation of gocql. It has a variety of attributes that can be used to modify the behavior to fit the most common use cases. Applications that require a different setup must implement their own cluster.
func NewCluster ¶
func NewCluster(hosts ...string) *ClusterConfig
NewCluster generates a new config for the default cluster implementation.
The supplied hosts are used to initially connect to the cluster then the rest of the ring will be automatically discovered. It is recommended to use the value set in the Cassandra config for broadcast_address or listen_address, an IP address not a domain name. This is because events from Cassandra will use the configured IP address, which is used to index connected hosts. If the domain name specified resolves to more than 1 IP address then the driver may connect multiple times to the same host, and will not mark the node being down or up from events.
func (*ClusterConfig) CreateSession ¶
func (cfg *ClusterConfig) CreateSession() (*Session, error)
CreateSession initializes the cluster based on this config and returns a session object that can be used to interact with the database.
type CollectionType ¶
type CollectionType struct { NativeType Key TypeInfo // only used for TypeMap Elem TypeInfo // only used for TypeMap, TypeList and TypeSet }
func (CollectionType) New ¶
func (t CollectionType) New() interface{}
func (CollectionType) NewWithError ¶
func (t CollectionType) NewWithError() (interface{}, error)
func (CollectionType) String ¶
func (c CollectionType) String() string
type ColumnIndexMetadata ¶
type ColumnInfo ¶
func (ColumnInfo) String ¶
func (c ColumnInfo) String() string
type ColumnKind ¶
type ColumnKind int
const ( ColumnUnkownKind ColumnKind = iota ColumnPartitionKey ColumnClusteringKey ColumnRegular ColumnCompact ColumnStatic )
func (ColumnKind) String ¶
func (c ColumnKind) String() string
func (*ColumnKind) UnmarshalCQL ¶
func (c *ColumnKind) UnmarshalCQL(typ TypeInfo, p []byte) error
type ColumnMetadata ¶
type ColumnMetadata struct { Keyspace string Table string Name string ComponentIndex int Kind ColumnKind Validator string Type TypeInfo ClusteringOrder string Order ColumnOrder Index ColumnIndexMetadata }
schema metadata for a column
type ColumnOrder ¶
type ColumnOrder bool
the ordering of the column with regard to its comparator
const ( ASC ColumnOrder = false DESC ColumnOrder = true )
type Compressor ¶
type Conn ¶
type Conn struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
Conn is a single connection to a Cassandra node. It can be used to execute queries, but users are usually advised to use a more reliable, higher level API.
func (*Conn) AvailableStreams ¶
func (*Conn) UseKeyspace ¶
type ConnConfig ¶
type ConnConfig struct { ProtoVersion int CQLVersion string Timeout time.Duration WriteTimeout time.Duration ConnectTimeout time.Duration Dialer Dialer HostDialer HostDialer Compressor Compressor Authenticator Authenticator AuthProvider func(h *HostInfo) (Authenticator, error) Keepalive time.Duration Logger StdLogger // contains filtered or unexported fields }
type ConnErrorHandler ¶
type ConnectObserver ¶
type ConnectObserver interface { // ObserveConnect gets called when a new connection to cassandra is made. ObserveConnect(ObservedConnect) }
ConnectObserver is the interface implemented by connect observers / stat collectors.
type Consistency ¶
type Consistency uint16
const ( Any Consistency = 0x00 One Consistency = 0x01 Two Consistency = 0x02 Three Consistency = 0x03 Quorum Consistency = 0x04 All Consistency = 0x05 LocalQuorum Consistency = 0x06 EachQuorum Consistency = 0x07 LocalOne Consistency = 0x0A )
func MustParseConsistency ¶
func MustParseConsistency(s string) (Consistency, error)
MustParseConsistency is the same as ParseConsistency except it returns an error (never). It is kept here since breaking changes are not good. DEPRECATED: use ParseConsistency if you want a panic on parse error.
func ParseConsistency ¶
func ParseConsistency(s string) Consistency
func ParseConsistencyWrapper ¶
func ParseConsistencyWrapper(s string) (consistency Consistency, err error)
ParseConsistencyWrapper wraps gocql.ParseConsistency to provide an err return instead of a panic
func (Consistency) MarshalText ¶
func (c Consistency) MarshalText() (text []byte, err error)
func (Consistency) String ¶
func (c Consistency) String() string
func (*Consistency) UnmarshalText ¶
func (c *Consistency) UnmarshalText(text []byte) error
type ConstantReconnectionPolicy ¶
ConstantReconnectionPolicy has simple logic for returning a fixed reconnection interval.
Examples of usage:
cluster.ReconnectionPolicy = &gocql.ConstantReconnectionPolicy{MaxRetries: 10, Interval: 8 * time.Second}
func (*ConstantReconnectionPolicy) GetInterval ¶
func (c *ConstantReconnectionPolicy) GetInterval(currentRetry int) time.Duration
func (*ConstantReconnectionPolicy) GetMaxRetries ¶
func (c *ConstantReconnectionPolicy) GetMaxRetries() int
type ConvictionPolicy ¶
type ConvictionPolicy interface { // Implementations should return `true` if the host should be convicted, `false` otherwise. AddFailure(error error, host *HostInfo) bool //Implementations should clear out any convictions or state regarding the host. Reset(host *HostInfo) }
ConvictionPolicy interface is used by gocql to determine if a host should be marked as DOWN based on the error and host info
type DialedHost ¶
type DialedHost struct { // Conn used to communicate with the server. Conn net.Conn // DisableCoalesce disables write coalescing for the Conn. // If true, the effect is the same as if WriteCoalesceWaitTime was configured to 0. DisableCoalesce bool }
DialedHost contains information about established connection to a host.
func WrapTLS ¶
func WrapTLS(ctx context.Context, conn net.Conn, addr string, tlsConfig *tls.Config) (*DialedHost, error)
WrapTLS optionally wraps a net.Conn connected to addr with the given tlsConfig. If the tlsConfig is nil, conn is not wrapped into a TLS session, so is insecure. If the tlsConfig does not have server name set, it is updated based on the default gocql rules.
type DowngradingConsistencyRetryPolicy ¶
type DowngradingConsistencyRetryPolicy struct {
ConsistencyLevelsToTry []Consistency
func (*DowngradingConsistencyRetryPolicy) Attempt ¶
func (d *DowngradingConsistencyRetryPolicy) Attempt(q RetryableQuery) bool
func (*DowngradingConsistencyRetryPolicy) GetRetryType ¶
func (d *DowngradingConsistencyRetryPolicy) GetRetryType(err error) RetryType
type ErrProtocol ¶
type ErrProtocol struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
type ExecutableQuery ¶
type ExponentialBackoffRetryPolicy ¶
ExponentialBackoffRetryPolicy sleeps between attempts
func (*ExponentialBackoffRetryPolicy) Attempt ¶
func (e *ExponentialBackoffRetryPolicy) Attempt(q RetryableQuery) bool
func (*ExponentialBackoffRetryPolicy) GetRetryType ¶
func (e *ExponentialBackoffRetryPolicy) GetRetryType(err error) RetryType
type ExponentialReconnectionPolicy ¶
type ExponentialReconnectionPolicy struct { MaxRetries int InitialInterval time.Duration MaxInterval time.Duration }
ExponentialReconnectionPolicy returns a growing reconnection interval.
func (*ExponentialReconnectionPolicy) GetInterval ¶
func (e *ExponentialReconnectionPolicy) GetInterval(currentRetry int) time.Duration
func (*ExponentialReconnectionPolicy) GetMaxRetries ¶
func (e *ExponentialReconnectionPolicy) GetMaxRetries() int
type FrameHeaderObserver ¶
type FrameHeaderObserver interface { // ObserveFrameHeader gets called on every received frame header. ObserveFrameHeader(context.Context, ObservedFrameHeader) }
FrameHeaderObserver is the interface implemented by frame observers / stat collectors.
