
package module
v1.13.0 Latest Latest

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Published: May 7, 2024 License: MIT Imports: 44 Imported by: 97


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Go library for Storj V3 Network.

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Storj is building a decentralized cloud storage network. Check out our white paper for more info!

Storj is an S3-compatible platform and suite of decentralized applications that allows you to store data in a secure and decentralized manner. Your files are encrypted, broken into little pieces and stored in a global decentralized network of computers. Luckily, we also support allowing you (and only you) to retrieve those files!

go get storj.io/uplink

Ready to use example can be found here: examples/walkthrough/main.go

Provided example requires Access Grant as an input parameter. Access Grant can be obtained from Satellite UI. See our documentation.

A Note about Versioning

Our versioning in this repo is intended to primarily support the expectations of the Go modules system, so you can expect that within a major version release, backwards-incompatible changes will be avoided at high cost.


Language bindings


This library is distributed under the MIT license (also known as the Expat license).


If you have any questions or suggestions please reach out to us on our community forum or file a support ticket at https://support.storj.io.



Package uplink is the main entrypoint to interacting with Storj Labs' decentralized storage network.

Sign up for an account on a Satellite today! https://storj.io/

Access Grants

The fundamental unit of access in the Storj Labs storage network is the Access Grant. An access grant is a serialized structure that is internally comprised of an API Key, a set of encryption key information, and information about which Storj Labs or Tardigrade network Satellite is responsible for the metadata. An access grant is always associated with exactly one Project on one Satellite.

If you don't already have an access grant, you will need make an account on a Satellite, generate an API Key, and encapsulate that API Key with encryption information into an access grant.

If you don't already have an account on a Satellite, first make one at https://storj.io/ and note the Satellite you choose (such as us1.storj.io, eu1.storj.io, etc). Then, make an API Key in the web interface.

The first step to any project is to generate a restricted access grant with the minimal permissions that are needed. Access grants contains all encryption information and they should be restricted as much as possible.

To make an access grant, you can create one using our Uplink CLI tool's 'share' subcommand (after setting up the Uplink CLI tool), or you can make one as follows:

access, err := uplink.RequestAccessWithPassphrase(ctx, satelliteAddress, apiKey, rootPassphrase)
if err != nil {
    return err

// create an access grant for reading bucket "logs"
permission := uplink.ReadOnlyPermission()
shared := uplink.SharePrefix{Bucket: "logs"}
restrictedAccess, err := access.Share(permission, shared)
if err != nil {
    return err

// serialize the restricted access grant
serializedAccess, err := restrictedAccess.Serialize()
if err != nil {
    return err

In the above example, 'serializedAccess' is a human-readable string that represents read-only access to just the "logs" bucket, and is only able to decrypt that one bucket thanks to hierarchical deterministic key derivation.

Note: RequestAccessWithPassphrase is CPU-intensive, and your application's normal lifecycle should avoid it and use ParseAccess where possible instead.

To revoke an access grant see the Project.RevokeAccess method.

Multitenancy in a Single Application Bucket

A common architecture for building applications is to have a single bucket for the entire application to store the objects of all users. In such architecture, it is of utmost importance to guarantee that users can access only their objects but not the objects of other users.

This can be achieved by implementing an app-specific authentication service that generates an access grant for each user by restricting the main access grant of the application. This user-specific access grant is restricted to access the objects only within a specific key prefix defined for the user.

When initialized, the authentication server creates the main application access grant with an empty passphrase as follows.

appAccess, err := uplink.RequestAccessWithPassphrase(ctx, satellite, appAPIKey, "")

The authentication service does not hold any encryption information about users, so the passphrase used to request the main application access grant does not matter. The encryption keys related to user objects will be overridden in a next step on the client-side. It is important that once set to a specific value, this passphrase never changes in the future. Therefore, the best practice is to use an empty passphrase.

