Overview ¶
Package provides a client library for the Eventbrite API. Please see for an overview of the Eventbrite API suite.
Index ¶
- type Address
- type Assortment
- type Attendee
- type AttendeeAddresses
- type AttendeeAnswers
- type AttendeeBarcodes
- type AttendeeProfile
- type AttendeeTeam
- type CategoriesResult
- type Category
- type Checkout
- type CheckoutAssociatePayoutToEvent
- type CheckoutAssociateToEventRequest
- type CheckoutCreateRequest
- type CheckoutForAccountRequest
- type CheckoutMethodsRequest
- type CheckoutMethodsResponse
- type CheckoutSettingsForAccount
- type Client
- func (c *Client) Categories(ctx context.Context) (*CategoriesResult, error)
- func (c *Client) Category(ctx context.Context, id string) (*Category, error)
- func (c *Client) CheckoutAssociate(ctx context.Context, eventID string, req *CheckoutAssociateToEventRequest) (interface{}, error)
- func (c *Client) CheckoutAssociatePayoutSettings(ctx context.Context, eventID string, req *CheckoutAssociatePayoutToEvent) (interface{}, error)
- func (c *Client) CheckoutByEvent(ctx context.Context, eventId string) ([]*Checkout, error)
- func (c *Client) CheckoutCreate(ctx context.Context, req *CheckoutCreateRequest) (*Checkout, error)
- func (c *Client) CheckoutForAccount(ctx context.Context, req *CheckoutForAccountRequest) (*CheckoutSettingsForAccount, error)
- func (c *Client) CheckoutGet(ctx context.Context, id string) (*Checkout, error)
- func (c *Client) CheckoutGetList(ctx context.Context) (*Checkout, error)
- func (c *Client) CheckoutMethods(ctx context.Context, req CheckoutMethodsRequest) (*CheckoutMethodsResponse, error)
- func (c *Client) Countries(ctx context.Context) (*Countries, error)
- func (c *Client) DiscountCreate(ctx context.Context, req *DiscountCreateRequest) (*CrossEventDiscount, error)
- func (c *Client) DiscountDelete(ctx context.Context, id string) (interface{}, error)
- func (c *Client) DiscountUpdate(ctx context.Context, id string, req *DiscountUpdateRequest) (*CrossEventDiscount, error)
- func (c *Client) DiscountsGet(ctx context.Context, id string) (*CrossEventDiscount, error)
- func (c *Client) EventCancel(ctx context.Context, id string) (interface{}, error)
- func (c *Client) EventCreate(ctx context.Context, req *EventCreateRequest) (interface{}, error)
- func (c *Client) EventCreateCannedQuestion(ctx context.Context, id string, q *EventCreateCannedQuestion) (interface{}, error)
- func (c *Client) EventCreateQuestion(ctx context.Context, id string, q *EventCreateQuestion) (interface{}, error)
- func (c *Client) EventCreateTicketClass(ctx context.Context, id string, class *EventCreateTicketClass) (*TicketClass, error)
- func (c *Client) EventDelete(ctx context.Context, id string) (interface{}, error)
- func (c *Client) EventDeleteTicketClass(ctx context.Context, eventId, ticketId string, class *EventDeleteTicketClass) (interface{}, error)
- func (c *Client) EventGet(ctx context.Context, id string) (*Event, error)
- func (c *Client) EventGetCannedQuestions(ctx context.Context, id string, q *EventGetCannedQuestions) (interface{}, error)
- func (c *Client) EventGetDisplaySettings(ctx context.Context, id string) (*EventSettings, error)
- func (c *Client) EventGetQuestion(ctx context.Context, eventId, questionId string) (interface{}, error)
- func (c *Client) EventGetQuestions(ctx context.Context, id string, q *EventGetQuestions) (interface{}, error)
- func (c *Client) EventGetTicketClass(ctx context.Context, eventId, ticketId string) (*TicketClass, error)
- func (c *Client) EventGetTicketClasses(ctx context.Context, id string, class *EventGetTicketClass) (*EventGetTicketClassResult, error)
- func (c *Client) EventPublish(ctx context.Context, id string) (interface{}, error)
- func (c *Client) EventSearch(ctx context.Context, req *EventSearchRequest) (*EventSearchResult, error)
- func (c *Client) EventSeriesCUD(ctx context.Context, id string, req *SeriesCUREventRequest) (interface{}, error)
- func (c *Client) EventSeriesCancel(ctx context.Context, id string) (interface{}, error)
- func (c *Client) EventSeriesCreate(ctx context.Context, req *SeriesCreateEventRequest) (interface{}, error)
- func (c *Client) EventSeriesDelete(ctx context.Context, id string) (interface{}, error)
- func (c *Client) EventSeriesGet(ctx context.Context, id string) (interface{}, error)
- func (c *Client) EventSeriesPublish(ctx context.Context, id string) (interface{}, error)
- func (c *Client) EventSeriesUnPublish(ctx context.Context, id string) (interface{}, error)
- func (c *Client) EventUnPublish(ctx context.Context, id string) (interface{}, error)
- func (c *Client) EventUpdate(ctx context.Context, id string, req *EventUpdateRequest) (interface{}, error)
- func (c *Client) EventUpdateDisplaySettings(ctx context.Context, id string, settings *EventUpdateDisplaySettings) (*EventSettings, error)
- func (c *Client) EventUpdateTicketClass(ctx context.Context, eventId, ticketId string, class *EventUpdateTicketClass) (*TicketClass, error)
- func (c *Client) FeeRate(ctx context.Context, req *FeeRequest) (*FeeResponse, error)
- func (c *Client) Format(ctx context.Context, id string) (*Format, error)
- func (c *Client) Formats(ctx context.Context) (*FormatResult, error)
- func (c *Client) MediaCreate(ctx context.Context, req *MediaCreateUpload) (*Image, error)
- func (c *Client) MediaGet(ctx context.Context, req *MediaGetUpload) (*Media, error)
- func (c *Client) MediaGetUpload(ctx context.Context, id string) (*Image, error)
- func (c *Client) Notifications(ctx context.Context) (*NotificationsResult, error)
- func (c *Client) OrderGet(ctx context.Context, id string) (*Order, error)
- func (c *Client) OrganizerCreate(ctx context.Context, req *CreateOrganizerRequest) (*Organizer, error)
- func (c *Client) OrganizerGet(ctx context.Context, id string) (*Organizer, error)
- func (c *Client) OrganizerGetEvents(ctx context.Context, id string, req *OrganizerEventsRequest) (*OrganizerEventsResult, error)
- func (c *Client) OrganizerUpdate(ctx context.Context, id string, req *UpdateOrganizerRequest) (*Organizer, error)
- func (c *Client) RefundRequest(ctx context.Context, id string) (*RefundRequest, error)
- func (c *Client) RefundRequestCreate(ctx context.Context, req *CreateRefundRequest) (*RefundRequest, error)
- func (c *Client) RefundRequestUpdate(ctx context.Context, id string, req *UpdateOrganizerRequest) (*RefundRequest, error)
- func (c *Client) Regions(ctx context.Context) (*Regions, error)
- func (c *Client) ReportAttendees(ctx context.Context, req *ReportAttendees) (interface{}, error)
- func (c *Client) ReportSales(ctx context.Context, req *ReportRequest) (interface{}, error)
- func (c *Client) SubCategories(ctx context.Context) (*SubCategoriesResult, error)
- func (c *Client) SubCategory(ctx context.Context, id string) (*SubCategory, error)
- func (c *Client) TicketGroupCreate(ctx context.Context, id string, req *CreateTicketGroupRequest) (*TicketGroup, error)
- func (c *Client) TicketGroupDelete(ctx context.Context, id string) (interface{}, error)
- func (c *Client) TicketGroupGet(ctx context.Context, id string) (*TicketGroup, error)
- func (c *Client) TicketGroupUpdate(ctx context.Context, id string, req *UpdateTicketGroupRequest) (*TicketGroup, error)
- func (c *Client) Timezones(ctx context.Context) (*Timezones, error)
- func (c *Client) TrackingBeaconCreate(ctx context.Context, req *CreateTrackingBeaconRequest) (*TrackingBeacon, error)
- func (c *Client) TrackingBeaconDelete(ctx context.Context, id string) (*TrackingBeacon, error)
- func (c *Client) TrackingBeaconGet(ctx context.Context, id string, req *GetTrackingBeaconRequest) (*TrackingBeacon, error)
- func (c *Client) TrackingBeaconGetForEvent(ctx context.Context, eventId string, req *GetTrackingBeaconForEventRequest) (*TrackingBeacon, error)
- func (c *Client) TrackingBeaconGetForUser(ctx context.Context, userId string, req *GetTrackingBeaconForUserRequest) (*TrackingBeacon, error)
- func (c *Client) TrackingBeaconUpdate(ctx context.Context, id string, req *UpdateTrackingBeaconRequest) (*TrackingBeacon, error)
- func (c *Client) User(ctx context.Context, id string) (*User, error)
- func (c *Client) UserAssortments(ctx context.Context, id string) (*Assortment, error)
- func (c *Client) UserBookmarks(ctx context.Context, id string, req *UserBookmarksRequest) (*UserBookmarksResponse, error)
- func (c *Client) UserContactList(ctx context.Context, id, contactListID string, ...) (*UserContactListsResponse, error)
- func (c *Client) UserContactLists(ctx context.Context, id string) (*UserContactListsResponse, error)
- func (c *Client) UserCreateContactList(ctx context.Context, id string, request *UserCreateContactListsRequest) (*UserContactListsResponse, error)
- func (c *Client) UserDeleteContactList(ctx context.Context, id, contactListID string) (interface{}, error)
- func (c *Client) UserEventAttendees(ctx context.Context, id string, request *UserEventAttendeesRequest) (*UserEventAttendeesResponse, error)
- func (c *Client) UserEventOrders(ctx context.Context, id string, request *UserEventOrdersRequest) (*UserEventOrdersResponse, error)
- func (c *Client) UserEvents(ctx context.Context, id string, req UserEventsRequest) (*UserEventsResponse, error)
- func (c *Client) UserListContactAddContacts(ctx context.Context, id, contactListID string, ...) (*UserContactListContacts, error)
- func (c *Client) UserListContactContacts(ctx context.Context, id, contactListID string) (*UserContactListContacts, error)
- func (c *Client) UserListContactDeleteContacts(ctx context.Context, id, contactListID string) (interface{}, error)
- func (c *Client) UserOrders(ctx context.Context, id string, req *UserEventOrders) (*UserOrdersResult, error)
- func (c *Client) UserOrganizers(ctx context.Context, id string, req *UserOrganizerRequest) (*UserOrganizerResponse, error)
- func (c *Client) UserOwnedEvents(ctx context.Context, id string, req *UserOwnedEventsRequest) (*UserOwnedEventResponse, error)
- func (c *Client) UserSaveBookmarks(ctx context.Context, id string, req *UserSaveBookmarkRequest) (interface{}, error)
- func (c *Client) UserSetAssortments(ctx context.Context, id string, req *UserSetAssortmentRequest) (*Assortment, error)
- func (c *Client) UserUnSaveBookmarks(ctx context.Context, id string, req *UserUnSaveBookmarkRequest) (interface{}, error)
- func (c *Client) UserUpdateContactList(ctx context.Context, id, contactListID string, ...) (*UserContactListsResponse, error)
- func (c *Client) UserVenues(ctx context.Context, id string) (*UserVenuesResponse, error)
- func (c *Client) VenueCreate(ctx context.Context, req *CreateVenueRequest) (*Venue, error)
- func (c *Client) VenueEvents(ctx context.Context, venueId string) (*VenueEventsResult, error)
- func (c *Client) VenueGet(ctx context.Context, id string) (*Venue, error)
- func (c *Client) VenueUpdate(ctx context.Context, id string, req *UpdateVenueRequest) (*Venue, error)
- func (c *Client) WebhookCreate(ctx context.Context, req *CreateWebhookRequest) (*Webhook, error)
- func (c *Client) WebhookDelete(ctx context.Context, id string) (*Webhook, error)
- func (c *Client) WebhookGet(ctx context.Context, id string) (*Webhook, error)
- func (c *Client) Webhooks(ctx context.Context, req *WebhooksRequest) (*WebhooksResult, error)
- type ClientOption
- type Contact
- type ContactList
- type Countries
- type Country
- type CountryCode
- type CreateOrganizationEventRequest
- type CreateOrganizationVenueRequest
- type CreateOrganizerRequest
- type CreateRefundRequest
- type CreateTicketGroupRequest
- type CreateTrackingBeaconRequest
- type CreateVenueRequest
- type CreateWebhookRequest
- type CrossEventDiscount
- type Currency
- type CurrencyCode
- type Date
- type DateTime
- type DatetimeTz
- type DiscountCreateRequest
- type DiscountUpdateRequest
- type Email
- type Error
- type Event
- type EventCreateCannedQuestion
- type EventCreateQuestion
- type EventCreateRequest
- type EventCreateTicketClass
- type EventDeleteTicketClass
- type EventGetAttendees
- type EventGetCannedQuestions
- type EventGetOrders
- type EventGetQuestions
- type EventGetTicketClass
- type EventGetTicketClassResult
- type EventGetTicketGroups
- type EventGetTicketGroupsTicketClasses
- type EventGetTransfers
- type EventSearchRequest
- type EventSearchResult
- type EventSettings
- type EventUpdateDisplaySettings
- type EventUpdateRequest
- type EventUpdateTicketClass
- type FeeRate
- type FeeRequest
- type FeeResponse
- type Format
- type FormatResult
- type GetTrackingBeaconForEventRequest
- type GetTrackingBeaconForUserRequest
- type GetTrackingBeaconRequest
- type GetUserEvents
- type GetUserOrdersRequest
- type GetUserOrganizersRequest
- type GetUserOwnedEvents
- type GetUserVenuesResult
- type GetVenueEventsRequest
- type Image
- type Media
- type MediaCreateUpload
- type MediaGetUpload
- type MultipartText
- type Notification
- type NotificationsResult
- type ObjectList
- type Order
- type OrderCosts
- type Organizer
- type OrganizerEventsRequest
- type OrganizerEventsResult
- type Pagination
- type RefundItem
- type RefundRequest
- type Region
- type Regions
- type ReportAttendees
- type ReportRequest
- type SeriesCUREventRequest
- type SeriesCreateEventRequest
- type SeriesEventRequest
- type SubCategoriesResult
- type SubCategory
- type TicketClass
- type TicketGroup
- type Timezone
- type Timezones
- type TrackingBeacon
- type UpdateOrganizerRequest
- type UpdateRefundRequest
- type UpdateTicketGroupRequest
- type UpdateTrackingBeaconRequest
- type UpdateVenueRequest
- type UploadData
- type User
- type UserAddContactListContactRequest
- type UserBookmarksRequest
- type UserBookmarksResponse
- type UserContactListContacts
- type UserContactListsResponse
- type UserCreateContactListsRequest
- type UserDeleteContactListContactRequest
- type UserEventAttendeesRequest
- type UserEventAttendeesResponse
- type UserEventOrders
- type UserEventOrdersRequest
- type UserEventOrdersResponse
- type UserEventsRequest
- type UserEventsResponse
- type UserOrdersResult
- type UserOrganizerRequest
- type UserOrganizerResponse
- type UserOwnedEventResponse
- type UserOwnedEventsRequest
- type UserSaveBookmarkRequest
- type UserSetAssortmentRequest
- type UserTicketGroupResponse
- type UserTicketGroupsRequest
- type UserUnSaveBookmarkRequest
- type UserUpdateContactListRequest
- type UserVenuesResponse
- type Venue
- type VenueEventsResult
- type Webhook
- type WebhooksRequest
- type WebhooksResult
Constants ¶
This section is empty.
