
package module
v0.0.0-...-931a7b5 Latest Latest

This package is not in the latest version of its module.

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Published: Feb 7, 2024 License: MIT Imports: 36 Imported by: 4




Zero configuration data persistence and communication layer.

Dynamic websocket and restful http service to quickly prototype realtime applications.


  • dynamic routing
  • glob pattern routes for lists
  • patch updates on lists subscriptions
  • version check on subscriptions (no message on version match)
  • restful CRUD service that reflects interactions to real-time subscriptions
  • filtering and audit middleware
  • auto managed timestamps (created, updated)



There's a js client.


with go installed get the library

go get

create a file main.go

package main

import ""

func main() {
  app := ooo.Server{}

run the service:

go run main.go


method description url
GET key list http://{host}:{port}
websocket clock ws://{host}:{port}
POST create/update http://{host}:{port}/{key}
GET read http://{host}:{port}/{key}
DELETE delete http://{host}:{port}/{key}
websocket subscribe ws://{host}:{port}/{key}


static routes

Activating this flag will limit the server to process requests defined in read and write filters

app := ooo.Server{}
app.Static = true
  • Write filters will be called before processing a write operation
  • Read filters will be called before sending the results of a read operation
  • if the static flag is enabled only filtered routes will be available
app.WriteFilter("books/*", func(index string, data json.RawMessage) (json.RawMessage, error) {
  // returning an error will deny the write
  return data, nil
app.AfterWrite("books/*", func(index string) {
  // trigger after a write is done
  log.Println("wrote data on ", index)
app.ReadFilter("books/taup", func(index string, data json.RawMessage) (json.RawMessage, error) {
  // returning an error will deny the read
  return json.RawMessage(`{"intercepted":true}`), nil
app.DeleteFilter("books/taup", func(key string) (error) {
  // returning an error will prevent the delete
  return errors.New("can't delete")
app.Audit = func(r *http.Request) bool {
  return false // condition to allow access to the resource
subscribe events capture
// new subscription event
server.OnSubscribe = func(key string) error {
  // returning an error will deny the subscription
  return nil
// closing subscription event
server.OnUnsubscribe = func(key string) {
extra routes
// Define custom endpoints
app.Router = mux.NewRouter()
app.Router.HandleFunc("/test", func(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
  w.Header().Set("Content-Type", "application/json")
  fmt.Fprintf(w, "{}")
write/read storage api
package main

import (


type Game struct {
	Started int64 `json:"started"`

// not good practice, just for illustration purposes only
// handle errors responsably :)
func panicHandle(err error) {
	if err != nil {

func main() {
	// create a static server
	server := ooo.Server{
		Static: true,
	// define the path so it's available throug http/ws

	// start the server/storage (default to memory storage)

	// write
	timestamp := strconv.FormatInt(time.Now().UnixNano(), 10)
	index, err := server.Storage.Set("game", json.RawMessage(`{"started": `+timestamp+`}`))
	log.Println("stored in", index)

	// read
	data, err := server.Storage.Get("game")
	dataObject, err := meta.Decode(data)
	log.Println("created", dataObject.Created)
	log.Println("updated", dataObject.Updated)
	log.Println("data", string(dataObject.Data))

	// parse json to struct
	game := Game{}
	err = json.Unmarshal(dataObject.Data, &game)
	log.Println("started", game.Started)

	// close server handler





This section is empty.


View Source
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func NoopFilter

func NoopFilter(index string, data json.RawMessage) (json.RawMessage, error)

NoopFilter open noop filter

func NoopHook

func NoopHook(index string) error

NoopHook open noop hook

func StorageGetNRangeTest

func StorageGetNRangeTest(app *Server, t *testing.T, n int)

StorageGetNRangeTest testing storage GetN function

func StorageGetNTest

func StorageGetNTest(app *Server, t *testing.T, n int)

StorageGetNTest testing storage GetN function

func StorageKeysRangeTest

func StorageKeysRangeTest(app *Server, t *testing.T, n int)

StorageKeysRangeTest testing storage GetN function

func StorageListTest

func StorageListTest(app *Server, t *testing.T)

StorageListTest testing storage function

func StorageObjectTest

func StorageObjectTest(app *Server, t *testing.T)

StorageObjectTest testing storage function

func StorageSetGetDelTest

func StorageSetGetDelTest(db Database, b *testing.B)

StorageSetGetDelTest testing storage function

func StreamBroadcastFilterTest

func StreamBroadcastFilterTest(t *testing.T, app *Server)

StreamBroadcastFilterTest testing stream function

func StreamBroadcastForcePatchTest

func StreamBroadcastForcePatchTest(t *testing.T, app *Server)

StreamBroadcastForcePatchTest testing stream function

func StreamBroadcastNoPatchTest

func StreamBroadcastNoPatchTest(t *testing.T, app *Server)

