
v0.0.0-...-22cb0ac Latest Latest

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Published: May 8, 2024 License: AGPL-3.0 Imports: 11 Imported by: 0



Package txt provides text and linguistics related functionality.

Copyright (c) 2018 - 2024 PhotoPrism UG. All rights reserved.

This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under Version 3 of the GNU Affero General Public License (the "AGPL"):

This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU Affero General Public License for more details.

The AGPL is supplemented by our Trademark and Brand Guidelines,
which describe how our Brand Assets may be used:

Feel free to send an email to hello@photoprism.app if you have questions, want to support our work, or just want to say hello.

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View Source
const (
	Ellipsis      = "…"
	ClipCountry   = 2
	ClipRole      = 32
	ClipPasscode  = 36
	ClipKeyword   = 40
	ClipIP        = 48
	ClipRealm     = 64
	ClipUsername  = 64
	ClipPassword  = 72
	ClipSlug      = 80
	ClipCategory  = 100
	ClipTokenName = 128
	ClipDefault   = 160
	ClipName      = 160
	ClipLongName  = 200
	ClipEmail     = 255
	ClipPath      = 500
	ClipComment   = 512
	ClipURL       = 512
	ClipLog       = 512
	ClipFlags     = 767
	ClipShortText = 1024
	ClipText      = 2048
	ClipLongText  = 4096
View Source
const (
	MonthMin = 1
	MonthMax = 12
	DayMin   = 1
	DayMax   = 31
	HourMin  = 0
	HourMax  = 24
	MinMin   = 0
	MinMax   = 59
	SecMin   = 0
	SecMax   = 59
View Source
const (
	EnOr   = "or"
	EnAnd  = "and"
	EnWith = "with"
	EnIn   = "in"
	EnAt   = "at"
	EnNew  = "new"
View Source
const (
	EmptyString = ""
	Space       = " "
	Or          = "|"
	And         = "&"
View Source
const OneYear = time.Hour * 24 * 365

OneYear represents a duration of 365 days.


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var (
	YearMin      = 1970
	YearMinShort = 90
	YearMax      = time.Now().Add(OneYear * 3).Year()
	YearShort    = Int(time.Now().Format("06"))
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var ContainsNumberRegexp = regexp.MustCompile("\\d+")
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var Countries = map[string]string{}/* 468 elements not displayed */
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var CountryWordsRegexp = regexp.MustCompile("[\\p{L}]{2,}")
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var DateIntRegexp = regexp.MustCompile("\\d{1,4}")
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var DatePathRegexp = regexp.MustCompile("\\D\\d{4}/\\d{1,2}/?\\d*")
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var DateRegexp = regexp.MustCompile("\\D\\d{4}[\\-_]\\d{2}[\\-_]\\d{2,}")
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var DateTimeRegexp = regexp.MustCompile("\\D\\d{2,4}[\\-_]\\d{2}[\\-_]\\d{2}.{1,4}\\d{2}\\D\\d{2}\\D\\d{2,}")
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var DateWhatsAppRegexp = regexp.MustCompile("(?:IMG|VID)-(?P<year>\\d{4})(?P<month>\\d{2})(?P<day>\\d{2})-WA")
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var ExifDateTimeMatch = make(map[string]int)
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var ExifDateTimeRegexp = regexp.MustCompile("((?P<year>\\d{4})|\\D{4})\\D((?P<month>\\d{2})|\\D{2})\\D((?P<day>\\d{2})|\\D{2})\\D((?P<h>\\d{2})|\\D{2})\\D((?P<m>\\d{2})|\\D{2})\\D((?P<s>\\d{2})|\\D{2})(\\.(?P<subsec>\\d+))?(?P<z>\\D)?(?P<zh>\\d{2})?\\D?(?P<zm>\\d{2})?")
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var FileTitleRegexp = regexp.MustCompile("[\\p{L}\\-,':&+!?!]{1,}|( [&+] )?")
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var FilenameKeywordsRegexp = regexp.MustCompile("[\\p{L}]{1,}")
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var IsDateRegexp = regexp.MustCompile("\\d{4}[\\-_]?\\d{2}[\\-_]?\\d{2}")
View Source
var IsDateTimeRegexp = regexp.MustCompile("\\d{4}[\\-_]?\\d{2}[\\-_]?\\d{2}.{1,4}\\d{2}\\D?\\d{2}\\D?\\d{2}")
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var IsNameSuffix map[string]bool
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var IsNameTitle map[string]bool
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var KeywordsRegexp = regexp.MustCompile("[\\p{L}\\-']{1,}")
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var Months = [...]string{

Months contains all month names in English.