Variables ¶
This section is empty.
Functions ¶
This section is empty.
Types ¶
type Address ¶
type Address struct { // The street/location address (part 1) Address1 string `json:"address_1"` // The street/location address (part 2) Address2 string `json:"address_2"` // The city City string `json:"city"` // The ISO 3166-2 2- or 3-character region code for the state, province, region, or district Region string `json:"region"` // The postal code PostalCode string `json:"postal_code"` // The ISO 3166-1 2-character international code for the country Country string `json:"country"` // The latitude portion of the address coordinates Latitude string `json:"latitude"` // The longitude portion of the address coordinates Longitude string `json:"longitude"` // The format of the address display localized to the address country LocalizedAddressDisplay string `json:"localized_address_display"` // The format of the address’s area display localized to the address country LocalizedAreaDisplay string `json:"localized_area_display"` // The multi-line format order of the address display localized to the address country, where each line is an item in the list LocalizedMultiLineAddressDisplay []interface{} `json:"localized_multi_line_address_display"` }
Though address formatting varies considerably between different countries and regions, Eventbrite still has a common address return format to keep things consistent.
type Assortment ¶
type Assortment struct { // The assortment plan associated with this user Plan string `json:"plan"` }
An assortment is a package/pricing plan associated with an Eventbrite organizer. This plan determines the features available to the organizer and the pricing model applied to their event tickets.
type Attendee ¶
type Attendee struct { // When the attendee was created (order placed) Created DateTime `json:"created"` // When the attendee was last changed Changed DateTime `json:"changed"` // The name of the ticket_class at the time of registration TicketClassName string `json:"ticket_class_name"` // The attendee’s basic profile information Profile AttendeeProfile `json:"profile"` // The attendee’s basic profile information Addresses AttendeeAddresses `json:"addresses"` // The attendee’s answers to any custom questions (optional) Answers AttendeeAnswers `json:"answers"` // The attendee’s entry barcode information Barcodes AttendeeBarcodes `json:"barcodes"` // The attendee’s team information (optional) Team AttendeeTeam `json:"team"` // The attendee’s affiliate code (optional) // // Not documented Affiliate interface{} `json:"affiliate"` // If the attendee is checked in CheckedIn bool `json:"checked_in"` // If the attendee is cancelled Cancelled bool `json:"cancelled"` // If the attendee is refunded Refunded bool `json:"refunded"` // The status of the attendee (scheduled to be deprecated) Status string `json:"status"` // The event id that this attendee is attending EventID string `json:"event_id"` // The event this attendee is attending Event Event `json:"event"` // The order id this attendee is part of OrderID string `json:"order_id"` // The order this attendee is part of Order Order `json:"order"` // The guestlist id for this attendee. If this is null it means that this is not a guest GuestListID string `json:"guestlist_id"` // The guest of for the guest. If this is null it means that this is not a guest InvitedBy string `json:"invited_by"` // The promotional code applied to this attendee // // Not documented PromotionalCode interface{} `json:"promotional_code"` // The bib number assigned to this attendee if one exists for a race or endurance event // // Not documented AssignedNumber interface{} `json:"assigned_number"` }
Attendee is an object representing the details of one or more people coming to the event Attendee objects are considered private and are only available to the event owner
type AttendeeAddresses ¶
type AttendeeAddresses struct { // The attendee’s home address Home Address `json:"home"` // The attendee’s ship address Ship Address `json:"ship"` // The attendee’s workl address Work Address `json:"work"` }
Contains the attendee’s various different addresses. All are optional
type AttendeeAnswers ¶
type AttendeeAnswers struct { // The ID of the custom question QuestionID string `json:"question_id"` // The text of the custom question Question string `json:"question"` // One of multiple_choice, or text Type string `json:"type"` // The attendee’s answer Answer string `json:"answer"` }
A list of objects with answers to custom questions
type AttendeeBarcodes ¶
type AttendeeBarcodes struct { // The barcode contents. Note that if the event organizer has turned off printable // tickets, this field will be null in order to prevent exposing the barcode value Barcode string `json:"barcode"` // One of unused, used, or refunded Status string `json:"status"` // When the attendee barcode was created Created DateTime `json:"created"` // When the attendee barcode was changed Changed DateTime `json:"changed"` }
A list of objects representing the barcodes for this order (usually only one per attendee)
type AttendeeProfile ¶
type AttendeeProfile struct { // The attendee’s name. Use this in preference to first_name/last_name/etc. if possible for // forward compatibility with non-Western names Name string `json:"name"` // The attendee’s email address Email string `json:"email"` // The attendee’s first name FirstName string `json:"first_name"` // The attendee’s last name LastName string `json:"last_name"` // The title or honoraria used in front of the name (Mr., Mrs., etc.) (optional) Prefix string `json:"prefix"` // The suffix at the end of the name (e.g. Jr, Sr) (optional) Suffix string `json:"suffix"` // The attendee’s age (optional) Age int `json:"age"` // The attendee’s job title (optional) JobTitle string `json:"job_title"` // The attendee’s company name (optional) Company string `json:"company"` // The attendee’s website address (optional) Website string `json:"website"` // The attendee’s blog address (optional) Blog string `json:"blog"` // The attendee’s gender (currently one of “male” or “female”) (optional) Gender string `json:"gender"` // The attendee’s birth date (optional) BirthDate Date `json:"birth_date"` // The attendee’s cell/mobile phone number, as formatted by them (optional) CellPhone string `json:"cell_phone"` }
Contains the attendee’s personal information
type AttendeeTeam ¶
type AttendeeTeam struct { // The team’s ID ID string `json:"id"` // The team’s name Name string `json:"name"` // When the attendee joined the team DateJoined DateTime `json:"date_joined"` // The event the team is part of EventID string `json:"event_id"` }
Represents team information for the attendee if the event has teams configured
type CategoriesResult ¶
type CategoriesResult struct { Locale string `json:"locale"` Pagination Pagination `json:"pagination"` Categories []Category `json:"categories"` }
CategoriesResult is the response structure for the Categories
type Category ¶
type Category struct { // Category ID ID string `json:"id"` // he category name Name string `json:"name"` // The category name localized to the current locale (if available) NameLocalized string `json:"name_localized"` // A shorter name for display in sidebars and other small spaces. ShortName string `json:"short_name"` // List of subcategories, only shown on some endpoints. ShortNameLocalized string `json:"short_name_localized"` SubCategories []SubCategory }
An overarching category that an event falls into (vertical). Examples are “Music”, and “Endurance”.
type Checkout ¶
type Checkout struct { // a list of supported ISO 3166-1 2-letter countries Countries []string `json:"countries"` // a list of supported ISO 4217 3-letter currencies Currencies []string `json:"currencies"` // a map of ISO 3166-1 alpha-2 country codes to their default ISO 4217 3-letter currency code DefaultCurrenciesByCountry map[string]string `json:"currencies"` }
Checkout is an object that represents the settings for how an organizer wants ticket buyers pay for their purchases.
type CheckoutAssociatePayoutToEvent ¶
type CheckoutAssociatePayoutToEvent struct { // The vault ID for the user instrument to which payouts are sent UserInstrumentVaultID string `json:"payout_settings.user_instrument_vault_id"` }
CheckoutAssociatePayoutToEvent is the request structure to associate a payout user instrument ID with a given event, or clear the association by passing a null value for the user instrument ID
type CheckoutAssociateToEventRequest ¶
type CheckoutAssociateToEventRequest struct { // A list of IDs for checkout settings that should be linked to the event. In the format: 1234,5678,9012 CheckoutSettingsIds []string `json:"checkout_settings_ids"` }
CheckoutAssociateToEventRequest is the request structure to associate a single or set of Checkout seeting with a given event by its event_id
type CheckoutCreateRequest ¶
type CheckoutCreateRequest struct { // The country code for the checkout settings object CountryCode string `json:"checkout_settings.country_code" validate:"required"` // The currency code for the checkout settings object CurrencyCode string `json:"checkout_settings.currency_code" validate:"required"` // The checkout method for the checkout settings object Method string `json:"checkout_settings.checkout_method" validate:"required"` // The vault ID for the user instrument if the checkout method requires one UserInstrumentVaultID string `json:"checkout_settings.user_instrument_vault_id"` // A list of additional settings for the offline checkout method, with each offline setting being in the // format {"payment_method": "CASH"|"CHECK"|"INVOICE", "instructions": "Optional instructions"}. Required // if the checkout_method is “offline.” // Example: // [ // { // "payment_method": "CASH" // }, // { // "payment_method": "CHECK", // "instructions": "Make checks payable to ABC corporation" // }, // ... // ] // // also OfflineSettings interface{} `json:"checkout_settings.offline_settings"` // For the “paypal” checkout method, you can optionally specify a PayPal account email address instead // of a user instrument vault ID, and a matching user instrument will be found or a new user instrument // created with that email address and used to create the checkout settings. PaypalEmail string `json:"paypal_email"` }
CheckoutCreateRequest is the request structure for creating a new Checkout settings object belonging to the current user
type CheckoutForAccountRequest ¶
type CheckoutForAccountRequest struct { // An optional country code by which to filter checkout settings Country string `json:"country"` // An optional currency code by which to filter checkout settings Currency string `json:"currency"` // One or more optional (comma-separated) checkout methods by which to filter checkout settings CheckoutMethods string `json:"checkout_methods"` SearchMostRecentEvent bool `json:"search_most_recent_event"` }
CheckoutForAccountRequest is the request to search Checkout settings for the current user
type CheckoutMethodsRequest ¶
type CheckoutMethodsRequest struct { // Expected methods for Country Country string `json:"country" validate:"required"` // Expected methods for Currency Currency string `json:"currency" validate:"required"` }
CheckoutMethodsRequest is the request structure for the available checkout methods to do payments given a country and a currency
type CheckoutMethodsResponse ¶
type CheckoutMethodsResponse struct { // a list with supported checkout methods given a country and currency combination. // Set of possible values: [authnet, eventbrite, offline, paypal] Methods []string `json:"methods"` }
CheckoutMethodsResponse is the response structure for the available checkout methods to do payments given a country and a currency
type CheckoutSettingsForAccount ¶
type CheckoutSettingsForAccount struct {
CheckoutSettings []Checkout `json:"checkout_settings"`
CheckoutSettingsForAccount is the response structure of Checkout settings for the current
type Client ¶
type Client struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
Client may be used to make requests to the Eventbrite API
func NewClient ¶
func NewClient(options ...ClientOption) (*Client, error)
NewClient constructs a new Client which can make requests to the Eventbrite API.
func (*Client) Categories ¶
func (c *Client) Categories(ctx context.Context) (*CategoriesResult, error)
Categories returns a list of category as categories, including subcategories nested
func (*Client) Category ¶
Category gets a category by ID as category
func (*Client) CheckoutAssociate ¶
func (c *Client) CheckoutAssociate(ctx context.Context, eventID string, req *CheckoutAssociateToEventRequest) (interface{}, error)
CheckoutAssociate associates a single or set of checkout_settings with a given event by its event_id. This does not add more checkout settings to the event, but instead replaces all checkout settings for the event with the one(s) submitted. The JSON post body is a string list of the checkout_settings IDs you want to associate
func (*Client) CheckoutAssociatePayoutSettings ¶
func (c *Client) CheckoutAssociatePayoutSettings( ctx context.Context, eventID string, req *CheckoutAssociatePayoutToEvent) (interface{}, error)
Associates a payout user instrument ID with a given event, or clear the association by passing a null value for the user instrument ID
func (*Client) CheckoutByEvent ¶
CheckoutByEvent gets and returns a list of checkout_settings associated with a given event by its event_id
func (*Client) CheckoutCreate ¶
CheckoutCreate creates a new checkout_settings object belonging to the current user. Two common settings are Eventbrite. Payment Processing ( checkout_method = “eventbrite” ) and PayPal ( checkout_method = “paypal” ). In addition to the checkout_method you must provide the country and currency proceeds from the event should be paid to
For all checkout methods except “eventbrite” and “offline” you must provide a valid user_instrument_vault_id
Returns a list of checkout_settings
func (*Client) CheckoutForAccount ¶
func (c *Client) CheckoutForAccount(ctx context.Context, req *CheckoutForAccountRequest) (*CheckoutSettingsForAccount, error)
CheckoutForAccount searches and returns a list of checkout_settings for the current user as the key checkout_settings
func (*Client) CheckoutGet ¶
CheckoutGet gets a specific checkout_settings object by ID
func (*Client) CheckoutGetList ¶
CheckoutGetList gets the countries and currencies which are supported by Eventbrite for ticket payment
func (*Client) CheckoutMethods ¶
func (c *Client) CheckoutMethods(ctx context.Context, req CheckoutMethodsRequest) (*CheckoutMethodsResponse, error)
CheckoutMethods gets the available checkout methods to do payments given a country and a currency
func (*Client) Countries ¶
Timezones returns a single page response with a key of countries, containing a list of countries
func (*Client) DiscountCreate ¶
func (c *Client) DiscountCreate(ctx context.Context, req *DiscountCreateRequest) (*CrossEventDiscount, error)
DiscountCreate creates a discount. Returns the created cross_event_discount.
The following conditions define the span of the discount’s effect:
- If event_id is provided and ticket_class_ids is not provided, a single-event discount for all the tickets in the event is created.
- If both event_id and ticket_class_ids are provided, a single-event discount for the specified event tickets is created.
- If ticket_group_id is provided, a cross-event discount for the specified ticket group is created.
- If neither event_id nor ticket_group_id are provided, a discount that applies to all the events and all tickets of the user is created. This means that the discount will apply to future events also.
Public and coded discounts can have either an amount off or a percentage off, but not both. Access codes cannot have an amount or percentage off. Public discounts should not contain apostrophes or non-alphanumeric characters (except “-”, “_”, ” ”, “(”, ”)”, “/”, and “”). Coded discounts and access codes should not contain spaces, apostrophes or non-alphanumeric characters (except “-”, “_”, “(”, ”)”, “/”, and “”).
- If the start_date and start_date_relative are null or empty, that means that the discount is usable effective immediately.
- If the end_date and end_date_relative are null or empty, that means that the discount is usable until the event finishes.
- If start_date_relative is provided, the discount will be usable after the given number of seconds prior to the event start.
- If end_date_relative is provided, the discount will be usable until the given number of seconds prior to the event start.
