
package module
v0.32.0 Latest Latest

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Published: Jul 5, 2024 License: MIT Imports: 52 Imported by: 742



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Testcontainers for Go is a Go package that makes it simple to create and clean up container-based dependencies for automated integration/smoke tests. The clean, easy-to-use API enables developers to programmatically define containers that should be run as part of a test and clean up those resources when the test is done.

You can find more information about Testcontainers for Go at golang.testcontainers.org, which is rendered from the ./docs directory.

Using Testcontainers for Go

Please visit the quickstart guide to understand how to add the dependency to your Go project.





View Source
const (
	Bridge        = "bridge" // Bridge network name (as well as driver)
	Podman        = "podman"
	ReaperDefault = "reaper_default" // Default network name when bridge is not available

View Source
const (
	// Deprecated: it has been replaced by the internal core.LabelLang
	TestcontainerLabel = "org.testcontainers.golang"
	// Deprecated: it has been replaced by the internal core.LabelSessionID
	TestcontainerLabelSessionID = TestcontainerLabel + ".sessionId"
	// Deprecated: it has been replaced by the internal core.LabelReaper
	TestcontainerLabelIsReaper = TestcontainerLabel + ".reaper"
View Source
const (

	// HostInternal is the internal hostname used to reach the host from the container,
	// using the SSHD container as a bridge.
	HostInternal string = "host.testcontainers.internal"
View Source
const StderrLog = "STDERR"

StderrLog is the log type for STDERR

View Source
const StdoutLog = "STDOUT"

StdoutLog is the log type for STDOUT


View Source
var (
	ErrDuplicateMountTarget = errors.New("duplicate mount target detected")
	ErrInvalidBindMount     = errors.New("invalid bind mount")
View Source
var DefaultLoggingHook = func(logger Logging) ContainerLifecycleHooks {
	shortContainerID := func(c Container) string {
		return c.GetContainerID()[:12]

	return ContainerLifecycleHooks{
		PreCreates: []ContainerRequestHook{
			func(ctx context.Context, req ContainerRequest) error {
				logger.Printf("🐳 Creating container for image %s", req.Image)
				return nil
		PostCreates: []ContainerHook{
			func(ctx context.Context, c Container) error {
				logger.Printf("✅ Container created: %s", shortContainerID(c))
				return nil
		PreStarts: []ContainerHook{
			func(ctx context.Context, c Container) error {
				logger.Printf("🐳 Starting container: %s", shortContainerID(c))
				return nil
		PostStarts: []ContainerHook{
			func(ctx context.Context, c Container) error {
				logger.Printf("✅ Container started: %s", shortContainerID(c))
				return nil
		PostReadies: []ContainerHook{
			func(ctx context.Context, c Container) error {
				logger.Printf("🔔 Container is ready: %s", shortContainerID(c))
				return nil
		PreStops: []ContainerHook{
			func(ctx context.Context, c Container) error {
				logger.Printf("🐳 Stopping container: %s", shortContainerID(c))
				return nil
		PostStops: []ContainerHook{
			func(ctx context.Context, c Container) error {
				logger.Printf("✅ Container stopped: %s", shortContainerID(c))
				return nil
		PreTerminates: []ContainerHook{
			func(ctx context.Context, c Container) error {
				logger.Printf("🐳 Terminating container: %s", shortContainerID(c))
				return nil
		PostTerminates: []ContainerHook{
			func(ctx context.Context, c Container) error {
				logger.Printf("🚫 Container terminated: %s", shortContainerID(c))
				return nil

DefaultLoggingHook is a hook that will log the container lifecycle events

View Source
var (
	ErrReuseEmptyName = errors.New("with reuse option a container name mustn't be empty")
View Source
var (
	// Deprecated: it has been replaced by an internal value
	ReaperDefaultImage = config.ReaperDefaultImage


func DockerImageAuth added in v0.19.0

func DockerImageAuth(ctx context.Context, image string) (string, registry.AuthConfig, error)

DockerImageAuth returns the auth config for the given Docker image, extracting first its Docker registry. Finally, it will use the credential helpers to extract the information from the docker config file for that registry, if it exists.

func ExtractDockerSocket added in v0.28.0

func ExtractDockerSocket() string

ExtractDockerSocket Extracts the docker socket from the different alternatives, removing the socket schema. Use this function to get the docker socket path, not the host (e.g. mounting the socket in a container). This function does not consider Windows containers at the moment. The possible alternatives are:

  1. Docker host from the "tc.host" property in the ~/.testcontainers.properties file.
  3. Using a Docker client, check if the Info().OperativeSystem is "Docker Desktop" and return the default docker socket path for rootless docker.
  4. Else, Get the current Docker Host from the existing strategies: see ExtractDockerHost.
  5. If the socket contains the unix schema, the schema is removed (e.g. unix:///var/run/docker.sock -> /var/run/docker.sock)
  6. Else, the default location of the docker socket is used (/var/run/docker.sock)

In any case, if the docker socket schema is "tcp://", the default docker socket path will be returned.

func GenericLabels added in v0.26.0

func GenericLabels() map[string]string

GenericLabels returns a map of labels that can be used to identify containers created by this library

func LogDockerServerInfo deprecated added in v0.17.0

func LogDockerServerInfo(ctx context.Context, client client.APIClient, logger Logging)

