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const (
	AggregatedDiscoveryService_StreamAggregatedResources_FullMethodName = "/envoy.service.discovery.v2.AggregatedDiscoveryService/StreamAggregatedResources"
	AggregatedDiscoveryService_DeltaAggregatedResources_FullMethodName  = "/envoy.service.discovery.v2.AggregatedDiscoveryService/DeltaAggregatedResources"
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const (
	HealthDiscoveryService_StreamHealthCheck_FullMethodName = "/envoy.service.discovery.v2.HealthDiscoveryService/StreamHealthCheck"
	HealthDiscoveryService_FetchHealthCheck_FullMethodName  = "/envoy.service.discovery.v2.HealthDiscoveryService/FetchHealthCheck"
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const (
	RuntimeDiscoveryService_StreamRuntime_FullMethodName = "/envoy.service.discovery.v2.RuntimeDiscoveryService/StreamRuntime"
	RuntimeDiscoveryService_DeltaRuntime_FullMethodName  = "/envoy.service.discovery.v2.RuntimeDiscoveryService/DeltaRuntime"
	RuntimeDiscoveryService_FetchRuntime_FullMethodName  = "/envoy.service.discovery.v2.RuntimeDiscoveryService/FetchRuntime"
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const (
	SecretDiscoveryService_DeltaSecrets_FullMethodName  = "/envoy.service.discovery.v2.SecretDiscoveryService/DeltaSecrets"
	SecretDiscoveryService_StreamSecrets_FullMethodName = "/envoy.service.discovery.v2.SecretDiscoveryService/StreamSecrets"
	SecretDiscoveryService_FetchSecrets_FullMethodName  = "/envoy.service.discovery.v2.SecretDiscoveryService/FetchSecrets"


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var AggregatedDiscoveryService_ServiceDesc = grpc.ServiceDesc{
	ServiceName: "envoy.service.discovery.v2.AggregatedDiscoveryService",
	HandlerType: (*AggregatedDiscoveryServiceServer)(nil),
	Methods:     []grpc.MethodDesc{},
	Streams: []grpc.StreamDesc{
			StreamName:    "StreamAggregatedResources",
			Handler:       _AggregatedDiscoveryService_StreamAggregatedResources_Handler,
			ServerStreams: true,
			ClientStreams: true,
			StreamName:    "DeltaAggregatedResources",
			Handler:       _AggregatedDiscoveryService_DeltaAggregatedResources_Handler,
			ServerStreams: true,
			ClientStreams: true,
	Metadata: "envoy/service/discovery/v2/ads.proto",

AggregatedDiscoveryService_ServiceDesc is the grpc.ServiceDesc for AggregatedDiscoveryService service. It's only intended for direct use with grpc.RegisterService, and not to be introspected or modified (even as a copy)

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var HealthDiscoveryService_ServiceDesc = grpc.ServiceDesc{
	ServiceName: "envoy.service.discovery.v2.HealthDiscoveryService",
	HandlerType: (*HealthDiscoveryServiceServer)(nil),
	Methods: []grpc.MethodDesc{
			MethodName: "FetchHealthCheck",
			Handler:    _HealthDiscoveryService_FetchHealthCheck_Handler,
	Streams: []grpc.StreamDesc{
			StreamName:    "StreamHealthCheck",
			Handler:       _HealthDiscoveryService_StreamHealthCheck_Handler,
			ServerStreams: true,
			ClientStreams: true,
	Metadata: "envoy/service/discovery/v2/hds.proto",

HealthDiscoveryService_ServiceDesc is the grpc.ServiceDesc for HealthDiscoveryService service. It's only intended for direct use with grpc.RegisterService, and not to be introspected or modified (even as a copy)