Whenever a user is authenticated, the authentication service generates the user-specific access grant as follows:

// create a user access grant for accessing their files, limited for the next 8 hours
now := time.Now()
permission := uplink.FullPermission()
// 2 minutes leeway to avoid time sync issues with the satellite
permission.NotBefore = now.Add(-2 * time.Minute)
permission.NotAfter = now.Add(8 * time.Hour)
userPrefix := uplink.SharePrefix{
    Bucket: appBucket,
    Prefix: userID + "/",
userAccess, err := appAccess.Share(permission, userPrefix)
if err != nil {
    return err

// serialize the user access grant
serializedAccess, err := userAccess.Serialize()
if err != nil {
    return err

The userID is something that uniquely identifies the users in the application and must never change.

Along with the user access grant, the authentication service should return a user-specific salt. The salt must be always the same for this user. The salt size is 16-byte or 32-byte.

Once the application receives the user-specific access grant and the user-specific salt from the authentication service, it has to override the encryption key in the access grant, so users can encrypt and decrypt their files with encryption keys derived from their passphrase.

userAccess, err = uplink.ParseAccess(serializedUserAccess)
if err != nil {
    return nil, err

saltedUserKey, err := uplink.DeriveEncryptionKey(userPassphrase, userSalt)
if err != nil {
    return nil, err

err = userAccess.OverrideEncryptionKey(appBucket, userID+"/", saltedUserKey)
if err != nil {
    return nil, err

The user-specific access grant is now ready to use by the application.


Once you have a valid access grant, you can open a Project with the access that access grant allows for.

project, err := uplink.OpenProject(ctx, access)
if err != nil {
    return err
defer project.Close()

Projects allow you to manage buckets and objects within buckets.


A bucket represents a collection of objects. You can upload, download, list, and delete objects of any size or shape. Objects within buckets are represented by keys, where keys can optionally be listed using the "/" delimiter.

Note: Objects and object keys within buckets are end-to-end encrypted, but bucket names themselves are not encrypted, so the billing interface on the Satellite can show you bucket line items.

buckets := project.ListBuckets(ctx, nil)
for buckets.Next() {
if err := buckets.Err(); err != nil {
    return err

Download Object

Objects support a couple kilobytes of arbitrary key/value metadata, and arbitrary-size primary data streams with the ability to read at arbitrary offsets.

object, err := project.DownloadObject(ctx, "logs", "2020-04-18/webserver.log", nil)
if err != nil {
    return err
defer object.Close()

_, err = io.Copy(w, object)
return err

If you want to access only a small subrange of the data you uploaded, you can use `uplink.DownloadOptions` to specify the download range.

object, err := project.DownloadObject(ctx, "logs", "2020-04-18/webserver.log",
    &uplink.DownloadOptions{Offset: 10, Length: 100})
if err != nil {
    return err
defer object.Close()

_, err = io.Copy(w, object)
return err

List Objects

Listing objects returns an iterator that allows to walk through all the items:

objects := project.ListObjects(ctx, "logs", nil)
for objects.Next() {
    item := objects.Item()
    fmt.Println(item.IsPrefix, item.Key)
if err := objects.Err(); err != nil {
    return err



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var ErrBandwidthLimitExceeded = errors.New("bandwidth limit exceeded")

ErrBandwidthLimitExceeded is returned when project will exceeded bandwidth limit.

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var ErrBucketAlreadyExists = errors.New("bucket already exists")

ErrBucketAlreadyExists is returned when the bucket already exists during creation.

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var ErrBucketNameInvalid = errors.New("bucket name invalid")

ErrBucketNameInvalid is returned when the bucket name is invalid.

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var ErrBucketNotEmpty = errors.New("bucket not empty")

ErrBucketNotEmpty is returned when the bucket is not empty during deletion.

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var ErrBucketNotFound = errors.New("bucket not found")

ErrBucketNotFound is returned when the bucket is not found.

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var ErrObjectKeyInvalid = errors.New("object key invalid")

ErrObjectKeyInvalid is returned when the object key is invalid.

