Index ¶
- Constants
- func AttributeKindID(name string) (id uint)
- func DefaultTargetTriple() (triple string)
- func InitializeAllAsmParsers()
- func InitializeAllAsmPrinters()
- func InitializeAllTargetInfos()
- func InitializeAllTargetMCs()
- func InitializeAllTargets()
- func InitializeNativeAsmPrinter() error
- func InitializeNativeTarget() error
- func LinkInInterpreter()
- func LinkInMCJIT()
- func LinkModules(Dest, Src Module) error
- func LoadLibraryPermanently(lib string) error
- func MDKindID(name string) (id int)
- func ParseCommandLineOptions(args []string, overview string)
- func VerifyFunction(f Value, a VerifierFailureAction) error
- func VerifyModule(m Module, a VerifierFailureAction) error
- func ViewFunctionCFG(f Value)
- func ViewFunctionCFGOnly(f Value)
- func WriteBitcodeToFile(m Module, file *os.File) error
- type AtomicOrdering
- type AtomicRMWBinOp
- type Attribute
- func (a Attribute) GetEnumKind() (id int)
- func (a Attribute) GetEnumValue() (val uint64)
- func (a Attribute) GetStringKind() string
- func (a Attribute) GetStringValue() string
- func (a Attribute) GetTypeValue() (t Type)
- func (a Attribute) IsEnum() bool
- func (c Attribute) IsNil() bool
- func (a Attribute) IsString() bool
- type BasicBlock
- func (bb BasicBlock) AsValue() (v Value)
- func (bb BasicBlock) EraseFromParent()
- func (bb BasicBlock) FirstInstruction() (v Value)
- func (c BasicBlock) IsNil() bool
- func (bb BasicBlock) LastInstruction() (v Value)
- func (bb BasicBlock) MoveAfter(pos BasicBlock)
- func (bb BasicBlock) MoveBefore(pos BasicBlock)
- func (bb BasicBlock) Parent() (v Value)
- type Builder
- func (b Builder) ClearInsertionPoint()
- func (b Builder) CreateAShr(lhs, rhs Value, name string) (v Value)
- func (b Builder) CreateAdd(lhs, rhs Value, name string) (v Value)
- func (b Builder) CreateAggregateRet(vs []Value) (rv Value)
- func (b Builder) CreateAlloca(t Type, name string) (v Value)
- func (b Builder) CreateAnd(lhs, rhs Value, name string) (v Value)
- func (b Builder) CreateArrayAlloca(t Type, val Value, name string) (v Value)
- func (b Builder) CreateArrayMalloc(t Type, val Value, name string) (v Value)
- func (b Builder) CreateAtomicCmpXchg(ptr, cmp, newVal Value, successOrdering, failureOrdering AtomicOrdering, ...) (v Value)
- func (b Builder) CreateAtomicRMW(op AtomicRMWBinOp, ptr, val Value, ordering AtomicOrdering, singleThread bool) (v Value)
- func (b Builder) CreateBinOp(op Opcode, lhs, rhs Value, name string) (v Value)
- func (b Builder) CreateBitCast(val Value, t Type, name string) (v Value)
- func (b Builder) CreateBr(bb BasicBlock) (rv Value)
- func (b Builder) CreateCall(t Type, fn Value, args []Value, name string) (v Value)
- func (b Builder) CreateCast(val Value, op Opcode, t Type, name string) (v Value)
- func (b Builder) CreateCatchPad(parentPad Value, args []Value, name string) (v Value)
- func (b Builder) CreateCatchRet(catchpad Value, bb BasicBlock) (v Value)
- func (b Builder) CreateCatchSwitch(parentPad Value, unwindBB BasicBlock, numHandlers int, name string) (v Value)
- func (b Builder) CreateCleanupPad(parentPad Value, args []Value, name string) (v Value)
- func (b Builder) CreateCleanupRet(catchpad Value, bb BasicBlock) (v Value)
- func (b Builder) CreateCondBr(ifv Value, thenb, elseb BasicBlock) (rv Value)
- func (b Builder) CreateExactSDiv(lhs, rhs Value, name string) (v Value)
- func (b Builder) CreateExtractElement(vec, i Value, name string) (v Value)
- func (b Builder) CreateExtractValue(agg Value, i int, name string) (v Value)
- func (b Builder) CreateFAdd(lhs, rhs Value, name string) (v Value)
- func (b Builder) CreateFCmp(pred FloatPredicate, lhs, rhs Value, name string) (v Value)
- func (b Builder) CreateFDiv(lhs, rhs Value, name string) (v Value)
- func (b Builder) CreateFMul(lhs, rhs Value, name string) (v Value)
- func (b Builder) CreateFNeg(v Value, name string) (rv Value)
- func (b Builder) CreateFPCast(val Value, t Type, name string) (v Value)
- func (b Builder) CreateFPExt(val Value, t Type, name string) (v Value)
- func (b Builder) CreateFPToSI(val Value, t Type, name string) (v Value)
- func (b Builder) CreateFPToUI(val Value, t Type, name string) (v Value)
- func (b Builder) CreateFPTrunc(val Value, t Type, name string) (v Value)
- func (b Builder) CreateFRem(lhs, rhs Value, name string) (v Value)
- func (b Builder) CreateFSub(lhs, rhs Value, name string) (v Value)
- func (b Builder) CreateFree(p Value) (v Value)
- func (b Builder) CreateGEP(t Type, p Value, indices []Value, name string) (v Value)
- func (b Builder) CreateGlobalString(str, name string) (v Value)
- func (b Builder) CreateGlobalStringPtr(str, name string) (v Value)
- func (b Builder) CreateICmp(pred IntPredicate, lhs, rhs Value, name string) (v Value)
- func (b Builder) CreateInBoundsGEP(t Type, p Value, indices []Value, name string) (v Value)
- func (b Builder) CreateIndirectBr(addr Value, numDests int) (rv Value)
- func (b Builder) CreateInsertElement(vec, elt, i Value, name string) (v Value)
- func (b Builder) CreateInsertValue(agg, elt Value, i int, name string) (v Value)
- func (b Builder) CreateIntCast(val Value, t Type, name string) (v Value)
- func (b Builder) CreateIntToPtr(val Value, t Type, name string) (v Value)
- func (b Builder) CreateInvoke(t Type, fn Value, args []Value, then, catch BasicBlock, name string) (rv Value)
- func (b Builder) CreateIsNotNull(val Value, name string) (v Value)
- func (b Builder) CreateIsNull(val Value, name string) (v Value)
- func (b Builder) CreateLShr(lhs, rhs Value, name string) (v Value)
- func (b Builder) CreateLandingPad(t Type, nclauses int, name string) (l Value)
- func (b Builder) CreateLoad(t Type, p Value, name string) (v Value)
- func (b Builder) CreateMalloc(t Type, name string) (v Value)
- func (b Builder) CreateMul(lhs, rhs Value, name string) (v Value)
- func (b Builder) CreateNSWAdd(lhs, rhs Value, name string) (v Value)
- func (b Builder) CreateNSWMul(lhs, rhs Value, name string) (v Value)
- func (b Builder) CreateNSWNeg(v Value, name string) (rv Value)
- func (b Builder) CreateNSWSub(lhs, rhs Value, name string) (v Value)
- func (b Builder) CreateNUWAdd(lhs, rhs Value, name string) (v Value)
- func (b Builder) CreateNUWMul(lhs, rhs Value, name string) (v Value)
- func (b Builder) CreateNUWNeg(v Value, name string) (rv Value)
- func (b Builder) CreateNUWSub(lhs, rhs Value, name string) (v Value)
- func (b Builder) CreateNeg(v Value, name string) (rv Value)
- func (b Builder) CreateNot(v Value, name string) (rv Value)
- func (b Builder) CreateOr(lhs, rhs Value, name string) (v Value)
- func (b Builder) CreatePHI(t Type, name string) (v Value)
- func (b Builder) CreatePointerCast(val Value, t Type, name string) (v Value)
- func (b Builder) CreatePtrDiff(t Type, lhs, rhs Value, name string) (v Value)
- func (b Builder) CreatePtrToInt(val Value, t Type, name string) (v Value)
- func (b Builder) CreateResume(ex Value) (v Value)
- func (b Builder) CreateRet(v Value) (rv Value)
- func (b Builder) CreateRetVoid() (rv Value)
- func (b Builder) CreateSDiv(lhs, rhs Value, name string) (v Value)
- func (b Builder) CreateSExt(val Value, t Type, name string) (v Value)
- func (b Builder) CreateSExtOrBitCast(val Value, t Type, name string) (v Value)
- func (b Builder) CreateSIToFP(val Value, t Type, name string) (v Value)
- func (b Builder) CreateSRem(lhs, rhs Value, name string) (v Value)
- func (b Builder) CreateSelect(ifv, thenv, elsev Value, name string) (v Value)
- func (b Builder) CreateShl(lhs, rhs Value, name string) (v Value)
- func (b Builder) CreateShuffleVector(v1, v2, mask Value, name string) (v Value)
- func (b Builder) CreateStore(val Value, p Value) (v Value)
- func (b Builder) CreateStructGEP(t Type, p Value, i int, name string) (v Value)
- func (b Builder) CreateSub(lhs, rhs Value, name string) (v Value)
- func (b Builder) CreateSwitch(v Value, elseb BasicBlock, numCases int) (rv Value)
- func (b Builder) CreateTrunc(val Value, t Type, name string) (v Value)
- func (b Builder) CreateTruncOrBitCast(val Value, t Type, name string) (v Value)
- func (b Builder) CreateUDiv(lhs, rhs Value, name string) (v Value)
- func (b Builder) CreateUIToFP(val Value, t Type, name string) (v Value)
- func (b Builder) CreateURem(lhs, rhs Value, name string) (v Value)
- func (b Builder) CreateUnreachable() (rv Value)
- func (b Builder) CreateVAArg(list Value, t Type, name string) (v Value)
- func (b Builder) CreateXor(lhs, rhs Value, name string) (v Value)
- func (b Builder) CreateZExt(val Value, t Type, name string) (v Value)
- func (b Builder) CreateZExtOrBitCast(val Value, t Type, name string) (v Value)
- func (b Builder) Dispose()
- func (b Builder) GetCurrentDebugLocation() (loc DebugLoc)
- func (b Builder) GetInsertBlock() (bb BasicBlock)
- func (b Builder) Insert(instr Value)
- func (b Builder) InsertDeclare(module Module, storage Value, md Value) Value
- func (b Builder) InsertWithName(instr Value, name string)
- func (c Builder) IsNil() bool
- func (b Builder) SetCurrentDebugLocation(line, col uint, scope, inlinedAt Metadata)
- func (b Builder) SetInsertPoint(block BasicBlock, instr Value)
- func (b Builder) SetInsertPointAtEnd(block BasicBlock)
- func (b Builder) SetInsertPointBefore(instr Value)
- func (b Builder) SetInstDebugLocation(v Value)
- type ByteOrdering
- type CallConv
- type CodeGenFileType
- type CodeGenOptLevel
- type CodeModel
- type Comdat
- type ComdatSelectionKind
- type Context
- func (c Context) AddBasicBlock(f Value, name string) (bb BasicBlock)
- func (c Context) ConstString(str string, addnull bool) (v Value)
- func (c Context) ConstStruct(constVals []Value, packed bool) (v Value)
- func (c Context) CreateEnumAttribute(kind uint, val uint64) (a Attribute)
- func (c Context) CreateStringAttribute(kind string, val string) (a Attribute)
- func (c Context) CreateTypeAttribute(kind uint, t Type) (a Attribute)
- func (c Context) Dispose()
- func (c Context) DoubleType() (t Type)
- func (c Context) FP128Type() (t Type)
- func (c Context) FloatType() (t Type)
- func (c Context) InsertBasicBlock(ref BasicBlock, name string) (bb BasicBlock)
- func (c Context) Int16Type() (t Type)
- func (c Context) Int1Type() (t Type)
- func (c Context) Int32Type() (t Type)
- func (c Context) Int64Type() (t Type)
- func (c Context) Int8Type() (t Type)
- func (c Context) IntType(numbits int) (t Type)
- func (c Context) IsNil() bool
- func (c Context) LabelType() (t Type)
- func (c Context) MDKindID(name string) (id int)
- func (c Context) MDNode(mds []Metadata) (md Metadata)
- func (c Context) MDString(str string) (md Metadata)
- func (c Context) NewBuilder() (b Builder)
