Go Patchmonkey
Golang library for interacting with the Patchmonkey API. Docs on the API can be
found here
Right now just check out the stuff in _examples/
. Still trying to figure out
how this all should work.
For the examples to work, export the PATCHMONKEY_TOKEN
env var to your
long lived token.
Auto Generated GraphQL Code
Code is generated from a schema using Genqlient.
Be sure to run go generate ./...
after making changes to the schema or query
go run ./fetch-schema/ > patchmonkey/schema.graphql
go generate ./...
Testing Tips
Check with http calls using something like this:
$ cat /tmp/gql.json
"query": "query Computers($name_search: String!, $show_retired: Boolean!) { computers(nameSearch: $name_search, showRetired: $show_retired) { name } }",
"operationName": "Computers",
"variables": {
"name_search": "drews",
"show_retired": false
$ curl -X POST -H "Content-Type: application/json" -H "Authorization: Bearer $(idms-oidc-tool get-shortlived-token -c 'patchmonkey' -e '/graphql' -t)" https://patchmonkey.oit.duke.edu/graphql -d @/tmp/gql.json