Discount for series events should be associated with the parent event, not its children ¶
func (*Client) DiscountDelete ¶
DiscountDelete deletes the cross_event_discount with the specified :discount_id. Only unused discounts can be deleted. Warning: The discount cannot be restored after deletion.
func (*Client) DiscountUpdate ¶
func (c *Client) DiscountUpdate(ctx context.Context, id string, req *DiscountUpdateRequest) (*CrossEventDiscount, error)
DiscountUpdate updates the discount with the specified :discount_id. Returns the updated cross_event_discount. The fields sent are the ones that are going to be updated, the fields that are not sent will be unchanged. The same conditions and notes for the discount creation apply
func (*Client) DiscountsGet ¶
DiscountsGet returns the cross_event_discount with the specified :discount_id
func (*Client) EventCancel ¶
EventCancel cancels an event if it has not already been deleted. In order for cancel to be permitted, there must be no pending or completed orders. Returns a boolean indicating success or failure of the cancel.
func (*Client) EventCreate ¶
func (c *Client) EventCreate(ctx context.Context, req *EventCreateRequest) (interface{}, error)
EventCreate makes a new event, and returns an event for the specified event. Does not support the creation of repeating event series.
func (*Client) EventCreateCannedQuestion ¶
func (c *Client) EventCreateCannedQuestion(ctx context.Context, id string, q *EventCreateCannedQuestion) (interface{}, error)
EventCreateCannedQuestion creates a new canned question; returns the result as a question
func (*Client) EventCreateQuestion ¶
func (c *Client) EventCreateQuestion(ctx context.Context, id string, q *EventCreateQuestion) (interface{}, error)
EventCreateQuestion creates a new question; returns the result as a question as the key question
func (*Client) EventCreateTicketClass ¶
func (c *Client) EventCreateTicketClass(ctx context.Context, id string, class *EventCreateTicketClass) (*TicketClass, error)
EventCreateTicketClass creates a new ticket class, returning the result as a ticket_class under the key ticket_class.
func (*Client) EventDelete ¶
EventDelete deletes an event if the delete is permitted. In order for a delete to be permitted, there must be no pending or completed orders. Returns a boolean indicating success or failure of the delete.
func (*Client) EventDeleteTicketClass ¶
func (c *Client) EventDeleteTicketClass(ctx context.Context, eventId, ticketId string, class *EventDeleteTicketClass) (interface{}, error)
EventDeleteTicketClass deletes the ticket class. Returns {"deleted": true}
func (*Client) EventGet ¶
EventGet returns an event for the specified event. Many of Eventbrite’s API use cases revolve around pulling details of a specific event within an Eventbrite account. Does not support fetching a repeating event series parent (see GET /series/:id/).
func (*Client) EventGetCannedQuestions ¶
func (c *Client) EventGetCannedQuestions(ctx context.Context, id string, q *EventGetCannedQuestions) (interface{}, error)
EventGetCannedQuestions this endpoint returns canned questions of a single event (examples: first name, last name, company, prefix, etc.).
func (*Client) EventGetDisplaySettings ¶
EventGetDisplaySettings gets Event display settings
func (*Client) EventGetQuestion ¶
func (c *Client) EventGetQuestion(ctx context.Context, eventId, questionId string) (interface{}, error)
EventGetQuestion returns question for a specific question id
func (*Client) EventGetQuestions ¶
func (c *Client) EventGetQuestions(ctx context.Context, id string, q *EventGetQuestions) (interface{}, error)
Eventbrite allows event organizers to add custom questions that attendees fill out upon registration. This endpoint can be helpful for determining what custom information is collected and available per event. This endpoint will return question
func (*Client) EventGetTicketClass ¶
func (c *Client) EventGetTicketClass(ctx context.Context, eventId, ticketId string) (*TicketClass, error)
EventGetTicketClass gets and returns a single TicketClass by ID
func (*Client) EventGetTicketClasses ¶
func (c *Client) EventGetTicketClasses(ctx context.Context, id string, class *EventGetTicketClass) (*EventGetTicketClassResult, error)
EventGetTicketClasses gets an Event TicketClass
func (*Client) EventPublish ¶
EventPublish publishes an event if it has not already been deleted. In order for publish to be permitted, the event must have all necessary information, including a name and description, an organizer, at least one ticket, and valid payment options. This API endpoint will return argument errors for event fields that fail to validate the publish requirements. Returns a boolean indicating success or failure of the publish.
func (*Client) EventSearch ¶
func (c *Client) EventSearch(ctx context.Context, req *EventSearchRequest) (*EventSearchResult, error)
EventSearch allows you to retrieve a paginated response of public event objects from across Eventbrite’s directory, regardless of which user owns the event.
func (*Client) EventSeriesCUD ¶
func (c *Client) EventSeriesCUD(ctx context.Context, id string, req *SeriesCUREventRequest) (interface{}, error)
Creates more event dates or updates or deletes existing event dates in a repeating event series. In order for a series date to be deleted or updated, there must be no pending or completed orders for that date
func (*Client) EventSeriesCancel ¶
Cancels a repeating event series and all of its occurrences that are not already canceled or deleted. In order for cancel to be permitted, there must be no pending or completed orders for any dates in the series. Returns a boolean indicating success or failure of the cancel
func (*Client) EventSeriesCreate ¶
func (c *Client) EventSeriesCreate(ctx context.Context, req *SeriesCreateEventRequest) (interface{}, error)
EventSeriesCreate creates a new repeating event series. The POST data must include information for at least one event date in the series.
Return object is not documented ¶
func (*Client) EventSeriesDelete ¶
Deletes a repeating event series and all of its occurrences if the delete is permitted. In order for a delete to be permitted, there must be no pending or completed orders for any dates in the series. Returns a boolean indicating success or failure of the delete
func (*Client) EventSeriesGet ¶
EventSeriesGet returns a repeating event series parent object for the specified repeating event series
Return object is not documented ¶
func (*Client) EventSeriesPublish ¶
Publishes a repeating event series and all of its occurrences that are not already canceled or deleted. Once a date is cancelled it can still be uncancelled and can be viewed by the public. A deleted date cannot be undeleted and cannot by viewed by the public. In order for publish to be permitted, the event must have all necessary information, including a name and description, an organizer, at least one ticket, and valid payment options. This API endpoint will return argument errors for event fields that fail to validate the publish requirements. Returns a boolean indicating success or failure of the publish
func (*Client) EventSeriesUnPublish ¶
Unpublishes a repeating event series and all of its occurrences that are not already completed, canceled, or deleted. In order for a free series to be unpublished, it must not have any pending or completed orders for any dates, even past dates. In order for a paid series to be unpublished, it must not have any pending or completed orders for any dates, except that completed orders for past dates that have been completed and paid out do not prevent an unpublish. Returns a boolean indicating success or failure of the unpublish
func (*Client) EventUnPublish ¶
EventUnPublish unpublishes an event. In order for a free event to be unpublished, it must not have any pending or completed orders, even if the event is in the past. In order for a paid event to be unpublished, it must not have any pending or completed orders, unless the event has been completed and paid out. Returns a boolean indicating success or failure of the unpublish.
func (*Client) EventUpdate ¶
func (c *Client) EventUpdate(ctx context.Context, id string, req *EventUpdateRequest) (interface{}, error)
EventUpdate updates an event. Returns an event for the specified event. Does not support updating a repeating event series parent (see POST /series/:id/)
func (*Client) EventUpdateDisplaySettings ¶
func (c *Client) EventUpdateDisplaySettings(ctx context.Context, id string, settings *EventUpdateDisplaySettings) (*EventSettings, error)
EventUpdateDisplaySettings apdates the display settings for an Event.
func (*Client) EventUpdateTicketClass ¶
func (c *Client) EventUpdateTicketClass(ctx context.Context, eventId, ticketId string, class *EventUpdateTicketClass) (*TicketClass, error)
EventUpdateTicketClass updates an existing ticket class, returning the updated result as a ticket_class under the key
func (*Client) FeeRate ¶
func (c *Client) FeeRate(ctx context.Context, req *FeeRequest) (*FeeResponse, error)
FeeRate returns a list of fee_rate objects for the different currencies, countries, assortments and sales channels we sell through today and in the future.
func (*Client) Format ¶
Format gets a format by ID as format.
func (*Client) Formats ¶
func (c *Client) Formats(ctx context.Context) (*FormatResult, error)
Formats returns a list of format as formats.
see @
func (*Client) MediaCreate ¶
func (*Client) MediaGet ¶
func (*Client) MediaGetUpload ¶
Return an image for a given id
func (*Client) Notifications ¶
func (c *Client) Notifications(ctx context.Context) (*NotificationsResult, error)
Notifications gets a paginated response of notification objects for a determined user.
func (*Client) OrderGet ¶
OrderGet gets an order by ID an order object
func (*Client) OrganizerCreate ¶
func (c *Client) OrganizerCreate(ctx context.Context, req *CreateOrganizerRequest) (*Organizer, error)
OrganizerCreate makes a new organizer. Returns the organizer
func (*Client) OrganizerGet ¶
OrganizerCreate gets an organizer by ID as organizer.
func (*Client) OrganizerGetEvents ¶
func (c *Client) OrganizerGetEvents(ctx context.Context, id string, req *OrganizerEventsRequest) (*OrganizerEventsResult, error)
OrganizerCreate gets events of the organizer.
func (*Client) OrganizerUpdate ¶
func (c *Client) OrganizerUpdate(ctx context.Context, id string, req *UpdateOrganizerRequest) (*Organizer, error)
OrganizerCreate updates an organizer and returns it as as organizer.
func (*Client) RefundRequest ¶
RefundRequest gets a refund-request for the specified refund request
func (*Client) RefundRequestCreate ¶
func (c *Client) RefundRequestCreate(ctx context.Context, req *CreateRefundRequest) (*RefundRequest, error)
RefundRequestCreate creates a refund-request for a specific order. Each element in items is a refund-item
func (*Client) RefundRequestUpdate ¶
func (c *Client) RefundRequestUpdate(ctx context.Context, id string, req *UpdateOrganizerRequest) (*RefundRequest, error)
RefundRequestUpdate updates a refund-request for a specific order. Each element in items is a refund-item
func (*Client) Regions ¶
Timezones returns a single page response with a key of regions, containing a list of regions
func (*Client) ReportAttendees ¶
func (c *Client) ReportAttendees(ctx context.Context, req *ReportAttendees) (interface{}, error)
ReportSales returns a response of the aggregate attendees data
func (*Client) ReportSales ¶
func (c *Client) ReportSales(ctx context.Context, req *ReportRequest) (interface{}, error)
ReportSales returns a response of the aggregate sales data
func (*Client) SubCategories ¶
func (c *Client) SubCategories(ctx context.Context) (*SubCategoriesResult, error)
SubCategories gets a list of subcategory as subcategories
func (*Client) SubCategory ¶
SubCategory gets a subcategory by ID as subcategory
func (*Client) TicketGroupCreate ¶
func (c *Client) TicketGroupCreate(ctx context.Context, id string, req *CreateTicketGroupRequest) (*TicketGroup, error)
TicketGroupGet creates a ticket group and returns the created ticket_group. Only up to 200 live ticket groups may be created; those with archived or deleted status are not taken into account
func (*Client) TicketGroupDelete ¶
TicketGroupGet deletes the ticket_group with the specified :ticket_group_id. The status of the ticket group is changed to deleted.
func (*Client) TicketGroupGet ¶
TicketGroupGet returns the ticket_group with the specified :ticket_group_id
func (*Client) TicketGroupUpdate ¶
func (c *Client) TicketGroupUpdate(ctx context.Context, id string, req *UpdateTicketGroupRequest) (*TicketGroup, error)
TicketGroupGet updates the ticket group with the specified :ticket_group_id. Returns the updated ticket_group
func (*Client) Timezones ¶
Timezones returns a paginated response with a key of timezones, containing a list of timezones
func (*Client) TrackingBeaconCreate ¶
func (c *Client) TrackingBeaconCreate(ctx context.Context, req *CreateTrackingBeaconRequest) (*TrackingBeacon, error)
TrackingBeaconCreate makes a new tracking beacon. Returns an tracking_beacon as tracking_beacon. Either event_id or user_id is required for each tracking beacon. If the event_id is provided, the tracking pixel will fire only for that event. If the user_id is provided, the tracking pixel will fire for all events organized by that user
func (*Client) TrackingBeaconDelete ¶
TrackingBeaconDelete delete the tracking_beacons with the specified :tracking_beacons_id
func (*Client) TrackingBeaconGet ¶
func (c *Client) TrackingBeaconGet(ctx context.Context, id string, req *GetTrackingBeaconRequest) (*TrackingBeacon, error)
TrackingBeaconGet returns the tracking_beacon with the specified :tracking_beacons_id
func (*Client) TrackingBeaconGetForEvent ¶
func (c *Client) TrackingBeaconGetForEvent(ctx context.Context, eventId string, req *GetTrackingBeaconForEventRequest) (*TrackingBeacon, error)
TrackingBeaconGetForEvent returns the list of tracking_beacon for the event :event_id
func (*Client) TrackingBeaconGetForUser ¶
func (c *Client) TrackingBeaconGetForUser(ctx context.Context, userId string, req *GetTrackingBeaconForUserRequest) (*TrackingBeacon, error)
TrackingBeaconGetForUser returns the list of tracking_beacon for the user :user_id
func (*Client) TrackingBeaconUpdate ¶
func (c *Client) TrackingBeaconUpdate(ctx context.Context, id string, req *UpdateTrackingBeaconRequest) (*TrackingBeacon, error)
TrackingBeaconGet updates the tracking_beacons with the specified :tracking_beacons_id. Though event_id and user_id are not individually required, it is a requirement to have a tracking beacon where either one must exist. Returns an tracking_beacon as tracking_beacon
func (*Client) User ¶
UserGet returns a user for the specified user as user. If you want to get details about the currently authenticated user, use /users/me/
func (*Client) UserAssortments ¶
UserAssortments retrieve the assortment for the user
func (*Client) UserBookmarks ¶
func (c *Client) UserBookmarks(ctx context.Context, id string, req *UserBookmarksRequest) (*UserBookmarksResponse, error)
UserBookmarks gets all the user’s saved events. In order to update the saved events list, the user must unsave or save each event. A user is authorized to only see his/her saved events.
func (*Client) UserContactList ¶
func (c *Client) UserContactList(ctx context.Context, id, contactListID string, request *UserCreateContactListsRequest) (*UserContactListsResponse, error)
UserContactList gets a user’s contact_list by ID as contact_list
func (*Client) UserContactLists ¶
func (c *Client) UserContactLists(ctx context.Context, id string) (*UserContactListsResponse, error)
UserContactLists returns a list of contact_list that the user owns as the key contact_lists
func (*Client) UserCreateContactList ¶
func (c *Client) UserCreateContactList(ctx context.Context, id string, request *UserCreateContactListsRequest) (*UserContactListsResponse, error)
UserCreateContactList makes a new contact_list for the user and returns it as contact_list
func (*Client) UserDeleteContactList ¶
func (c *Client) UserDeleteContactList(ctx context.Context, id, contactListID string) (interface{}, error)
UserDeleteContactList deletes the contact list. Returns {"deleted": true}
func (*Client) UserEventAttendees ¶
func (c *Client) UserEventAttendees(ctx context.Context, id string, request *UserEventAttendeesRequest) (*UserEventAttendeesResponse, error)
UserEventAttendees returns a paginated response of attendees, under the key attendees, of attendees visiting any of the events the user owns (events that would be returned from /users/:id/owned_events/)
func (*Client) UserEventOrders ¶
func (c *Client) UserEventOrders(ctx context.Context, id string, request *UserEventOrdersRequest) (*UserEventOrdersResponse, error)
UserEventOrders returns a paginated response of orders, under the key orders, of orders placed against any of the events the user owns (events that would be returned from /users/:id/owned_events/)
func (*Client) UserEvents ¶
func (c *Client) UserEvents(ctx context.Context, id string, req UserEventsRequest) (*UserEventsResponse, error)
UserEvents returns a paginated response of events, under the key events, of all events the user has access to
func (*Client) UserListContactAddContacts ¶
func (c *Client) UserListContactAddContacts(ctx context.Context, id, contactListID string, req *UserAddContactListContactRequest) (*UserContactListContacts, error)
UserContactListContacts adds a new contact to the contact list. Returns {"created": true} There is no way to update entries in the list; just delete the old one and add the updated version.
