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Published: Dec 13, 2019 License: Apache-2.0 Imports: 24 Imported by: 0


Xar CLI Integration tests

The xar cli integration tests live in this folder. You can run the full suite by running:

go test -mod=readonly -p 4 `go list ./cli_test/...` -tags=cli_test

NOTE: While the full suite runs in parallel, some of the tests can take up to a minute to complete

Test Structure

This integration suite uses a thin wrapper over the os/exec package. This allows the integration test to run against built binaries (both xard and xarcli are used) while being written in golang. This allows tests to take advantage of the various golang code we have for operations like marshal/unmarshal, crypto, etc...

NOTE: The tests will use whatever xard or xarcli binaries are available in your $PATH. You can check which binary will be run by the suite by running which xard or which xarcli. If you have your $GOPATH properly setup they should be in $GOPATH/bin/xar*. This will ensure that your test uses the latest binary you have built

Tests generally follow this structure:

func TestMyNewCommand(t *testing.T) {
	f := InitFixtures(t)

	// start xard server
	proc := f.GDStart()
	defer proc.Stop(false)

  // Your test code goes here...


This boilerplate above:

  • Ensures the tests run in parallel. Because the tests are calling out to os/exec for many operations these tests can take a long time to run.
  • Creates .xard and .xarcli folders in a new temp folder.
  • Uses xarcli to create 2 accounts for use in testing: foo and bar
  • Creates a genesis file with coins (1000footoken,1000feetoken,150stake) controlled by the foo key
  • Generates an initial bonding transaction (gentx) to make the foo key a validator at genesis
  • Starts xard and stops it once the test exits
  • Cleans up test state on a successful run
Notes when adding/running tests
  • Because the tests run against a built binary, you should make sure you build every time the code changes and you want to test again, otherwise you will be testing against an older version. If you are adding new tests this can easily lead to confusing test results.
  • The test_helpers.go file is organized according to the format of xarcli and xard commands. There are comments with section headers describing the different areas. Helper functions to call CLI functionality are generally named after the command (e.g. xarcli query staking validator would be QueryStakingValidator). Try to keep functions grouped by their position in the command tree.
  • Test state that is needed by tx and query commands (home, chain_id, etc...) is stored on the Fixtures object. This makes constructing your new tests almost trivial.
  • Sometimes if you exit a test early there can be still running xard and xarcli processes that will interrupt subsequent runs. Still running xarcli processes will block access to the keybase while still running xard processes will block ports and prevent new tests from spinning up. You can ensure new tests spin up clean by running pkill -9 xard && pkill -9 xarcli before each test run.
  • Most query and tx commands take a variadic flags argument. This pattern allows for the creation of a general function which is easily modified by adding flags. See the TxSend function and its use for a good example.
  • Tx* functions follow a general pattern and return (success bool, stdout string, stderr string). This allows for easy testing of multiple different flag configurations. See TestXarCLICreateValidator or TestXarCLISubmitProposal for a good example of the pattern.




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func WriteToNewTempFile

func WriteToNewTempFile(t *testing.T, s string) *os.File

Write the given string to a new temporary file


type Fixtures

type Fixtures struct {
	BuildDir     string
	RootDir      string
	XardBinary   string
	XarcliBinary string
	ChainID      string
	RPCAddr      string
	Port         string
	XardHome     string
	XarcliHome   string
	P2PAddr      string
	T            *testing.T

Fixtures is used to setup the testing environment

func InitFixtures

func InitFixtures(t *testing.T) (f *Fixtures)

InitFixtures is called at the beginning of a test and initializes a chain with 1 validator.

func NewFixtures

func NewFixtures(t *testing.T) *Fixtures

NewFixtures creates a new instance of Fixtures with many vars set

func (*Fixtures) AddGenesisAccount

func (f *Fixtures) AddGenesisAccount(address sdk.AccAddress, coins sdk.Coins, flags ...string)

AddGenesisAccount is xard add-genesis-account

func (*Fixtures) CLIConfig

func (f *Fixtures) CLIConfig(key, value string, flags ...string)

CLIConfig is xarcli config

func (*Fixtures) Cleanup

func (f *Fixtures) Cleanup(dirs ...string)

Cleanup is meant to be run at the end of a test to clean up an remaining test state

func (*Fixtures) CollectGenTxs

func (f *Fixtures) CollectGenTxs(flags ...string)

CollectGenTxs is xard collect-gentxs

func (*Fixtures) Flags

func (f *Fixtures) Flags() string

Flags returns the flags necessary for making most CLI calls

func (*Fixtures) GDInit

func (f *Fixtures) GDInit(moniker string, flags ...string)