- func (c Context) NewModule(name string) (m Module)
- func (c Context) PPCFP128Type() (t Type)
- func (c Context) ParseBitcodeFile(name string) (Module, error)
- func (c *Context) ParseIR(buf MemoryBuffer) (Module, error)
- func (c Context) StructCreateNamed(name string) (t Type)
- func (c Context) StructType(elementTypes []Type, packed bool) (t Type)
- func (c Context) TemporaryMDNode(mds []Metadata) (md Metadata)
- func (c Context) TokenType() (t Type)
- func (c Context) VoidType() (t Type)
- func (c Context) X86FP80Type() (t Type)
- type DIArrayType
- type DIAutoVariable
- type DIBasicType
- type DIBuilder
- func (d *DIBuilder) CreateArrayType(t DIArrayType) Metadata
- func (d *DIBuilder) CreateAutoVariable(scope Metadata, v DIAutoVariable) Metadata
- func (d *DIBuilder) CreateBasicType(t DIBasicType) Metadata
- func (d *DIBuilder) CreateCompileUnit(cu DICompileUnit) Metadata
- func (d *DIBuilder) CreateExpression(addr []uint64) Metadata
- func (d *DIBuilder) CreateFile(filename, dir string) Metadata
- func (d *DIBuilder) CreateFunction(diScope Metadata, f DIFunction) Metadata
- func (d *DIBuilder) CreateGlobalVariableExpression(diScope Metadata, g DIGlobalVariableExpression) Metadata
- func (d *DIBuilder) CreateLexicalBlock(diScope Metadata, b DILexicalBlock) Metadata
- func (d *DIBuilder) CreateLexicalBlockFile(diScope Metadata, diFile Metadata, discriminator int) Metadata
- func (d *DIBuilder) CreateMemberType(scope Metadata, t DIMemberType) Metadata
- func (d *DIBuilder) CreateParameterVariable(scope Metadata, v DIParameterVariable) Metadata
- func (d *DIBuilder) CreatePointerType(t DIPointerType) Metadata
- func (d *DIBuilder) CreateReplaceableCompositeType(scope Metadata, t DIReplaceableCompositeType) Metadata
- func (d *DIBuilder) CreateStructType(scope Metadata, t DIStructType) Metadata
- func (d *DIBuilder) CreateSubroutineType(t DISubroutineType) Metadata
- func (d *DIBuilder) CreateTypedef(t DITypedef) Metadata
- func (d *DIBuilder) Destroy()
- func (d *DIBuilder) Finalize()
- func (d *DIBuilder) InsertDeclareAtEnd(v Value, diVarInfo, expr Metadata, l DebugLoc, bb BasicBlock) Value
- func (d *DIBuilder) InsertValueAtEnd(v Value, diVarInfo, expr Metadata, l DebugLoc, bb BasicBlock) Value
- type DICompileUnit
- type DIFunction
- type DIGlobalVariableExpression
- type DILexicalBlock
- type DIMemberType
- type DIParameterVariable
- type DIPointerType
- type DIReplaceableCompositeType
- type DIStructType
- type DISubrange
- type DISubroutineType
- type DITypedef
- type DebugLoc
- type DwarfLang
- type DwarfTag
- type DwarfTypeEncoding
- type ExecutionEngine
- func (ee ExecutionEngine) AddGlobalMapping(global Value, addr unsafe.Pointer)
- func (ee ExecutionEngine) AddModule(m Module)
- func (ee ExecutionEngine) Dispose()
- func (ee ExecutionEngine) FindFunction(name string) (f Value)
- func (ee ExecutionEngine) FreeMachineCodeForFunction(f Value)
- func (ee ExecutionEngine) PointerToGlobal(global Value) unsafe.Pointer
- func (ee ExecutionEngine) RecompileAndRelinkFunction(f Value) unsafe.Pointer
- func (ee ExecutionEngine) RemoveModule(m Module)
- func (ee ExecutionEngine) RunFunction(f Value, args []GenericValue) (g GenericValue)
- func (ee ExecutionEngine) RunStaticConstructors()
- func (ee ExecutionEngine) RunStaticDestructors()
- func (ee ExecutionEngine) TargetData() (td TargetData)
- type FloatPredicate
- type GenericValue
- type InlineAsmDialect
- type IntPredicate
- type LandingPadClause
- type Linkage
- type MCJITCompilerOptions
- type MemoryBuffer
- type Metadata
- func (md Metadata) FileDirectory() string
- func (md Metadata) FileFilename() string
- func (md Metadata) FileSource() string
- func (c Metadata) IsNil() bool
- func (md Metadata) Kind() MetadataKind
- func (md Metadata) LocationColumn() uint
- func (md Metadata) LocationInlinedAt() Metadata
- func (md Metadata) LocationLine() uint
- func (md Metadata) LocationScope() Metadata
- func (md Metadata) ReplaceAllUsesWith(new Metadata)
- func (md Metadata) ScopeFile() Metadata
- func (md Metadata) SubprogramLine() uint
- type MetadataKind
- type Module
- func (m Module) AddNamedMetadataOperand(name string, operand Metadata)
- func (m Module) Comdat(name string) (c Comdat)
- func (m Module) Context() (c Context)
- func (m Module) DataLayout() string
- func (m Module) Dispose()
- func (m Module) Dump()
- func (m Module) FirstFunction() (v Value)
- func (m Module) FirstGlobal() (v Value)
- func (m Module) GetTypeByName(name string) (t Type)
- func (c Module) IsNil() bool
- func (m Module) LastFunction() (v Value)
- func (m Module) LastGlobal() (v Value)
- func (m Module) NamedFunction(name string) (v Value)
- func (m Module) NamedGlobal(name string) (v Value)
- func (mod Module) RunPasses(passes string, tm TargetMachine, options PassBuilderOptions) error
- func (m Module) SetDataLayout(layout string)
- func (m Module) SetInlineAsm(asm string)
- func (m Module) SetTarget(target string)
- func (m Module) String() string
- func (m Module) Target() string
- type ModuleProvider
- type Opcode
- type PassBuilderOptions
- func (pbo PassBuilderOptions) Dispose()
- func (pbo PassBuilderOptions) SetCallGraphProfile(cgProfile bool)
- func (pbo PassBuilderOptions) SetDebugLogging(debugLogging bool)
- func (pbo PassBuilderOptions) SetForgetAllSCEVInLoopUnroll(forgetSCEV bool)
- func (pbo PassBuilderOptions) SetLicmMssaNoAccForPromotionCap(promotionCap uint)
- func (pbo PassBuilderOptions) SetLicmMssaOptCap(optCap uint)
- func (pbo PassBuilderOptions) SetLoopInterleaving(loopInterleaving bool)
- func (pbo PassBuilderOptions) SetLoopUnrolling(loopUnrolling bool)
- func (pbo PassBuilderOptions) SetLoopVectorization(loopVectorization bool)
- func (pbo PassBuilderOptions) SetMergeFunctions(mergeFuncs bool)
- func (pbo PassBuilderOptions) SetSLPVectorization(slpVectorization bool)
- func (pbo PassBuilderOptions) SetVerifyEach(verifyEach bool)
- type PassManager
- type RelocMode
- type Target
- type TargetData
- func (td TargetData) ABITypeAlignment(t Type) int
- func (td TargetData) ByteOrder() ByteOrdering
- func (td TargetData) CallFrameTypeAlignment(t Type) int
- func (td TargetData) Dispose()
- func (td TargetData) ElementContainingOffset(t Type, offset uint64) int
- func (td TargetData) ElementOffset(t Type, element int) uint64
- func (td TargetData) IntPtrType() (t Type)
- func (td TargetData) PointerSize() int
- func (td TargetData) PrefTypeAlignment(t Type) int
- func (td TargetData) PreferredAlignment(g Value) int
- func (td TargetData) String() (s string)
- func (td TargetData) TypeAllocSize(t Type) uint64
- func (td TargetData) TypeSizeInBits(t Type) uint64
- func (td TargetData) TypeStoreSize(t Type) uint64
- type TargetMachine
- type Type
- func ArrayType(elementType Type, elementCount int) (t Type)
- func FunctionType(returnType Type, paramTypes []Type, isVarArg bool) (t Type)
- func PointerType(elementType Type, addressSpace int) (t Type)
- func StructType(elementTypes []Type, packed bool) (t Type)
- func VectorType(elementType Type, elementCount int) (t Type)
- func (t Type) ArrayLength() int
- func (t Type) Context() (c Context)
- func (t Type) ElementType() (rt Type)
- func (t Type) IntTypeWidth() int
- func (t Type) IsFunctionVarArg() bool
- func (c Type) IsNil() bool
- func (t Type) IsStructPacked() bool
- func (t Type) ParamTypes() []Type
- func (t Type) ParamTypesCount() int
- func (t Type) PointerAddressSpace() int
- func (t Type) ReturnType() (rt Type)
- func (t Type) String() string
- func (t Type) StructElementTypes() []Type
- func (t Type) StructElementTypesCount() int
- func (t Type) StructName() string
- func (t Type) StructSetBody(elementTypes []Type, packed bool)
- func (t Type) Subtypes() (ret []Type)
- func (t Type) TypeKind() TypeKind
- func (t Type) VectorSize() int
- type TypeKind
- type Use
- type Value
- func AddAlias(m Module, t Type, addressSpace int, aliasee Value, name string) (v Value)
- func AddFunction(m Module, name string, ft Type) (v Value)
- func AddGlobal(m Module, t Type, name string) (v Value)
- func AddGlobalInAddressSpace(m Module, t Type, name string, addressSpace int) (v Value)
- func AlignOf(t Type) (v Value)
- func BlockAddress(f Value, bb BasicBlock) (v Value)
- func ConstAdd(lhs, rhs Value) (v Value)
- func ConstAllOnes(t Type) (v Value)
- func ConstArray(t Type, constVals []Value) (v Value)
- func ConstBitCast(v Value, t Type) (rv Value)
- func ConstExtractElement(vec, i Value) (rv Value)
- func ConstFCmp(pred FloatPredicate, lhs, rhs Value) (v Value)
- func ConstFloat(t Type, n float64) (v Value)
- func ConstFloatFromString(t Type, str string) (v Value)
- func ConstGEP(t Type, v Value, indices []Value) (rv Value)
- func ConstICmp(pred IntPredicate, lhs, rhs Value) (v Value)
- func ConstInBoundsGEP(t Type, v Value, indices []Value) (rv Value)
- func ConstInsertElement(vec, elem, i Value) (rv Value)
- func ConstInt(t Type, n uint64, signExtend bool) (v Value)
- func ConstIntFromString(t Type, str string, radix int) (v Value)
- func ConstIntToPtr(v Value, t Type) (rv Value)
- func ConstMul(lhs, rhs Value) (v Value)
- func ConstNSWAdd(lhs, rhs Value) (v Value)
- func ConstNSWMul(lhs, rhs Value) (v Value)
- func ConstNSWNeg(v Value) (rv Value)
- func ConstNSWSub(lhs, rhs Value) (v Value)
- func ConstNUWAdd(lhs, rhs Value) (v Value)
- func ConstNUWMul(lhs, rhs Value) (v Value)
- func ConstNUWNeg(v Value) (rv Value)
- func ConstNUWSub(lhs, rhs Value) (v Value)
- func ConstNamedStruct(t Type, constVals []Value) (v Value)
- func ConstNeg(v Value) (rv Value)
- func ConstNot(v Value) (rv Value)
- func ConstNull(t Type) (v Value)
- func ConstPointerCast(v Value, t Type) (rv Value)
- func ConstPointerNull(t Type) (v Value)
- func ConstPtrToInt(v Value, t Type) (rv Value)
- func ConstShl(lhs, rhs Value) (v Value)
- func ConstShuffleVector(veca, vecb, mask Value) (rv Value)
- func ConstString(str string, addnull bool) (v Value)
- func ConstStruct(constVals []Value, packed bool) (v Value)
- func ConstSub(lhs, rhs Value) (v Value)
- func ConstTrunc(v Value, t Type) (rv Value)
- func ConstTruncOrBitCast(v Value, t Type) (rv Value)
- func ConstVector(scalarConstVals []Value, packed bool) (v Value)
- func ConstXor(lhs, rhs Value) (v Value)
- func InlineAsm(t Type, asmString, constraints string, hasSideEffects, isAlignStack bool, ...) (rv Value)
- func NextFunction(v Value) (rv Value)
- func NextGlobal(v Value) (rv Value)
- func NextInstruction(v Value) (rv Value)
- func NextParam(v Value) (rv Value)
- func PrevFunction(v Value) (rv Value)
- func PrevGlobal(v Value) (rv Value)
- func PrevInstruction(v Value) (rv Value)
- func PrevParam(v Value) (rv Value)
- func SizeOf(t Type) (v Value)