func (*Client) UserListContactContacts ¶
func (c *Client) UserListContactContacts(ctx context.Context, id, contactListID string) (*UserContactListContacts, error)
UserContactListContacts returns the contacts on the contact list as contacts
func (*Client) UserListContactDeleteContacts ¶
func (c *Client) UserListContactDeleteContacts(ctx context.Context, id, contactListID string) (interface{}, error)
UserContactListContacts adds a new contact to the contact list. Returns {"created": true} There is no way to update entries in the list; just delete the old one and add the updated version.
func (*Client) UserOrders ¶
func (c *Client) UserOrders(ctx context.Context, id string, req *UserEventOrders) (*UserOrdersResult, error)
UserOrders returns a paginated response of orders, under the key orders, of all orders the user has placed (i.e. where the user was the person buying the tickets).
func (*Client) UserOrganizers ¶
func (c *Client) UserOrganizers(ctx context.Context, id string, req *UserOrganizerRequest) (*UserOrganizerResponse, error)
UserOrganizers returns a paginated response of organizer objects that are owned by the user.
func (*Client) UserOwnedEvents ¶
func (c *Client) UserOwnedEvents(ctx context.Context, id string, req *UserOwnedEventsRequest) (*UserOwnedEventResponse, error)
UserOrganizers returns a paginated response of organizer objects that are owned by the user.
func (*Client) UserSaveBookmarks ¶
func (c *Client) UserSaveBookmarks(ctx context.Context, id string, req *UserSaveBookmarkRequest) (interface{}, error)
UserSaveBookmarks adds a new bookmark for the user. Returns {"created": true}. A user is only authorized to save his/her own events.
func (*Client) UserSetAssortments ¶
func (c *Client) UserSetAssortments(ctx context.Context, id string, req *UserSetAssortmentRequest) (*Assortment, error)
UserSetAssortments set a user’s assortment and returns the assortment for the specified user.
func (*Client) UserUnSaveBookmarks ¶
func (c *Client) UserUnSaveBookmarks(ctx context.Context, id string, req *UserUnSaveBookmarkRequest) (interface{}, error)
UserUnSaveBookmarks removes the specified bookmark from the event for the user. Returns {"deleted": true}. A user is only authorized to unsave his/her own events.
func (*Client) UserUpdateContactList ¶
func (c *Client) UserUpdateContactList(ctx context.Context, id, contactListID string, request *UserUpdateContactListRequest) (*UserContactListsResponse, error)
UserUpdateContactList updates the contact_list and returns it as contact_list
func (*Client) UserVenues ¶
UserVenues returns a paginated response of venue objects that are owned by the user
func (*Client) VenueCreate ¶
Creates a new venue with associated address
func (*Client) VenueEvents ¶
Creates a new venue with associated address
func (*Client) VenueGet ¶
Returns a venue object
func (*Client) VenueUpdate ¶
func (c *Client) VenueUpdate(ctx context.Context, id string, req *UpdateVenueRequest) (*Venue, error)
Updates a venue and returns it as an object
func (*Client) WebhookCreate ¶
Creates a webhook for the authenticated user
func (*Client) WebhookDelete ¶
Deletes the specified webhook object
func (*Client) WebhookGet ¶
Returns a webhook for the specified webhook as webhook
func (*Client) Webhooks ¶
func (c *Client) Webhooks(ctx context.Context, req *WebhooksRequest) (*WebhooksResult, error)
Returns the list of webhook objects that belong to the authenticated user
type ClientOption ¶
ClientOption is the type of constructor options for NewClient(...).
func WithBaseURL ¶
func WithBaseURL(baseURL string) ClientOption
WithBaseURL configures a Eventbrite API client with a custom base url
func WithHTTPClient ¶
func WithHTTPClient(c *http.Client) ClientOption
WithHTTPClient configures a Eventbrite client with a http.Client to make requests over.
func WithRateLimit ¶
func WithRateLimit(requestsPerSecond int) ClientOption
WithRateLimit configures the rate limit for back end requests. Default is to limit to 50 requests per second. A value of zero disables rate limiting.
func WithToken ¶
func WithToken(token string) ClientOption
WithPersonalToken configures a Eventbrite API client with auth token
type Contact ¶
type Contact struct { // The contact’s name. Use this in preference to first_name/last_name if possible for // forward compatability with non-Western names Name string `json:"name"` // The contact’s first name FirstName string `json:"first_name"` // The contact’s last name LastName string `json:"last_name"` // The contact’s email address Email string `json:"email"` // When this contact was created Created DateTime `json:"created"` }
type ContactList ¶
type ContactList struct { // The name of the contact list Name string `json:"name"` // The user who owns this contact list UserID string `json:"user_id"` }
type Countries ¶
type Countries struct { Locale string `json:"locale"` Countries []Country `json:"countries"` Pagination Pagination `json:"pagination"` }
type Country ¶
type Country struct { // The country identifier as defined by the ISO 3166 standard Code CountryCode `json:"code"` // The readable name of the country Label string `json:"label"` }
Country is an object with details about a country
type CreateOrganizationEventRequest ¶
type CreateOrganizationEventRequest struct { // The name of the event. Value cannot be empty nor whitespace. NameHtml string `json:"" validate:"required"` // The ID of the organizer of this event DescriptionHtml string `json:"event.description.html" validate:"required"` // The ID of the organizer of this event OrganizerId string `json:"event.organizer_id" validate:"required"` // The start time of the event StartUtc string `json:"event.start.utc" validate:"required"` // Yes Start time timezone (Olson format) EventStartTimezone string `json:"event.start.timezone" validate:"required"` // The end time of the event EventEndUtc string `json:"event.end.utc" validate:"required"` // End time timezone (Olson format) EventEndTimezone string `json:"event.end.timezone" validate:"required"` // Whether the start date should be hidden EventHideStartDate bool `json:"event.hide_start_date"` // Whether the end date should be hidden EventHideEndDate bool `json:"event.hide_end_date"` // Event currency (3 letter code) EventCurrency string `json:"event.currency" validate:"required"` // The ID of a previously-created venue to associate with this event. You can omit this field or // set it to null if you set online_event. VenueId string `json:"event.venue_id"` // Is the event online-only (no venue)? OnlineEvent bool `json:"event.online_event"` // If the event is publicly listed and searchable. Defaults to True. Listed bool `json:"event.listed"` // The logo for the event LogoId string `json:"event.logo_id"` // The category (vertical) of the event CategoryId string `json:"event.category_id"` // The subcategory of the event (US only) SubcategoryId string `json:"event.subcategory_id"` // The format (general type) of the event FormatId string `json:"event.format_id"` // If users can share the event on social media Sharable bool `json:"event.shareable"` // Only invited users can see the event page InviteOnly bool `json:"event.invite_only"` // Password needed to see the event in unlisted mode Password string `json:"event.password"` // Set specific capacity (if omitted, sums ticket capacities) Capacity int `json:"event.capacity"` // If the remaining number of tickets is publicly visible on the event page ShowRemaining bool `json:"event.show_remaining"` // If the event is reserved seating IsReservedSeating bool `json:"event.is_reserved_seating"` // Source of the event (defaults to API) Source string `json:"event.source"` }
type CreateOrganizationVenueRequest ¶
type CreateOrganizationVenueRequest struct { // The name of the venue Name string `json:"" validate:"required"` // The organizer this venue belongs to (optional - leave this off to use the default organizer) OrganizerID string `json:"venue.organizer_id"` // The first line of the address Address1 string `json:"venue.address.address_1"` // The second line of the address Address2 string `json:"venue.address.address_2"` // The city where the venue is City string `json:""` // The region where the venue is Region string `json:"venue.address.region"` // The postal_code where the venue is PostalCode string `json:"venue.address.postal_code"` // The country where the venue is Country string `json:""` // The latitude of the coordinates for the venue Latitude float64 `json:"venue.address.latitude"` // The longitude of the coordinates for the venue Longitude float64 `json:"venue.address.longitude"` // The age restrictions for the venue AgeRestriction string `json:"venue.age_restriction"` // The max capacity for the venue Capacity int `json:"venue.capacity"` }
type CreateOrganizerRequest ¶
type CreateOrganizerRequest struct { // The name of the organizer Name string `json:"" validate:"required"` // The description of the organizer Description string `json:"organizer.description.html"` // The long description of the organizer LongDescription string `json:"organizer.long_description.html"` // The logo id of the organizer LogoID string `json:""` // The website for the organizer Website string `json:""` // The Twitter handle for the organizer Twitter string `json:"organizer.twitter"` // The Facebook URL ID for the organizer Facebook string `json:"organizer.facebook"` // The Instagram numeric ID for the organizer Instagram string `json:"organizer.instagram"` }
CreateOrganizerRequest is the request structure for creating a new organizer
type CreateRefundRequest ¶
type CreateRefundRequest struct { // The email used to create the refund request FromEmail string `json:"from_email" validate:"required"` // The name used to create the refund request FromName string `json:"from_name" validate:"required"` // The items of the refund request Items []RefundItem `json:"items" validate:"required"` // The message associated with the refund request Message string `json:"message" validate:"required"` // The code of the refund request’s reason Reason string `json:"reason" validate:"required"` }
CreateRefundRequest is the request structure to create a refund request
type CreateTicketGroupRequest ¶
type CreateTicketGroupRequest struct { // Name of ticket group Name string `json:"" validate:"required"` // The status of ticket group. Valid choices are: live, deleted, or archived Status string `json:"ticket_group.status"` // (‘IDs of tickets by event id for this ticket group. In the format “{“event_id”: [“ticket_class_id”, “ticket_class_id”]}”.’,) // // Ids map[string]interface{} `json:"ticket_group.event_ticket_ids"` }
CreateTicketGroupRequest is the request structure to create a new ticket group
type CreateTrackingBeaconRequest ¶
type CreateTrackingBeaconRequest struct { // The tracking pixel third party type. Allowed types are: Facebook Pixel, Twitter Ads, // AdWords, Google Analytics, Simple Image Pixel, Adroll iPixel TrackingType string `json:"tracking_type" validate:"required"` // The Event ID of the event that this tracking beacon will fire in EventID string `json:"event_id"` // The User ID wherein the tracking beacon will be assigned to all of this user’s events UserID string `json:"user_id"` // The Pixel ID given by the third party that will fire when a attendee lands on the page you are tracking PixelID string `json:"pixel_id"` // The additional pixel data needed to determine which page to fire the tracking pixel on Triggers interface{} `json:"triggers"` }
type CreateVenueRequest ¶
type CreateVenueRequest struct { // The name of the venue Name string `json:"" validate:"required"` // The organizer this venue belongs to (optional - leave this off to use the default organizer) OrganizerID string `json:"venue.organizer_id"` // The first line of the address Address1 string `json:"venue.address.address_1"` // The second line of the address Address2 string `json:"venue.address.address_2"` // The city where the venue is City string `json:""` // The region where the venue is Region string `json:"venue.address.region"` // The postal_code where the venue is PostalCode string `json:"venue.address.postal_code"` // The country where the venue is Country string `json:""` // The latitude of the coordinates for the venue Latitude float64 `json:"venue.address.latitude"` // The longitude of the coordinates for the venue Longitude float64 `json:"venue.address.longitude"` // The age restrictions for the venue AgeRestriction string `json:"venue.age_restriction"` // The max capacity for the venue Capacity int `json:"venue.capacity"` }
type CreateWebhookRequest ¶
type CreateWebhookRequest struct { // The target URL of the Webhook subscription EndpointUrl string `json:"endpoint_url"` // Determines what actions will trigger the webhook. If no value is sent for this param, it selects // order.placed, event.published, and event.unpublished by default. See below for a more complete // description of all available actions Actions string `json:"actions"` // The organization under which the webhook management is scoped OrganizationID string `json:"organization_id"` // The ID of the event that triggers this webhook. Leave blank for all events EventID string `json:"event_id"` }
type CrossEventDiscount ¶
type CrossEventDiscount struct { // The name of the discount (on public discounts) or the code that // user should provide in order to activate it (on access codes or coded discounts) Code string `json:"code"` // One of access, coded, public or hold, indicating the type of discount Type string `json:"type"` // The code will be usable until this date EndDate DateTime `json:"end_date"` // The code will be usable until this amount of seconds before the event start EndDateRelative int `json:"end_date_relative"` // A fixed amount that is applied as a discount. It doesn’t have a currency, it depends on the event’s // currency from 0.01 to 99999.99. Only two decimals are allowed. Will be null for an access code AmountOff float64 `json:"amount_off"` // A percentage discount that will be applied on the ticket display price during the checkout, // from 1.00 to 100.00. Only two decimals are allowed. Will be null for an access code PercentOff float64 `json:"percent_off"` // The number of times this discount can be used, when 0 means “unlimited” QuantityAvailable int `json:"quantity_available"` // The number of times the discount was used. This is a display only field, it cannot be written QuantitySold int `json:"quantity_sold"` // The code will be usable since this date StartDate DateTime `json:"start_date"` // The code will be usable since this amount of seconds before the event start StartDateRelative int `json:"start_date_relative"` // On single event discounts, the list of IDs of tickets that are part of event_id for wich // this discounts applies to. If empty, means “all the tickets of the event” TicketClassIds []string `json:"ticket_class_ids"` // On single event discounts, the id of the Event this discount applies to. This is empty // for cross event discounts EventID string `json:"event_id"` // The Event for this discount (only for single event discounts) Event Event `json:"event"` // On cross event discounts, it is the id of the ticket group for which the discount applies to TicketGroupID string `json:"ticket_group_id"` // The Ticket Group for this discount (only for cross event discounts) TicketGroup TicketGroup `json:"ticket_group"` // List of IDs of holds this discount can unlock HoldIds []string `json:"hold_ids"` }
CrossEventDiscount is an object representing a discount that a ticket buyer can use. The term “Cross” refers to the fact that this kind of discount can be applied to many events at the same time.
There are four types of discounts:
- Public Discounts, that any user can see on the listing or checkout pages. Only applied to single event discounts.
- Coded Discounts, that requires the user to provide a secret code in order to enable them.
- Access Codes, that allow the user to access hidden tickets, but cannot provide a discount.