Experimental, this interface and use may change
type FunctionMetadata ¶
type FunctionMetadata struct { Keyspace string Name string ArgumentTypes []TypeInfo ArgumentNames []string CalledOnNullInput bool Language string ReturnType TypeInfo }
FunctionMetadata holds metadata for function constructs
type HostDialer ¶
type HostDialer interface { // DialHost establishes a connection to the host. // The returned connection must be directly usable for CQL protocol, // specifically DialHost is responsible also for setting up the TLS session if needed. // DialHost should disable write coalescing if the returned net.Conn does not support writev. // As of Go 1.18, only plain TCP connections support writev, TLS sessions should disable coalescing. // You can use WrapTLS helper function if you don't need to override the TLS setup. DialHost(ctx context.Context, host *HostInfo) (*DialedHost, error) }
HostDialer allows customizing connection to cluster nodes.
type HostFilter ¶
type HostFilter interface { // Called when a new host is discovered, returning true will cause the host // to be added to the pools. Accept(host *HostInfo) bool }
HostFilter interface is used when a host is discovered via server sent events.
func DataCentreHostFilter ¶
func DataCentreHostFilter(dataCentre string) HostFilter
DataCentreHostFilter filters all hosts such that they are in the same data centre as the supplied data centre.
func DenyAllFilter ¶
func DenyAllFilter() HostFilter
func WhiteListHostFilter ¶
func WhiteListHostFilter(hosts ...string) HostFilter
WhiteListHostFilter filters incoming hosts by checking that their address is in the initial hosts whitelist.
type HostFilterFunc ¶
HostFilterFunc converts a func(host HostInfo) bool into a HostFilter
func (HostFilterFunc) Accept ¶
func (fn HostFilterFunc) Accept(host *HostInfo) bool
type HostInfo ¶
type HostInfo struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
func (*HostInfo) BroadcastAddress ¶
func (*HostInfo) ClusterName ¶
func (*HostInfo) ConnectAddress ¶
Returns the address that should be used to connect to the host. If you wish to override this, use an AddressTranslator or use a HostFilter to SetConnectAddress()
func (*HostInfo) ConnectAddressAndPort ¶
func (*HostInfo) DSEVersion ¶
func (*HostInfo) DataCenter ¶
func (*HostInfo) HostnameAndPort ¶
func (*HostInfo) ListenAddress ¶
func (*HostInfo) Partitioner ¶
func (*HostInfo) PreferredIP ¶
func (*HostInfo) RPCAddress ¶
type HostSelectionPolicy ¶
type HostSelectionPolicy interface { HostStateNotifier SetPartitioner KeyspaceChanged(KeyspaceUpdateEvent) Init(*Session) IsLocal(host *HostInfo) bool // Pick returns an iteration function over selected hosts. // Multiple attempts of a single query execution won't call the returned NextHost function concurrently, // so it's safe to have internal state without additional synchronization as long as every call to Pick returns // a different instance of NextHost. Pick(ExecutableQuery) NextHost }
HostSelectionPolicy is an interface for selecting the most appropriate host to execute a given query. HostSelectionPolicy instances cannot be shared between sessions.
func DCAwareRoundRobinPolicy ¶
func DCAwareRoundRobinPolicy(localDC string) HostSelectionPolicy
DCAwareRoundRobinPolicy is a host selection policies which will prioritize and return hosts which are in the local datacentre before returning hosts in all other datercentres
func HostPoolHostPolicy ¶
func HostPoolHostPolicy(hp hostpool.HostPool) HostSelectionPolicy
HostPoolHostPolicy is a host policy which uses the bitly/go-hostpool library to distribute queries between hosts and prevent sending queries to unresponsive hosts. When creating the host pool that is passed to the policy use an empty slice of hosts as the hostpool will be populated later by gocql. See below for examples of usage:
// Create host selection policy using a simple host pool cluster.PoolConfig.HostSelectionPolicy = HostPoolHostPolicy(hostpool.New(nil)) // Create host selection policy using an epsilon greedy pool cluster.PoolConfig.HostSelectionPolicy = HostPoolHostPolicy( hostpool.NewEpsilonGreedy(nil, 0, &hostpool.LinearEpsilonValueCalculator{}), )
func RackAwareRoundRobinPolicy ¶
func RackAwareRoundRobinPolicy(localDC string, localRack string) HostSelectionPolicy
func RoundRobinHostPolicy ¶
func RoundRobinHostPolicy() HostSelectionPolicy
RoundRobinHostPolicy is a round-robin load balancing policy, where each host is tried sequentially for each query.
func TokenAwareHostPolicy ¶
func TokenAwareHostPolicy(fallback HostSelectionPolicy, opts ...func(*tokenAwareHostPolicy)) HostSelectionPolicy
TokenAwareHostPolicy is a token aware host selection policy, where hosts are selected based on the partition key, so queries are sent to the host which owns the partition. Fallback is used when routing information is not available.
func YBPartitionAwareHostPolicy ¶
func YBPartitionAwareHostPolicy(fallback HostSelectionPolicy, opts ...func(*ybPartitionAwareHostPolicy)) HostSelectionPolicy
type HostStateNotifier ¶
type HostTierer ¶
type HostTierer interface { // HostTier returns an integer specifying how far a host is from the client. // Tier must start at 0. // The value is used to prioritize closer hosts during host selection. // For example this could be: // 0 - local rack, 1 - local DC, 2 - remote DC // or: // 0 - local DC, 1 - remote DC HostTier(host *HostInfo) uint // This function returns the maximum possible host tier MaxHostTier() uint }
type Iter ¶
type Iter struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
Iter represents an iterator that can be used to iterate over all rows that were returned by a query. The iterator might send additional queries to the database during the iteration if paging was enabled.
func (*Iter) Close ¶
Close closes the iterator and returns any errors that happened during the query or the iteration.
func (*Iter) Columns ¶
func (iter *Iter) Columns() []ColumnInfo
Columns returns the name and type of the selected columns.
func (*Iter) GetCustomPayload ¶
GetCustomPayload returns any parsed custom payload results if given in the response from Cassandra. Note that the result is not a copy.
This additional feature of CQL Protocol v4 allows additional results and query information to be returned by custom QueryHandlers running in your C* cluster. See
func (*Iter) MapScan ¶
MapScan takes a map[string]interface{} and populates it with a row that is returned from cassandra.