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var NameSuffixes = []string{"esq", "esquire", "jr", "jnr", "sr", "snr", "2", "ii", "iii", "iv",
	"v", "clu", "chfc", "cfp", "md", "phd", "j.d.", "ll.m.", "m.d.", "d.o.", "d.c.",
	"p.c.", "ph.d."}
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var NameTitles = []string{}/* 198 elements not displayed */
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var ShortWords = map[string]bool{}/* 2602 elements not displayed */

ShortWords contains a list of words up to 3 letters for full-text indexing and title generation.

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var SmallWords = map[string]bool{
	"a":              true,
	"an":             true,
	"as":             true,
	"at":             true,
	"by":             true,
	"in":             true,
	"of":             true,
	"on":             true,
	"or":             true,
	"up":             true,
	"to":             true,
	"and":            true,
	"but":            true,
	"for":            true,
	"nor":            true,
	"the":            true,
	"from":           true,
	"with":           true,
	"de":             true,
	"des":            true,
	"en":             true,
	"le":             true,
	"la":             true,
	"van":            true,
	"zu":             true,
	"ab":             true,
	"um":             true,
	"bei":            true,
	"aus":            true,
	"das":            true,
	"der":            true,
	"dem":            true,
	"mir":            true,
	"auf":            true,
	"ist":            true,
	"und":            true,
	"uns":            true,
	"von":            true,
	"für":            true,
	"ein":            true,
	"eine":           true,
	"sind":           true,
	"sein":           true,
	"auch":           true,
	"mich":           true,
	"oben":           true,
	"nach":           true,
	"über":           true,
	"ohne":           true,
	"eines":          true,
	"nicht":          true,
	"davor":          true,
	"unter":          true,
	"neben":          true,
	"gegen":          true,
	"viele":          true,
	"trotz":          true,
	"warst":          true,
	"waren":          true,
	"sehen":          true,
	"später":         true,
	"werden":         true,
	"werdet":         true,
	"dessen":         true,
	"gesehen":        true,
	"abseits":        true,
	"entlang":        true,
	"sichtbar":       true,
	"entgegen":       true,
	"zwischen":       true,
	"oberhalb":       true,
	"unterhalb":      true,
	"bezüglich":      true,
	"unsichtbar":     true,
	"einschließlich": true,
View Source
var SpecialWords = map[string]string{}/* 248 elements not displayed */
View Source
var StatesAU = LookupTable{
	"Qld": "Queensland",
	"QLD": "Queensland",
	"NSW": "New South Wales",
	"Vic": "Victoria",
	"VIC": "Victoria",
	"VI":  "Victoria",
	"ACT": "Australian Capital Territory",
	"JBT": "Jervis Bay Territory",
	"TAS": "Tasmania",
	"WA":  "Western Australia",
	"NT":  "Northern Territory",
	"SA":  "South Australia",
	"AQ":  "Australian Antarctic Territory",
	"CX":  "Christmas Island",
	"CC":  "Cocos Islands",
	"HM":  "Heard Island and McDonald Islands",
	"NF":  "Norfolk Island",
	"AUS": "",

StatesAU maps common abbreviations for Australian provinces and territories.

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var StatesBR = LookupTable{
	"AC": "Acre",
	"AL": "Alagoas",
	"AM": "Amazonas",
	"AP": "Amapá",
	"BA": "Bahia",
	"CE": "Ceará",
	"DF": "Distrito Federal",
	"ES": "Espírito Santo",
	"GO": "Goiás",
	"MA": "Maranhão",
	"MG": "Minas Gerais",
	"MS": "Mato Grosso do Sul",
	"MT": "Mato Grosso",
	"PA": "Pará",
	"PB": "Paraíba",
	"PE": "Pernambuco",
	"PI": "Piauí",
	"PR": "Paraná",
	"RJ": "Rio de Janeiro",
	"RN": "Rio Grande do Norte",
	"RO": "Rondônia",
	"RR": "Roraima",
	"RS": "Rio Grande do Sul",
	"SC": "Santa Catarina",
	"SE": "Sergipe",
	"SP": "São Paulo",
	"TO": "Tocantins",

StatesBR maps common abbreviations for Brazilian states.

