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v2.0.1 Latest Latest

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Published: May 17, 2024 License: Apache-2.0, MIT Imports: 11 Imported by: 0



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gophplib is a collection of PHP functions implemented in Go. We aim to achieve 100% byte-to-byte bug-to-bug behavioral equivalence with the original PHP functions.

Currently we do not intend to implement all PHP functions, but only those that are useful for our projects.


The following works were consulted but not used because they do not provide behavior that is 100% compatible with the PHP version.


gophplib is primarily distributed under the terms of both the MIT license and the Apache License (Version 2.0). See COPYRIGHT for details.



gophplib is a collection of PHP functions implemented in Go. We aim to achieve 100% byte-to-byte bug-to-bug behavioral equivalence with the original PHP functions.

Currently we do not intend to implement all PHP functions, but only those that are useful for our projects.


The following works were consulted but not used because they do not provide behavior that is 100% compatible with the PHP version.




This section is empty.


This section is empty.


func Base64Encode

func Base64Encode(value any) (string, error)

Base64Encode emulates the functionality of PHP 5.6's base64_encode function. For more information, see the official PHP documentation. In PHP 5.6, an error is triggered if the input size is excessively large due to memory limitations. This Go implementation includes similar checks to emulate PHP's memory limitation conditions. Additionally, this function converts different types of variables to a string, following PHP's dynamic typing approach. After ensuring the memory constraints are met and converting the input to a string, it uses the EncodeToString function from the encoding/base64 package to perform the Base64 encoding. The result is a Base64 encoded string, consistent with PHP's output for the same input. For more detailed information about the EncodeToString function in the package encoding/base64, see the encoding/base64's EncodeToString documentation

This function returns error if given argument is not one of following: string, int, int64, float64, bool, nil, and any type which does not implement interface { toString() string }.

PHP references:

Test Cases :

// Plain string
// Int
// Float
// Nil
// Empty string
// Empty array: Unsupported type

SGVsbG8= <nil>
MTIz <nil>
MTAuNQ== <nil>
 unsupported type : []int

func ConvertToString

func ConvertToString(value any) (string, error)

ConvertToString attempts to convert the given value to string, emulating PHP 5.6'S _convert_to_string behavior. Unlike PHP, which has built-in support for managing resource IDs for types like files and database connections, Go does not inherently manage resource IDs. Due to this language difference, this function uses the values' pointer address as the pseudo resource ID for identifiable resource types.

This function returns error if given argument is not one of following: string, int, int8, int16, int32, int64, float32, float64, bool, nil, *os.File, *net.Conn, and *sql.DB, array, slice, map and any type which does not implement interface { toString() string }.

NOTE : If the given argument's type is float32, it will be converted to float64 internally. However, converting float32 to float64 may lead to precision loss. Therefore, using float64 is recommended for higher accuracy.


// Nil
// Plain string
fmt.Println(ConvertToString("Hello, World"))
// Empty string
// Int
// Float
// Exponent
// Float exceeds 14 digits
// Float ends with 0
// True
// False
// Array
fmt.Println(ConvertToString([]int{1, 2, 3}))
// Slice
fmt.Println(ConvertToString([2]int{1, 2}))
// Object has toString
	name: "nabi",
	age:  3,
// Object has no toString
	name: "choco",
	age:  5,

Hello, World <nil>
123 <nil>
123.45 <nil>
101234567000 <nil>
1230.1298473259 <nil>
1230.129847325 <nil>
1 <nil>
Array <nil>
Array <nil>
name is nabi and 3 years old <nil>
 unsupported type : gophplib.Dog

func Implode

func Implode(arg1 any, options ...any) (string, error)

Implode replicates the behavior of PHP 5.6's implode function in GO. This function concatenates the elements of an array into a single string using a specified separator. For more information, see the official PHP documentation.

The function supports flexible argument patterns to accommodate various use cases.

  • arg1: Can be either a string (used as the separator) or an array of elements to be joined.
  • options: Optional. When provided, the first element is used as arg2. If arg1 is a string, arg2 serves as the array of elements to be joined. If arg1 is an array, arg2 serves as the separator.


1. If only arg1 is provided:

  • If arg1 is an array, the function joins the elements using an empty string as the default separator.
  • If arg1 is not an array, the function returns an error.