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var RuntimeDiscoveryService_ServiceDesc = grpc.ServiceDesc{
	ServiceName: "envoy.service.discovery.v2.RuntimeDiscoveryService",
	HandlerType: (*RuntimeDiscoveryServiceServer)(nil),
	Methods: []grpc.MethodDesc{
			MethodName: "FetchRuntime",
			Handler:    _RuntimeDiscoveryService_FetchRuntime_Handler,
	Streams: []grpc.StreamDesc{
			StreamName:    "StreamRuntime",
			Handler:       _RuntimeDiscoveryService_StreamRuntime_Handler,
			ServerStreams: true,
			ClientStreams: true,
			StreamName:    "DeltaRuntime",
			Handler:       _RuntimeDiscoveryService_DeltaRuntime_Handler,
			ServerStreams: true,
			ClientStreams: true,
	Metadata: "envoy/service/discovery/v2/rtds.proto",

RuntimeDiscoveryService_ServiceDesc is the grpc.ServiceDesc for RuntimeDiscoveryService service. It's only intended for direct use with grpc.RegisterService, and not to be introspected or modified (even as a copy)

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var SecretDiscoveryService_ServiceDesc = grpc.ServiceDesc{
	ServiceName: "envoy.service.discovery.v2.SecretDiscoveryService",
	HandlerType: (*SecretDiscoveryServiceServer)(nil),
	Methods: []grpc.MethodDesc{
			MethodName: "FetchSecrets",
			Handler:    _SecretDiscoveryService_FetchSecrets_Handler,
	Streams: []grpc.StreamDesc{
			StreamName:    "DeltaSecrets",
			Handler:       _SecretDiscoveryService_DeltaSecrets_Handler,
			ServerStreams: true,
			ClientStreams: true,
			StreamName:    "StreamSecrets",
			Handler:       _SecretDiscoveryService_StreamSecrets_Handler,
			ServerStreams: true,
			ClientStreams: true,
	Metadata: "envoy/service/discovery/v2/sds.proto",

SecretDiscoveryService_ServiceDesc is the grpc.ServiceDesc for SecretDiscoveryService service. It's only intended for direct use with grpc.RegisterService, and not to be introspected or modified (even as a copy)


func RegisterAggregatedDiscoveryServiceServer

func RegisterAggregatedDiscoveryServiceServer(s grpc.ServiceRegistrar, srv AggregatedDiscoveryServiceServer)

func RegisterHealthDiscoveryServiceServer

func RegisterHealthDiscoveryServiceServer(s grpc.ServiceRegistrar, srv HealthDiscoveryServiceServer)

func RegisterRuntimeDiscoveryServiceServer

func RegisterRuntimeDiscoveryServiceServer(s grpc.ServiceRegistrar, srv RuntimeDiscoveryServiceServer)

func RegisterSecretDiscoveryServiceServer

func RegisterSecretDiscoveryServiceServer(s grpc.ServiceRegistrar, srv SecretDiscoveryServiceServer)


type AggregatedDiscoveryServiceClient

type AggregatedDiscoveryServiceClient interface {
	// This is a gRPC-only API.
	StreamAggregatedResources(ctx context.Context, opts ...grpc.CallOption) (AggregatedDiscoveryService_StreamAggregatedResourcesClient, error)
	DeltaAggregatedResources(ctx context.Context, opts ...grpc.CallOption) (AggregatedDiscoveryService_DeltaAggregatedResourcesClient, error)

AggregatedDiscoveryServiceClient is the client API for AggregatedDiscoveryService service.

For semantics around ctx use and closing/ending streaming RPCs, please refer to

See for a description of the role of ADS and how it is intended to be used by a management server. ADS requests have the same structure as their singleton xDS counterparts, but can multiplex many resource types on a single stream. The type_url in the DiscoveryRequest/DiscoveryResponse provides sufficient information to recover the multiplexed singleton APIs at the Envoy instance and management server.

func NewAggregatedDiscoveryServiceClient

func NewAggregatedDiscoveryServiceClient(cc grpc.ClientConnInterface) AggregatedDiscoveryServiceClient

type AggregatedDiscoveryServiceServer

type AggregatedDiscoveryServiceServer interface {
	// This is a gRPC-only API.
	StreamAggregatedResources(AggregatedDiscoveryService_StreamAggregatedResourcesServer) error
	DeltaAggregatedResources(AggregatedDiscoveryService_DeltaAggregatedResourcesServer) error