Each call to MapScan() must be called with a new map object. During the call to MapScan() any pointers in the existing map are replaced with non pointer types before the call returns
iter := session.Query(`SELECT * FROM mytable`).Iter() for { // New map each iteration row := make(map[string]interface{}) if !iter.MapScan(row) { break } // Do things with row if fullname, ok := row["fullname"]; ok { fmt.Printf("Full Name: %s\n", fullname) } }
You can also pass pointers in the map before each call
var fullName FullName // Implements gocql.Unmarshaler and gocql.Marshaler interfaces var address net.IP var age int iter := session.Query(`SELECT * FROM scan_map_table`).Iter() for { // New map each iteration row := map[string]interface{}{ "fullname": &fullName, "age": &age, "address": &address, } if !iter.MapScan(row) { break } fmt.Printf("First: %s Age: %d Address: %q\n", fullName.FirstName, age, address) }
func (*Iter) NumRows ¶
NumRows returns the number of rows in this pagination, it will update when new pages are fetched, it is not the value of the total number of rows this iter will return unless there is only a single page returned.
func (*Iter) PageState ¶
PageState return the current paging state for a query which can be used for subsequent queries to resume paging this point.
func (*Iter) Scan ¶
Scan consumes the next row of the iterator and copies the columns of the current row into the values pointed at by dest. Use nil as a dest value to skip the corresponding column. Scan might send additional queries to the database to retrieve the next set of rows if paging was enabled.
Scan returns true if the row was successfully unmarshaled or false if the end of the result set was reached or if an error occurred. Close should be called afterwards to retrieve any potential errors.
func (*Iter) Scanner ¶
Scanner returns a row Scanner which provides an interface to scan rows in a manner which is similar to database/sql. The iter should NOT be used again after calling this method.
func (*Iter) SliceMap ¶
SliceMap is a helper function to make the API easier to use returns the data from the query in the form of []map[string]interface{}
func (*Iter) Warnings ¶
Warnings returns any warnings generated if given in the response from Cassandra.
This is only available starting with CQL Protocol v4.
func (*Iter) WillSwitchPage ¶
WillSwitchPage detects if iterator reached end of current page and the next page is available.
type KeyspaceMetadata ¶
type KeyspaceMetadata struct { Name string DurableWrites bool StrategyClass string StrategyOptions map[string]interface{} Tables map[string]*TableMetadata Functions map[string]*FunctionMetadata Aggregates map[string]*AggregateMetadata // Deprecated: use the MaterializedViews field for views and UserTypes field for udts instead. Views map[string]*ViewMetadata MaterializedViews map[string]*MaterializedViewMetadata UserTypes map[string]*UserTypeMetadata }
schema metadata for a keyspace
type KeyspaceUpdateEvent ¶
type MarshalError ¶
type MarshalError string
func (MarshalError) Error ¶
func (m MarshalError) Error() string
type Marshaler ¶
Marshaler is the interface implemented by objects that can marshal themselves into values understood by Cassandra.
type MaterializedViewMetadata ¶
type MaterializedViewMetadata struct { Keyspace string Name string BaseTableId UUID BaseTable *TableMetadata BloomFilterFpChance float64 Caching map[string]string Comment string Compaction map[string]string Compression map[string]string CrcCheckChance float64 DcLocalReadRepairChance float64 DefaultTimeToLive int Extensions map[string]string GcGraceSeconds int Id UUID IncludeAllColumns bool MaxIndexInterval int MemtableFlushPeriodInMs int MinIndexInterval int ReadRepairChance float64 SpeculativeRetry string // contains filtered or unexported fields }
MaterializedViewMetadata holds the metadata for materialized views.
type NativeType ¶
type NativeType struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
func NewNativeType ¶
func NewNativeType(proto byte, typ Type, custom string) NativeType
func (NativeType) Custom ¶
func (s NativeType) Custom() string
func (NativeType) New ¶
func (t NativeType) New() interface{}
func (NativeType) NewWithError ¶
func (t NativeType) NewWithError() (interface{}, error)
func (NativeType) String ¶
func (s NativeType) String() string
func (NativeType) Type ¶
func (s NativeType) Type() Type
func (NativeType) Version ¶
func (s NativeType) Version() byte
type NextHost ¶
type NextHost func() SelectedHost
NextHost is an iteration function over picked hosts
type NonSpeculativeExecution ¶
type NonSpeculativeExecution struct{}
func (NonSpeculativeExecution) Attempts ¶
func (sp NonSpeculativeExecution) Attempts() int
func (NonSpeculativeExecution) Delay ¶
func (sp NonSpeculativeExecution) Delay() time.Duration
type ObservedBatch ¶
type ObservedBatch struct { Keyspace string Statements []string // Values holds a slice of bound values for each statement. // Values[i] are bound values passed to Statements[i]. // Do not modify the values here, they are shared with multiple goroutines. Values [][]interface{} Start time.Time // time immediately before the batch query was called End time.Time // time immediately after the batch query returned // Host is the informations about the host that performed the batch Host *HostInfo // Err is the error in the batch query. // It only tracks network errors or errors of bad cassandra syntax, in particular selects with no match return nil error Err error // The metrics per this host Metrics *hostMetrics // Attempt is the index of attempt at executing this query. // The first attempt is number zero and any retries have non-zero attempt number. Attempt int }
type ObservedConnect ¶
type ObservedFrameHeader ¶
type ObservedFrameHeader struct { Version protoVersion Flags byte Stream int16 Opcode frameOp Length int32 // StartHeader is the time we started reading the frame header off the network connection. Start time.Time // EndHeader is the time we finished reading the frame header off the network connection. End time.Time // Host is Host of the connection the frame header was read from. Host *HostInfo }
func (ObservedFrameHeader) String ¶
func (f ObservedFrameHeader) String() string
type ObservedQuery ¶
type ObservedQuery struct { Keyspace string Statement string // Values holds a slice of bound values for the query. // Do not modify the values here, they are shared with multiple goroutines. Values []interface{} Start time.Time // time immediately before the query was called End time.Time // time immediately after the query returned // Rows is the number of rows in the current iter. // In paginated queries, rows from previous scans are not counted. // Rows is not used in batch queries and remains at the default value Rows int // Host is the informations about the host that performed the query Host *HostInfo // The metrics per this host Metrics *hostMetrics // Err is the error in the query. // It only tracks network errors or errors of bad cassandra syntax, in particular selects with no match return nil error Err error // Attempt is the index of attempt at executing this query. // The first attempt is number zero and any retries have non-zero attempt number. Attempt int }
type ObservedStream ¶
type ObservedStream struct { // Host of the connection used to send the stream. Host *HostInfo }
ObservedStream observes a single request/response stream.