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var ErrObjectNotFound = errors.New("object not found")

ErrObjectNotFound is returned when the object is not found.

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var ErrPermissionDenied = errors.New("permission denied")

ErrPermissionDenied is returned when the request is denied due to invalid permissions.

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var ErrSegmentsLimitExceeded = errors.New("segments limit exceeded")

ErrSegmentsLimitExceeded is returned when project will exceeded segments limit.

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var ErrStorageLimitExceeded = errors.New("storage limit exceeded")

ErrStorageLimitExceeded is returned when project will exceeded storage limit.

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var ErrTooManyRequests = errors.New("too many requests")

ErrTooManyRequests is returned when user has sent too many requests in a given amount of time.

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var ErrUploadDone = errors.New("upload done")

ErrUploadDone is returned when either Abort or Commit has already been called.

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var ErrUploadIDInvalid = errors.New("upload ID invalid")

ErrUploadIDInvalid is returned when the upload ID is invalid.


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type Access

type Access struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

An Access Grant contains everything to access a project and specific buckets. It includes a potentially-restricted API Key, a potentially-restricted set of encryption information, and information about the Satellite responsible for the project's metadata.

func ParseAccess

func ParseAccess(access string) (*Access, error)

ParseAccess parses a serialized access grant string.

This should be the main way to instantiate an access grant for opening a project. See the note on RequestAccessWithPassphrase.

func RequestAccessWithPassphrase

func RequestAccessWithPassphrase(ctx context.Context, satelliteAddress, apiKey, passphrase string) (*Access, error)

RequestAccessWithPassphrase generates a new access grant using a passhprase. It must talk to the Satellite provided to get a project-based salt for deterministic key derivation.

Note: this is a CPU-heavy function that uses a password-based key derivation function (Argon2). This should be a setup-only step. Most common interactions with the library should be using a serialized access grant through ParseAccess directly.

func (*Access) OverrideEncryptionKey added in v1.2.0

func (access *Access) OverrideEncryptionKey(bucket, prefix string, encryptionKey *EncryptionKey) error

OverrideEncryptionKey overrides the root encryption key for the prefix in bucket with encryptionKey. The prefix argument must end with slash, otherwise the method returns an error.

This function is useful for overriding the encryption key in user-specific access grants when implementing multitenancy in a single app bucket. See the relevant section in the package documentation.

func (*Access) SatelliteAddress added in v1.4.0

func (access *Access) SatelliteAddress() string

SatelliteAddress returns the satellite node URL for this access grant.

func (*Access) Serialize

func (access *Access) Serialize() (string, error)

Serialize serializes an access grant such that it can be used later with ParseAccess or other tools.

func (*Access) Share

func (access *Access) Share(permission Permission, prefixes ...SharePrefix) (*Access, error)

Share creates a new access grant with specific permissions.

Access grants can only have their existing permissions restricted, and the resulting access grant will only allow for the intersection of all previous Share calls in the access grant construction chain.

Prefixes, if provided, restrict the access grant (and internal encryption information) to only contain enough information to allow access to just those prefixes.

To revoke an access grant see the Project.RevokeAccess method.

type Bucket

type Bucket struct {
	Name    string
	Created time.Time

Bucket contains information about the bucket.

type BucketIterator

type BucketIterator struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

BucketIterator is an iterator over a collection of buckets.

func (*BucketIterator) Err

func (buckets *BucketIterator) Err() error

Err returns error, if one happened during iteration.

func (*BucketIterator) Item

func (buckets *BucketIterator) Item() *Bucket

Item returns the current bucket in the iterator.

func (*BucketIterator) Next

func (buckets *BucketIterator) Next() bool

Next prepares next Bucket for reading. It returns false if the end of the iteration is reached and there are no more buckets, or if there is an error.

type CommitUploadOptions added in v1.6.0

type CommitUploadOptions struct {
	CustomMetadata CustomMetadata

CommitUploadOptions options for committing multipart upload.

