Overview ¶
Package libvirt-go-xml-module defines structs for parsing libvirt XML schemas
The libvirt API uses XML schemas/documents to describe the configuration of many of its managed objects. Thus when using the libvirt-go package, it is often neccessary to either parse or format XML documents. This package defines a set of Go structs which have been annotated for use with the encoding/xml API to manage libvirt XML documents.
Example creating a domain XML document from configuration:
package main import ( "" ) func main() { domcfg := &libvirtxml.Domain{Type: "kvm", Name: "demo", UUID: "8f99e332-06c4-463a-9099-330fb244e1b3", ....} xmldoc, err := domcfg.Marshal() }
Example parsing a domainXML document, in combination with libvirt-go
package main import ( "" "" "fmt" ) func main() { conn, err := libvirt.NewConnect("qemu:///system") dom, err := conn.LookupDomainByName("demo") xmldoc, err := dom.GetXMLDesc(0) domcfg := &libvirtxml.Domain{} err = domcfg.Unmarshal(xmldoc) fmt.Printf("Virt type %s\n", domcfg.Type) }
Index ¶
- type Caps
- type CapsGuest
- type CapsGuestArch
- type CapsGuestDomain
- type CapsGuestFeatureACPI
- type CapsGuestFeatureAPIC
- type CapsGuestFeatureCPUSelection
- type CapsGuestFeatureDeviceBoot
- type CapsGuestFeatureDiskSnapshot
- type CapsGuestFeatureIA64BE
- type CapsGuestFeatureNonPAE
- type CapsGuestFeaturePAE
- type CapsGuestFeatures
- type CapsGuestMachine
- type CapsHost
- type CapsHostCPU
- type CapsHostCPUCache
- type CapsHostCPUCounter
- type CapsHostCPUFeature
- type CapsHostCPUFeatureFlag
- type CapsHostCPUFeatures
- type CapsHostCPUMaxPhysAddr
- type CapsHostCPUMicrocode
- type CapsHostCPUPageSize
- type CapsHostCPUSignature
- type CapsHostCPUTopology
- type CapsHostCache
- type CapsHostCacheBank
- type CapsHostCacheControl
- type CapsHostCacheMonitor
- type CapsHostCacheMonitorFeature
- type CapsHostIOMMU
- type CapsHostMemoryBandwidth
- type CapsHostMemoryBandwidthMonitor
- type CapsHostMemoryBandwidthMonitorFeature
- type CapsHostMemoryBandwidthNode
- type CapsHostMemoryBandwidthNodeControl
- type CapsHostMigrationFeatures
- type CapsHostMigrationLive
- type CapsHostMigrationURITransports
- type CapsHostNUMACPU
- type CapsHostNUMACPUs
- type CapsHostNUMACache
- type CapsHostNUMACacheLine
- type CapsHostNUMACacheSize
- type CapsHostNUMACell
- type CapsHostNUMACells
- type CapsHostNUMADistances
- type CapsHostNUMAInterconnectBandwidth
- type CapsHostNUMAInterconnectLatency
- type CapsHostNUMAInterconnects
- type CapsHostNUMAMemory
- type CapsHostNUMAPageInfo
- type CapsHostNUMASibling
- type CapsHostNUMATopology
- type CapsHostPowerManagement
- type CapsHostPowerManagementMode
- type CapsHostSecModel
- type CapsHostSecModelLabel
- type Document
- type Domain
- type DomainACPI
- type DomainACPITable
- type DomainAddress
- type DomainAddressCCID
- type DomainAddressCCW
- type DomainAddressDIMM
- type DomainAddressDrive
- type DomainAddressISA
- type DomainAddressMDev
- type DomainAddressPCI
- type DomainAddressSpaprVIO
- type DomainAddressUSB
- type DomainAddressUnassigned
- type DomainAddressVirtioMMIO
- type DomainAddressVirtioS390
- type DomainAddressVirtioSerial
- type DomainAddressZPCI
- type DomainAlias
- type DomainAudio
- type DomainAudioALSA
- type DomainAudioALSAChannel
- type DomainAudioChannel
- type DomainAudioChannelSettings
- type DomainAudioCoreAudio
- type DomainAudioCoreAudioChannel
- type DomainAudioDBus
- type DomainAudioDBusChannel
- type DomainAudioFile
- type DomainAudioFileChannel
- type DomainAudioJack
- type DomainAudioJackChannel
- type DomainAudioNone
- type DomainAudioNoneChannel
- type DomainAudioOSS
- type DomainAudioOSSChannel
- type DomainAudioPipeWire
- type DomainAudioPipeWireChannel
- type DomainAudioPulseAudio
- type DomainAudioPulseAudioChannel
- type DomainAudioSDL
- type DomainAudioSDLChannel
- type DomainAudioSPICE
- type DomainAudioSPICEChannel
- type DomainBHyveCommandline
- type DomainBHyveCommandlineArg
- type DomainBHyveCommandlineEnv
- type DomainBIOS
- type DomainBackendDomain
- type DomainBlockIOTune
- type DomainBlockIOTuneDevice
- type DomainBootDevice
- type DomainBootMenu
- type DomainCPU
- type DomainCPUCache
- type DomainCPUCacheTune
- type DomainCPUCacheTuneCache
- type DomainCPUCacheTuneMonitor
- type DomainCPUFeature
- type DomainCPUMaxPhysAddr
- type DomainCPUMemoryTune
- type DomainCPUMemoryTuneMonitor
- type DomainCPUMemoryTuneNode
- type DomainCPUModel
- type DomainCPUTopology
- type DomainCPUTune
- type DomainCPUTuneEmulatorPin
- type DomainCPUTuneEmulatorSched
- type DomainCPUTuneIOThreadPin
- type DomainCPUTuneIOThreadSched
- type DomainCPUTunePeriod
- type DomainCPUTuneQuota
- type DomainCPUTuneShares
- type DomainCPUTuneVCPUPin
- type DomainCPUTuneVCPUSched
- type DomainCaps
- type DomainCapsCPU
- type DomainCapsCPUBlockedFeature
- type DomainCapsCPUBlockers
- type DomainCapsCPUFeature
- type DomainCapsCPUMaxPhysAddr
- type DomainCapsCPUMode
- type DomainCapsCPUModel
- type DomainCapsDevice
- type DomainCapsDevices
- type DomainCapsEnum
- type DomainCapsFeatureAsyncTeardown
- type DomainCapsFeatureBackingStoreInput
- type DomainCapsFeatureBackup
- type DomainCapsFeatureGIC
- type DomainCapsFeatureGenID
- type DomainCapsFeatureHyperV
- type DomainCapsFeatureLaunchSecurity
- type DomainCapsFeaturePS2
- type DomainCapsFeatureS390PV
- type DomainCapsFeatureSEV
- type DomainCapsFeatureSGX
- type DomainCapsFeatureSGXFeature
- type DomainCapsFeatureSGXSection
- type DomainCapsFeatureSGXSectionSize
- type DomainCapsFeatureVMCoreInfo
- type DomainCapsFeatures
- type DomainCapsIOThreads
- type DomainCapsMemoryBacking
- type DomainCapsOS
- type DomainCapsOSLoader
- type DomainCapsVCPU
- type DomainCell
- type DomainCellCache
- type DomainCellCacheLine
- type DomainCellCacheSize
- type DomainCellDistances
- type DomainCellSibling
- type DomainChannel
- type DomainChannelTarget
- type DomainChannelTargetGuestFWD
- type DomainChannelTargetVirtIO
- type DomainChannelTargetXen
- type DomainChardevLog
- type DomainChardevProtocol
- type DomainChardevSource
- type DomainChardevSourceDBus
- type DomainChardevSourceDev
- type DomainChardevSourceFile
- type DomainChardevSourceNMDM
- type DomainChardevSourceNull
- type DomainChardevSourcePipe
- type DomainChardevSourcePty
- type DomainChardevSourceQEMUVDAgent
- type DomainChardevSourceQEMUVDAgentClipBoard
- type DomainChardevSourceQEMUVDAgentMouse
- type DomainChardevSourceReconnect
- type DomainChardevSourceSpicePort
- type DomainChardevSourceSpiceVMC
- type DomainChardevSourceStdIO
- type DomainChardevSourceTCP
- type DomainChardevSourceUDP
- type DomainChardevSourceUNIX
- type DomainChardevSourceVC
- type DomainChardevTarget
- type DomainClock
- type DomainConsole
- type DomainConsoleTarget
- type DomainController
- type DomainControllerDriver
- type DomainControllerPCI
- type DomainControllerPCIHole64
- type DomainControllerPCIModel
- type DomainControllerPCITarget
- type DomainControllerUSB
- type DomainControllerUSBMaster
- type DomainControllerVirtIOSerial
- type DomainControllerXenBus
- type DomainCrypto
- type DomainCryptoBackend
- type DomainCryptoBackendBuiltIn
- type DomainCryptoBackendLKCF
- type DomainCurrentMemory
- type DomainDefaultIOThread
- type DomainDeviceACPI
- type DomainDeviceBoot
- type DomainDeviceList
- type DomainDeviceSecLabel
- type DomainDisk
- type DomainDiskAuth
- type DomainDiskBackingStore
- type DomainDiskBlockIO
- type DomainDiskCookie
- type DomainDiskCookies
- type DomainDiskDataStore
- type DomainDiskDriver
- type DomainDiskEncryption
- type DomainDiskFormat
- type DomainDiskGeometry
- type DomainDiskIOThread
- type DomainDiskIOThreadQueue
- type DomainDiskIOThreads
- type DomainDiskIOTune
- type DomainDiskMetadataCache
- type DomainDiskMetadataCacheSize
- type DomainDiskMirror
- type DomainDiskReadOnly
- type DomainDiskReservations
- type DomainDiskReservationsSource
- type DomainDiskSecret
- type DomainDiskShareable
- type DomainDiskSlice
- type DomainDiskSlices
- type DomainDiskSource
- type DomainDiskSourceBlock
- type DomainDiskSourceDir
- type DomainDiskSourceFile
- type DomainDiskSourceHost
- type DomainDiskSourceNVME
- type DomainDiskSourceNVMEPCI
- type DomainDiskSourceNetwork
- type DomainDiskSourceNetworkConfig
- type DomainDiskSourceNetworkIQN
- type DomainDiskSourceNetworkIdentity
- type DomainDiskSourceNetworkInitiator
- type DomainDiskSourceNetworkKnownHosts
- type DomainDiskSourceNetworkReconnect
- type DomainDiskSourceNetworkSnapshot
- type DomainDiskSourceReadahead
- type DomainDiskSourceSSL
- type DomainDiskSourceTimeout
- type DomainDiskSourceVHostUser
- type DomainDiskSourceVHostVDPA
- type DomainDiskSourceVolume
- type DomainDiskTarget
- type DomainDiskTransient
- type DomainFeature
- type DomainFeatureAPIC
- type DomainFeatureAsyncTeardown
- type DomainFeatureCFPC
- type DomainFeatureCapabilities
- type DomainFeatureCapability
- type DomainFeatureGIC
- type DomainFeatureHPT
- type DomainFeatureHPTPageSize
- type DomainFeatureHyperV
- type DomainFeatureHyperVSTimer
- type DomainFeatureHyperVSpinlocks
- type DomainFeatureHyperVTLBFlush
- type DomainFeatureHyperVVendorId
- type DomainFeatureIBS
- type DomainFeatureIOAPIC
- type DomainFeatureKVM
- type DomainFeatureKVMDirtyRing
- type DomainFeatureList
- type DomainFeatureMSRS
- type DomainFeatureSBBC
- type DomainFeatureSMM
- type DomainFeatureSMMTSeg
- type DomainFeatureState
- type DomainFeatureTCG
- type DomainFeatureTCGTBCache
- type DomainFeatureXen
- type DomainFeatureXenE820Host
- type DomainFeatureXenPassthrough
- type DomainFilesystem
- type DomainFilesystemBinary
- type DomainFilesystemBinaryCache
- type DomainFilesystemBinaryLock
- type DomainFilesystemBinaryOpenFiles
- type DomainFilesystemBinarySandbox
- type DomainFilesystemBinaryThreadPool
- type DomainFilesystemDriver
- type DomainFilesystemIDMap
- type DomainFilesystemIDMapEntry
- type DomainFilesystemReadOnly
- type DomainFilesystemSource
- type DomainFilesystemSourceBind
- type DomainFilesystemSourceBlock
- type DomainFilesystemSourceFile
- type DomainFilesystemSourceMount
- type DomainFilesystemSourceRAM
- type DomainFilesystemSourceTemplate
- type DomainFilesystemSourceVolume
- type DomainFilesystemSpaceHardLimit
- type DomainFilesystemSpaceSoftLimit
- type DomainFilesystemTarget
- type DomainGenID
- type DomainGraphic
- type DomainGraphicAudio
- type DomainGraphicChannel
- type DomainGraphicDBus
- type DomainGraphicDBusGL
- type DomainGraphicDesktop
- type DomainGraphicEGLHeadless
- type DomainGraphicEGLHeadlessGL
- type DomainGraphicFileTransfer
- type DomainGraphicListener
- type DomainGraphicListenerAddress
- type DomainGraphicListenerNetwork
- type DomainGraphicListenerSocket
- type DomainGraphicRDP
- type DomainGraphicSDL
- type DomainGraphicSpice
- type DomainGraphicSpiceChannel
- type DomainGraphicSpiceClipBoard
- type DomainGraphicSpiceFileTransfer
- type DomainGraphicSpiceGL
- type DomainGraphicSpiceImage
- type DomainGraphicSpiceJPEG
- type DomainGraphicSpiceMouse
- type DomainGraphicSpicePlayback
- type DomainGraphicSpiceStreaming
- type DomainGraphicSpiceZLib
- type DomainGraphicVNC
- type DomainGraphicsSDLGL
- type DomainHostdev
- type DomainHostdevCapsMisc
- type DomainHostdevCapsMiscSource
- type DomainHostdevCapsNet
- type DomainHostdevCapsNetSource
- type DomainHostdevCapsStorage
- type DomainHostdevCapsStorageSource
- type DomainHostdevSubsysMDev
- type DomainHostdevSubsysMDevSource
- type DomainHostdevSubsysPCI
- type DomainHostdevSubsysPCIDriver
- type DomainHostdevSubsysPCISource
- type DomainHostdevSubsysSCSI
- type DomainHostdevSubsysSCSIAdapter
- type DomainHostdevSubsysSCSIHost
- type DomainHostdevSubsysSCSIHostSource
- type DomainHostdevSubsysSCSISource
- type DomainHostdevSubsysSCSISourceHost
- type DomainHostdevSubsysSCSISourceIQN
- type DomainHostdevSubsysSCSISourceISCSI
- type DomainHostdevSubsysSCSISourceInitiator
- type DomainHostdevSubsysUSB
- type DomainHostdevSubsysUSBSource
- type DomainHub
- type DomainIDMap
- type DomainIDMapRange
- type DomainIOMMU
- type DomainIOMMUDriver
- type DomainIOThread
- type DomainIOThreadIDs
- type DomainIOThreadPoll
- type DomainIP
- type DomainInput
- type DomainInputDriver