type PartitionMetadata ¶
type PartitionMetadata struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
func (*PartitionMetadata) NewPartitionMetadata ¶
func (p *PartitionMetadata) NewPartitionMetadata(s_key int64, e_key int64, h []*HostInfo)
type PasswordAuthenticator ¶
type PasswordAuthenticator struct { Username string Password string AllowedAuthenticators []string }
func (PasswordAuthenticator) Challenge ¶
func (p PasswordAuthenticator) Challenge(req []byte) ([]byte, Authenticator, error)
func (PasswordAuthenticator) Success ¶
func (p PasswordAuthenticator) Success(data []byte) error
type PoolConfig ¶
type PoolConfig struct { // HostSelectionPolicy sets the policy for selecting which host to use for a // given query (default: RoundRobinHostPolicy()) // It is not supported to use a single HostSelectionPolicy in multiple sessions // (even if you close the old session before using in a new session). HostSelectionPolicy HostSelectionPolicy }
PoolConfig configures the connection pool used by the driver, it defaults to using a round-robin host selection policy and a round-robin connection selection policy for each host.
type QualifiedTableName ¶
type QualifiedTableName struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
func (*QualifiedTableName) NewQualifiedTableName ¶
func (q *QualifiedTableName) NewQualifiedTableName(keyspacename string, tablename string)
type Query ¶
type Query struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
Query represents a CQL statement that can be executed.
func (*Query) AddAttempts ¶
func (*Query) AddLatency ¶
func (*Query) Bind ¶
Bind sets query arguments of query. This can also be used to rebind new query arguments to an existing query instance.
func (*Query) Cancel ¶
func (q *Query) Cancel()
Deprecate: does nothing, cancel the context passed to WithContext
func (*Query) Consistency ¶
func (q *Query) Consistency(c Consistency) *Query
Consistency sets the consistency level for this query. If no consistency level have been set, the default consistency level of the cluster is used.
func (*Query) CustomPayload ¶
CustomPayload sets the custom payload level for this query.
func (*Query) DefaultTimestamp ¶
DefaultTimestamp will enable the with default timestamp flag on the query. If enable, this will replace the server side assigned timestamp as default timestamp. Note that a timestamp in the query itself will still override this timestamp. This is entirely optional.
Only available on protocol >= 3
func (*Query) GetConsistency ¶
func (q *Query) GetConsistency() Consistency
GetConsistency returns the currently configured consistency level for the query.
func (*Query) GetRoutingKey ¶
GetRoutingKey gets the routing key to use for routing this query. If a routing key has not been explicitly set, then the routing key will be constructed if possible using the keyspace's schema and the query info for this query statement. If the routing key cannot be determined then nil will be returned with no error. On any error condition, an error description will be returned.
func (*Query) GetRoutingKeyYb ¶
func (*Query) Idempotent ¶
Idempotent marks the query as being idempotent or not depending on the value. Non-idempotent query won't be retried. See "Retries and speculative execution" in package docs for more details.
func (*Query) IsIdempotent ¶
IsIdempotent returns whether the query is marked as idempotent. Non-idempotent query won't be retried. See "Retries and speculative execution" in package docs for more details.
func (*Query) Iter ¶
Iter executes the query and returns an iterator capable of iterating over all results.
func (*Query) KeyspaceAndTableYb ¶
func (*Query) MapScan ¶
MapScan executes the query, copies the columns of the first selected row into the map pointed at by m and discards the rest. If no rows were selected, ErrNotFound is returned.
func (*Query) MapScanCAS ¶
MapScanCAS executes a lightweight transaction (i.e. an UPDATE or INSERT statement containing an IF clause). If the transaction fails because the existing values did not match, the previous values will be stored in dest map.
As for INSERT .. IF NOT EXISTS, previous values will be returned as if SELECT * FROM. So using ScanCAS with INSERT is inherently prone to column mismatching. MapScanCAS is added to capture them safely.
Example ¶
ExampleQuery_MapScanCAS demonstrates how to execute a single-statement lightweight transaction.
package main import ( "context" "fmt" "" "log" ) func main() { /* The example assumes the following CQL was used to setup the keyspace: create keyspace example with replication = { 'class' : 'SimpleStrategy', 'replication_factor' : 1 }; create table example.my_lwt_table(pk int, version int, value text, PRIMARY KEY(pk)); */ cluster := gocql.NewCluster("localhost:9042") cluster.Keyspace = "example" cluster.ProtoVersion = 4 session, err := cluster.CreateSession() if err != nil { log.Fatal(err) } defer session.Close() ctx := context.Background() err = session.Query("INSERT INTO example.my_lwt_table (pk, version, value) VALUES (?, ?, ?)", 1, 1, "a").WithContext(ctx).Exec() if err != nil { log.Fatal(err) } m := make(map[string]interface{}) applied, err := session.Query("UPDATE example.my_lwt_table SET value = ? WHERE pk = ? IF version = ?", "b", 1, 0).WithContext(ctx).MapScanCAS(m) if err != nil { log.Fatal(err) } fmt.Println(applied, m) var value string err = session.Query("SELECT value FROM example.my_lwt_table WHERE pk = ?", 1).WithContext(ctx). Scan(&value) if err != nil { log.Fatal(err) } fmt.Println(value) m = make(map[string]interface{}) applied, err = session.Query("UPDATE example.my_lwt_table SET value = ? WHERE pk = ? IF version = ?", "b", 1, 1).WithContext(ctx).MapScanCAS(m) if err != nil { log.Fatal(err) } fmt.Println(applied, m) var value2 string err = session.Query("SELECT value FROM example.my_lwt_table WHERE pk = ?", 1).WithContext(ctx). Scan(&value2) if err != nil { log.Fatal(err) } fmt.Println(value2) // false map[version:1] // a // true map[] // b }
func (*Query) NoSkipMetadata ¶
NoSkipMetadata will override the internal result metadata cache so that the driver does not send skip_metadata for queries, this means that the result will always contain the metadata to parse the rows and will not reuse the metadata from the prepared statement. This should only be used to work around cassandra bugs, such as when using CAS operations which do not end in Cas.
func (*Query) Observer ¶
func (q *Query) Observer(observer QueryObserver) *Query
Observer enables query-level observer on this query. The provided observer will be called every time this query is executed.
func (*Query) PageSize ¶
PageSize will tell the iterator to fetch the result in pages of size n. This is useful for iterating over large result sets, but setting the page size too low might decrease the performance. This feature is only available in Cassandra 2 and onwards.
func (*Query) PageState ¶
PageState sets the paging state for the query to resume paging from a specific point in time. Setting this will disable to query paging for this query, and must be used for all subsequent pages.
func (*Query) Prefetch ¶
SetPrefetch sets the default threshold for pre-fetching new pages. If there are only p*pageSize rows remaining, the next page will be requested automatically.
func (*Query) Release ¶
func (q *Query) Release()
Release releases a query back into a pool of queries. Released Queries cannot be reused.
qry := session.Query("SELECT * FROM my_table") qry.Exec() qry.Release()
func (*Query) RetryPolicy ¶
func (q *Query) RetryPolicy(r RetryPolicy) *Query
RetryPolicy sets the policy to use when retrying the query.
func (*Query) RoutingKey ¶
RoutingKey sets the routing key to use when a token aware connection pool is used to optimize the routing of this query.
func (*Query) Scan ¶
Scan executes the query, copies the columns of the first selected row into the values pointed at by dest and discards the rest. If no rows were selected, ErrNotFound is returned.
func (*Query) ScanCAS ¶
ScanCAS executes a lightweight transaction (i.e. an UPDATE or INSERT statement containing an IF clause). If the transaction fails because the existing values did not match, the previous values will be stored in dest.
