
v2.4.8-rc1 Latest Latest

This package is not in the latest version of its module.

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Published: Oct 7, 2023 License: MIT Imports: 5 Imported by: 0




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const AccountsSvc = "AccountsSvc"
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const ChainSvc = "ChainSvc"
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const MapSvc = "mapSvc"
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const MaxReqestHashes = 1000
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const MemPoolSvc = "MemPoolSvc"

MemPoolSvc is exported name for MemPool service

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const P2PSvc = "p2pSvc"
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const PolarisRPCSvc = "pRpcSvc"
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const RPCSvc = "RPCSvc"
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const RestSvc = "RestSvc"
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const SyncerSvc = "SyncerSvc"


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var (
	RemotePeerFailError  = fmt.Errorf("remote peer return error")
	PeerNotFoundError    = fmt.Errorf("remote peer was not found")
	MissingHashError     = fmt.Errorf("some block hash not found")
	UnexpectedBlockError = fmt.Errorf("unexpected blocks response")
	TooFewBlocksError    = fmt.Errorf("too few blocks received that expected")
	TooManyBlocksError   = fmt.Errorf("too many blocks received that expected")
	TooBigBlockError     = fmt.Errorf("block size limit exceeded")
	InvalidArgumentError = fmt.Errorf("invalid argument")
	WrongBlockHashError  = fmt.Errorf("wrong block hash")

errors which async responses of p2p actor, such as GetBlockChunksRsp, can contains,


This section is empty.


type AccountRsp

type AccountRsp struct {
	Account *types.Account
	Err     error

type AddBlock

type AddBlock struct {
	PeerID types.PeerID
	Block  *types.Block
	Bstate interface{}
	IsSync bool

type AddBlockRsp

type AddBlockRsp struct {
	BlockNo   types.BlockNo
	BlockHash []byte
	Err       error

type BlockHash

type BlockHash []byte

type BlockHeadersResponse

type BlockHeadersResponse struct {
	Hashes  []BlockHash
	Headers []*types.BlockHeader

BlockHeadersResponse is data from other peer, as a response of types.GetBlockRequest p2p module will send this to chainservice actor.

type BlockInfosResponse

type BlockInfosResponse struct {
	FromWhom types.PeerID
	Blocks   []*types.Block

BlockInfosResponse is data from other peer, as a response of types.GetBlockRequest p2p module will send this to chainservice actor.

type ChangeDesignatedPeers

type ChangeDesignatedPeers struct {
	Add    []types.PeerAddress
	Remove []types.PeerID

ChangeDesignatedPeers will trigger connect or disconnect peers

type CheckFeeDelegation

type CheckFeeDelegation struct {
	Payload  []byte
	Contract []byte
	Sender   []byte
	TxHash   []byte
	Amount   []byte

type CheckFeeDelegationRsp

type CheckFeeDelegationRsp struct {
	Err error

type CloseFetcher

type CloseFetcher struct {
	Seq     uint64
	FromWho string

type CreateAccount

type CreateAccount struct {
	Passphrase string

type CreateAccountRsp

type CreateAccountRsp struct {
	Account *types.Account

type ExportAccount

type ExportAccount struct {
	Account    *types.Account
	Pass       string
	AsKeystore bool

type ExportAccountRsp

type ExportAccountRsp struct {
	Wif []byte
	Err error

type FinderResult

type FinderResult struct {
	Seq      uint64
	Ancestor *types.BlockInfo
	Err      error

type GetABI

type GetABI struct {
	Contract []byte

type GetABIRsp

type GetABIRsp struct {
	ABI *types.ABI
	Err error

type GetAccountVoteRsp

type GetAccountVoteRsp struct {
	Info *types.AccountVoteInfo
	Err  error

type GetAccounts

type GetAccounts struct{}

type GetAccountsRsp

type GetAccountsRsp struct {
	Accounts *types.AccountList

type GetAddressesMsg

type GetAddressesMsg struct {
	ToWhom types.PeerID
	Size   uint32
	Offset uint32

GetAddressesMsg send types.AddressesRequest to dest peer. the dest peer will send types.AddressesResponse. The actor returns true if sending is successful.