- Hold Discounts, that allow the user to unlock or apply discounts to seats defined as hold.
type Currency ¶
type Currency struct { Currency CurrencyCode `json:"currency"` Value float32 `json:"value"` Display string `json:"display"` }
type DatetimeTz ¶
type DatetimeTz struct { Timezone string `json:"timezone"` Utc string `json:"utc"` Local string `json:"local"` }
A combination of a timezone from the Olson specification as a string, and two datetime values, one for the UTC time represented and one for the local time in the named timezone.
type DiscountCreateRequest ¶
type DiscountCreateRequest struct { // Code used to activate discount Code string `json:"discount.code" validate:"required"` // One of access, coded, public or hold, indicating the type of discount Type string `json:"discount.type"` // Fixed reduction amount AmountOff float64 `json:"discount.amount_off"` // A percentage discount that will be applied on the ticket display price during the checkout, // from 1.00 to 100.00. Only two decimals are allowed. Will be null for an access code PercentOff float64 `json:"discount.percent_off"` // Number of discount uses QuantityAvailable int `json:"discount.quantity_available"` // Allow use from this date. A datetime represented as a string in Naive Local // ISO8601 date and time format, in the timezone of the event StartDate DateTime `json:"start_date"` // Allow use from this number of seconds before the event starts. Greater than 59 and multiple of 60 StartDateRelative int `json:"discount.start_date_relative"` // Allow use until this date. A datetime represented as a string in Naive Local ISO8601 date // and time format, in the timezone of the event EndDate DateTime `json:"discount.end_date"` // Allow use until this number of seconds before the event starts. Greater than 59 and multiple of 60 EndDateRelative int `json:"discount.end_date_relative"` // IDs of tickets to limit discount to TicketClassIds []string `json:"discount.ticket_class_ids"` // ID of the event. Only used for single event discounts EventID string `json:"discount.event_id"` // ID of the ticket group TicketGroupID string `json:"discount.ticket_group_id"` // IDs of holds this discount can unlock HoldIds []string `json:"discount.old_ids"` }
DiscountCreateRequest is the request structure to create a new CrossEventDiscount
type DiscountUpdateRequest ¶
type DiscountUpdateRequest struct { // Code used to activate discount Code string `json:"discount.code" validate:"required"` // Fixed reduction amount AmountOff float64 `json:"discount.amount_off"` // A percentage discount that will be applied on the ticket display price during the checkout, // from 1.00 to 100.00. Only two decimals are allowed. Will be null for an access code PercentOff float64 `json:"discount.percent_off"` // Number of discount uses QuantityAvailable int `json:"discount.quantity_available"` // Allow use from this date. A datetime represented as a string in Naive Local // ISO8601 date and time format, in the timezone of the event StartDate DateTime `json:"start_date"` // Allow use from this number of seconds before the event starts. Greater than 59 and multiple of 60 StartDateRelative int `json:"discount.start_date_relative"` // Allow use until this date. A datetime represented as a string in Naive Local ISO8601 date // and time format, in the timezone of the event EndDate DateTime `json:"discount.end_date"` // Allow use until this number of seconds before the event starts. Greater than 59 and multiple of 60 EndDateRelative int `json:"discount.end_date_relative"` // IDs of tickets to limit discount to TicketClassIds []string `json:"discount.ticket_class_ids"` // IDs of holds this discount can unlock HoldIds []string `json:"discount.hold_ids"` }
DiscountUpdateRequest is the structure to update a CrossEventDiscount
type Email ¶
type Email struct { Email string `json:"email"` Verified bool `json:"verified"` Primary bool `json:"primary"` }
Email contains a list of email objects giving information on the user’s email addresses
type Error ¶
type Error struct { // The error key contains a constant string value for error - in this case, VENUE_AND_ONLINE - and // is what you should key your error handling off of, as this string won’t change depending on locale // or as we change the API over time Err string `json:"error"` // The error_description key is for developer information only and will usually contain a more informative // explanation for the error, should you be confused. You should not display this string to your users; // it’s often very technical and may not be localized to their language Description string `json:"error_description"` // The status_code value just mirrors the HTTP status code you got as part of the request. It’s there as // a convenience if your HTTP library makes it very hard to get status codes, or has one error handler // for all error codes Status int `json:"status_code"` }
When an error occurs during an API request, you’ll get a response with an error HTTP status (in the 400 or 500 range), as well as a JSON response containing more information about the error.
type Event ¶
type Event struct { // Event ID Id string `json:"id"` // The event’s name Name MultipartText `json:"name"` // multipart-text: The event’s description (contents of the event page). // May be long and have significant formatting. (optional) Description MultipartText `json:"description"` // The URL to the event page for this event on Eventbrite Url string `json:"url"` // The start time of the event Start DatetimeTz `json:"start"` // The end time of the event End DatetimeTz `json:"end"` // When the event was created Created DateTime `json:"created"` // When the event was last changed Changed DateTime `json:"changed"` // One of canceled, live, started, ended, completed Status string `json:"status"` // The ISO 4217 currency code for this event Currency string `json:"currency"` // If this event doesn’t have a venue and is only held online OnlineEvent bool `json:"online_event"` // The venue the event is held at (optional) Venue Venue `json:"venue"` VenueId string `json:"venue_id"` // The organizer of the event Organizer Organizer `json:"organizer"` OrganizerId string `json:"organizer_id"` // The event’s format (type of event: conference, seminar, concert, etc.) (optional) Format Format `json:"format"` FormatId string `json:"format_id"` // The event’s category (technology, music, science, etc.) (optional) Category Category `json:"category"` CategoryId string `json:"category_id"` // The event’s subcategory (optional) SubCategory SubCategory `json:"subcategory"` SubCategoryId string `json:"subcategory_id"` LogoID string `json:"logo_id"` // The image logo for this event (optional) Logo Image `json:"logo"` // The event’s refund policy (optional) RefundPolicy interface{} `json:"refund_policy"` // The bookmark information on the event. Currently returns a dictionary with the number of users who // have bookmarked the event as ‘count’ (i.e. {'count': 3}) BookmarkInfo interface{} `json:"bookmark_info"` }
Event is an object representing anything from a small birthday party to a massive stadium concert and everything in between.
type EventCreateCannedQuestion ¶
type EventCreateCannedQuestion struct { // Question displayed to the recipient Html string `json:"question.question.html"` // Is an answer to this question required for registration? Required bool `json:"question.required"` // Type of Question (Valid choices are: checkbox, dropdown, text, paragraph, radio, or waiver) Type string `json:"question.type"` // Ask this question to the ticket buyer or each attendee? (Valid choices are: ticket_buyer, or attendee) Respondent string `json:"question.respondent" validate:"required"` // Waiver content for questions of type waiver Waiver string `json:"question.waiver"` // Choices for multiple choice questions. Format: // [{“answer”: {“html”: “Choice goes here...”}}, {“answer”: {“html”: “Another choice goes here...”}}] Choices interface{} `json:"question.choices"` // Tickets to which to limit this question. Format: [{“id”: “1234”}, {“id”: “4567”}] TicketClasses interface{} `json:"question.ticket_classes"` // ID of Parent Question (for subquestions) ParentChoiceID string `json:"question.parent_choice_id"` // Is this question displayed on order confirmation? DisplayAnswerOnOrder bool `json:"question.display_answer_on_order"` // String value of canned_type CannedType string `json:"question.canned_type"` }
EventCreateCannedQuestion is the request structure to create an Event canned question
type EventCreateQuestion ¶
type EventCreateQuestion struct { // Question displayed to the recipient Html string `json:"question.question.html"` // Is an answer to this question required for registration? Required bool `json:"question.required"` // Type of Question (Valid choices are: checkbox, dropdown, text, paragraph, radio, or waiver) Type string `json:"question.type"` // Ask this question to the ticket buyer or each attendee? (Valid choices are: ticket_buyer, or attendee) Respondent string `json:"question.respondent" validate:"required"` // Waiver content for questions of type waiver Waiver string `json:"question.waiver"` // Choices for multiple choice questions. Format: // [{“answer”: {“html”: “Choice goes here...”}}, {“answer”: {“html”: “Another choice goes here...”}}] Choices interface{} `json:"question.choices"` // Tickets to which to limit this question. Format: [{“id”: “1234”}, {“id”: “4567”}] TicketClasses interface{} `json:"question.ticket_classes"` // ID of Parent Question (for subquestions) ParentChoiceID string `json:"question.parent_choice_id"` // Is this question displayed on order confirmation? DisplayAnswerOnOrder bool `json:"question.display_answer_on_order"` }
EventCreateQuestion is the request structure to create an Event question
type EventCreateRequest ¶
type EventCreateRequest struct { // The name of the event. Value cannot be empty nor whitespace. NameHtml string `json:"" validate:"required"` // The ID of the organizer of this event DescriptionHtml string `json:"event.description.html"` // The ID of the organizer of this event OrganizerID string `json:"event.organizer_id"` // The start time of the event StartUtc DateTime `json:"event.start.utc" validate:"required"` // Yes Start time timezone (Olson format) StartTimezone string `json:"event.start.timezone" validate:"required"` // The end time of the event EndUtc DateTime `json:"event.end.utc" validate:"required"` // End time timezone (Olson format) EndTimezone string `json:"event.end.timezone" validate:"required"` // Whether the start date should be hidden HideStartDate bool `json:"event.hide_start_date"` // Whether the end date should be hidden HideEndDate bool `json:"event.hide_end_date"` // Event currency (3 letter code) Currency string `json:"event.currency" validate:"required"` // The ID of a previously-created venue to associate with this event. You can omit this field or // set it to null if you set online_event. VenueId string `json:"event.venue_id"` // Is the event online-only (no venue)? OnlineEvent bool `json:"event.online_event"` // If the event is publicly listed and searchable. Defaults to True. Listed bool `json:"event.listed"` // The logo for the event LogoID string `json:"event.logo_id"` // The category (vertical) of the event CategoryID string `json:"event.category_id"` // The subcategory of the event (US only) SubcategoryID string `json:"event.subcategory_id"` // The format (general type) of the event FormatID string `json:"event.format_id"` // If users can share the event on social media Sharable bool `json:"event.shareable"` // Only invited users can see the event page InviteOnly bool `json:"event.invite_only"` // Password needed to see the event in unlisted mode Password string `json:"event.password"` // Set specific capacity (if omitted, sums ticket capacities) Capacity int `json:"event.capacity"` // If the remaining number of tickets is publicly visible on the event page ShowRemaining bool `json:"event.show_remaining"` // If the event is reserved seating IsReservedSeating bool `json:"event.is_reserved_seating"` // Source of the event (defaults to API) Source string `json:"event.source"` }
EventCreateRequest is the request structure for creating an Event
type EventCreateTicketClass ¶
type EventCreateTicketClass struct { // Name of this ticket type Name string `json:""` // Description of the ticket Description string `json:"ticket_class.description"` // Total available number of this ticket QuantityTotal int `json:"quantity_total"` // Cost of the ticket (currently currency must match event currency) e.g. $45 would be ‘USD,4500’ Cost Currency `json:"ticket_class.quantity_total"` // Is this a donation? (user-supplied cost) Donation bool `json:"ticket_class.donation"` // If the ticket is a free ticket Free bool `json:""` // Absorb the fee into the displayed cost IncludeFee bool `json:"ticket_class.include_fee"` // Absorb the payment fee, but show the eventbrite fee SplitFee bool `json:"ticket_class.split_fee"` // Hide the ticket description on the event page HideDescription bool `json:"ticket_class.hide_description"` // A list of all supported sales channels ([“online”], [“online”, “atd”], [“atd”]) SalesChannels []interface{} `json:"ticket_class.sales_channels"` // When the ticket is available for sale (leave empty for ‘when event published’) SalesStart string `json:"ticket_class.sales_start"` // When the ticket stops being on sale (leave empty for ‘one hour before event start’) SalesEnd string `json:"ticket_class.sales_end"` // The ID of another ticket class - when it sells out, this class will go on sale. SalesStartAfter string `json:"ticket_class.sales_start_after"` // Minimum number that can be bought per order MinimumQuantity int `json:"ticket_class.minimum_quantity"` // Maximum number that can be bought per order MaximumQuantity int `json:"ticket_class.maximum_quantity"` // How many of these tickets have already been sold and confirmed (does not include tickets being checked out right now) QuantitySold int `json:"quantity_sold"` // Hide this ticket Hidden bool `json:"ticket_class.hidden"` // Hide this ticket when it is not on sale AutoHide bool `json:"ticket_class.auto_hide"` // Override reveal date for auto-hide AutoHideBefore string `json:"ticket_class.auto_hide_before"` // Override re-hide date for auto-hide AutoHideAfter string `json:"ticket_class.auto_hide_after"` // Order message per ticket type OrderConfirmationMessage string `json:"ticket_class.order_confirmation_message"` }
EventGetTicketClass is the request structure to create an Event TicketClass
type EventDeleteTicketClass ¶
type EventDeleteTicketClass struct { // Delete even if ticket sales depend on this ticket. This will start ticket sales of // dependents immediately BreakDependency bool `json:"break_dependency"` }
EventDeleteTicketClass is the request structure to delkete an Event TicketClass
type EventGetAttendees ¶
type EventGetAttendees struct { // Limits results to either confirmed attendees or cancelled/refunded/etc. // attendees (Valid choices are: attending, not_attending, or unpaid) Status string `json:"status"` // Only return attendees changed on or after the time given ChangedSince string `json:"changed_since"` // Only return attendees changed on or after the time given and with an id bigger than last item seen LastItemSeen int `json:"last_item_seen"` // Only return attendees whose ids are in this list AttendeeIds []interface{} `json:"attendee_ids"` }
EventGetAttendees is the request structure to get an Event Attendees list
type EventGetCannedQuestions ¶
type EventGetCannedQuestions struct { // Return private events and more details AsOwner bool `json:"as_owner"` }
EventGetCannedQuestions is the request structure to get Event canned questions
type EventGetOrders ¶
type EventGetOrders struct { // Limits results to either confirmed attendees or cancelled/refunded/etc. // attendees (Valid choices are: attending, not_attending, or unpaid) Status string `json:"status"` // Only return attendees changed on or after the time given ChangedSince string `json:"changed_since"` // Only return attendees changed on or after the time given and with an id bigger than last item seen LastItemSeen int `json:"last_item_seen"` // Only include orders placed by one of these emails OnlyEmails []interface{} `json:"only_emails"` // Don’t include orders placed by any of these emails ExcludeEmails []interface{} `json:"only_emails"` // Return only orders with selected refund requests statuses. // Possible values are: completed, pending, outside_policy, disputed, denied RefundRequestStatuses []interface{} `json:"refund_request_statuses"` }
EventGetOrders is the request structure to get an Event Order list
type EventGetQuestions ¶
type EventGetQuestions struct { // Return private events and more details AsOwner bool `json:"as_owner"` }