- type DomainInputSource
- type DomainInputSourceEVDev
- type DomainInputSourcePassthrough
- type DomainInterface
- type DomainInterfaceBackend
- type DomainInterfaceBandwidth
- type DomainInterfaceBandwidthParams
- type DomainInterfaceCoalesce
- type DomainInterfaceCoalesceRX
- type DomainInterfaceCoalesceRXFrames
- type DomainInterfaceDriver
- type DomainInterfaceDriverGuest
- type DomainInterfaceDriverHost
- type DomainInterfaceFilterParam
- type DomainInterfaceFilterRef
- type DomainInterfaceGuest
- type DomainInterfaceIP
- type DomainInterfaceLink
- type DomainInterfaceMAC
- type DomainInterfaceMTU
- type DomainInterfaceModel
- type DomainInterfacePortOptions
- type DomainInterfaceRoute
- type DomainInterfaceScript
- type DomainInterfaceSource
- type DomainInterfaceSourceBridge
- type DomainInterfaceSourceClient
- type DomainInterfaceSourceDirect
- type DomainInterfaceSourceEthernet
- type DomainInterfaceSourceHostdev
- type DomainInterfaceSourceInternal
- type DomainInterfaceSourceLocal
- type DomainInterfaceSourceMCast
- type DomainInterfaceSourceNetwork
- type DomainInterfaceSourceNull
- type DomainInterfaceSourcePortForward
- type DomainInterfaceSourcePortForwardRange
- type DomainInterfaceSourceServer
- type DomainInterfaceSourceUDP
- type DomainInterfaceSourceUser
- type DomainInterfaceSourceVDPA
- type DomainInterfaceSourceVDS
- type DomainInterfaceTarget
- type DomainInterfaceTeaming
- type DomainInterfaceTune
- type DomainInterfaceVLan
- type DomainInterfaceVLanTag
- type DomainInterfaceVirtualPort
- type DomainInterfaceVirtualPortParams
- type DomainInterfaceVirtualPortParamsAny
- type DomainInterfaceVirtualPortParamsMidoNet
- type DomainInterfaceVirtualPortParamsOpenVSwitch
- type DomainInterfaceVirtualPortParamsVEPA8021QBG
- type DomainInterfaceVirtualPortParamsVNTag8021QBH
- type DomainKeyWrap
- type DomainKeyWrapCipher
- type DomainLXCNamespace
- type DomainLXCNamespaceMap
- type DomainLaunchSecurity
- type DomainLaunchSecurityS390PV
- type DomainLaunchSecuritySEV
- type DomainLaunchSecuritySEVSNP
- type DomainLease
- type DomainLeaseTarget
- type DomainLoader
- type DomainMaxMemory
- type DomainMemBalloon
- type DomainMemBalloonDriver
- type DomainMemBalloonStats
- type DomainMemory
- type DomainMemoryAccess
- type DomainMemoryAllocation
- type DomainMemoryBacking
- type DomainMemoryDiscard
- type DomainMemoryHugepage
- type DomainMemoryHugepages
- type DomainMemoryLocked
- type DomainMemoryNosharepages
- type DomainMemorySource
- type DomainMemoryTune
- type DomainMemoryTuneLimit
- type DomainMemorydev
- type DomainMemorydevSource
- type DomainMemorydevSourceAlignsize
- type DomainMemorydevSourcePMem
- type DomainMemorydevSourcePagesize
- type DomainMemorydevTarget
- type DomainMemorydevTargetAddress
- type DomainMemorydevTargetBlock
- type DomainMemorydevTargetLabel
- type DomainMemorydevTargetNode
- type DomainMemorydevTargetReadOnly
- type DomainMemorydevTargetRequested
- type DomainMemorydevTargetSize
- type DomainMetadata
- type DomainNUMAInterconnectBandwidth
- type DomainNUMAInterconnectLatency
- type DomainNUMAInterconnects
- type DomainNUMATune
- type DomainNUMATuneMemNode
- type DomainNUMATuneMemory
- type DomainNVRAM
- type DomainNVRam
- type DomainNuma
- type DomainOS
- type DomainOSFirmwareFeature
- type DomainOSFirmwareInfo
- type DomainOSInitEnv
- type DomainOSType
- type DomainPM
- type DomainPMPolicy
- type DomainPStore
- type DomainPStoreSize
- type DomainPanic
- type DomainParallel
- type DomainParallelTarget
- type DomainPerf
- type DomainPerfEvent
- type DomainQEMUCapabilities
- type DomainQEMUCapabilitiesEntry
- type DomainQEMUCommandline
- type DomainQEMUCommandlineArg
- type DomainQEMUCommandlineEnv
- type DomainQEMUDeprecation
- type DomainQEMUOverride
- type DomainQEMUOverrideDevice
- type DomainQEMUOverrideFrontend
- type DomainQEMUOverrideProperty
- type DomainRNG
- type DomainRNGBackend
- type DomainRNGBackendBuiltIn
- type DomainRNGBackendEGD
- type DomainRNGBackendRandom
- type DomainRNGDriver
- type DomainRNGRate
- type DomainROM
- type DomainRedirDev
- type DomainRedirFilter
- type DomainRedirFilterUSB
- type DomainResource
- type DomainResourceFibreChannel
- type DomainRoute
- type DomainSMBios
- type DomainSecLabel
- type DomainSerial
- type DomainSerialTarget
- type DomainSerialTargetModel
- type DomainShmem
- type DomainShmemMSI
- type DomainShmemModel
- type DomainShmemServer
- type DomainShmemSize
- type DomainSmartcard
- type DomainSmartcardHost
- type DomainSmartcardHostCert
- type DomainSnapshot
- type DomainSnapshotCookie
- type DomainSnapshotDisk
- type DomainSnapshotDisks
- type DomainSnapshotInactiveDomain
- type DomainSnapshotMemory
- type DomainSnapshotParent
- type DomainSound
- type DomainSoundAudio
- type DomainSoundCodec
- type DomainSoundDriver
- type DomainSysInfo
- type DomainSysInfoBIOS
- type DomainSysInfoBaseBoard
- type DomainSysInfoChassis
- type DomainSysInfoEntry
- type DomainSysInfoFWCfg
- type DomainSysInfoMemory
- type DomainSysInfoOEMStrings
- type DomainSysInfoProcessor
- type DomainSysInfoSMBIOS
- type DomainSysInfoSystem
- type DomainTPM
- type DomainTPMBackend
- type DomainTPMBackendDevice
- type DomainTPMBackendEmulator
- type DomainTPMBackendEncryption
- type DomainTPMBackendExternal
- type DomainTPMBackendExternalSource
- type DomainTPMBackendPCRBank
- type DomainTPMBackendPCRBanks
- type DomainTPMBackendPassthrough
- type DomainTPMBackendProfile
- type DomainTPMBackendSource
- type DomainTPMBackendSourceDir
- type DomainTPMBackendSourceFile
- type DomainTimer
- type DomainTimerCatchUp
- type DomainVCPU
- type DomainVCPUs
- type DomainVCPUsVCPU
- type DomainVMWareDataCenterPath
- type DomainVSock
- type DomainVSockCID
- type DomainVSockDriver
- type DomainVideo
- type DomainVideoAccel
- type DomainVideoDriver
- type DomainVideoModel
- type DomainVideoResolution
- type DomainWatchdog
- type DomainXenCommandline
- type DomainXenCommandlineArg
- type Interface
- type InterfaceAutoConf
- type InterfaceBond
- type InterfaceBondARPMon
- type InterfaceBondMIIMon
- type InterfaceBridge
- type InterfaceDHCP
- type InterfaceIP
- type InterfaceLink
- type InterfaceMAC
- type InterfaceMTU
- type InterfaceProtocol
- type InterfaceRoute
- type InterfaceStart
- type InterfaceVLAN
- type NWFilter
- type NWFilterBinding
- type NWFilterBindingFilterParam
- type NWFilterBindingFilterRef
- type NWFilterBindingMAC
- type NWFilterBindingOwner
- type NWFilterBindingPortDev
- type NWFilterEntry
- type NWFilterField
- type NWFilterParameter
- type NWFilterRef
- type NWFilterRule
- type NWFilterRuleAH
- type NWFilterRuleAHIPv6
- type NWFilterRuleARP
- type NWFilterRuleAll
- type NWFilterRuleAllIPv6
- type NWFilterRuleCommonIP
- type NWFilterRuleCommonMAC
- type NWFilterRuleCommonPort
- type NWFilterRuleESP
- type NWFilterRuleESPIPv6
- type NWFilterRuleICMP
- type NWFilterRuleICMPIPv6
- type NWFilterRuleIGMP
- type NWFilterRuleIP
- type NWFilterRuleIPv6
- type NWFilterRuleMAC
- type NWFilterRuleRARP
- type NWFilterRuleSCTP
- type NWFilterRuleSCTPIPv6
- type NWFilterRuleSTP
- type NWFilterRuleTCP
- type NWFilterRuleTCPIPv6
- type NWFilterRuleUDP
- type NWFilterRuleUDPIPv6
- type NWFilterRuleUDPLite
- type NWFilterRuleUDPLiteIPv6
- type NWFilterRuleVLAN
- type Network
- type NetworkBandwidth
- type NetworkBandwidthParams
- type NetworkBootp
- type NetworkBridge
- type NetworkDHCP
- type NetworkDHCPHost
- type NetworkDHCPLease
- type NetworkDHCPRange
- type NetworkDNS
- type NetworkDNSForwarder
- type NetworkDNSHost
- type NetworkDNSHostHostname
- type NetworkDNSSRV
- type NetworkDNSTXT
- type NetworkDnsmasqOption
- type NetworkDnsmasqOptions
- type NetworkDomain
- type NetworkForward
- type NetworkForwardAddress
- type NetworkForwardAddressPCI
- type NetworkForwardDriver
- type NetworkForwardInterface
- type NetworkForwardNAT
- type NetworkForwardNATAddress
- type NetworkForwardNATPort
- type NetworkForwardPF
- type NetworkIP
- type NetworkMAC
- type NetworkMTU
- type NetworkMetadata
- type NetworkPort
- type NetworkPortGroup
- type NetworkPortMAC
- type NetworkPortOptions
- type NetworkPortOwner
- type NetworkPortPlug
- type NetworkPortPlugBridge
- type NetworkPortPlugDirect
- type NetworkPortPlugHostDevPCI
- type NetworkPortPlugHostDevPCIAddress
- type NetworkPortPlugHostDevPCIDriver
- type NetworkPortPlugNetwork
- type NetworkPortPortOptions
- type NetworkPortRXFilters
- type NetworkPortVLAN
- type NetworkPortVLANTag
- type NetworkRoute
- type NetworkTFTP
- type NetworkVLAN
- type NetworkVLANTag
- type NetworkVirtualPort
- type NetworkVirtualPortParams
- type NetworkVirtualPortParamsAny
- type NetworkVirtualPortParamsMidoNet
- type NetworkVirtualPortParamsOpenVSwitch
- type NetworkVirtualPortParamsVEPA8021QBG
- type NetworkVirtualPortParamsVNTag8021QBH
- type NodeDevice
- type NodeDeviceAPCardCapability
- type NodeDeviceAPMatrixCapability
- type NodeDeviceAPMatrixMDevTypesCapability
- type NodeDeviceAPMatrixSubCapability
- type NodeDeviceAPQueueCapability
- type NodeDeviceCCWCapability
- type NodeDeviceCSSCapability
- type NodeDeviceCSSChannelDevAddr
- type NodeDeviceCSSMDevTypesCapability
- type NodeDeviceCSSSubCapability
- type NodeDeviceCapability
- type NodeDeviceDRMCapability
- type NodeDeviceDevNode
- type NodeDeviceDriver
- type NodeDeviceIDName
- type NodeDeviceIOMMUGroup
- type NodeDeviceMDevCapability
- type NodeDeviceMDevCapabilityAttrs
- type NodeDeviceMDevCapabilityType
- type NodeDeviceMDevType
- type NodeDeviceNUMA
- type NodeDeviceNet80203Capability
- type NodeDeviceNet80211Capability
- type NodeDeviceNetCapability
- type NodeDeviceNetLink
- type NodeDeviceNetOffloadFeatures
- type NodeDeviceNetSubCapability
- type NodeDevicePCIAddress
- type NodeDevicePCIBridgeCapability
- type NodeDevicePCICapability
- type NodeDevicePCIExpress
- type NodeDevicePCIExpressLink
- type NodeDevicePCIMDevTypesCapability
- type NodeDevicePCIPhysFunctionCapability
- type NodeDevicePCISubCapability
- type NodeDevicePCIVPDCapability
- type NodeDevicePCIVPDCustomField
- type NodeDevicePCIVPDFieldsRO
- type NodeDevicePCIVPDFieldsRW
- type NodeDevicePCIVirtFunctionsCapability
- type NodeDeviceSCSICapability
- type NodeDeviceSCSIFCHostCapability
- type NodeDeviceSCSIFCRemotePortCapability
- type NodeDeviceSCSIHostCapability
- type NodeDeviceSCSIHostSubCapability
- type NodeDeviceSCSITargetCapability
- type NodeDeviceSCSITargetSubCapability
- type NodeDeviceSCSIVPortOpsCapability
- type NodeDeviceStorageCapability
- type NodeDeviceStorageRemovableCapability
- type NodeDeviceStorageSubCapability
- type NodeDeviceSystemCapability
- type NodeDeviceSystemFirmware
- type NodeDeviceSystemHardware
- type NodeDeviceUSBCapability
- type NodeDeviceUSBDeviceCapability
- type Secret
- type SecretUsage
- type StorageEncryption
- type StorageEncryptionCipher
- type StorageEncryptionIvgen
- type StorageEncryptionSecret
- type StoragePool
- type StoragePoolFSCommandline
- type StoragePoolFSCommandlineOption
- type StoragePoolFeatureCOW
- type StoragePoolFeatures
- type StoragePoolPCIAddress
- type StoragePoolRBDCommandline
- type StoragePoolRBDCommandlineOption
- type StoragePoolRefresh
- type StoragePoolRefreshVol
- type StoragePoolSize
- type StoragePoolSource
- type StoragePoolSourceAdapter
- type StoragePoolSourceAdapterParentAddr
- type StoragePoolSourceAuth
- type StoragePoolSourceAuthSecret
- type StoragePoolSourceDevice
- type StoragePoolSourceDeviceFreeExtent
- type StoragePoolSourceDir
- type StoragePoolSourceFormat
- type StoragePoolSourceHost
- type StoragePoolSourceInitiator
- type StoragePoolSourceInitiatorIQN
- type StoragePoolSourceProduct
- type StoragePoolSourceProtocol
- type StoragePoolSourceVendor
- type StoragePoolTarget
- type StoragePoolTargetPermissions
- type StoragePoolTargetTimestamps
- type StorageVolume
- type StorageVolumeBackingStore
- type StorageVolumeSize
- type StorageVolumeTarget
- type StorageVolumeTargetClusterSize
- type StorageVolumeTargetFeature
- type StorageVolumeTargetFormat
- type StorageVolumeTargetPermissions
- type StorageVolumeTargetTimestamps
Constants ¶
This section is empty.
Variables ¶
This section is empty.
Functions ¶
This section is empty.