type GetAncestor

type GetAncestor struct {
	Hashes   [][]byte
	StopHash []byte

receive from p2p

type GetAncestorRsp

type GetAncestorRsp struct {
	Ancestor *types.BlockInfo
	Err      error

response to p2p for GetAncestor message

type GetAnchors

type GetAnchors struct {
	Seq uint64

type GetAnchorsRsp

type GetAnchorsRsp struct {
	Seq    uint64
	Hashes [][]byte
	LastNo types.BlockNo
	Err    error

type GetBestBlock

type GetBestBlock struct{}

type GetBestBlockNo

type GetBestBlockNo struct{}

type GetBestBlockNoRsp

type GetBestBlockNoRsp struct {
	BlockNo types.BlockNo

type GetBestBlockRsp

type GetBestBlockRsp GetBlockRsp

type GetBlock

type GetBlock struct {
	BlockHash []byte

type GetBlockByNo

type GetBlockByNo struct {
	BlockNo types.BlockNo

type GetBlockByNoRsp

type GetBlockByNoRsp GetBlockRsp

type GetBlockChunks

type GetBlockChunks struct {
	Seq uint64
	TTL time.Duration

type GetBlockChunksRsp

type GetBlockChunksRsp struct {
	Seq    uint64
	ToWhom types.PeerID
	Blocks []*types.Block
	Err    error

type GetBlockHeaders

type GetBlockHeaders struct {
	ToWhom types.PeerID
	// Hash is the first block to get. Height will be used when Hash mi empty
	Hash    BlockHash
	Height  uint64
	Asc     bool
	Offset  uint64
	MaxSize uint32

GetBlockHeaders send type.GetBlockRequest to dest peer The actor returns true if sending is successful.

type GetBlockInfos

type GetBlockInfos struct {
	ToWhom types.PeerID
	Hashes []BlockHash

GetBlockInfos send types.GetBlockRequest to dest peer. The actor returns true if sending is successful.

type GetBlockRsp

type GetBlockRsp struct {
	Block *types.Block
	Err   error

type GetCluster

type GetCluster struct {
	BestBlockHash BlockHash
	ReplyC        chan *GetClusterRsp

type GetClusterRsp

type GetClusterRsp struct {
	ClusterID     uint64
	ChainID       BlockHash
	Members       []*types.MemberAttr
	Err           error
	HardStateInfo *types.HardStateInfo

type GetElected

type GetElected struct {
	Id string
	N  uint32

GetElected is request to get voting result about top N elect

type GetEnterpriseConf

type GetEnterpriseConf struct {
	Key string

type GetEnterpriseConfRsp

type GetEnterpriseConfRsp struct {
	Conf *types.EnterpriseConfig
	Err  error

type GetHashByNo

type GetHashByNo struct {
	Seq     uint64
	ToWhom  types.PeerID
	BlockNo types.BlockNo

type GetHashByNoRsp

type GetHashByNoRsp struct {
	Seq       uint64
	BlockHash BlockHash
	Err       error

type GetHashes

type GetHashes struct {
	Seq      uint64
	ToWhom   types.PeerID
	PrevInfo *types.BlockInfo
	Count    uint64

type GetHashesRsp

type GetHashesRsp struct {
	Seq      uint64
	PrevInfo *types.BlockInfo
	Hashes   []BlockHash
	Count    uint64
	Err      error

type GetMetrics

type GetMetrics struct {

type GetNameInfo

type GetNameInfo struct {
	Name    string
	BlockNo types.BlockNo

type GetNameInfoRsp

type GetNameInfoRsp struct {
	Owner *types.NameInfo
	Err   error

type GetParams

type GetParams struct{}

type GetParamsRsp

type GetParamsRsp struct {
	BpCount      int
	MinStaking   *big.Int
	MaxBlockSize uint64

type GetPeers

type GetPeers struct {
	NoHidden bool
	ShowSelf bool

GetPeers requests p2p actor to get remote peers that is connected. The actor returns *GetPeersRsp

type GetPeersRsp

type GetPeersRsp struct {
	Peers []*PeerInfo

GetPeersRsp contains peer meta information and current states.

type GetQuery

type GetQuery struct {
	Contract  []byte
	Queryinfo []byte

type GetQueryRsp

type GetQueryRsp struct {
	Result []byte
	Err    error

type GetRaftTransport

type GetRaftTransport struct {
	Cluster interface{}

type GetReceipt

type GetReceipt struct {
	TxHash []byte

type GetReceiptRsp

type GetReceiptRsp struct {
	Receipt *types.Receipt
	Err     error

type GetSelf

type GetSelf struct {

type GetServerInfo

type GetServerInfo struct {
	Categories []string

GetServerInfo for RPC to collect and

type GetStaking

type GetStaking struct {
	Addr []byte

type GetStakingRsp

type GetStakingRsp struct {
	Staking *types.Staking
	Err     error

type GetState

type GetState struct {
	Account []byte

type GetStateAndProof

type GetStateAndProof struct {
	Account    []byte
	Root       []byte
	Compressed bool

type GetStateAndProofRsp

type GetStateAndProofRsp struct {
	StateProof *types.AccountProof
	Err        error

type GetStateQuery

type GetStateQuery struct {
	ContractAddress []byte
	StorageKeys     [][]byte
	Root            []byte
	Compressed      bool

type GetStateQueryRsp

type GetStateQueryRsp struct {
	Result *types.StateQueryProof
	Err    error

type GetStateRsp

type GetStateRsp struct {
	Account []byte
	State   *types.State
	Err     error

type GetSyncAncestor

type GetSyncAncestor struct {
	Seq    uint64
	ToWhom types.PeerID
	Hashes [][]byte

