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Published: Jul 25, 2024 License: Apache-2.0 Imports: 7 Imported by: 409




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var (
	MetricDescriptor_MetricKind_name = map[int32]string{
		1: "GAUGE",
		2: "DELTA",
	MetricDescriptor_MetricKind_value = map[string]int32{
		"GAUGE":                   1,
		"DELTA":                   2,
		"CUMULATIVE":              3,

Enum value maps for MetricDescriptor_MetricKind.

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var (
	MetricDescriptor_ValueType_name = map[int32]string{
		1: "BOOL",
		2: "INT64",
		3: "DOUBLE",
		4: "STRING",
		6: "MONEY",
	MetricDescriptor_ValueType_value = map[string]int32{
		"BOOL":                   1,
		"INT64":                  2,
		"DOUBLE":                 3,
		"STRING":                 4,
		"DISTRIBUTION":           5,
		"MONEY":                  6,

Enum value maps for MetricDescriptor_ValueType.

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var File_google_api_metric_proto protoreflect.FileDescriptor


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type Metric

type Metric struct {

	// An existing metric type, see
	// [google.api.MetricDescriptor][google.api.MetricDescriptor]. For example,
	// ``.
	Type string `protobuf:"bytes,3,opt,name=type,proto3" json:"type,omitempty"`
	// The set of label values that uniquely identify this metric. All
	// labels listed in the `MetricDescriptor` must be assigned values.
	Labels map[string]string `` /* 153-byte string literal not displayed */
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

A specific metric, identified by specifying values for all of the labels of a [`MetricDescriptor`][google.api.MetricDescriptor].

func (*Metric) Descriptor deprecated

func (*Metric) Descriptor() ([]byte, []int)

Deprecated: Use Metric.ProtoReflect.Descriptor instead.

func (*Metric) GetLabels

func (x *Metric) GetLabels() map[string]string

func (*Metric) GetType

func (x *Metric) GetType() string

func (*Metric) ProtoMessage

func (*Metric) ProtoMessage()

func (*Metric) ProtoReflect

func (x *Metric) ProtoReflect() protoreflect.Message

func (*Metric) Reset

func (x *Metric) Reset()