Types ¶
type Caps ¶
type CapsGuest ¶
type CapsGuest struct { OSType string `xml:"os_type"` Arch CapsGuestArch `xml:"arch"` Features *CapsGuestFeatures `xml:"features"` }
type CapsGuestArch ¶
type CapsGuestArch struct { Name string `xml:"name,attr"` WordSize string `xml:"wordsize"` Emulator string `xml:"emulator"` Loader string `xml:"loader,omitempty"` Machines []CapsGuestMachine `xml:"machine"` Domains []CapsGuestDomain `xml:"domain"` }
type CapsGuestDomain ¶
type CapsGuestDomain struct { Type string `xml:"type,attr"` Emulator string `xml:"emulator,omitempty"` Machines []CapsGuestMachine `xml:"machine"` }
type CapsGuestFeatureACPI ¶
type CapsGuestFeatureAPIC ¶
type CapsGuestFeatureCPUSelection ¶
type CapsGuestFeatureCPUSelection struct { }
type CapsGuestFeatureDeviceBoot ¶
type CapsGuestFeatureDeviceBoot struct { }
type CapsGuestFeatureIA64BE ¶
type CapsGuestFeatureIA64BE struct { }
type CapsGuestFeatureNonPAE ¶
type CapsGuestFeatureNonPAE struct { }
type CapsGuestFeaturePAE ¶
type CapsGuestFeaturePAE struct { }
type CapsGuestFeatures ¶
type CapsGuestFeatures struct { CPUSelection *CapsGuestFeatureCPUSelection `xml:"cpuselection"` DeviceBoot *CapsGuestFeatureDeviceBoot `xml:"deviceboot"` DiskSnapshot *CapsGuestFeatureDiskSnapshot `xml:"disksnapshot"` PAE *CapsGuestFeaturePAE `xml:"pae"` NonPAE *CapsGuestFeatureNonPAE `xml:"nonpae"` APIC *CapsGuestFeatureAPIC `xml:"apic"` ACPI *CapsGuestFeatureACPI `xml:"acpi"` IA64BE *CapsGuestFeatureIA64BE `xml:"ia64_be"` }
type CapsGuestMachine ¶
type CapsHost ¶
type CapsHost struct { UUID string `xml:"uuid,omitempty"` CPU *CapsHostCPU `xml:"cpu"` PowerManagement *CapsHostPowerManagement `xml:"power_management"` IOMMU *CapsHostIOMMU `xml:"iommu"` MigrationFeatures *CapsHostMigrationFeatures `xml:"migration_features"` NUMA *CapsHostNUMATopology `xml:"topology"` Cache *CapsHostCache `xml:"cache"` MemoryBandwidth *CapsHostMemoryBandwidth `xml:"memory_bandwidth"` SecModel []CapsHostSecModel `xml:"secmodel"` }
type CapsHostCPU ¶
type CapsHostCPU struct { XMLName xml.Name `xml:"cpu"` Arch string `xml:"arch,omitempty"` Model string `xml:"model,omitempty"` Vendor string `xml:"vendor,omitempty"` Microcode *CapsHostCPUMicrocode `xml:"microcode"` Signature *CapsHostCPUSignature `xml:"signature"` Counter *CapsHostCPUCounter `xml:"counter"` Topology *CapsHostCPUTopology `xml:"topology"` Cache *CapsHostCPUCache `xml:"cache"` MaxPhysAddr *CapsHostCPUMaxPhysAddr `xml:"maxphysaddr"` FeatureFlags []CapsHostCPUFeatureFlag `xml:"feature"` Features *CapsHostCPUFeatures `xml:"features"` PageSizes []CapsHostCPUPageSize `xml:"pages"` }
func (*CapsHostCPU) Marshal ¶
func (c *CapsHostCPU) Marshal() (string, error)
func (*CapsHostCPU) Unmarshal ¶
func (c *CapsHostCPU) Unmarshal(doc string) error
type CapsHostCPUCache ¶ added in v1.8007.0
type CapsHostCPUCounter ¶ added in v1.8007.0
type CapsHostCPUFeature ¶
type CapsHostCPUFeature struct { }
type CapsHostCPUFeatureFlag ¶
type CapsHostCPUFeatureFlag struct {
Name string `xml:"name,attr"`
type CapsHostCPUFeatures ¶
type CapsHostCPUFeatures struct { PAE *CapsHostCPUFeature `xml:"pae"` NonPAE *CapsHostCPUFeature `xml:"nonpae"` SVM *CapsHostCPUFeature `xml:"svm"` VMX *CapsHostCPUFeature `xml:"vmx"` }
type CapsHostCPUMaxPhysAddr ¶ added in v1.8007.0
type CapsHostCPUMicrocode ¶
type CapsHostCPUMicrocode struct {
Version int `xml:"version,attr"`
type CapsHostCPUPageSize ¶
type CapsHostCPUSignature ¶ added in v1.8005.0
type CapsHostCPUTopology ¶
type CapsHostCache ¶
type CapsHostCache struct { Banks []CapsHostCacheBank `xml:"bank"` Monitor *CapsHostCacheMonitor `xml:"monitor"` }
type CapsHostCacheBank ¶
type CapsHostCacheControl ¶
type CapsHostCacheMonitor ¶
type CapsHostCacheMonitor struct { Level uint `xml:"level,attr,omitempty"` ResueThreshold uint `xml:"reuseThreshold,attr,omitempty"` MaxMonitors uint `xml:"maxMonitors,attr"` Features []CapsHostCacheMonitorFeature `xml:"feature"` }
type CapsHostCacheMonitorFeature ¶
type CapsHostCacheMonitorFeature struct {
Name string `xml:"name,attr"`
type CapsHostIOMMU ¶
type CapsHostIOMMU struct {
Support string `xml:"support,attr"`
type CapsHostMemoryBandwidth ¶
type CapsHostMemoryBandwidth struct { Nodes []CapsHostMemoryBandwidthNode `xml:"node"` Monitor *CapsHostMemoryBandwidthMonitor `xml:"monitor"` }
type CapsHostMemoryBandwidthMonitor ¶
type CapsHostMemoryBandwidthMonitor struct { MaxMonitors uint `xml:"maxMonitors,attr"` Features []CapsHostMemoryBandwidthMonitorFeature `xml:"feature"` }
type CapsHostMemoryBandwidthMonitorFeature ¶
type CapsHostMemoryBandwidthMonitorFeature struct {
Name string `xml:"name,attr"`
type CapsHostMemoryBandwidthNode ¶
type CapsHostMemoryBandwidthNode struct { ID uint `xml:"id,attr"` CPUs string `xml:"cpus,attr"` Control *CapsHostMemoryBandwidthNodeControl `xml:"control"` }
type CapsHostMigrationFeatures ¶
type CapsHostMigrationFeatures struct { Live *CapsHostMigrationLive `xml:"live"` URITransports *CapsHostMigrationURITransports `xml:"uri_transports"` }
type CapsHostMigrationLive ¶
type CapsHostMigrationLive struct { }
type CapsHostMigrationURITransports ¶
type CapsHostMigrationURITransports struct {
URI []string `xml:"uri_transport"`
type CapsHostNUMACPU ¶
type CapsHostNUMACPUs ¶
type CapsHostNUMACPUs struct { Num uint `xml:"num,attr"` CPUs []CapsHostNUMACPU `xml:"cpu"` }
type CapsHostNUMACache ¶
type CapsHostNUMACache struct { Level int `xml:"level,attr,omitempty"` Associativity string `xml:"associativity,attr,omitempty"` Policy string `xml:"policy,attr,omitempty"` Size *CapsHostNUMACacheSize `xml:"size"` Line *CapsHostNUMACacheLine `xml:"line"` }
type CapsHostNUMACacheLine ¶
type CapsHostNUMACacheSize ¶
type CapsHostNUMACell ¶
type CapsHostNUMACell struct { ID int `xml:"id,attr"` Memory *CapsHostNUMAMemory `xml:"memory"` PageInfo []CapsHostNUMAPageInfo `xml:"pages"` Distances *CapsHostNUMADistances `xml:"distances"` Cache []CapsHostNUMACache `xml:"cache"` CPUS *CapsHostNUMACPUs `xml:"cpus"` }
type CapsHostNUMACells ¶
type CapsHostNUMACells struct { Num uint `xml:"num,attr,omitempty"` Cells []CapsHostNUMACell `xml:"cell"` }
type CapsHostNUMADistances ¶
type CapsHostNUMADistances struct {
Siblings []CapsHostNUMASibling `xml:"sibling"`
type CapsHostNUMAInterconnects ¶
type CapsHostNUMAInterconnects struct { Latency []CapsHostNUMAInterconnectLatency `xml:"latency"` Bandwidth []CapsHostNUMAInterconnectBandwidth `xml:"bandwidth"` }
type CapsHostNUMAMemory ¶
type CapsHostNUMAPageInfo ¶
type CapsHostNUMASibling ¶
type CapsHostNUMATopology ¶
type CapsHostNUMATopology struct { Cells *CapsHostNUMACells `xml:"cells"` Interconnects *CapsHostNUMAInterconnects `xml:"interconnects"` }
type CapsHostPowerManagement ¶
type CapsHostPowerManagement struct { SuspendMem *CapsHostPowerManagementMode `xml:"suspend_mem"` SuspendDisk *CapsHostPowerManagementMode `xml:"suspend_disk"` SuspendHybrid *CapsHostPowerManagementMode `xml:"suspend_hybrid"` }
type CapsHostPowerManagementMode ¶
type CapsHostPowerManagementMode struct { }
type CapsHostSecModel ¶
type CapsHostSecModel struct { Name string `xml:"model"` DOI string `xml:"doi"` Labels []CapsHostSecModelLabel `xml:"baselabel"` }
type CapsHostSecModelLabel ¶
type Domain ¶
type Domain struct { XMLName xml.Name `xml:"domain"` Type string `xml:"type,attr,omitempty"` ID *int `xml:"id,attr"` Name string `xml:"name,omitempty"` UUID string `xml:"uuid,omitempty"` GenID *DomainGenID `xml:"genid"` Title string `xml:"title,omitempty"` Description string `xml:"description,omitempty"` Metadata *DomainMetadata `xml:"metadata"` MaximumMemory *DomainMaxMemory `xml:"maxMemory"` Memory *DomainMemory `xml:"memory"` CurrentMemory *DomainCurrentMemory `xml:"currentMemory"` BlockIOTune *DomainBlockIOTune `xml:"blkiotune"` MemoryTune *DomainMemoryTune `xml:"memtune"` MemoryBacking *DomainMemoryBacking `xml:"memoryBacking"` VCPU *DomainVCPU `xml:"vcpu"` VCPUs *DomainVCPUs `xml:"vcpus"` IOThreads uint `xml:"iothreads,omitempty"` IOThreadIDs *DomainIOThreadIDs `xml:"iothreadids"` DefaultIOThread *DomainDefaultIOThread `xml:"defaultiothread"` CPUTune *DomainCPUTune `xml:"cputune"` NUMATune *DomainNUMATune `xml:"numatune"` Resource *DomainResource `xml:"resource"` SysInfo []DomainSysInfo `xml:"sysinfo"` Bootloader string `xml:"bootloader,omitempty"` BootloaderArgs string `xml:"bootloader_args,omitempty"` OS *DomainOS `xml:"os"` IDMap *DomainIDMap `xml:"idmap"` Features *DomainFeatureList `xml:"features"` CPU *DomainCPU `xml:"cpu"` Clock *DomainClock `xml:"clock"` OnPoweroff string `xml:"on_poweroff,omitempty"` OnReboot string `xml:"on_reboot,omitempty"` OnCrash string `xml:"on_crash,omitempty"` PM *DomainPM `xml:"pm"` Perf *DomainPerf `xml:"perf"` Devices *DomainDeviceList `xml:"devices"` SecLabel []DomainSecLabel `xml:"seclabel"` KeyWrap *DomainKeyWrap `xml:"keywrap"` LaunchSecurity *DomainLaunchSecurity `xml:"launchSecurity"` /* Hypervisor namespaces must all be last */ QEMUCommandline *DomainQEMUCommandline QEMUCapabilities *DomainQEMUCapabilities QEMUOverride *DomainQEMUOverride QEMUDeprecation *DomainQEMUDeprecation LXCNamespace *DomainLXCNamespace BHyveCommandline *DomainBHyveCommandline VMWareDataCenterPath *DomainVMWareDataCenterPath XenCommandline *DomainXenCommandline }
NB, try to keep the order of fields in this struct matching the order of XML elements that libvirt will generate when dumping XML.
type DomainACPI ¶
type DomainACPI struct {
Tables []DomainACPITable `xml:"table"`
type DomainACPITable ¶
type DomainAddress ¶
type DomainAddress struct { PCI *DomainAddressPCI Drive *DomainAddressDrive VirtioSerial *DomainAddressVirtioSerial CCID *DomainAddressCCID USB *DomainAddressUSB SpaprVIO *DomainAddressSpaprVIO VirtioS390 *DomainAddressVirtioS390 CCW *DomainAddressCCW VirtioMMIO *DomainAddressVirtioMMIO ISA *DomainAddressISA DIMM *DomainAddressDIMM Unassigned *DomainAddressUnassigned }
func (*DomainAddress) MarshalXML ¶
func (a *DomainAddress) MarshalXML(e *xml.Encoder, start xml.StartElement) error
func (*DomainAddress) UnmarshalXML ¶
func (a *DomainAddress) UnmarshalXML(d *xml.Decoder, start xml.StartElement) error
type DomainAddressCCID ¶
type DomainAddressCCID struct { Controller *uint `xml:"controller,attr"` Slot *uint `xml:"slot,attr"` }
func (*DomainAddressCCID) MarshalXML ¶
func (a *DomainAddressCCID) MarshalXML(e *xml.Encoder, start xml.StartElement) error
func (*DomainAddressCCID) UnmarshalXML ¶
func (a *DomainAddressCCID) UnmarshalXML(d *xml.Decoder, start xml.StartElement) error
type DomainAddressCCW ¶
type DomainAddressCCW struct { CSSID *uint `xml:"cssid,attr"` SSID *uint `xml:"ssid,attr"` DevNo *uint `xml:"devno,attr"` }
func (*DomainAddressCCW) MarshalXML ¶
func (a *DomainAddressCCW) MarshalXML(e *xml.Encoder, start xml.StartElement) error
func (*DomainAddressCCW) UnmarshalXML ¶
func (a *DomainAddressCCW) UnmarshalXML(d *xml.Decoder, start xml.StartElement) error
type DomainAddressDIMM ¶
func (*DomainAddressDIMM) MarshalXML ¶
func (a *DomainAddressDIMM) MarshalXML(e *xml.Encoder, start xml.StartElement) error
func (*DomainAddressDIMM) UnmarshalXML ¶
func (a *DomainAddressDIMM) UnmarshalXML(d *xml.Decoder, start xml.StartElement) error
type DomainAddressDrive ¶
type DomainAddressDrive struct { Controller *uint `xml:"controller,attr"` Bus *uint `xml:"bus,attr"` Target *uint `xml:"target,attr"` Unit *uint `xml:"unit,attr"` }
func (*DomainAddressDrive) MarshalXML ¶
func (a *DomainAddressDrive) MarshalXML(e *xml.Encoder, start xml.StartElement) error
func (*DomainAddressDrive) UnmarshalXML ¶
func (a *DomainAddressDrive) UnmarshalXML(d *xml.Decoder, start xml.StartElement) error
type DomainAddressISA ¶
func (*DomainAddressISA) MarshalXML ¶
func (a *DomainAddressISA) MarshalXML(e *xml.Encoder, start xml.StartElement) error
func (*DomainAddressISA) UnmarshalXML ¶
func (a *DomainAddressISA) UnmarshalXML(d *xml.Decoder, start xml.StartElement) error
type DomainAddressMDev ¶
type DomainAddressMDev struct {
UUID string `xml:"uuid,attr"`
type DomainAddressPCI ¶
type DomainAddressPCI struct { Domain *uint `xml:"domain,attr"` Bus *uint `xml:"bus,attr"` Slot *uint `xml:"slot,attr"` Function *uint `xml:"function,attr"` MultiFunction string `xml:"multifunction,attr,omitempty"` ZPCI *DomainAddressZPCI `xml:"zpci"` }
func (*DomainAddressPCI) MarshalXML ¶
func (a *DomainAddressPCI) MarshalXML(e *xml.Encoder, start xml.StartElement) error
func (*DomainAddressPCI) UnmarshalXML ¶
func (a *DomainAddressPCI) UnmarshalXML(d *xml.Decoder, start xml.StartElement) error
type DomainAddressSpaprVIO ¶
type DomainAddressSpaprVIO struct {
Reg *uint64 `xml:"reg,attr"`
func (*DomainAddressSpaprVIO) MarshalXML ¶
func (a *DomainAddressSpaprVIO) MarshalXML(e *xml.Encoder, start xml.StartElement) error
func (*DomainAddressSpaprVIO) UnmarshalXML ¶
func (a *DomainAddressSpaprVIO) UnmarshalXML(d *xml.Decoder, start xml.StartElement) error
type DomainAddressUSB ¶
type DomainAddressUSB struct { Bus *uint `xml:"bus,attr"` Port string `xml:"port,attr,omitempty"` Device *uint `xml:"device,attr"` }
func (*DomainAddressUSB) MarshalXML ¶
func (a *DomainAddressUSB) MarshalXML(e *xml.Encoder, start xml.StartElement) error
func (*DomainAddressUSB) UnmarshalXML ¶
func (a *DomainAddressUSB) UnmarshalXML(d *xml.Decoder, start xml.StartElement) error
type DomainAddressUnassigned ¶
type DomainAddressUnassigned struct { }
func (*DomainAddressUnassigned) MarshalXML ¶
func (a *DomainAddressUnassigned) MarshalXML(e *xml.Encoder, start xml.StartElement) error
func (*DomainAddressUnassigned) UnmarshalXML ¶
func (a *DomainAddressUnassigned) UnmarshalXML(d *xml.Decoder, start xml.StartElement) error
type DomainAddressVirtioMMIO ¶
type DomainAddressVirtioMMIO struct { }
func (*DomainAddressVirtioMMIO) MarshalXML ¶
func (a *DomainAddressVirtioMMIO) MarshalXML(e *xml.Encoder, start xml.StartElement) error
func (*DomainAddressVirtioMMIO) UnmarshalXML ¶