type Config

type Config struct {
	// UserAgent defines a registered partner's Value Attribution Code, and is used by the satellite to associate
	// a bucket with the partner at the time of bucket creation.
	// See https://docs.storj.io/dcs/how-tos/configure-tools-for-the-partner-program for info on the Partner Program.
	// UserAgent should follow https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc7231#section-5.5.3.
	UserAgent string

	// DialTimeout defines how long client should wait for establishing
	// a connection to peers.
	// No explicit value or 0 means default 20s will be used. Value lower than 0 means there is no timeout.
	// DialTimeout is ignored if DialContext is provided.
	// Deprecated: with the advent of Noise and TCP_FASTOPEN use, traditional dialing
	// doesn't necessarily happen anymore. This is already ignored for certain
	// connections and will be removed in a future release.
	DialTimeout time.Duration

	// DialContext is an extremely low level concern. It should almost certainly
	// remain unset so that this library can make informed choices about how to
	// talk to each node.
	// DialContext is how sockets are opened to nodes of all kinds and is called to
	// establish a connection. If DialContext is nil, it'll try to use the implementation
	// best suited for each node.
	// Deprecated: this will be removed in a future release. All analyzed uses of
	// setting this value in open source projects are attempting to solve some more
	// nuanced problem (like QoS) which can only be handled for some types of
	// connections. This value is a hammer where we need a scalpel.
	DialContext func(ctx context.Context, network, address string) (net.Conn, error)
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

Config defines configuration for using uplink library.

func (Config) OpenProject

func (config Config) OpenProject(ctx context.Context, access *Access) (project *Project, err error)

OpenProject opens a project with the specific access grant.

func (Config) RequestAccessWithPassphrase

func (config Config) RequestAccessWithPassphrase(ctx context.Context, satelliteAddress, apiKey, passphrase string) (*Access, error)

RequestAccessWithPassphrase generates a new access grant using a passhprase. It must talk to the Satellite provided to get a project-based salt for deterministic key derivation.

Note: this is a CPU-heavy function that uses a password-based key derivation function (Argon2). This should be a setup-only step. Most common interactions with the library should be using a serialized access grant through ParseAccess directly.

type CopyObjectOptions added in v1.9.0

type CopyObjectOptions struct {

CopyObjectOptions options for CopyObject method.

type CustomMetadata

type CustomMetadata map[string]string

CustomMetadata contains custom user metadata about the object.

The keys and values in custom metadata are expected to be valid UTF-8.

When choosing a custom key for your application start it with a prefix "app:key", as an example application named "Image Board" might use a key "image-board:title".

func (CustomMetadata) Clone

func (meta CustomMetadata) Clone() CustomMetadata

Clone makes a deep clone.

func (CustomMetadata) Verify

func (meta CustomMetadata) Verify() error

Verify verifies whether CustomMetadata contains only "utf-8".

type Download

type Download struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

Download is a download from Storj Network.

func (*Download) Close

func (download *Download) Close() error

Close closes the reader of the download.

func (*Download) Info

func (download *Download) Info() *Object

Info returns the last information about the object.

func (*Download) Read

func (download *Download) Read(p []byte) (n int, err error)

Read downloads up to len(p) bytes into p from the object's data stream. It returns the number of bytes read (0 <= n <= len(p)) and any error encountered.

type DownloadOptions

type DownloadOptions struct {
	// When Offset is negative it will read the suffix of the blob.
	// Combining negative offset and positive length is not supported.
	Offset int64
	// When Length is negative it will read until the end of the blob.
	Length int64

DownloadOptions contains additional options for downloading.

type EncryptionKey added in v1.2.0

type EncryptionKey struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

EncryptionKey represents a key for encrypting and decrypting data.

func DeriveEncryptionKey added in v1.2.0

func DeriveEncryptionKey(passphrase string, salt []byte) (*EncryptionKey, error)

DeriveEncryptionKey derives a salted encryption key for passphrase using the salt.