GDInit is xard init NOTE: GDInit sets the ChainID for the Fixtures instance

func (*Fixtures) GDStart

func (f *Fixtures) GDStart(flags ...string) *tests.Process

GDStart runs xard start with the appropriate flags and returns a process

func (*Fixtures) GDTendermint

func (f *Fixtures) GDTendermint(query string) string

GDTendermint returns the results of xard tendermint [query]

func (*Fixtures) GenTx

func (f *Fixtures) GenTx(name string, flags ...string)

GenTx is xard gentx

func (Fixtures) GenesisFile

func (f Fixtures) GenesisFile() string

GenesisFile returns the path of the genesis file

func (Fixtures) GenesisState

func (f Fixtures) GenesisState() simapp.GenesisState

GenesisFile returns the application's genesis state

func (*Fixtures) KeyAddress

func (f *Fixtures) KeyAddress(name string) sdk.AccAddress

KeyAddress returns the SDK account address from the key

func (*Fixtures) KeysAdd

func (f *Fixtures) KeysAdd(name string, flags ...string)

KeysAdd is xarcli keys add

func (*Fixtures) KeysAddRecover

func (f *Fixtures) KeysAddRecover(name, mnemonic string, flags ...string) (exitSuccess bool, stdout, stderr string)

KeysAddRecover prepares xarcli keys add --recover

func (*Fixtures) KeysAddRecoverHDPath

func (f *Fixtures) KeysAddRecoverHDPath(name, mnemonic string, account uint32, index uint32, flags ...string)

KeysAddRecoverHDPath prepares xarcli keys add --recover --account --index

func (*Fixtures) KeysDelete

func (f *Fixtures) KeysDelete(name string, flags ...string)

KeysDelete is xarcli keys delete

func (*Fixtures) KeysShow

func (f *Fixtures) KeysShow(name string, flags ...string) keys.KeyOutput

KeysShow is xarcli keys show

func (*Fixtures) QueryAccount

func (f *Fixtures) QueryAccount(address sdk.AccAddress, flags ...string) auth.BaseAccount

QueryAccount is xarcli query account

func (*Fixtures) QueryGovDeposit

func (f *Fixtures) QueryGovDeposit(proposalID int, depositor sdk.AccAddress, flags ...string) gov.Deposit

QueryGovDeposit is xarcli query gov deposit

func (*Fixtures) QueryGovDeposits

func (f *Fixtures) QueryGovDeposits(propsalID int, flags ...string) []gov.Deposit

QueryGovDeposits is xarcli query gov deposits

func (*Fixtures) QueryGovParamDeposit

func (f *Fixtures) QueryGovParamDeposit() gov.DepositParams

QueryGovParamDeposit is xarcli query gov param deposit

func (*Fixtures) QueryGovParamTallying

func (f *Fixtures) QueryGovParamTallying() gov.TallyParams

QueryGovParamTallying is xarcli query gov param tallying

func (*Fixtures) QueryGovParamVoting

func (f *Fixtures) QueryGovParamVoting() gov.VotingParams

QueryGovParamVoting is xarcli query gov param voting

func (*Fixtures) QueryGovProposal

func (f *Fixtures) QueryGovProposal(proposalID int, flags ...string) gov.Proposal

QueryGovProposal is xarcli query gov proposal

func (*Fixtures) QueryGovProposals

func (f *Fixtures) QueryGovProposals(flags ...string) gov.Proposals

QueryGovProposals is xarcli query gov proposals

func (*Fixtures) QueryGovVote

func (f *Fixtures) QueryGovVote(proposalID int, voter sdk.AccAddress, flags ...string) gov.Vote

QueryGovVote is xarcli query gov vote

func (*Fixtures) QueryGovVotes

func (f *Fixtures) QueryGovVotes(proposalID int, flags ...string) []gov.Vote

QueryGovVotes is xarcli query gov votes

func (*Fixtures) QueryRewards

func (f *Fixtures) QueryRewards(delAddr sdk.AccAddress, flags ...string) distribution.QueryDelegatorTotalRewardsResponse

QueryRewards returns the rewards of a delegator

func (*Fixtures) QuerySigningInfo

func (f *Fixtures) QuerySigningInfo(val string) slashing.ValidatorSigningInfo

QuerySigningInfo returns the signing info for a validator

func (*Fixtures) QuerySlashingParams

func (f *Fixtures) QuerySlashingParams() slashing.Params

QuerySlashingParams is xarcli query slashing params

func (*Fixtures) QueryStakingDelegationsTo

func (f *Fixtures) QueryStakingDelegationsTo(valAddr sdk.ValAddress, flags ...string) []staking.Delegation