func (a *DomainAddressVirtioMMIO) UnmarshalXML(d *xml.Decoder, start xml.StartElement) error
type DomainAddressVirtioS390 ¶
type DomainAddressVirtioS390 struct { }
func (*DomainAddressVirtioS390) MarshalXML ¶
func (a *DomainAddressVirtioS390) MarshalXML(e *xml.Encoder, start xml.StartElement) error
func (*DomainAddressVirtioS390) UnmarshalXML ¶
func (a *DomainAddressVirtioS390) UnmarshalXML(d *xml.Decoder, start xml.StartElement) error
type DomainAddressVirtioSerial ¶
type DomainAddressVirtioSerial struct { Controller *uint `xml:"controller,attr"` Bus *uint `xml:"bus,attr"` Port *uint `xml:"port,attr"` }
func (*DomainAddressVirtioSerial) MarshalXML ¶
func (a *DomainAddressVirtioSerial) MarshalXML(e *xml.Encoder, start xml.StartElement) error
func (*DomainAddressVirtioSerial) UnmarshalXML ¶
func (a *DomainAddressVirtioSerial) UnmarshalXML(d *xml.Decoder, start xml.StartElement) error
type DomainAddressZPCI ¶
type DomainAddressZPCI struct { UID *uint `xml:"uid,attr,omitempty"` FID *uint `xml:"fid,attr,omitempty"` }
func (*DomainAddressZPCI) MarshalXML ¶
func (a *DomainAddressZPCI) MarshalXML(e *xml.Encoder, start xml.StartElement) error
func (*DomainAddressZPCI) UnmarshalXML ¶
func (a *DomainAddressZPCI) UnmarshalXML(d *xml.Decoder, start xml.StartElement) error
type DomainAlias ¶
type DomainAlias struct {
Name string `xml:"name,attr"`
type DomainAudio ¶
type DomainAudio struct { XMLName xml.Name `xml:"audio"` ID int `xml:"id,attr"` TimerPeriod uint `xml:"timerPeriod,attr,omitempty"` None *DomainAudioNone `xml:"-"` ALSA *DomainAudioALSA `xml:"-"` CoreAudio *DomainAudioCoreAudio `xml:"-"` Jack *DomainAudioJack `xml:"-"` OSS *DomainAudioOSS `xml:"-"` PulseAudio *DomainAudioPulseAudio `xml:"-"` SDL *DomainAudioSDL `xml:"-"` SPICE *DomainAudioSPICE `xml:"-"` File *DomainAudioFile `xml:"-"` DBus *DomainAudioDBus `xml:"-"` PipeWire *DomainAudioPipeWire `xml:"-"` }
func (*DomainAudio) MarshalXML ¶
func (a *DomainAudio) MarshalXML(e *xml.Encoder, start xml.StartElement) error
func (*DomainAudio) UnmarshalXML ¶
func (a *DomainAudio) UnmarshalXML(d *xml.Decoder, start xml.StartElement) error
type DomainAudioALSA ¶
type DomainAudioALSA struct { Input *DomainAudioALSAChannel `xml:"input"` Output *DomainAudioALSAChannel `xml:"output"` }
type DomainAudioALSAChannel ¶
type DomainAudioALSAChannel struct { DomainAudioChannel Dev string `xml:"dev,attr,omitempty"` }
type DomainAudioChannel ¶
type DomainAudioChannel struct { MixingEngine string `xml:"mixingEngine,attr,omitempty"` FixedSettings string `xml:"fixedSettings,attr,omitempty"` Voices uint `xml:"voices,attr,omitempty"` Settings *DomainAudioChannelSettings `xml:"settings"` BufferLength uint `xml:"bufferLength,attr,omitempty"` }
type DomainAudioCoreAudio ¶
type DomainAudioCoreAudio struct { Input *DomainAudioCoreAudioChannel `xml:"input"` Output *DomainAudioCoreAudioChannel `xml:"output"` }
type DomainAudioCoreAudioChannel ¶
type DomainAudioCoreAudioChannel struct { DomainAudioChannel BufferCount uint `xml:"bufferCount,attr,omitempty"` }
type DomainAudioDBus ¶ added in v1.8004.0
type DomainAudioDBus struct { Input *DomainAudioDBusChannel `xml:"input"` Output *DomainAudioDBusChannel `xml:"output"` }
type DomainAudioDBusChannel ¶ added in v1.8004.0
type DomainAudioDBusChannel struct {
type DomainAudioFile ¶
type DomainAudioFile struct { Path string `xml:"path,attr,omitempty"` Input *DomainAudioFileChannel `xml:"input"` Output *DomainAudioFileChannel `xml:"output"` }
type DomainAudioFileChannel ¶
type DomainAudioFileChannel struct {
type DomainAudioJack ¶
type DomainAudioJack struct { Input *DomainAudioJackChannel `xml:"input"` Output *DomainAudioJackChannel `xml:"output"` }
type DomainAudioJackChannel ¶
type DomainAudioJackChannel struct { DomainAudioChannel ServerName string `xml:"serverName,attr,omitempty"` ClientName string `xml:"clientName,attr,omitempty"` ConnectPorts string `xml:"connectPorts,attr,omitempty"` ExactName string `xml:"exactName,attr,omitempty"` }
type DomainAudioNone ¶
type DomainAudioNone struct { Input *DomainAudioNoneChannel `xml:"input"` Output *DomainAudioNoneChannel `xml:"output"` }
type DomainAudioNoneChannel ¶
type DomainAudioNoneChannel struct {
type DomainAudioOSS ¶
type DomainAudioOSS struct { TryMMap string `xml:"tryMMap,attr,omitempty"` Exclusive string `xml:"exclusive,attr,omitempty"` DSPPolicy *int `xml:"dspPolicy,attr"` Input *DomainAudioOSSChannel `xml:"input"` Output *DomainAudioOSSChannel `xml:"output"` }
type DomainAudioOSSChannel ¶
type DomainAudioOSSChannel struct { DomainAudioChannel Dev string `xml:"dev,attr,omitempty"` BufferCount uint `xml:"bufferCount,attr,omitempty"` TryPoll string `xml:"tryPoll,attr,omitempty"` }
type DomainAudioPipeWire ¶ added in v1.10000.0
type DomainAudioPipeWire struct { RuntimeDir string `xml:"runtimeDir,attr,omitempty"` Input *DomainAudioPulseAudioChannel `xml:"input"` Output *DomainAudioPulseAudioChannel `xml:"output"` }
type DomainAudioPipeWireChannel ¶ added in v1.10000.0
type DomainAudioPipeWireChannel struct { DomainAudioChannel Name string `xml:"name,attr,omitempty"` StreamName string `xml:"streamName,attr,omitempty"` Latency uint `xml:"latency,attr,omitempty"` }
type DomainAudioPulseAudio ¶
type DomainAudioPulseAudio struct { ServerName string `xml:"serverName,attr,omitempty"` Input *DomainAudioPulseAudioChannel `xml:"input"` Output *DomainAudioPulseAudioChannel `xml:"output"` }
type DomainAudioPulseAudioChannel ¶
type DomainAudioPulseAudioChannel struct { DomainAudioChannel Name string `xml:"name,attr,omitempty"` StreamName string `xml:"streamName,attr,omitempty"` Latency uint `xml:"latency,attr,omitempty"` }
type DomainAudioSDL ¶
type DomainAudioSDL struct { Driver string `xml:"driver,attr,omitempty"` Input *DomainAudioSDLChannel `xml:"input"` Output *DomainAudioSDLChannel `xml:"output"` }
type DomainAudioSDLChannel ¶
type DomainAudioSDLChannel struct { DomainAudioChannel BufferCount uint `xml:"bufferCount,attr,omitempty"` }
type DomainAudioSPICE ¶
type DomainAudioSPICE struct { Input *DomainAudioSPICEChannel `xml:"input"` Output *DomainAudioSPICEChannel `xml:"output"` }
type DomainAudioSPICEChannel ¶
type DomainAudioSPICEChannel struct {
type DomainBHyveCommandline ¶
type DomainBHyveCommandline struct { XMLName xml.Name `xml:" commandline"` Args []DomainBHyveCommandlineArg `xml:"arg"` Envs []DomainBHyveCommandlineEnv `xml:"env"` }
type DomainBHyveCommandlineArg ¶
type DomainBHyveCommandlineArg struct {
Value string `xml:"value,attr"`
type DomainBIOS ¶
type DomainBackendDomain ¶
type DomainBackendDomain struct {
Name string `xml:"name,attr"`
type DomainBlockIOTune ¶
type DomainBlockIOTune struct { Weight uint `xml:"weight,omitempty"` Device []DomainBlockIOTuneDevice `xml:"device"` }
type DomainBlockIOTuneDevice ¶
type DomainBlockIOTuneDevice struct { Path string `xml:"path"` Weight uint `xml:"weight,omitempty"` ReadIopsSec uint `xml:"read_iops_sec,omitempty"` WriteIopsSec uint `xml:"write_iops_sec,omitempty"` ReadBytesSec uint `xml:"read_bytes_sec,omitempty"` WriteBytesSec uint `xml:"write_bytes_sec,omitempty"` }
type DomainBootDevice ¶
type DomainBootDevice struct {
Dev string `xml:"dev,attr"`
type DomainBootMenu ¶
type DomainCPU ¶
type DomainCPU struct { XMLName xml.Name `xml:"cpu"` Match string `xml:"match,attr,omitempty"` Mode string `xml:"mode,attr,omitempty"` Check string `xml:"check,attr,omitempty"` Migratable string `xml:"migratable,attr,omitempty"` DeprecatedFeatures string `xml:"deprecated_features,attr,omitempty"` Model *DomainCPUModel `xml:"model"` Vendor string `xml:"vendor,omitempty"` Topology *DomainCPUTopology `xml:"topology"` Cache *DomainCPUCache `xml:"cache"` MaxPhysAddr *DomainCPUMaxPhysAddr `xml:"maxphysaddr"` Features []DomainCPUFeature `xml:"feature"` Numa *DomainNuma `xml:"numa"` }
type DomainCPUCache ¶
type DomainCPUCacheTune ¶
type DomainCPUCacheTune struct { VCPUs string `xml:"vcpus,attr,omitempty"` ID string `xml:"id,attr,omitempty"` Cache []DomainCPUCacheTuneCache `xml:"cache"` Monitor []DomainCPUCacheTuneMonitor `xml:"monitor"` }
type DomainCPUCacheTuneCache ¶
type DomainCPUFeature ¶
type DomainCPUMaxPhysAddr ¶ added in v1.8007.0
type DomainCPUMemoryTune ¶
type DomainCPUMemoryTune struct { VCPUs string `xml:"vcpus,attr"` Nodes []DomainCPUMemoryTuneNode `xml:"node"` Monitor []DomainCPUMemoryTuneMonitor `xml:"monitor"` }
type DomainCPUMemoryTuneNode ¶
type DomainCPUModel ¶
type DomainCPUTopology ¶
type DomainCPUTune ¶
type DomainCPUTune struct { Period *DomainCPUTunePeriod `xml:"period"` Quota *DomainCPUTuneQuota `xml:"quota"` GlobalPeriod *DomainCPUTunePeriod `xml:"global_period"` GlobalQuota *DomainCPUTuneQuota `xml:"global_quota"` EmulatorPeriod *DomainCPUTunePeriod `xml:"emulator_period"` EmulatorQuota *DomainCPUTuneQuota `xml:"emulator_quota"` IOThreadPeriod *DomainCPUTunePeriod `xml:"iothread_period"` IOThreadQuota *DomainCPUTuneQuota `xml:"iothread_quota"` VCPUPin []DomainCPUTuneVCPUPin `xml:"vcpupin"` EmulatorPin *DomainCPUTuneEmulatorPin `xml:"emulatorpin"` IOThreadPin []DomainCPUTuneIOThreadPin `xml:"iothreadpin"` VCPUSched []DomainCPUTuneVCPUSched `xml:"vcpusched"` EmulatorSched *DomainCPUTuneEmulatorSched `xml:"emulatorsched"` IOThreadSched []DomainCPUTuneIOThreadSched `xml:"iothreadsched"` CacheTune []DomainCPUCacheTune `xml:"cachetune"` MemoryTune []DomainCPUMemoryTune `xml:"memorytune"` }
type DomainCPUTuneEmulatorPin ¶
type DomainCPUTuneEmulatorPin struct {
CPUSet string `xml:"cpuset,attr"`
type DomainCPUTunePeriod ¶
type DomainCPUTunePeriod struct {
Value uint64 `xml:",chardata"`
type DomainCPUTuneQuota ¶
type DomainCPUTuneQuota struct {
Value int64 `xml:",chardata"`
type DomainCPUTuneShares ¶
type DomainCPUTuneShares struct {
}type DomainCPUTuneVCPUPin ¶
type DomainCPUTuneVCPUSched ¶
type DomainCaps ¶
type DomainCaps struct { XMLName xml.Name `xml:"domainCapabilities"` Path string `xml:"path"` Domain string `xml:"domain"` Machine string `xml:"machine,omitempty"` Arch string `xml:"arch"` VCPU *DomainCapsVCPU `xml:"vcpu"` IOThreads *DomainCapsIOThreads `xml:"iothreads"` OS *DomainCapsOS `xml:"os"` CPU *DomainCapsCPU `xml:"cpu"` MemoryBacking *DomainCapsMemoryBacking `xml:"memoryBacking"` Devices *DomainCapsDevices `xml:"devices"` Features *DomainCapsFeatures `xml:"features"` }
func (*DomainCaps) Marshal ¶
func (c *DomainCaps) Marshal() (string, error)
func (*DomainCaps) Unmarshal ¶
func (c *DomainCaps) Unmarshal(doc string) error
type DomainCapsCPU ¶
type DomainCapsCPU struct {
Modes []DomainCapsCPUMode `xml:"mode"`
type DomainCapsCPUBlockedFeature ¶ added in v1.10009.0
type DomainCapsCPUBlockedFeature struct {
Name string `xml:"name,attr"`
type DomainCapsCPUBlockers ¶ added in v1.10009.0
type DomainCapsCPUBlockers struct { Model string `xml:"model,attr"` Features []DomainCapsCPUBlockedFeature `xml:"feature"` }
type DomainCapsCPUFeature ¶
type DomainCapsCPUMaxPhysAddr ¶ added in v1.9005.0
type DomainCapsCPUMode ¶
type DomainCapsCPUMode struct { Name string `xml:"name,attr"` Supported string `xml:"supported,attr"` Models []DomainCapsCPUModel `xml:"model"` Vendor string `xml:"vendor,omitempty"` MaxPhysAddr *DomainCapsCPUMaxPhysAddr `xml:"maxphysaddr"` Features []DomainCapsCPUFeature `xml:"feature"` Blockers []DomainCapsCPUBlockers `xml:"blockers"` Enums []DomainCapsEnum `xml:"enum"` }
type DomainCapsCPUModel ¶
type DomainCapsCPUModel struct { Name string `xml:",chardata"` Usable string `xml:"usable,attr,omitempty"` Fallback string `xml:"fallback,attr,omitempty"` Deprecated string `xml:"deprecated,attr,omitempty"` Vendor string `xml:"vendor,attr,omitempty"` Canonical string `xml:"canonical,attr,omitempty"` }
type DomainCapsDevice ¶
type DomainCapsDevice struct { Supported string `xml:"supported,attr"` Enums []DomainCapsEnum `xml:"enum"` }
type DomainCapsDevices ¶
type DomainCapsDevices struct { Disk *DomainCapsDevice `xml:"disk"` Graphics *DomainCapsDevice `xml:"graphics"` Video *DomainCapsDevice `xml:"video"` HostDev *DomainCapsDevice `xml:"hostdev"` RNG *DomainCapsDevice `xml:"rng"` FileSystem *DomainCapsDevice `xml:"filesystem"` TPM *DomainCapsDevice `xml:"tpm"` Redirdev *DomainCapsDevice `xml:"redirdev"` Channel *DomainCapsDevice `xml:"channel"` Crypto *DomainCapsDevice `xml:"crypto"` Interface *DomainCapsDevice `xml:"interface"` Panic *DomainCapsDevice `xml:"panic"` }
type DomainCapsEnum ¶
type DomainCapsFeatureAsyncTeardown ¶ added in v1.9006.0
type DomainCapsFeatureAsyncTeardown struct {
Supported string `xml:"supported,attr"`
type DomainCapsFeatureBackingStoreInput ¶
type DomainCapsFeatureBackingStoreInput struct {
Supported string `xml:"supported,attr"`
type DomainCapsFeatureBackup ¶
type DomainCapsFeatureBackup struct {
Supported string `xml:"supported,attr"`
type DomainCapsFeatureGIC ¶
type DomainCapsFeatureGIC struct { Supported string `xml:"supported,attr"` Enums []DomainCapsEnum `xml:"enum"` }
type DomainCapsFeatureGenID ¶
type DomainCapsFeatureGenID struct {
Supported string `xml:"supported,attr"`
type DomainCapsFeatureHyperV ¶ added in v1.9000.0
type DomainCapsFeatureHyperV struct { Supported string `xml:"supported,attr"` Enums []DomainCapsEnum `xml:"enum"` }
type DomainCapsFeatureLaunchSecurity ¶ added in v1.10005.0
type DomainCapsFeatureLaunchSecurity struct { Supported string `xml:"supported,attr"` Enums []DomainCapsEnum `xml:"enum"` }
type DomainCapsFeaturePS2 ¶ added in v1.10007.0
type DomainCapsFeaturePS2 struct {
Supported string `xml:"supported,attr"`
type DomainCapsFeatureS390PV ¶ added in v1.7006.0
type DomainCapsFeatureS390PV struct {
Supported string `xml:"supported,attr"`
type DomainCapsFeatureSEV ¶
type DomainCapsFeatureSGX ¶ added in v1.8010.0
type DomainCapsFeatureSGX struct { Supported string `xml:"supported,attr"` FLC *DomainCapsFeatureSGXFeature `xml:"flc"` SGX1 *DomainCapsFeatureSGXFeature `xml:"sgx1"` SGX2 *DomainCapsFeatureSGXFeature `xml:"sgx2"` SectionSize *DomainCapsFeatureSGXSectionSize `xml:"section_size"` Sections *[]DomainCapsFeatureSGXSection `xml:"sections>section"` }
