Overview ¶
Package hep is a simple placeholder to root all go-hep documentation
Example (Version) ¶
package main import ( "fmt" "" ) func main() { version, sum := hep.Version() fmt.Printf("Go-HEP version: %q\n", version) fmt.Printf(" checksum: %q\n", sum) }
Index ¶
Examples ¶
Constants ¶
This section is empty.
Variables ¶
This section is empty.
Functions ¶
Types ¶
This section is empty.
Path | Synopsis |
Package brio is a set of tools to handle binary (de)serialized data.
Package brio is a set of tools to handle binary (de)serialized data. |
Command brio-gen generates (un)marshaler code for types.
Command brio-gen generates (un)marshaler code for types. |
arrow2root converts the content of an ARROW file to a ROOT TTree.
arrow2root converts the content of an ARROW file to a ROOT TTree. |
fits2root converts the content of a FITS table to a ROOT file and tree.
fits2root converts the content of a FITS table to a ROOT file and tree. |
Command hepmc2root converts a HepMC2 ASCII file into a ROOT file and (flat) tree.
Command hepmc2root converts a HepMC2 ASCII file into a ROOT file and (flat) tree. |
lhef2hepmc converts a LHEF input file into a HepMC file.
lhef2hepmc converts a LHEF input file into a HepMC file. |
Command npy2root converts the content of a NumPy data file to a ROOT file and tree.
Command npy2root converts the content of a NumPy data file to a ROOT file and tree. |
Command podio-gen generates a complete EDM from a PODIO YAML file definition.
Command podio-gen generates a complete EDM from a PODIO YAML file definition. |
rio2yoda converts rio files containing hbook values (H1D, H2D, P1D, ...) into YODA files.
rio2yoda converts rio files containing hbook values (H1D, H2D, P1D, ...) into YODA files. |
root2arrow converts the content of a ROOT TTree to an ARROW file.
root2arrow converts the content of a ROOT TTree to an ARROW file. |
root2csv converts the content of a ROOT TTree to a CSV file.
root2csv converts the content of a ROOT TTree to a CSV file. |
root2fits converts the content of a ROOT tree to a FITS (binary) table.
root2fits converts the content of a ROOT tree to a FITS (binary) table. |
root2npy converts the content of a ROOT TTree to a NumPy data file.
root2npy converts the content of a ROOT TTree to a NumPy data file. |
root2yoda converts ROOT files containing hbook-like values (H1D, H2D, ...) into YODA files.
root2yoda converts ROOT files containing hbook-like values (H1D, H2D, ...) into YODA files. |
yoda2rio converts YODA files containing hbook-like values (H1D, H2D, P1D, ...) into rio files.
yoda2rio converts YODA files containing hbook-like values (H1D, H2D, P1D, ...) into rio files. |
yoda2root converts YODA files containing hbook-like values (H1D, H2D, P1D, ...) into ROOT files.
yoda2root converts YODA files containing hbook-like values (H1D, H2D, P1D, ...) into ROOT files. |
Package csvutil exposes functions and types to easily handle CSV files.
Package csvutil exposes functions and types to easily handle CSV files. |
package csvdriver registers a database/sql/driver.Driver implementation for CSV files.
package csvdriver registers a database/sql/driver.Driver implementation for CSV files. |
Package fads exposes building blocks for a fast simulation of a HEP detector.
Package fads exposes building blocks for a fast simulation of a HEP detector. |
fads-app is a command that runs a simple ATLAS-like detector simulation, modelled after the C++ Delphes ATLAS data-card.
fads-app is a command that runs a simple ATLAS-like detector simulation, modelled after the C++ Delphes ATLAS data-card. |
fads-rivet-mc-generic is a command mirroring the MC_GENERIC analysis example from Rivet.
fads-rivet-mc-generic is a command mirroring the MC_GENERIC analysis example from Rivet. |
Package fastjet is a Go-based implementation of the C++ FastJet library.