- func Undef(t Type) (v Value)
- func (v Value) AddAttributeAtIndex(i int, a Attribute)
- func (v Value) AddCallSiteAttribute(i int, a Attribute)
- func (v Value) AddCase(on Value, dest BasicBlock)
- func (l Value) AddClause(v Value)
- func (v Value) AddDest(dest BasicBlock)
- func (v Value) AddFunctionAttr(a Attribute)
- func (v Value) AddHandler(bb BasicBlock)
- func (v Value) AddIncoming(vals []Value, blocks []BasicBlock)
- func (v Value) AddMetadata(kind int, md Metadata)
- func (v Value) AddTargetDependentFunctionAttr(attr, value string)
- func (v Value) Alignment() int
- func (v Value) AllocatedType() (t Type)
- func (v Value) AsBasicBlock() (bb BasicBlock)
- func (v Value) BasicBlocks() []BasicBlock
- func (v Value) BasicBlocksCount() int
- func (v Value) CalledFunctionType() (t Type)
- func (v Value) CalledValue() (rv Value)
- func (v Value) CmpXchgFailureOrdering() AtomicOrdering
- func (v Value) CmpXchgSuccessOrdering() AtomicOrdering
- func (v Value) Comdat() (c Comdat)
- func (v Value) ConstGetAsString() string
- func (v Value) ConstantAsMetadata() (md Metadata)
- func (v Value) DoubleValue() (result float64, inexact bool)
- func (v Value) Dump()
- func (v Value) EntryBasicBlock() (bb BasicBlock)
- func (v Value) EraseFromParentAsFunction()
- func (v Value) EraseFromParentAsGlobal()
- func (v Value) EraseFromParentAsInstruction()
- func (v Value) FirstBasicBlock() (bb BasicBlock)
- func (v Value) FirstParam() (rv Value)
- func (v Value) FirstUse() (u Use)
- func (v Value) FloatPredicate() FloatPredicate
- func (v Value) FunctionCallConv() CallConv
- func (v Value) GC() string
- func (v Value) GEPSourceElementType() (t Type)
- func (v Value) GetCallSiteEnumAttribute(i int, kind uint) (a Attribute)
- func (v Value) GetCallSiteStringAttribute(i int, kind string) (a Attribute)
- func (v Value) GetEnumAttributeAtIndex(i int, kind uint) (a Attribute)
- func (v Value) GetEnumFunctionAttribute(kind uint) Attribute
- func (v Value) GetHandlers() []BasicBlock
- func (v Value) GetParentCatchSwitch() (rv Value)
- func (v Value) GetStringAttributeAtIndex(i int, kind string) (a Attribute)
- func (v Value) GlobalParent() (m Module)
- func (v Value) GlobalValueType() (t Type)
- func (v Value) HasMetadata() bool
- func (v Value) IncomingBlock(i int) (bb BasicBlock)
- func (v Value) IncomingCount() int
- func (v Value) IncomingValue(i int) (rv Value)
- func (v Value) Indices() []uint32
- func (v Value) Initializer() (rv Value)
- func (v Value) InstructionCallConv() CallConv
- func (v Value) InstructionDebugLoc() (md Metadata)
- func (v Value) InstructionOpcode() Opcode
- func (v Value) InstructionParent() (bb BasicBlock)
- func (v Value) InstructionSetDebugLoc(md Metadata)
- func (v Value) IntPredicate() IntPredicate
- func (v Value) IntrinsicID() int
- func (v Value) IsAAllocaInst() (rv Value)
- func (v Value) IsAArgument() (rv Value)
- func (v Value) IsABasicBlock() (rv Value)
- func (v Value) IsABinaryOperator() (rv Value)
- func (v Value) IsABitCastInst() (rv Value)
- func (v Value) IsABranchInst() (rv Value)
- func (v Value) IsACallInst() (rv Value)
- func (v Value) IsACastInst() (rv Value)
- func (v Value) IsACmpInst() (rv Value)
- func (v Value) IsAConstant() (rv Value)
- func (v Value) IsAConstantAggregateZero() (rv Value)
- func (v Value) IsAConstantArray() (rv Value)
- func (v Value) IsAConstantExpr() (rv Value)
- func (v Value) IsAConstantFP() (rv Value)
- func (v Value) IsAConstantInt() (rv Value)
- func (v Value) IsAConstantPointerNull() (rv Value)
- func (v Value) IsAConstantStruct() (rv Value)
- func (v Value) IsAConstantVector() (rv Value)
- func (v Value) IsADbgDeclareInst() (rv Value)
- func (v Value) IsADbgInfoIntrinsic() (rv Value)
- func (v Value) IsAExtractElementInst() (rv Value)
- func (v Value) IsAExtractValueInst() (rv Value)
- func (v Value) IsAFCmpInst() (rv Value)
- func (v Value) IsAFPExtInst() (rv Value)
- func (v Value) IsAFPToSIInst() (rv Value)
- func (v Value) IsAFPToUIInst() (rv Value)
- func (v Value) IsAFPTruncInst() (rv Value)
- func (v Value) IsAFunction() (rv Value)
- func (v Value) IsAGetElementPtrInst() (rv Value)
- func (v Value) IsAGlobalAlias() (rv Value)
- func (v Value) IsAGlobalValue() (rv Value)
- func (v Value) IsAGlobalVariable() (rv Value)
- func (v Value) IsAICmpInst() (rv Value)
- func (v Value) IsAInlineAsm() (rv Value)
- func (v Value) IsAInsertElementInst() (rv Value)
- func (v Value) IsAInsertValueInst() (rv Value)
- func (v Value) IsAInstruction() (rv Value)
- func (v Value) IsAIntToPtrInst() (rv Value)
- func (v Value) IsAIntrinsicInst() (rv Value)
- func (v Value) IsAInvokeInst() (rv Value)
- func (v Value) IsALoadInst() (rv Value)
- func (v Value) IsAMemCpyInst() (rv Value)
- func (v Value) IsAMemIntrinsic() (rv Value)
- func (v Value) IsAMemMoveInst() (rv Value)
- func (v Value) IsAMemSetInst() (rv Value)
- func (v Value) IsAPHINode() (rv Value)
- func (v Value) IsAPtrToIntInst() (rv Value)
- func (v Value) IsAReturnInst() (rv Value)
- func (v Value) IsASExtInst() (rv Value)
- func (v Value) IsASIToFPInst() (rv Value)
- func (v Value) IsASelectInst() (rv Value)
- func (v Value) IsAShuffleVectorInst() (rv Value)
- func (v Value) IsAStoreInst() (rv Value)
- func (v Value) IsASwitchInst() (rv Value)
- func (v Value) IsATruncInst() (rv Value)
- func (v Value) IsAUIToFPInst() (rv Value)
- func (v Value) IsAUnaryInstruction() (rv Value)
- func (v Value) IsAUndefValue() (rv Value)
- func (v Value) IsAUnreachableInst() (rv Value)
- func (v Value) IsAUser() (rv Value)
- func (v Value) IsAVAArgInst() (rv Value)
- func (v Value) IsAZExtInst() (rv Value)
- func (v Value) IsAtomicSingleThread() bool
- func (v Value) IsBasicBlock() bool
- func (v Value) IsConstant() bool
- func (v Value) IsConstantString() bool
- func (v Value) IsDeclaration() bool
- func (v Value) IsGlobalConstant() bool
- func (c Value) IsNil() bool
- func (v Value) IsNull() bool
- func (v Value) IsTailCall() bool
- func (v Value) IsThreadLocal() bool
- func (v Value) IsUndef() bool
- func (v Value) IsVolatile() bool
- func (v Value) LastBasicBlock() (bb BasicBlock)
- func (v Value) LastParam() (rv Value)
- func (v Value) Linkage() Linkage
- func (v Value) Metadata(kind int) (rv Value)
- func (v Value) Name() string
- func (v Value) Opcode() Opcode
- func (v Value) Operand(i int) (rv Value)
- func (v Value) OperandsCount() int
- func (v Value) Ordering() AtomicOrdering
- func (v Value) Param(i int) (rv Value)
- func (v Value) ParamParent() (rv Value)
- func (v Value) Params() []Value
- func (v Value) ParamsCount() int
- func (v Value) RemoveEnumAttributeAtIndex(i int, kind uint)
- func (v Value) RemoveEnumFunctionAttribute(kind uint)
- func (v Value) RemoveFromParentAsInstruction()
- func (v Value) RemoveStringAttributeAtIndex(i int, kind string)
- func (v Value) ReplaceAllUsesWith(nv Value)
- func (v Value) SExtValue() int64
- func (v Value) Section() string
- func (v Value) SetAlignment(a int)
- func (v Value) SetAtomicSingleThread(singleThread bool)
- func (l Value) SetCleanup(cleanup bool)
- func (v Value) SetCmpXchgFailureOrdering(ordering AtomicOrdering)
- func (v Value) SetCmpXchgSuccessOrdering(ordering AtomicOrdering)
- func (v Value) SetComdat(c Comdat)
- func (v Value) SetFunctionCallConv(cc CallConv)
- func (v Value) SetGC(name string)
- func (v Value) SetGlobalConstant(gc bool)
- func (v Value) SetInitializer(cv Value)
- func (v Value) SetInstrParamAlignment(i int, align int)
- func (v Value) SetInstructionCallConv(cc CallConv)
- func (v Value) SetLinkage(l Linkage)
- func (v Value) SetMetadata(kind int, node Metadata)
- func (v Value) SetName(name string)
- func (v Value) SetOperand(i int, op Value)
- func (v Value) SetOrdering(ordering AtomicOrdering)
- func (v Value) SetParamAlignment(align int)
- func (v Value) SetParentCatchSwitch(catchSwitch Value)
- func (v Value) SetPersonality(p Value)
- func (v Value) SetSection(str string)
- func (v Value) SetSubprogram(sp Metadata)
- func (v Value) SetTailCall(is bool)
- func (v Value) SetThreadLocal(tl bool)
- func (v Value) SetUnnamedAddr(ua bool)
- func (v Value) SetVisibility(vi Visibility)
- func (v Value) SetVolatile(volatile bool)
- func (v Value) String() string
- func (v Value) Subprogram() (md Metadata)
- func (v Value) Type() (t Type)
- func (v Value) Visibility() Visibility
- func (v Value) ZExtValue() uint64
- type VerifierFailureAction
- type Visibility
Constants ¶
const ( FlagPrivate = 1 << iota FlagProtected FlagFwdDecl FlagAppleBlock FlagReserved FlagVirtual FlagArtificial FlagExplicit FlagPrototyped FlagObjcClassComplete FlagObjectPointer FlagVector FlagStaticMember FlagIndirectVariable )
const ( MDStringMetadataKind = C.LLVMMDStringMetadataKind ConstantAsMetadataMetadataKind = C.LLVMConstantAsMetadataMetadataKind LocalAsMetadataMetadataKind = C.LLVMLocalAsMetadataMetadataKind DistinctMDOperandPlaceholderMetadataKind = C.LLVMDistinctMDOperandPlaceholderMetadataKind MDTupleMetadataKind = C.LLVMMDTupleMetadataKind DILocationMetadataKind = C.LLVMDILocationMetadataKind DIExpressionMetadataKind = C.LLVMDIExpressionMetadataKind DIGlobalVariableExpressionMetadataKind = C.LLVMDIGlobalVariableExpressionMetadataKind GenericDINodeMetadataKind = C.LLVMGenericDINodeMetadataKind DISubrangeMetadataKind = C.LLVMDISubrangeMetadataKind DIEnumeratorMetadataKind = C.LLVMDIEnumeratorMetadataKind DIBasicTypeMetadataKind = C.LLVMDIBasicTypeMetadataKind DIDerivedTypeMetadataKind = C.LLVMDIDerivedTypeMetadataKind DICompositeTypeMetadataKind = C.LLVMDICompositeTypeMetadataKind DISubroutineTypeMetadataKind = C.LLVMDISubroutineTypeMetadataKind DIFileMetadataKind = C.LLVMDIFileMetadataKind DICompileUnitMetadataKind = C.LLVMDICompileUnitMetadataKind DISubprogramMetadataKind = C.LLVMDISubprogramMetadataKind DILexicalBlockMetadataKind = C.LLVMDILexicalBlockMetadataKind DILexicalBlockFileMetadataKind = C.LLVMDILexicalBlockFileMetadataKind DINamespaceMetadataKind = C.LLVMDINamespaceMetadataKind DIModuleMetadataKind = C.LLVMDIModuleMetadataKind DITemplateTypeParameterMetadataKind = C.LLVMDITemplateTypeParameterMetadataKind DITemplateValueParameterMetadataKind = C.LLVMDITemplateValueParameterMetadataKind DIGlobalVariableMetadataKind = C.LLVMDIGlobalVariableMetadataKind DILocalVariableMetadataKind = C.LLVMDILocalVariableMetadataKind DILabelMetadataKind = C.LLVMDILabelMetadataKind DIObjCPropertyMetadataKind = C.LLVMDIObjCPropertyMetadataKind DIImportedEntityMetadataKind = C.LLVMDIImportedEntityMetadataKind DIMacroMetadataKind = C.LLVMDIMacroMetadataKind DIMacroFileMetadataKind = C.LLVMDIMacroFileMetadataKind DICommonBlockMetadataKind = C.LLVMDICommonBlockMetadataKind )
Variables ¶
This section is empty.
