Shelbot - An IRC karma bot.
Shelbot is a simple IRC karma bot written in Golang.

Create a JSON configuration file with IRC details. By default Shelbot will look for this file in ~/.shelbot.conf
, this can be changed with the command line option -config <file>
"server": "",
"port": 6667,
"nick": "shelbot",
"channel": "#shelly",
"pass": "",
"user": "Sheldon Cooper"
Usage with systemd
- Build shelbot for your platform of choice, copy the binary over to your system
- Tailor the shelbot.service file provided under the systemd directory to suit your USER and GROUP
cp shelbot.service /etc/systemd/system
sudo systemctl daemon-reload
systemctl start|stop|status shelbot
Shelbot logs to ~/.shelbot.log
Shelbot usage
In channel, you can invoke shelbot commands as follows.
shelbot help
shelbot commands available: "help", "version", "query item", "topten", "bottomten"
Karma can be adjusted thusly: "foo++" and "bar--"
For data persistence, Shelbot stores karma as a JSON in the default location~/.shelbot.json
, this can be configured with the command line option -karmaFile <file>
License and Copyright
Copyright (c) 2017 David J Peacock -
Please see LICENSE file for details.