Deprecated: this function will be removed in a future release LogDockerServerInfo logs the docker server info using the provided logger and Docker client

func NewDockerClient deprecated added in v0.14.0

func NewDockerClient() (*client.Client, error)

Deprecated: Use NewDockerClientWithOpts instead.

func SessionID added in v0.26.0

func SessionID() string

SessionID returns a unique session ID for the current test session. Because each Go package will be run in a separate process, we need a way to identify the current test session. By test session, we mean:

  • a single "go test" invocation (including flags)
  • a single "go test ./..." invocation (including flags)
  • the execution of a single test or a set of tests using the IDE

As a consequence, with the sole goal of aggregating test execution across multiple packages, this variable will contain the value of the parent process ID (pid) of the current process and its creation date, to use it to generate a unique session ID. We are using the parent pid because the current process will be a child process of:

  • the process that is running the tests, e.g.: "go test";
  • the process that is running the application in development mode, e.g. "go run main.go -tags dev";
  • the process that is running the tests in the IDE, e.g.: "go test ./...".

Finally, we will hash the combination of the "testcontainers-go:" string with the parent pid and the creation date of that parent process to generate a unique session ID.

This sessionID will be used to:

  • identify the test session, aggregating the test execution of multiple packages in the same test session.
  • tag the containers created by testcontainers-go, adding a label to the container with the session ID.

func SkipIfDockerDesktop added in v0.21.0

func SkipIfDockerDesktop(t *testing.T, ctx context.Context)

SkipIfDockerDesktop is a utility function capable of skipping tests if tests are run using Docker Desktop.

func SkipIfProviderIsNotHealthy added in v0.7.0

func SkipIfProviderIsNotHealthy(t *testing.T)

SkipIfProviderIsNotHealthy is a utility function capable of skipping tests if the provider is not healthy, or running at all. This is a function designed to be used in your test, when Docker is not mandatory for CI/CD. In this way tests that depend on Testcontainers won't run if the provider is provisioned correctly.



type BindMounter deprecated added in v0.13.0

type BindMounter interface {
	GetBindOptions() *mount.BindOptions

Deprecated: use Files or HostConfigModifier in the ContainerRequest, or copy files container APIs to make containers portable across Docker environments BindMounter can optionally be implemented by mount sources to support advanced scenarios based on mount.BindOptions

type Container

type Container interface {
	GetContainerID() string                                         // get the container id from the provider
	Endpoint(context.Context, string) (string, error)               // get proto://ip:port string for the first exposed port
	PortEndpoint(context.Context, nat.Port, string) (string, error) // get proto://ip:port string for the given exposed port
	Host(context.Context) (string, error)                           // get host where the container port is exposed
	Inspect(context.Context) (*types.ContainerJSON, error)          // get container info
	MappedPort(context.Context, nat.Port) (nat.Port, error)         // get externally mapped port for a container port
	Ports(context.Context) (nat.PortMap, error)                     // Deprecated: Use c.Inspect(ctx).NetworkSettings.Ports instead
	SessionID() string                                              // get session id
	IsRunning() bool
	Start(context.Context) error                                    // start the container
	Stop(context.Context, *time.Duration) error                     // stop the container
	Terminate(context.Context) error                                // terminate the container
	Logs(context.Context) (io.ReadCloser, error)                    // Get logs of the container
	FollowOutput(LogConsumer)                                       // Deprecated: it will be removed in the next major release
	StartLogProducer(context.Context, ...LogProductionOption) error // Deprecated: Use the ContainerRequest instead
	StopLogProducer() error                                         // Deprecated: it will be removed in the next major release
	Name(context.Context) (string, error)                           // Deprecated: Use c.Inspect(ctx).Name instead
	State(context.Context) (*types.ContainerState, error)           // returns container's running state
	Networks(context.Context) ([]string, error)                     // get container networks
	NetworkAliases(context.Context) (map[string][]string, error)    // get container network aliases for a network
	Exec(ctx context.Context, cmd []string, options ...tcexec.ProcessOption) (int, io.Reader, error)
	ContainerIP(context.Context) (string, error)    // get container ip
	ContainerIPs(context.Context) ([]string, error) // get all container IPs
	CopyToContainer(ctx context.Context, fileContent []byte, containerFilePath string, fileMode int64) error
	CopyDirToContainer(ctx context.Context, hostDirPath string, containerParentPath string, fileMode int64) error
	CopyFileToContainer(ctx context.Context, hostFilePath string, containerFilePath string, fileMode int64) error
	CopyFileFromContainer(ctx context.Context, filePath string) (io.ReadCloser, error)
	GetLogProductionErrorChannel() <-chan error

Container allows getting info about and controlling a single container instance

func GenericContainer

func GenericContainer(ctx context.Context, req GenericContainerRequest) (Container, error)

GenericContainer creates a generic container with parameters

Example (BuildFromDockerfile)
ctx := context.Background()