AggregatedDiscoveryServiceServer is the server API for AggregatedDiscoveryService service. All implementations should embed UnimplementedAggregatedDiscoveryServiceServer for forward compatibility

See for a description of the role of ADS and how it is intended to be used by a management server. ADS requests have the same structure as their singleton xDS counterparts, but can multiplex many resource types on a single stream. The type_url in the DiscoveryRequest/DiscoveryResponse provides sufficient information to recover the multiplexed singleton APIs at the Envoy instance and management server.

type AggregatedDiscoveryService_DeltaAggregatedResourcesClient

type AggregatedDiscoveryService_DeltaAggregatedResourcesClient interface {
	Send(*v2.DeltaDiscoveryRequest) error
	Recv() (*v2.DeltaDiscoveryResponse, error)

type AggregatedDiscoveryService_DeltaAggregatedResourcesServer

type AggregatedDiscoveryService_DeltaAggregatedResourcesServer interface {
	Send(*v2.DeltaDiscoveryResponse) error
	Recv() (*v2.DeltaDiscoveryRequest, error)

type AggregatedDiscoveryService_StreamAggregatedResourcesClient

type AggregatedDiscoveryService_StreamAggregatedResourcesClient interface {
	Send(*v2.DiscoveryRequest) error
	Recv() (*v2.DiscoveryResponse, error)

type AggregatedDiscoveryService_StreamAggregatedResourcesServer

type AggregatedDiscoveryService_StreamAggregatedResourcesServer interface {
	Send(*v2.DiscoveryResponse) error
	Recv() (*v2.DiscoveryRequest, error)

type HealthDiscoveryServiceClient

type HealthDiscoveryServiceClient interface {
	//  1. Envoy starts up and if its can_healthcheck option in the static
	//     bootstrap config is enabled, sends HealthCheckRequest to the management
	//     server. It supplies its capabilities (which protocol it can health check
	//     with, what zone it resides in, etc.).
	//  2. In response to (1), the management server designates this Envoy as a
	//     healthchecker to health check a subset of all upstream hosts for a given
	//     cluster (for example upstream Host 1 and Host 2). It streams
	//     HealthCheckSpecifier messages with cluster related configuration for all
	//     clusters this Envoy is designated to health check. Subsequent
	//     HealthCheckSpecifier message will be sent on changes to:
	//     a. Endpoints to health checks
	//     b. Per cluster configuration change
	//  3. Envoy creates a health probe based on the HealthCheck config and sends
	//     it to endpoint(ip:port) of Host 1 and 2. Based on the HealthCheck
	//     configuration Envoy waits upon the arrival of the probe response and
	//     looks at the content of the response to decide whether the endpoint is
	//     healthy or not. If a response hasn't been received within the timeout
	//     interval, the endpoint health status is considered TIMEOUT.
	//  4. Envoy reports results back in an EndpointHealthResponse message.
	//     Envoy streams responses as often as the interval configured by the
	//     management server in HealthCheckSpecifier.
	//  5. The management Server collects health statuses for all endpoints in the
	//     cluster (for all clusters) and uses this information to construct
	//     EndpointDiscoveryResponse messages.
	//  6. Once Envoy has a list of upstream endpoints to send traffic to, it load
	//     balances traffic to them without additional health checking. It may
	//     use inline healthcheck (i.e. consider endpoint UNHEALTHY if connection
	//     failed to a particular endpoint to account for health status propagation
	//     delay between HDS and EDS).
	// By default, can_healthcheck is true. If can_healthcheck is false, Cluster
	// configuration may not contain HealthCheck message.
	// TODO(htuch): How is can_healthcheck communicated to CDS to ensure the above
	// invariant?
	// TODO(htuch): Add @amb67's diagram.
	StreamHealthCheck(ctx context.Context, opts ...grpc.CallOption) (HealthDiscoveryService_StreamHealthCheckClient, error)
	// TODO(htuch): Unlike the gRPC version, there is no stream-based binding of
	// request/response. Should we add an identifier to the HealthCheckSpecifier
	// to bind with the response?
	FetchHealthCheck(ctx context.Context, in *v2.HealthCheckRequestOrEndpointHealthResponse, opts ...grpc.CallOption) (*v2.HealthCheckSpecifier, error)

HealthDiscoveryServiceClient is the client API for HealthDiscoveryService service.