View Source
var StatesByCountry = LookupTableMap{
	"au": StatesAU,
	"br": StatesBR,
	"ca": StatesCA,
	"de": StatesDE,
	"fr": StatesFR,
	"nz": StatesNZ,
	"us": StatesUS,

StatesByCountry maps state names by country code.

View Source
var StatesCA = LookupTable{
	"AB": "Alberta",
	"BC": "British Columbia",
	"NB": "New Brunswick",
	"NL": "Newfoundland and Labrador",
	"NS": "Nova Scotia",
	"NT": "Northwest Territories",
	"NU": "Nunavut",
	"MB": "Manitoba",
	"ON": "Ontario",
	"PE": "Prince Edward Island",
	"QC": "Quebec",
	"SK": "Saskatchewan",
	"YT": "Yukon",

StatesCA maps common abbreviations for Canadian provinces and territories.

View Source
var StatesDE = LookupTable{
	"BW":                     "Baden-Württemberg",
	"Ba-Wü":                  "Baden-Württemberg",
	"Baden-Wurttemberg":      "Baden-Württemberg",
	"BY":                     "Bayern",
	"Bavaria":                "Bayern",
	"BE":                     "Berlin",
	"BER":                    "Berlin",
	"BB":                     "Brandenburg",
	"HB":                     "Bremen",
	"HH":                     "Hamburg",
	"HE":                     "Hessen",
	"NI":                     "Niedersachsen",
	"NDS":                    "Niedersachsen",
	"Lower Saxony":           "Niedersachsen",
	"Lower-Saxony":           "Niedersachsen",
	"MV":                     "Mecklenburg-Vorpommern",
	"NW":                     "Nordrhein-Westfalen",
	"NRW":                    "Nordrhein-Westfalen",
	"North Rhine-Westphalia": "Nordrhein-Westfalen",
	"RP":                     "Rheinland-Pfalz",
	"RLP":                    "Rheinland-Pfalz",
	"Rhineland-Palatinate":   "Rheinland-Pfalz",
	"SL":                     "Saarland",
	"SN":                     "Sachsen",
	"Saxony":                 "Sachsen",
	"ST":                     "Sachsen-Anhalt",
	"Saxony-Anhalt":          "Sachsen-Anhalt",
	"Saxony Anhalt":          "Sachsen-Anhalt",
	"Sachsen Anhalt":         "Sachsen-Anhalt",
	"SH":                     "Schleswig-Holstein",
	"TH":                     "Thüringen",
	"Thuringia":              "Thüringen",
	"Thuringen":              "Thüringen",

StatesDE maps common abbreviations for German states.

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var StatesFR = LookupTable{
	"France métropolitaine": "",

StatesFR maps common abbreviations for French states.

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var StatesNZ = LookupTable{
	"AUK": "Auckland",
	"BOP": "Bay of Plenty",
	"CAN": "Canterbury",
	"GIS": "Gisborne",
	"HKB": "Hawke's Bay",
	"MBH": "Marlborough",
	"MWT": "Manawatu-Wanganui",
	"NSN": "Nelson",
	"NTL": "Northland",
	"OTA": "Otago",
	"STL": "Southland",
	"TAS": "Tasman",
	"TKI": "Taranaki",
	"WKO": "Waikato",
	"WGN": "Wellington",
	"WTC": "West Coast",
	"CIT": "Chatham Islands",
	"NZ":  "",

StatesNZ maps common abbreviations for provinces and territories in New Zealand.