Package fastjet is a Go-based implementation of the C++ FastJet library. |
package delaunay contains functions to compute a Delaunay Triangulation
package delaunay contains functions to compute a Delaunay Triangulation |
package heap implements a min-heap for pairs of jets.
package heap implements a min-heap for pairs of jets. |
package predicates handles the geometric predicates for a delaunay triangulation
package predicates handles the geometric predicates for a delaunay triangulation |
Package fit provides functions to fit data.
Package fit provides functions to fit data. |
Package fmom provides types and functions to operate with Lorentz 4-vectors.
Package fmom provides types and functions to operate with Lorentz 4-vectors. |
Package fwk provides a set of tools to process High Energy Physics events data.
Package fwk provides a set of tools to process High Energy Physics events data. |
package builder builds a fwk-app binary from a list of go files.
package builder builds a fwk-app binary from a list of go files. |
The parallel package provides a way of running functions concurrently while limiting the maximum number running at once.
The parallel package provides a way of running functions concurrently while limiting the maximum number running at once. |
package tarjan implements a graph loop detection algorithm called Tarjan's algorithm.
package tarjan implements a graph loop detection algorithm called Tarjan's algorithm. |
Package gdml parses and interprets GDML files.
Package gdml parses and interprets GDML files. |
Package groot provides a pure-go read/write-access to ROOT files.
Package groot provides a pure-go read/write-access to ROOT files. |
root-cp selects and copies keys from a ROOT file to another ROOT file.
root-cp selects and copies keys from a ROOT file to another ROOT file. |
root-diff compares the content of 2 ROOT files, including the content of their Trees (for all entries), if any.
root-diff compares the content of 2 ROOT files, including the content of their Trees (for all entries), if any. |
root-dump dumps the content of a ROOT file, including the content of the Trees (for all entries), if any.
root-dump dumps the content of a ROOT file, including the content of the Trees (for all entries), if any. |
Command root-gen-datareader generates a Go struct to easily read the event data type stored inside a Tree.
Command root-gen-datareader generates a Go struct to easily read the event data type stored inside a Tree. |
Command root-gen-rfunc generates a rfunc.Formula based on a function signature or an already existing function.
Command root-gen-rfunc generates a rfunc.Formula based on a function signature or an already existing function. |
Command root-gen-streamer generates a StreamerInfo for ROOT and user types.
Command root-gen-streamer generates a StreamerInfo for ROOT and user types. |
Command root-gen-type generates a Go type from the StreamerInfo contained in a ROOT file.
Command root-gen-type generates a Go type from the StreamerInfo contained in a ROOT file. |
root-ls lists the content of a ROOT file.
root-ls lists the content of a ROOT file. |
root-merge merges ROOT files' content into a merged ROOT file.
root-merge merges ROOT files' content into a merged ROOT file. |
root-print prints ROOT files contents to PDF, PNG, ...
root-print prints ROOT files contents to PDF, PNG, ... |
root-split splits an input file+tree into multiple output ROOT files, each containing N entries.
root-split splits an input file+tree into multiple output ROOT files, each containing N entries. |
root-srv runs a web server that can inspect and browse ROOT files.
root-srv runs a web server that can inspect and browse ROOT files. |
Package rntup contains types to handle RNTuple-related data.
Package rntup contains types to handle RNTuple-related data. |
Package httpio provides types for basic I/O interfaces over HTTP.
Package httpio provides types for basic I/O interfaces over HTTP. |
rcompress provides types and functions to compress and decompress ROOT data payloads.
rcompress provides types and functions to compress and decompress ROOT data payloads. |
Package rarrow handles conversion between ROOT and ARROW data models.
Package rarrow handles conversion between ROOT and ARROW data models. |
Package rbase contains the definitions of ROOT base classes.
Package rbase contains the definitions of ROOT base classes. |
Package rbytes contains the definitions of types useful for serializing and deserializing ROOT data buffers.