For semantics around ctx use and closing/ending streaming RPCs, please refer to

HDS is Health Discovery Service. It compliments Envoy’s health checking service by designating this Envoy to be a healthchecker for a subset of hosts in the cluster. The status of these health checks will be reported to the management server, where it can be aggregated etc and redistributed back to Envoy through EDS.

func NewHealthDiscoveryServiceClient

func NewHealthDiscoveryServiceClient(cc grpc.ClientConnInterface) HealthDiscoveryServiceClient

type HealthDiscoveryServiceServer

type HealthDiscoveryServiceServer interface {
	//  1. Envoy starts up and if its can_healthcheck option in the static
	//     bootstrap config is enabled, sends HealthCheckRequest to the management
	//     server. It supplies its capabilities (which protocol it can health check
	//     with, what zone it resides in, etc.).
	//  2. In response to (1), the management server designates this Envoy as a
	//     healthchecker to health check a subset of all upstream hosts for a given
	//     cluster (for example upstream Host 1 and Host 2). It streams
	//     HealthCheckSpecifier messages with cluster related configuration for all
	//     clusters this Envoy is designated to health check. Subsequent
	//     HealthCheckSpecifier message will be sent on changes to:
	//     a. Endpoints to health checks
	//     b. Per cluster configuration change
	//  3. Envoy creates a health probe based on the HealthCheck config and sends
	//     it to endpoint(ip:port) of Host 1 and 2. Based on the HealthCheck
	//     configuration Envoy waits upon the arrival of the probe response and
	//     looks at the content of the response to decide whether the endpoint is
	//     healthy or not. If a response hasn't been received within the timeout
	//     interval, the endpoint health status is considered TIMEOUT.
	//  4. Envoy reports results back in an EndpointHealthResponse message.
	//     Envoy streams responses as often as the interval configured by the
	//     management server in HealthCheckSpecifier.
	//  5. The management Server collects health statuses for all endpoints in the
	//     cluster (for all clusters) and uses this information to construct
	//     EndpointDiscoveryResponse messages.
	//  6. Once Envoy has a list of upstream endpoints to send traffic to, it load
	//     balances traffic to them without additional health checking. It may
	//     use inline healthcheck (i.e. consider endpoint UNHEALTHY if connection
	//     failed to a particular endpoint to account for health status propagation
	//     delay between HDS and EDS).
	// By default, can_healthcheck is true. If can_healthcheck is false, Cluster
	// configuration may not contain HealthCheck message.
	// TODO(htuch): How is can_healthcheck communicated to CDS to ensure the above
	// invariant?
	// TODO(htuch): Add @amb67's diagram.
	StreamHealthCheck(HealthDiscoveryService_StreamHealthCheckServer) error
	// TODO(htuch): Unlike the gRPC version, there is no stream-based binding of
	// request/response. Should we add an identifier to the HealthCheckSpecifier
	// to bind with the response?
	FetchHealthCheck(context.Context, *v2.HealthCheckRequestOrEndpointHealthResponse) (*v2.HealthCheckSpecifier, error)

HealthDiscoveryServiceServer is the server API for HealthDiscoveryService service. All implementations should embed UnimplementedHealthDiscoveryServiceServer for forward compatibility

HDS is Health Discovery Service. It compliments Envoy’s health checking service by designating this Envoy to be a healthchecker for a subset of hosts in the cluster. The status of these health checks will be reported to the management server, where it can be aggregated etc and redistributed back to Envoy through EDS.