func (*Metric) String

func (x *Metric) String() string

type MetricDescriptor

type MetricDescriptor struct {

	// The resource name of the metric descriptor.
	Name string `protobuf:"bytes,1,opt,name=name,proto3" json:"name,omitempty"`
	// The metric type, including its DNS name prefix. The type is not
	// URL-encoded. All user-defined metric types have the DNS name
	// `` or ``. Metric types should
	// use a natural hierarchical grouping. For example:
	//	""
	//	""
	//	""
	Type string `protobuf:"bytes,8,opt,name=type,proto3" json:"type,omitempty"`
	// The set of labels that can be used to describe a specific
	// instance of this metric type. For example, the
	// `` metric
	// type has a label for the HTTP response code, `response_code`, so
	// you can look at latencies for successful responses or just
	// for responses that failed.
	Labels []*label.LabelDescriptor `protobuf:"bytes,2,rep,name=labels,proto3" json:"labels,omitempty"`
	// Whether the metric records instantaneous values, changes to a value, etc.
	// Some combinations of `metric_kind` and `value_type` might not be supported.
	MetricKind MetricDescriptor_MetricKind `` /* 136-byte string literal not displayed */
	// Whether the measurement is an integer, a floating-point number, etc.
	// Some combinations of `metric_kind` and `value_type` might not be supported.
	ValueType MetricDescriptor_ValueType `` /* 132-byte string literal not displayed */
	// The units in which the metric value is reported. It is only applicable
	// if the `value_type` is `INT64`, `DOUBLE`, or `DISTRIBUTION`. The `unit`
	// defines the representation of the stored metric values.
	// Different systems might scale the values to be more easily displayed (so a
	// value of `0.02kBy` _might_ be displayed as `20By`, and a value of
	// `3523kBy` _might_ be displayed as `3.5MBy`). However, if the `unit` is
	// `kBy`, then the value of the metric is always in thousands of bytes, no
	// matter how it might be displayed.
	// If you want a custom metric to record the exact number of CPU-seconds used
	// by a job, you can create an `INT64 CUMULATIVE` metric whose `unit` is
	// `s{CPU}` (or equivalently `1s{CPU}` or just `s`). If the job uses 12,005
	// CPU-seconds, then the value is written as `12005`.
	// Alternatively, if you want a custom metric to record data in a more
	// granular way, you can create a `DOUBLE CUMULATIVE` metric whose `unit` is
	// `ks{CPU}`, and then write the value `12.005` (which is `12005/1000`),
	// or use `Kis{CPU}` and write `11.723` (which is `12005/1024`).
	// The supported units are a subset of [The Unified Code for Units of
	// Measure]( standard:
	// **Basic units (UNIT)**
	// * `bit`   bit
	// * `By`    byte
	// * `s`     second
	// * `min`   minute
	// * `h`     hour
	// * `d`     day
	// * `1`     dimensionless
	// **Prefixes (PREFIX)**
	// * `k`     kilo    (10^3)
	// * `M`     mega    (10^6)
	// * `G`     giga    (10^9)
	// * `T`     tera    (10^12)
	// * `P`     peta    (10^15)
	// * `E`     exa     (10^18)
	// * `Z`     zetta   (10^21)
	// * `Y`     yotta   (10^24)
	// * `m`     milli   (10^-3)
	// * `u`     micro   (10^-6)
	// * `n`     nano    (10^-9)
	// * `p`     pico    (10^-12)
	// * `f`     femto   (10^-15)
	// * `a`     atto    (10^-18)
	// * `z`     zepto   (10^-21)
	// * `y`     yocto   (10^-24)
	// * `Ki`    kibi    (2^10)
	// * `Mi`    mebi    (2^20)
	// * `Gi`    gibi    (2^30)
	// * `Ti`    tebi    (2^40)
	// * `Pi`    pebi    (2^50)
	// **Grammar**
	// The grammar also includes these connectors:
	//   - `/`    division or ratio (as an infix operator). For examples,
	//     `kBy/{email}` or `MiBy/10ms` (although you should almost never
	//     have `/s` in a metric `unit`; rates should always be computed at
	//     query time from the underlying cumulative or delta value).
	//   - `.`    multiplication or composition (as an infix operator). For
	//     examples, `GBy.d` or `k{watt}.h`.
	// The grammar for a unit is as follows:
	//	Expression = Component { "." Component } { "/" Component } ;
	//	Component = ( [ PREFIX ] UNIT | "%" ) [ Annotation ]
	//	          | Annotation
	//	          | "1"
	//	          ;
	//	Annotation = "{" NAME "}" ;
	// Notes:
	//   - `Annotation` is just a comment if it follows a `UNIT`. If the annotation
	//     is used alone, then the unit is equivalent to `1`. For examples,
	//     `{request}/s == 1/s`, `By{transmitted}/s == By/s`.
	//   - `NAME` is a sequence of non-blank printable ASCII characters not
	//     containing `{` or `}`.
	//   - `1` represents a unitary [dimensionless
	//     unit]( of 1, such
	//     as in `1/s`. It is typically used when none of the basic units are
	//     appropriate. For example, "new users per day" can be represented as
	//     `1/d` or `{new-users}/d` (and a metric value `5` would mean "5 new
	//     users). Alternatively, "thousands of page views per day" would be
	//     represented as `1000/d` or `k1/d` or `k{page_views}/d` (and a metric
	//     value of `5.3` would mean "5300 page views per day").
	//   - `%` represents dimensionless value of 1/100, and annotates values giving
	//     a percentage (so the metric values are typically in the range of 0..100,
	//     and a metric value `3` means "3 percent").
	//   - `10^2.%` indicates a metric contains a ratio, typically in the range
	//     0..1, that will be multiplied by 100 and displayed as a percentage
	//     (so a metric value `0.03` means "3 percent").
	Unit string `protobuf:"bytes,5,opt,name=unit,proto3" json:"unit,omitempty"`
	// A detailed description of the metric, which can be used in documentation.
	Description string `protobuf:"bytes,6,opt,name=description,proto3" json:"description,omitempty"`
	// A concise name for the metric, which can be displayed in user interfaces.
	// Use sentence case without an ending period, for example "Request count".
	// This field is optional but it is recommended to be set for any metrics
	// associated with user-visible concepts, such as Quota.
	DisplayName string `protobuf:"bytes,7,opt,name=display_name,json=displayName,proto3" json:"display_name,omitempty"`
	// Optional. Metadata which can be used to guide usage of the metric.
	Metadata *MetricDescriptor_MetricDescriptorMetadata `protobuf:"bytes,10,opt,name=metadata,proto3" json:"metadata,omitempty"`
	// Optional. The launch stage of the metric definition.
	LaunchStage api.LaunchStage `protobuf:"varint,12,opt,name=launch_stage,json=launchStage,proto3,enum=google.api.LaunchStage" json:"launch_stage,omitempty"`
	// Read-only. If present, then a [time
	// series][google.monitoring.v3.TimeSeries], which is identified partially by
	// a metric type and a
	// [MonitoredResourceDescriptor][google.api.MonitoredResourceDescriptor], that
	// is associated with this metric type can only be associated with one of the
	// monitored resource types listed here.
	MonitoredResourceTypes []string `` /* 130-byte string literal not displayed */
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