StreamBroadcastNoPatchTest testing stream function

func StreamBroadcastTest

func StreamBroadcastTest(t *testing.T, app *Server)

StreamBroadcastTest testing stream function

func StreamGlobBroadcastConcurretTest

func StreamGlobBroadcastConcurretTest(t *testing.T, app *Server, n int)

StreamGlobBroadcastConcurretTest testing stream function

func StreamGlobBroadcastTest

func StreamGlobBroadcastTest(t *testing.T, app *Server, n int)

StreamGlobBroadcastTest testing stream function

func StreamItemGlobBroadcastTest

func StreamItemGlobBroadcastTest(t *testing.T, app *Server)

StreamItemGlobBroadcastTest testing stream function

func Time

func Time() string

Time returns a string timestamp

func WatchStorageNoop

func WatchStorageNoop(dataStore Database)

WatchStorageNoop a noop reader of the watch channel


type Apply

type Apply func(key string, data json.RawMessage) (json.RawMessage, error)

Apply filter function type for functions will serve as filters key: the key to filter data: the data received or about to be sent returns data: to be stored or sent to the client error: will prevent data to pass the filter

type ApplyDelete

type ApplyDelete func(key string) error

ApplyDelete callback function

type Database

type Database interface {
	Active() bool
	Start(StorageOpt) error
	Keys() ([]byte, error)
	KeysRange(path string, from, to int64) ([]string, error)
	Get(key string) ([]byte, error)
	GetDescending(key string) ([]byte, error)
	GetN(path string, limit int) ([]meta.Object, error)
	GetNAscending(path string, limit int) ([]meta.Object, error)
	GetNRange(path string, limit int, from, to int64) ([]meta.Object, error)
	Set(key string, data json.RawMessage) (string, error)
	SetForce(key string, data json.RawMessage, created, updated int64) (string, error)
	GetAndLock(key string) ([]byte, error)
	SetAndUnlock(key string, data json.RawMessage) (string, error)
	Unlock(key string) error
	Del(key string) error
	Watch() StorageChan

Database interface to be implemented by storages

Active: returns a boolean with the state of the storage

Start: will attempt to start a storage client

Close: closes the storage client

Keys: returns a list with existing keys in the storage

Get(key): retrieve a value or list of values, the key can include a glob pattern (ascending created time order)

GetDescending(key): retrieve a value or list of values, the key can include a glob pattern (descending created time order)

GetN(path, N): retrieve N list of values matching a glob pattern (descending created time order)

GetNAscending(path, N): retrieve N list of values matching a glob pattern (ascending created time order)

GetNRange(path, N, from, to): retrieve N list of values matching a glob pattern path created in the time from-to time range (descending created time order)

Set(key, data): store data under the provided key, key cannot not include glob pattern

SetForce(key, data, created, updated): store data by manually providing created/updated time values

GetAndLock(key): same as get but will lock the key mutex until SetAndUnlock is called for the same key (non glob key only)

SetAndUnlock(key, data): same as set but will unlock the key mutex (non glob key only)

Unlock(key): unlock key mutex

Del(key): Delete a key from the storage

Clear: will clear all data from the storage

Watch: returns a channel that will receive any set or del operation

type MemoryStorage

type MemoryStorage struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

MemoryStorage composition of Database interface

func (*MemoryStorage) Active

func (db *MemoryStorage) Active() bool

Active provides access to the status of the storage client

func (*MemoryStorage) Clear

func (db *MemoryStorage) Clear()

Clear all keys in the storage

func (*MemoryStorage) Close

func (db *MemoryStorage) Close()

Close the storage client

func (*MemoryStorage) Del

func (db *MemoryStorage) Del(path string) error

Del a key/pattern value(s)

func (*MemoryStorage) Get

func (db *MemoryStorage) Get(path string) ([]byte, error)

Get a key/pattern related value(s)

func (*MemoryStorage) GetAndLock

func (db *MemoryStorage) GetAndLock(path string) ([]byte, error)

func (*MemoryStorage) GetDescending

func (db *MemoryStorage) GetDescending(path string) ([]byte, error)

Get a key/pattern related value(s)

func (*MemoryStorage) GetN

func (db *MemoryStorage) GetN(path string, limit int) ([]meta.Object, error)

GetN get last N elements of a path related value(s)

func (*MemoryStorage) GetNAscending

func (db *MemoryStorage) GetNAscending(path string, limit int) ([]meta.Object, error)

GetN get last N elements of a path related value(s)

func (*MemoryStorage) GetNRange

func (db *MemoryStorage) GetNRange(path string, limit int, from, to int64) ([]meta.Object, error)

GetNRange get last N elements of a path related value(s)

func (*MemoryStorage) Keys

func (db *MemoryStorage) Keys() ([]byte, error)

Keys list all the keys in the storage

func (*MemoryStorage) KeysRange

func (db *MemoryStorage) KeysRange(path string, from, to int64) ([]string, error)