Functions ¶
func AttributeKindID ¶
func DefaultTargetTriple ¶
func DefaultTargetTriple() (triple string)
func InitializeAllAsmParsers ¶
func InitializeAllAsmParsers()
func InitializeAllAsmPrinters ¶
func InitializeAllAsmPrinters()
func InitializeAllTargetInfos ¶
func InitializeAllTargetInfos()
InitializeAllTargetInfos - The main program should call this function if it wants access to all available targets that LLVM is configured to support.
func InitializeAllTargetMCs ¶
func InitializeAllTargetMCs()
func InitializeAllTargets ¶
func InitializeAllTargets()
InitializeAllTargets - The main program should call this function if it wants to link in all available targets that LLVM is configured to support.
func InitializeNativeAsmPrinter ¶
func InitializeNativeAsmPrinter() error
func InitializeNativeTarget ¶
func InitializeNativeTarget() error
InitializeNativeTarget - The main program should call this function to initialize the native target corresponding to the host. This is useful for JIT applications to ensure that the target gets linked in correctly.
func LinkInInterpreter ¶
func LinkInInterpreter()
func LinkInMCJIT ¶
func LinkInMCJIT()
func LinkModules ¶
func LoadLibraryPermanently ¶
Loads a dynamic library such that it may be used as an LLVM plugin. See llvm::sys::DynamicLibrary::LoadLibraryPermanently.
func ParseCommandLineOptions ¶
Parse the given arguments using the LLVM command line parser. See llvm::cl::ParseCommandLineOptions.
func VerifyFunction ¶
func VerifyFunction(f Value, a VerifierFailureAction) error
Verifies that a single function is valid, taking the specified action. Useful for debugging.
func VerifyModule ¶
func VerifyModule(m Module, a VerifierFailureAction) error
Verifies that a module is valid, taking the specified action if not. Optionally returns a human-readable description of any invalid constructs.
func ViewFunctionCFG ¶
func ViewFunctionCFG(f Value)
Open up a ghostview window that displays the CFG of the current function. Useful for debugging.
func ViewFunctionCFGOnly ¶
func ViewFunctionCFGOnly(f Value)
Types ¶
type AtomicOrdering ¶
type AtomicOrdering C.LLVMAtomicOrdering
const ( AtomicOrderingNotAtomic AtomicOrdering = C.LLVMAtomicOrderingNotAtomic AtomicOrderingUnordered AtomicOrdering = C.LLVMAtomicOrderingUnordered AtomicOrderingMonotonic AtomicOrdering = C.LLVMAtomicOrderingMonotonic AtomicOrderingAcquire AtomicOrdering = C.LLVMAtomicOrderingAcquire AtomicOrderingRelease AtomicOrdering = C.LLVMAtomicOrderingRelease AtomicOrderingAcquireRelease AtomicOrdering = C.LLVMAtomicOrderingAcquireRelease AtomicOrderingSequentiallyConsistent AtomicOrdering = C.LLVMAtomicOrderingSequentiallyConsistent )
type AtomicRMWBinOp ¶
type AtomicRMWBinOp C.LLVMAtomicRMWBinOp
const ( AtomicRMWBinOpXchg AtomicRMWBinOp = C.LLVMAtomicRMWBinOpXchg AtomicRMWBinOpAdd AtomicRMWBinOp = C.LLVMAtomicRMWBinOpAdd AtomicRMWBinOpSub AtomicRMWBinOp = C.LLVMAtomicRMWBinOpSub AtomicRMWBinOpAnd AtomicRMWBinOp = C.LLVMAtomicRMWBinOpAnd AtomicRMWBinOpNand AtomicRMWBinOp = C.LLVMAtomicRMWBinOpNand AtomicRMWBinOpOr AtomicRMWBinOp = C.LLVMAtomicRMWBinOpOr AtomicRMWBinOpXor AtomicRMWBinOp = C.LLVMAtomicRMWBinOpXor AtomicRMWBinOpMax AtomicRMWBinOp = C.LLVMAtomicRMWBinOpMax AtomicRMWBinOpMin AtomicRMWBinOp = C.LLVMAtomicRMWBinOpMin AtomicRMWBinOpUMax AtomicRMWBinOp = C.LLVMAtomicRMWBinOpUMax AtomicRMWBinOpUMin AtomicRMWBinOp = C.LLVMAtomicRMWBinOpUMin )
type Attribute ¶
type Attribute struct {
C C.LLVMAttributeRef
func (Attribute) GetEnumKind ¶
func (Attribute) GetEnumValue ¶
func (Attribute) GetStringKind ¶
func (Attribute) GetStringValue ¶
func (Attribute) GetTypeValue ¶
type BasicBlock ¶
type BasicBlock struct {
C C.LLVMBasicBlockRef
func AddBasicBlock ¶
func AddBasicBlock(f Value, name string) (bb BasicBlock)
func InsertBasicBlock ¶
func InsertBasicBlock(ref BasicBlock, name string) (bb BasicBlock)
func NextBasicBlock ¶
func NextBasicBlock(bb BasicBlock) (rbb BasicBlock)
func PrevBasicBlock ¶
func PrevBasicBlock(bb BasicBlock) (rbb BasicBlock)
func (BasicBlock) EraseFromParent ¶
func (bb BasicBlock) EraseFromParent()
func (BasicBlock) FirstInstruction ¶
func (bb BasicBlock) FirstInstruction() (v Value)
func (BasicBlock) IsNil ¶
func (c BasicBlock) IsNil() bool
func (BasicBlock) LastInstruction ¶
func (bb BasicBlock) LastInstruction() (v Value)
func (BasicBlock) MoveAfter ¶
func (bb BasicBlock) MoveAfter(pos BasicBlock)
func (BasicBlock) MoveBefore ¶
func (bb BasicBlock) MoveBefore(pos BasicBlock)
func (BasicBlock) Parent ¶
func (bb BasicBlock) Parent() (v Value)
type Builder ¶
type Builder struct {
C C.LLVMBuilderRef
func (Builder) ClearInsertionPoint ¶
func (b Builder) ClearInsertionPoint()
func (Builder) CreateAggregateRet ¶
func (Builder) CreateArrayAlloca ¶
func (Builder) CreateArrayMalloc ¶
func (Builder) CreateAtomicCmpXchg ¶
func (b Builder) CreateAtomicCmpXchg(ptr, cmp, newVal Value, successOrdering, failureOrdering AtomicOrdering, singleThread bool) (v Value)
func (Builder) CreateAtomicRMW ¶
func (b Builder) CreateAtomicRMW(op AtomicRMWBinOp, ptr, val Value, ordering AtomicOrdering, singleThread bool) (v Value)
func (Builder) CreateBinOp ¶
func (Builder) CreateBitCast ¶
func (Builder) CreateBr ¶
func (b Builder) CreateBr(bb BasicBlock) (rv Value)
func (Builder) CreateCall ¶
func (Builder) CreateCast ¶
func (Builder) CreateCatchPad ¶
func (Builder) CreateCatchRet ¶
func (b Builder) CreateCatchRet(catchpad Value, bb BasicBlock) (v Value)
func (Builder) CreateCatchSwitch ¶
func (Builder) CreateCleanupPad ¶
func (Builder) CreateCleanupRet ¶
func (b Builder) CreateCleanupRet(catchpad Value, bb BasicBlock) (v Value)
func (Builder) CreateCondBr ¶
func (b Builder) CreateCondBr(ifv Value, thenb, elseb BasicBlock) (rv Value)
func (Builder) CreateExactSDiv ¶
func (Builder) CreateExtractElement ¶
func (Builder) CreateExtractValue ¶
func (Builder) CreateFCmp ¶
func (b Builder) CreateFCmp(pred FloatPredicate, lhs, rhs Value, name string) (v Value)
func (Builder) CreateFPCast ¶
func (Builder) CreateFPToSI ¶
func (Builder) CreateFPToUI ¶
func (Builder) CreateFPTrunc ¶
func (Builder) CreateFree ¶
func (Builder) CreateGlobalString ¶
func (Builder) CreateGlobalStringPtr ¶
func (Builder) CreateICmp ¶
func (b Builder) CreateICmp(pred IntPredicate, lhs, rhs Value, name string) (v Value)
func (Builder) CreateInBoundsGEP ¶
func (Builder) CreateIndirectBr ¶
func (Builder) CreateInsertElement ¶
func (Builder) CreateInsertValue ¶
func (Builder) CreateIntCast ¶
func (Builder) CreateIntToPtr ¶
func (Builder) CreateInvoke ¶
func (Builder) CreateLandingPad ¶
func (Builder) CreatePointerCast ¶
func (Builder) CreatePtrDiff ¶
func (Builder) CreatePtrToInt ¶
func (Builder) CreateResume ¶
func (Builder) CreateSExtOrBitCast ¶
func (Builder) CreateSIToFP ¶
func (Builder) CreateSelect ¶
func (Builder) CreateShuffleVector ¶
func (Builder) CreateStructGEP ¶
func (Builder) CreateSwitch ¶
func (b Builder) CreateSwitch(v Value, elseb BasicBlock, numCases int) (rv Value)
func (Builder) CreateTrunc ¶
func (Builder) CreateTruncOrBitCast ¶
func (Builder) CreateUIToFP ¶
func (Builder) CreateUnreachable ¶
func (Builder) CreateVAArg ¶
func (Builder) CreateZExtOrBitCast ¶
func (Builder) GetCurrentDebugLocation ¶
Get current debug location. Please do not call this function until setting debug location with SetCurrentDebugLocation()
func (Builder) GetInsertBlock ¶
func (b Builder) GetInsertBlock() (bb BasicBlock)
func (Builder) InsertDeclare ¶
func (Builder) InsertWithName ¶
func (Builder) SetCurrentDebugLocation ¶
func (Builder) SetInsertPoint ¶
func (b Builder) SetInsertPoint(block BasicBlock, instr Value)
func (Builder) SetInsertPointAtEnd ¶
func (b Builder) SetInsertPointAtEnd(block BasicBlock)
func (Builder) SetInsertPointBefore ¶
func (Builder) SetInstDebugLocation ¶
type ByteOrdering ¶
type ByteOrdering C.enum_LLVMByteOrdering
const ( BigEndian ByteOrdering = C.LLVMBigEndian LittleEndian ByteOrdering = C.LLVMLittleEndian )
type CallConv ¶
type CallConv C.LLVMCallConv
const ( CCallConv CallConv = C.LLVMCCallConv FastCallConv CallConv = C.LLVMFastCallConv ColdCallConv CallConv = C.LLVMColdCallConv X86StdcallCallConv CallConv = C.LLVMX86StdcallCallConv X86FastcallCallConv CallConv = C.LLVMX86FastcallCallConv )
type CodeGenFileType ¶
type CodeGenFileType C.LLVMCodeGenFileType
const ( AssemblyFile CodeGenFileType = C.LLVMAssemblyFile ObjectFile CodeGenFileType = C.LLVMObjectFile )
type CodeGenOptLevel ¶
type CodeGenOptLevel C.LLVMCodeGenOptLevel
const ( CodeGenLevelNone CodeGenOptLevel = C.LLVMCodeGenLevelNone CodeGenLevelLess CodeGenOptLevel = C.LLVMCodeGenLevelLess CodeGenLevelDefault CodeGenOptLevel = C.LLVMCodeGenLevelDefault CodeGenLevelAggressive CodeGenOptLevel = C.LLVMCodeGenLevelAggressive )
type CodeModel ¶
type CodeModel C.LLVMCodeModel
const ( CodeModelDefault CodeModel = C.LLVMCodeModelDefault CodeModelJITDefault CodeModel = C.LLVMCodeModelJITDefault CodeModelTiny CodeModel = C.LLVMCodeModelTiny CodeModelSmall CodeModel = C.LLVMCodeModelSmall CodeModelKernel CodeModel = C.LLVMCodeModelKernel CodeModelMedium CodeModel = C.LLVMCodeModelMedium CodeModelLarge CodeModel = C.LLVMCodeModelLarge )
type Comdat ¶
type Comdat struct {
C C.LLVMComdatRef
func (Comdat) SelectionKind ¶
func (c Comdat) SelectionKind() ComdatSelectionKind
func (Comdat) SetSelectionKind ¶
func (c Comdat) SetSelectionKind(k ComdatSelectionKind)
type ComdatSelectionKind ¶
type ComdatSelectionKind C.LLVMComdatSelectionKind
const ( AnyComdatSelectionKind ComdatSelectionKind = C.LLVMAnyComdatSelectionKind ExactMatchComdatSelectionKind ComdatSelectionKind = C.LLVMExactMatchComdatSelectionKind LargestComdatSelectionKind ComdatSelectionKind = C.LLVMLargestComdatSelectionKind NoDeduplicateComdatSelectionKind ComdatSelectionKind = C.LLVMNoDeduplicateComdatSelectionKind SameSizeComdatSelectionKind ComdatSelectionKind = C.LLVMSameSizeComdatSelectionKind )
type Context ¶
type Context struct {
C C.LLVMContextRef
We use these weird structs here because *Ref types are pointers and Go's spec says that a pointer cannot be used as a receiver base type.
