Overview ¶
package textutils provides a set of utilities for working with text in Go.
Index ¶
Constants ¶
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const ( // AUpperChar = 'A' AUpperChar = 'A' // ALowerChar = 'a' ALowerChar = 'a' // BUpperChar = 'B' BUpperChar = 'B' // BLowerChar = 'b' BLowerChar = 'b' // CUpperChar = 'C' CUpperChar = 'C' // CLowerChar = 'c' CLowerChar = 'c' // DUpperChar = 'D' DUpperChar = 'D' // DLowerChar = 'd' DLowerChar = 'd' // EUpperChar = 'E' EUpperChar = 'E' // ELowerChar = 'e' ELowerChar = 'e' // FUpperChar = 'F' FUpperChar = 'F' // FLowerChar = 'f' FLowerChar = 'f' // GUpperChar = 'G' GUpperChar = 'G' // GLowerChar = 'g' GLowerChar = 'g' // HUpperChar = 'H' HUpperChar = 'H' // HLowerChar = 'h' HLowerChar = 'h' // IUpperChar = 'I' IUpperChar = 'I' // ILowerChar = 'i' ILowerChar = 'i' // JUpperChar = 'J' JUpperChar = 'J' // JLowerChar = 'j' JLowerChar = 'j' // KUpperChar = 'K' KUpperChar = 'K' // KLowerChar = 'k' KLowerChar = 'k' // LUpperChar = 'L' LUpperChar = 'L' // LLowerChar = 'l' LLowerChar = 'l' // MUpperChar = 'M' MUpperChar = 'M' // MLowerChar = 'm' MLowerChar = 'm' // NUpperChar = 'N' NUpperChar = 'N' // NLowerChar = 'n' NLowerChar = 'n' // OUpperChar = 'O' OUpperChar = 'O' // OLowerChar = 'o' OLowerChar = 'o' // PUpperChar = 'P' PUpperChar = 'P' // PLowerChar = 'p' PLowerChar = 'p' // QUpperChar = 'Q' QUpperChar = 'Q' // QLowerChar = 'q' QLowerChar = 'q' // RUpperChar = 'R' RUpperChar = 'R' // RLowerChar = 'r' RLowerChar = 'r' // SUpperChar = 'S' SUpperChar = 'S' // SLowerChar = 's' SLowerChar = 's' // TUpperChar = 'T' TUpperChar = 'T' // TLowerChar = 't' TLowerChar = 't' // UUpperChar = 'U' UUpperChar = 'U' // ULowerChar = 'u' ULowerChar = 'u' // VUpperChar = 'V' VUpperChar = 'V' // VLowerChar = 'v' VLowerChar = 'v' // WUpperChar = 'W' WUpperChar = 'W' // WLowerChar = 'w' WLowerChar = 'w' // XUpperChar = 'X' XUpperChar = 'X' // XLowerChar = 'x' XLowerChar = 'x' // YUpperChar = 'Y' YUpperChar = 'Y' // YLowerChar = 'y' YLowerChar = 'y' // ZUpperChar = 'Z' ZUpperChar = 'Z' // ZLowerChar = 'z' ZLowerChar = 'z' // ColonChar =':' ColonChar = ':' // SemiColonChar =';' SemiColonChar = ';' // DoubleQuoteChar = '"' DoubleQuoteChar = '"' // SingleQuoteChar = '\” SingleQuoteChar = '\'' // ForwardSlashChar ='/' ForwardSlashChar = '/' // BackSlashChar = '\' BackSlashChar = '\\' // QuestionMarkChar ='?' QuestionMarkChar = '?' // GreaterThanChar = '>' GreaterThanChar = '>' // LessThanChar ='<' LessThanChar = '<' // PeriodChar = '.' PeriodChar = '.' // CommaChar =',' CommaChar = ',' // OpenBraceChar = '{' OpenBraceChar = '{' // CloseBraceChar ='}' CloseBraceChar = '}' // OpenBracketChar = '[' OpenBracketChar = '[' // CloseBracketChar = ']' CloseBracketChar = ']' // OpenParenthesesChar = '(' OpenParenthesesChar = '(' // CloseParenthesesChar = ')' CloseParenthesesChar = ')' // HyphenChar = '-' HyphenChar = '-' // UnderScoreChar = '_' UnderScoreChar = '_' // PlusChar = '+' // PlusChar = '+' PlusChar = '+' // EqualChar = '=' EqualChar = '=' // AsteriskChar = '*' AsteriskChar = '*' // AmpersandChar = '&' AmpersandChar = '&' // CircumflexAccentChar = '^' CircumflexAccentChar = '^' // PercentChar = '%' PercentChar = '%' // DollarChar = '$' DollarChar = '$' // HashChar = '#' HashChar = '#' // AtChar = '@' AtChar = '@' // ExclamationChar = '!' ExclamationChar = '!' // TildeChar = '~' TildeChar = '~' // GraveAccentChar = '`' GraveAccentChar = '`' // PipeChar = '|' PipeChar = '|' //WhiteSpace char WhiteSpaceChar = ' ' NewLineChar = '\n' CarriageRtnChar = '\r' // AUpperStr = "A" AUpperStr = "A" // ALowerStr = "a" ALowerStr = "a" // BUpperStr = "B" BUpperStr = "B" // BLowerStr = "b" BLowerStr = "b" // CUpperStr = "C" CUpperStr = "C" // CLowerStr = "c" CLowerStr = "c" // DUpperStr = "D" DUpperStr = "D" // DLowerStr = "d" DLowerStr = "d" // EUpperStr = "E" EUpperStr = "E" // ELowerStr = "e" ELowerStr = "e" // FUpperStr = "F" FUpperStr = "F" // FLowerStr = "f" FLowerStr = "f" // GUpperStr = "G" GUpperStr = "G" // GLowerStr = "g" GLowerStr = "g" // HUpperStr = "H" HUpperStr = "H" // HLowerStr = "h" HLowerStr = "h" // IUpperStr = "I" IUpperStr = "I" // ILowerStr = "i" ILowerStr = "i" // JUpperStr = "J" JUpperStr = "J" // JLowerStr = "j" JLowerStr = "j" // KUpperStr = "K" KUpperStr = "K" // KLowerStr = "k" KLowerStr = "k" // LUpperStr = "L" LUpperStr = "L" // LLowerStr = "l" LLowerStr = "l" // MUpperStr = "M" MUpperStr = "M" // MLowerStr = "m" MLowerStr = "m" // NUpperStr = "N" NUpperStr = "N" // NLowerStr = "n" NLowerStr = "n" // OUpperStr = "O" OUpperStr = "O" // OLowerStr = "o" OLowerStr = "o" // PUpperStr = "P" PUpperStr = "P" // PLowerStr = "p" PLowerStr = "p" // QUpperStr = "Q" QUpperStr = "Q" // QLowerStr = "q" QLowerStr = "q" // RUpperStr = "R" RUpperStr = "R" // RLowerStr = "r" RLowerStr = "r" // SUpperStr = "S" SUpperStr = "S" // SLowerStr = "s" SLowerStr = "s" // TUpperStr = "T" TUpperStr = "T" // TLowerStr = "t" TLowerStr = "t" // UUpperStr = "U" UUpperStr = "U" // ULowerStr = "u" ULowerStr = "u" // VUpperStr = "V" VUpperStr = "V" // VLowerStr = "v" VLowerStr = "v" // WUpperStr = "W" WUpperStr = "W" // WLowerStr = "w" WLowerStr = "w" // XUpperStr = "X" XUpperStr = "X" // XLowerStr = "x" XLowerStr = "x" // YUpperStr = "Y" YUpperStr = "Y" // YLowerStr = "y" YLowerStr = "y" // ZUpperStr = "Z" ZUpperStr = "Z" // ZLowerStr = "z" ZLowerStr = "z" // ColonStr =":" ColonStr = ":" // SemiColonStr =";" SemiColonStr = ";" // DoubleQuoteStr = "\"" DoubleQuoteStr = "\"" // SingleQuoteStr = """ SingleQuoteStr = "\"" // ForwardSlashStr ="/" ForwardSlashStr = "/" // BackSlashStr = "/" BackSlashStr = "\\" // QuestionMarkStr ="?" QuestionMarkStr = "?" // GreaterThanStr = ">" GreaterThanStr = ">" // LessThanStr ="<" LessThanStr = "<" // PeriodStr = "." PeriodStr = "." // CommaStr ="," CommaStr = "," // OpenBraceStr = "{" OpenBraceStr = "{" // CloseBraceStr ="}" CloseBraceStr = "}" // OpenBracketStr = "[" OpenBracketStr = "[" // CloseBracketStr = "]" CloseBracketStr = "]" // OpenParenthesisStr = "(" OpenParenthesisStr = "(" // CloseParenthesisStr = ")" CloseParenthesisStr = ")" // HyphenStr = "-" HyphenStr = "-" // UnderScoreStr = "_" UnderScoreStr = "_" // PlusStr = "+" // PlusStr = "+" PlusStr = "+" // EqualStr = "=" EqualStr = "=" // AsteriskStr = "*" AsteriskStr = "*" // AmpersandStr = "&" AmpersandStr = "&" // CircumflexAccentStr = "^" CircumflexAccentStr = "^" // PercentStr = "%" PercentStr = "%" // DollarStr = "$" DollarStr = "$" // HashStr = "#" HashStr = "#" // AtStr = "@" AtStr = "@" // ExclamationStr = "!" ExclamationStr = "!" // TildeStr = "~" TildeStr = "~" // GraveAccentStr = "`" GraveAccentStr = "`" // PipeStr = "|" PipeStr = "|" // EmptyStr = "" EmptyStr = "" //WhiteSpace String WhiteSpaceStr = " " // NewLine String NewLineString = "\n" //Carriage Return String CarriageRtnString = "\r" )
Variables ¶
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Functions ¶
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Types ¶
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