Path | Synopsis |
Package circuitbreaker implements the circuit breaker pattern.
Package circuitbreaker implements the circuit breaker pattern. |
Package endpoint defines an abstraction for RPCs.
Package endpoint defines an abstraction for RPCs. |
Package client provides a profilesvc client based on a predefined Consul service name and relevant tags.
Package client provides a profilesvc client based on a predefined Consul service name and relevant tags. |
Package booking provides the use-case of booking a cargo.
Package booking provides the use-case of booking a cargo. |
Package cargo contains the heart of the domain model.
Package cargo contains the heart of the domain model. |
Package handling provides the use-case for registering incidents.
Package handling provides the use-case for registering incidents. |
Package inmem provides in-memory implementations of all the domain repositories.
Package inmem provides in-memory implementations of all the domain repositories. |
Package inspection provides means to inspect cargos.
Package inspection provides means to inspect cargos. |
Package location provides the Location aggregate.
Package location provides the Location aggregate. |
Package routing provides the routing domain service.
Package routing provides the routing domain service. |
Package tracking provides the use-case of tracking a cargo.
Package tracking provides the use-case of tracking a cargo. |
Package voyage provides the Voyage aggregate.
Package voyage provides the Voyage aggregate. |
Package log provides a structured logger.
Package log provides a structured logger. |
Package level implements leveled logging on top of Go kit's log package.
Package level implements leveled logging on top of Go kit's log package. |
Package logrus provides an adapter to the yyf330 log.Logger interface.
Package logrus provides an adapter to the yyf330 log.Logger interface. |
Package term provides tools for logging to a terminal.
Package term provides tools for logging to a terminal. |
Package metrics provides a framework for application instrumentation.
Package metrics provides a framework for application instrumentation. |
Package cloudwatch2 emits all data as a StatisticsSet (rather than a singular Value) to CloudWatch via the aws-sdk-go-v2 SDK.
Package cloudwatch2 emits all data as a StatisticsSet (rather than a singular Value) to CloudWatch via the aws-sdk-go-v2 SDK. |
Package discard provides a no-op metrics backend.
Package discard provides a no-op metrics backend. |
Package dogstatsd provides a DogStatsD backend for package metrics.
Package dogstatsd provides a DogStatsD backend for package metrics. |
Package expvar provides expvar backends for metrics.
Package expvar provides expvar backends for metrics. |
Package generic implements generic versions of each of the metric types.
Package generic implements generic versions of each of the metric types. |
Package graphite provides a Graphite backend for metrics.
Package graphite provides a Graphite backend for metrics. |
Package influx provides an InfluxDB implementation for metrics.
Package influx provides an InfluxDB implementation for metrics. |
Package influxstatsd provides support for InfluxData's StatsD Telegraf plugin.
Package influxstatsd provides support for InfluxData's StatsD Telegraf plugin. |
Package convert provides a way to use Counters, Histograms, or Gauges as one of the other types
Package convert provides a way to use Counters, Histograms, or Gauges as one of the other types |
Package ratemap implements a goroutine-safe map of string to float64.
Package ratemap implements a goroutine-safe map of string to float64. |
Package multi provides adapters that send observations to multiple metrics simultaneously.
Package multi provides adapters that send observations to multiple metrics simultaneously. |
Package prometheus provides Prometheus implementations for metrics.
Package prometheus provides Prometheus implementations for metrics. |
Package provider provides a factory-like abstraction for metrics backends.
Package provider provides a factory-like abstraction for metrics backends. |
Package statsd provides a StatsD backend for package metrics.
Package statsd provides a StatsD backend for package metrics. |
Package teststat provides helpers for testing metrics backends.
Package teststat provides helpers for testing metrics backends. |
Package sd provides utilities related to service discovery.
Package sd provides utilities related to service discovery. |
Package consul provides Instancer and Registrar implementations for Consul.
Package consul provides Instancer and Registrar implementations for Consul. |
Package dnssrv provides an Instancer implementation for DNS SRV records.
Package dnssrv provides an Instancer implementation for DNS SRV records. |
Package etcd provides an Instancer and Registrar implementation for etcd.
Package etcd provides an Instancer and Registrar implementation for etcd. |
Package etcdv3 provides an Instancer and Registrar implementation for etcd v3.
Package etcdv3 provides an Instancer and Registrar implementation for etcd v3. |
Package eureka provides Instancer and Registrar implementations for Netflix OSS's Eureka
Package eureka provides Instancer and Registrar implementations for Netflix OSS's Eureka |
Package lb implements the client-side load balancer pattern.
Package lb implements the client-side load balancer pattern. |
Package zk provides Instancer and Registrar implementations for ZooKeeper.
Package zk provides Instancer and Registrar implementations for ZooKeeper. |
Package tracing provides helpers and bindings for distributed tracing.
Package tracing provides helpers and bindings for distributed tracing. |
Package opencensus provides Go kit integration to the OpenCensus project.
Package opencensus provides Go kit integration to the OpenCensus project. |
Package opentracing provides Go kit integration to the OpenTracing project.
Package opentracing provides Go kit integration to the OpenTracing project. |
Package zipkin provides Go kit integration to the OpenZipkin project through the use of zipkin-go, the official OpenZipkin tracer implementation for Go.
Package zipkin provides Go kit integration to the OpenZipkin project through the use of zipkin-go, the official OpenZipkin tracer implementation for Go. |
Package transport contains helpers applicable to all supported transports.
Package transport contains helpers applicable to all supported transports. |
Package amqp implements an AMQP transport.
Package amqp implements an AMQP transport. |
Package awslambda provides an AWS Lambda transport layer.
Package awslambda provides an AWS Lambda transport layer. |
Package grpc provides a gRPC binding for endpoints.
Package grpc provides a gRPC binding for endpoints. |
Package http provides a general purpose HTTP binding for endpoints.
Package http provides a general purpose HTTP binding for endpoints. |
Package jsonrpc provides a JSON RPC (v2.0) binding for endpoints.
Package jsonrpc provides a JSON RPC (v2.0) binding for endpoints. |
Package httprp provides an HTTP reverse-proxy transport.
Package httprp provides an HTTP reverse-proxy transport. |
Package nats provides a NATS transport.
Package nats provides a NATS transport. |
Package conn provides utilities related to connections.
Package conn provides utilities related to connections. |
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