2. If both arg1 and arg2 are provided:

  • If arg1 is an array, arg2 is converted to string and used as the separator.
  • If arg1 is not an array and arg2 is an array, arg1 is converted to a string and used as the separator, with arg2 being the array to implode.
  • If neither arg1 nor arg2 is an array, the function returns an error.

Non-string elements within the array are converted to strings using a ConvertToString function before joining. Due to language differences between PHP and Go, the implode function support OrderedMap type from the orderedmap library, ensuring ordered map functionality. When imploding map types, please utilize the OrderedMap type from the orderedmap library to maintain element order. If you use map type, not OrderedMap type, the order of the results cannot be guaranteed.


Test cases:

// Arg1 is empty array and arg2 is nil

// Arg1 is array and arg2 is nil
fmt.Println(Implode([]string{"foo", "bar", "baz"}))

// Arg1 is string and Arg2 is string array
fmt.Println(Implode(":", []string{"foo", "bar", "baz"}))

// Arg1 is string and arg2 is int array
fmt.Println(Implode(", ", []int{1, 2}))

// Arg1 is string and arg2 is float64 array
fmt.Println(Implode(", ", []float64{1.1, 2.2}))

// Arg1 is string and arg2 is boolean array
fmt.Println(Implode(", ", []bool{false, true}))

//Arg1 is string and arg2 is emtpy array
fmt.Println(Implode(", ", []any{}))

// Arg1 is string and Arg2 is 2D array
fmt.Println(Implode(":", []any{"foo", []string{"bar", "baz"}, "burp"}))

foobarbaz <nil>
foo:bar:baz <nil>
1, 2 <nil>
1.1, 2.2 <nil>
, 1 <nil>
foo:Array:burp <nil>
Example (Error)
// File resource
fmt.Println(Implode(", ", getFile()))
// Only arg1

// Arg2 is int
fmt.Println(Implode("glue", 1234))

// Arg2 is nil
fmt.Println(Implode("glue", nil))

// Arg1 is int
fmt.Println(Implode(12, "pieces"))

// Arg1 is nil
fmt.Println(Implode(nil, "abcd"))

// Arg2 is an object array that can't convert to a string
fmt.Println(Implode("foo", []any{Dog{"choco", 5}, Cat{"nabi", 3}}))

 invalid arguments passed, got string, *os.File
 argument must be one of array, slice, or ordered map, but got string
 invalid arguments passed, got string, int
 invalid arguments passed, got string, <nil>
 invalid arguments passed, got int, string
 invalid arguments passed, got <nil>, string
 unsupported type in array : gophplib.Dog
Example (Variation)
// Arg1 is string 'TRUE' and arg2 is multi typed array
result, ok := Implode("TRUE", multiTypedArr)
fmt.Println(strings.Replace(result, "\x00", "NUL", -1), ok)

// Arg1 is true and arg2 is multi typed array
result, ok = Implode(true, multiTypedArr)
fmt.Println(strings.Replace(result, "\x00", "NUL", -1), ok)

// Arg1 is false and arg2 is multi typed array
result, ok = Implode(false, multiTypedArr)
fmt.Println(strings.Replace(result, "\x00", "NUL", -1), ok)

// Arg1 is array and arg2 is multi typed array
fmt.Println(Implode([]string{"key1", "key2"}, multiTypedArr))

// Arg1 is empty string and arg2 is multi typed array
result, ok = Implode("", multiTypedArr)
fmt.Println(strings.Replace(result, "\x00", "NUL", -1), ok)

// Arg1 is blank string and arg2 is multi typed array
result, ok = Implode(" ", multiTypedArr)
fmt.Println(strings.Replace(result, "\x00", "NUL", -1), ok)

// Arg1 is string contains null bytes string and arg2 is multi typed array
result, ok = Implode("bet\x00ween", multiTypedArr)
fmt.Println(strings.Replace(result, "\x00", "NUL", -1), ok)

// Arg1 is nil and arg2 is multi typed array
result, ok = Implode(nil, multiTypedArr)
fmt.Println(strings.Replace(result, "\x00", "NUL", -1), ok)

// Arg1 is negative int arg2 is multi typed array
result, ok = Implode(-0, multiTypedArr)
fmt.Println(strings.Replace(result, "\x00", "NUL", -1), ok)

// Arg1 is null bytes string arg2 is multi typed array
result, ok = Implode(`\0`, multiTypedArr)
fmt.Println(strings.Replace(result, "\x00", "NUL", -1), ok)

