
v8.3.1 Latest Latest

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Published: Oct 25, 2023 License: MIT Imports: 14 Imported by: 0




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const (
	ISO8601               = "2006-01-02T15:04:05-0700"
	BasePremiumURL        = ""
	CaptureDownloadURL    = ""
	DefaultMaxActiveGames = 150
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const (
	User      = "user"
	GameState = "game-state"
	UnmuteAll = "unmute-all"
	Unmute    = "unmute"
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const (
	Category   = "category"
	Users      = "users"
	UsersGames = "users_games"
	Games      = "games"
	GameEvents = "game_events"
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const (
	PremiumInfo    string = "info"
	PremiumInvites        = "invites"
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const (
	PrivacyInfo   = "info"
	PrivacyShowMe = "show-me"
	PrivacyOptIn  = "opt-in"
	PrivacyOptOut = "opt-out"
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const (
	Match = "match"
	Guild = "guild"


All is all slash commands for the bot, ordered to match the README

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var Debug = discordgo.ApplicationCommand{
	Name:        "debug",
	Description: "View and clear debug information for AutoMuteUs",
	Options: []*discordgo.ApplicationCommandOption{
			Name:        setting.View,
			Description: "View debug info",
			Type:        discordgo.ApplicationCommandOptionSubCommandGroup,
			Options: []*discordgo.ApplicationCommandOption{
					Name:        User,
					Description: "User Cache",
					Type:        discordgo.ApplicationCommandOptionSubCommand,
					Options: []*discordgo.ApplicationCommandOption{
							Name:        User,
							Description: "User whose cache you want to view",
							Type:        discordgo.ApplicationCommandOptionUser,
							Required:    true,
					Name:        GameState,
					Description: "Game State",
					Type:        discordgo.ApplicationCommandOptionSubCommand,
			Name:        setting.Clear,
			Description: "Clear debug info",
			Type:        discordgo.ApplicationCommandOptionSubCommand,
			Options: []*discordgo.ApplicationCommandOption{
					Name:        User,
					Description: "User whose cache should be cleared",
					Type:        discordgo.ApplicationCommandOptionUser,
					Required:    true,
			Name:        UnmuteAll,
			Description: "Unmute all players",
			Type:        discordgo.ApplicationCommandOptionSubCommand,
			Name:        Unmute,
			Description: "Unmute myself, or a specific user",
			Type:        discordgo.ApplicationCommandOptionSubCommand,
			Options: []*discordgo.ApplicationCommandOption{
					Name:        User,
					Description: "User who should be unmuted/undeafened",
					Type:        discordgo.ApplicationCommandOptionUser,
					Required:    false,
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var Download = discordgo.ApplicationCommand{
	Name:        "download",
	Description: "Download AutoMuteUs data",
	Options: []*discordgo.ApplicationCommandOption{
			Name:        Category,
			Description: "Data to download",
			Type:        discordgo.ApplicationCommandOptionString,
			Choices: []*discordgo.ApplicationCommandOptionChoice{
					Name:  Guild,
					Value: Guild,
					Name:  Users,
					Value: Users,
					Name:  UsersGames,
					Value: UsersGames,
					Name:  Games,
					Value: Games,
					Name:  GameEvents,
					Value: GameEvents,
			Required: true,
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var End = discordgo.ApplicationCommand{
	Name:        "end",
	Description: "End a game",
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var Help = discordgo.ApplicationCommand{
	Name:        "help",
	Description: "AutoMuteUs help",