As for INSERT .. IF NOT EXISTS, previous values will be returned as if SELECT * FROM. So using ScanCAS with INSERT is inherently prone to column mismatching. Use MapScanCAS to capture them safely.
func (*Query) SerialConsistency ¶
func (q *Query) SerialConsistency(cons SerialConsistency) *Query
SerialConsistency sets the consistency level for the serial phase of conditional updates. That consistency can only be either SERIAL or LOCAL_SERIAL and if not present, it defaults to SERIAL. This option will be ignored for anything else that a conditional update/insert.
func (*Query) SetConsistency ¶
func (q *Query) SetConsistency(c Consistency)
Same as Consistency but without a return value
func (*Query) SetSpeculativeExecutionPolicy ¶
func (q *Query) SetSpeculativeExecutionPolicy(sp SpeculativeExecutionPolicy) *Query
SetSpeculativeExecutionPolicy sets the execution policy
func (*Query) Trace ¶
Trace enables tracing of this query. Look at the documentation of the Tracer interface to learn more about tracing.
func (Query) Values ¶
func (q Query) Values() []interface{}
Values returns the values passed in via Bind. This can be used by a wrapper type that needs to access the bound values.
func (*Query) WithContext ¶
WithContext returns a shallow copy of q with its context set to ctx.
The provided context controls the entire lifetime of executing a query, queries will be canceled and return once the context is canceled.
func (*Query) WithTimestamp ¶
WithTimestamp will enable the with default timestamp flag on the query like DefaultTimestamp does. But also allows to define value for timestamp. It works the same way as USING TIMESTAMP in the query itself, but should not break prepared query optimization.
Only available on protocol >= 3
type QueryInfo ¶
type QueryInfo struct { Id []byte Args []ColumnInfo Rval []ColumnInfo PKeyColumns []int }
type QueryObserver ¶
type QueryObserver interface { // ObserveQuery gets called on every query to cassandra, including all queries in an iterator when paging is enabled. // It doesn't get called if there is no query because the session is closed or there are no connections available. // The error reported only shows query errors, i.e. if a SELECT is valid but finds no matches it will be nil. ObserveQuery(context.Context, ObservedQuery) }
QueryObserver is the interface implemented by query observers / stat collectors.
Experimental, this interface and use may change
type ReadyPolicy ¶
type ReadyPolicy interface {
Ready() bool
ReadyPolicy defines a policy for when a HostSelectionPolicy can be used. After each host connects during session initialization, the Ready method will be called. If you only need a single Host to be up you can wrap a HostSelectionPolicy policy with SingleHostReadyPolicy.
type ReconnectionPolicy ¶
type ReconnectionPolicy interface { GetInterval(currentRetry int) time.Duration GetMaxRetries() int }
ReconnectionPolicy interface is used by gocql to determine if reconnection can be attempted after connection error. The interface allows gocql users to implement their own logic to determine how to attempt reconnection.
type RequestErrAlreadyExists ¶
type RequestErrCASWriteUnknown ¶
type RequestErrCASWriteUnknown struct { Consistency Consistency Received int BlockFor int // contains filtered or unexported fields }
RequestErrCASWriteUnknown is distinct error for ErrCodeCasWriteUnknown.
type RequestErrCDCWriteFailure ¶
type RequestErrCDCWriteFailure struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
type RequestErrFunctionFailure ¶
type RequestErrReadFailure ¶
type RequestErrReadTimeout ¶
type RequestErrReadTimeout struct { Consistency Consistency Received int BlockFor int DataPresent byte // contains filtered or unexported fields }
type RequestErrUnavailable ¶
type RequestErrUnavailable struct { // contains filtered or unexported fields }
func (*RequestErrUnavailable) String ¶
func (e *RequestErrUnavailable) String() string
type RequestErrUnprepared ¶
type RequestErrUnprepared struct { StatementId []byte // contains filtered or unexported fields }
type RequestErrWriteFailure ¶
type RequestErrWriteTimeout ¶
type RequestErrWriteTimeout struct { Consistency Consistency Received int BlockFor int WriteType string // contains filtered or unexported fields }
type RequestError ¶
type RetryPolicy ¶
type RetryPolicy interface { Attempt(RetryableQuery) bool GetRetryType(error) RetryType }
RetryPolicy interface is used by gocql to determine if a query can be attempted again after a retryable error has been received. The interface allows gocql users to implement their own logic to determine if a query can be attempted again.
See SimpleRetryPolicy as an example of implementing and using a RetryPolicy interface.
type RetryableQuery ¶
type RetryableQuery interface { Attempts() int SetConsistency(c Consistency) GetConsistency() Consistency Context() context.Context }
RetryableQuery is an interface that represents a query or batch statement that exposes the correct functions for the retry policy logic to evaluate correctly.
type Scanner ¶
type Scanner interface { // Next advances the row pointer to point at the next row, the row is valid until // the next call of Next. It returns true if there is a row which is available to be // scanned into with Scan. // Next must be called before every call to Scan. Next() bool // Scan copies the current row's columns into dest. If the length of dest does not equal // the number of columns returned in the row an error is returned. If an error is encountered // when unmarshalling a column into the value in dest an error is returned and the row is invalidated // until the next call to Next. // Next must be called before calling Scan, if it is not an error is returned. Scan(...interface{}) error // Err returns the if there was one during iteration that resulted in iteration being unable to complete. // Err will also release resources held by the iterator, the Scanner should not used after being called. Err() error }
type SelectedHost ¶
SelectedHost is an interface returned when picking a host from a host selection policy.
type SerialConsistency ¶
type SerialConsistency uint16
const ( Serial SerialConsistency = 0x08 LocalSerial SerialConsistency = 0x09 )
func (SerialConsistency) MarshalText ¶
func (s SerialConsistency) MarshalText() (text []byte, err error)
func (SerialConsistency) String ¶
func (s SerialConsistency) String() string
func (*SerialConsistency) UnmarshalText ¶
func (s *SerialConsistency) UnmarshalText(text []byte) error
type Session ¶
type Session struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
Session is the interface used by users to interact with the database.
It's safe for concurrent use by multiple goroutines and a typical usage scenario is to have one global session object to interact with the whole Cassandra cluster.
