A tool to keep track of your tokens across different protocols. Please copy config.sample.yml to ./config.yml to start, then edit based on your needs. You can change location of the DB
which defaults to $HOME/.coinwatch.db and configuration path using parameters, check coinwatch --help
for a full
list of options.
Inside the configuration every wallet gets data from a balance provider, currently the app supports the following options:
provides data on most substrate based tokenskraken
supports balance from Kraken exchange (any token)algoexplorer
currently support balance for algo token onlyminaexplorer
mina token balanceblockcypher
bitcoin balance
Telegram bot
The tool is meant to be run as a Telegram bot, it will provide a nice visualization of your tokens, start the bot using
coinwatch -v bot --chat-id YOURCHATID --token YOURTELEGRAMTOKEN
Right now supported commands are /sum and /allocation
Summary will output something like
30 May 22 15:36 +0200
Token Price EUR 1D 1M
GLMR 1.21€ 989€ -2.7% -0.1%
AZERO 0.948€ 295€ -1.4% +0.3%
ASTR 0.059€ 78€ +2.4% +1%
DOT 9.47€ 317€ -3.4% +5%
MOVR 20.8€ 254€ +16% +0.5%
Total 1933€ -2.6% +25%
1990 ┤ ╭─╮
1980 ┼╮│ │ ╭╮
1970 ┤││ ╰───╯╰╮
1960 ┤╰╯ ╰╮ ╭╮
1950 ┤ ╰╮╭╯╰─╮╭─╮
1940 ┤ ╰╯ ╰╯ ╰╮
1930 ┤ │ ╭─
1920 ┤ ╰╮│
1910 ┤ ╰╯
While allocation will show the actual token allocation
30 May 22 14:15 UTC
T Pct Bal Price 1D 1W
GLMR 70% 818 1.23€ +7.9% +4.2%
AZERO 20% 312 0.917€ +2.5% -8.8%
ASTR 5.6% 1.2K 0.061€ +13% +0%
DOT 2.2% 335 9.59€ +4.0% -1.5%
KSM 0.4% 8.54 70.3€ +4.7% -11%
A ready made Docker image is available at Docker hub, just do:
docker pull johnuopini/coinwatch:latest
There is no documentation for this package.