Plan 9 Crypto Monorepo
While all of the API's are in development there is intermittent and very neccessary changes that break everything, everything is being piled into this repository in order to simplify several aspects of the work.
go run ./pod/podbuild/. builder
podbuild install
For other commands
podbuild help
A one-liner to run the node:
go get; go run node
Note that the podbuild
isn't essential to use but without it, the build will not split file paths correctly,
and your logs will be very ugly.
- @l0k18
Path | Synopsis |
Package node is a full-node Parallelcoin implementation written in Go.
Package node is a full-node Parallelcoin implementation written in Go. |
Package rpctest provides a pod-specific RPC testing harness crafting and executing integration tests by driving a `pod` instance via the `RPC` interface.
Package rpctest provides a pod-specific RPC testing harness crafting and executing integration tests by driving a `pod` instance via the `RPC` interface. |
Package addrmgr implements concurrency safe Bitcoin address manager.
Package addrmgr implements concurrency safe Bitcoin address manager. |
Package base58 provides an API for working with modified base58 and Base58Check encodings.
Package base58 provides an API for working with modified base58 and Base58Check encodings. |
Package blockchain implements bitcoin block handling and chain selection rules.
Package blockchain implements bitcoin block handling and chain selection rules. |
Package btcjson provides primitives for working with the bitcoin JSON-RPC API.
Package btcjson provides primitives for working with the bitcoin JSON-RPC API. |
Package chaincfg defines chain configuration parameters.
Package chaincfg defines chain configuration parameters. |
Package chainhash provides abstracted hash functionality.
Package chainhash provides abstracted hash functionality. |
Package connmgr implements a generic Bitcoin network connection manager.
Package connmgr implements a generic Bitcoin network connection manager. |
Package hashrate is a message type for Simplebuffers generated by miners to broadcast an IP address, a count and version number and current height of mining work just completed.
Package hashrate is a message type for Simplebuffers generated by miners to broadcast an IP address, a count and version number and current height of mining work just completed. |
Package database provides a block and metadata storage database.
Package database provides a block and metadata storage database. |
Package ffldb implements a driver for the database package that uses leveldb or the backing metadata and flat files for block storage.
Package ffldb implements a driver for the database package that uses leveldb or the backing metadata and flat files for block storage. |
Package ec implements support for the elliptic curves needed for bitcoin.
Package ec implements support for the elliptic curves needed for bitcoin. |
Package fec implements Reed Solomon 9/3 forward error correction, intended to be sent as 9 pieces where 3 uncorrupted parts allows assembly of the message
Package fec implements Reed Solomon 9/3 forward error correction, intended to be sent as 9 pieces where 3 uncorrupted parts allows assembly of the message |
Package fork handles tracking the hard fork status and is used to determine which consensus rules apply on a block
Package fork handles tracking the hard fork status and is used to determine which consensus rules apply on a block |
Package gcs provides an API for building and using a Golomb-coded set filter.
Package gcs provides an API for building and using a Golomb-coded set filter. |
Package icons bundles the entire set of several icon sets into one package as maps to allow iteration
Package icons bundles the entire set of several icon sets into one package as maps to allow iteration |
Package indexers implements optional block chain indexes.
Package indexers implements optional block chain indexes. |
Package indexers implements optional block chain indexes.
Package indexers implements optional block chain indexes. |
Package mempool provides a policy-enforced pool of unmined bitcoin transactions.
Package mempool provides a policy-enforced pool of unmined bitcoin transactions. |
Package netsync implements a concurrency safe block syncing protocol.
Package netsync implements a concurrency safe block syncing protocol. |
Package peer provides a common base for creating and managing Bitcoin network peers.
Package peer provides a common base for creating and managing Bitcoin network peers. |
Package consume turns off and on the Serve logging messages and provides a way to receive and process the log messages
Package consume turns off and on the Serve logging messages and provides a way to receive and process the log messages |
Package serve receives log.Entry messages on a channel and sends them when it has been told to Run by Consume, and pauses when it is told Pause
Package serve receives log.Entry messages on a channel and sends them when it has been told to Run by Consume, and pauses when it is told Pause |
Package podopts is a configuration system to fit with the all-in-one philosophy guiding the design of the parallelcoin pod.
Package podopts is a configuration system to fit with the all-in-one philosophy guiding the design of the parallelcoin pod. |
This generator reads a podcfg.Configs map and spits out a podcfg.Config struct
This generator reads a podcfg.Configs map and spits out a podcfg.Config struct |
Package rpcclient implements a websocket-enabled Bitcoin JSON-RPC client.
Package rpcclient implements a websocket-enabled Bitcoin JSON-RPC client. |
Package transport provides a listener and sender channel for unicast and multicast UDP IPv4 short message chat protocol with a pre shared key, forward error correction facilities with a nice friendly declaration syntax
Package transport provides a listener and sender channel for unicast and multicast UDP IPv4 short message chat protocol with a pre shared key, forward error correction facilities with a nice friendly declaration syntax |
Package txauthor provides transaction creation code for wallets.
Package txauthor provides transaction creation code for wallets. |
Package txrules provides transaction rules that should be followed by transaction authors for wide mempool acceptance and quick mining.
Package txrules provides transaction rules that should be followed by transaction authors for wide mempool acceptance and quick mining. |
Package txscript implements the bitcoin transaction script language.
Package txscript implements the bitcoin transaction script language. |
Package txsizes Copyright (c) 2016 The btcsuite developers
Package txsizes Copyright (c) 2016 The btcsuite developers |
Package util provides bitcoin-specific convenience functions and types.
Package util provides bitcoin-specific convenience functions and types. |
Package hdkeychain provides an API for bitcoin hierarchical deterministic extended keys (BIP0032).
Package hdkeychain provides an API for bitcoin hierarchical deterministic extended keys (BIP0032). |
Package helpers provides convenience functions to simplify wallet code.
Package helpers provides convenience functions to simplify wallet code. |
Package treap implements a treap data structure that is used to hold ordered key/value pairs using a combination of binary search tree and heap semantics.
Package treap implements a treap data structure that is used to hold ordered key/value pairs using a combination of binary search tree and heap semantics. |
Package zero Copyright (c) 2015 The btcsuite developers Package zero contains functions to clear data from byte slices and multi-precision integers.
Package zero Copyright (c) 2015 The btcsuite developers Package zero contains functions to clear data from byte slices and multi-precision integers. |
Package waddrmgr provides a secure hierarchical deterministic wallet address manager.
Package waddrmgr provides a secure hierarchical deterministic wallet address manager. |
Package wallet Copyright (c) 2015-2016 The btcsuite developers Package wallet provides ...
Package wallet Copyright (c) 2015-2016 The btcsuite developers Package wallet provides ... |
Package walletdb provides a namespaced database interface for btcwallet.
Package walletdb provides a namespaced database interface for btcwallet. |
Package bdb implements an instance of walletdb that uses boltdb for the backing datastore.
Package bdb implements an instance of walletdb that uses boltdb for the backing datastore. |
Package ci provides exported tests that can be imported and consumed by walletdb driver tests to help ensure that drivers confirm to the database driver interface correctly.
Package ci provides exported tests that can be imported and consumed by walletdb driver tests to help ensure that drivers confirm to the database driver interface correctly. |
Package wire implements the bitcoin wire protocol.
Package wire implements the bitcoin wire protocol. |
Package wtxmgr provides an implementation of a transaction database handling spend tracking for a bitcoin wallet.
Package wtxmgr provides an implementation of a transaction database handling spend tracking for a bitcoin wallet. |
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