This function is useful for deriving a salted encryption key for users when implementing multitenancy in a single app bucket. See the relevant section in the package documentation.

type ListBucketsOptions

type ListBucketsOptions struct {
	// Cursor sets the starting position of the iterator. The first item listed will be the one after the cursor.
	Cursor string

ListBucketsOptions defines bucket listing options.

type ListObjectsOptions

type ListObjectsOptions struct {
	// Prefix allows to filter objects by a key prefix.
	// If not empty, it must end with slash.
	Prefix string
	// Cursor sets the starting position of the iterator.
	// The first item listed will be the one after the cursor.
	// Cursor is relative to Prefix.
	Cursor string
	// Recursive iterates the objects without collapsing prefixes.
	Recursive bool

	// System includes SystemMetadata in the results.
	System bool
	// Custom includes CustomMetadata in the results.
	Custom bool

ListObjectsOptions defines object listing options.

type ListUploadPartsOptions added in v1.6.0

type ListUploadPartsOptions struct {
	// Cursor sets the starting position of the iterator.
	// The first item listed will be the one after the cursor.
	Cursor uint32

ListUploadPartsOptions options for listing upload parts.

type ListUploadsOptions added in v1.6.0

type ListUploadsOptions struct {
	// Prefix allows to filter uncommitted uploads by a key prefix. If not empty, it must end with slash.
	Prefix string
	// Cursor sets the starting position of the iterator.
	// The first item listed will be the one after the cursor.
	// Cursor is relative to Prefix.
	Cursor string
	// Recursive iterates the objects without collapsing prefixes.
	Recursive bool

	// System includes SystemMetadata in the results.
	System bool
	// Custom includes CustomMetadata in the results.
	Custom bool

ListUploadsOptions options for listing uncommitted uploads.

type MoveObjectOptions added in v1.7.0

type MoveObjectOptions struct {

MoveObjectOptions options for MoveObject method.

type Object

type Object struct {
	Key string
	// IsPrefix indicates whether the Key is a prefix for other objects.
	IsPrefix bool

	System SystemMetadata
	Custom CustomMetadata
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

Object contains information about an object.

type ObjectIterator

type ObjectIterator struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

ObjectIterator is an iterator over a collection of objects or prefixes.

func (*ObjectIterator) Err

func (objects *ObjectIterator) Err() error

Err returns error, if one happened during iteration.

func (*ObjectIterator) Item

func (objects *ObjectIterator) Item() *Object

Item returns the current object in the iterator.

func (*ObjectIterator) Next

func (objects *ObjectIterator) Next() bool

Next prepares next Object for reading. It returns false if the end of the iteration is reached and there are no more objects, or if there is an error.

type Part added in v1.6.0

type Part struct {
	PartNumber uint32
	// Size plain size of a part.
	Size     int64
	Modified time.Time
	ETag     []byte

Part part metadata.

type PartIterator added in v1.6.0

type PartIterator struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

PartIterator is an iterator over a collection of parts of an upload.

func (*PartIterator) Err added in v1.6.0

func (parts *PartIterator) Err() error

Err returns error, if one happened during iteration.

func (*PartIterator) Item added in v1.6.0

func (parts *PartIterator) Item() *Part

Item returns the current entry in the iterator.

func (*PartIterator) Next added in v1.6.0

func (parts *PartIterator) Next() bool

Next prepares next entry for reading.

type PartUpload added in v1.6.0

type PartUpload struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

PartUpload is a part upload to started multipart upload.

func (*PartUpload) Abort added in v1.6.0

func (upload *PartUpload) Abort() error

Abort aborts the part upload.

Returns ErrUploadDone when either Abort or Commit has already been called.

func (*PartUpload) Commit added in v1.6.0

func (upload *PartUpload) Commit() error

Commit commits a part.