This type extends the Node interface by adding a convenient query builder and automatically sets a default consistency level on all operations that do not have a consistency level set.
func NewSession ¶
func NewSession(cfg ClusterConfig) (*Session, error)
NewSession wraps an existing Node.
func (*Session) AwaitSchemaAgreement ¶
AwaitSchemaAgreement will wait until schema versions across all nodes in the cluster are the same (as seen from the point of view of the control connection). The maximum amount of time this takes is governed by the MaxWaitSchemaAgreement setting in the configuration (default: 60s). AwaitSchemaAgreement returns an error in case schema versions are not the same after the timeout specified in MaxWaitSchemaAgreement elapses.
func (*Session) Bind ¶
Bind generates a new query object based on the query statement passed in. The query is automatically prepared if it has not previously been executed. The binding callback allows the application to define which query argument values will be marshalled as part of the query execution. During execution, the meta data of the prepared query will be routed to the binding callback, which is responsible for producing the query argument values.
func (*Session) Close ¶
func (s *Session) Close()
Close closes all connections. The session is unusable after this operation.
func (*Session) ExecuteBatch ¶
ExecuteBatch executes a batch operation and returns nil if successful otherwise an error is returned describing the failure.
func (*Session) ExecuteBatchCAS ¶
func (s *Session) ExecuteBatchCAS(batch *Batch, dest ...interface{}) (applied bool, iter *Iter, err error)
ExecuteBatchCAS executes a batch operation and returns true if successful and an iterator (to scan additional rows if more than one conditional statement) was sent. Further scans on the interator must also remember to include the applied boolean as the first argument to *Iter.Scan
func (*Session) KeyspaceMetadata ¶
func (s *Session) KeyspaceMetadata(keyspace string) (*KeyspaceMetadata, error)
KeyspaceMetadata returns the schema metadata for the keyspace specified. Returns an error if the keyspace does not exist.
func (*Session) MapExecuteBatchCAS ¶
func (s *Session) MapExecuteBatchCAS(batch *Batch, dest map[string]interface{}) (applied bool, iter *Iter, err error)
MapExecuteBatchCAS executes a batch operation much like ExecuteBatchCAS, however it accepts a map rather than a list of arguments for the initial scan.
Example ¶
ExampleSession_MapExecuteBatchCAS demonstrates how to execute a batch lightweight transaction.
package main import ( "context" "fmt" "" "log" ) func main() { /* The example assumes the following CQL was used to setup the keyspace: create keyspace example with replication = { 'class' : 'SimpleStrategy', 'replication_factor' : 1 }; create table example.my_lwt_batch_table(pk text, ck text, version int, value text, PRIMARY KEY(pk, ck)); */ cluster := gocql.NewCluster("localhost:9042") cluster.Keyspace = "example" cluster.ProtoVersion = 4 session, err := cluster.CreateSession() if err != nil { log.Fatal(err) } defer session.Close() ctx := context.Background() err = session.Query("INSERT INTO example.my_lwt_batch_table (pk, ck, version, value) VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?)", "pk1", "ck1", 1, "a").WithContext(ctx).Exec() if err != nil { log.Fatal(err) } err = session.Query("INSERT INTO example.my_lwt_batch_table (pk, ck, version, value) VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?)", "pk1", "ck2", 1, "A").WithContext(ctx).Exec() if err != nil { log.Fatal(err) } executeBatch := func(ck2Version int) { b := session.NewBatch(gocql.LoggedBatch) b.Entries = append(b.Entries, gocql.BatchEntry{ Stmt: "UPDATE my_lwt_batch_table SET value=? WHERE pk=? AND ck=? IF version=?", Args: []interface{}{"b", "pk1", "ck1", 1}, }) b.Entries = append(b.Entries, gocql.BatchEntry{ Stmt: "UPDATE my_lwt_batch_table SET value=? WHERE pk=? AND ck=? IF version=?", Args: []interface{}{"B", "pk1", "ck2", ck2Version}, }) m := make(map[string]interface{}) applied, iter, err := session.MapExecuteBatchCAS(b.WithContext(ctx), m) if err != nil { log.Fatal(err) } fmt.Println(applied, m) m = make(map[string]interface{}) for iter.MapScan(m) { fmt.Println(m) m = make(map[string]interface{}) } if err := iter.Close(); err != nil { log.Fatal(err) } } printState := func() { scanner := session.Query("SELECT ck, value FROM example.my_lwt_batch_table WHERE pk = ?", "pk1"). WithContext(ctx).Iter().Scanner() for scanner.Next() { var ck, value string err = scanner.Scan(&ck, &value) if err != nil { log.Fatal(err) } fmt.Println(ck, value) } if err := scanner.Err(); err != nil { log.Fatal(err) } } executeBatch(0) printState() executeBatch(1) printState() // false map[ck:ck1 pk:pk1 version:1] // map[[applied]:false ck:ck2 pk:pk1 version:1] // ck1 a // ck2 A // true map[] // ck1 b // ck2 B }
func (*Session) NewBatch ¶
NewBatch creates a new batch operation using defaults defined in the cluster
func (*Session) Query ¶
Query generates a new query object for interacting with the database. Further details of the query may be tweaked using the resulting query value before the query is executed. Query is automatically prepared if it has not previously been executed.
func (*Session) SetConsistency ¶
func (s *Session) SetConsistency(cons Consistency)
SetConsistency sets the default consistency level for this session. This setting can also be changed on a per-query basis and the default value is Quorum.
func (*Session) SetPageSize ¶
SetPageSize sets the default page size for this session. A value <= 0 will disable paging. This setting can also be changed on a per-query basis.
func (*Session) SetPrefetch ¶
SetPrefetch sets the default threshold for pre-fetching new pages. If there are only p*pageSize rows remaining, the next page will be requested automatically. This value can also be changed on a per-query basis and the default value is 0.25.
type SetHosts ¶
type SetHosts interface {
SetHosts(hosts []*HostInfo)
interface to implement to receive the host information
type SetPartitioner ¶
type SetPartitioner interface {
SetPartitioner(partitioner string)
interface to implement to receive the partitioner value
type SimpleConvictionPolicy ¶
type SimpleConvictionPolicy struct { }
SimpleConvictionPolicy implements a ConvictionPolicy which convicts all hosts regardless of error
func (*SimpleConvictionPolicy) AddFailure ¶
func (e *SimpleConvictionPolicy) AddFailure(error error, host *HostInfo) bool
func (*SimpleConvictionPolicy) Reset ¶
func (e *SimpleConvictionPolicy) Reset(host *HostInfo)
type SimpleRetryPolicy ¶
type SimpleRetryPolicy struct {
NumRetries int //Number of times to retry a query
SimpleRetryPolicy has simple logic for attempting a query a fixed number of times.
See below for examples of usage:
//Assign to the cluster cluster.RetryPolicy = &gocql.SimpleRetryPolicy{NumRetries: 3} //Assign to a query query.RetryPolicy(&gocql.SimpleRetryPolicy{NumRetries: 1})
func (*SimpleRetryPolicy) Attempt ¶
func (s *SimpleRetryPolicy) Attempt(q RetryableQuery) bool
Attempt tells gocql to attempt the query again based on query.Attempts being less than the NumRetries defined in the policy.
func (*SimpleRetryPolicy) GetRetryType ¶
func (s *SimpleRetryPolicy) GetRetryType(err error) RetryType
type SimpleSpeculativeExecution ¶
func (*SimpleSpeculativeExecution) Attempts ¶
func (sp *SimpleSpeculativeExecution) Attempts() int
func (*SimpleSpeculativeExecution) Delay ¶
func (sp *SimpleSpeculativeExecution) Delay() time.Duration
type SnappyCompressor ¶
type SnappyCompressor struct{}
SnappyCompressor implements the Compressor interface and can be used to compress incoming and outgoing frames. The snappy compression algorithm aims for very high speeds and reasonable compression.
func (SnappyCompressor) Name ¶
func (s SnappyCompressor) Name() string
type SslOptions ¶
type SslOptions struct { *tls.Config // CertPath and KeyPath are optional depending on server // config, but both fields must be omitted to avoid using a // client certificate CertPath string KeyPath string CaPath string //optional depending on server config // If you want to verify the hostname and server cert (like a wildcard for cass cluster) then you should turn this // on. // This option is basically the inverse of tls.Config.InsecureSkipVerify. // See InsecureSkipVerify in for more info. // // See SslOptions documentation to see how EnableHostVerification interacts with the provided tls.Config. EnableHostVerification bool }
SslOptions configures TLS use.