// Arg1 is array and arg2 is not nil
fmt.Println(Implode([]any{1, "2", 3.45, true}, "sep"))

// Arg1 is string and arg2 is object array
fmt.Println(Implode(", ", []any{Cat{"nabi", 3}}))

// Initialize small scale map
smallMap := orderedmap.NewOrderedMap[any, any]()
smallMap.Set("key1", "value1")
smallMap.Set("key2", "value2")
fmt.Println(Implode(", ", smallMap))

2101-639111GO1111 1stringNULwithNUL...NUL <nil>
20-6391GO stringNULwithNUL...NUL <nil>
key1Arraykey2 <nil>
20-6391GO stringNULwithNUL...NUL <nil>
2 0 -639 1 GO      stringNULwithNUL...NUL <nil>
2betNULween0betNULween-639betNULween1betNULweenGObetNULweenbetNULweenbetNULweenbetNULween betNULweenstringNULwithNUL...NUL <nil>
20-6391GO stringNULwithNUL...NUL <nil>
2000-639010GO0000 0stringNULwithNUL...NUL <nil>
2\00\0-639\01\0GO\0\0\0\0 \0stringNULwithNUL...NUL <nil>
1sep2sep3.45sep1 <nil>
name is nabi and 3 years old <nil>
value1, value2 <nil>

func Ord

func Ord(character any) (byte, error)

Ord is a ported functions that works exactly the same as PHP 5.6's ord function. In PHP 5.6, when the ord() function is used with a data type other than a string, it automatically converts the given variable into a string before processing it. To achieve the same behavior in Go, this function converts an argument to string using the zendParseArgAsString() function. For more information, see the official PHP documentation.

This function returns error if given argument is not one of following: string, int, int64, float64, bool, nil, and any type which does not implement interface { toString() string }.

Reference :

Test Cases:

// Plain char

// Plain string

// Special character

// New line character

// Hexadecimal representation of newline character

// Character '0'

// Emoji

// 한글

97 <nil>
72 <nil>
33 <nil>
10 <nil>
10 <nil>
48 <nil>
240 <nil>
236 <nil>
Example (Variation)
// Array

// Nil

// Empty string

// Unset variable

0 unsupported type : []int
0 <nil>
0 <nil>
0 <nil>

func ParseStr

func ParseStr(input string) orderedmap.OrderedMap[any, any]

ParseStr is a ported function that works exactly the same as PHP's parse_str function. For more information, see the official PHP documentation.

All keys of the returned orderedmap.OrderedMap are either string or int. Type of all values of the returned orderedmap.OrderedMap are either string or "orderedmap.OrderedMap[string | int]RetVal". For more information about orderedmap libaray, see the orderedmap documentation.



Basic test cases

// Plain key-value

// Array will be parsed as map with integer keys

// Empty key will be treated as auto-incremented integer key for each array

// Dictionary

// Nesting is allowed

// ParseStr will automatically urldecode the input

omap[key:value foo:bar]
omap[arr:omap[0:A 1:B 2:C]]
omap[arr:omap[0:A 1:B 2:C] another:omap[0:A 1:B]]
omap[dict:omap[key:value foo:bar]]
omap[dict:omap[k1:omap[k2:v1 k3:v2]]]
omap[firstname:Conan surname:O'Brien]
Example (ComplexArray)

Test cases for complex arrays.

NOTE: Noticed that when using fmt.Println with a map, the output may vary depending on the version of Go being used. In certain cases, the output differed between versions, so those cases were commented out. However, please note that this discrepancy occurs only when using fmt.Println and not in the actual operation of the ParseStr function, which behaves as expected.

// Each empty key will be treated as auto-incremented integer key for each
// array

// You can mix multiple types of keys in one dictionary, and you can mix
// empty key with non-empty key. Each non-empty integer key will be used as
// a new starting number for next empty key.