GetSyncAncestor is sent from Syncer, send types.GetAncestorRequest to dest peer.

type GetSyncAncestorRsp

type GetSyncAncestorRsp struct {
	Seq      uint64
	Ancestor *types.BlockInfo

GetSyncAncestorRsp is data from other peer, as a response of types.GetAncestorRequest

type GetTransactions

type GetTransactions struct {
	ToWhom types.PeerID
	Hashes []TXHash

GetTransactions send types.GetTransactionsRequest to dest peer. The receiving peer will send types.GetTransactionsResponse The actor returns true if sending is successful.

type GetTx

type GetTx struct {
	TxHash []byte

type GetTxRsp

type GetTxRsp struct {
	Tx    *types.Tx
	TxIds *types.TxIdx
	Err   error

type GetVote

type GetVote struct {
	Addr []byte

type GetVoteRsp

type GetVoteRsp struct {
	Top *types.VoteList
	Err error

GetElectedRsp is return to get voting result

type Helper

type Helper interface {
	// ExtractBlockFromResponseAndError get rawResponse and error and return pointer of Block
	ExtractBlockFromResponseAndError(rawResponse interface{}, err error) (*types.Block, error)
	ExtractBlockFromResponse(rawResponse interface{}) (*types.Block, error)
	ExtractTxFromResponseAndError(rawResponse interface{}, err error) (*types.Tx, error)
	ExtractTxFromResponse(rawResponse interface{}) (*types.Tx, error)
	ExtractTxsFromResponseAndError(rawResponse interface{}, err error) ([]*types.Tx, error)
	ExtractTxsFromResponse(rawResponse interface{}) ([]*types.Tx, error)

Helper is helper interface for extracting tx or block from actor response

func GetHelper

func GetHelper() Helper

type ImportAccount

type ImportAccount struct {
	Wif      []byte
	OldPass  string
	NewPass  string
	Keystore []byte

type ImportAccountRsp

type ImportAccountRsp struct {
	Account *types.Account
	Err     error

type IssueAgentCertificate

type IssueAgentCertificate struct {
	ProducerID types.PeerID

type ListEvents

type ListEvents struct {
	Filter *types.FilterInfo

type ListEventsRsp

type ListEventsRsp struct {
	Events []*types.Event
	Err    error

response to p2p for GetAncestor message

type LockAccount

type LockAccount struct {
	Account    *types.Account
	Passphrase string

type MapQueryMsg

type MapQueryMsg struct {
	Count     int
	BestBlock *types.Block

type MapQueryRsp

type MapQueryRsp struct {
	Peers []*types.PeerAddress
	Err   error

type MemPoolDel

type MemPoolDel struct {
	Block *types.Block

MemPoolDel is interface of MemPool service for deleting transactions including given transactions

type MemPoolDelRsp

type MemPoolDelRsp struct {
	Err error

MemPoolDelRsp defines struct of result for MemPoolDel

type MemPoolDelTx

type MemPoolDelTx struct {
	Tx *types.Tx

MemPoolDelTx is interface of MemPool service for deleting a transaction

type MemPoolDelTxRsp

type MemPoolDelTxRsp struct {
	Err error

MemPoolDelTxRsp defines struct of result for MemPoolDelTx

type MemPoolEnableWhitelist

type MemPoolEnableWhitelist struct {
	On bool

type MemPoolExist

type MemPoolExist struct {
	Hash []byte

MemPoolExist is interface of MemPool service for retrieving transaction according to given hash

type MemPoolExistEx

type MemPoolExistEx struct {
	Hashes [][]byte

MemPoolExistEx is for getting retrieving multiple transactions.

type MemPoolExistExRsp

type MemPoolExistExRsp struct {
	Txs []*types.Tx

MemPoolExistExRsp can contains nil element if requested tx is missing in mempool.