// buildFromDockerfileWithModifier {
c, err := GenericContainer(ctx, GenericContainerRequest{
	ContainerRequest: ContainerRequest{
		FromDockerfile: FromDockerfile{
			Context:       "testdata",
			Dockerfile:    "target.Dockerfile",
			PrintBuildLog: true,
			KeepImage:     false,
			BuildOptionsModifier: func(buildOptions *types.ImageBuildOptions) {
				buildOptions.Target = "target2"
	Started: true,
// }
if err != nil {
	log.Fatalf("failed to start container: %v", err)

r, err := c.Logs(ctx)
if err != nil {
	log.Fatalf("failed to get logs: %v", err)

logs, err := io.ReadAll(r)
if err != nil {
	log.Fatalf("failed to read logs: %v", err)


Example (WithSubstitutors)
ctx := context.Background()

// applyImageSubstitutors {
container, err := testcontainers.GenericContainer(ctx, testcontainers.GenericContainerRequest{
	ContainerRequest: testcontainers.ContainerRequest{
		Image:             "alpine:latest",
		ImageSubstitutors: []testcontainers.ImageSubstitutor{dockerImageSubstitutor{}},
	Started: true,
// }
if err != nil {
	log.Fatalf("could not start container: %v", err)

defer func() {
	err := container.Terminate(ctx)
	if err != nil {
		log.Fatalf("could not terminate container: %v", err)

// enforce the concrete type, as GenericContainer returns an interface,
// which will be changed in future implementations of the library
dockerContainer := container.(*testcontainers.DockerContainer)



func ParallelContainers added in v0.14.0

func ParallelContainers(ctx context.Context, reqs ParallelContainerRequest, opt ParallelContainersOptions) ([]Container, error)

ParallelContainers creates a generic containers with parameters and run it in parallel mode

type ContainerCustomizer added in v0.20.0

type ContainerCustomizer interface {
	Customize(req *GenericContainerRequest) error

ContainerCustomizer is an interface that can be used to configure the Testcontainers container request. The passed request will be merged with the default one.

type ContainerFile added in v0.14.0

type ContainerFile struct {
	HostFilePath      string    // If Reader is present, HostFilePath is ignored
	Reader            io.Reader // If Reader is present, HostFilePath is ignored
	ContainerFilePath string
	FileMode          int64

type ContainerHook added in v0.20.0

type ContainerHook func(ctx context.Context, container Container) error

ContainerHook is a hook that will be called after a container is created It can be used to modify the state of the container after it is created, using the different lifecycle hooks that are available: - Created - Starting - Started - Readied - Stopping - Stopped - Terminating - Terminated For that, it will receive a Container, modify it and return an error if needed.

type ContainerLifecycleHooks added in v0.20.0

type ContainerLifecycleHooks struct {
	PreCreates     []ContainerRequestHook
	PostCreates    []ContainerHook
	PreStarts      []ContainerHook
	PostStarts     []ContainerHook
	PostReadies    []ContainerHook
	PreStops       []ContainerHook
	PostStops      []ContainerHook
	PreTerminates  []ContainerHook
	PostTerminates []ContainerHook

ContainerLifecycleHooks is a struct that contains all the hooks that can be used to modify the container lifecycle. All the container lifecycle hooks except the PreCreates hooks will be passed to the container once it's created

func (ContainerLifecycleHooks) Created added in v0.20.0

func (c ContainerLifecycleHooks) Created(ctx context.Context) func(container Container) error

Created is a hook that will be called after a container is created

func (ContainerLifecycleHooks) Creating added in v0.20.0

func (c ContainerLifecycleHooks) Creating(ctx context.Context) func(req ContainerRequest) error

Creating is a hook that will be called before a container is created.

func (ContainerLifecycleHooks) Readied added in v0.28.0

func (c ContainerLifecycleHooks) Readied(ctx context.Context) func(container Container) error

Readied is a hook that will be called after a container is ready

func (ContainerLifecycleHooks) Started added in v0.20.0

func (c ContainerLifecycleHooks) Started(ctx context.Context) func(container Container) error

Started is a hook that will be called after a container is started

func (ContainerLifecycleHooks) Starting added in v0.20.0

func (c ContainerLifecycleHooks) Starting(ctx context.Context) func(container Container) error

Starting is a hook that will be called before a container is started

func (ContainerLifecycleHooks) Stopped added in v0.20.0

func (c ContainerLifecycleHooks) Stopped(ctx context.Context) func(container Container) error

Stopped is a hook that will be called after a container is stopped

func (ContainerLifecycleHooks) Stopping added in v0.20.0

func (c ContainerLifecycleHooks) Stopping(ctx context.Context) func(container Container) error

Stopping is a hook that will be called before a container is stopped

func (ContainerLifecycleHooks) Terminated added in v0.20.0

func (c ContainerLifecycleHooks) Terminated(ctx context.Context) func(container Container) error

Terminated is a hook that will be called after a container is terminated

func (ContainerLifecycleHooks) Terminating added in v0.20.0

func (c ContainerLifecycleHooks) Terminating(ctx context.Context) func(container Container) error

Terminating is a hook that will be called before a container is terminated

type ContainerMount added in v0.13.0

type ContainerMount struct {
	// Source is typically either a GenericVolumeMountSource, as BindMount is not supported by all Docker environments
	Source ContainerMountSource
	// Target is the path where the mount should be mounted within the container
	Target ContainerMountTarget
	// ReadOnly determines if the mount should be read-only
	ReadOnly bool