Warning: Due to historical reasons, the SslOptions is insecure by default, so you need to set EnableHostVerification to true if no Config is set. Most users should set SslOptions.Config to a *tls.Config. SslOptions and Config.InsecureSkipVerify interact as follows:
Config.InsecureSkipVerify | EnableHostVerification | Result Config is nil | false | do not verify host Config is nil | true | verify host false | false | verify host true | false | do not verify host false | true | verify host true | true | verify host
type StdLogger ¶
type StdLogger interface { Print(v ...interface{}) Printf(format string, v ...interface{}) Println(v ...interface{}) }
var Logger StdLogger = &defaultLogger{}
Logger for logging messages. Deprecated: Use ClusterConfig.Logger instead.
type StreamObserver ¶
type StreamObserver interface { // StreamContext is called before creating a new stream. // ctx is context passed to Session.Query / Session.Batch, // but might also be an internal context (for example // for internal requests that use control connection). // StreamContext might return nil if it is not interested // in the details of this stream. // StreamContext is called before the stream is created // and the returned StreamObserverContext might be discarded // without any methods called on the StreamObserverContext if // creation of the stream fails. // Note that if you don't need to track per-stream data, // you can always return the same StreamObserverContext. StreamContext(ctx context.Context) StreamObserverContext }
StreamObserver is notified about request/response pairs. Streams are created for executing queries/batches or internal requests to the database and might live longer than execution of the query - the stream is still tracked until response arrives so that stream IDs are not reused.
type StreamObserverContext ¶
type StreamObserverContext interface { // StreamStarted is called when the stream is started. // This happens just before a request is written to the wire. StreamStarted(observedStream ObservedStream) // StreamAbandoned is called when we stop waiting for response. // This happens when the underlying network connection is closed. // StreamFinished won't be called if StreamAbandoned is. StreamAbandoned(observedStream ObservedStream) // StreamFinished is called when we receive a response for the stream. StreamFinished(observedStream ObservedStream) }
StreamObserverContext is notified about state of a stream. A stream is started every time a request is written to the server and is finished when a response is received. It is abandoned when the underlying network connection is closed before receiving a response.
type TableMetadata ¶
type TableMetadata struct { Keyspace string Name string KeyValidator string Comparator string DefaultValidator string KeyAliases []string ColumnAliases []string ValueAlias string PartitionKey []*ColumnMetadata ClusteringColumns []*ColumnMetadata Columns map[string]*ColumnMetadata OrderedColumns []string }
schema metadata for a table (a.k.a. column family)
type TableSplitMetadata ¶
type TableSplitMetadata struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
func (*TableSplitMetadata) Floor ¶
func (r *TableSplitMetadata) Floor(num int64) int64
func (*TableSplitMetadata) NewTableSplitMetadata ¶
func (r *TableSplitMetadata) NewTableSplitMetadata()
type Tracer ¶
type Tracer interface {
Trace(traceId []byte)
Tracer is the interface implemented by query tracers. Tracers have the ability to obtain a detailed event log of all events that happened during the execution of a query from Cassandra. Gathering this information might be essential for debugging and optimizing queries, but this feature should not be used on production systems with very high load.
type TupleTypeInfo ¶
type TupleTypeInfo struct { NativeType Elems []TypeInfo }
func (TupleTypeInfo) New ¶
func (t TupleTypeInfo) New() interface{}
func (TupleTypeInfo) NewWithError ¶
func (t TupleTypeInfo) NewWithError() (interface{}, error)
func (TupleTypeInfo) String ¶
func (t TupleTypeInfo) String() string
type Type ¶
type Type int
String returns a human readable name for the Cassandra datatype described by t. Type is the identifier of a Cassandra internal datatype.
const ( TypeCustom Type = 0x0000 TypeAscii Type = 0x0001 TypeBigInt Type = 0x0002 TypeBlob Type = 0x0003 TypeBoolean Type = 0x0004 TypeCounter Type = 0x0005 TypeDecimal Type = 0x0006 TypeDouble Type = 0x0007 TypeFloat Type = 0x0008 TypeInt Type = 0x0009 TypeText Type = 0x000A TypeTimestamp Type = 0x000B TypeUUID Type = 0x000C TypeVarchar Type = 0x000D TypeVarint Type = 0x000E TypeTimeUUID Type = 0x000F TypeInet Type = 0x0010 TypeDate Type = 0x0011 TypeTime Type = 0x0012 TypeSmallInt Type = 0x0013 TypeTinyInt Type = 0x0014 TypeDuration Type = 0x0015 TypeList Type = 0x0020 TypeMap Type = 0x0021 TypeSet Type = 0x0022 TypeUDT Type = 0x0030 TypeTuple Type = 0x0031 TypeJsonb Type = 0x0080 // Yugabyte specific )
type TypeInfo ¶
type TypeInfo interface { Type() Type Version() byte Custom() string // New creates a pointer to an empty version of whatever type // is referenced by the TypeInfo receiver. // // If there is no corresponding Go type for the CQL type, New panics. // // Deprecated: Use NewWithError instead. New() interface{} // NewWithError creates a pointer to an empty version of whatever type // is referenced by the TypeInfo receiver. // // If there is no corresponding Go type for the CQL type, NewWithError returns an error. NewWithError() (interface{}, error) }
TypeInfo describes a Cassandra specific data type.
type UDTMarshaler ¶
type UDTMarshaler interface { // MarshalUDT will be called for each field in the the UDT returned by Cassandra, // the implementor should marshal the type to return by for example calling // Marshal. MarshalUDT(name string, info TypeInfo) ([]byte, error) }
UDTMarshaler is an interface which should be implemented by users wishing to handle encoding UDT types to sent to Cassandra. Note: due to current implentations methods defined for this interface must be value receivers not pointer receivers.