func GlobalContext ¶
func GlobalContext() Context
func NewContext ¶
func NewContext() Context
func (Context) AddBasicBlock ¶
func (c Context) AddBasicBlock(f Value, name string) (bb BasicBlock)
func (Context) ConstString ¶
Operations on composite constants
func (Context) CreateEnumAttribute ¶
func (Context) CreateStringAttribute ¶
func (Context) CreateTypeAttribute ¶
func (Context) DoubleType ¶
func (Context) InsertBasicBlock ¶
func (c Context) InsertBasicBlock(ref BasicBlock, name string) (bb BasicBlock)
func (Context) NewBuilder ¶
func (Context) PPCFP128Type ¶
func (Context) ParseBitcodeFile ¶
ParseBitcodeFile parses the LLVM IR (bitcode) in the file with the specified name, and returns a new LLVM module.
func (*Context) ParseIR ¶
func (c *Context) ParseIR(buf MemoryBuffer) (Module, error)
ParseIR parses the textual IR given in the memory buffer and returns a new LLVM module in this context.
func (Context) StructCreateNamed ¶
func (Context) StructType ¶
Operations on struct types
func (Context) TemporaryMDNode ¶
func (Context) X86FP80Type ¶
type DIArrayType ¶
type DIArrayType struct { SizeInBits uint64 AlignInBits uint32 ElementType Metadata Subscripts []DISubrange }
DIArrayType holds the values for creating array type debug metadata.
type DIAutoVariable ¶
type DIAutoVariable struct { Name string File Metadata Line int Type Metadata AlwaysPreserve bool Flags int AlignInBits uint32 }
DIAutoVariable holds the values for creating auto variable debug metadata.
type DIBasicType ¶
type DIBasicType struct { Name string SizeInBits uint64 Encoding DwarfTypeEncoding }
DIBasicType holds the values for creating basic type debug metadata.
type DIBuilder ¶
type DIBuilder struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
DIBuilder is a wrapper for the LLVM DIBuilder class.
func NewDIBuilder ¶
NewDIBuilder creates a new DIBuilder, associated with the given module.
func (*DIBuilder) CreateArrayType ¶
func (d *DIBuilder) CreateArrayType(t DIArrayType) Metadata
CreateArrayType creates struct type debug metadata.
func (*DIBuilder) CreateAutoVariable ¶
func (d *DIBuilder) CreateAutoVariable(scope Metadata, v DIAutoVariable) Metadata
CreateAutoVariable creates local variable debug metadata.
func (*DIBuilder) CreateBasicType ¶
func (d *DIBuilder) CreateBasicType(t DIBasicType) Metadata
CreateBasicType creates basic type debug metadata.
func (*DIBuilder) CreateCompileUnit ¶
func (d *DIBuilder) CreateCompileUnit(cu DICompileUnit) Metadata
CreateCompileUnit creates compile unit debug metadata.
func (*DIBuilder) CreateExpression ¶
CreateExpression creates a new descriptor for the specified variable which has a complex address expression for its address.
func (*DIBuilder) CreateFile ¶
CreateFile creates file debug metadata.
func (*DIBuilder) CreateFunction ¶
func (d *DIBuilder) CreateFunction(diScope Metadata, f DIFunction) Metadata
CreateFunction creates function debug metadata.
func (*DIBuilder) CreateGlobalVariableExpression ¶
func (d *DIBuilder) CreateGlobalVariableExpression(diScope Metadata, g DIGlobalVariableExpression) Metadata
CreateGlobalVariableExpression creates a new descriptor for the specified global variable.
func (*DIBuilder) CreateLexicalBlock ¶
func (d *DIBuilder) CreateLexicalBlock(diScope Metadata, b DILexicalBlock) Metadata
CreateLexicalBlock creates lexical block debug metadata.
func (*DIBuilder) CreateLexicalBlockFile ¶
func (*DIBuilder) CreateMemberType ¶
func (d *DIBuilder) CreateMemberType(scope Metadata, t DIMemberType) Metadata
CreateMemberType creates struct type debug metadata.
func (*DIBuilder) CreateParameterVariable ¶
func (d *DIBuilder) CreateParameterVariable(scope Metadata, v DIParameterVariable) Metadata
CreateParameterVariable creates parameter variable debug metadata.
func (*DIBuilder) CreatePointerType ¶
func (d *DIBuilder) CreatePointerType(t DIPointerType) Metadata
CreatePointerType creates a type that represents a pointer to another type.
func (*DIBuilder) CreateReplaceableCompositeType ¶
func (d *DIBuilder) CreateReplaceableCompositeType(scope Metadata, t DIReplaceableCompositeType) Metadata
CreateReplaceableCompositeType creates replaceable composite type debug metadata.
func (*DIBuilder) CreateStructType ¶
func (d *DIBuilder) CreateStructType(scope Metadata, t DIStructType) Metadata
CreateStructType creates struct type debug metadata.
func (*DIBuilder) CreateSubroutineType ¶
func (d *DIBuilder) CreateSubroutineType(t DISubroutineType) Metadata
CreateSubroutineType creates subroutine type debug metadata.
func (*DIBuilder) CreateTypedef ¶
CreateTypedef creates typedef type debug metadata.
func (*DIBuilder) Finalize ¶
func (d *DIBuilder) Finalize()
FInalize finalizes the debug information generated by the DIBuilder.
func (*DIBuilder) InsertDeclareAtEnd ¶
func (d *DIBuilder) InsertDeclareAtEnd(v Value, diVarInfo, expr Metadata, l DebugLoc, bb BasicBlock) Value
InsertDeclareAtEnd inserts a call to llvm.dbg.declare at the end of the specified basic block for the given value and associated debug metadata.
func (*DIBuilder) InsertValueAtEnd ¶
func (d *DIBuilder) InsertValueAtEnd(v Value, diVarInfo, expr Metadata, l DebugLoc, bb BasicBlock) Value
InsertValueAtEnd inserts a call to llvm.dbg.value at the end of the specified basic block for the given value and associated debug metadata.
type DICompileUnit ¶
type DICompileUnit struct { Language DwarfLang File string Dir string Producer string Optimized bool Flags string RuntimeVersion int SysRoot string SDK string }
DICompileUnit holds the values for creating compile unit debug metadata.
type DIFunction ¶
type DIFunction struct { Name string LinkageName string File Metadata Line int Type Metadata LocalToUnit bool IsDefinition bool ScopeLine int Flags int Optimized bool }
DIFunction holds the values for creating function debug metadata.
type DIGlobalVariableExpression ¶
type DIGlobalVariableExpression struct { Name string // Name of the variable. LinkageName string // Mangled name of the variable File Metadata // File where this variable is defined. Line int // Line number. Type Metadata // Variable Type. LocalToUnit bool // Flag indicating whether this variable is externally visible or not. Expr Metadata // The location of the global relative to the attached GlobalVariable. Decl Metadata // Reference to the corresponding declaration. AlignInBits uint32 // Variable alignment(or 0 if no alignment attr was specified). }
DIGlobalVariableExpression holds the values for creating global variable debug metadata.
type DILexicalBlock ¶
DILexicalBlock holds the values for creating lexical block debug metadata.
type DIMemberType ¶
type DIMemberType struct { Name string File Metadata Line int SizeInBits uint64 AlignInBits uint32 OffsetInBits uint64 Flags int Type Metadata }
DIMemberType holds the values for creating member type debug metadata.
type DIParameterVariable ¶
type DIParameterVariable struct { Name string File Metadata Line int Type Metadata AlwaysPreserve bool Flags int // ArgNo is the 1-based index of the argument in the function's // parameter list. ArgNo int }
DIParameterVariable holds the values for creating parameter variable debug metadata.
type DIPointerType ¶
type DIPointerType struct { Pointee Metadata SizeInBits uint64 AlignInBits uint32 // optional AddressSpace uint32 Name string // optional }
DIPointerType holds the values for creating pointer type debug metadata.
type DIReplaceableCompositeType ¶
type DIReplaceableCompositeType struct { Tag dwarf.Tag Name string File Metadata Line int RuntimeLang int SizeInBits uint64 AlignInBits uint32 Flags int UniqueID string }
DIReplaceableCompositeType holds the values for creating replaceable composite type debug metadata.
type DIStructType ¶
type DIStructType struct { Name string File Metadata Line int SizeInBits uint64 AlignInBits uint32 Flags int DerivedFrom Metadata Elements []Metadata VTableHolder Metadata // optional UniqueID string }
DIStructType holds the values for creating struct type debug metadata.
type DISubrange ¶
DISubrange describes an integer value range.
type DISubroutineType ¶
type DISubroutineType struct { // File is the file in which the subroutine type is defined. File Metadata // Parameters contains the subroutine parameter types, // including the return type at the 0th index. Parameters []Metadata Flags int }
DISubroutineType holds the values for creating subroutine type debug metadata.
type DITypedef ¶
type DITypedef struct { Type Metadata Name string File Metadata Line int Context Metadata AlignInBits uint32 }
DITypedef holds the values for creating typedef type debug metadata.