ContainerMount models a mount into a container

func BindMount deprecated added in v0.13.0

func BindMount(hostPath string, mountTarget ContainerMountTarget) ContainerMount

Deprecated: use Files or HostConfigModifier in the ContainerRequest, or copy files container APIs to make containers portable across Docker environments BindMount returns a new ContainerMount with a GenericBindMountSource as source This is a convenience method to cover typical use cases.

func VolumeMount added in v0.13.0

func VolumeMount(volumeName string, mountTarget ContainerMountTarget) ContainerMount

VolumeMount returns a new ContainerMount with a GenericVolumeMountSource as source This is a convenience method to cover typical use cases.

type ContainerMountSource added in v0.13.0

type ContainerMountSource interface {
	// Source will be used as Source field in the final mount
	// this might either be a volume name, a host path or might be empty e.g. for Tmpfs
	Source() string

	// Type determines the final mount type
	// possible options are limited by the Docker API
	Type() MountType

ContainerMountSource is the base for all mount sources

type ContainerMountTarget added in v0.13.0

type ContainerMountTarget string

ContainerMountTarget represents the target path within a container where the mount will be available Note that mount targets must be unique. It's not supported to mount different sources to the same target.

func (ContainerMountTarget) Target added in v0.13.0

func (t ContainerMountTarget) Target() string

type ContainerMounts added in v0.13.0

type ContainerMounts []ContainerMount

ContainerMounts represents a collection of mounts for a container

func Mounts added in v0.13.0

func Mounts(mounts ...ContainerMount) ContainerMounts

Mounts returns a ContainerMounts to support a more fluent API

func (ContainerMounts) PrepareMounts added in v0.29.0

func (m ContainerMounts) PrepareMounts() []mount.Mount

PrepareMounts maps the given []ContainerMount to the corresponding []mount.Mount for further processing

type ContainerOption deprecated added in v0.18.0

type ContainerOption func(*containerOptions)

Deprecated: it will be removed in the next major release functional option for setting the reaper image

func WithImageName deprecated added in v0.18.0

func WithImageName(imageName string) ContainerOption

Deprecated: it will be removed in the next major release WithImageName sets the reaper image name

func WithRegistryCredentials deprecated added in v0.18.0

func WithRegistryCredentials(registryCredentials string) ContainerOption

Deprecated: Testcontainers will detect registry credentials automatically, and it will be removed in the next major release WithRegistryCredentials sets the reaper registry credentials

type ContainerProvider

type ContainerProvider interface {
	Close() error                                                                // close the provider
	CreateContainer(context.Context, ContainerRequest) (Container, error)        // create a container without starting it
	ReuseOrCreateContainer(context.Context, ContainerRequest) (Container, error) // reuses a container if it exists or creates a container without starting
	RunContainer(context.Context, ContainerRequest) (Container, error)           // create a container and start it
	Health(context.Context) error
	Config() TestcontainersConfig

ContainerProvider allows the creation of containers on an arbitrary system

type ContainerRequest

type ContainerRequest struct {
	HostAccessPorts         []int
	Image                   string
	ImageSubstitutors       []ImageSubstitutor
	Entrypoint              []string
	Env                     map[string]string
	ExposedPorts            []string // allow specifying protocol info
	Cmd                     []string
	Labels                  map[string]string
	Mounts                  ContainerMounts
	Tmpfs                   map[string]string
	RegistryCred            string // Deprecated: Testcontainers will detect registry credentials automatically
	WaitingFor              wait.Strategy
	Name                    string // for specifying container name
	Hostname                string
	WorkingDir              string                                     // specify the working directory of the container
	ExtraHosts              []string                                   // Deprecated: Use HostConfigModifier instead
	Privileged              bool                                       // For starting privileged container
	Networks                []string                                   // for specifying network names
	NetworkAliases          map[string][]string                        // for specifying network aliases
	NetworkMode             container.NetworkMode                      // Deprecated: Use HostConfigModifier instead
	Resources               container.Resources                        // Deprecated: Use HostConfigModifier instead
	Files                   []ContainerFile                            // files which will be copied when container starts
	User                    string                                     // for specifying uid:gid
	SkipReaper              bool                                       // Deprecated: The reaper is globally controlled by the .testcontainers.properties file or the TESTCONTAINERS_RYUK_DISABLED environment variable
	ReaperImage             string                                     // Deprecated: use WithImageName ContainerOption instead. Alternative reaper image
	ReaperOptions           []ContainerOption                          // Deprecated: the reaper is configured at the properties level, for an entire test session
	AutoRemove              bool                                       // Deprecated: Use HostConfigModifier instead. If set to true, the container will be removed from the host when stopped
	AlwaysPullImage         bool                                       // Always pull image
	ImagePlatform           string                                     // ImagePlatform describes the platform which the image runs on.
	Binds                   []string                                   // Deprecated: Use HostConfigModifier instead
	ShmSize                 int64                                      // Amount of memory shared with the host (in bytes)
	CapAdd                  []string                                   // Deprecated: Use HostConfigModifier instead. Add Linux capabilities
	CapDrop                 []string                                   // Deprecated: Use HostConfigModifier instead. Drop Linux capabilities
	ConfigModifier          func(*container.Config)                    // Modifier for the config before container creation
	HostConfigModifier      func(*container.HostConfig)                // Modifier for the host config before container creation
	EnpointSettingsModifier func(map[string]*network.EndpointSettings) // Modifier for the network settings before container creation
	LifecycleHooks          []ContainerLifecycleHooks                  // define hooks to be executed during container lifecycle
	LogConsumerCfg          *LogConsumerConfig                         // define the configuration for the log producer and its log consumers to follow the logs