type MemPoolExistRsp

type MemPoolExistRsp struct {
	Tx *types.Tx

MemPoolExistRsp defines struct of result for MemPoolExist

type MemPoolGet

type MemPoolGet struct {
	MaxBlockBodySize uint32

MemPoolGet is interface of MemPool service for retrieving transactions

type MemPoolGetRsp

type MemPoolGetRsp struct {
	Txs []types.Transaction
	Err error

MemPoolGetRsp defines struct of result for MemPoolGet

type MemPoolList

type MemPoolList struct {
	Limit int

MemPoolList is interface of MemPool service for retrieving hashes of transactions

type MemPoolListRsp

type MemPoolListRsp struct {
	Hashes  []types.TxID
	HasMore bool

type MemPoolPut

type MemPoolPut struct {
	Tx *types.Tx

MemPoolPut is interface of MemPool service for inserting transactions

type MemPoolPutRsp

type MemPoolPutRsp struct {
	Err error

MemPoolPutRsp defines struct of result for MemPoolPut

type MemPoolSetWhitelist

type MemPoolSetWhitelist struct {
	Accounts []string

type MemPoolTx

type MemPoolTx struct {
	Accounts []types.Address

type MemPoolTxRsp

type MemPoolTxRsp MemPoolTxStatRsp

type MemPoolTxStat

type MemPoolTxStat struct {

type MemPoolTxStatRsp

type MemPoolTxStatRsp struct {
	Data []byte

type NotifyCertRenewed

type NotifyCertRenewed struct {
	Cert *types.AgentCertificate

type NotifyNewBlock

type NotifyNewBlock struct {
	Produced bool
	BlockNo  uint64
	Block    *types.Block

NotifyNewBlock send types.NewBlockNotice to other peers. The receiving peer will send GetBlockHeadersRequest or GetBlockRequest if needed. The actor returns true if sending is successful.

type NotifyNewTransactions

type NotifyNewTransactions struct {
	Txs []*types.Tx

NotifyNewTransactions send types.NewTransactionsNotice to other peers. The actor returns true if sending is successful.

type P2PWhiteListConfEnableEvent

type P2PWhiteListConfEnableEvent struct {
	Name string
	On   bool

type P2PWhiteListConfSetEvent

type P2PWhiteListConfSetEvent struct {
	Name   string
	Values []string

type PeerInfo

type PeerInfo struct {
	Addr            *types.PeerAddress
	Certificates    []*types.AgentCertificate
	AcceptedRole    types.PeerRole
	Version         string
	Hidden          bool
	CheckTime       time.Time
	LastBlockHash   []byte
	LastBlockNumber uint64
	State           types.PeerState
	Self            bool

type PingMsg

type PingMsg struct {
	ToWhom types.PeerID

PingMsg send types.Ping to each peer. The actor returns true if sending is successful.

type RaftClusterEvent

type RaftClusterEvent struct {
	BPAdded   []types.PeerID
	BPRemoved []types.PeerID

type SendRaft

type SendRaft struct {
	ToWhom types.PeerID
	Body   interface{} // for avoiding dependency cycle, though it must be raftpb.Message.

type SendRaftRsp

type SendRaftRsp struct {
	Err error

type SignTx

type SignTx struct {
	Tx        *types.Tx
	Requester []byte

type SignTxRsp

type SignTxRsp struct {
	Tx  *types.Tx
	Err error

type SyncBlockState

type SyncBlockState struct {
	PeerID    types.PeerID
	BlockNo   types.BlockNo
	BlockHash []byte

SyncBlockState is request to sync from remote peer. It returns sync result.

type SyncStart

type SyncStart struct {
	PeerID   types.PeerID
	TargetNo types.BlockNo
	NotifyC  chan error


type SyncStop

type SyncStop struct {
	Seq     uint64
	FromWho string
	Err     error


type TXHash

type TXHash []byte

type TossBPNotice

type TossBPNotice struct {
	Block *types.Block
	// toss notice to internal zone or not
	TossIn bool
	// OriginalMsg is actually p2pcommon.Message. it is declared by interface{} for ad-hoc way to avoid import cycle
	OriginalMsg interface{}

type TossDirection

type TossDirection bool

type TransactionsResponse

type TransactionsResponse struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

TransactionsResponse is data from other peer, as a response of types.GetTransactionsRequest p2p module will send this to mempool actor.

type UnlockAccount

type UnlockAccount struct {
	Account    *types.Account
	Passphrase string

type VerifyStart

type VerifyStart struct{}

type VerifyTx

type VerifyTx struct {
	Tx *types.Tx

type VerifyTxRsp

type VerifyTxRsp struct {
	Tx  *types.Tx
	Err error


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Package messagemock is a generated GoMock package.
Package messagemock is a generated GoMock package.

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