// You can use empty key for multi-dimensional array. Refer to the following
// example for the exact behavior.
fmt.Println("2-dim array:         ", dumpOrderedMap(ParseStr("arr[3][4]=deedee&arr[3][6]=wiz")))
fmt.Println("2-dim with empty key:", dumpOrderedMap(ParseStr("arr[][]=deedee&arr[][]=wiz")))
fmt.Println("partial empty key 1: ", dumpOrderedMap(ParseStr("arr[2][]=deedee&arr[2][]=wiz")))
fmt.Println("partial empty key 2: ", dumpOrderedMap(ParseStr("arr[2][]=deedee&arr[4][]=wiz")))
fmt.Println("partial empty key 3: ", dumpOrderedMap(ParseStr("arr[2][]=deedee&arr[][4]=wiz")))
fmt.Println("partial empty key 4: ", dumpOrderedMap(ParseStr("arr[2][]=deedee&arr[][]=wiz")))
fmt.Println("2-dim dict:          ", dumpOrderedMap(ParseStr("arr[one][four]=deedee&arr[three][six]=wiz")))
fmt.Println("3-dim arr:           ", dumpOrderedMap(ParseStr("arr[1][2][3]=deedee&arr[1][2][6]=wiz")))

omap[key:value a:omap[0:123 1:false 2:last] b:omap[0:str] c:omap[0:3.5]]
omap[arr:omap[0:A 1:B 9:C 10:D foo:E 11:F 15.1:G 12:H]]
2-dim array:          omap[arr:omap[3:omap[4:deedee 6:wiz]]]
2-dim with empty key: omap[arr:omap[0:omap[0:deedee] 1:omap[0:wiz]]]
partial empty key 1:  omap[arr:omap[2:omap[0:deedee 1:wiz]]]
partial empty key 2:  omap[arr:omap[2:omap[0:deedee] 4:omap[0:wiz]]]
partial empty key 3:  omap[arr:omap[2:omap[0:deedee] 3:omap[4:wiz]]]
partial empty key 4:  omap[arr:omap[2:omap[0:deedee] 3:omap[0:wiz]]]
2-dim dict:           omap[arr:omap[one:omap[four:deedee] three:omap[six:wiz]]]
3-dim arr:            omap[arr:omap[1:omap[2:omap[3:deedee 6:wiz]]]]
Example (CornerCases)

Notable corner cases

// input without key name will be ignored
fmt.Println("empty input:", dumpOrderedMap(ParseStr("")))
fmt.Println("no name:    ", dumpOrderedMap(ParseStr("=123&[]=123&[foo]=123&[3][var]=123")))
fmt.Println("no value:   ", dumpOrderedMap(ParseStr("foo&arr[]&arr[]&arr[]=val")))

// ParseStr will automatically urldecode the input
fmt.Println("encoded data:", dumpOrderedMap(ParseStr("a=%3c%3d%3d%20%20yolo+swag++%3d%3d%3e&b=%23%23%23Yolo+Swag%23%23%23")))
fmt.Println("backslash:   ", dumpOrderedMap(ParseStr("sum=8%5c2%3d4")))
fmt.Println("quotes:      ", dumpOrderedMap(ParseStr("str=%22quoted%22+string")))

// Ill-formed urlencoded data will be ignored and remain unescaped
fmt.Println("ill encoding:", dumpOrderedMap(ParseStr("first=%41&second=%a&third=%ZZ")))
// Null bytes will be parsed as "%0"

// Some characters will be replaced with underscore
fmt.Println("non-binary safe name:", dumpOrderedMap(ParseStr("arr.test[1]=deedee&arr test[4][two]=wiz")))
fmt.Println("complex string:      ", dumpOrderedMap(ParseStr("first=value&arr[]=foo+bar&arr[]=baz&foo[bar]=foobar&test.field=testing")))
fmt.Println("ill formed input:    ", dumpOrderedMap(ParseStr("yo;lo&foo = bar%ZZ&yolo + = + swag")))
fmt.Println("ill formed key:      ", dumpOrderedMap(ParseStr("arr[1=deedee&arr[4][2=wiz")))

empty input: omap[]
no name:     omap[]
no value:    omap[foo: arr:omap[0: 1: 2:val]]
encoded data: omap[a:<==  yolo swag  ==> b:###Yolo Swag###]
backslash:    omap[sum:8\2=4]
quotes:       omap[str:"quoted" string]
ill encoding: omap[first:A second:%a third:%ZZ]
non-binary safe name: omap[arr_test:omap[1:deedee 4:omap[two:wiz]]]
complex string:       omap[first:value arr:omap[0:foo bar 1:baz] foo:omap[bar:foobar] test_field:testing]
ill formed input:     omap[yo;lo: foo_: bar%ZZ yolo___:   swag]
ill formed key:       omap[arr_1:deedee arr:omap[4:wiz]]
Example (Version)
// parse_str("foo[ 3=v") returns ["foo_ 3" => "v"] in PHP 5.6 and
// ["foo__3" => "v"] in PHP 8.3. We follows 5.6 behavior for compatibility.
fmt.Println(dumpOrderedMap(ParseStr("foo[ 3=v")))

omap[foo_ 3:v]

func Strlen

func Strlen(value any) (int, error)

