Small proxy-program to read playback status from PlaybackPro ( https://www.dtvideolabs.com/dt-videolabs-playbackpro-professional-video-playback/) and send it to https://gitlab.com/clock-8001/clock-8001 while control it via https://bitfocus.io/companion
PBP offers TCP and UDP remote, first is one client only, second gives no information what return values are. So need to combine both and proxy commands from UDP while poll status and send it via OSC. API-documentation of PBP: https://www.dtvideolabs.com/resources/PlaybackProPlusUserGuide.pdf
Use Mitti format ( https://imimot.com/help/mitti/external-controls/ )to send data to Clock-8001
Mac-build can be found: http://sytem.fi/pbp-kello/
If running on same mac as PBP and clock is listening broadacast, some timer set to listen port 21245, usage is:
- download file from above link
- open terminal
- mv Downloads/pbp-kello-mac-v .
- chmod a+x pbp-kello-mac-v
- open terminal if needed
- ./pbp-kello-
If needed, add parameters:
-clock string
IP-Address of Clock-8001 to send OSC, default broadcast (default "")
-clockport int
port to send OSC, check what timer is listening at clock-8001 (default 21245)
-pbp string
Address (and port if needed) of PBP, default port TCP 4647 (default "")
version history
v02 2022
- Basic functions to use in productions
v03 09/2023
- Change from legacy api to Mitti protocol
- Fixed still images crashing proxy
- Add timeout on zero to allow multiple timers on same source display
v04 09/2024
- adjust pbp-timeouts to get proxy better
- try to fix crash on replys arriving wrong order
v05 09/2024
- smaller delay so clock wont timeout us between messages
Teppo Rekola, sytem @ iki.fi