QueryStakingDelegationsTo is xarcli query staking delegations-to

func (*Fixtures) QueryStakingParameters

func (f *Fixtures) QueryStakingParameters(flags ...string) staking.Params

QueryStakingParameters is xarcli query staking parameters

func (*Fixtures) QueryStakingPool

func (f *Fixtures) QueryStakingPool(flags ...string) staking.Pool

QueryStakingPool is xarcli query staking pool

func (*Fixtures) QueryStakingUnbondingDelegationsFrom

func (f *Fixtures) QueryStakingUnbondingDelegationsFrom(valAddr sdk.ValAddress, flags ...string) []staking.UnbondingDelegation

QueryStakingUnbondingDelegationsFrom is xarcli query staking unbonding-delegations-from

func (*Fixtures) QueryStakingValidator

func (f *Fixtures) QueryStakingValidator(valAddr sdk.ValAddress, flags ...string) staking.Validator

QueryStakingValidator is xarcli query staking validator

func (*Fixtures) QueryTotalSupply

func (f *Fixtures) QueryTotalSupply(flags ...string) (totalSupply sdk.Coins)

QueryTotalSupply returns the total supply of coins

func (*Fixtures) QueryTotalSupplyOf

func (f *Fixtures) QueryTotalSupplyOf(denom string, flags ...string) sdk.Int

QueryTotalSupplyOf returns the total supply of a given coin denom

func (*Fixtures) QueryTxs

func (f *Fixtures) QueryTxs(page, limit int, tags ...string) *sdk.SearchTxsResult

QueryTxs is xarcli query txs

func (*Fixtures) QueryTxsInvalid

func (f *Fixtures) QueryTxsInvalid(expectedErr error, page, limit int, tags ...string)

QueryTxsInvalid query txs with wrong parameters and compare expected error

func (*Fixtures) TxBroadcast

func (f *Fixtures) TxBroadcast(fileName string, flags ...string) (bool, string, string)

TxBroadcast is xarcli tx broadcast

func (*Fixtures) TxEncode

func (f *Fixtures) TxEncode(fileName string, flags ...string) (bool, string, string)

TxEncode is xarcli tx encode

func (*Fixtures) TxGovDeposit

func (f *Fixtures) TxGovDeposit(proposalID int, from string, amount sdk.Coin, flags ...string) (bool, string, string)

TxGovDeposit is xarcli tx gov deposit

func (*Fixtures) TxGovSubmitCommunityPoolSpendProposal

func (f *Fixtures) TxGovSubmitCommunityPoolSpendProposal(
	from, proposalPath string, deposit sdk.Coin, flags ...string,
) (bool, string, string)

TxGovSubmitCommunityPoolSpendProposal executes a CLI community pool spend proposal submission.

func (*Fixtures) TxGovSubmitParamChangeProposal

func (f *Fixtures) TxGovSubmitParamChangeProposal(
	from, proposalPath string, deposit sdk.Coin, flags ...string,
) (bool, string, string)

TxGovSubmitParamChangeProposal executes a CLI parameter change proposal submission.

func (*Fixtures) TxGovSubmitProposal

func (f *Fixtures) TxGovSubmitProposal(from, typ, title, description string, deposit sdk.Coin, flags ...string) (bool, string, string)

TxGovSubmitProposal is xarcli tx gov submit-proposal

func (*Fixtures) TxGovVote

func (f *Fixtures) TxGovVote(proposalID int, option gov.VoteOption, from string, flags ...string) (bool, string, string)

TxGovVote is xarcli tx gov vote

func (*Fixtures) TxMultisign

func (f *Fixtures) TxMultisign(fileName, name string, signaturesFiles []string,
	flags ...string) (bool, string, string)

TxMultisign is xarcli tx multisign

func (*Fixtures) TxSend

func (f *Fixtures) TxSend(from string, to sdk.AccAddress, amount sdk.Coin, flags ...string) (bool, string, string)

TxSend is xarcli tx send

func (*Fixtures) TxSign

func (f *Fixtures) TxSign(signer, fileName string, flags ...string) (bool, string, string)

TxSign is xarcli tx sign

func (*Fixtures) TxStakingCreateValidator

func (f *Fixtures) TxStakingCreateValidator(from, consPubKey string, amount sdk.Coin, flags ...string) (bool, string, string)

TxStakingCreateValidator is xarcli tx staking create-validator

func (*Fixtures) TxStakingUnbond

func (f *Fixtures) TxStakingUnbond(from, shares string, validator sdk.ValAddress, flags ...string) bool

TxStakingUnbond is xarcli tx staking unbond

func (*Fixtures) UnsafeResetAll

func (f *Fixtures) UnsafeResetAll(flags ...string)

UnsafeResetAll is xard unsafe-reset-all

func (*Fixtures) ValidateGenesis

func (f *Fixtures) ValidateGenesis()

ValidateGenesis runs xard validate-genesis

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