KeysRange list keys in a path and time range

func (*MemoryStorage) Peek

func (db *MemoryStorage) Peek(key string, now int64) (int64, int64)

Peek a value timestamps

func (*MemoryStorage) Set

func (db *MemoryStorage) Set(path string, data json.RawMessage) (string, error)

Set a value

func (*MemoryStorage) SetAndUnlock

func (db *MemoryStorage) SetAndUnlock(path string, data json.RawMessage) (string, error)

func (*MemoryStorage) SetForce

func (db *MemoryStorage) SetForce(path string, data json.RawMessage, created int64, updated int64) (string, error)

SetForce set entries (force created/updated values)

func (*MemoryStorage) Start

func (db *MemoryStorage) Start(storageOpt StorageOpt) error

Start the storage client

func (*MemoryStorage) Unlock

func (db *MemoryStorage) Unlock(path string) error

func (*MemoryStorage) Watch

func (db *MemoryStorage) Watch() StorageChan

Watch the storage set/del events

type Notify

type Notify func(key string)

Notify after a write is done

type Server

type Server struct {
	Router *mux.Router
	Stream stream.Stream

	Pivot           string
	NoBroadcastKeys []string
	DbOpt           interface{}
	Audit           audit
	Workers         int
	ForcePatch      bool
	NoPatch         bool
	OnSubscribe     stream.Subscribe
	OnUnsubscribe   stream.Unsubscribe
	OnClose         func()
	Deadline        time.Duration
	AllowedOrigins  []string
	AllowedMethods  []string
	AllowedHeaders  []string
	ExposedHeaders  []string
	Storage         Database
	Address         string

	Silence           bool
	Static            bool
	Tick              time.Duration
	Console           *coat.Console
	Signal            chan os.Signal
	Client            *http.Client
	ReadTimeout       time.Duration
	WriteTimeout      time.Duration
	ReadHeaderTimeout time.Duration
	IdleTimeout       time.Duration
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

Server application

Router: can be predefined with routes and passed to be extended

NoBroadcastKeys: array of keys that should not broadcast on changes

DbOpt: options for storage

Audit: function to audit requests

Workers: number of workers to use as readers of the storage->broadcast channel

ForcePatch: flag to force patch operations even if the patch is bigger than the snapshot

OnSubscribe: function to monitor subscribe events

OnUnsubscribe: function to monitor unsubscribe events

OnClose: function that triggers before closing the application

Deadline: time duration of a request before timing out

AllowedOrigins: list of allowed origins for cross domain access, defaults to ["*"]

AllowedMethods: list of allowed methods for cross domain access, defaults to ["GET", "POST", "DELETE", "PUT"]

AllowedHeaders: list of allowed headers for cross domain access, defaults to ["Authorization", "Content-Type"]

ExposedHeaders: list of exposed headers for cross domain access, defaults to nil

Storage: database interdace implementation

Silence: output silence flag

Static: static routing flag

Tick: time interval between ticks on the clock subscription

Signal: os signal channel

Client: http client to make requests

package main

import (

func main() {
	app := ooo.Server{}

func (*Server) Active

func (app *Server) Active() bool

Active check if the server is active

func (*Server) AfterWrite

func (app *Server) AfterWrite(path string, apply Notify)

AfterWrite add a filter that triggers after a successful write

func (*Server) Close

func (app *Server) Close(sig os.Signal)

Close : shutdown the http server and database connection

func (*Server) DeleteFilter

func (app *Server) DeleteFilter(path string, apply ApplyDelete)

DeleteFilter add a filter that runs before sending a read result

func (*Server) OpenFilter

func (app *Server) OpenFilter(name string)

OpenFilter open noop read and write filters

func (*Server) ReadFilter

func (app *Server) ReadFilter(path string, apply Apply)

ReadFilter add a filter that runs before sending a read result

func (*Server) Start

func (app *Server) Start(address string)

Start : initialize and start the http server and database connection

func (*Server) WaitClose

func (app *Server) WaitClose()

WaitClose : Blocks waiting for SIGINT, SIGTERM, SIGKILL, SIGHUP

func (*Server) WriteFilter

func (app *Server) WriteFilter(path string, apply Apply)

WriteFilter add a filter that triggers on write

type Stats

type Stats struct {
	Keys []string `json:"keys"`

Stats data structure of global keys

type Storage

type Storage struct {
	Active bool
	Db     Database

Storage abstraction of persistent data layer

type StorageChan

type StorageChan chan StorageEvent

StorageChan an operation events channel

type StorageEvent

type StorageEvent struct {
	Key       string
	Operation string

StorageEvent an operation event

type StorageOpt

type StorageOpt struct {
	NoBroadcastKeys []string
	DbOpt           interface{}

StorageOpt options of the storage instance


Path Synopsis

Jump to

Keyboard shortcuts

? : This menu
/ : Search site
f or F : Jump to
y or Y : Canonical URL