
v0.29.0 Latest Latest

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Published: Oct 18, 2017 License: BSD-3-Clause


GSnova: Private Proxy Solution.
Build Status

	        ___          ___          ___          ___         ___          ___     
	       /\  \        /\  \        /\__\        /\  \       /\__\        /\  \    
	      /::\  \      /::\  \      /::|  |      /::\  \     /:/  /       /::\  \   
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  • Multiple transport channel support
    • http/https
    • http2
    • websocket
    • tcp
    • tls
    • quic
    • kcp
    • ssh
  • Multiplexing
    • All proxy connections running over N persist proxy channel connections
  • Simple PAC(Proxy Auto Config)
  • Multiple Ciphers support
    • Chacha20Poly1305
    • Salsa20
    • AES128
  • HTTP/Socks4/Socks5 Proxy
    • Local client running as HTTP/Socks4/Socks5 Proxy
  • Transparent TCP/UDP Proxy
    • Transparent tcp/udp proxy implementation in pure golang


go1.9 is requied.

Deploy Server

   go get -t -u -v
   go build
   ./server -tcp :48100 -quic :48100 -tls :48101 -kcp :48101 -http :48102 -http2 :48103  -key 809240d3a021449f6e67aa73221d42df942a308a -allow "*"

This would launch a running instance listening at serveral ports with different transport protocol.

The server can also be deployed to serveral PAAS service like heroku/openshift and some docker host servce.

Deploy Client(PC)

   go get -t -u -v
   mkdir gsnova_client; cd gsnova_client
   go build
   cp $GOPATH/*.json ./
   #...edit client.json...
   ./client -conf ./client.json

This is a sample for client.json, the Key and the ServerList need to be modified to match your server.

	//this is just a example
	"Log": ["color","gsnova.log"],
	"UserAgent": "Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10_13_0) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/60.0.3112.101 Safari/537.36",
	//encrypt method can choose from none/auto/salsa20/chacha20poly1305/aes256-gcm
	//'auto' method would choose fastest encrypt method for current env
	"Cipher": {
		"Method": "auto",
		"Key": "809240d3a021449f6e67aa73221d42df942a308a"
	//user name auth
	"User": "gsnova",
	"LocalDNS": {
		//only listen UDP
		"Listen": "",
		//for PAC rule 'IsCNIP', it would resolve the domain by 'TrustedDNS' if 'BlockedByGFW', and resolve the rest by 'FastDNS'
		"FastDNS": [
		"TrustedDNS": [
		"CacheSize": 1024,
		"TCPConnect": false
	//used to replace forward dns query's target DNS server addr 
	"RemoteDNS": {
		"TrustedDNS": [
	"UDPGW": {
		//fake address, only used as udp protocol indicator
		"Addr": "",
		//since gsnova sniff SNI for https, 'Host' for http, return fake record for dns query would make it run faster for http/https traffic
		"LocalDNSRecord": {
			"*": ""
	"SNI": {
		//Used to redirect SNI host to another for sniffed SNI
		"Redirect": {
			//This fix "DF-DFERH-01" error in HW phone for google play 
			"": ""
	//used to handle admin command from http client    
	"Admin": {
		//a local http server, do NOT expose this http server to public
		//listen on private IP instead of the default config 
		//eg: "Listen": "",
		"Listen": ":7788",
		//used to broadcast admin server address.
		"BroadcastAddr": "",
		"ConfigDir": "./android"
	"GFWList": {
		"URL": "",
		"Proxy": "",
		"UserRule": []
	"Proxy": [
			"Local": ":48100",
			//Transparent proxy only works in linux system
			"Transparent": false,
			"PAC": [
				//// 'Direct/TLSDirect' MUST  proxy channel names confgiured below 
				//{"Protocol":["dns", "udp"],"Remote":"Direct"},
				// Support rules 'IsCNIP/InHosts/BlockedByGFW'
					"Remote": "default"
	"Channel": [
			"Enable": true,
			"Name": "default",
			//Allowed server url with schema 'http/http2/https/ws/wss/tcp/tls/quic/kcp/ssh'
			"ServerList": [
			//if u are behind a HTTP proxy
			"Proxy": "",
			"ConnsPerServer": 3,
			//Unit: second
			"DialTimeout": 5,
			//Unit: second
			"ReadTimeout": 15,
			//Reconnect after 120s
			"ReconnectPeriod": 1800,
			//ReconnectPeriod rand adjustment, the real reconnect period is random value between [P - adjust, P + adjust] 
			"RCPRandomAdjustment": 10,
			//Send heartbeat msg to keep alive 
			"HeartBeatPeriod": 30,
			"Compressor": "none"

Mobile Client(Android)

The client side can be compiled to android library by gomobile, eg:

   gomobile bind -target=android -a -v

Users can develop there own app by using the generated gsnova.aar.
There is a very simple andorid app which use tun2socks + gsnova to build.

Transparent Proxy

  • Edit iptables rules.
  • Edit client.json to enable Transparent to true.
  • It's only works on linux


Path Synopsis
Package netx provides additional libraries that extend some of the behaviors in the net standard package.
Package netx provides additional libraries that extend some of the behaviors in the net standard package.
Package protected is used for creating "protected" connections that bypass Android's VpnService
Package protected is used for creating "protected" connections that bypass Android's VpnService

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Keyboard shortcuts

? : This menu
/ : Search site
f or F : Jump to
y or Y : Canonical URL