EventGetQuestions is the request structure to get an Event questions
type EventGetTicketClass ¶
type EventGetTicketClass struct { // Only return ticket classes valid for the given point of sale (Valid choices are: online, or at_the_door) Pos string `json:"pos"` }
EventGetTicketClass is the request structure to get an Event TicketClass
type EventGetTicketClassResult ¶
type EventGetTicketClassResult struct { Pagination Pagination `json:"pagination"` TicketClasses []TicketClass `json:"ticket_classes"` }
EventGetTicketClassResult is the response structure for an Event TicketClass
type EventGetTicketGroups ¶
type EventGetTicketGroups struct { // Limits results to groups with the specific status (Valid choices are: live, archived, deleted, or all) Status string `json:"status"` }
EventGetTicketGroups is the request to get an Event TicketGroup list
type EventGetTicketGroupsTicketClasses ¶
type EventGetTicketGroupsTicketClasses struct { // Limits results to groups with the specific status (Valid choices are: live, archived, deleted, or all) Status string `json:"status"` }
EventGetTicketGroupsTicketClasses is the request structure to get TicketGroup TicketClass list
type EventGetTransfers ¶
type EventGetTransfers struct {
ChangedSince string `json:"changed_since"`
EventGetTransfers is the request structure to get an Event Transfer list
type EventSearchRequest ¶
type EventSearchRequest struct { // Return events matching the given keywords. This parameter will accept any string as a keyword. Query string `json:"q"` // Parameter you want to sort by - options are “date”, “distance” and “best”. Prefix with a // hyphen to reverse the order, e.g. “-date”. SortBy string `json:"sort_by"` // The address of the location you want to search for events around. LocationAddress string `json:"location.address"` // The distance you want to search around the given location. This should be an integer followed by “mi” or “km”. LocationWithin string `json:"location.within"` // The latitude of of the location you want to search for events around. LocationLatitude string `json:"location.latitude"` // The longitude of the location you want to search for events around. LocationLongitude string `json:"location.longitude"` // The latitude of the northeast corner of a viewport. LocationViewportNortheastLatitude string `json:"location.viewport.northeast.latitude"` // The longitude of the northeast corner of a viewport. LocationViewportNortheastLongitude string `json:"location.viewport.northeast.longitude"` // The latitude of the southwest corner of a viewport. LocationViewportSouthwestLatitude string `json:"location.viewport.southwest.latitude"` // The longitude of the southwest corner of a viewport. LocationViewportSouthwestLongitude string `json:"location.viewport.southwest.longitude"` // Only return events organized by the given Organizer ID. OrganizerId string `json:""` // Only return events owned by the given User ID. UserId string `json:""` // Append the given tracking_code to the event URLs returned. TrackingCode string `json:"tracking_code"` // Only return events under the given category IDs. This should be a comma delimited string of category IDs. Categories string `json:"categories"` // Only return events under the given subcategory IDs. This should be a comma delimited string of subcategory IDs. Subcategories string `json:"subcategories"` // Only return events with the given format IDs. This should be a comma delimited string of format IDs. Formats string `json:"formats"` // Only return events that are “free” or “paid” Price string `json:"price"` // Only return events with start dates after the given date. StartDateRangeStart string `json:"start_date.range_start"` // Only return events with start dates before the given date. StartDateRangeEnd string `json:"start_date.range_end"` // Only return events with start dates within the given keyword date range. Keyword options are “this_week”, // “next_week”, “this_weekend”, “next_month”, “this_month”, “tomorrow”, “today” StartDateKeyword string `json:"start_date.keyword"` // Only return events with modified dates after the given UTC date. DateModifiedRangeStart string `json:"date_modified.range_start"` // Only return events with modified dates before the given UTC date. DateModifiedEnd string `json:"date_modified.range_end"` // Only return events with modified dates within the given keyword date range. Keyword options are “this_week”, // “next_week”, “this_weekend”, “next_month”, “this_month”, “tomorrow”, “today” DateModifiedKeyword string `json:"date_modified.keyword"` // Use the preconfigured settings for this type of search - Current option is “promoted” SearchType string `json:"search_type"` // Boolean for whether or not you want to see all instances of repeating events in search results. IncludeAllSeriesInstances bool `json:"include_all_series_instances"` IncludeUnavailableEvents bool `json:"include_unavailable_events"` // Boolean for whether or not you want to see adult events IncludeAdultEvents bool `json:"include_adult_events"` // Incorporate additional information from the user’s historic preferences. IncorporateUserAffinities bool `json:"incorporate_user_affinities"` // Make search results prefer events in these categories. This should be a comma delimited string of category IDs. HighAffinityCategories string `json:"high_affinity_categories"` }
EventSearchRequest is the request structure for searching Event
type EventSearchResult ¶
type EventSearchResult struct { Pagination Pagination `json:"pagination"` Events []Event `json:"events"` TopMatchEvents []Event `json:"top_match_events"` }
EventSearchResult is the response structure for Event search
type EventSettings ¶
type EventSettings struct { // Whether to display the start date on the event listing ShowStartDate bool `json:"display_settings.show_start_date"` // Whether to display the end date on the event listing ShowEndDate bool `json:"display_settings.show_end_date"` // Whether to display event start and end time on the event listing ShowStartEndTime bool `json:"display_settings.show_start_end_time"` // Whether to display the event timezone on the event listing ShowTimezone bool `json:"display_settings.show_timezone"` // Whether to display a map to the venue on the event listing ShowMap bool `json:"display_settings.show_map"` // Whether to display the number of remaining tickets ShowRemaining bool `json:"display_settings.show_remaining"` // Whether to display a link to the organizer’s Facebook profile ShowOrganizerFacebook bool `json:"display_settings.show_organizer_facebook"` // Whether to display a link to the organizer’s Twitter profile ShowOrganizerTwitter bool `json:"display_settings.show_organizer_twitter"` // Whether to display which of the user’s Facebook friends are going ShowFacebookFriendsGoing bool `json:"display_settings.show_facebook_friends_going"` // Which terminology should be used to refer to the event (Valid choices are: tickets_vertical, or endurance_vertical) ShowAttendeeList bool `json:"display_settings.show_attendee_list"` }
type EventUpdateDisplaySettings ¶
type EventUpdateDisplaySettings struct { // Whether to display the start date on the event listing ShowStartDate bool `json:"display_settings.show_start_date"` // Whether to display the end date on the event listing ShowEndDate bool `json:"display_settings.show_end_date"` // Whether to display event start and end time on the event listing ShowStartEndTime bool `json:"display_settings.show_start_end_time"` // Whether to display the event timezone on the event listing ShowTimezone bool `json:"display_settings.show_timezone"` // Whether to display a map to the venue on the event listing ShowMap bool `json:"display_settings.show_map"` // Whether to display the number of remaining tickets ShowRemaining bool `json:"display_settings.show_remaining"` // Whether to display a link to the organizer’s Facebook profile ShowOrganizerFacebook bool `json:"display_settings.show_organizer_facebook"` // Whether to display a link to the organizer’s Twitter profile ShowOrganizerTwitter bool `json:"display_settings.show_organizer_twitter"` // Whether to display which of the user’s Facebook friends are going ShowFacebookFriendsGoing bool `json:"display_settings.show_facebook_friends_going"` // Which terminology should be used to refer to the event (Valid choices are: tickets_vertical, or endurance_vertical) ShowAttendeeList bool `json:"display_settings.show_attendee_list"` }
EventUpdateDisplaySettings is the request structure for updating an Event display settings
type EventUpdateRequest ¶
type EventUpdateRequest struct { // The name of the event. Value cannot be empty nor whitespace. NameHtml string `json:""` // The ID of the organizer of this event DescriptionHtml string `json:"event.description.html" validate:"required"` // The ID of the organizer of this event OrganizerId string `json:"event.organizer_id" validate:"required"` // The start time of the event StartUtc string `json:"event.start.utc" validate:"required"` // Start time timezone (Olson format) StartTimezone string `json:"event.start.timezone" validate:"required"` // The end time of the event EndUtc string `json:"event.end.utc" validate:"required"` // End time timezone (Olson format) EndTimezone string `json:"event.end.timezone" validate:"required"` // Whether the start date should be hidden HideStartDate bool `json:"event.hide_start_date"` // Whether the end date should be hidden HideEndDate bool `json:"event.hide_end_date"` // Event currency (3 letter code) Currency string `json:"event.currency" validate:"required"` // The ID of a previously-created venue to associate with this event. You can omit this field or // set it to null if you set online_event. VenueID string `json:"event.venue_id"` // Is the event online-only (no venue)? OnlineEvent bool `json:"event.online_event"` // If the event is publicly listed and searchable. Defaults to True. Listed bool `json:"event.listed"` // The logo for the event LogoID string `json:"event.logo_id"` // The category (vertical) of the event CategoryID string `json:"event.category_id"` // The subcategory of the event (US only) SubcategoryID string `json:"event.subcategory_id"` // The format (general type) of the event FormatID string `json:"event.format_id"` // If users can share the event on social media Sharable bool `json:"event.shareable"` // Only invited users can see the event page InviteOnly bool `json:"event.invite_only"` // Password needed to see the event in unlisted mode Password string `json:"event.password"` // Set specific capacity (if omitted, sums ticket capacities) Capacity int `json:"event.capacity"` // If the remaining number of tickets is publicly visible on the event page ShowRemaining bool `json:"event.show_remaining"` // If the event is reserved seating IsReservedSeating bool `json:"event.is_reserved_seating"` // Source of the event (defaults to API) Source string `json:"event.source"` }
EventUpdateRequest is the request structure for updating an Event
type EventUpdateTicketClass ¶
type EventUpdateTicketClass struct { // Name of this ticket type Name string `json:""` // Description of the ticket Description string `json:"ticket_class.description"` // Total available number of this ticket QuantityTotal int `json:"quantity_total"` // Cost of the ticket (currently currency must match event currency) e.g. $45 would be ‘USD,4500’ Cost Currency `json:"ticket_class.quantity_total"` // Is this a donation? (user-supplied cost) Donation bool `json:"ticket_class.donation"` // If the ticket is a free ticket Free bool `json:""` // Absorb the fee into the displayed cost IncludeFee bool `json:"ticket_class.include_fee"` // Absorb the payment fee, but show the eventbrite fee SplitFee bool `json:"ticket_class.split_fee"` // Hide the ticket description on the event page HideDescription bool `json:"ticket_class.hide_description"` // A list of all supported sales channels ([“online”], [“online”, “atd”], [“atd”]) SalesChannels []interface{} `json:"ticket_class.sales_channels"` // When the ticket is available for sale (leave empty for ‘when event published’) SalesStart string `json:"ticket_class.sales_start"` // When the ticket stops being on sale (leave empty for ‘one hour before event start’) SalesEnd string `json:"ticket_class.sales_end"` // The ID of another ticket class - when it sells out, this class will go on sale. SalesStartAfter string `json:"ticket_class.sales_start_after"` // Minimum number that can be bought per order MinimumQuantity int `json:"ticket_class.minimum_quantity"` // Maximum number that can be bought per order MaximumQuantity int `json:"ticket_class.maximum_quantity"` // How many of these tickets have already been sold and confirmed (does not include tickets being checked out right now) QuantitySold int `json:"quantity_sold"` // Hide this ticket Hidden bool `json:"ticket_class.hidden"` // Hide this ticket when it is not on sale AutoHide bool `json:"ticket_class.auto_hide"` // Override reveal date for auto-hide AutoHideBefore string `json:"ticket_class.auto_hide_before"` // Override re-hide date for auto-hide AutoHideAfter string `json:"ticket_class.auto_hide_after"` // Order message per ticket type OrderConfirmationMessage string `json:"ticket_class.order_confirmation_message"` }
EventUpdateTicketClass is the request structure to update an Event TicketClass
type FeeRate ¶
type FeeRate struct { // The (ISO 3166 alpha-2 code of the) country Country CountryCode `json:"country"` // The (ISO 4217 3-character code of the) currency Currency CurrencyCode `json:"currency"` // The assortment package name to get the price for, one of (‘any’, ‘package1’, ‘package2’). // ‘any’ means that applies to all the prossible variants. Plan string `json:"place"` // The payment type to get the price for, one of (‘any’, ‘eventbrite’, ‘authnet’, ‘moneris’, // ‘paypal’, ‘google’, ‘manual’, ‘free’, ‘offline’, ‘cash’, ‘check’, ‘invoice’). ‘any’ // means that applies to all the prossible variants PaymentType string `json:"payment_type"` // The sales channel. One of (‘any’, ‘atd’, ‘online’). ‘any’ means that applies to all the prossible variants Channel string `json:"channel"` // The item type for which get the price fee rates. One of (‘any’, ‘ticket’, ‘product’). ‘any’ means that // applies to all the prossible variants ItemType string `json:"item_type"` // FeeRate rule percent. Minimum value is ‘0’, maximum value is ‘100’. Supports two decimals Percent float32 `json:"percent"` // Name of the fee (service_fee or payment_fee). Name string `json:"fee_name"` // FeeRate rule fixed value Fixed Currency `json:"fixed"` // FeeRate rule maximum amount (Cap). Null means unlimited Maximum Currency `json:"maximum"` // FeeRate rule minimum amount. Null means that there isn’t any minimum Minimum Currency `json:"minimum"` }
FeeRate is an object that details what fees are applied for a specific set of conditions.
type FeeRequest ¶
type FeeRequest struct { // The (ISO 3166 alpha-2 code of the) country where you want to know the fee rates Country CountryCode `json:"country" validate:"required"` // The (ISO 4217 3-character code of the) currency where you want to know the fee rates Currency CurrencyCode `json:"currency" validate:"required"` // The assortment package name to get the price for. One of [‘any’, ‘package1’, ‘package2’]. // If it’s not provided, or the value is ‘any’, all the existing variants will be returned.’ Plan string `json:"plan"` // The payment type to get the price for. One of [‘any’, ‘eventbrite’, ‘authnet’, ‘moneris’, // ‘paypal’, ‘google’, ‘manual’, ‘free’, ‘offline’, ‘cash’, ‘check’, ‘invoice’]. If it’s not provided, // or the value is ‘any’, all the existing variants will be returned. PaymentType string `json:"payment_type"` // The sales channel. One of [‘any’, ‘atd’, ‘web’]. If it’s not provided, or the value is ‘any’, // all the existing variants will be returned. Channel string `json:"channel"` // The item type for which get the price fee rates. One of [‘any’, ‘ticket’, ‘product’]. If it’s not provided, // or the value is ‘any’, all the existing variants will be returned. ItemType string `json:"item_type"` }
Returns a list of fee_rate objects for the different currencies, countries, assortments and sales channels we sell through today and in the future.
type FeeResponse ¶
type FeeResponse struct {
FeeRates []FeeRate `json:"fee_rates"`
FeeResponse is the response structure for fee rate request
type Format ¶
type Format struct { // Format ID ID string `json:"id"` // The format name Name string `json:"format"` // A shorter name for display in sidebars and other small spaces. ShortName string `json:"short_name"` }
Format is a type of event presentation - e.g. “seminar”, “workshop”, “concert”. Separate from category as you can have a “music concert” or a “music seminar”.