type DomainCapsFeatureSGXFeature ¶ added in v1.8010.0
type DomainCapsFeatureSGXFeature struct {
Supported string `xml:",chardata"`
type DomainCapsFeatureSGXSection ¶ added in v1.8010.0
type DomainCapsFeatureSGXSectionSize ¶ added in v1.8010.0
type DomainCapsFeatureVMCoreInfo ¶
type DomainCapsFeatureVMCoreInfo struct {
Supported string `xml:"supported,attr"`
type DomainCapsFeatures ¶
type DomainCapsFeatures struct { GIC *DomainCapsFeatureGIC `xml:"gic"` VMCoreInfo *DomainCapsFeatureVMCoreInfo `xml:"vmcoreinfo"` GenID *DomainCapsFeatureGenID `xml:"genid"` BackingStoreInput *DomainCapsFeatureBackingStoreInput `xml:"backingStoreInput"` Backup *DomainCapsFeatureBackup `xml:"backup"` AsyncTeardown *DomainCapsFeatureAsyncTeardown `xml:"async-teardown"` S390PV *DomainCapsFeatureS390PV `xml:"s390-pv"` PS2 *DomainCapsFeaturePS2 `xml:"ps2"` SEV *DomainCapsFeatureSEV `xml:"sev"` SGX *DomainCapsFeatureSGX `xml:"sgx"` HyperV *DomainCapsFeatureHyperV `xml:"hyperv"` LaunchSecurity *DomainCapsFeatureLaunchSecurity `xml:"launchSecurity"` }
type DomainCapsIOThreads ¶
type DomainCapsIOThreads struct {
Supported string `xml:"supported,attr"`
type DomainCapsMemoryBacking ¶ added in v1.7006.0
type DomainCapsMemoryBacking struct { Supported string `xml:"supported,attr"` Enums []DomainCapsEnum `xml:"enum"` }
type DomainCapsOS ¶
type DomainCapsOS struct { Supported string `xml:"supported,attr"` Loader *DomainCapsOSLoader `xml:"loader"` Enums []DomainCapsEnum `xml:"enum"` }
type DomainCapsOSLoader ¶
type DomainCapsOSLoader struct { Supported string `xml:"supported,attr"` Values []string `xml:"value"` Enums []DomainCapsEnum `xml:"enum"` }
type DomainCapsVCPU ¶
type DomainCapsVCPU struct {
Max uint `xml:"max,attr"`
type DomainCell ¶
type DomainCell struct { ID *uint `xml:"id,attr"` CPUs string `xml:"cpus,attr,omitempty"` Memory uint `xml:"memory,attr"` Unit string `xml:"unit,attr,omitempty"` MemAccess string `xml:"memAccess,attr,omitempty"` Discard string `xml:"discard,attr,omitempty"` Distances *DomainCellDistances `xml:"distances"` Caches []DomainCellCache `xml:"cache"` }
type DomainCellCache ¶
type DomainCellCache struct { Level uint `xml:"level,attr"` Associativity string `xml:"associativity,attr"` Policy string `xml:"policy,attr"` Size DomainCellCacheSize `xml:"size"` Line DomainCellCacheLine `xml:"line"` }
type DomainCellCacheLine ¶
type DomainCellCacheSize ¶
type DomainCellDistances ¶
type DomainCellDistances struct {
Siblings []DomainCellSibling `xml:"sibling"`
type DomainCellSibling ¶
type DomainChannel ¶
type DomainChannel struct { XMLName xml.Name `xml:"channel"` Source *DomainChardevSource `xml:"source"` Protocol *DomainChardevProtocol `xml:"protocol"` Target *DomainChannelTarget `xml:"target"` Log *DomainChardevLog `xml:"log"` ACPI *DomainDeviceACPI `xml:"acpi"` Alias *DomainAlias `xml:"alias"` Address *DomainAddress `xml:"address"` }
func (*DomainChannel) Marshal ¶
func (d *DomainChannel) Marshal() (string, error)
func (*DomainChannel) MarshalXML ¶
func (a *DomainChannel) MarshalXML(e *xml.Encoder, start xml.StartElement) error
func (*DomainChannel) Unmarshal ¶
func (d *DomainChannel) Unmarshal(doc string) error
func (*DomainChannel) UnmarshalXML ¶
func (a *DomainChannel) UnmarshalXML(d *xml.Decoder, start xml.StartElement) error
type DomainChannelTarget ¶
type DomainChannelTarget struct { VirtIO *DomainChannelTargetVirtIO `xml:"-"` Xen *DomainChannelTargetXen `xml:"-"` GuestFWD *DomainChannelTargetGuestFWD `xml:"-"` }
func (*DomainChannelTarget) MarshalXML ¶
func (a *DomainChannelTarget) MarshalXML(e *xml.Encoder, start xml.StartElement) error
func (*DomainChannelTarget) UnmarshalXML ¶
func (a *DomainChannelTarget) UnmarshalXML(d *xml.Decoder, start xml.StartElement) error
type DomainChannelTargetXen ¶
type DomainChardevLog ¶
type DomainChardevProtocol ¶
type DomainChardevProtocol struct {
Type string `xml:"type,attr"`
type DomainChardevSource ¶
type DomainChardevSource struct { Null *DomainChardevSourceNull `xml:"-"` VC *DomainChardevSourceVC `xml:"-"` Pty *DomainChardevSourcePty `xml:"-"` Dev *DomainChardevSourceDev `xml:"-"` File *DomainChardevSourceFile `xml:"-"` Pipe *DomainChardevSourcePipe `xml:"-"` StdIO *DomainChardevSourceStdIO `xml:"-"` UDP *DomainChardevSourceUDP `xml:"-"` TCP *DomainChardevSourceTCP `xml:"-"` UNIX *DomainChardevSourceUNIX `xml:"-"` SpiceVMC *DomainChardevSourceSpiceVMC `xml:"-"` SpicePort *DomainChardevSourceSpicePort `xml:"-"` NMDM *DomainChardevSourceNMDM `xml:"-"` QEMUVDAgent *DomainChardevSourceQEMUVDAgent `xml:"-"` DBus *DomainChardevSourceDBus `xml:"-"` }
func (*DomainChardevSource) MarshalXML ¶
func (a *DomainChardevSource) MarshalXML(e *xml.Encoder, start xml.StartElement) error
func (*DomainChardevSource) UnmarshalXML ¶
func (a *DomainChardevSource) UnmarshalXML(d *xml.Decoder, start xml.StartElement) error
type DomainChardevSourceDBus ¶ added in v1.8004.0
type DomainChardevSourceDBus struct {
Channel string `xml:"channel,attr,omitempty"`
type DomainChardevSourceDev ¶
type DomainChardevSourceDev struct { Path string `xml:"path,attr"` SecLabel []DomainDeviceSecLabel `xml:"seclabel"` }
type DomainChardevSourceFile ¶
type DomainChardevSourceFile struct { Path string `xml:"path,attr"` Append string `xml:"append,attr,omitempty"` SecLabel []DomainDeviceSecLabel `xml:"seclabel"` }
type DomainChardevSourceNMDM ¶
type DomainChardevSourceNull ¶
type DomainChardevSourceNull struct { }
type DomainChardevSourcePipe ¶
type DomainChardevSourcePipe struct { Path string `xml:"path,attr"` SecLabel []DomainDeviceSecLabel `xml:"seclabel"` }
type DomainChardevSourcePty ¶
type DomainChardevSourcePty struct { Path string `xml:"path,attr"` SecLabel []DomainDeviceSecLabel `xml:"seclabel"` }
type DomainChardevSourceQEMUVDAgent ¶ added in v1.8004.0
type DomainChardevSourceQEMUVDAgent struct { Mouse *DomainChardevSourceQEMUVDAgentMouse `xml:"mouse"` ClipBoard *DomainChardevSourceQEMUVDAgentClipBoard `xml:"clipboard"` }
type DomainChardevSourceQEMUVDAgentClipBoard ¶ added in v1.8004.0
type DomainChardevSourceQEMUVDAgentClipBoard struct {
CopyPaste string `xml:"copypaste,attr"`
type DomainChardevSourceQEMUVDAgentMouse ¶ added in v1.8004.0
type DomainChardevSourceQEMUVDAgentMouse struct {
Mode string `xml:"mode,attr"`
type DomainChardevSourceSpicePort ¶
type DomainChardevSourceSpicePort struct {
Channel string `xml:"channel,attr"`
type DomainChardevSourceSpiceVMC ¶
type DomainChardevSourceSpiceVMC struct { }
type DomainChardevSourceStdIO ¶
type DomainChardevSourceStdIO struct { }
type DomainChardevSourceTCP ¶
type DomainChardevSourceTCP struct { Mode string `xml:"mode,attr,omitempty"` Host string `xml:"host,attr,omitempty"` Service string `xml:"service,attr,omitempty"` TLS string `xml:"tls,attr,omitempty"` Reconnect *DomainChardevSourceReconnect `xml:"reconnect"` }
type DomainChardevSourceUDP ¶
type DomainChardevSourceUNIX ¶
type DomainChardevSourceUNIX struct { Mode string `xml:"mode,attr,omitempty"` Path string `xml:"path,attr,omitempty"` Reconnect *DomainChardevSourceReconnect `xml:"reconnect"` SecLabel []DomainDeviceSecLabel `xml:"seclabel"` }
type DomainChardevSourceVC ¶
type DomainChardevSourceVC struct { }
type DomainChardevTarget ¶
type DomainClock ¶
type DomainConsole ¶
type DomainConsole struct { XMLName xml.Name `xml:"console"` TTY string `xml:"tty,attr,omitempty"` Source *DomainChardevSource `xml:"source"` Protocol *DomainChardevProtocol `xml:"protocol"` Target *DomainConsoleTarget `xml:"target"` Log *DomainChardevLog `xml:"log"` ACPI *DomainDeviceACPI `xml:"acpi"` Alias *DomainAlias `xml:"alias"` Address *DomainAddress `xml:"address"` }
func (*DomainConsole) Marshal ¶
func (d *DomainConsole) Marshal() (string, error)
func (*DomainConsole) MarshalXML ¶
func (a *DomainConsole) MarshalXML(e *xml.Encoder, start xml.StartElement) error
func (*DomainConsole) Unmarshal ¶
func (d *DomainConsole) Unmarshal(doc string) error
func (*DomainConsole) UnmarshalXML ¶
func (a *DomainConsole) UnmarshalXML(d *xml.Decoder, start xml.StartElement) error
type DomainConsoleTarget ¶
type DomainController ¶
type DomainController struct { XMLName xml.Name `xml:"controller"` Type string `xml:"type,attr"` Index *uint `xml:"index,attr"` Model string `xml:"model,attr,omitempty"` Driver *DomainControllerDriver `xml:"driver"` PCI *DomainControllerPCI `xml:"-"` USB *DomainControllerUSB `xml:"-"` VirtIOSerial *DomainControllerVirtIOSerial `xml:"-"` XenBus *DomainControllerXenBus `xml:"-"` ACPI *DomainDeviceACPI `xml:"acpi"` Alias *DomainAlias `xml:"alias"` Address *DomainAddress `xml:"address"` }
func (*DomainController) Marshal ¶
func (d *DomainController) Marshal() (string, error)
func (*DomainController) MarshalXML ¶
func (a *DomainController) MarshalXML(e *xml.Encoder, start xml.StartElement) error
func (*DomainController) Unmarshal ¶
func (d *DomainController) Unmarshal(doc string) error
func (*DomainController) UnmarshalXML ¶
func (a *DomainController) UnmarshalXML(d *xml.Decoder, start xml.StartElement) error
type DomainControllerDriver ¶
type DomainControllerDriver struct { Queues *uint `xml:"queues,attr"` CmdPerLUN *uint `xml:"cmd_per_lun,attr"` MaxSectors *uint `xml:"max_sectors,attr"` IOEventFD string `xml:"ioeventfd,attr,omitempty"` IOThread uint `xml:"iothread,attr,omitempty"` IOMMU string `xml:"iommu,attr,omitempty"` ATS string `xml:"ats,attr,omitempty"` Packed string `xml:"packed,attr,omitempty"` PagePerVQ string `xml:"page_per_vq,attr,omitempty"` }
type DomainControllerPCI ¶
type DomainControllerPCI struct { Model *DomainControllerPCIModel `xml:"model"` Target *DomainControllerPCITarget `xml:"target"` Hole64 *DomainControllerPCIHole64 `xml:"pcihole64"` }
type DomainControllerPCIModel ¶
type DomainControllerPCIModel struct {
Name string `xml:"name,attr"`
type DomainControllerPCITarget ¶
type DomainControllerPCITarget struct { ChassisNr *uint Chassis *uint Port *uint BusNr *uint Index *uint NUMANode *uint Hotplug string MemReserve *uint64 }
func (*DomainControllerPCITarget) MarshalXML ¶
func (a *DomainControllerPCITarget) MarshalXML(e *xml.Encoder, start xml.StartElement) error
func (*DomainControllerPCITarget) UnmarshalXML ¶
func (a *DomainControllerPCITarget) UnmarshalXML(d *xml.Decoder, start xml.StartElement) error
type DomainControllerUSB ¶
type DomainControllerUSB struct { Port *uint `xml:"ports,attr"` Master *DomainControllerUSBMaster `xml:"master"` }
type DomainControllerUSBMaster ¶
type DomainControllerUSBMaster struct {
StartPort uint `xml:"startport,attr"`
type DomainControllerXenBus ¶
type DomainCrypto ¶ added in v1.9001.0
type DomainCrypto struct { Model string `xml:"model,attr,omitempty"` Type string `xml:"type,attr,omitempty"` Backend *DomainCryptoBackend `xml:"backend"` Alias *DomainAlias `xml:"alias"` Address *DomainAddress `xml:"address"` }
type DomainCryptoBackend ¶ added in v1.9001.0
type DomainCryptoBackend struct { BuiltIn *DomainCryptoBackendBuiltIn `xml:"-"` LKCF *DomainCryptoBackendLKCF `xml:"-"` Queues uint `xml:"queues,attr,omitempty"` }
func (*DomainCryptoBackend) MarshalXML ¶ added in v1.9001.0
func (a *DomainCryptoBackend) MarshalXML(e *xml.Encoder, start xml.StartElement) error
func (*DomainCryptoBackend) UnmarshalXML ¶ added in v1.9001.0
func (a *DomainCryptoBackend) UnmarshalXML(d *xml.Decoder, start xml.StartElement) error
type DomainCryptoBackendBuiltIn ¶ added in v1.9001.0
type DomainCryptoBackendBuiltIn struct { }
type DomainCryptoBackendLKCF ¶ added in v1.9001.0
type DomainCryptoBackendLKCF struct { }
type DomainCurrentMemory ¶
type DomainDefaultIOThread ¶ added in v1.8005.0
type DomainDeviceACPI ¶
type DomainDeviceACPI struct {
Index uint `xml:"index,attr,omitempty"`
type DomainDeviceBoot ¶
type DomainDeviceList ¶
type DomainDeviceList struct { Emulator string `xml:"emulator,omitempty"` Disks []DomainDisk `xml:"disk"` Controllers []DomainController `xml:"controller"` Leases []DomainLease `xml:"lease"` Filesystems []DomainFilesystem `xml:"filesystem"` Interfaces []DomainInterface `xml:"interface"` Smartcards []DomainSmartcard `xml:"smartcard"` Serials []DomainSerial `xml:"serial"` Parallels []DomainParallel `xml:"parallel"` Consoles []DomainConsole `xml:"console"` Channels []DomainChannel `xml:"channel"` Inputs []DomainInput `xml:"input"` TPMs []DomainTPM `xml:"tpm"` Graphics []DomainGraphic `xml:"graphics"` Sounds []DomainSound `xml:"sound"` Audios []DomainAudio `xml:"audio"` Videos []DomainVideo `xml:"video"` Hostdevs []DomainHostdev `xml:"hostdev"` RedirDevs []DomainRedirDev `xml:"redirdev"` RedirFilters []DomainRedirFilter `xml:"redirfilter"` Hubs []DomainHub `xml:"hub"` Watchdogs []DomainWatchdog `xml:"watchdog"` MemBalloon *DomainMemBalloon `xml:"memballoon"` RNGs []DomainRNG `xml:"rng"` NVRAM *DomainNVRAM `xml:"nvram"` Panics []DomainPanic `xml:"panic"` Shmems []DomainShmem `xml:"shmem"` Memorydevs []DomainMemorydev `xml:"memory"` IOMMU *DomainIOMMU `xml:"iommu"` VSock *DomainVSock `xml:"vsock"` Crypto []DomainCrypto `xml:"crypto"` PStore *DomainPStore `xml:"pstore"` }
type DomainDeviceSecLabel ¶
type DomainDisk ¶
type DomainDisk struct { XMLName xml.Name `xml:"disk"` Device string `xml:"device,attr,omitempty"` RawIO string `xml:"rawio,attr,omitempty"` SGIO string `xml:"sgio,attr,omitempty"` Snapshot string `xml:"snapshot,attr,omitempty"` Model string `xml:"model,attr,omitempty"` Driver *DomainDiskDriver `xml:"driver"` Auth *DomainDiskAuth `xml:"auth"` Source *DomainDiskSource `xml:"source"` BackingStore *DomainDiskBackingStore `xml:"backingStore"` BackendDomain *DomainBackendDomain `xml:"backenddomain"` Geometry *DomainDiskGeometry `xml:"geometry"` BlockIO *DomainDiskBlockIO `xml:"blockio"` Mirror *DomainDiskMirror `xml:"mirror"` Target *DomainDiskTarget `xml:"target"` IOTune *DomainDiskIOTune `xml:"iotune"` ReadOnly *DomainDiskReadOnly `xml:"readonly"` Transient *DomainDiskTransient `xml:"transient"` Serial string `xml:"serial,omitempty"` WWN string `xml:"wwn,omitempty"` Vendor string `xml:"vendor,omitempty"` Product string `xml:"product,omitempty"` Encryption *DomainDiskEncryption `xml:"encryption"` Boot *DomainDeviceBoot `xml:"boot"` ACPI *DomainDeviceACPI `xml:"acpi"` Alias *DomainAlias `xml:"alias"` Address *DomainAddress `xml:"address"` }