View Source
var StatesUS = LookupTable{
	"AL":  "Alabama",
	"AK":  "Alaska",
	"AS":  "American Samoa",
	"AZ":  "Arizona",
	"AR":  "Arkansas",
	"CA":  "California",
	"CO":  "Colorado",
	"CT":  "Connecticut",
	"DE":  "Delaware",
	"DC":  "District of Columbia",
	"FM":  "Federated States of Micronesia",
	"FL":  "Florida",
	"GA":  "Georgia",
	"GU":  "Guam",
	"HI":  "Hawaii",
	"ID":  "Idaho",
	"IL":  "Illinois",
	"IN":  "Indiana",
	"IA":  "Iowa",
	"KS":  "Kansas",
	"KY":  "Kentucky",
	"LA":  "Louisiana",
	"MB":  "Manitoba",
	"ME":  "Maine",
	"MH":  "Marshall Islands",
	"MD":  "Maryland",
	"MA":  "Massachusetts",
	"MI":  "Michigan",
	"MN":  "Minnesota",
	"MS":  "Mississippi",
	"MO":  "Missouri",
	"MT":  "Montana",
	"NE":  "Nebraska",
	"NV":  "Nevada",
	"NH":  "New Hampshire",
	"NJ":  "New Jersey",
	"NM":  "New Mexico",
	"NY":  "New York",
	"NC":  "North Carolina",
	"ND":  "North Dakota",
	"NS":  "Nova Scotia",
	"MP":  "Northern Mariana Islands",
	"OH":  "Ohio",
	"OK":  "Oklahoma",
	"OR":  "Oregon",
	"PW":  "Palau",
	"PA":  "Pennsylvania",
	"PR":  "Puerto Rico",
	"P.R": "Puerto Rico",
	"RI":  "Rhode Island",
	"SK":  "Saskatchewan",
	"SC":  "South Carolina",
	"SD":  "South Dakota",
	"TN":  "Tennessee",
	"TX":  "Texas",
	"UT":  "Utah",
	"VT":  "Vermont",
	"VI":  "Virgin Islands",
	"VA":  "Virginia",
	"WA":  "Washington",
	"WV":  "West Virginia",
	"WI":  "Wisconsin",
	"WY":  "Wyoming",

StatesUS maps common abbreviations for US states.

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var StopWords = map[string]bool{}/* 4683 elements not displayed */

StopWords contains a list of stopwords for full-text indexing.

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var TitlesAndRanks = map[string]bool{
	"emperor":     true,
	"caliph":      true,
	"king":        true,
	"kings":       true,
	"shahanshah":  true,
	"padishah":    true,
	"sultan":      true,
	"chakravarti": true,
	"chhatrapati": true,
	"samrat":      true,
	"khagan":      true,
	"high":        true,
	"great":       true,
	"maharaja":    true,
	"beg":         true,
	"khan":        true,
	"amir":        true,
	"al-umara":    true,
	"bek":         true,
	"malik":       true,
	"emir":        true,
	"hakim":       true,
	"sharif":      true,
	"shah":        true,
	"shirvanshah": true,
	"raja":        true,
	"dey":         true,
	"duke":        true,
	"khedive":     true,
	"nawab":       true,
	"wāli":        true,
	"nizam":       true,
	"crown":       true,
	"prince":      true,
	"shahzada":    true,
	"mirza":       true,
	"awabzada":    true,
	"yuvraj":      true,
	"vali":        true,
	"mir":         true,
	"ikhshid":     true,
	"pasha":       true,
	"thakur":      true,
	"babu":        true,
	"saheb":       true,
	"sardar":      true,
	"rajkumar":    true,
	"sahibzada":   true,
	"nawabzada":   true,
	"earl":        true,
	"mankari":     true,
	"dewan":       true,
	"rao":         true,
	"bahadur":     true,
	"rai":         true,
	"beylerbey":   true,
	"atabeg":      true,
	"viscount":    true,
	"zamindar":    true,
	"sahib":       true,
	"bey":         true,
	"begum":       true,
	"begzada":     true,
	"baron":       true,
	"lala":        true,
	"agha":        true,
	"hazinedar":   true,
	"queen":       true,
	"pope":        true,
	"marquess":    true,
	"baroness":    true,
	"princess":    true,
	"lord":        true,
	"lady":        true,
	"supreme":     true,
	"leader":      true,
	"chief":       true,
	"excellency":  true,
	"doctor":      true,
	"president":   true,
	"marshal":     true,
	"conqueror":   true,
	"general":     true,
	"admiral":     true,
	"guide":       true,
	"executive":   true,
	"bishop":      true,
	"highness":    true,
	"his":         true,
	"her":         true,
	"monsignor":   true,
	"sire":        true,

TitlesAndRanks contains a list of name titles and ranks in lowercase, see https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_titles.