Example ¶
ExampleUDTMarshaler demonstrates how to implement a UDTMarshaler.
package main import ( "context" "" "log" ) // MyUDTMarshaler implements UDTMarshaler. type MyUDTMarshaler struct { fieldA string fieldB int32 } // MarshalUDT marshals the selected field to bytes. func (m MyUDTMarshaler) MarshalUDT(name string, info gocql.TypeInfo) ([]byte, error) { switch name { case "field_a": return gocql.Marshal(info, m.fieldA) case "field_b": return gocql.Marshal(info, m.fieldB) default: // If you want to be strict and return error un unknown field, you can do so here instead. // Returning nil, nil will set the value of unknown fields to null, which might be handy if you want // to be forward-compatible when a new field is added to the UDT. return nil, nil } } // ExampleUDTMarshaler demonstrates how to implement a UDTMarshaler. func main() { /* The example assumes the following CQL was used to setup the keyspace: create keyspace example with replication = { 'class' : 'SimpleStrategy', 'replication_factor' : 1 }; create type example.my_udt (field_a text, field_b int); create table example.my_udt_table(pk int, value frozen<my_udt>, PRIMARY KEY(pk)); */ cluster := gocql.NewCluster("localhost:9042") cluster.Keyspace = "example" cluster.ProtoVersion = 4 session, err := cluster.CreateSession() if err != nil { log.Fatal(err) } defer session.Close() ctx := context.Background() value := MyUDTMarshaler{ fieldA: "a value", fieldB: 42, } err = session.Query("INSERT INTO example.my_udt_table (pk, value) VALUES (?, ?)", 1, value).WithContext(ctx).Exec() if err != nil { log.Fatal(err) } }
type UDTTypeInfo ¶
type UDTTypeInfo struct { NativeType KeySpace string Name string Elements []UDTField }
func (UDTTypeInfo) New ¶
func (u UDTTypeInfo) New() interface{}
func (UDTTypeInfo) NewWithError ¶
func (u UDTTypeInfo) NewWithError() (interface{}, error)
func (UDTTypeInfo) String ¶
func (u UDTTypeInfo) String() string
type UDTUnmarshaler ¶
type UDTUnmarshaler interface { // UnmarshalUDT will be called for each field in the UDT return by Cassandra, // the implementor should unmarshal the data into the value of their chosing, // for example by calling Unmarshal. UnmarshalUDT(name string, info TypeInfo, data []byte) error }
UDTUnmarshaler should be implemented by users wanting to implement custom UDT unmarshaling.
Example ¶
ExampleUDTUnmarshaler demonstrates how to implement a UDTUnmarshaler.
package main import ( "context" "fmt" "" "log" ) // MyUDTUnmarshaler implements UDTUnmarshaler. type MyUDTUnmarshaler struct { fieldA string fieldB int32 } // UnmarshalUDT unmarshals the field identified by name into MyUDTUnmarshaler. func (m *MyUDTUnmarshaler) UnmarshalUDT(name string, info gocql.TypeInfo, data []byte) error { switch name { case "field_a": return gocql.Unmarshal(info, data, &m.fieldA) case "field_b": return gocql.Unmarshal(info, data, &m.fieldB) default: // If you want to be strict and return error un unknown field, you can do so here instead. // Returning nil will ignore unknown fields, which might be handy if you want // to be forward-compatible when a new field is added to the UDT. return nil } } // ExampleUDTUnmarshaler demonstrates how to implement a UDTUnmarshaler. func main() { /* The example assumes the following CQL was used to setup the keyspace: create keyspace example with replication = { 'class' : 'SimpleStrategy', 'replication_factor' : 1 }; create type example.my_udt (field_a text, field_b int); create table example.my_udt_table(pk int, value frozen<my_udt>, PRIMARY KEY(pk)); insert into example.my_udt_table (pk, value) values (1, {field_a: 'a value', field_b: 42}); */ cluster := gocql.NewCluster("localhost:9042") cluster.Keyspace = "example" cluster.ProtoVersion = 4 session, err := cluster.CreateSession() if err != nil { log.Fatal(err) } defer session.Close() ctx := context.Background() var value MyUDTUnmarshaler err = session.Query("SELECT value FROM example.my_udt_table WHERE pk = 1").WithContext(ctx).Scan(&value) if err != nil { log.Fatal(err) } fmt.Println(value.fieldA) fmt.Println(value.fieldB) // a value // 42 }
type UUID ¶
type UUID [16]byte
func MaxTimeUUID ¶
MaxTimeUUID generates a "fake" time based UUID (version 1) which will be the biggest possible UUID generated for the provided timestamp.
UUIDs generated by this function are not unique and are mostly suitable only in queries to select a time range of a Cassandra's TimeUUID column.
func MinTimeUUID ¶
MinTimeUUID generates a "fake" time based UUID (version 1) which will be the smallest possible UUID generated for the provided timestamp.
UUIDs generated by this function are not unique and are mostly suitable only in queries to select a time range of a Cassandra's TimeUUID column.
func MustRandomUUID ¶
func MustRandomUUID() UUID
func ParseUUID ¶
ParseUUID parses a 32 digit hexadecimal number (that might contain hypens) representing an UUID.
func RandomUUID ¶
RandomUUID generates a totally random UUID (version 4) as described in RFC 4122.
func TimeUUID ¶
func TimeUUID() UUID
TimeUUID generates a new time based UUID (version 1) using the current time as the timestamp.
func TimeUUIDWith ¶
TimeUUIDWith generates a new time based UUID (version 1) as described in RFC4122 with given parameters. t is the number of 100's of nanoseconds since 15 Oct 1582 (60bits). clock is the number of clock sequence (14bits). node is a slice to gurarantee the uniqueness of the UUID (up to 6bytes). Note: calling this function does not increment the static clock sequence.
func UUIDFromBytes ¶
UUIDFromBytes converts a raw byte slice to an UUID.
func UUIDFromTime ¶
UUIDFromTime generates a new time based UUID (version 1) as described in RFC 4122. This UUID contains the MAC address of the node that generated the UUID, the given timestamp and a sequence number.
func (UUID) Bytes ¶
Bytes returns the raw byte slice for this UUID. A UUID is always 128 bits (16 bytes) long.
func (UUID) Clock ¶
Clock extracts the clock sequence of this UUID. It will return zero if the UUID is not a time based UUID (version 1).
func (UUID) MarshalText ¶
func (UUID) Node ¶
Node extracts the MAC address of the node who generated this UUID. It will return nil if the UUID is not a time based UUID (version 1).
func (UUID) String ¶
String returns the UUID in it's canonical form, a 32 digit hexadecimal number in the form of xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx.
func (UUID) Timestamp ¶
Timestamp extracts the timestamp information from a time based UUID (version 1).
func (*UUID) UnmarshalText ¶
type UnmarshalError ¶
type UnmarshalError string
func (UnmarshalError) Error ¶
func (m UnmarshalError) Error() string
type Unmarshaler ¶
Unmarshaler is the interface implemented by objects that can unmarshal a Cassandra specific description of themselves.
type UserTypeMetadata ¶
Source Files
- address_translators.go
- cluster.go
- compressor.go
- conn.go
- connectionpool.go
- control.go
- cqltypes.go
- debug_off.go
- dial.go
- doc.go
- errors.go
- events.go
- filters.go
- frame.go
- helpers.go
- host_source.go
- logger.go
- marshal.go
- metadata.go
- policies.go
- prepared_cache.go
- query_executor.go
- refreshPartitionMap.go
- ring.go
- session.go
- token.go
- topology.go
- uuid.go
- version.go
- ybdb_hash.go