type FormatResult ¶
FormatResult is the response structure for available formats
type GetTrackingBeaconForEventRequest ¶
type GetTrackingBeaconForEventRequest struct { // returned format ReturnFmt string `json:"return_fmt"` }
type GetTrackingBeaconForUserRequest ¶
type GetTrackingBeaconForUserRequest struct { // returned format ReturnFmt string `json:"return_fmt"` }
type GetTrackingBeaconRequest ¶
type GetTrackingBeaconRequest struct { // returned format ReturnFmt string `json:"return_fmt"` }
type GetUserEvents ¶
type GetUserEvents struct { // Filter event results by name NameFilter string `json:"name_filter"` // Filter event results by currency CurrencyFilter string `json:"currency_filter"` // How to order the results (Valid choices are: start_asc, start_desc, created_asc, // created_desc, name_asc, or name_desc) OrderBy string `json:"order_by"` // True: Will show parent of a serie instead of children False: Will show children of a serie (Default value) ShowSeriesParent bool `json:"show_series_parent"` // Filter by events with a specific status set. This should be a comma delimited string of status. // Valid status: all, draft, live, canceled, started, ended Status string `json:"status"` // Filter event results by event_group_id EventGroupID string `json:"event_group_id"` // Number of records in each page PageSize int `json:"page_size"` // Limits results to either past or current & future events / orders. (Valid choices are: all, past, or current_future TimeFilter string `json:"time_filter"` // Filter event results by venue IDs VenueFilter []interface{} `json:"venue_filter"` }
type GetUserOrdersRequest ¶
type GetUserOrdersRequest struct { // Only return resource changed on or after the time given ChangedSince string `json:"changed_since"` // Limits results to either past or current & future events / orders. // (Valid choices are: all, past, or current_future) TimeFilter string `json:"time_filter"` }
type GetUserOrganizersRequest ¶
type GetUserOrganizersRequest struct { // True: Will hide organizers flagged as “unsaved” False: Will show organizers // regardless of unsaved flag (Default value) HideUnsaved bool `json:"hide_unsaved"` }
type GetUserOwnedEvents ¶
type GetUserOwnedEvents struct { // How to order the results (Valid choices are: start_asc, start_desc, created_asc, // created_desc, name_asc, or name_desc) OrderBy string `json:"order_by"` // True: Will show parent of a serie instead of children False: Will show children of a serie (Default value) ShowSeriesParent bool `json:"show_series_parent"` // Filter by events with a specific status set. This should be a comma delimited string of status. // Valid status: all, draft, live, canceled, started, ended. Status string `json:"status"` }
type GetUserVenuesResult ¶
type GetUserVenuesResult struct { Pagination Pagination `json:"pagination"` Venues []Venue `json:"venues"` }
type GetVenueEventsRequest ¶
type GetVenueEventsRequest struct { Status string `json:"status"` OrderBy string `json:"order_by"` StartDateRangeStart string `json:"start_date.range_start"` StartDateRangeEnd string `json:"start_date.range_end"` OnlyPublic bool `json:"only_public"` }
type Image ¶
type Image struct { // The image’s ID ID string `json:"id"` // The URL of the image Url string `json:"url"` }
Image is an object with details about a given image.
type Media ¶
type Media struct { // the method (always POST) Method string `json:"upload_method"` // oauth token Token string `json:"upload_token"` // the URL that should be uploaded to Url string `json:"url"` // the POST data that should be included in the POST that uploads the file UploadData UploadData `json:"upload_data"` // Specifies the POST field that the file itself should be included in (handled using HTTP multipart upload) FileParameterName string `json:"file_parameter_name"` }
type MediaCreateUpload ¶
type MediaCreateUpload struct { // The upload_token from the GET portion of the upload UploadToken string `json:"upload_token" validate:"required"` // X coordinate for top-left corner of crop mask TopLeftX int `json:"crop_mask.top_left.x"` // Y coordinate for top-left corner of crop mask TopLeftY int `json:"crop_mask.top_left.y"` // Crop mask width Width int `json:"crop_mask.width"` // Crop mask height Height int `json:"crop_mask.height"` }
type MediaGetUpload ¶
type MediaGetUpload struct { // The type of image to upload (Valid choices are: image-event-logo, image-event-logo-preserve-quality, // image-event-view-from-seat, image-organizer-logo, image-user-photo, or image-structured-content) Type string `json:"type" validate:"required"` }
type MultipartText ¶
Returned for fields which represent HTML, like event names and descriptions. The html key represents the original HTML (which _should_ be sanitized and free from injected script tags etc., but as always, be careful what you put in your DOM), while the text key is a stripped version useful for places where you can’t or don’t need to display the full HTML version.
type Notification ¶
type Notification struct { // Notification ID ID string `json:"notification_id"` // The title of the notification Title string `json:"title"` // It is the secondary text of the notification Body string `json:"body"` // It is the call to action title associated to the notification Cta string `json:"cta"` // It is a link or a deep link associated to the notification Url string `json:"url"` // It is the date when the notification was created Created Date `json:"created"` // It is the channel (group) of the notification. The available channel ids // are: ticket_reminders, my_events, social, discovery and eventbrite ChannelId string `json:"channel_id"` // The image logo for the event (optional) ImageId Image `json:"image_id"` }
Notification is the representation of something that Eventbrite has notified to its users.
see @
type NotificationsResult ¶
type NotificationsResult struct { Notifications []Notification Pagination Pagination }
NotificationsResult is the response structure fornotifications
type ObjectList ¶
type ObjectList []interface{}
type Order ¶
type Order struct { // When the attendee was created (order placed) Created DateTime `json:"created"` // When the attendee was last changed Changed DateTime `json:"changed"` // The ticket buyer’s name. Use this in preference to // first_name/last_name if possible for forward compatibility with non-Western names Name string `json:"name"` // The ticket buyer’s first name FirstName string `json:"first_name"` // The ticket buyer’s last name LastName string `json:"last_name"` // The ticket buyer’s email address Email string `json:"email"` // Cost breakdown for this order Costs OrderCosts `json:"costs"` // The event this order is against Event Event `json:"event"` // Refund request on this order RefundRequests RefundRequest `json:"refund_requests"` //Attendees on this order Attendees []Attendee `json:"attendees"` // The event id this order is against EventID string `json:"event_id"` // The time remaining to complete this order (in seconds) TimeRemaining int `json:"time_remaining"` }
Order is an object representing an order made against Eventbrite for one or more ticket classes Order objects are considered private and are only available to the event owner and the person who placed the order
type OrderCosts ¶
type OrderCosts struct { // The total amount the buyer was charged Gross Currency `json:"gross"` // The portion of gross taken by Eventbrite as a management fee EventbriteFee Currency `json:"eventbrite_fee"` // The portion of gross taken by the payment processor PaymentFee Currency `json:"payment_fee"` // The portion of gross allocated for tax (but passed onto the organizer) Tex Currency `json:"tax"` }
OrderCosts contains a breakdown of the order’s costs
type Organizer ¶
type Organizer struct { // The organizer name Name string `json:"name"` // The description of the organizer (may be very long and contain significant formatting) Description MultipartText `json:"description"` // The URL to the organizer’s page on Eventbrite Url string `json:"url"` }
A grouping entity that Eventbrite uses to display as the owner of events. Contains name and contact information.
type OrganizerEventsRequest ¶
type OrganizerEventsRequest struct { // Only return events with a specific status set. This should be a comma delimited string of status. // Valid status: all, draft, live, canceled, started, ended. Status string `json:"status"` // How to order the results (Valid choices are: start_asc, start_desc, created_asc, or created_desc) OrderBy string `json:"order_by"` // Only return events with start dates after the given date StartDateRangeStart string `json:"start_date.range_start"` // Only return events with start dates after the given date StartDateRangeEnd string `json:"start_date.range_end"` // Only show public events even if viewing your own events. PublicOnly bool `json:"only_public"` }
OrganizerEventsRequest is the request structure to get organizer events
type OrganizerEventsResult ¶
type OrganizerEventsResult struct { Events []Event `json:"events"` Pagination Pagination `json:"pagination"` }
OrganizerEventsResult is the response structure for organizer events request
type Pagination ¶
type Pagination struct { ObjectCount int `json:"object_count"` PageNumber int `json:"page_number"` PageSize int `json:"page_size"` PageCount int `json:"page_count"` HasMoreItems bool `json:"has_more_items"` }
All API endpoints which return multiple objects will return paginated responses; as well as the list of objects (which will usually be under a key like events or attendees, depending on the endpoint) there will also be a pagination key:
see @
type RefundItem ¶
type RefundItem struct { // The event of this item EventID string `json:"event_id"` // The order of this item. Consider that this field can be null OrderID string `json:"order_id"` // the item type order for full refund, attendee for partial refund an // attendee or merchandise for partial refund a merchandise ItemType string `json:"item_type"` // The quantity requested for this item. If the item_type is order, quantity_requested is always 1. // if the item_type is attendee or merchandise, then the quantity_requested shows how // many items were requested QuantityRequested int `json:"quantity_requested"` // The total amount requested for this item. AmountRequested Currency `json:"amount_requested"` }
RefundItem contains a refund item
type RefundRequest ¶
type RefundRequest struct { // The email used to create the refund request FromEmail string `json:"from_email"` // The name used to create the refund request FromName string `json:"from_name"` // The actual status of the refund request Status string `json:"status"` // The message associated with the refund request Message string `json:"message"` // The code of the refund request’s reason Reason string `json:"reason"` // The last message associated with the last status of the refund request LastMessage string `json:"last_message"` // The last code of the refund request’s reason LastReason string `json:"last_reason"` // The items of the refund request Items []RefundItem `json:"items"` }
RefundRequest contains a refund request of the order
type Region ¶
type Region struct { // The associated country code to this region CountryCode string `json:"country_code"` // The region identifier as defined by the ISO 3166 standard Code string `json:"code"` // The readable name of the region Label string `json:"label"` }
Region is an object with details about a region
type Regions ¶
type Regions struct { Locale string `json:"locale"` Regions []Region `json:"regions"` Pagination Pagination `json:"pagination"` }
type ReportAttendees ¶
type ReportAttendees struct { // List of public event IDs to report on EventIds []interface{} `json:"event_ids"` // Event status to filter down results by (Valid choices are: all, live, or ended) EventStatus string `json:"event_status"` // Optional start date to query StartDate string `json:"start_date"` // Optional end date to query EndDate string `json:"end_date"` // Time period to provide aggregation for in units of the selected date_facet. // For example, if date_facet=hour, then period=3 returns 3 hours worth of data // from the current time in the event timezone. Day is the default choice if no date_facet Period int `json:"period"` // Optional filters for sales/attendees data formatted as: {“ticket_ids”: [1234, 5678], // “currencies”: [“USD”],...}NOTE: currently only filter_by ticket_ids and one currency are supported. // // FilterBy interface{} `json:"filter_by"` // Optional field to group data on (Valid choices are: payment_method, payment_method_application, // ticket, ticket_application, currency, event_currency, reserved_section, event, event_ticket, // event_application, country, city, state, source, zone, location, access_level, device_name, // sales_channel_lvl_1, sales_channel_lvl_2, or sales_channel_lvl_3) GroupBy string `json:"group_by"` // Optional date aggregation level to return data for. Day is the default choice. Monthly aggregation // is represented by the first of the month. Weekly aggregation is represented by the ending Sunday of // the week, where a week is defined as Monday-Sunday. (Valid choices are: fifteen, hour, day, event_day, // week, month, year, or none) DateFacet string `json:"date_facet"` // Optional timezone. If unspecified picks the TZ of the first event Timezone string `json:"timezone"` }
type ReportRequest ¶
type ReportRequest struct { // List of public event IDs to report on EventIds []interface{} `json:"event_ids"` // Event status to filter down results by (Valid choices are: all, live, or ended) EventStatus string `json:"event_status"` // Optional start date to query StartDate string `json:"start_date"` // Optional end date to query EndDate string `json:"end_date"` // Time period to provide aggregation for in units of the selected date_facet. // For example, if date_facet=hour, then period=3 returns 3 hours worth of data // from the current time in the event timezone. Day is the default choice if no date_facet Period int `json:"period"` // Optional filters for sales/attendees data formatted as: {“ticket_ids”: [1234, 5678], // “currencies”: [“USD”],...}NOTE: currently only filter_by ticket_ids and one currency are supported. // // FilterBy interface{} `json:"filter_by"` // Optional field to group data on (Valid choices are: payment_method, payment_method_application, // ticket, ticket_application, currency, event_currency, reserved_section, event, event_ticket, // event_application, country, city, state, source, zone, location, access_level, device_name, // sales_channel_lvl_1, sales_channel_lvl_2, or sales_channel_lvl_3) GroupBy string `json:"group_by"` // Optional date aggregation level to return data for. Day is the default choice. Monthly aggregation // is represented by the first of the month. Weekly aggregation is represented by the ending Sunday of // the week, where a week is defined as Monday-Sunday. (Valid choices are: fifteen, hour, day, event_day, // week, month, year, or none) DateFacet string `json:"date_facet"` // Optional timezone. If unspecified picks the TZ of the first event Timezone string `json:"timezone"` }
type SeriesCUREventRequest ¶
type SeriesCUREventRequest struct { // A list of dates for which child events should be created. In the format: // // [ // { // "start": { "utc": "2015-06-15T12:00:00Z", "timezone": "America/Los_Angeles" }, // "end": { "utc": "2015-06-15T13:00:00Z", "timezone": "America/Los_Angeles" } // }, // { ... }, // ... // ] // // CreateChildren interface{} `json:"create_children"` // A map of event IDs to modified date objects for updating child events. In the format: // // { // "1234": { "start": { "utc": "2015-06-15T12:00:00Z", "timezone": "America/Los_Angeles" }, // "end": { "utc": "2015-06-15T13:00:00Z", "timezone": "America/Los_Angeles" } }, // "5678": { ... }, // ... // } UpdateChildren interface{} `json:"create_children"` // A list of IDs for child events that should be deleted. In the format: 1234,5678,9012 DeleteChildren []string `json:"delete_children"` }
SeriesCUREventRequest is the request structure to make create, update, delete requests
type SeriesCreateEventRequest ¶
type SeriesCreateEventRequest struct { // The name of the event Name string `json:"" validate:"required"` // The description on the event page Description string `json:"series_parent.description.html"` // of the organizer of this event OrganizerID string `json:"series_parent.organizer_id"` // The start time of the event StartUtc DateTime `json:"series_parent.start.utc" validate:"required"` // Start time timezone (Olson format) StartTimezone string `json:"series_parent.start.timezone" validate:"required"` // The end time of the event EndUtc DateTime `json:"series_parent.end.utc" validate:"required"` // End time timezone (Olson format) EndTimezone string `json:"series_parent.end.timezone" validate:"required"` // Whether the start date should be hidden HideStartDate bool `json:"series_parent.hide_start_date"` // Whether the end date should be hidden HideEndDate bool `json:"series_parent.hide_end_date"` // Event currency (3 letter code) Currency string `json:"series_parent.currency" validate:"required"` // ID of the venue VenueID string `json:"series_parent.venue_id"` // Is the event online-only (no venue)? OnlineEvent bool `json:"series_parent.online_event"` // If the event is publicly listed and searchable. Defaults to true Listed bool `json:"series_parent.listed"` // (Deprecated) The logo for the event LogoID string `json:""` // The category (vertical) of the event CategoryID string `json:"series_parent.category_id"` // The subcategory of the event (US only) SubCategoryID string `json:"series_parent.subcategory_id"` // The format (general type) of the event FormatID string `json:"series_parent.format_id"` // If users can share the event on social media Sharable bool `json:"series_parent.shareable"` // Only invited users can see the event page InviteOnly bool `json:"series_parent.invite_only"` // Password needed to see the event in unlisted mode Password string `json:"series_parent.password"` // Set specific capacity (if omitted, sums ticket capacities) Capacity int `json:"series_parent.capacity"` // If the remaining number of tickets is publicly visible on the event page ShowRemaining bool `json:"series_parent.show_remaining"` // A list of dates for which child events should be created. In the format: // [ // { // "start": { "utc": "2015-06-15T12:00:00Z", "timezone": "America/Los_Angeles" }, // "end": { "utc": "2015-06-15T13:00:00Z", "timezone": "America/Los_Angeles" } }, // { ... }, // ... // ] // // CreateChildren interface{} `json:"create_children" validate:"required"` }
type SeriesEventRequest ¶
type SeriesEventRequest struct { // Limits results to either past or current & future events. (Valid choices are: all, past, or current_future) TimeFilter string `json:"time_filter"` // Append the given tracking_code to the event URLs returned TrackingCode string `json:"tracking_code"` // How to order the results (Valid choices are: start_asc, start_desc, created_asc, or created_desc) OrderBy string `json:"order_by"` }
SeriesEventRequest is the response structure for series event
type SubCategoriesResult ¶
type SubCategoriesResult struct { Locale string `json:"locale"` Pagination Pagination `json:"pagination"` Subcategories []Category `json:"subcategories"` }
SubCategoriesResult is the response structure for the SubCategories
type SubCategory ¶
type SubCategory struct { // Subcategory ID ID string `json:"id"` // The category name Name string `json:"name"` // The category this belongs to ParentCategory Category `json:"parent_category"` }
A more specific category that an event falls into, sitting underneath a category.