ContainerRequest represents the parameters used to get a running container

func (*ContainerRequest) BuildOptions added in v0.27.0

func (c *ContainerRequest) BuildOptions() (types.ImageBuildOptions, error)

BuildOptions returns the image build options when building a Docker image from a Dockerfile. It will apply some defaults and finally call the BuildOptionsModifier from the FromDockerfile struct, if set.

func (*ContainerRequest) GetAuthConfigs deprecated added in v0.16.0

func (c *ContainerRequest) GetAuthConfigs() map[string]registry.AuthConfig

Deprecated: Testcontainers will detect registry credentials automatically, and it will be removed in the next major release GetAuthConfigs returns the auth configs to be able to pull from an authenticated docker registry

func (*ContainerRequest) GetBuildArgs added in v0.11.0

func (c *ContainerRequest) GetBuildArgs() map[string]*string

GetBuildArgs returns the env args to be used when creating from Dockerfile

func (*ContainerRequest) GetContext added in v0.0.8

func (c *ContainerRequest) GetContext() (io.Reader, error)

GetContext retrieve the build context for the request Must be closed when no longer needed.

func (*ContainerRequest) GetDockerfile added in v0.0.8

func (c *ContainerRequest) GetDockerfile() string

GetDockerfile returns the Dockerfile from the ContainerRequest, defaults to "Dockerfile"

func (*ContainerRequest) GetRepo added in v0.24.0

func (c *ContainerRequest) GetRepo() string

GetRepo returns the Repo label for image from the ContainerRequest, defaults to UUID

func (*ContainerRequest) GetTag added in v0.24.0

func (c *ContainerRequest) GetTag() string

GetTag returns the Tag label for image from the ContainerRequest, defaults to UUID

func (*ContainerRequest) ShouldBuildImage added in v0.0.9

func (c *ContainerRequest) ShouldBuildImage() bool

func (*ContainerRequest) ShouldKeepBuiltImage added in v0.26.0

func (c *ContainerRequest) ShouldKeepBuiltImage() bool

func (*ContainerRequest) ShouldPrintBuildLog added in v0.11.0

func (c *ContainerRequest) ShouldPrintBuildLog() bool

func (*ContainerRequest) Validate added in v0.0.8

func (c *ContainerRequest) Validate() error

Validate ensures that the ContainerRequest does not have invalid parameters configured to it ex. make sure you are not specifying both an image as well as a context

type ContainerRequestHook added in v0.20.0

type ContainerRequestHook func(ctx context.Context, req ContainerRequest) error

ContainerRequestHook is a hook that will be called before a container is created. It can be used to modify container configuration before it is created, using the different lifecycle hooks that are available: - Creating For that, it will receive a ContainerRequest, modify it and return an error if needed.

type CustomizeRequestOption added in v0.20.0

type CustomizeRequestOption func(req *GenericContainerRequest) error

CustomizeRequestOption is a type that can be used to configure the Testcontainers container request. The passed request will be merged with the default one.

func CustomizeRequest added in v0.20.0

func CustomizeRequest(src GenericContainerRequest) CustomizeRequestOption

CustomizeRequest returns a function that can be used to merge the passed container request with the one that is used by the container. Slices and Maps will be appended.

func WithAfterReadyCommand added in v0.28.0

func WithAfterReadyCommand(execs ...Executable) CustomizeRequestOption

WithAfterReadyCommand will execute the command representation of each Executable into the container. It will leverage the container lifecycle hooks to call the command right after the container is ready.

func WithConfigModifier added in v0.20.0

func WithConfigModifier(modifier func(config *container.Config)) CustomizeRequestOption

WithConfigModifier allows to override the default container config

func WithEndpointSettingsModifier added in v0.20.0

func WithEndpointSettingsModifier(modifier func(settings map[string]*network.EndpointSettings)) CustomizeRequestOption

WithEndpointSettingsModifier allows to override the default endpoint settings

func WithEnv added in v0.29.0

func WithEnv(envs map[string]string) CustomizeRequestOption

WithEnv sets the environment variables for a container. If the environment variable already exists, it will be overridden.

func WithHostConfigModifier added in v0.20.0

func WithHostConfigModifier(modifier func(hostConfig *container.HostConfig)) CustomizeRequestOption