func (*DomainDisk) Marshal ¶
func (d *DomainDisk) Marshal() (string, error)
func (*DomainDisk) MarshalXML ¶
func (a *DomainDisk) MarshalXML(e *xml.Encoder, start xml.StartElement) error
func (*DomainDisk) Unmarshal ¶
func (d *DomainDisk) Unmarshal(doc string) error
func (*DomainDisk) UnmarshalXML ¶
func (a *DomainDisk) UnmarshalXML(d *xml.Decoder, start xml.StartElement) error
type DomainDiskAuth ¶
type DomainDiskAuth struct { Username string `xml:"username,attr,omitempty"` Secret *DomainDiskSecret `xml:"secret"` }
type DomainDiskBackingStore ¶
type DomainDiskBackingStore struct { Index uint `xml:"index,attr,omitempty"` Format *DomainDiskFormat `xml:"format"` Source *DomainDiskSource `xml:"source"` BackingStore *DomainDiskBackingStore `xml:"backingStore"` }
func (*DomainDiskBackingStore) MarshalXML ¶
func (a *DomainDiskBackingStore) MarshalXML(e *xml.Encoder, start xml.StartElement) error
func (*DomainDiskBackingStore) UnmarshalXML ¶
func (a *DomainDiskBackingStore) UnmarshalXML(d *xml.Decoder, start xml.StartElement) error
type DomainDiskBlockIO ¶
type DomainDiskCookie ¶
type DomainDiskCookies ¶
type DomainDiskCookies struct {
Cookies []DomainDiskCookie `xml:"cookie"`
type DomainDiskDataStore ¶ added in v1.10010.0
type DomainDiskDataStore struct { Format *DomainDiskFormat `xml:"format"` Source *DomainDiskSource `xml:"source"` }
func (*DomainDiskDataStore) MarshalXML ¶ added in v1.10010.0
func (a *DomainDiskDataStore) MarshalXML(e *xml.Encoder, start xml.StartElement) error
func (*DomainDiskDataStore) UnmarshalXML ¶ added in v1.10010.0
func (a *DomainDiskDataStore) UnmarshalXML(d *xml.Decoder, start xml.StartElement) error
type DomainDiskDriver ¶
type DomainDiskDriver struct { Name string `xml:"name,attr,omitempty"` Type string `xml:"type,attr,omitempty"` Cache string `xml:"cache,attr,omitempty"` ErrorPolicy string `xml:"error_policy,attr,omitempty"` RErrorPolicy string `xml:"rerror_policy,attr,omitempty"` IO string `xml:"io,attr,omitempty"` IOEventFD string `xml:"ioeventfd,attr,omitempty"` EventIDX string `xml:"event_idx,attr,omitempty"` CopyOnRead string `xml:"copy_on_read,attr,omitempty"` Discard string `xml:"discard,attr,omitempty"` DiscardNoUnref string `xml:"discard_no_unref,attr,omitempty"` IOThread *uint `xml:"iothread,attr"` IOThreads *DomainDiskIOThreads `xml:"iothreads"` DetectZeros string `xml:"detect_zeroes,attr,omitempty"` Queues *uint `xml:"queues,attr"` QueueSize *uint `xml:"queue_size,attr"` IOMMU string `xml:"iommu,attr,omitempty"` ATS string `xml:"ats,attr,omitempty"` Packed string `xml:"packed,attr,omitempty"` PagePerVQ string `xml:"page_per_vq,attr,omitempty"` MetadataCache *DomainDiskMetadataCache `xml:"metadata_cache"` }
type DomainDiskEncryption ¶
type DomainDiskEncryption struct { Format string `xml:"format,attr,omitempty"` Engine string `xml:"engine,attr,omitempty"` Secrets []DomainDiskSecret `xml:"secret"` }
type DomainDiskFormat ¶
type DomainDiskFormat struct { Type string `xml:"type,attr"` MetadataCache *DomainDiskMetadataCache `xml:"metadata_cache"` }
type DomainDiskGeometry ¶
type DomainDiskIOThread ¶ added in v1.10000.0
type DomainDiskIOThread struct { ID uint `xml:"id,attr"` Queues []DomainDiskIOThreadQueue `xml:"queue"` }
type DomainDiskIOThreadQueue ¶ added in v1.10000.0
type DomainDiskIOThreadQueue struct {
ID uint `xml:"id,attr"`
type DomainDiskIOThreads ¶ added in v1.10000.0
type DomainDiskIOThreads struct {
IOThread []DomainDiskIOThread `xml:"iothread"`
type DomainDiskIOTune ¶
type DomainDiskIOTune struct { TotalBytesSec uint64 `xml:"total_bytes_sec,omitempty"` ReadBytesSec uint64 `xml:"read_bytes_sec,omitempty"` WriteBytesSec uint64 `xml:"write_bytes_sec,omitempty"` TotalIopsSec uint64 `xml:"total_iops_sec,omitempty"` ReadIopsSec uint64 `xml:"read_iops_sec,omitempty"` WriteIopsSec uint64 `xml:"write_iops_sec,omitempty"` TotalBytesSecMax uint64 `xml:"total_bytes_sec_max,omitempty"` ReadBytesSecMax uint64 `xml:"read_bytes_sec_max,omitempty"` WriteBytesSecMax uint64 `xml:"write_bytes_sec_max,omitempty"` TotalIopsSecMax uint64 `xml:"total_iops_sec_max,omitempty"` ReadIopsSecMax uint64 `xml:"read_iops_sec_max,omitempty"` WriteIopsSecMax uint64 `xml:"write_iops_sec_max,omitempty"` TotalBytesSecMaxLength uint64 `xml:"total_bytes_sec_max_length,omitempty"` ReadBytesSecMaxLength uint64 `xml:"read_bytes_sec_max_length,omitempty"` WriteBytesSecMaxLength uint64 `xml:"write_bytes_sec_max_length,omitempty"` TotalIopsSecMaxLength uint64 `xml:"total_iops_sec_max_length,omitempty"` ReadIopsSecMaxLength uint64 `xml:"read_iops_sec_max_length,omitempty"` WriteIopsSecMaxLength uint64 `xml:"write_iops_sec_max_length,omitempty"` SizeIopsSec uint64 `xml:"size_iops_sec,omitempty"` GroupName string `xml:"group_name,omitempty"` }
type DomainDiskMetadataCache ¶
type DomainDiskMetadataCache struct {
MaxSize *DomainDiskMetadataCacheSize `xml:"max_size"`
type DomainDiskMirror ¶
type DomainDiskMirror struct { Job string `xml:"job,attr,omitempty"` Ready string `xml:"ready,attr,omitempty"` Format *DomainDiskFormat `xml:"format"` Source *DomainDiskSource `xml:"source"` BackingStore *DomainDiskBackingStore `xml:"backingStore"` }
func (*DomainDiskMirror) MarshalXML ¶
func (a *DomainDiskMirror) MarshalXML(e *xml.Encoder, start xml.StartElement) error
func (*DomainDiskMirror) UnmarshalXML ¶
func (a *DomainDiskMirror) UnmarshalXML(d *xml.Decoder, start xml.StartElement) error
type DomainDiskReadOnly ¶
type DomainDiskReadOnly struct { }
type DomainDiskReservations ¶
type DomainDiskReservations struct { Enabled string `xml:"enabled,attr,omitempty"` Managed string `xml:"managed,attr,omitempty"` Source *DomainDiskReservationsSource `xml:"source"` }
type DomainDiskReservationsSource ¶
type DomainDiskReservationsSource DomainChardevSource
func (*DomainDiskReservationsSource) MarshalXML ¶
func (a *DomainDiskReservationsSource) MarshalXML(e *xml.Encoder, start xml.StartElement) error
func (*DomainDiskReservationsSource) UnmarshalXML ¶
func (a *DomainDiskReservationsSource) UnmarshalXML(d *xml.Decoder, start xml.StartElement) error
type DomainDiskSecret ¶
type DomainDiskShareable ¶
type DomainDiskShareable struct { }
type DomainDiskSlice ¶
type DomainDiskSlices ¶
type DomainDiskSlices struct {
Slices []DomainDiskSlice `xml:"slice"`
type DomainDiskSource ¶
type DomainDiskSource struct { File *DomainDiskSourceFile `xml:"-"` Block *DomainDiskSourceBlock `xml:"-"` Dir *DomainDiskSourceDir `xml:"-"` Network *DomainDiskSourceNetwork `xml:"-"` Volume *DomainDiskSourceVolume `xml:"-"` NVME *DomainDiskSourceNVME `xml:"-"` VHostUser *DomainDiskSourceVHostUser `xml:"-"` VHostVDPA *DomainDiskSourceVHostVDPA `xml:"-"` StartupPolicy string `xml:"startupPolicy,attr,omitempty"` Index uint `xml:"index,attr,omitempty"` Encryption *DomainDiskEncryption `xml:"encryption"` Reservations *DomainDiskReservations `xml:"reservations"` Slices *DomainDiskSlices `xml:"slices"` SSL *DomainDiskSourceSSL `xml:"ssl"` Cookies *DomainDiskCookies `xml:"cookies"` Readahead *DomainDiskSourceReadahead `xml:"readahead"` Timeout *DomainDiskSourceTimeout `xml:"timeout"` DataStore *DomainDiskDataStore `xml:"dataStore"` }
func (*DomainDiskSource) MarshalXML ¶
func (a *DomainDiskSource) MarshalXML(e *xml.Encoder, start xml.StartElement) error
func (*DomainDiskSource) UnmarshalXML ¶
func (a *DomainDiskSource) UnmarshalXML(d *xml.Decoder, start xml.StartElement) error
type DomainDiskSourceBlock ¶
type DomainDiskSourceBlock struct { Dev string `xml:"dev,attr,omitempty"` SecLabel []DomainDeviceSecLabel `xml:"seclabel"` }
type DomainDiskSourceDir ¶
type DomainDiskSourceDir struct {
Dir string `xml:"dir,attr,omitempty"`
type DomainDiskSourceFile ¶
type DomainDiskSourceFile struct { File string `xml:"file,attr,omitempty"` FDGroup string `xml:"fdgroup,attr,omitempty"` SecLabel []DomainDeviceSecLabel `xml:"seclabel"` }
type DomainDiskSourceHost ¶
type DomainDiskSourceNVME ¶
type DomainDiskSourceNVME struct {
PCI *DomainDiskSourceNVMEPCI
type DomainDiskSourceNVMEPCI ¶
type DomainDiskSourceNVMEPCI struct { Managed string `xml:"managed,attr,omitempty"` Namespace uint64 `xml:"namespace,attr,omitempty"` Address *DomainAddressPCI `xml:"address"` }
type DomainDiskSourceNetwork ¶
type DomainDiskSourceNetwork struct { Protocol string `xml:"protocol,attr,omitempty"` Name string `xml:"name,attr,omitempty"` Query string `xml:"query,attr,omitempty"` TLS string `xml:"tls,attr,omitempty"` TLSHostname string `xml:"tlsHostname,attr,omitempty"` Hosts []DomainDiskSourceHost `xml:"host"` Identity *DomainDiskSourceNetworkIdentity `xml:"identity"` KnownHosts *DomainDiskSourceNetworkKnownHosts `xml:"knownHosts"` Initiator *DomainDiskSourceNetworkInitiator `xml:"initiator"` Snapshot *DomainDiskSourceNetworkSnapshot `xml:"snapshot"` Config *DomainDiskSourceNetworkConfig `xml:"config"` Reconnect *DomainDiskSourceNetworkReconnect `xml:"reconnect"` Auth *DomainDiskAuth `xml:"auth"` }
type DomainDiskSourceNetworkConfig ¶
type DomainDiskSourceNetworkConfig struct {
File string `xml:"file,attr"`
type DomainDiskSourceNetworkIQN ¶
type DomainDiskSourceNetworkIQN struct {
Name string `xml:"name,attr,omitempty"`
type DomainDiskSourceNetworkInitiator ¶
type DomainDiskSourceNetworkInitiator struct {
IQN *DomainDiskSourceNetworkIQN `xml:"iqn"`
type DomainDiskSourceNetworkKnownHosts ¶ added in v1.9008.0
type DomainDiskSourceNetworkKnownHosts struct {
Path string `xml:"path,attr"`
type DomainDiskSourceNetworkReconnect ¶ added in v1.9002.0
type DomainDiskSourceNetworkReconnect struct {
Delay string `xml:"delay,attr"`
type DomainDiskSourceNetworkSnapshot ¶
type DomainDiskSourceNetworkSnapshot struct {
Name string `xml:"name,attr"`
type DomainDiskSourceReadahead ¶
type DomainDiskSourceReadahead struct {
Size string `xml:"size,attr"`
type DomainDiskSourceSSL ¶
type DomainDiskSourceSSL struct {
Verify string `xml:"verify,attr"`
type DomainDiskSourceTimeout ¶
type DomainDiskSourceTimeout struct {
Seconds string `xml:"seconds,attr"`
type DomainDiskSourceVHostUser ¶
type DomainDiskSourceVHostUser DomainChardevSource
func (*DomainDiskSourceVHostUser) MarshalXML ¶
func (a *DomainDiskSourceVHostUser) MarshalXML(e *xml.Encoder, start xml.StartElement) error
func (*DomainDiskSourceVHostUser) UnmarshalXML ¶
func (a *DomainDiskSourceVHostUser) UnmarshalXML(d *xml.Decoder, start xml.StartElement) error
type DomainDiskSourceVHostVDPA ¶ added in v1.9008.0
type DomainDiskSourceVHostVDPA struct {
Dev string `xml:"dev,attr"`
type DomainDiskSourceVolume ¶
type DomainDiskSourceVolume struct { Pool string `xml:"pool,attr,omitempty"` Volume string `xml:"volume,attr,omitempty"` Mode string `xml:"mode,attr,omitempty"` SecLabel []DomainDeviceSecLabel `xml:"seclabel"` }
type DomainDiskTarget ¶
type DomainDiskTransient ¶
type DomainDiskTransient struct {
}type DomainFeature ¶
type DomainFeature struct { }
type DomainFeatureAPIC ¶
type DomainFeatureAPIC struct {
EOI string `xml:"eoi,attr,omitempty"`
type DomainFeatureAsyncTeardown ¶ added in v1.9006.0
type DomainFeatureAsyncTeardown struct {
Enabled string `xml:"enabled,attr,omitempty"`
type DomainFeatureCFPC ¶
type DomainFeatureCFPC struct {
Value string `xml:"value,attr"`
type DomainFeatureCapabilities ¶
type DomainFeatureCapabilities struct { Policy string `xml:"policy,attr,omitempty"` AuditControl *DomainFeatureCapability `xml:"audit_control"` AuditWrite *DomainFeatureCapability `xml:"audit_write"` BlockSuspend *DomainFeatureCapability `xml:"block_suspend"` Chown *DomainFeatureCapability `xml:"chown"` DACOverride *DomainFeatureCapability `xml:"dac_override"` DACReadSearch *DomainFeatureCapability `xml:"dac_read_Search"` FOwner *DomainFeatureCapability `xml:"fowner"` FSetID *DomainFeatureCapability `xml:"fsetid"` IPCLock *DomainFeatureCapability `xml:"ipc_lock"` IPCOwner *DomainFeatureCapability `xml:"ipc_owner"` Kill *DomainFeatureCapability `xml:"kill"` Lease *DomainFeatureCapability `xml:"lease"` LinuxImmutable *DomainFeatureCapability `xml:"linux_immutable"` MACAdmin *DomainFeatureCapability `xml:"mac_admin"` MACOverride *DomainFeatureCapability `xml:"mac_override"` MkNod *DomainFeatureCapability `xml:"mknod"` NetAdmin *DomainFeatureCapability `xml:"net_admin"` NetBindService *DomainFeatureCapability `xml:"net_bind_service"` NetBroadcast *DomainFeatureCapability `xml:"net_broadcast"` NetRaw *DomainFeatureCapability `xml:"net_raw"` SetGID *DomainFeatureCapability `xml:"setgid"` SetFCap *DomainFeatureCapability `xml:"setfcap"` SetPCap *DomainFeatureCapability `xml:"setpcap"` SetUID *DomainFeatureCapability `xml:"setuid"` SysAdmin *DomainFeatureCapability `xml:"sys_admin"` SysBoot *DomainFeatureCapability `xml:"sys_boot"` SysChRoot *DomainFeatureCapability `xml:"sys_chroot"` SysModule *DomainFeatureCapability `xml:"sys_module"` SysNice *DomainFeatureCapability `xml:"sys_nice"` SysPAcct *DomainFeatureCapability `xml:"sys_pacct"` SysPTrace *DomainFeatureCapability `xml:"sys_ptrace"` SysRawIO *DomainFeatureCapability `xml:"sys_rawio"` SysResource *DomainFeatureCapability `xml:"sys_resource"` SysTime *DomainFeatureCapability `xml:"sys_time"` SysTTYCnofig *DomainFeatureCapability `xml:"sys_tty_config"` SysLog *DomainFeatureCapability `xml:"syslog"` WakeAlarm *DomainFeatureCapability `xml:"wake_alarm"` }
type DomainFeatureCapability ¶
type DomainFeatureCapability struct {
State string `xml:"state,attr,omitempty"`
type DomainFeatureGIC ¶
type DomainFeatureGIC struct {
Version string `xml:"version,attr,omitempty"`
type DomainFeatureHPT ¶