Defines a metric type and its schema. Once a metric descriptor is created, deleting or altering it stops data collection and makes the metric type's existing data unusable.

func (*MetricDescriptor) Descriptor deprecated

func (*MetricDescriptor) Descriptor() ([]byte, []int)

Deprecated: Use MetricDescriptor.ProtoReflect.Descriptor instead.

func (*MetricDescriptor) GetDescription

func (x *MetricDescriptor) GetDescription() string

func (*MetricDescriptor) GetDisplayName

func (x *MetricDescriptor) GetDisplayName() string

func (*MetricDescriptor) GetLabels

func (x *MetricDescriptor) GetLabels() []*label.LabelDescriptor

func (*MetricDescriptor) GetLaunchStage

func (x *MetricDescriptor) GetLaunchStage() api.LaunchStage

func (*MetricDescriptor) GetMetadata

func (*MetricDescriptor) GetMetricKind

func (x *MetricDescriptor) GetMetricKind() MetricDescriptor_MetricKind

func (*MetricDescriptor) GetMonitoredResourceTypes

func (x *MetricDescriptor) GetMonitoredResourceTypes() []string

func (*MetricDescriptor) GetName

func (x *MetricDescriptor) GetName() string

func (*MetricDescriptor) GetType

func (x *MetricDescriptor) GetType() string

func (*MetricDescriptor) GetUnit

func (x *MetricDescriptor) GetUnit() string

func (*MetricDescriptor) GetValueType

func (x *MetricDescriptor) GetValueType() MetricDescriptor_ValueType

func (*MetricDescriptor) ProtoMessage

func (*MetricDescriptor) ProtoMessage()

func (*MetricDescriptor) ProtoReflect

func (x *MetricDescriptor) ProtoReflect() protoreflect.Message

func (*MetricDescriptor) Reset

func (x *MetricDescriptor) Reset()

func (*MetricDescriptor) String

func (x *MetricDescriptor) String() string

type MetricDescriptor_MetricDescriptorMetadata

type MetricDescriptor_MetricDescriptorMetadata struct {

	// Deprecated. Must use the
	// [MetricDescriptor.launch_stage][google.api.MetricDescriptor.launch_stage]
	// instead.
	// Deprecated: Do not use.
	LaunchStage api.LaunchStage `protobuf:"varint,1,opt,name=launch_stage,json=launchStage,proto3,enum=google.api.LaunchStage" json:"launch_stage,omitempty"`
	// The sampling period of metric data points. For metrics which are written
	// periodically, consecutive data points are stored at this time interval,
	// excluding data loss due to errors. Metrics with a higher granularity have
	// a smaller sampling period.
	SamplePeriod *durationpb.Duration `protobuf:"bytes,2,opt,name=sample_period,json=samplePeriod,proto3" json:"sample_period,omitempty"`
	// The delay of data points caused by ingestion. Data points older than this
	// age are guaranteed to be ingested and available to be read, excluding
	// data loss due to errors.
	IngestDelay *durationpb.Duration `protobuf:"bytes,3,opt,name=ingest_delay,json=ingestDelay,proto3" json:"ingest_delay,omitempty"`
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