WithHostConfigModifier allows to override the default host config

func WithHostPortAccess added in v0.31.0

func WithHostPortAccess(ports ...int) CustomizeRequestOption

WithHostPortAccess allows to expose the host ports to the container

func WithImage deprecated added in v0.20.0

func WithImage(image string) CustomizeRequestOption

Deprecated: the modules API forces passing the image as part of the signature of the Run function. WithImage sets the image for a container

func WithImageSubstitutors added in v0.26.0

func WithImageSubstitutors(fn ...ImageSubstitutor) CustomizeRequestOption

WithImageSubstitutors sets the image substitutors for a container

func WithLogConsumers added in v0.28.0

func WithLogConsumers(consumer ...LogConsumer) CustomizeRequestOption

WithLogConsumers sets the log consumers for a container

func WithStartupCommand added in v0.25.0

func WithStartupCommand(execs ...Executable) CustomizeRequestOption

WithStartupCommand will execute the command representation of each Executable into the container. It will leverage the container lifecycle hooks to call the command right after the container is started.

func WithWaitStrategy added in v0.20.0

func WithWaitStrategy(strategies ...wait.Strategy) CustomizeRequestOption

WithWaitStrategy sets the wait strategy for a container, using 60 seconds as deadline

func WithWaitStrategyAndDeadline added in v0.20.0

func WithWaitStrategyAndDeadline(deadline time.Duration, strategies ...wait.Strategy) CustomizeRequestOption

WithWaitStrategyAndDeadline sets the wait strategy for a container, including deadline

func (CustomizeRequestOption) Customize added in v0.20.0

type DefaultNetwork deprecated added in v0.14.0

type DefaultNetwork string

Deprecated: will be removed in the future.

func (DefaultNetwork) ApplyDockerTo deprecated added in v0.14.0

func (n DefaultNetwork) ApplyDockerTo(opts *DockerProviderOptions)

Deprecated: will be removed in the future.

func (DefaultNetwork) ApplyGenericTo deprecated added in v0.14.0

func (n DefaultNetwork) ApplyGenericTo(opts *GenericProviderOptions)

Deprecated: will be removed in the future.

type DeprecatedContainer

type DeprecatedContainer interface {
	GetHostEndpoint(ctx context.Context, port string) (string, string, error)
	GetIPAddress(ctx context.Context) (string, error)
	LivenessCheckPorts(ctx context.Context) (nat.PortSet, error)
	Terminate(ctx context.Context) error

DeprecatedContainer shows methods that were supported before, but are now deprecated Deprecated: Use Container

type DockerBindMountSource deprecated added in v0.13.0

type DockerBindMountSource struct {

	// HostPath is the path mounted into the container
	// the same host path might be mounted to multiple locations within a single container
	HostPath string

Deprecated: use Files or HostConfigModifier in the ContainerRequest, or copy files container APIs to make containers portable across Docker environments

func (DockerBindMountSource) GetBindOptions deprecated added in v0.13.0

func (s DockerBindMountSource) GetBindOptions() *mount.BindOptions

Deprecated: use Files or HostConfigModifier in the ContainerRequest, or copy files container APIs to make containers portable across Docker environments

func (DockerBindMountSource) Source deprecated added in v0.13.0

func (s DockerBindMountSource) Source() string

Deprecated: use Files or HostConfigModifier in the ContainerRequest, or copy files container APIs to make containers portable across Docker environments

func (DockerBindMountSource) Type deprecated added in v0.13.0

Deprecated: use Files or HostConfigModifier in the ContainerRequest, or copy files container APIs to make containers portable across Docker environments

type DockerClient added in v0.24.0

type DockerClient struct {
	*client.Client // client is embedded into our own client

DockerClient is a wrapper around the docker client that is used by testcontainers-go. It implements the SystemAPIClient interface in order to cache the docker info and reuse it.

func NewDockerClientWithOpts added in v0.24.0

func NewDockerClientWithOpts(ctx context.Context, opt ...client.Opt) (*DockerClient, error)

func (*DockerClient) DiskUsage added in v0.24.0

func (c *DockerClient) DiskUsage(ctx context.Context, options types.DiskUsageOptions) (types.DiskUsage, error)

DiskUsage returns the disk usage of all images.

func (*DockerClient) Events added in v0.24.0

func (c *DockerClient) Events(ctx context.Context, options events.ListOptions) (<-chan events.Message, <-chan error)

Events returns a channel to listen to events that happen to the docker daemon.

func (*DockerClient) Info added in v0.24.0

func (c *DockerClient) Info(ctx context.Context) (system.Info, error)

Info returns information about the docker server. The result of Info is cached and reused every time Info is called. It will also print out the docker server info, and the resolved Docker paths, to the default logger.

func (*DockerClient) Ping added in v0.24.0

func (c *DockerClient) Ping(ctx context.Context) (types.Ping, error)

Ping pings the docker server.

func (*DockerClient) RegistryLogin added in v0.24.0

RegistryLogin logs into a Docker registry.

type DockerContainer

type DockerContainer struct {
	// Container ID from Docker
	ID         string
	WaitingFor wait.Strategy
	Image      string
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

DockerContainer represents a container started using Docker

func (*DockerContainer) ContainerIP added in v0.5.0

func (c *DockerContainer) ContainerIP(ctx context.Context) (string, error)

ContainerIP gets the IP address of the primary network within the container.

func (*DockerContainer) ContainerIPs added in v0.15.0

func (c *DockerContainer) ContainerIPs(ctx context.Context) ([]string, error)

ContainerIPs gets the IP addresses of all the networks within the container.