	Options: []*discordgo.ApplicationCommandOption{
			Type:        discordgo.ApplicationCommandOptionString,
			Name:        "command",
			Description: "Command to view details for",
			Choices: []*discordgo.ApplicationCommandOptionChoice{
					Name:  New.Name,
					Value: New.Name,
					Name:  Refresh.Name,
					Value: Refresh.Name,
					Name:  Pause.Name,
					Value: Pause.Name,
					Name:  End.Name,
					Value: End.Name,
					Name:  Link.Name,
					Value: Link.Name,
					Name:  Unlink.Name,
					Value: Unlink.Name,
					Name:  Settings.Name,
					Value: Settings.Name,
					Name:  Privacy.Name,
					Value: Privacy.Name,
					Name:  Info.Name,
					Value: Info.Name,
					Name:  Map.Name,
					Value: Map.Name,
					Name:  Stats.Name,
					Value: Stats.Name,
					Name:  Premium.Name,
					Value: Premium.Name,
					Name:  Debug.Name,
					Value: Debug.Name,
					Name:  Download.Name,
					Value: Download.Name,
			Required: false,
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var Info = discordgo.ApplicationCommand{
	Name:        "info",
	Description: "AutoMuteUs info",
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var Link = discordgo.ApplicationCommand{
	Name:        "link",
	Description: "Link a Discord User to their in-game color",
	Options: []*discordgo.ApplicationCommandOption{
			Type:        discordgo.ApplicationCommandOptionUser,
			Name:        "user",
			Description: "User to link",
			Required:    true,
			Type:        discordgo.ApplicationCommandOptionString,
			Name:        "color",
			Description: "In-game color",
			Required:    true,
			Choices:     colorsToCommandChoices(),
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var Map = discordgo.ApplicationCommand{
	Name:        "map",
	Description: "View Among Us game maps",
	Options: []*discordgo.ApplicationCommandOption{
			Type:        discordgo.ApplicationCommandOptionInteger,
			Name:        "map_name",
			Description: "Map to display",
			Choices:     mapsToCommandChoices(),
			Required:    true,
			Type:        discordgo.ApplicationCommandOptionBoolean,
			Name:        "detailed",
			Description: "View detailed map",
			Required:    false,
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var New = discordgo.ApplicationCommand{
	Name:        "new",
	Description: "Start a new game",
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var Pause = discordgo.ApplicationCommand{
	Name:        "pause",
	Description: "Pause the current game",
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var PermissionStrings = map[int64]string{
	discordgo.PermissionViewChannel:        "View Channel",
	discordgo.PermissionSendMessages:       "Send Messages",
	discordgo.PermissionManageMessages:     "Manage Messages",
	discordgo.PermissionEmbedLinks:         "Embed Links",
	discordgo.PermissionUseExternalEmojis:  "Use External Emojis",
	discordgo.PermissionVoiceMuteMembers:   "Mute Members",
	discordgo.PermissionVoiceDeafenMembers: "Deafen Members",
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var Premium = discordgo.ApplicationCommand{
	Name:        "premium",
	Description: "View information about AutoMuteUs Premium",
	Options: []*discordgo.ApplicationCommandOption{
			Name:        PremiumInfo,
			Description: "View AutoMuteUs Premium information",
			Type:        discordgo.ApplicationCommandOptionSubCommand,
			Name:        PremiumInvites,
			Description: "Invite AutoMuteUs workers",
			Type:        discordgo.ApplicationCommandOptionSubCommand,

TODO transfer functionality TODO "add another gold server" functionality TODO cancel functionality? This is harder/needs Paypal hooks

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var Privacy = discordgo.ApplicationCommand{
	Name:        "privacy",
	Description: "View AMU privacy info",

	Options: []*discordgo.ApplicationCommandOption{
			Name:        "command",
			Description: "Privacy command",
			Type:        discordgo.ApplicationCommandOptionString,
			Choices: []*discordgo.ApplicationCommandOptionChoice{
					Name:  PrivacyInfo,
					Value: PrivacyInfo,
					Name:  PrivacyShowMe,
					Value: PrivacyShowMe,
					Name:  PrivacyOptIn,
					Value: PrivacyOptIn,
					Name:  PrivacyOptOut,
					Value: PrivacyOptOut,
			Required: false,
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var Refresh = discordgo.ApplicationCommand{
	Name:        "refresh",
	Description: "Refresh the game message",
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var Settings = discordgo.ApplicationCommand{
	Name:        "settings",
	Description: "View or change AutoMuteUs settings",
	Options:     settingsToCommandOptions(),
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var Stats = discordgo.ApplicationCommand{
	Name:        "stats",
	Description: "View or clear stats from games played with AutoMuteUs",
	Options: []*discordgo.ApplicationCommandOption{
			Name:        setting.View,
			Description: "View stats",
			Type:        discordgo.ApplicationCommandOptionSubCommandGroup,
			Options: []*discordgo.ApplicationCommandOption{
					Name:        User,
					Description: "User stats",
					Type:        discordgo.ApplicationCommandOptionSubCommand,
					Options: []*discordgo.ApplicationCommandOption{
							Name:        User,
							Description: "User whose stats you want to view",
							Type:        discordgo.ApplicationCommandOptionUser,
							Required:    true,
					Name:        Match,
					Description: "Match stats",
					Type:        discordgo.ApplicationCommandOptionSubCommand,
					Options: []*discordgo.ApplicationCommandOption{
							Name:        Match,
							Description: "Match ID whose stats you want to view",
							Type:        discordgo.ApplicationCommandOptionString,
							Required:    true,
					Name:        Guild,
					Description: "View this guild's stats",
					Type:        discordgo.ApplicationCommandOptionSubCommand,
			Name:        setting.Clear,
			Description: "Clear stats",
			Type:        discordgo.ApplicationCommandOptionSubCommandGroup,
			Options: []*discordgo.ApplicationCommandOption{
					Name:        User,
					Description: "User stats",
					Type:        discordgo.ApplicationCommandOptionSubCommand,
					Options: []*discordgo.ApplicationCommandOption{
							Name:        User,
							Description: "User whose stats you want to clear",
							Type:        discordgo.ApplicationCommandOptionUser,
							Required:    true,
					Name:        Guild,
					Description: "Reset this guild's stats",
					Type:        discordgo.ApplicationCommandOptionSubCommand,
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var Unlink = discordgo.ApplicationCommand{
	Name:        "unlink",
	Description: "Unlink a Discord User from their in-game color",
	Options: []*discordgo.ApplicationCommandOption{
			Type:        discordgo.ApplicationCommandOptionUser,
			Name:        "user",
			Description: "User to unlink",
			Required:    true,