type TicketClass ¶
type TicketClass struct { ID string `json:"id"` // The ticket class’ name Name string `json:"name"` // The ticket’s description. (optional) Description string `json:"description"` // The display cost of the ticket (paid only) Cost Currency `json:"cost"` // The display fee of the ticket (paid only) Fee Currency `json:"fee"` // If the ticket is a donation Donation bool `json:"donation"` // If the ticket is a free ticket Free bool `json:"free"` // Minimum number that can be bought per order MinimumQuantity int `json:"minimum_quantity"` // Maximum number that can be bought per order MaximumQuantity int `json:"maximum_quantity"` // The event the ticket class is for EventID string `json:"event_id"` // The event the ticket class is for Event Event `json:"event"` // PRIVATE FIELDS // Only shown to people with event owner permission // How many of these tickets are available to be sold overall QuantityTotal int `json:"quantity_total"` // How many of these tickets have already been sold and confirmed (does not include tickets being checked out right now) QuantitySold int `json:"quantity_sold"` // If the ticket is hidden from the public Hidden bool `json:"hidden"` // When sales for this ticket start SalesStart string `json:"sales_start"` // When sales for this ticket end SalesEnd string `json:"sales_end"` // The ID of another ticket class that, when it sells out, will trigger sales of this class to start SalesStartAfter string `json:"sales_start_after"` // If the fee should be included in the displayed cost (cannot be set along with split_fee) IncludeFee bool `json:"include_fee"` // If the payment fee should be included in the displayed cost and the eventbrite fee is shown separately SplitFee bool `json:"split_fee"` // If the description should be hidden on the event page (will remove description from public responses too) HideDescription bool `json:"hide_description"` // If the ticket should be hidden when not on sale AutoHide bool `json:"auto_hide"` // Override the time at which auto hide disables itself to show the ticket (otherwise it’s sales_start) AutoHideBefore string `json:"auto_hide_before"` // Override the time at which auto hide enables itself to re-hide the ticket (otherwise it’s sales_end) AutoHideAfter string `json:"auto_hide_after"` }
This is an object representing one of the possible ticket classes (types of ticket) for an event
type TicketGroup ¶
type TicketGroup struct { ID string `json:"id"` // Name of the ticket group. If it is greater than 20 characters will be truncated automatically Name string `json:"name"` // The status of the ticket group. One of transfer, live, deleted or archived. By default is live is not specified Status string `json:"status"` // A dictionary with the event ids and ticket ids, in the form {event_id: [ticket_id_1, ticket_id_2]} // // EventTicketIds interface{} `json:"event_ticket_ids"` // The list of ticket class that includes the id, event_id, sales_channels, variants and name. // Simplified version of ticket_class. By default is empty, unless the tickets expansion is used Tickets []TicketClass `json:"tickets"` }
The Ticket Group object allows the users to group an arbitrary number of ticket_class
type Timezone ¶
type Timezone struct { // Timezone id ID string `json:"id"` // The timezone identifier as defined by the IANA Time Zone Database Timezone string `json:"timezone"` // The localized name for the timezone Label string `json:"label"` }
Timezone is an object with details about a timezone
type Timezones ¶
type Timezones struct { Locale string `json:"locale"` Timezones []Timezone `json:"timezones"` Pagination Pagination `json:"pagination"` }
type TrackingBeacon ¶
type TrackingBeacon struct { // The tracking beacon id ID string // The tracking beacon third party type. Allowed types are: Facebook Pixel, // Twitter Ads, AdWords, Google Analytics, Simple Image Pixel, Adroll iPixel TrackingType string // The id of the event where the tracking beacon will load your tracking pixel EventID string // The id of the user where the tracking beacon will load this tracking pixel on all of their events UserID string // The third party id that they have given you to fire on your event page PixelID string // The tracking pixel meta information that determines where your pixel will fire Triggers interface{} }
An entity that Eventbrite uses to allow event organizer to utilize tracking pixels on their events
type UpdateOrganizerRequest ¶
type UpdateOrganizerRequest struct { // The name of the organizer Name string `json:""` // The description of the organizer Description string `json:"organizer.description.html"` // The long description of the organizer LongDescription string `json:"organizer.long_description.html"` // The logo id of the organizer LogoId string `json:""` // The website for the organizer Website string `json:""` // The Twitter handle for the organizer Twitter string `json:"organizer.twitter"` // The Facebook URL ID for the organizer Facebook string `json:"organizer.facebook"` // The Instagram numeric ID for the organizer Instagram string `json:"organizer.instagram"` }
UpdateOrganizerRequest is the request structure for updating an organizer
type UpdateRefundRequest ¶
type UpdateRefundRequest struct { // The email used to create the refund request FromEmail string `json:"from_email" validate:"required"` // The name used to create the refund request FromName string `json:"from_name" validate:"required"` // The items of the refund request Items []RefundItem `json:"items" validate:"required"` // The message associated with the refund request Message string `json:"message" validate:"required"` // The code of the refund request’s reason Reason string `json:"reason" validate:"required"` }
CreateRefundRequest is the request structure to update refund request
type UpdateTicketGroupRequest ¶
type UpdateTicketGroupRequest struct { // Name of ticket group Name string `json:""` // The status of ticket group. Valid choices are: live, deleted, or archived Status string `json:"ticket_group.status"` // (‘IDs of tickets by event id for this ticket group. In the format “{“event_id”: [“ticket_class_id”, “ticket_class_id”]}”.’,) // // Ids map[string]interface{} `json:"ticket_group.event_ticket_ids"` }
UpdateTicketGroupRequest is the request structure to update ticket group
type UpdateTrackingBeaconRequest ¶
type UpdateTrackingBeaconRequest struct { // The tracking pixel third party type. Allowed types are: Facebook Pixel, Twitter Ads, // AdWords, Google Analytics, Simple Image Pixel, Adroll iPixel TrackingType string `json:"tracking_type" validate:"required"` // The Event ID of the event that this tracking beacon will fire in EventID string `json:"event_id"` // The User ID wherein the tracking beacon will be assigned to all of this user’s events UserID string `json:"user_id"` // The Pixel ID given by the third party that will fire when a attendee lands on the page you are tracking PixelID string `json:"pixel_id"` // The additional pixel data needed to determine which page to fire the tracking pixel on Triggers interface{} `json:"triggers"` }
type UpdateVenueRequest ¶
type UpdateVenueRequest struct { // The name of the venue Name string `json:""` // The organizer this venue belongs to (optional - leave this off to use the default organizer) OrganizerID string `json:"venue.organizer_id"` // The first line of the address Address1 string `json:"venue.address.address_1"` // The second line of the address Address2 string `json:"venue.address.address_2"` // The city where the venue is City string `json:""` // The region where the venue is Region string `json:"venue.address.region"` // The postal_code where the venue is PostalCode string `json:"venue.address.postal_code"` // The country where the venue is Country string `json:""` // The latitude of the coordinates for the venue Latitude float64 `json:"venue.address.latitude"` // The longitude of the coordinates for the venue Longitude float64 `json:"venue.address.longitude"` // The age restrictions for the venue AgeRestriction string `json:"venue.age_restriction"` // The max capacity for the venue Capacity int `json:"venue.capacity"` }
type UploadData ¶
type User ¶
type User struct { ID string `json:"id"` // The user’s name. Use this in preference to first_name/last_name if possible for forward compatibility with non-Western names Name string `json:"name"` // The user’s first name FirstName string `json:"first_name"` // The user’s last name LastName string `json:"last_name"` // A list of user emails Emails []Email `json:"emails"` }
User is an object representing an Eventbrite user
type UserBookmarksRequest ¶
type UserBookmarksRequest struct { // Optional bookmark list id to fetch all bookmarks from BookmarkListID string `json:"bookmark_list_id"` }
type UserBookmarksResponse ¶
type UserBookmarksResponse struct { Pagination Pagination `json:"pagination"` Events []Event `json:"events"` }
type UserContactListContacts ¶
type UserContactListContacts struct { Pagination Pagination `json:"pagination"` Contacts []Contact `json:"contacts"` }
type UserContactListsResponse ¶
type UserContactListsResponse struct { Pagination Pagination `json:"pagination"` ContactList []ContactList `json:"contact_lists"` }
UserContactListsResponse is the response structure to get user contact lists
type UserCreateContactListsRequest ¶
type UserCreateContactListsRequest struct {
Name string `json:"" validate:"required"`
type UserDeleteContactListContactRequest ¶
type UserDeleteContactListContactRequest struct { // Email address to remove Email string `json:"email"` }
type UserEventAttendeesRequest ¶
type UserEventAttendeesRequest struct { // Limits results to either confirmed attendees or cancelled/refunded/etc. attendees // (Valid choices are: attending, or not_attending) Status string `json:"status"` // Only return resource changed on or after the time given ChangedSince string `json:"changed_since"` }
UserEventAttendeesRequest is the request structure to get a user owned event attendees
type UserEventAttendeesResponse ¶
type UserEventAttendeesResponse struct { Pagination Pagination `json:"pagination"` Attendees []Attendee `json:"attendee"` }
UserEventAttendeesResponse is the response structure to get a user owned event attendees
type UserEventOrders ¶
type UserEventOrders struct { // Limits results to either past or current & future events / orders. // (Valid choices are: all, past, or current_future) TimeFilter string `json:"time_filter"` // Only return resource changed on or after the time given ChangedSince string `json:"changed_since"` }
UserEventOrders is the request structure to get all order placed under the user
type UserEventOrdersRequest ¶
type UserEventOrdersRequest struct { Status string `json:"status"` OnlyEmails []string `json:"only_emails"` ExcludeEmails []string `json:"exclude_emails"` ChangedSince DateTime `json:"datetime"` }
type UserEventOrdersResponse ¶
type UserEventOrdersResponse struct { Pagination Pagination `json:"pagination"` Orders []Order `json:"orders"` }
type UserEventsRequest ¶
type UserEventsRequest struct { }
type UserEventsResponse ¶
type UserEventsResponse struct { // Filter event results by name NameFilter string `json:"name_filter"` // Filter event results by currency CurrencyFilter string `json:"currency_filter"` // How to order the results (Valid choices are: start_asc, start_desc, created_asc, created_desc, name_asc, or name_desc) OrderBy string `json:"order_by"` // True: Will show parent of a serie instead of children False: Will show children of a serie (Default value) ShowSeriesParent bool `json:"show_series_parent"` // Filter by events with a specific status set. This should be a comma delimited string of // status. Valid status: all, draft, live, canceled, started, ended. Status string `json:"status"` // Filter event results by event_group_id EventGroupID string `json:"event_group_id"` // Number of records in each page. PageSize int `json:"page_size"` // Limits results to either past or current & future events / orders. (Valid choices are: all, past, or current_future) TimeFilter string `json:"time_filter"` // Filter event results by venue IDs VenueFilter []interface{} `json:"venue_filter"` }
type UserOrdersResult ¶
type UserOrdersResult struct { Pagination Pagination `json:"pagination"` Orders []Order `json:"orders"` }
GetUserOrdersResult is the response structure for user orders
type UserOrganizerRequest ¶
type UserOrganizerRequest struct { // True: Will hide organizers flagged as “unsaved” False: Will show organizers // regardless of unsaved flag (Default value) HideUnsaved bool `json:"hide_unsaved"` }
UserOrganizerRequest is the request structure to get all organizer objects that are owned by the user
type UserOrganizerResponse ¶
type UserOrganizerResponse struct { Pagination Pagination `json:"pagination"` Organizers []Organizer `json:"organizers"` }
UserOrganizerResponse is the response structure for all organizer objects that are owned by the user
type UserOwnedEventResponse ¶
type UserOwnedEventResponse struct { Pagination Pagination `json:"pagination"` Events []Event `json:"events"` }
UserOwnedEventResponse is the response structure to get user owned events
type UserOwnedEventsRequest ¶
type UserOwnedEventsRequest struct { // How to order the results (Valid choices are: start_asc, start_desc, created_asc, // created_desc, name_asc, or name_desc) OrderBy string `json:"order_by"` // True: Will show parent of a serie instead of children False: Will show children of a serie (Default value) ShowSeriesParent bool `json:"show_series_parent"` // Filter by events with a specific status set. This should be a comma delimited string of status. // Valid status: all, draft, live, canceled, started, ended Status string `json:"status"` }
UserOwnedEventsRequest is the request structure to get user owned events
type UserSaveBookmarkRequest ¶
type UserSetAssortmentRequest ¶
type UserSetAssortmentRequest struct { // The assortments package to upgrade/downgrade to. (Valid choices are: package1, or package2) Plan string `json:"plan" validate:"required"` }
type UserTicketGroupResponse ¶
type UserTicketGroupResponse struct { Pagination Pagination `json:"pagination"` TicketGroups []*TicketGroup }
type UserTicketGroupsRequest ¶
type UserTicketGroupsRequest struct { // Limits results to groups with the specific status (Valid choices are: live, archived, deleted, or all) Status string `json:"status"` }
type UserUpdateContactListRequest ¶
type UserUpdateContactListRequest struct {
Name string `json:"" validate:"required"`
type UserVenuesResponse ¶
type UserVenuesResponse struct { Pagination Pagination `json:"pagination"` Venues []Venue `json:"venues"` }
UserVenuesResponse is the response structure to get user owned venues
type Venue ¶
type Venue struct { // The value name Name string `json:"name"` // The address of the venue Address Address `json:"address"` }
A location where an event happens.
type VenueEventsResult ¶
type VenueEventsResult struct { Pagination Pagination `json:"pagination"` Events []Event `json:"events"` }
type Webhook ¶
type Webhook struct { // The url that the webhook will send data to when it is triggered EndpointUrl string `json:"endpoint_url"` // One or any combination of actions that will cause this webhook to fire Actions string `json:"actions"` }
An object representing a single webhook associated with the account
type WebhooksRequest ¶
type WebhooksRequest struct { // The organization for which the webhooks will be fetched OrganizationID string `json:"organization_id"` }
type WebhooksResult ¶
type WebhooksResult struct { Pagination Pagination `json:"pagination"` Webhooks []Webhook `json:"webhooks"` }