Returns ErrUploadDone when either Abort or Commit has already been called.

func (*PartUpload) Info added in v1.6.0

func (upload *PartUpload) Info() *Part

Info returns the last information about the uploaded part.

func (*PartUpload) SetETag added in v1.6.0

func (upload *PartUpload) SetETag(eTag []byte) error

SetETag sets ETag for a part.

func (*PartUpload) Write added in v1.6.0

func (upload *PartUpload) Write(p []byte) (int, error)

Write uploads len(p) bytes from p to the object's data stream. It returns the number of bytes written from p (0 <= n <= len(p)) and any error encountered that caused the write to stop early.

type Permission

type Permission struct {
	// AllowDownload gives permission to download the object's content. It
	// allows getting object metadata, but it does not allow listing buckets.
	AllowDownload bool
	// AllowUpload gives permission to create buckets and upload new objects.
	// It does not allow overwriting existing objects unless AllowDelete is
	// granted too.
	AllowUpload bool
	// AllowList gives permission to list buckets. It allows getting object
	// metadata, but it does not allow downloading the object's content.
	AllowList bool
	// AllowDelete gives permission to delete buckets and objects. Unless
	// either AllowDownload or AllowList is granted too, no object metadata and
	// no error info will be returned for deleted objects.
	AllowDelete bool
	// AllowLock gives permission for retention periods and legal holds to be
	// placed on and retrieved from objects. It also gives permission for
	// Object Lock configurations to be placed on and retrieved from buckets.
	AllowLock bool
	// NotBefore restricts when the resulting access grant is valid for.
	// If set, the resulting access grant will not work if the Satellite
	// believes the time is before NotBefore.
	// If set, this value should always be before NotAfter.
	NotBefore time.Time
	// NotAfter restricts when the resulting access grant is valid for.
	// If set, the resulting access grant will not work if the Satellite
	// believes the time is after NotAfter.
	// If set, this value should always be after NotBefore.
	NotAfter time.Time
	// MaxObjectTTL restricts the maximum time-to-live of objects.
	// If set, new objects are uploaded with an expiration time that reflects
	// the MaxObjectTTL period.
	// If objects are uploaded with an explicit expiration time, the upload
	// will be successful only if it is shorter than the MaxObjectTTL period.
	MaxObjectTTL *time.Duration

Permission defines what actions can be used to share.

func FullPermission

func FullPermission() Permission

FullPermission returns a Permission that allows all actions that the parent access grant already allows.

func ReadOnlyPermission

func ReadOnlyPermission() Permission

ReadOnlyPermission returns a Permission that allows reading and listing (if the parent access grant already allows those things).

func WriteOnlyPermission

func WriteOnlyPermission() Permission

WriteOnlyPermission returns a Permission that allows writing and deleting (if the parent access grant already allows those things).

type Project

type Project struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

Project provides access to managing buckets and objects.

func OpenProject

func OpenProject(ctx context.Context, access *Access) (*Project, error)

OpenProject opens a project with the specific access grant.

func (*Project) AbortUpload added in v1.6.0

func (project *Project) AbortUpload(ctx context.Context, bucket, key, uploadID string) (err error)

AbortUpload aborts a multipart upload started with BeginUpload.

uploadID is an upload identifier returned by BeginUpload.

func (*Project) BeginUpload added in v1.6.0

func (project *Project) BeginUpload(ctx context.Context, bucket, key string, options *UploadOptions) (info UploadInfo, err error)

BeginUpload begins a new multipart upload to bucket and key.

Use UploadPart to upload individual parts.

Use CommitUpload to finish the upload.

Use AbortUpload to cancel the upload at any time.