type DwarfLang ¶
type DwarfLang uint32
const ( // DW_LANG_Go DwarfLang = 0x0016 )
type DwarfTag ¶
type DwarfTag uint32
const ( DW_TAG_lexical_block DwarfTag = 0x0b DW_TAG_compile_unit DwarfTag = 0x11 DW_TAG_variable DwarfTag = 0x34 DW_TAG_base_type DwarfTag = 0x24 DW_TAG_pointer_type DwarfTag = 0x0F DW_TAG_structure_type DwarfTag = 0x13 DW_TAG_subroutine_type DwarfTag = 0x15 DW_TAG_file_type DwarfTag = 0x29 DW_TAG_subprogram DwarfTag = 0x2E DW_TAG_auto_variable DwarfTag = 0x100 DW_TAG_arg_variable DwarfTag = 0x101 )
type DwarfTypeEncoding ¶
type DwarfTypeEncoding uint32
const ( DW_ATE_address DwarfTypeEncoding = 0x01 DW_ATE_boolean DwarfTypeEncoding = 0x02 DW_ATE_complex_float DwarfTypeEncoding = 0x03 DW_ATE_float DwarfTypeEncoding = 0x04 DW_ATE_signed DwarfTypeEncoding = 0x05 DW_ATE_signed_char DwarfTypeEncoding = 0x06 DW_ATE_unsigned DwarfTypeEncoding = 0x07 DW_ATE_unsigned_char DwarfTypeEncoding = 0x08 DW_ATE_imaginary_float DwarfTypeEncoding = 0x09 DW_ATE_packed_decimal DwarfTypeEncoding = 0x0a DW_ATE_numeric_string DwarfTypeEncoding = 0x0b DW_ATE_edited DwarfTypeEncoding = 0x0c DW_ATE_signed_fixed DwarfTypeEncoding = 0x0d DW_ATE_unsigned_fixed DwarfTypeEncoding = 0x0e DW_ATE_decimal_float DwarfTypeEncoding = 0x0f DW_ATE_UTF DwarfTypeEncoding = 0x10 DW_ATE_lo_user DwarfTypeEncoding = 0x80 DW_ATE_hi_user DwarfTypeEncoding = 0xff )
type ExecutionEngine ¶
type ExecutionEngine struct {
C C.LLVMExecutionEngineRef
func NewExecutionEngine ¶
func NewExecutionEngine(m Module) (ee ExecutionEngine, err error)
func NewInterpreter ¶
func NewInterpreter(m Module) (ee ExecutionEngine, err error)
func NewMCJITCompiler ¶
func NewMCJITCompiler(m Module, options MCJITCompilerOptions) (ee ExecutionEngine, err error)
func (ExecutionEngine) AddGlobalMapping ¶
func (ee ExecutionEngine) AddGlobalMapping(global Value, addr unsafe.Pointer)
func (ExecutionEngine) AddModule ¶
func (ee ExecutionEngine) AddModule(m Module)
func (ExecutionEngine) Dispose ¶
func (ee ExecutionEngine) Dispose()
func (ExecutionEngine) FindFunction ¶
func (ee ExecutionEngine) FindFunction(name string) (f Value)
func (ExecutionEngine) FreeMachineCodeForFunction ¶
func (ee ExecutionEngine) FreeMachineCodeForFunction(f Value)
func (ExecutionEngine) PointerToGlobal ¶
func (ee ExecutionEngine) PointerToGlobal(global Value) unsafe.Pointer
func (ExecutionEngine) RecompileAndRelinkFunction ¶
func (ee ExecutionEngine) RecompileAndRelinkFunction(f Value) unsafe.Pointer
func (ExecutionEngine) RemoveModule ¶
func (ee ExecutionEngine) RemoveModule(m Module)
func (ExecutionEngine) RunFunction ¶
func (ee ExecutionEngine) RunFunction(f Value, args []GenericValue) (g GenericValue)
func (ExecutionEngine) RunStaticConstructors ¶
func (ee ExecutionEngine) RunStaticConstructors()
func (ExecutionEngine) RunStaticDestructors ¶
func (ee ExecutionEngine) RunStaticDestructors()
func (ExecutionEngine) TargetData ¶
func (ee ExecutionEngine) TargetData() (td TargetData)
type FloatPredicate ¶
type FloatPredicate C.LLVMRealPredicate
const ( FloatPredicateFalse FloatPredicate = C.LLVMRealPredicateFalse FloatOEQ FloatPredicate = C.LLVMRealOEQ FloatOGT FloatPredicate = C.LLVMRealOGT FloatOGE FloatPredicate = C.LLVMRealOGE FloatOLT FloatPredicate = C.LLVMRealOLT FloatOLE FloatPredicate = C.LLVMRealOLE FloatONE FloatPredicate = C.LLVMRealONE FloatORD FloatPredicate = C.LLVMRealORD FloatUNO FloatPredicate = C.LLVMRealUNO FloatUEQ FloatPredicate = C.LLVMRealUEQ FloatUGT FloatPredicate = C.LLVMRealUGT FloatUGE FloatPredicate = C.LLVMRealUGE FloatULT FloatPredicate = C.LLVMRealULT FloatULE FloatPredicate = C.LLVMRealULE FloatUNE FloatPredicate = C.LLVMRealUNE FloatPredicateTrue FloatPredicate = C.LLVMRealPredicateTrue )
type GenericValue ¶
type GenericValue struct {
C C.LLVMGenericValueRef
func NewGenericValueFromFloat ¶
func NewGenericValueFromFloat(t Type, n float64) (g GenericValue)
func NewGenericValueFromInt ¶
func NewGenericValueFromInt(t Type, n uint64, signed bool) (g GenericValue)
func NewGenericValueFromPointer ¶
func NewGenericValueFromPointer(p unsafe.Pointer) (g GenericValue)
func (GenericValue) Dispose ¶
func (g GenericValue) Dispose()
func (GenericValue) Float ¶
func (g GenericValue) Float(t Type) float64
func (GenericValue) Int ¶
func (g GenericValue) Int(signed bool) uint64
func (GenericValue) IntWidth ¶
func (g GenericValue) IntWidth() int
func (GenericValue) Pointer ¶
func (g GenericValue) Pointer() unsafe.Pointer
type InlineAsmDialect ¶
type InlineAsmDialect C.LLVMInlineAsmDialect
const ( InlineAsmDialectATT InlineAsmDialect = C.LLVMInlineAsmDialectATT InlineAsmDialectIntel InlineAsmDialect = C.LLVMInlineAsmDialectIntel )
type IntPredicate ¶
type IntPredicate C.LLVMIntPredicate
const ( IntEQ IntPredicate = C.LLVMIntEQ IntNE IntPredicate = C.LLVMIntNE IntUGT IntPredicate = C.LLVMIntUGT IntUGE IntPredicate = C.LLVMIntUGE IntULT IntPredicate = C.LLVMIntULT IntULE IntPredicate = C.LLVMIntULE IntSGT IntPredicate = C.LLVMIntSGT IntSGE IntPredicate = C.LLVMIntSGE IntSLT IntPredicate = C.LLVMIntSLT IntSLE IntPredicate = C.LLVMIntSLE )
type LandingPadClause ¶
type LandingPadClause C.LLVMLandingPadClauseTy
const ( LandingPadCatch LandingPadClause = C.LLVMLandingPadCatch LandingPadFilter LandingPadClause = C.LLVMLandingPadFilter )
type Linkage ¶
type Linkage C.LLVMLinkage
const ( ExternalLinkage Linkage = C.LLVMExternalLinkage AvailableExternallyLinkage Linkage = C.LLVMAvailableExternallyLinkage LinkOnceAnyLinkage Linkage = C.LLVMLinkOnceAnyLinkage LinkOnceODRLinkage Linkage = C.LLVMLinkOnceODRLinkage WeakAnyLinkage Linkage = C.LLVMWeakAnyLinkage WeakODRLinkage Linkage = C.LLVMWeakODRLinkage AppendingLinkage Linkage = C.LLVMAppendingLinkage InternalLinkage Linkage = C.LLVMInternalLinkage PrivateLinkage Linkage = C.LLVMPrivateLinkage ExternalWeakLinkage Linkage = C.LLVMExternalWeakLinkage CommonLinkage Linkage = C.LLVMCommonLinkage )
type MCJITCompilerOptions ¶
type MCJITCompilerOptions struct {
C C.struct_LLVMMCJITCompilerOptions
func NewMCJITCompilerOptions ¶
func NewMCJITCompilerOptions() MCJITCompilerOptions
func (*MCJITCompilerOptions) SetMCJITCodeModel ¶
func (options *MCJITCompilerOptions) SetMCJITCodeModel(CodeModel CodeModel)
func (*MCJITCompilerOptions) SetMCJITEnableFastISel ¶
func (options *MCJITCompilerOptions) SetMCJITEnableFastISel(fastisel bool)
func (*MCJITCompilerOptions) SetMCJITNoFramePointerElim ¶
func (options *MCJITCompilerOptions) SetMCJITNoFramePointerElim(nfp bool)
func (*MCJITCompilerOptions) SetMCJITOptimizationLevel ¶
func (options *MCJITCompilerOptions) SetMCJITOptimizationLevel(level uint)
type MemoryBuffer ¶
type MemoryBuffer struct {
C C.LLVMMemoryBufferRef
func NewMemoryBufferFromFile ¶
func NewMemoryBufferFromFile(path string) (b MemoryBuffer, err error)
func NewMemoryBufferFromStdin ¶
func NewMemoryBufferFromStdin() (b MemoryBuffer, err error)
func WriteBitcodeToMemoryBuffer ¶
func WriteBitcodeToMemoryBuffer(m Module) MemoryBuffer
func WriteThinLTOBitcodeToMemoryBuffer ¶
func WriteThinLTOBitcodeToMemoryBuffer(m Module) MemoryBuffer
func (MemoryBuffer) Bytes ¶
func (b MemoryBuffer) Bytes() []byte
func (MemoryBuffer) Dispose ¶
func (b MemoryBuffer) Dispose()
func (MemoryBuffer) IsNil ¶
func (c MemoryBuffer) IsNil() bool
type Metadata ¶
type Metadata struct {
C C.LLVMMetadataRef
func (Metadata) FileDirectory ¶
FileDirectory returns the directory of a DIFile metadata node, or the empty string if there is no directory information.
func (Metadata) FileFilename ¶
FileFilename returns the filename of a DIFile metadata node, or the empty string if there is no filename information.
func (Metadata) FileSource ¶
FileSource returns the source of a DIFile metadata node.
func (Metadata) LocationColumn ¶
LocationColumn returns the column (offset from the start of the line) of a DILocation.
func (Metadata) LocationInlinedAt ¶
LocationInlinedAt return the "inline at" location associated with this debug location.
func (Metadata) LocationLine ¶
LocationLine returns the line number of a DILocation.
func (Metadata) LocationScope ¶
LocationScope returns the local scope associated with this debug location.
func (Metadata) ReplaceAllUsesWith ¶
func (Metadata) SubprogramLine ¶
SubprogramLine returns the line number of a DISubprogram.
type MetadataKind ¶
type MetadataKind C.LLVMMetadataKind
type Module ¶
type Module struct {
C C.LLVMModuleRef
func (Module) AddNamedMetadataOperand ¶
func (Module) DataLayout ¶
Data layout. See Module::getDataLayout.
func (Module) FirstFunction ¶
func (Module) FirstGlobal ¶
func (Module) GetTypeByName ¶
func (Module) LastFunction ¶
func (Module) LastGlobal ¶
func (Module) NamedFunction ¶
func (Module) NamedGlobal ¶
func (Module) RunPasses ¶
func (mod Module) RunPasses(passes string, tm TargetMachine, options PassBuilderOptions) error
RunPasses runs the specified optimization passes on the functions in the module. `passes` is a comma separated list of pass names in the same format as llvm's `opt -passes=...` command. Running `opt -print-passes` can list the available passes.
Some notable passes include:
default<O0> -- run the default -O0 passes default<O1> -- run the default -O1 passes default<O2> -- run the default -O2 passes default<O3> -- run the default -O3 passes default<Os> -- run the default -Os passes, like -O2 but size conscious default<Oz> -- run the default -Oz passes, optimizing for size above all else
func (Module) SetDataLayout ¶
func (Module) SetInlineAsm ¶
See Module::setModuleInlineAsm.
type ModuleProvider ¶
type ModuleProvider struct {
C C.LLVMModuleProviderRef
func NewModuleProviderForModule ¶
func NewModuleProviderForModule(m Module) (mp ModuleProvider)
Changes the type of M so it can be passed to FunctionPassManagers and the JIT. They take ModuleProviders for historical reasons.
func (ModuleProvider) IsNil ¶
func (c ModuleProvider) IsNil() bool
type Opcode ¶
type Opcode C.LLVMOpcode
const ( Ret Opcode = C.LLVMRet Br Opcode = C.LLVMBr Switch Opcode = C.LLVMSwitch IndirectBr Opcode = C.LLVMIndirectBr Invoke Opcode = C.LLVMInvoke Unreachable Opcode = C.LLVMUnreachable // Standard Binary Operators Add Opcode = C.LLVMAdd FAdd Opcode = C.LLVMFAdd Sub Opcode = C.LLVMSub FSub Opcode = C.LLVMFSub Mul Opcode = C.LLVMMul FMul Opcode = C.LLVMFMul UDiv Opcode = C.LLVMUDiv SDiv Opcode = C.LLVMSDiv FDiv Opcode = C.LLVMFDiv URem Opcode = C.LLVMURem SRem Opcode = C.LLVMSRem FRem Opcode = C.LLVMFRem // Logical Operators Shl Opcode = C.LLVMShl LShr Opcode = C.LLVMLShr AShr Opcode = C.LLVMAShr And Opcode = C.LLVMAnd Or Opcode = C.LLVMOr Xor Opcode = C.LLVMXor // Memory Operators Alloca Opcode = C.LLVMAlloca Load Opcode = C.LLVMLoad Store Opcode = C.LLVMStore GetElementPtr Opcode = C.LLVMGetElementPtr // Cast Operators Trunc Opcode = C.LLVMTrunc ZExt Opcode = C.LLVMZExt SExt Opcode = C.LLVMSExt FPToUI Opcode = C.LLVMFPToUI FPToSI Opcode = C.LLVMFPToSI UIToFP Opcode = C.LLVMUIToFP SIToFP Opcode = C.LLVMSIToFP FPTrunc Opcode = C.LLVMFPTrunc FPExt Opcode = C.LLVMFPExt PtrToInt Opcode = C.LLVMPtrToInt IntToPtr Opcode = C.LLVMIntToPtr BitCast Opcode = C.LLVMBitCast // Other Operators ICmp Opcode = C.LLVMICmp FCmp Opcode = C.LLVMFCmp PHI Opcode = C.LLVMPHI Call Opcode = C.LLVMCall Select Opcode = C.LLVMSelect // UserOp1 // UserOp2 VAArg Opcode = C.LLVMVAArg ExtractElement Opcode = C.LLVMExtractElement InsertElement Opcode = C.LLVMInsertElement ShuffleVector Opcode = C.LLVMShuffleVector ExtractValue Opcode = C.LLVMExtractValue InsertValue Opcode = C.LLVMInsertValue // Exception Handling Operators Resume Opcode = C.LLVMResume LandingPad Opcode = C.LLVMLandingPad CleanupRet Opcode = C.LLVMCleanupRet CatchRet Opcode = C.LLVMCatchRet CatchPad Opcode = C.LLVMCatchPad CleanupPad Opcode = C.LLVMCleanupPad CatchSwitch Opcode = C.LLVMCatchSwitch )
type PassBuilderOptions ¶
type PassBuilderOptions struct {
C C.LLVMPassBuilderOptionsRef
PassBuilderOptions allows specifying several options for the PassBuilder.