func (*DockerContainer) CopyDirToContainer added in v0.14.0

func (c *DockerContainer) CopyDirToContainer(ctx context.Context, hostDirPath string, containerParentPath string, fileMode int64) error

CopyDirToContainer copies the contents of a directory to a parent path in the container. This parent path must exist in the container first as we cannot create it

func (*DockerContainer) CopyFileFromContainer added in v0.12.0

func (c *DockerContainer) CopyFileFromContainer(ctx context.Context, filePath string) (io.ReadCloser, error)

func (*DockerContainer) CopyFileToContainer added in v0.8.0

func (c *DockerContainer) CopyFileToContainer(ctx context.Context, hostFilePath string, containerFilePath string, fileMode int64) error

func (*DockerContainer) CopyToContainer added in v0.13.0

func (c *DockerContainer) CopyToContainer(ctx context.Context, fileContent []byte, containerFilePath string, fileMode int64) error

CopyToContainer copies fileContent data to a file in container

func (*DockerContainer) Endpoint

func (c *DockerContainer) Endpoint(ctx context.Context, proto string) (string, error)

Endpoint gets proto://host:port string for the first exposed port Will returns just host:port if proto is ""

func (*DockerContainer) Exec added in v0.0.9

func (c *DockerContainer) Exec(ctx context.Context, cmd []string, options ...tcexec.ProcessOption) (int, io.Reader, error)

Exec executes a command in the current container. It returns the exit status of the executed command, an io.Reader containing the combined stdout and stderr, and any encountered error. Note that reading directly from the io.Reader may result in unexpected bytes due to custom stream multiplexing headers. Use tcexec.Multiplexed option to read the combined output without the multiplexing headers. Alternatively, to separate the stdout and stderr from io.Reader and interpret these headers properly, github.com/docker/docker/pkg/stdcopy.StdCopy from the Docker API should be used.

func (*DockerContainer) FollowOutput deprecated added in v0.3.0

func (c *DockerContainer) FollowOutput(consumer LogConsumer)

Deprecated: use the ContainerRequest.LogConsumerConfig field instead.

func (*DockerContainer) GetContainerID

func (c *DockerContainer) GetContainerID() string

func (*DockerContainer) GetLogProductionErrorChannel added in v0.28.0

func (c *DockerContainer) GetLogProductionErrorChannel() <-chan error

GetLogProductionErrorChannel exposes the only way for the consumer to be able to listen to errors and react to them.

func (*DockerContainer) Host

func (c *DockerContainer) Host(ctx context.Context) (string, error)

Host gets host (ip or name) of the docker daemon where the container port is exposed Warning: this is based on your Docker host setting. Will fail if using an SSH tunnel You can use the "TESTCONTAINERS_HOST_OVERRIDE" env variable to set this yourself

func (*DockerContainer) Inspect added in v0.31.0

Inspect gets the raw container info

func (*DockerContainer) IsRunning added in v0.14.0

func (c *DockerContainer) IsRunning() bool

func (*DockerContainer) Logs

Logs will fetch both STDOUT and STDERR from the current container. Returns a ReadCloser and leaves it up to the caller to extract what it wants.

func (*DockerContainer) MappedPort

func (c *DockerContainer) MappedPort(ctx context.Context, port nat.Port) (nat.Port, error)

MappedPort gets externally mapped port for a container port

func (*DockerContainer) Name deprecated added in v0.0.5

func (c *DockerContainer) Name(ctx context.Context) (string, error)

Deprecated: use c.Inspect(ctx).Name instead. Name gets the name of the container.

func (*DockerContainer) NetworkAliases added in v0.0.7

func (c *DockerContainer) NetworkAliases(ctx context.Context) (map[string][]string, error)

NetworkAliases gets the aliases of the container for the networks it is attached to.

func (*DockerContainer) Networks added in v0.0.7

func (c *DockerContainer) Networks(ctx context.Context) ([]string, error)

Networks gets the names of the networks the container is attached to.

func (*DockerContainer) PortEndpoint

func (c *DockerContainer) PortEndpoint(ctx context.Context, port nat.Port, proto string) (string, error)

PortEndpoint gets proto://host:port string for the given exposed port Will returns just host:port if proto is ""

func (*DockerContainer) Ports deprecated

func (c *DockerContainer) Ports(ctx context.Context) (nat.PortMap, error)

Deprecated: use c.Inspect(ctx).NetworkSettings.Ports instead. Ports gets the exposed ports for the container.

func (*DockerContainer) SessionID

func (c *DockerContainer) SessionID() string

SessionID gets the current session id

func (*DockerContainer) SetLogger added in v0.17.0

func (c *DockerContainer) SetLogger(logger Logging)

SetLogger sets the logger for the container

func (*DockerContainer) SetProvider added in v0.17.0

func (c *DockerContainer) SetProvider(provider *DockerProvider)

SetProvider sets the provider for the container

func (*DockerContainer) SetTerminationSignal added in v0.31.0

func (c *DockerContainer) SetTerminationSignal(signal chan bool)

SetTerminationSignal sets the termination signal for the container

func (*DockerContainer) Start

func (c *DockerContainer) Start(ctx context.Context) error

Start will start an already created container

func (*DockerContainer) StartLogProducer deprecated added in v0.3.0

func (c *DockerContainer) StartLogProducer(ctx context.Context, opts ...LogProductionOption) error

Deprecated: use the ContainerRequest.LogConsumerConfig field instead.

func (*DockerContainer) State added in v0.12.0

State returns container's running state.

func (*DockerContainer) Stop added in v0.13.0

func (c *DockerContainer) Stop(ctx context.Context, timeout *time.Duration) error

Stop will stop an already started container

In case the container fails to stop gracefully within a time frame specified by the timeout argument, it is forcefully terminated (killed).