type DomainFeatureHPT struct { Resizing string `xml:"resizing,attr,omitempty"` MaxPageSize *DomainFeatureHPTPageSize `xml:"maxpagesize"` }
type DomainFeatureHyperV ¶
type DomainFeatureHyperV struct { DomainFeature Mode string `xml:"mode,attr,omitempty"` Relaxed *DomainFeatureState `xml:"relaxed"` VAPIC *DomainFeatureState `xml:"vapic"` Spinlocks *DomainFeatureHyperVSpinlocks `xml:"spinlocks"` VPIndex *DomainFeatureState `xml:"vpindex"` Runtime *DomainFeatureState `xml:"runtime"` Synic *DomainFeatureState `xml:"synic"` STimer *DomainFeatureHyperVSTimer `xml:"stimer"` Reset *DomainFeatureState `xml:"reset"` VendorId *DomainFeatureHyperVVendorId `xml:"vendor_id"` Frequencies *DomainFeatureState `xml:"frequencies"` ReEnlightenment *DomainFeatureState `xml:"reenlightenment"` TLBFlush *DomainFeatureHyperVTLBFlush `xml:"tlbflush"` IPI *DomainFeatureState `xml:"ipi"` EVMCS *DomainFeatureState `xml:"evmcs"` AVIC *DomainFeatureState `xml:"avic"` EMSRBitmap *DomainFeatureState `xml:"emsr_bitmap"` XMMInput *DomainFeatureState `xml:"xmm_input"` }
type DomainFeatureHyperVSTimer ¶
type DomainFeatureHyperVSTimer struct { DomainFeatureState Direct *DomainFeatureState `xml:"direct"` }
type DomainFeatureHyperVSpinlocks ¶
type DomainFeatureHyperVSpinlocks struct { DomainFeatureState Retries uint `xml:"retries,attr,omitempty"` }
type DomainFeatureHyperVTLBFlush ¶ added in v1.11000.0
type DomainFeatureHyperVTLBFlush struct { DomainFeatureState Direct *DomainFeatureState `xml:"direct"` Extended *DomainFeatureState `xml:"extended"` }
type DomainFeatureHyperVVendorId ¶
type DomainFeatureHyperVVendorId struct { DomainFeatureState Value string `xml:"value,attr,omitempty"` }
type DomainFeatureIBS ¶
type DomainFeatureIBS struct {
Value string `xml:"value,attr"`
type DomainFeatureIOAPIC ¶
type DomainFeatureIOAPIC struct {
Driver string `xml:"driver,attr,omitempty"`
type DomainFeatureKVM ¶
type DomainFeatureKVM struct { Hidden *DomainFeatureState `xml:"hidden"` HintDedicated *DomainFeatureState `xml:"hint-dedicated"` PollControl *DomainFeatureState `xml:"poll-control"` PVIPI *DomainFeatureState `xml:"pv-ipi"` DirtyRing *DomainFeatureKVMDirtyRing `xml:"dirty-ring"` }
type DomainFeatureKVMDirtyRing ¶ added in v1.8000.0
type DomainFeatureKVMDirtyRing struct { DomainFeatureState Size uint `xml:"size,attr,omitempty"` }
type DomainFeatureList ¶
type DomainFeatureList struct { PAE *DomainFeature `xml:"pae"` ACPI *DomainFeature `xml:"acpi"` APIC *DomainFeatureAPIC `xml:"apic"` HAP *DomainFeatureState `xml:"hap"` Viridian *DomainFeature `xml:"viridian"` PrivNet *DomainFeature `xml:"privnet"` HyperV *DomainFeatureHyperV `xml:"hyperv"` KVM *DomainFeatureKVM `xml:"kvm"` Xen *DomainFeatureXen `xml:"xen"` PVSpinlock *DomainFeatureState `xml:"pvspinlock"` PMU *DomainFeatureState `xml:"pmu"` VMPort *DomainFeatureState `xml:"vmport"` GIC *DomainFeatureGIC `xml:"gic"` SMM *DomainFeatureSMM `xml:"smm"` IOAPIC *DomainFeatureIOAPIC `xml:"ioapic"` HPT *DomainFeatureHPT `xml:"hpt"` HTM *DomainFeatureState `xml:"htm"` NestedHV *DomainFeatureState `xml:"nested-hv"` Capabilities *DomainFeatureCapabilities `xml:"capabilities"` VMCoreInfo *DomainFeatureState `xml:"vmcoreinfo"` MSRS *DomainFeatureMSRS `xml:"msrs"` CCFAssist *DomainFeatureState `xml:"ccf-assist"` CFPC *DomainFeatureCFPC `xml:"cfpc"` SBBC *DomainFeatureSBBC `xml:"sbbc"` IBS *DomainFeatureIBS `xml:"ibs"` TCG *DomainFeatureTCG `xml:"tcg"` AsyncTeardown *DomainFeatureAsyncTeardown `xml:"async-teardown"` RAS *DomainFeatureState `xml:"ras"` PS2 *DomainFeatureState `xml:"ps2"` }
type DomainFeatureMSRS ¶
type DomainFeatureMSRS struct {
Unknown string `xml:"unknown,attr"`
type DomainFeatureSBBC ¶
type DomainFeatureSBBC struct {
Value string `xml:"value,attr"`
type DomainFeatureSMM ¶
type DomainFeatureSMM struct { State string `xml:"state,attr,omitempty"` TSeg *DomainFeatureSMMTSeg `xml:"tseg"` }
type DomainFeatureSMMTSeg ¶
type DomainFeatureState ¶
type DomainFeatureState struct {
State string `xml:"state,attr,omitempty"`
type DomainFeatureTCG ¶ added in v1.8000.0
type DomainFeatureTCG struct {
TBCache *DomainFeatureTCGTBCache `xml:"tb-cache"`
type DomainFeatureTCGTBCache ¶ added in v1.8000.0
type DomainFeatureXen ¶
type DomainFeatureXen struct { E820Host *DomainFeatureXenE820Host `xml:"e820_host"` Passthrough *DomainFeatureXenPassthrough `xml:"passthrough"` }
type DomainFeatureXenE820Host ¶
type DomainFeatureXenE820Host struct {
State string `xml:"state,attr"`
type DomainFilesystem ¶
type DomainFilesystem struct { XMLName xml.Name `xml:"filesystem"` AccessMode string `xml:"accessmode,attr,omitempty"` Model string `xml:"model,attr,omitempty"` MultiDevs string `xml:"multidevs,attr,omitempty"` FMode string `xml:"fmode,attr,omitempty"` DMode string `xml:"dmode,attr,omitempty"` Driver *DomainFilesystemDriver `xml:"driver"` Binary *DomainFilesystemBinary `xml:"binary"` IDMap *DomainFilesystemIDMap `xml:"idmap"` Source *DomainFilesystemSource `xml:"source"` Target *DomainFilesystemTarget `xml:"target"` ReadOnly *DomainFilesystemReadOnly `xml:"readonly"` SpaceHardLimit *DomainFilesystemSpaceHardLimit `xml:"space_hard_limit"` SpaceSoftLimit *DomainFilesystemSpaceSoftLimit `xml:"space_soft_limit"` Boot *DomainDeviceBoot `xml:"boot"` ACPI *DomainDeviceACPI `xml:"acpi"` Alias *DomainAlias `xml:"alias"` Address *DomainAddress `xml:"address"` }
func (*DomainFilesystem) Marshal ¶
func (d *DomainFilesystem) Marshal() (string, error)
func (*DomainFilesystem) MarshalXML ¶
func (a *DomainFilesystem) MarshalXML(e *xml.Encoder, start xml.StartElement) error
func (*DomainFilesystem) Unmarshal ¶
func (d *DomainFilesystem) Unmarshal(doc string) error
func (*DomainFilesystem) UnmarshalXML ¶
func (a *DomainFilesystem) UnmarshalXML(d *xml.Decoder, start xml.StartElement) error
type DomainFilesystemBinary ¶
type DomainFilesystemBinary struct { Path string `xml:"path,attr,omitempty"` XAttr string `xml:"xattr,attr,omitempty"` Cache *DomainFilesystemBinaryCache `xml:"cache"` Sandbox *DomainFilesystemBinarySandbox `xml:"sandbox"` Lock *DomainFilesystemBinaryLock `xml:"lock"` ThreadPool *DomainFilesystemBinaryThreadPool `xml:"thread_pool"` OpenFiles *DomainFilesystemBinaryOpenFiles `xml:"openfiles"` }
type DomainFilesystemBinaryCache ¶
type DomainFilesystemBinaryCache struct {
Mode string `xml:"mode,attr"`
type DomainFilesystemBinaryOpenFiles ¶ added in v1.10006.0
type DomainFilesystemBinaryOpenFiles struct {
Max uint `xml:"max,attr,"`
type DomainFilesystemBinarySandbox ¶
type DomainFilesystemBinarySandbox struct {
Mode string `xml:"mode,attr"`
type DomainFilesystemBinaryThreadPool ¶ added in v1.8005.0
type DomainFilesystemBinaryThreadPool struct {
Size uint `xml:"size,attr,omitempty"`
type DomainFilesystemDriver ¶
type DomainFilesystemDriver struct { Type string `xml:"type,attr,omitempty"` Format string `xml:"format,attr,omitempty"` Name string `xml:"name,attr,omitempty"` WRPolicy string `xml:"wrpolicy,attr,omitempty"` IOMMU string `xml:"iommu,attr,omitempty"` ATS string `xml:"ats,attr,omitempty"` Packed string `xml:"packed,attr,omitempty"` PagePerVQ string `xml:"page_per_vq,attr,omitempty"` Queue uint `xml:"queue,attr,omitempty"` }
type DomainFilesystemIDMap ¶ added in v1.10000.0
type DomainFilesystemIDMap struct { UID []DomainFilesystemIDMapEntry `xml:"uid"` GID []DomainFilesystemIDMapEntry `xml:"gid"` }
type DomainFilesystemIDMapEntry ¶ added in v1.10000.0
type DomainFilesystemReadOnly ¶
type DomainFilesystemReadOnly struct { }
type DomainFilesystemSource ¶
type DomainFilesystemSource struct { Mount *DomainFilesystemSourceMount `xml:"-"` Block *DomainFilesystemSourceBlock `xml:"-"` File *DomainFilesystemSourceFile `xml:"-"` Template *DomainFilesystemSourceTemplate `xml:"-"` RAM *DomainFilesystemSourceRAM `xml:"-"` Bind *DomainFilesystemSourceBind `xml:"-"` Volume *DomainFilesystemSourceVolume `xml:"-"` }
func (*DomainFilesystemSource) MarshalXML ¶
func (a *DomainFilesystemSource) MarshalXML(e *xml.Encoder, start xml.StartElement) error
func (*DomainFilesystemSource) UnmarshalXML ¶
func (a *DomainFilesystemSource) UnmarshalXML(d *xml.Decoder, start xml.StartElement) error
type DomainFilesystemSourceBind ¶
type DomainFilesystemSourceBind struct {
Dir string `xml:"dir,attr"`
type DomainFilesystemSourceBlock ¶
type DomainFilesystemSourceBlock struct {
Dev string `xml:"dev,attr"`
type DomainFilesystemSourceFile ¶
type DomainFilesystemSourceFile struct {
File string `xml:"file,attr"`
type DomainFilesystemSourceTemplate ¶
type DomainFilesystemSourceTemplate struct {
Name string `xml:"name,attr"`
type DomainFilesystemTarget ¶
type DomainFilesystemTarget struct {
Dir string `xml:"dir,attr"`
type DomainGenID ¶
type DomainGenID struct {
Value string `xml:",chardata"`
type DomainGraphic ¶
type DomainGraphic struct { XMLName xml.Name `xml:"graphics"` SDL *DomainGraphicSDL `xml:"-"` VNC *DomainGraphicVNC `xml:"-"` RDP *DomainGraphicRDP `xml:"-"` Desktop *DomainGraphicDesktop `xml:"-"` Spice *DomainGraphicSpice `xml:"-"` EGLHeadless *DomainGraphicEGLHeadless `xml:"-"` DBus *DomainGraphicDBus `xml:"-"` Audio *DomainGraphicAudio `xml:"audio"` }
func (*DomainGraphic) Marshal ¶
func (d *DomainGraphic) Marshal() (string, error)
func (*DomainGraphic) MarshalXML ¶
func (a *DomainGraphic) MarshalXML(e *xml.Encoder, start xml.StartElement) error
func (*DomainGraphic) Unmarshal ¶
func (d *DomainGraphic) Unmarshal(doc string) error
func (*DomainGraphic) UnmarshalXML ¶
func (a *DomainGraphic) UnmarshalXML(d *xml.Decoder, start xml.StartElement) error
type DomainGraphicAudio ¶
type DomainGraphicAudio struct {
ID uint `xml:"id,attr,omitempty"`
type DomainGraphicChannel ¶
type DomainGraphicDBus ¶ added in v1.8004.0
type DomainGraphicDBus struct { Address string `xml:"address,attr,omitempty"` P2P string `xml:"p2p,attr,omitempty"` GL *DomainGraphicDBusGL `xml:"gl"` }
type DomainGraphicDBusGL ¶ added in v1.8004.0
type DomainGraphicDesktop ¶
type DomainGraphicEGLHeadless ¶
type DomainGraphicEGLHeadless struct {
GL *DomainGraphicEGLHeadlessGL `xml:"gl"`
type DomainGraphicEGLHeadlessGL ¶
type DomainGraphicEGLHeadlessGL struct {
RenderNode string `xml:"rendernode,attr,omitempty"`
type DomainGraphicFileTransfer ¶
type DomainGraphicFileTransfer struct {
Enable string `xml:"enable,attr,omitempty"`
type DomainGraphicListener ¶
type DomainGraphicListener struct { Address *DomainGraphicListenerAddress `xml:"-"` Network *DomainGraphicListenerNetwork `xml:"-"` Socket *DomainGraphicListenerSocket `xml:"-"` }
func (*DomainGraphicListener) MarshalXML ¶
func (a *DomainGraphicListener) MarshalXML(e *xml.Encoder, start xml.StartElement) error
func (*DomainGraphicListener) UnmarshalXML ¶
func (a *DomainGraphicListener) UnmarshalXML(d *xml.Decoder, start xml.StartElement) error
type DomainGraphicListenerAddress ¶
type DomainGraphicListenerAddress struct {
Address string `xml:"address,attr,omitempty"`
type DomainGraphicListenerSocket ¶
type DomainGraphicListenerSocket struct {
Socket string `xml:"socket,attr,omitempty"`
type DomainGraphicRDP ¶
type DomainGraphicRDP struct { Port int `xml:"port,attr,omitempty"` AutoPort string `xml:"autoport,attr,omitempty"` ReplaceUser string `xml:"replaceUser,attr,omitempty"` MultiUser string `xml:"multiUser,attr,omitempty"` Listen string `xml:"listen,attr,omitempty"` Listeners []DomainGraphicListener `xml:"listen"` }
type DomainGraphicSDL ¶
type DomainGraphicSDL struct { Display string `xml:"display,attr,omitempty"` XAuth string `xml:"xauth,attr,omitempty"` FullScreen string `xml:"fullscreen,attr,omitempty"` GL *DomainGraphicsSDLGL `xml:"gl"` }
type DomainGraphicSpice ¶
type DomainGraphicSpice struct { Port int `xml:"port,attr,omitempty"` TLSPort int `xml:"tlsPort,attr,omitempty"` AutoPort string `xml:"autoport,attr,omitempty"` Listen string `xml:"listen,attr,omitempty"` Keymap string `xml:"keymap,attr,omitempty"` DefaultMode string `xml:"defaultMode,attr,omitempty"` Passwd string `xml:"passwd,attr,omitempty"` PasswdValidTo string `xml:"passwdValidTo,attr,omitempty"` Connected string `xml:"connected,attr,omitempty"` Listeners []DomainGraphicListener `xml:"listen"` Channel []DomainGraphicSpiceChannel `xml:"channel"` Image *DomainGraphicSpiceImage `xml:"image"` JPEG *DomainGraphicSpiceJPEG `xml:"jpeg"` ZLib *DomainGraphicSpiceZLib `xml:"zlib"` Playback *DomainGraphicSpicePlayback `xml:"playback"` Streaming *DomainGraphicSpiceStreaming `xml:"streaming"` Mouse *DomainGraphicSpiceMouse `xml:"mouse"` ClipBoard *DomainGraphicSpiceClipBoard `xml:"clipboard"` FileTransfer *DomainGraphicSpiceFileTransfer `xml:"filetransfer"` GL *DomainGraphicSpiceGL `xml:"gl"` }
type DomainGraphicSpiceClipBoard ¶
type DomainGraphicSpiceClipBoard struct {
CopyPaste string `xml:"copypaste,attr"`
type DomainGraphicSpiceFileTransfer ¶
type DomainGraphicSpiceFileTransfer struct {
Enable string `xml:"enable,attr"`
type DomainGraphicSpiceGL ¶
type DomainGraphicSpiceImage ¶
type DomainGraphicSpiceImage struct {
Compression string `xml:"compression,attr"`
type DomainGraphicSpiceJPEG ¶
type DomainGraphicSpiceJPEG struct {
Compression string `xml:"compression,attr"`
type DomainGraphicSpiceMouse ¶
type DomainGraphicSpiceMouse struct {
Mode string `xml:"mode,attr"`
type DomainGraphicSpicePlayback ¶
type DomainGraphicSpicePlayback struct {
Compression string `xml:"compression,attr"`
type DomainGraphicSpiceStreaming ¶
type DomainGraphicSpiceStreaming struct {
Mode string `xml:"mode,attr"`
type DomainGraphicSpiceZLib ¶
type DomainGraphicSpiceZLib struct {
Compression string `xml:"compression,attr"`
type DomainGraphicVNC ¶
type DomainGraphicVNC struct { Socket string `xml:"socket,attr,omitempty"` Port int `xml:"port,attr,omitempty"` AutoPort string `xml:"autoport,attr,omitempty"` WebSocket int `xml:"websocket,attr,omitempty"` Keymap string `xml:"keymap,attr,omitempty"` Passwd string `xml:"passwd,attr,omitempty"` PasswdValidTo string `xml:"passwdValidTo,attr,omitempty"` Connected string `xml:"connected,attr,omitempty"` PowerControl string `xml:"powerControl,attr,omitempty"` Listen string `xml:"listen,attr,omitempty"` Listeners []DomainGraphicListener `xml:"listen"` }