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var UnknownCountryCode = "zz"
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var UnknownStateCode = "zz"
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var YearRegexp = regexp.MustCompile("\\d{4,5}")


func AddToWords

func AddToWords(existing []string, words string) []string

AddToWords add words to a string slice and returns the sorted result.

func AppendName

func AppendName(s, n string) string

AppendName appends a name to an existing name.

func Bool

func Bool(s string) bool

Bool casts a string to bool.

func Clip

func Clip(s string, size int) string

Clip shortens a string to the given number of runes, and removes all leading and trailing white space.

func ContainsASCIILetters

func ContainsASCIILetters(s string) bool

ContainsASCIILetters reports if the string only contains ascii chars without whitespace, numbers, and punctuation marks.

func ContainsLetters

func ContainsLetters(s string) bool

ContainsLetters reports whether the string only contains letters.

func ContainsNumber

func ContainsNumber(s string) bool

ContainsNumber returns true if string contains a number.

func ContainsSymbols

func ContainsSymbols(s string) bool

ContainsSymbols reports whether the string only contains symbolic characters.

func CountryCode

func CountryCode(s string) (code string)

CountryCode tries to find a matching country code for a given string e.g. from a file oder directory name.

func DateFromFilePath

func DateFromFilePath(s string) (result time.Time)

DateFromFilePath returns a string as time or the zero time instant in case it can not be converted.

func DateTime

func DateTime(t *time.Time) string

DateTime formats a time pointer as a human-readable datetime string.

func DateTimeDefault

func DateTimeDefault(s string) bool

DateTimeDefault tests if the datetime string is not empty and not a default value.

func Empty

func Empty(s string) bool

Empty checks whether a string represents an empty, unset, or undefined value.

func EmptyDateTime

func EmptyDateTime(s string) bool

EmptyDateTime tests if the string is empty or matches an unknown time pattern.

func ExpandYear

func ExpandYear(s string) int

ExpandYear converts a string to a year and expands two-digit years if possible.

func FileTitle

func FileTitle(s string) string

FileTitle returns the string with the first characters of each word converted to uppercase.

func FilenameKeywords

func FilenameKeywords(s string) (results []string)

FilenameKeywords returns a slice of keywords without stopwords.

func FilenameWords

func FilenameWords(s string) (results []string)

FilenameWords returns a slice of words with at least 3 characters from a string ("ile", "france").

func Float

func Float(s string) float64

Float converts a string to a 64-bit floating point number or 0 if invalid.

func Float32

func Float32(s string) float32

Float32 converts a string to a 32-bit floating point number or 0 if invalid.

func FloatRange

func FloatRange(s string, min, max float64) (start float64, end float64, err error)

FloatRange parses a string as floating point number range and returns an error if it's not a valid range.

func Int

func Int(s string) int

Int converts a string to a signed integer or 0 if invalid.

func Int64

func Int64(s string) int64

Int64 converts a string to a signed 64-bit integer or 0 if invalid.

func IntRange

func IntRange(s string, min, max int) (start int, end int, err error)

IntRange parses a string as integer range and returns an error if it's not a valid range.

func IntVal

func IntVal(s string, min, max, def int) (i int)

IntVal converts a string to a validated integer or a default if invalid.

func Is

func Is(rangeTab *unicode.RangeTable, s string) bool

Is reports whether the all string runes are in the specified range.

func IsASCII

func IsASCII(s string) bool

IsASCII tests if the string only contains ascii runes.

func IsFloat

func IsFloat(s string) bool

IsFloat checks if the string represents a floating point number.

func IsLatin

func IsLatin(s string) bool

IsLatin reports whether the string only contains latin letters.

func IsPosInt

func IsPosInt(s string) bool

IsPosInt checks if a string represents an integer greater than 0.

func IsTime

func IsTime(s string) bool

IsTime tests if the string looks like a date and/or time.

func IsUInt

func IsUInt(s string) bool

IsUInt tests if a string represents an unsigned integer.

func JoinNames

func JoinNames(names []string, shorten bool) (result string)

JoinNames joins a list of names to be used in titles and descriptions.

func Keywords

func Keywords(s string) (results []string)

Keywords returns a slice of keywords without stopwords but including dashes.

func LogParam

func LogParam(s string) string

LogParam sanitizes strings created from user input in response to the log4j debacle.

func LogParamLower

func LogParamLower(s string) string

LogParamLower sanitizes strings created from user input and converts them to lowercase.

func MergeWords

func MergeWords(w1, w2 string) string

MergeWords merges two keyword strings separated by ", ".

func NTimes

func NTimes(n int) string

NTimes converts an integer to a string in the format "n times" or returns an empty string if n is 0.

func NameKeywords

func NameKeywords(names, aliases string) (results []string)