UploadObject is a convenient way to upload single part objects.

func (*Project) Close

func (project *Project) Close() (err error)

Close closes the project and all associated resources.

func (*Project) CommitUpload added in v1.6.0

func (project *Project) CommitUpload(ctx context.Context, bucket, key, uploadID string, opts *CommitUploadOptions) (object *Object, err error)

CommitUpload commits a multipart upload to bucket and key started with BeginUpload.

uploadID is an upload identifier returned by BeginUpload.

func (*Project) CopyObject added in v1.9.0

func (project *Project) CopyObject(ctx context.Context, oldBucket, oldKey, newBucket, newKey string, options *CopyObjectOptions) (_ *Object, err error)

CopyObject atomically copies object to a different bucket or/and key.

func (*Project) CreateBucket

func (project *Project) CreateBucket(ctx context.Context, bucket string) (created *Bucket, err error)

CreateBucket creates a new bucket.

When bucket already exists it returns a valid Bucket and ErrBucketExists.

func (*Project) DeleteBucket

func (project *Project) DeleteBucket(ctx context.Context, bucket string) (deleted *Bucket, err error)

DeleteBucket deletes a bucket.

When bucket is not empty it returns ErrBucketNotEmpty.

func (*Project) DeleteBucketWithObjects added in v1.3.0

func (project *Project) DeleteBucketWithObjects(ctx context.Context, bucket string) (deleted *Bucket, err error)

DeleteBucketWithObjects deletes a bucket and all objects within that bucket.

func (*Project) DeleteObject

func (project *Project) DeleteObject(ctx context.Context, bucket, key string) (deleted *Object, err error)

DeleteObject deletes the object at the specific key. Returned deleted is not nil when the access grant has read permissions and the object was deleted.

func (*Project) DownloadObject

func (project *Project) DownloadObject(ctx context.Context, bucket, key string, options *DownloadOptions) (_ *Download, err error)

DownloadObject starts a download from the specific key.

func (*Project) EnsureBucket

func (project *Project) EnsureBucket(ctx context.Context, bucket string) (ensured *Bucket, err error)

EnsureBucket ensures that a bucket exists or creates a new one.

When bucket already exists it returns a valid Bucket and no error.

func (*Project) ListBuckets

func (project *Project) ListBuckets(ctx context.Context, options *ListBucketsOptions) *BucketIterator

ListBuckets returns an iterator over the buckets.

func (*Project) ListObjects

func (project *Project) ListObjects(ctx context.Context, bucket string, options *ListObjectsOptions) *ObjectIterator

ListObjects returns an iterator over the objects.

func (*Project) ListUploadParts added in v1.6.0

func (project *Project) ListUploadParts(ctx context.Context, bucket, key, uploadID string, options *ListUploadPartsOptions) *PartIterator

ListUploadParts returns an iterator over the parts of a multipart upload started with BeginUpload.

func (*Project) ListUploads added in v1.6.0

func (project *Project) ListUploads(ctx context.Context, bucket string, options *ListUploadsOptions) *UploadIterator

ListUploads returns an iterator over the uncommitted uploads in bucket. Both multipart and regular uploads are returned. An object may not be visible through ListUploads until it has a committed part.

func (*Project) MoveObject added in v1.7.0

func (project *Project) MoveObject(ctx context.Context, oldbucket, oldkey, newbucket, newkey string, options *MoveObjectOptions) (err error)

MoveObject moves object to a different bucket or/and key.

func (*Project) RevokeAccess added in v1.2.0

func (project *Project) RevokeAccess(ctx context.Context, access *Access) (err error)

RevokeAccess revokes the API key embedded in the provided access grant.

When an access grant is revoked, it will also revoke any further-restricted access grants created (via the Access.Share method) from the revoked access grant.

An access grant is authorized to revoke any further-restricted access grant created from it. An access grant cannot revoke itself. An unauthorized request will return an error.