func DeadlockGameStateResponse

func DeadlockGameStateResponse(command string, sett *settings.GuildSettings) *discordgo.InteractionResponse

func DebugResponse

func DebugResponse(operationType string, cached map[string]interface{}, stateBytes []byte, id string, err error, sett *settings.GuildSettings) *discordgo.InteractionResponse

func DownloadCooldownResponse

func DownloadCooldownResponse(sett *settings.GuildSettings, category string, duration time.Duration) *discordgo.InteractionResponse

func GetDebugParams

func GetDebugParams(s *discordgo.Session, userID string, options []*discordgo.ApplicationCommandInteractionDataOption) (action string, opType string, _ string)

func GetMapParams

func GetMapParams(options []*discordgo.ApplicationCommandInteractionDataOption) (_ game.PlayMap, detailed bool)

func GetStatsParams

func GetStatsParams(s *discordgo.Session, guildID string, options []*discordgo.ApplicationCommandInteractionDataOption) (action string, opType string, id string)

func InfoResponse

func InfoResponse(info BotInfo, guildID string, sett *settings.GuildSettings) *discordgo.InteractionResponse

func InsufficientPermissionsResponse

func InsufficientPermissionsResponse(sett *settings.GuildSettings) *discordgo.InteractionResponse

func LinkResponse

func LinkResponse(status LinkStatus, userID, color string, sett *settings.GuildSettings) *discordgo.InteractionResponse

func MapResponse

func MapResponse(mapType game.PlayMap, detailed bool) *discordgo.InteractionResponse

func NewResponse

func NewResponse(status NewStatus, info NewInfo, sett *settings.GuildSettings) *discordgo.InteractionResponse

func PremiumResponse

func PremiumResponse(guildID string, tier premium.Tier, daysRem int, arg string, isAdmin bool, sett *settings.GuildSettings) *discordgo.InteractionResponse

func PrivacyResponse

func PrivacyResponse(status string, cached map[string]interface{}, user *storage.PostgresUser, err error, sett *settings.GuildSettings) *discordgo.InteractionResponse

func PrivateErrorResponse

func PrivateErrorResponse(cmd string, err error, sett *settings.GuildSettings) *discordgo.InteractionResponse

func PrivateResponse

func PrivateResponse(content string) *discordgo.InteractionResponse

func ReinviteMeResponse

func ReinviteMeResponse(missingPerms int64, channelID string, sett *settings.GuildSettings) *discordgo.InteractionResponse

func SettingsResponse

func SettingsResponse(m interface{}) *discordgo.InteractionResponse

func UnlinkResponse

func UnlinkResponse(status UnlinkStatus, userID string, sett *settings.GuildSettings) *discordgo.InteractionResponse


type BotInfo

type BotInfo struct {
	Version     string `json:"version"`
	Commit      string `json:"commit"`
	ShardID     int    `json:"shardID"`
	ShardCount  int    `json:"shardCount"`
	TotalGuilds int64  `json:"totalGuilds"`
	ActiveGames int64  `json:"activeGames"`
	TotalUsers  int64  `json:"totalUsers"`
	TotalGames  int64  `json:"totalGames"`

type LinkStatus

type LinkStatus int
const (
	LinkSuccess LinkStatus = iota

type NewInfo

type NewInfo struct {
	Hyperlink    string
	MinimalURL   string
	ApiHyperlink string
	ConnectCode  string
	ActiveGames  int64

type NewStatus

type NewStatus int
const (
	NewSuccess NewStatus = iota

type UnlinkStatus

type UnlinkStatus int
const (
	UnlinkSuccess UnlinkStatus = iota

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Keyboard shortcuts

? : This menu
/ : Search site
f or F : Jump to
y or Y : Canonical URL