type HealthDiscoveryService_StreamHealthCheckClient

type HealthDiscoveryService_StreamHealthCheckClient interface {
	Send(*v2.HealthCheckRequestOrEndpointHealthResponse) error
	Recv() (*v2.HealthCheckSpecifier, error)

type HealthDiscoveryService_StreamHealthCheckServer

type HealthDiscoveryService_StreamHealthCheckServer interface {
	Send(*v2.HealthCheckSpecifier) error
	Recv() (*v2.HealthCheckRequestOrEndpointHealthResponse, error)

type RuntimeDiscoveryServiceClient

type RuntimeDiscoveryServiceClient interface {
	StreamRuntime(ctx context.Context, opts ...grpc.CallOption) (RuntimeDiscoveryService_StreamRuntimeClient, error)
	DeltaRuntime(ctx context.Context, opts ...grpc.CallOption) (RuntimeDiscoveryService_DeltaRuntimeClient, error)
	FetchRuntime(ctx context.Context, in *v2.DiscoveryRequest, opts ...grpc.CallOption) (*v2.DiscoveryResponse, error)

RuntimeDiscoveryServiceClient is the client API for RuntimeDiscoveryService service.

For semantics around ctx use and closing/ending streaming RPCs, please refer to

Discovery service for Runtime resources.

func NewRuntimeDiscoveryServiceClient

func NewRuntimeDiscoveryServiceClient(cc grpc.ClientConnInterface) RuntimeDiscoveryServiceClient

type RuntimeDiscoveryServiceServer

type RuntimeDiscoveryServiceServer interface {
	StreamRuntime(RuntimeDiscoveryService_StreamRuntimeServer) error
	DeltaRuntime(RuntimeDiscoveryService_DeltaRuntimeServer) error
	FetchRuntime(context.Context, *v2.DiscoveryRequest) (*v2.DiscoveryResponse, error)

RuntimeDiscoveryServiceServer is the server API for RuntimeDiscoveryService service. All implementations should embed UnimplementedRuntimeDiscoveryServiceServer for forward compatibility

Discovery service for Runtime resources.

type RuntimeDiscoveryService_DeltaRuntimeClient

type RuntimeDiscoveryService_DeltaRuntimeClient interface {
	Send(*v2.DeltaDiscoveryRequest) error
	Recv() (*v2.DeltaDiscoveryResponse, error)

type RuntimeDiscoveryService_DeltaRuntimeServer

type RuntimeDiscoveryService_DeltaRuntimeServer interface {
	Send(*v2.DeltaDiscoveryResponse) error
	Recv() (*v2.DeltaDiscoveryRequest, error)

type RuntimeDiscoveryService_StreamRuntimeClient

type RuntimeDiscoveryService_StreamRuntimeClient interface {
	Send(*v2.DiscoveryRequest) error
	Recv() (*v2.DiscoveryResponse, error)

type RuntimeDiscoveryService_StreamRuntimeServer

type RuntimeDiscoveryService_StreamRuntimeServer interface {
	Send(*v2.DiscoveryResponse) error
	Recv() (*v2.DiscoveryRequest, error)

type SecretDiscoveryServiceClient

type SecretDiscoveryServiceClient interface {
	DeltaSecrets(ctx context.Context, opts ...grpc.CallOption) (SecretDiscoveryService_DeltaSecretsClient, error)
	StreamSecrets(ctx context.Context, opts ...grpc.CallOption) (SecretDiscoveryService_StreamSecretsClient, error)
	FetchSecrets(ctx context.Context, in *v2.DiscoveryRequest, opts ...grpc.CallOption) (*v2.DiscoveryResponse, error)

SecretDiscoveryServiceClient is the client API for SecretDiscoveryService service.

For semantics around ctx use and closing/ending streaming RPCs, please refer to

func NewSecretDiscoveryServiceClient

func NewSecretDiscoveryServiceClient(cc grpc.ClientConnInterface) SecretDiscoveryServiceClient

type SecretDiscoveryServiceServer

type SecretDiscoveryServiceServer interface {
	DeltaSecrets(SecretDiscoveryService_DeltaSecretsServer) error
	StreamSecrets(SecretDiscoveryService_StreamSecretsServer) error
	FetchSecrets(context.Context, *v2.DiscoveryRequest) (*v2.DiscoveryResponse, error)