There may be a delay between a successful revocation request and actual revocation, depending on the satellite's access caching policies.

func (*Project) StatBucket

func (project *Project) StatBucket(ctx context.Context, bucket string) (info *Bucket, err error)

StatBucket returns information about a bucket.

func (*Project) StatObject

func (project *Project) StatObject(ctx context.Context, bucket, key string) (info *Object, err error)

StatObject returns information about an object at the specific key.

func (*Project) UpdateObjectMetadata added in v1.6.0

func (project *Project) UpdateObjectMetadata(ctx context.Context, bucket, key string, newMetadata CustomMetadata, options *UploadObjectMetadataOptions) (err error)

UpdateObjectMetadata replaces the custom metadata for the object at the specific key with newMetadata. Any existing custom metadata will be deleted.

func (*Project) UploadObject

func (project *Project) UploadObject(ctx context.Context, bucket, key string, options *UploadOptions) (_ *Upload, err error)

UploadObject starts an upload to the specific key.

It is not guaranteed that the uncommitted object is visible through ListUploads while uploading.

func (*Project) UploadPart added in v1.6.0

func (project *Project) UploadPart(ctx context.Context, bucket, key, uploadID string, partNumber uint32) (_ *PartUpload, err error)

UploadPart uploads a part with partNumber to a multipart upload started with BeginUpload.

uploadID is an upload identifier returned by BeginUpload.

type SharePrefix

type SharePrefix struct {
	Bucket string
	// Prefix is the prefix of the shared object keys.
	// Note: that within a bucket, the hierarchical key derivation scheme is
	// delineated by forward slashes (/), so encryption information will be
	// included in the resulting access grant to decrypt any key that shares
	// the same prefix up until the last slash.
	Prefix string

SharePrefix defines a prefix that will be shared.

type SystemMetadata

type SystemMetadata struct {
	Created       time.Time
	Expires       time.Time
	ContentLength int64

SystemMetadata contains information about the object that cannot be changed directly.

type Upload

type Upload struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

Upload is an upload to Storj Network.

func (*Upload) Abort

func (upload *Upload) Abort() error

Abort aborts the upload.

Returns ErrUploadDone when either Abort or Commit has already been called.

func (*Upload) Commit

func (upload *Upload) Commit() error

Commit commits data to the store.

Returns ErrUploadDone when either Abort or Commit has already been called.

func (*Upload) Info

func (upload *Upload) Info() *Object

Info returns the last information about the uploaded object.

func (*Upload) SetCustomMetadata

func (upload *Upload) SetCustomMetadata(ctx context.Context, custom CustomMetadata) error

SetCustomMetadata updates custom metadata to be included with the object. If it is nil, it won't be modified.

func (*Upload) Write

func (upload *Upload) Write(p []byte) (n int, err error)

Write uploads len(p) bytes from p to the object's data stream. It returns the number of bytes written from p (0 <= n <= len(p)) and any error encountered that caused the write to stop early.

type UploadInfo added in v1.6.0

type UploadInfo struct {
	UploadID string
	Key      string

	IsPrefix bool

	System SystemMetadata
	Custom CustomMetadata

UploadInfo contains information about an upload.

type UploadIterator added in v1.6.0

type UploadIterator struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

UploadIterator is an iterator over a collection of uncommitted uploads.

func (*UploadIterator) Err added in v1.6.0

func (uploads *UploadIterator) Err() error

Err returns error, if one happened during iteration.

func (*UploadIterator) Item added in v1.6.0

func (uploads *UploadIterator) Item() *UploadInfo

Item returns the current entry in the iterator.

func (*UploadIterator) Next added in v1.6.0

func (uploads *UploadIterator) Next() bool

Next prepares next entry for reading. It returns false if the end of the iteration is reached and there are no more uploads, or if there is an error.

type UploadObjectMetadataOptions added in v1.6.0

type UploadObjectMetadataOptions struct {

UploadObjectMetadataOptions contains additional options for updating object's metadata. Reserved for future use.

type UploadOptions

type UploadOptions struct {
	// When Expires is zero, there is no expiration.
	Expires time.Time

UploadOptions contains additional options for uploading.


Path Synopsis
Package backcomp contains utilities for handling backwards incompatible changes.
Package backcomp contains utilities for handling backwards incompatible changes.

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