Additional annotations that can be used to guide the usage of a metric.

func (*MetricDescriptor_MetricDescriptorMetadata) Descriptor deprecated

func (*MetricDescriptor_MetricDescriptorMetadata) Descriptor() ([]byte, []int)

Deprecated: Use MetricDescriptor_MetricDescriptorMetadata.ProtoReflect.Descriptor instead.

func (*MetricDescriptor_MetricDescriptorMetadata) GetIngestDelay

func (*MetricDescriptor_MetricDescriptorMetadata) GetLaunchStage deprecated

Deprecated: Do not use.

func (*MetricDescriptor_MetricDescriptorMetadata) GetSamplePeriod

func (*MetricDescriptor_MetricDescriptorMetadata) ProtoMessage

func (*MetricDescriptor_MetricDescriptorMetadata) ProtoReflect

func (*MetricDescriptor_MetricDescriptorMetadata) Reset

func (*MetricDescriptor_MetricDescriptorMetadata) String

type MetricDescriptor_MetricKind

type MetricDescriptor_MetricKind int32

The kind of measurement. It describes how the data is reported. For information on setting the start time and end time based on the MetricKind, see [TimeInterval][google.monitoring.v3.TimeInterval].

const (
	// Do not use this default value.
	MetricDescriptor_METRIC_KIND_UNSPECIFIED MetricDescriptor_MetricKind = 0
	// An instantaneous measurement of a value.
	MetricDescriptor_GAUGE MetricDescriptor_MetricKind = 1
	// The change in a value during a time interval.
	MetricDescriptor_DELTA MetricDescriptor_MetricKind = 2
	// A value accumulated over a time interval.  Cumulative
	// measurements in a time series should have the same start time
	// and increasing end times, until an event resets the cumulative
	// value to zero and sets a new start time for the following
	// points.
	MetricDescriptor_CUMULATIVE MetricDescriptor_MetricKind = 3

func (MetricDescriptor_MetricKind) Descriptor

func (MetricDescriptor_MetricKind) Enum

func (MetricDescriptor_MetricKind) EnumDescriptor deprecated

func (MetricDescriptor_MetricKind) EnumDescriptor() ([]byte, []int)

Deprecated: Use MetricDescriptor_MetricKind.Descriptor instead.

func (MetricDescriptor_MetricKind) Number

func (MetricDescriptor_MetricKind) String

func (MetricDescriptor_MetricKind) Type

type MetricDescriptor_ValueType

type MetricDescriptor_ValueType int32

The value type of a metric.

const (
	// Do not use this default value.
	MetricDescriptor_VALUE_TYPE_UNSPECIFIED MetricDescriptor_ValueType = 0
	// The value is a boolean.
	// This value type can be used only if the metric kind is `GAUGE`.
	MetricDescriptor_BOOL MetricDescriptor_ValueType = 1
	// The value is a signed 64-bit integer.
	MetricDescriptor_INT64 MetricDescriptor_ValueType = 2
	// The value is a double precision floating point number.
	MetricDescriptor_DOUBLE MetricDescriptor_ValueType = 3
	// The value is a text string.
	// This value type can be used only if the metric kind is `GAUGE`.
	MetricDescriptor_STRING MetricDescriptor_ValueType = 4
	// The value is a [`Distribution`][google.api.Distribution].
	MetricDescriptor_DISTRIBUTION MetricDescriptor_ValueType = 5
	// The value is money.
	MetricDescriptor_MONEY MetricDescriptor_ValueType = 6

func (MetricDescriptor_ValueType) Descriptor

func (MetricDescriptor_ValueType) Enum

func (MetricDescriptor_ValueType) EnumDescriptor deprecated

func (MetricDescriptor_ValueType) EnumDescriptor() ([]byte, []int)

Deprecated: Use MetricDescriptor_ValueType.Descriptor instead.

func (MetricDescriptor_ValueType) Number

func (MetricDescriptor_ValueType) String

func (MetricDescriptor_ValueType) Type

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