SecretDiscoveryServiceServer is the server API for SecretDiscoveryService service. All implementations should embed UnimplementedSecretDiscoveryServiceServer for forward compatibility

type SecretDiscoveryService_DeltaSecretsClient

type SecretDiscoveryService_DeltaSecretsClient interface {
	Send(*v2.DeltaDiscoveryRequest) error
	Recv() (*v2.DeltaDiscoveryResponse, error)

type SecretDiscoveryService_DeltaSecretsServer

type SecretDiscoveryService_DeltaSecretsServer interface {
	Send(*v2.DeltaDiscoveryResponse) error
	Recv() (*v2.DeltaDiscoveryRequest, error)

type SecretDiscoveryService_StreamSecretsClient

type SecretDiscoveryService_StreamSecretsClient interface {
	Send(*v2.DiscoveryRequest) error
	Recv() (*v2.DiscoveryResponse, error)

type SecretDiscoveryService_StreamSecretsServer

type SecretDiscoveryService_StreamSecretsServer interface {
	Send(*v2.DiscoveryResponse) error
	Recv() (*v2.DiscoveryRequest, error)

type UnimplementedAggregatedDiscoveryServiceServer

type UnimplementedAggregatedDiscoveryServiceServer struct {

UnimplementedAggregatedDiscoveryServiceServer should be embedded to have forward compatible implementations.

func (UnimplementedAggregatedDiscoveryServiceServer) DeltaAggregatedResources

func (UnimplementedAggregatedDiscoveryServiceServer) StreamAggregatedResources

type UnimplementedHealthDiscoveryServiceServer

type UnimplementedHealthDiscoveryServiceServer struct {

UnimplementedHealthDiscoveryServiceServer should be embedded to have forward compatible implementations.

func (UnimplementedHealthDiscoveryServiceServer) FetchHealthCheck

func (UnimplementedHealthDiscoveryServiceServer) StreamHealthCheck

type UnimplementedRuntimeDiscoveryServiceServer

type UnimplementedRuntimeDiscoveryServiceServer struct {

UnimplementedRuntimeDiscoveryServiceServer should be embedded to have forward compatible implementations.

func (UnimplementedRuntimeDiscoveryServiceServer) DeltaRuntime

func (UnimplementedRuntimeDiscoveryServiceServer) FetchRuntime

func (UnimplementedRuntimeDiscoveryServiceServer) StreamRuntime

type UnimplementedSecretDiscoveryServiceServer

type UnimplementedSecretDiscoveryServiceServer struct {

UnimplementedSecretDiscoveryServiceServer should be embedded to have forward compatible implementations.

func (UnimplementedSecretDiscoveryServiceServer) DeltaSecrets

func (UnimplementedSecretDiscoveryServiceServer) FetchSecrets

func (UnimplementedSecretDiscoveryServiceServer) StreamSecrets

type UnsafeAggregatedDiscoveryServiceServer

type UnsafeAggregatedDiscoveryServiceServer interface {
	// contains filtered or unexported methods

UnsafeAggregatedDiscoveryServiceServer may be embedded to opt out of forward compatibility for this service. Use of this interface is not recommended, as added methods to AggregatedDiscoveryServiceServer will result in compilation errors.

type UnsafeHealthDiscoveryServiceServer

type UnsafeHealthDiscoveryServiceServer interface {
	// contains filtered or unexported methods

UnsafeHealthDiscoveryServiceServer may be embedded to opt out of forward compatibility for this service. Use of this interface is not recommended, as added methods to HealthDiscoveryServiceServer will result in compilation errors.

type UnsafeRuntimeDiscoveryServiceServer

type UnsafeRuntimeDiscoveryServiceServer interface {
	// contains filtered or unexported methods

UnsafeRuntimeDiscoveryServiceServer may be embedded to opt out of forward compatibility for this service. Use of this interface is not recommended, as added methods to RuntimeDiscoveryServiceServer will result in compilation errors.

type UnsafeSecretDiscoveryServiceServer

type UnsafeSecretDiscoveryServiceServer interface {
	// contains filtered or unexported methods

UnsafeSecretDiscoveryServiceServer may be embedded to opt out of forward compatibility for this service. Use of this interface is not recommended, as added methods to SecretDiscoveryServiceServer will result in compilation errors.

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