NameKeywords returns a list of unique, lowercase keywords based on a person's names and aliases.

func New

func New(s string) bool

New tests if a string represents "new".

func No

func No(s string) bool

No tests if a string represents "no".

func NormalizeUtcOffset

func NormalizeUtcOffset(s string) string

NormalizeUtcOffset returns a normalized UTC time offset string.

func NotEmpty

func NotEmpty(s string) bool

NotEmpty tests if a string does not represent an empty/invalid value.

func Numeric

func Numeric(s string) string

Numeric removes non-numeric characters from a string and returns the result.

func ParseTime

func ParseTime(s, timeZone string) (t time.Time)

ParseTime parses a time string and returns a valid time.Time if possible.

func QueryTooShort

func QueryTooShort(q string) bool

QueryTooShort tests if a search query is too short.

func Quote

func Quote(text string) string

Quote adds quotation marks to a string if needed.

func QuoteLower

func QuoteLower(text string) string

QuoteLower converts a string to lowercase and adds quotation marks if needed.

func RemoveFromWords

func RemoveFromWords(words []string, remove string) (results []string)

RemoveFromWords removes words from a string slice and returns the sorted result.

func ReplaceSpaces

func ReplaceSpaces(s string, char string) string

ReplaceSpaces replaces all spaces with another string.

func SearchTerms

func SearchTerms(s string) map[string]bool

SearchTerms returns a bool map with all terms as key.

func Shorten

func Shorten(s string, size int, suffix string) string

Shorten shortens a string with suffix.

func Slug

func Slug(s string) string

Slug converts a string to a valid slug with a max length of 80 runes.

func SlugToTitle

func SlugToTitle(s string) string

SlugToTitle converts a slug back to a title

func SortCaseInsensitive

func SortCaseInsensitive(words []string)

SortCaseInsensitive performs a case-insensitive slice sort.

func Spaced

func Spaced(s string) string

Spaced returns the string padded with a space left and right.

func StopwordsOnly

func StopwordsOnly(s string) bool

StopwordsOnly tests if the string contains stopwords only.

func StripOr

func StripOr(s string) string

StripOr removes or operators from a query.

func TimeOffset

func TimeOffset(utcOffset string) (seconds int, err error)

TimeOffset returns the UTC time offset in seconds or an error if it is invalid.

func TimeZone

func TimeZone(offset string) *time.Location

TimeZone returns a time zone for the given UTC offset string.

func Title

func Title(s string) string

Title returns the string with the first characters of each word converted to uppercase.

func UInt

func UInt(s string) uint

UInt converts a string to an unsigned integer or 0 if invalid.

func UniqueKeywords

func UniqueKeywords(s string) (results []string)

UniqueKeywords returns a slice of unique and sorted keywords without stopwords.

func UniqueNames

func UniqueNames(names []string) (result []string)

UniqueNames removes exact duplicates from a list of strings without changing their order.

func UniqueWords

func UniqueWords(words []string) (results []string)

UniqueWords sorts and filters a string slice for unique words.

func UnixTime

func UnixTime(t int64) string

UnixTime formats a unix time as a human-readable datetime string.

func UnknownWord

func UnknownWord(s string) bool

UnknownWord returns true if the string does not seem to be a real word.

func UpperFirst

func UpperFirst(str string) string

UpperFirst returns the string with the first character converted to uppercase.

func UtcOffset

func UtcOffset(local, utc time.Time, offset string) string

UtcOffset returns the time difference as UTC offset string.

func Words

func Words(s string) (results []string)

Words returns a slice of words with at least 3 characters from a string, dashes count as character ("ile-de-france").

func Year

func Year(s string) int

Year tries to find a matching year for a given string e.g. from a file oder directory name.

func Yes

func Yes(s string) bool

Yes tests if a string represents "yes".


type LookupTable

type LookupTable map[string]string

LookupTable represents a string lookup table.

type LookupTableMap

type LookupTableMap map[string]LookupTable

LookupTableMap represents a map of string lookup tables.

type Name

type Name struct {
	Title  string
	Given  string
	Middle string
	Family string
	Suffix string
	Nick   string

Name represents the components of a full name.

func ParseName

func ParseName(full string) Name

ParseName parses a full name and returns the components.

func (*Name) Parse

func (name *Name) Parse(full string)

Parse tries to parse a full name.

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