Package rbytes contains the definitions of types useful for serializing and deserializing ROOT data buffers. |
Package rcmd provides helper functions containing the logic of various root-xyz commands.
Package rcmd provides helper functions containing the logic of various root-xyz commands. |
Package rcont contains the definitions of ROOT container types, such as TList, THashList and TObjArray.
Package rcont contains the definitions of ROOT container types, such as TList, THashList and TObjArray. |
Package rdict contains the definition of ROOT streamers and facilities to generate new streamers meta data from user types.
Package rdict contains the definition of ROOT streamers and facilities to generate new streamers meta data from user types. |
Package rhist contains the interfaces and definitions of ROOT types related to histograms and graphs.
Package rhist contains the interfaces and definitions of ROOT types related to histograms and graphs. |
Package riofs contains the types and low-level functions to deal with opening and creating ROOT files, and decoding the internal structure of ROOT files.
Package riofs contains the types and low-level functions to deal with opening and creating ROOT files, and decoding the internal structure of ROOT files. |
Package http is a plugin for riofs.Open to support opening ROOT files over http(s).
Package http is a plugin for riofs.Open to support opening ROOT files over http(s). |
Package xrootd is a plugin for riofs.Open to support opening ROOT files over xrootd.
Package xrootd is a plugin for riofs.Open to support opening ROOT files over xrootd. |
Package rjson contains tools to marshal ROOT objects to JSON.
Package rjson contains tools to marshal ROOT objects to JSON. |
Package rmeta provides tools to interoperate with ROOT Meta.
Package rmeta provides tools to interoperate with ROOT Meta. |
Package rnpy handles conversions between ROOT and NumPy arrays.
Package rnpy handles conversions between ROOT and NumPy arrays. |
Package root defines ROOT core interfaces.
Package root defines ROOT core interfaces. |
Package rpad contains the definitions of ROOT graphics base classes.
Package rpad contains the definitions of ROOT graphics base classes. |
Package rphys contains definitions for physics-related ROOT classes.
Package rphys contains definitions for physics-related ROOT classes. |
Package rsql provides a convenient access to ROOT files/trees as a database.
Package rsql provides a convenient access to ROOT files/trees as a database. |
Package rsqldrv registers a database/sql/driver.Driver implementation for ROOT files.
Package rsqldrv registers a database/sql/driver.Driver implementation for ROOT files. |
Package rsrv exposes HTTP end-points to manipulate ROOT files.
Package rsrv exposes HTTP end-points to manipulate ROOT files. |
Package rtree contains the interfaces and types to decode, read, concatenate and iterate over ROOT Trees.
Package rtree contains the interfaces and types to decode, read, concatenate and iterate over ROOT Trees. |
Package rfunc provides types and funcs to implement user-provided formulae evaluated on data exposed by ROOT trees.
Package rfunc provides types and funcs to implement user-provided formulae evaluated on data exposed by ROOT trees. |
Package rtypes contains the means to register types (ROOT ones and user defined ones) with the ROOT type factory.
Package rtypes contains the means to register types (ROOT ones and user defined ones) with the ROOT type factory. |
Package rvers contains the ROOT version and the classes' versions groot is supporting and currently reading.
Package rvers contains the ROOT version and the classes' versions groot is supporting and currently reading. |
Package ztypes holds all the types registered with the rtypes factory.
Package ztypes holds all the types registered with the rtypes factory. |
Package hbook is a set of data analysis tools for HEP (histograms (1D, 2D, 3D), profiles and ntuples).
Package hbook is a set of data analysis tools for HEP (histograms (1D, 2D, 3D), profiles and ntuples). |
Package ntup provides a way to create, open and iterate over n-tuple data.
Package ntup provides a way to create, open and iterate over n-tuple data. |
Package ntcsv provides a convenient access to CSV files as n-tuple data.