func NewPassBuilderOptions ¶
func NewPassBuilderOptions() (pbo PassBuilderOptions)
NewPassBuilderOptions creates a PassBuilderOptions which can be used to specify pass options for RunPasses.
func (PassBuilderOptions) Dispose ¶
func (pbo PassBuilderOptions) Dispose()
Dispose of the memory allocated for the PassBuilderOptions.
func (PassBuilderOptions) SetCallGraphProfile ¶
func (pbo PassBuilderOptions) SetCallGraphProfile(cgProfile bool)
SetCallGraphProfile toggles whether call graph profiling should be used.
func (PassBuilderOptions) SetDebugLogging ¶
func (pbo PassBuilderOptions) SetDebugLogging(debugLogging bool)
SetDebugLogging toggles debug logging for the PassBuilder.
func (PassBuilderOptions) SetForgetAllSCEVInLoopUnroll ¶
func (pbo PassBuilderOptions) SetForgetAllSCEVInLoopUnroll(forgetSCEV bool)
SetForgetAllSCEVInLoopUnroll toggles forgetting all SCEV (Scalar Evolution) information in loop unrolling. Scalar Evolution is a pass that analyses the how scalars evolve over iterations of a loop in order to optimize the loop better. Forgetting this information can be useful in some cases.
func (PassBuilderOptions) SetLicmMssaNoAccForPromotionCap ¶
func (pbo PassBuilderOptions) SetLicmMssaNoAccForPromotionCap(promotionCap uint)
SetLicmMssaNoAccForPromotionCap sets a tuning option to cap the number of promotions to scalars in Loop Invariant Code Motion with MemorySSA, if the number of accesses is too large. See [llvm::PipelineTuningOptions::LicmMssaNoAccForPromotionCap].
func (PassBuilderOptions) SetLicmMssaOptCap ¶
func (pbo PassBuilderOptions) SetLicmMssaOptCap(optCap uint)
SetLicmMssaOptCap sets a tuning option to cap the number of calls to retrieve clobbering accesses in MemorySSA, in Loop Invariant Code Motion optimization. See [llvm::PipelineTuningOptions::LicmMssaOptCap].
func (PassBuilderOptions) SetLoopInterleaving ¶
func (pbo PassBuilderOptions) SetLoopInterleaving(loopInterleaving bool)
SetLoopInterleaving toggles loop interleaving, which is part of loop vectorization.
func (PassBuilderOptions) SetLoopUnrolling ¶
func (pbo PassBuilderOptions) SetLoopUnrolling(loopUnrolling bool)
SetLoopUnrolling toggles loop unrolling.
func (PassBuilderOptions) SetLoopVectorization ¶
func (pbo PassBuilderOptions) SetLoopVectorization(loopVectorization bool)
SetLoopVectorization toggles loop vectorization.
func (PassBuilderOptions) SetMergeFunctions ¶
func (pbo PassBuilderOptions) SetMergeFunctions(mergeFuncs bool)
SetMergeFunctions toggles finding functions which will generate identical machine code by considering all pointer types to be equivalent. Once identified, they will be folded by replacing a call to one with a call to a bitcast of the other.
func (PassBuilderOptions) SetSLPVectorization ¶
func (pbo PassBuilderOptions) SetSLPVectorization(slpVectorization bool)
SetSLPVectorization toggles Super-Word Level Parallelism vectorization, whose goal is to combine multiple similar independent instructions into a vector instruction.
func (PassBuilderOptions) SetVerifyEach ¶
func (pbo PassBuilderOptions) SetVerifyEach(verifyEach bool)
SetVerifyEach toggles adding a VerifierPass to the PassBuilder, ensuring all functions inside the module are valid. Useful for debugging, but adds a significant amount of overhead.
type PassManager ¶
type PassManager struct {
C C.LLVMPassManagerRef
func NewFunctionPassManagerForModule ¶
func NewFunctionPassManagerForModule(m Module) (pm PassManager)
Constructs a new function-by-function pass pipeline over the module provider. It does not take ownership of the module provider. This type of pipeline is suitable for code generation and JIT compilation tasks. See llvm::FunctionPassManager::FunctionPassManager.
func NewPassManager ¶
func NewPassManager() (pm PassManager)
Constructs a new whole-module pass pipeline. This type of pipeline is suitable for link-time optimization and whole-module transformations. See llvm::PassManager::PassManager.
func (PassManager) Dispose ¶
func (pm PassManager) Dispose()
Frees the memory of a pass pipeline. For function pipelines, does not free the module provider. See llvm::PassManagerBase::~PassManagerBase.
func (PassManager) FinalizeFunc ¶
func (pm PassManager) FinalizeFunc() bool
Finalizes all of the function passes scheduled in the function pass manager. Returns 1 if any of the passes modified the module, 0 otherwise. See llvm::FunctionPassManager::doFinalization.
func (PassManager) InitializeFunc ¶
func (pm PassManager) InitializeFunc() bool
Initializes all of the function passes scheduled in the function pass manager. Returns 1 if any of the passes modified the module, 0 otherwise. See llvm::FunctionPassManager::doInitialization.
func (PassManager) IsNil ¶
func (c PassManager) IsNil() bool
func (PassManager) Run ¶
func (pm PassManager) Run(m Module) bool
Initializes, executes on the provided module, and finalizes all of the passes scheduled in the pass manager. Returns 1 if any of the passes modified the module, 0 otherwise. See llvm::PassManager::run(Module&).
func (PassManager) RunFunc ¶
func (pm PassManager) RunFunc(f Value) bool
Executes all of the function passes scheduled in the function pass manager on the provided function. Returns 1 if any of the passes modified the function, false otherwise. See llvm::FunctionPassManager::run(Function&).
type RelocMode ¶
type RelocMode C.LLVMRelocMode
const ( RelocDefault RelocMode = C.LLVMRelocDefault RelocStatic RelocMode = C.LLVMRelocStatic RelocPIC RelocMode = C.LLVMRelocPIC RelocDynamicNoPic RelocMode = C.LLVMRelocDynamicNoPic )
type Target ¶
type Target struct {
C C.LLVMTargetRef
func FirstTarget ¶
func FirstTarget() Target
func GetTargetFromTriple ¶
func (Target) CreateTargetMachine ¶
func (t Target) CreateTargetMachine(Triple string, CPU string, Features string, Level CodeGenOptLevel, Reloc RelocMode, CodeModel CodeModel) (tm TargetMachine)
CreateTargetMachine creates a new TargetMachine.
func (Target) Description ¶
func (Target) NextTarget ¶
type TargetData ¶
type TargetData struct {
C C.LLVMTargetDataRef
func NewTargetData ¶
func NewTargetData(rep string) (td TargetData)
Creates target data from a target layout string. See the constructor llvm::TargetData::TargetData.
func (TargetData) ABITypeAlignment ¶
func (td TargetData) ABITypeAlignment(t Type) int
Computes the ABI alignment of a type in bytes for a target. See the method llvm::TargetData::getABITypeAlignment.
func (TargetData) ByteOrder ¶
func (td TargetData) ByteOrder() ByteOrdering
Returns the byte order of a target, either BigEndian or LittleEndian. See the method llvm::TargetData::isLittleEndian.
func (TargetData) CallFrameTypeAlignment ¶
func (td TargetData) CallFrameTypeAlignment(t Type) int
Computes the call frame alignment of a type in bytes for a target. See the method llvm::TargetData::getCallFrameTypeAlignment.
func (TargetData) Dispose ¶
func (td TargetData) Dispose()
Deallocates a TargetData. See the destructor llvm::TargetData::~TargetData.
func (TargetData) ElementContainingOffset ¶
func (td TargetData) ElementContainingOffset(t Type, offset uint64) int
Computes the structure element that contains the byte offset for a target. See the method llvm::StructLayout::getElementContainingOffset.
func (TargetData) ElementOffset ¶
func (td TargetData) ElementOffset(t Type, element int) uint64
Computes the byte offset of the indexed struct element for a target. See the method llvm::StructLayout::getElementOffset.
func (TargetData) IntPtrType ¶
func (td TargetData) IntPtrType() (t Type)
Returns the integer type that is the same size as a pointer on a target. See the method llvm::TargetData::getIntPtrType.
func (TargetData) PointerSize ¶
func (td TargetData) PointerSize() int
Returns the pointer size in bytes for a target. See the method llvm::TargetData::getPointerSize.
func (TargetData) PrefTypeAlignment ¶
func (td TargetData) PrefTypeAlignment(t Type) int
Computes the preferred alignment of a type in bytes for a target. See the method llvm::TargetData::getPrefTypeAlignment.
func (TargetData) PreferredAlignment ¶
func (td TargetData) PreferredAlignment(g Value) int
Computes the preferred alignment of a global variable in bytes for a target. See the method llvm::TargetData::getPreferredAlignment.
func (TargetData) String ¶
func (td TargetData) String() (s string)
Converts target data to a target layout string. The string must be disposed with LLVMDisposeMessage. See the constructor llvm::TargetData::TargetData.
func (TargetData) TypeAllocSize ¶
func (td TargetData) TypeAllocSize(t Type) uint64
Computes the ABI size of a type in bytes for a target. See the method llvm::TargetData::getTypeAllocSize.
func (TargetData) TypeSizeInBits ¶
func (td TargetData) TypeSizeInBits(t Type) uint64
Computes the size of a type in bytes for a target. See the method llvm::TargetData::getTypeSizeInBits.
func (TargetData) TypeStoreSize ¶
func (td TargetData) TypeStoreSize(t Type) uint64
Computes the storage size of a type in bytes for a target. See the method llvm::TargetData::getTypeStoreSize.
type TargetMachine ¶
type TargetMachine struct {
C C.LLVMTargetMachineRef
func (TargetMachine) AddAnalysisPasses ¶
func (tm TargetMachine) AddAnalysisPasses(pm PassManager)
func (TargetMachine) CreateTargetData ¶
func (tm TargetMachine) CreateTargetData() TargetData
CreateTargetData returns a new TargetData describing the TargetMachine's data layout. The returned TargetData is owned by the caller, who is responsible for disposing of it by calling the TargetData.Dispose method.
func (TargetMachine) Dispose ¶
func (tm TargetMachine) Dispose()
Dispose releases resources related to the TargetMachine.
func (TargetMachine) EmitToMemoryBuffer ¶
func (tm TargetMachine) EmitToMemoryBuffer(m Module, ft CodeGenFileType) (MemoryBuffer, error)
func (TargetMachine) Triple ¶
func (tm TargetMachine) Triple() string
Triple returns the triple describing the machine (arch-vendor-os).