type DomainGraphicsSDLGL ¶
type DomainGraphicsSDLGL struct {
Enable string `xml:"enable,attr,omitempty"`
type DomainHostdev ¶
type DomainHostdev struct { Managed string `xml:"managed,attr,omitempty"` SubsysUSB *DomainHostdevSubsysUSB `xml:"-"` SubsysSCSI *DomainHostdevSubsysSCSI `xml:"-"` SubsysSCSIHost *DomainHostdevSubsysSCSIHost `xml:"-"` SubsysPCI *DomainHostdevSubsysPCI `xml:"-"` SubsysMDev *DomainHostdevSubsysMDev `xml:"-"` CapsStorage *DomainHostdevCapsStorage `xml:"-"` CapsMisc *DomainHostdevCapsMisc `xml:"-"` CapsNet *DomainHostdevCapsNet `xml:"-"` Boot *DomainDeviceBoot `xml:"boot"` ROM *DomainROM `xml:"rom"` ACPI *DomainDeviceACPI `xml:"acpi"` Alias *DomainAlias `xml:"alias"` Address *DomainAddress `xml:"address"` }
func (*DomainHostdev) Marshal ¶
func (d *DomainHostdev) Marshal() (string, error)
func (*DomainHostdev) MarshalXML ¶
func (a *DomainHostdev) MarshalXML(e *xml.Encoder, start xml.StartElement) error
func (*DomainHostdev) Unmarshal ¶
func (d *DomainHostdev) Unmarshal(doc string) error
func (*DomainHostdev) UnmarshalXML ¶
func (a *DomainHostdev) UnmarshalXML(d *xml.Decoder, start xml.StartElement) error
type DomainHostdevCapsMisc ¶
type DomainHostdevCapsMisc struct {
Source *DomainHostdevCapsMiscSource `xml:"source"`
type DomainHostdevCapsMiscSource ¶
type DomainHostdevCapsMiscSource struct {
Char string `xml:"char"`
type DomainHostdevCapsNet ¶
type DomainHostdevCapsNet struct { Source *DomainHostdevCapsNetSource `xml:"source"` IP []DomainIP `xml:"ip"` Route []DomainRoute `xml:"route"` }
type DomainHostdevCapsNetSource ¶
type DomainHostdevCapsNetSource struct {
Interface string `xml:"interface"`
type DomainHostdevCapsStorage ¶
type DomainHostdevCapsStorage struct {
Source *DomainHostdevCapsStorageSource `xml:"source"`
type DomainHostdevCapsStorageSource ¶
type DomainHostdevCapsStorageSource struct {
Block string `xml:"block"`
type DomainHostdevSubsysMDev ¶
type DomainHostdevSubsysMDev struct { Model string `xml:"model,attr,omitempty"` Display string `xml:"display,attr,omitempty"` RamFB string `xml:"ramfb,attr,omitempty"` Source *DomainHostdevSubsysMDevSource `xml:"source"` }
type DomainHostdevSubsysMDevSource ¶
type DomainHostdevSubsysMDevSource struct {
Address *DomainAddressMDev `xml:"address"`
type DomainHostdevSubsysPCI ¶
type DomainHostdevSubsysPCI struct { Display string `xml:"display,attr,omitempty"` RamFB string `xml:"ramfb,attr,omitempty"` Driver *DomainHostdevSubsysPCIDriver `xml:"driver"` Source *DomainHostdevSubsysPCISource `xml:"source"` Teaming *DomainInterfaceTeaming `xml:"teaming"` }
type DomainHostdevSubsysPCISource ¶
type DomainHostdevSubsysPCISource struct { WriteFiltering string `xml:"writeFiltering,attr,omitempty"` Address *DomainAddressPCI `xml:"address"` }
type DomainHostdevSubsysSCSI ¶
type DomainHostdevSubsysSCSI struct { SGIO string `xml:"sgio,attr,omitempty"` RawIO string `xml:"rawio,attr,omitempty"` Source *DomainHostdevSubsysSCSISource `xml:"source"` ReadOnly *DomainDiskReadOnly `xml:"readonly"` }
type DomainHostdevSubsysSCSIAdapter ¶
type DomainHostdevSubsysSCSIAdapter struct {
Name string `xml:"name,attr"`
type DomainHostdevSubsysSCSIHost ¶
type DomainHostdevSubsysSCSIHost struct { Model string `xml:"model,attr,omitempty"` Source *DomainHostdevSubsysSCSIHostSource `xml:"source"` }
type DomainHostdevSubsysSCSISource ¶
type DomainHostdevSubsysSCSISource struct { Host *DomainHostdevSubsysSCSISourceHost `xml:"-"` ISCSI *DomainHostdevSubsysSCSISourceISCSI `xml:"-"` }
func (*DomainHostdevSubsysSCSISource) MarshalXML ¶
func (a *DomainHostdevSubsysSCSISource) MarshalXML(e *xml.Encoder, start xml.StartElement) error
func (*DomainHostdevSubsysSCSISource) UnmarshalXML ¶
func (a *DomainHostdevSubsysSCSISource) UnmarshalXML(d *xml.Decoder, start xml.StartElement) error
type DomainHostdevSubsysSCSISourceHost ¶
type DomainHostdevSubsysSCSISourceHost struct { Adapter *DomainHostdevSubsysSCSIAdapter `xml:"adapter"` Address *DomainAddressDrive `xml:"address"` }
type DomainHostdevSubsysSCSISourceIQN ¶
type DomainHostdevSubsysSCSISourceIQN struct {
Name string `xml:"name,attr"`
type DomainHostdevSubsysSCSISourceISCSI ¶
type DomainHostdevSubsysSCSISourceISCSI struct { Name string `xml:"name,attr"` Host []DomainDiskSourceHost `xml:"host"` Auth *DomainDiskAuth `xml:"auth"` Initiator *DomainHostdevSubsysSCSISourceInitiator `xml:"initiator"` }
type DomainHostdevSubsysSCSISourceInitiator ¶
type DomainHostdevSubsysSCSISourceInitiator struct {
IQN DomainHostdevSubsysSCSISourceIQN `xml:"iqn"`
type DomainHostdevSubsysUSB ¶
type DomainHostdevSubsysUSB struct {
Source *DomainHostdevSubsysUSBSource `xml:"source"`
type DomainHostdevSubsysUSBSource ¶
type DomainHostdevSubsysUSBSource struct { GuestReset string `xml:"guestReset,attr,omitempty"` Address *DomainAddressUSB `xml:"address"` }
type DomainHub ¶
type DomainHub struct { Type string `xml:"type,attr"` ACPI *DomainDeviceACPI `xml:"acpi"` Alias *DomainAlias `xml:"alias"` Address *DomainAddress `xml:"address"` }
type DomainIDMap ¶
type DomainIDMap struct { UIDs []DomainIDMapRange `xml:"uid"` GIDs []DomainIDMapRange `xml:"gid"` }
type DomainIDMapRange ¶
type DomainIOMMU ¶
type DomainIOMMU struct { Model string `xml:"model,attr"` Driver *DomainIOMMUDriver `xml:"driver"` ACPI *DomainDeviceACPI `xml:"acpi"` Alias *DomainAlias `xml:"alias"` Address *DomainAddress `xml:"address"` }
type DomainIOMMUDriver ¶
type DomainIOMMUDriver struct { IntRemap string `xml:"intremap,attr,omitempty"` CachingMode string `xml:"caching_mode,attr,omitempty"` EIM string `xml:"eim,attr,omitempty"` IOTLB string `xml:"iotlb,attr,omitempty"` AWBits uint `xml:"aw_bits,attr,omitempty"` DMATranslation string `xml:"dma_translation,attr,omitempty"` }
type DomainIOThread ¶
type DomainIOThread struct { ID uint `xml:"id,attr"` PoolMin *uint `xml:"thread_pool_min,attr"` PoolMax *uint `xml:"thread_pool_max,attr"` Poll *DomainIOThreadPoll `xml:"poll"` }
type DomainIOThreadIDs ¶
type DomainIOThreadIDs struct {
IOThreads []DomainIOThread `xml:"iothread"`
type DomainIOThreadPoll ¶ added in v1.9004.0
type DomainInput ¶
type DomainInput struct { XMLName xml.Name `xml:"input"` Type string `xml:"type,attr"` Bus string `xml:"bus,attr,omitempty"` Model string `xml:"model,attr,omitempty"` Driver *DomainInputDriver `xml:"driver"` Source *DomainInputSource `xml:"source"` ACPI *DomainDeviceACPI `xml:"acpi"` Alias *DomainAlias `xml:"alias"` Address *DomainAddress `xml:"address"` }
func (*DomainInput) Marshal ¶
func (d *DomainInput) Marshal() (string, error)
func (*DomainInput) MarshalXML ¶
func (a *DomainInput) MarshalXML(e *xml.Encoder, start xml.StartElement) error
func (*DomainInput) Unmarshal ¶
func (d *DomainInput) Unmarshal(doc string) error
func (*DomainInput) UnmarshalXML ¶
func (a *DomainInput) UnmarshalXML(d *xml.Decoder, start xml.StartElement) error
type DomainInputDriver ¶
type DomainInputSource ¶
type DomainInputSource struct { Passthrough *DomainInputSourcePassthrough `xml:"-"` EVDev *DomainInputSourceEVDev `xml:"-"` }
func (*DomainInputSource) MarshalXML ¶
func (a *DomainInputSource) MarshalXML(e *xml.Encoder, start xml.StartElement) error
func (*DomainInputSource) UnmarshalXML ¶
func (a *DomainInputSource) UnmarshalXML(d *xml.Decoder, start xml.StartElement) error
type DomainInputSourceEVDev ¶
type DomainInputSourcePassthrough ¶
type DomainInputSourcePassthrough struct {
EVDev string `xml:"evdev,attr"`
type DomainInterface ¶
type DomainInterface struct { XMLName xml.Name `xml:"interface"` Managed string `xml:"managed,attr,omitempty"` TrustGuestRXFilters string `xml:"trustGuestRxFilters,attr,omitempty"` MAC *DomainInterfaceMAC `xml:"mac"` Source *DomainInterfaceSource `xml:"source"` Boot *DomainDeviceBoot `xml:"boot"` VLan *DomainInterfaceVLan `xml:"vlan"` VirtualPort *DomainInterfaceVirtualPort `xml:"virtualport"` IP []DomainInterfaceIP `xml:"ip"` Route []DomainInterfaceRoute `xml:"route"` PortForward []DomainInterfaceSourcePortForward `xml:"portForward"` Script *DomainInterfaceScript `xml:"script"` DownScript *DomainInterfaceScript `xml:"downscript"` BackendDomain *DomainBackendDomain `xml:"backenddomain"` Target *DomainInterfaceTarget `xml:"target"` Guest *DomainInterfaceGuest `xml:"guest"` Model *DomainInterfaceModel `xml:"model"` Driver *DomainInterfaceDriver `xml:"driver"` Backend *DomainInterfaceBackend `xml:"backend"` FilterRef *DomainInterfaceFilterRef `xml:"filterref"` Tune *DomainInterfaceTune `xml:"tune"` Teaming *DomainInterfaceTeaming `xml:"teaming"` Link *DomainInterfaceLink `xml:"link"` MTU *DomainInterfaceMTU `xml:"mtu"` Bandwidth *DomainInterfaceBandwidth `xml:"bandwidth"` PortOptions *DomainInterfacePortOptions `xml:"port"` Coalesce *DomainInterfaceCoalesce `xml:"coalesce"` ROM *DomainROM `xml:"rom"` ACPI *DomainDeviceACPI `xml:"acpi"` Alias *DomainAlias `xml:"alias"` Address *DomainAddress `xml:"address"` }
func (*DomainInterface) Marshal ¶
func (d *DomainInterface) Marshal() (string, error)
func (*DomainInterface) MarshalXML ¶
func (a *DomainInterface) MarshalXML(e *xml.Encoder, start xml.StartElement) error
func (*DomainInterface) Unmarshal ¶
func (d *DomainInterface) Unmarshal(doc string) error
func (*DomainInterface) UnmarshalXML ¶
func (a *DomainInterface) UnmarshalXML(d *xml.Decoder, start xml.StartElement) error
type DomainInterfaceBackend ¶
type DomainInterfaceBandwidth ¶
type DomainInterfaceBandwidth struct { Inbound *DomainInterfaceBandwidthParams `xml:"inbound"` Outbound *DomainInterfaceBandwidthParams `xml:"outbound"` }
type DomainInterfaceCoalesce ¶
type DomainInterfaceCoalesce struct {
RX *DomainInterfaceCoalesceRX `xml:"rx"`
type DomainInterfaceCoalesceRX ¶
type DomainInterfaceCoalesceRX struct {
Frames *DomainInterfaceCoalesceRXFrames `xml:"frames"`
type DomainInterfaceCoalesceRXFrames ¶
type DomainInterfaceCoalesceRXFrames struct {
Max *uint `xml:"max,attr"`
type DomainInterfaceDriver ¶
type DomainInterfaceDriver struct { Name string `xml:"name,attr,omitempty"` TXMode string `xml:"txmode,attr,omitempty"` IOEventFD string `xml:"ioeventfd,attr,omitempty"` EventIDX string `xml:"event_idx,attr,omitempty"` Queues uint `xml:"queues,attr,omitempty"` RXQueueSize uint `xml:"rx_queue_size,attr,omitempty"` TXQueueSize uint `xml:"tx_queue_size,attr,omitempty"` IOMMU string `xml:"iommu,attr,omitempty"` ATS string `xml:"ats,attr,omitempty"` Packed string `xml:"packed,attr,omitempty"` PagePerVQ string `xml:"page_per_vq,attr,omitempty"` RSS string `xml:"rss,attr,omitempty"` RSSHashReport string `xml:"rss_hash_report,attr,omitempty"` Host *DomainInterfaceDriverHost `xml:"host"` Guest *DomainInterfaceDriverGuest `xml:"guest"` }
type DomainInterfaceDriverHost ¶
type DomainInterfaceDriverHost struct { CSum string `xml:"csum,attr,omitempty"` GSO string `xml:"gso,attr,omitempty"` TSO4 string `xml:"tso4,attr,omitempty"` TSO6 string `xml:"tso6,attr,omitempty"` ECN string `xml:"ecn,attr,omitempty"` UFO string `xml:"ufo,attr,omitempty"` MrgRXBuf string `xml:"mrg_rxbuf,attr,omitempty"` }
type DomainInterfaceFilterRef ¶
type DomainInterfaceFilterRef struct { Filter string `xml:"filter,attr"` Parameters []DomainInterfaceFilterParam `xml:"parameter"` }
type DomainInterfaceGuest ¶
type DomainInterfaceIP ¶
type DomainInterfaceLink ¶
type DomainInterfaceLink struct {
State string `xml:"state,attr"`
type DomainInterfaceMAC ¶
type DomainInterfaceMTU ¶
type DomainInterfaceMTU struct {
Size uint `xml:"size,attr"`
type DomainInterfaceModel ¶
type DomainInterfaceModel struct {
Type string `xml:"type,attr"`
type DomainInterfacePortOptions ¶
type DomainInterfacePortOptions struct {
Isolated string `xml:"isolated,attr,omitempty"`
type DomainInterfaceRoute ¶
type DomainInterfaceScript ¶
type DomainInterfaceScript struct {
Path string `xml:"path,attr"`
type DomainInterfaceSource ¶
type DomainInterfaceSource struct { User *DomainInterfaceSourceUser `xml:"-"` Ethernet *DomainInterfaceSourceEthernet `xml:"-"` VHostUser *DomainChardevSource `xml:"-"` Server *DomainInterfaceSourceServer `xml:"-"` Client *DomainInterfaceSourceClient `xml:"-"` MCast *DomainInterfaceSourceMCast `xml:"-"` Network *DomainInterfaceSourceNetwork `xml:"-"` Bridge *DomainInterfaceSourceBridge `xml:"-"` Internal *DomainInterfaceSourceInternal `xml:"-"` Direct *DomainInterfaceSourceDirect `xml:"-"` Hostdev *DomainInterfaceSourceHostdev `xml:"-"` UDP *DomainInterfaceSourceUDP `xml:"-"` VDPA *DomainInterfaceSourceVDPA `xml:"-"` Null *DomainInterfaceSourceNull `xml:"-"` VDS *DomainInterfaceSourceVDS `xml:"-"` }
func (*DomainInterfaceSource) MarshalXML ¶
func (a *DomainInterfaceSource) MarshalXML(e *xml.Encoder, start xml.StartElement) error
func (*DomainInterfaceSource) UnmarshalXML ¶
func (a *DomainInterfaceSource) UnmarshalXML(d *xml.Decoder, start xml.StartElement) error
type DomainInterfaceSourceBridge ¶
type DomainInterfaceSourceBridge struct {
Bridge string `xml:"bridge,attr"`
type DomainInterfaceSourceClient ¶
type DomainInterfaceSourceClient struct { Address string `xml:"address,attr,omitempty"` Port uint `xml:"port,attr,omitempty"` Local *DomainInterfaceSourceLocal `xml:"local"` }
type DomainInterfaceSourceEthernet ¶
type DomainInterfaceSourceEthernet struct { IP []DomainInterfaceIP `xml:"ip"` Route []DomainInterfaceRoute `xml:"route"` }
type DomainInterfaceSourceHostdev ¶
type DomainInterfaceSourceHostdev struct { PCI *DomainHostdevSubsysPCISource `xml:"-"` USB *DomainHostdevSubsysUSBSource `xml:"-"` }
func (*DomainInterfaceSourceHostdev) MarshalXML ¶
func (a *DomainInterfaceSourceHostdev) MarshalXML(e *xml.Encoder, start xml.StartElement) error
func (*DomainInterfaceSourceHostdev) UnmarshalXML ¶
func (a *DomainInterfaceSourceHostdev) UnmarshalXML(d *xml.Decoder, start xml.StartElement) error