Package ntcsv provides a convenient access to CSV files as n-tuple data. |
Package ntroot provides convenience functions to access ROOT trees as n-tuple data.
Package ntroot provides convenience functions to access ROOT trees as n-tuple data. |
Package rootcnv provides tools to convert ROOT histograms and graphs to go-hep/hbook ones.
Package rootcnv provides tools to convert ROOT histograms and graphs to go-hep/hbook ones. |
Package yodacnv provides tools to read/write YODA archive files.
Package yodacnv provides tools to read/write YODA archive files. |
Package hepevt provides access to the HEPEVT event format record from FORTRAN-77.
Package hepevt provides access to the HEPEVT event format record from FORTRAN-77. |
Package hepmc is a pure Go implementation of the C++ HepMC-2 library.
Package hepmc is a pure Go implementation of the C++ HepMC-2 library. |
go-hepmc-dump is a simple command to dump in an almost human-friendly format the content of a hepmc file.
go-hepmc-dump is a simple command to dump in an almost human-friendly format the content of a hepmc file. |
Package rootcnv provides tools to convert between HepMC2 data types and ROOT data structures.
Package rootcnv provides tools to convert between HepMC2 data types and ROOT data structures. |
Package heppdt provides access to the HEP Particle Data Table.
Package heppdt provides access to the HEP Particle Data Table. |
Package hplot is a package to plot histograms, n-tuples and functions
Package hplot is a package to plot histograms, n-tuples and functions |
hplot is a simple gnuplot-like command to create plots
hplot is a simple gnuplot-like command to create plots |
Package vgop provides tools to record a set of vector graphics operations.
Package vgop provides tools to record a set of vector graphics operations. |
Package diff provides basic text comparison (like Unix's diff(1)).
Package diff provides basic text comparison (like Unix's diff(1)). |
Package lcio provides read/write access to the LCIO data model.
Package lcio provides read/write access to the LCIO data model. |
lcio-ls displays the content of a LCIO file.
lcio-ls displays the content of a LCIO file. |
lcio-ex-read-event is the hep/x/lcio example equivalent to:
lcio-ex-read-event is the hep/x/lcio example equivalent to: |
Package lhef implements the "Les Houches Event File" data format.
Package lhef implements the "Les Houches Event File" data format. |
pawgo is a simple interactive shell to quickly plot hbook histograms from rio files.
pawgo is a simple interactive shell to quickly plot hbook histograms from rio files. |
Package rio is a record-oriented persistency mechanism.
Package rio is a record-oriented persistency mechanism. |
rio-ls-records displays the list of records stored in a given rio file.
rio-ls-records displays the list of records stored in a given rio file. |
Package sio implements a record-oriented persistency mechanism.
Package sio implements a record-oriented persistency mechanism. |
Package slha implements encoding and decoding of SUSY Les Houches Accords (SLHA) data format.
Package slha implements encoding and decoding of SUSY Les Houches Accords (SLHA) data format. |
Package sliceop provides operations on slices not available in the stdlib slices package.
Package sliceop provides operations on slices not available in the stdlib slices package. |
Package f64s provides common operations on float64 slices.
Package f64s provides common operations on float64 slices. |
Package xrootd implements the XRootD protocol from
Package xrootd implements the XRootD protocol from |
Command xrd-client provides access to data hosted on XRootD clusters.
Command xrd-client provides access to data hosted on XRootD clusters. |
Command xrd-cp copies files and directories from a remote xrootd server to local storage.
Command xrd-cp copies files and directories from a remote xrootd server to local storage. |
Command xrd-ls lists directory contents on a remote xrootd server.
Command xrd-ls lists directory contents on a remote xrootd server. |
Command xrd-srv serves data from a local filesystem over the XRootD protocol.
Command xrd-srv serves data from a local filesystem over the XRootD protocol. |
Package mux implements the multiplexer that manages access to and writes data to the channels by corresponding StreamID from xrootd protocol specification.