type Type ¶
type Type struct {
func FunctionType ¶
Operations on function types
func PointerType ¶
func StructType ¶
func VectorType ¶
func (Type) ArrayLength ¶
func (Type) ElementType ¶
func (Type) IntTypeWidth ¶
func (Type) IsFunctionVarArg ¶
func (Type) IsStructPacked ¶
func (Type) ParamTypes ¶
func (Type) ParamTypesCount ¶
func (Type) PointerAddressSpace ¶
func (Type) ReturnType ¶
func (Type) StructElementTypes ¶
func (Type) StructElementTypesCount ¶
func (Type) StructName ¶
func (Type) StructSetBody ¶
func (Type) VectorSize ¶
type TypeKind ¶
type TypeKind C.LLVMTypeKind
const ( VoidTypeKind TypeKind = C.LLVMVoidTypeKind FloatTypeKind TypeKind = C.LLVMFloatTypeKind DoubleTypeKind TypeKind = C.LLVMDoubleTypeKind X86_FP80TypeKind TypeKind = C.LLVMX86_FP80TypeKind FP128TypeKind TypeKind = C.LLVMFP128TypeKind PPC_FP128TypeKind TypeKind = C.LLVMPPC_FP128TypeKind LabelTypeKind TypeKind = C.LLVMLabelTypeKind IntegerTypeKind TypeKind = C.LLVMIntegerTypeKind FunctionTypeKind TypeKind = C.LLVMFunctionTypeKind StructTypeKind TypeKind = C.LLVMStructTypeKind ArrayTypeKind TypeKind = C.LLVMArrayTypeKind PointerTypeKind TypeKind = C.LLVMPointerTypeKind VectorTypeKind TypeKind = C.LLVMVectorTypeKind MetadataTypeKind TypeKind = C.LLVMMetadataTypeKind TokenTypeKind TypeKind = C.LLVMTokenTypeKind )
type Use ¶
type Use struct {
type Value ¶
type Value struct {
C C.LLVMValueRef
func AddFunction ¶
Operations on functions
func AddGlobalInAddressSpace ¶
func BlockAddress ¶
func BlockAddress(f Value, bb BasicBlock) (v Value)
func ConstAllOnes ¶
func ConstArray ¶
func ConstBitCast ¶
func ConstExtractElement ¶
func ConstFCmp ¶
func ConstFCmp(pred FloatPredicate, lhs, rhs Value) (v Value)
func ConstFloat ¶
func ConstFloatFromString ¶
func ConstICmp ¶
func ConstICmp(pred IntPredicate, lhs, rhs Value) (v Value)
func ConstInsertElement ¶
func ConstIntToPtr ¶
func ConstNSWAdd ¶
func ConstNSWMul ¶
func ConstNSWNeg ¶
func ConstNSWSub ¶
func ConstNUWAdd ¶
func ConstNUWMul ¶
func ConstNUWNeg ¶
func ConstNUWSub ¶
func ConstNamedStruct ¶
func ConstPointerCast ¶
func ConstPointerNull ¶
func ConstPtrToInt ¶
func ConstShuffleVector ¶
func ConstString ¶
func ConstStruct ¶
func ConstTrunc ¶
func ConstTruncOrBitCast ¶
func ConstVector ¶
func InlineAsm ¶
func InlineAsm(t Type, asmString, constraints string, hasSideEffects, isAlignStack bool, dialect InlineAsmDialect, canThrow bool) (rv Value)
Operations on inline assembly
func NextFunction ¶
func NextGlobal ¶
func NextInstruction ¶
func PrevFunction ¶
func PrevGlobal ¶
func PrevInstruction ¶
func (Value) AddAttributeAtIndex ¶
func (Value) AddCallSiteAttribute ¶
func (Value) AddCase ¶
func (v Value) AddCase(on Value, dest BasicBlock)
Add a case to the switch instruction
func (Value) AddDest ¶
func (v Value) AddDest(dest BasicBlock)
Add a destination to the indirectbr instruction
func (Value) AddFunctionAttr ¶
func (Value) AddHandler ¶
func (v Value) AddHandler(bb BasicBlock)
Add a destination to the catchswitch instruction.
func (Value) AddIncoming ¶
func (v Value) AddIncoming(vals []Value, blocks []BasicBlock)
Operations on phi nodes
func (Value) AddMetadata ¶
AddMetadata adds a metadata entry of the given kind to a global object.
func (Value) AddTargetDependentFunctionAttr ¶
func (Value) AsBasicBlock ¶
func (v Value) AsBasicBlock() (bb BasicBlock)
func (Value) BasicBlocks ¶
func (v Value) BasicBlocks() []BasicBlock
func (Value) BasicBlocksCount ¶
func (Value) CalledFunctionType ¶
func (Value) CalledValue ¶
func (Value) CmpXchgFailureOrdering ¶
func (v Value) CmpXchgFailureOrdering() AtomicOrdering
func (Value) CmpXchgSuccessOrdering ¶
func (v Value) CmpXchgSuccessOrdering() AtomicOrdering
func (Value) ConstGetAsString ¶
ConstGetAsString will return the string contained in a constant.
func (Value) ConstantAsMetadata ¶
func (Value) DoubleValue ¶
func (Value) EntryBasicBlock ¶
func (v Value) EntryBasicBlock() (bb BasicBlock)
func (Value) EraseFromParentAsFunction ¶
func (v Value) EraseFromParentAsFunction()
func (Value) EraseFromParentAsGlobal ¶
func (v Value) EraseFromParentAsGlobal()
func (Value) EraseFromParentAsInstruction ¶
func (v Value) EraseFromParentAsInstruction()
Operations on instructions
func (Value) FirstBasicBlock ¶
func (v Value) FirstBasicBlock() (bb BasicBlock)
func (Value) FirstParam ¶
func (Value) FloatPredicate ¶
func (v Value) FloatPredicate() FloatPredicate
func (Value) FunctionCallConv ¶
func (Value) GEPSourceElementType ¶
Operations on GEPs
func (Value) GetCallSiteEnumAttribute ¶
func (Value) GetCallSiteStringAttribute ¶
func (Value) GetEnumAttributeAtIndex ¶
func (Value) GetEnumFunctionAttribute ¶
func (Value) GetHandlers ¶
func (v Value) GetHandlers() []BasicBlock
Obtain the basic blocks acting as handlers for a catchswitch instruction.
func (Value) GetParentCatchSwitch ¶
Get the parent catchswitch instruction of a catchpad instruction.
This only works on catchpad instructions.
func (Value) GetStringAttributeAtIndex ¶
func (Value) GlobalParent ¶
Operations on global variables, functions, and aliases (globals)
func (Value) GlobalValueType ¶
func (Value) HasMetadata ¶
func (Value) IncomingBlock ¶
func (v Value) IncomingBlock(i int) (bb BasicBlock)
func (Value) IncomingCount ¶
func (Value) IncomingValue ¶
func (Value) Initializer ¶
func (Value) InstructionCallConv ¶
func (Value) InstructionDebugLoc ¶
func (Value) InstructionOpcode ¶
func (Value) InstructionParent ¶
func (v Value) InstructionParent() (bb BasicBlock)
func (Value) InstructionSetDebugLoc ¶
func (Value) IntrinsicID ¶
func (Value) IsAAllocaInst ¶
func (Value) IsAArgument ¶
Conversion functions. Return the input value if it is an instance of the specified class, otherwise NULL. See llvm::dyn_cast_or_null<>.
func (Value) IsABasicBlock ¶
func (Value) IsABinaryOperator ¶
func (Value) IsABitCastInst ¶
func (Value) IsABranchInst ¶
func (Value) IsACallInst ¶
func (Value) IsACastInst ¶
func (Value) IsACmpInst ¶
func (Value) IsAConstant ¶
func (Value) IsAConstantAggregateZero ¶
func (Value) IsAConstantArray ¶
func (Value) IsAConstantExpr ¶
func (Value) IsAConstantFP ¶
func (Value) IsAConstantInt ¶
func (Value) IsAConstantPointerNull ¶
func (Value) IsAConstantStruct ¶
func (Value) IsAConstantVector ¶
func (Value) IsADbgDeclareInst ¶
func (Value) IsADbgInfoIntrinsic ¶
func (Value) IsAExtractElementInst ¶
func (Value) IsAExtractValueInst ¶
func (Value) IsAFCmpInst ¶
func (Value) IsAFPExtInst ¶
func (Value) IsAFPToSIInst ¶
func (Value) IsAFPToUIInst ¶
func (Value) IsAFPTruncInst ¶
func (Value) IsAFunction ¶
func (Value) IsAGetElementPtrInst ¶
func (Value) IsAGlobalAlias ¶
func (Value) IsAGlobalValue ¶
func (Value) IsAGlobalVariable ¶
func (Value) IsAICmpInst ¶
func (Value) IsAInlineAsm ¶
func (Value) IsAInsertElementInst ¶
func (Value) IsAInsertValueInst ¶
func (Value) IsAInstruction ¶
func (Value) IsAIntToPtrInst ¶
func (Value) IsAIntrinsicInst ¶
func (Value) IsAInvokeInst ¶
func (Value) IsALoadInst ¶
func (Value) IsAMemCpyInst ¶
func (Value) IsAMemIntrinsic ¶
func (Value) IsAMemMoveInst ¶
func (Value) IsAMemSetInst ¶
func (Value) IsAPHINode ¶
func (Value) IsAPtrToIntInst ¶
func (Value) IsAReturnInst ¶
func (Value) IsASExtInst ¶
func (Value) IsASIToFPInst ¶
func (Value) IsASelectInst ¶
func (Value) IsAShuffleVectorInst ¶
func (Value) IsAStoreInst ¶
func (Value) IsASwitchInst ¶
func (Value) IsATruncInst ¶
func (Value) IsAUIToFPInst ¶
func (Value) IsAUnaryInstruction ¶
func (Value) IsAUndefValue ¶
func (Value) IsAUnreachableInst ¶
func (Value) IsAVAArgInst ¶
func (Value) IsAZExtInst ¶
func (Value) IsAtomicSingleThread ¶
func (Value) IsBasicBlock ¶
func (Value) IsConstant ¶
func (Value) IsConstantString ¶
IsConstantString checks if the constant is an array of i8.
func (Value) IsDeclaration ¶
func (Value) IsGlobalConstant ¶
func (Value) IsThreadLocal ¶
func (Value) IsVolatile ¶
func (Value) LastBasicBlock ¶
func (v Value) LastBasicBlock() (bb BasicBlock)
func (Value) OperandsCount ¶
func (Value) Ordering ¶
func (v Value) Ordering() AtomicOrdering
func (Value) ParamParent ¶
func (Value) RemoveEnumAttributeAtIndex ¶
func (Value) RemoveEnumFunctionAttribute ¶
func (Value) RemoveFromParentAsInstruction ¶
func (v Value) RemoveFromParentAsInstruction()
func (Value) RemoveStringAttributeAtIndex ¶
func (Value) ReplaceAllUsesWith ¶
func (Value) SetAlignment ¶
func (Value) SetAtomicSingleThread ¶
func (Value) SetCleanup ¶
func (Value) SetCmpXchgFailureOrdering ¶
func (v Value) SetCmpXchgFailureOrdering(ordering AtomicOrdering)
func (Value) SetCmpXchgSuccessOrdering ¶
func (v Value) SetCmpXchgSuccessOrdering(ordering AtomicOrdering)
func (Value) SetFunctionCallConv ¶
func (Value) SetGlobalConstant ¶
func (Value) SetInitializer ¶
func (Value) SetInstrParamAlignment ¶
func (Value) SetInstructionCallConv ¶
Operations on call sites
func (Value) SetLinkage ¶
func (Value) SetMetadata ¶
func (Value) SetOperand ¶
func (Value) SetOrdering ¶
func (v Value) SetOrdering(ordering AtomicOrdering)
func (Value) SetParamAlignment ¶
func (Value) SetParentCatchSwitch ¶
Set the parent catchswitch instruction of a catchpad instruction.
This only works on llvm::CatchPadInst instructions.
func (Value) SetPersonality ¶
func (Value) SetSection ¶
func (Value) SetSubprogram ¶
func (Value) SetTailCall ¶
func (Value) SetThreadLocal ¶
func (Value) SetUnnamedAddr ¶
func (Value) SetVisibility ¶
func (v Value) SetVisibility(vi Visibility)
func (Value) SetVolatile ¶
func (Value) String ¶
Obtain the string value of the instruction. Same as would be printed with Value.Dump() (with two spaces at the start but no newline at the end).
func (Value) Subprogram ¶
func (Value) Visibility ¶
func (v Value) Visibility() Visibility
type VerifierFailureAction ¶
type VerifierFailureAction C.LLVMVerifierFailureAction
const ( // verifier will print to stderr and abort() AbortProcessAction VerifierFailureAction = C.LLVMAbortProcessAction // verifier will print to stderr and return 1 PrintMessageAction VerifierFailureAction = C.LLVMPrintMessageAction // verifier will just return 1 ReturnStatusAction VerifierFailureAction = C.LLVMReturnStatusAction )
type Visibility ¶
type Visibility C.LLVMVisibility
const ( DefaultVisibility Visibility = C.LLVMDefaultVisibility HiddenVisibility Visibility = C.LLVMHiddenVisibility ProtectedVisibility Visibility = C.LLVMProtectedVisibility )