Strlen is a ported function that works exactly the same as PHP 5.6's strlen function. In PHP 5.6, when the strlen() function is used with a data type other than a string, it automatically converts the given variable into a string before processing it. To achieve the same behavior in Go, this function converts an argument to string using the zendParseArgAsString() function. For more information, see the official PHP documentation.

This function returns error if given argument is not one of following: string, int, int64, float64, bool, nil, and any type which does not implement interface { toString() string }.

Reference :

Test Case :

// Plain string
fmt.Println(Strlen("Hello, world"))

// Special characters

// Empty string

// Empty string with white space
fmt.Println(Strlen(" "))

// Nil

// Hexadecimal characters

// Tab character

// '\t' character

// Int

// Float

// True

// False

// Byte string
ac := string([]byte{128, 234, 65, 255, 0}) // chr(128).chr(234).chr(65).chr(255).chr(256)와 동일한 문자

// Multi-byte string

// String contain NULL byte

12 <nil>
14 <nil>
0 <nil>
1 <nil>
0 <nil>
18 <nil>
1 <nil>
2 <nil>
3 <nil>
7 <nil>
1 <nil>
0 <nil>
5 <nil>
15 <nil>
7 <nil>

func Trim

func Trim(value any) (ret string, err error)

Trim is a ported function that works exactly the same as PHP 5.6's trim function. For more information, see the official PHP documentation.

In PHP 5.6, when attempting to use the trim() function with a data type other than a string, it automatically converts the requested variable into a string before performing the trim. To achieve the same behavior in Go, this function converts the requested data types into strings and then utilize the trim function from the package strings. For more detailed information about the trim function in the package strings, see the strings's trim documentation

This function returns error if given argument is not one of following: string, int, int64, float64, bool, nil, and any type which does not implement interface { toString() string }.

NOTE: This function does not support the second parameter of original parse_str yet. It only strips the default characters (" \n\r\t\v\x00")


Test Cases:

Example (Float)
// Trim float

// Trim negative float

// Trim exponent

// Trim float exceeds 14 digits

// Trim float ends with 0

// Trim integer exceeds 14 digits

// Trim integer ends with 0

123.4 <nil>
-123.4 <nil>
101234567000 <nil>
1230.1298473259 <nil>
1230.129847325 <nil>
1.2345678912346E+14 <nil>
12345678912340 <nil>
Example (OtherTypes)
// Trim integer

// Trim negative integer

// Trim zero

// Trim empty array

// Trim bool (true)

// Trim bool (false)

// Trim object has toString
fmt.Println(Trim(Cat{name: "nabi", age: 3}))

// Trim object has no toString
fmt.Println(Trim(Dog{name: "choco", age: 5}))

// Trim function

// Trim here documents
	<h1>hello world   </h1>

// Trim resource
file, err := os.Open("")
if err != nil {

123 <nil>
-123 <nil>
0 <nil>
 unsupported type : []interface {}
1 <nil>
name is nabi and 3 years old <nil>
 unsupported type : gophplib.Dog
hello world <nil>
	<h1>hello world   </h1>
</header> <nil>
 unsupported type : *os.File
Example (String)
// Trim plain string
fmt.Println(Trim("Hello world "))

// Trim empty string

// Trim string with default characters
fmt.Println(Trim(" \x00\t\nABC \x00\t\n"))

Hello world <nil>
ABC <nil>

func Urldecode

func Urldecode(input string) string

Urldecode is a ported function that works exactly the same as PHP's urldecode function. For more information, see the official PHP documentation.

Unlike net/url's QueryUnescape function, this function *never* fails. Instead of returning an error, it leaves invalid percent encoded sequences as is. And contrary to its name, it does not follow percent encoding specification of RFC 3986 since it decodes '+' to ' '. This is done to be compatible with PHP's urldecode function.



my=apples&are=green and red🍎


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