Package mux implements the multiplexer that manages access to and writes data to the channels by corresponding StreamID from xrootd protocol specification. |
Package xrdfs contains structures representing the XRootD-based filesystem.
Package xrdfs contains structures representing the XRootD-based filesystem. |
Package xrdio provides a File type that implements various interfaces from the io package.
Package xrdio provides a File type that implements various interfaces from the io package. |
Package protocol contains the XRootD protocol specific types and methods to handle them, such as marshalling and unmarshalling requests.
Package protocol contains the XRootD protocol specific types and methods to handle them, such as marshalling and unmarshalling requests. |
Package admin contains the types related to the admin request.
Package admin contains the types related to the admin request. |
Package auth contains the structures describing auth request.
Package auth contains the structures describing auth request. |
Package host contains the implementation for the "host" security provider.
Package host contains the implementation for the "host" security provider. |
Package krb5 contains the implementation of krb5 (Kerberos) security provider.
Package krb5 contains the implementation of krb5 (Kerberos) security provider. |
Package unix contains the implementation of unix security provider.
Package unix contains the implementation of unix security provider. |
Package bind contains the structures describing bind request and response.
Package bind contains the structures describing bind request and response. |
Package chmod contains the structures describing chmod request.
Package chmod contains the structures describing chmod request. |
Package decrypt contains the types related to the decrypt request.
Package decrypt contains the types related to the decrypt request. |
Package dirlist contains the structures describing request and response for dirlist request used to obtain the contents of a directory.
Package dirlist contains the structures describing request and response for dirlist request used to obtain the contents of a directory. |
Package endsess contains the types related to the endsess request.
Package endsess contains the types related to the endsess request. |
Package handshake contains the structures describing request and response for handshake request (see XRootD specification).
Package handshake contains the structures describing request and response for handshake request (see XRootD specification). |
Package locate contains the types related to the locate request.
Package locate contains the types related to the locate request. |
Package login contains the structures describing request and response for login request.
Package login contains the structures describing request and response for login request. |
Package mkdir contains the structures describing mkdir request.
Package mkdir contains the structures describing mkdir request. |
Package mv contains the structures describing mv request.
Package mv contains the structures describing mv request. |
Package open contains the structures describing request and response for open request.
Package open contains the structures describing request and response for open request. |
Package ping contains the structures describing ping request.
Package ping contains the structures describing ping request. |
Package prepare contains the types related to the prepare request.
Package prepare contains the types related to the prepare request. |
Package protocol contains the structures describing request and response for protocol request (see XRootD specification).
Package protocol contains the structures describing request and response for protocol request (see XRootD specification). |
Package query contains the types related to the query request.
Package query contains the types related to the query request. |
Package read contains the structures describing request and response for read request.
Package read contains the structures describing request and response for read request. |
Package rm contains the structures describing rm request.
Package rm contains the structures describing rm request. |
Package rmdir contains the structures describing rmdir request.
Package rmdir contains the structures describing rmdir request. |
Package signing contains implementation of a way to check if request should be signed according to XRootD protocol specification v.
Package signing contains implementation of a way to check if request should be signed according to XRootD protocol specification v. |
Package sigver contains the structures describing sigver request.
Package sigver contains the structures describing sigver request. |
Package stat contains the structures describing request and response for stat request.
Package stat contains the structures describing request and response for stat request. |
Package statx contains the structures describing request and response for statx request.
Package statx contains the structures describing request and response for statx request. |
Package sync contains the structures describing sync request.
Package sync contains the structures describing sync request. |
Package truncate contains the structures describing truncate request.
Package truncate contains the structures describing truncate request. |
Package verifyw contains the structures describing verifyw request.
Package verifyw contains the structures describing verifyw request. |
Package write contains the structures describing write request.
Package write contains the structures describing write request. |
Package xrdclose contains the structures describing request and response for close request.
Package xrdclose contains the structures describing request and response for close request. |
Click to show internal directories.
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