If the timeout is nil, the container's StopTimeout value is used, if set, otherwise the engine default. A negative timeout value can be specified, meaning no timeout, i.e. no forceful termination is performed.

func (*DockerContainer) StopLogProducer deprecated added in v0.3.0

func (c *DockerContainer) StopLogProducer() error

Deprecated: it will be removed in the next major release.

func (*DockerContainer) Terminate

func (c *DockerContainer) Terminate(ctx context.Context) error

Terminate is used to kill the container. It is usually triggered by as defer function.

type DockerNetwork added in v0.0.7

type DockerNetwork struct {
	ID     string // Network ID from Docker
	Driver string
	Name   string
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

DockerNetwork represents a network started using Docker

func (*DockerNetwork) Remove added in v0.0.7

func (n *DockerNetwork) Remove(ctx context.Context) error

Remove is used to remove the network. It is usually triggered by as defer function.

func (*DockerNetwork) SetTerminationSignal added in v0.31.0

func (n *DockerNetwork) SetTerminationSignal(signal chan bool)

type DockerProvider

type DockerProvider struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

DockerProvider implements the ContainerProvider interface

func NewDockerProvider

func NewDockerProvider(provOpts ...DockerProviderOption) (*DockerProvider, error)

NewDockerProvider creates a Docker provider with the EnvClient

func (*DockerProvider) BuildImage added in v0.0.8

func (p *DockerProvider) BuildImage(ctx context.Context, img ImageBuildInfo) (string, error)

BuildImage will build and image from context and Dockerfile, then return the tag

func (*DockerProvider) Client added in v0.17.0

func (p *DockerProvider) Client() client.APIClient

Client gets the docker client used by the provider

func (*DockerProvider) Close added in v0.20.0

func (p *DockerProvider) Close() error

Close closes the docker client used by the provider

func (*DockerProvider) Config added in v0.14.0

Config provides the TestcontainersConfig read from $HOME/.testcontainers.properties or the environment variables

func (*DockerProvider) CreateContainer

func (p *DockerProvider) CreateContainer(ctx context.Context, req ContainerRequest) (Container, error)

CreateContainer fulfills a request for a container without starting it

ctx := context.Background()
req := ContainerRequest{
	Image:        "docker.io/nginx:alpine",
	ExposedPorts: []string{"80/tcp"},
	WaitingFor:   wait.ForHTTP("/").WithStartupTimeout(10 * time.Second),
nginxC, _ := GenericContainer(ctx, GenericContainerRequest{
	ContainerRequest: req,
	Started:          true,
defer func() {
	if err := nginxC.Terminate(ctx); err != nil {
		log.Fatalf("failed to terminate container: %s", err)

state, err := nginxC.State(ctx)
if err != nil {
	log.Fatalf("failed to get container state: %s", err) // nolint:gocritic



func (*DockerProvider) CreateNetwork deprecated added in v0.0.7

func (p *DockerProvider) CreateNetwork(ctx context.Context, req NetworkRequest) (Network, error)

Deprecated: use network.New instead CreateNetwork returns the object representing a new network identified by its name

func (*DockerProvider) DaemonHost added in v0.18.0

func (p *DockerProvider) DaemonHost(ctx context.Context) (string, error)

DaemonHost gets the host or ip of the Docker daemon where ports are exposed on Warning: this is based on your Docker host setting. Will fail if using an SSH tunnel You can use the "TESTCONTAINERS_HOST_OVERRIDE" env variable to set this yourself

func (*DockerProvider) GetGatewayIP added in v0.8.0

func (p *DockerProvider) GetGatewayIP(ctx context.Context) (string, error)

func (*DockerProvider) GetNetwork added in v0.0.7

func (p *DockerProvider) GetNetwork(ctx context.Context, req NetworkRequest) (network.Inspect, error)

GetNetwork returns the object representing the network identified by its name

func (*DockerProvider) Health added in v0.7.0

func (p *DockerProvider) Health(ctx context.Context) error

Health measure the healthiness of the provider. Right now we leverage the docker-client Info endpoint to see if the daemon is reachable.

func (*DockerProvider) ListImages added in v0.25.0

func (p *DockerProvider) ListImages(ctx context.Context) ([]ImageInfo, error)

ListImages list images from the provider. If an image has multiple Tags, each tag is reported individually with the same ID and same labels

func (*DockerProvider) PullImage added in v0.25.0

func (p *DockerProvider) PullImage(ctx context.Context, img string) error

PullImage pulls image from registry

func (*DockerProvider) ReuseOrCreateContainer added in v0.14.0

func (p *DockerProvider) ReuseOrCreateContainer(ctx context.Context, req ContainerRequest) (Container, error)

func (*DockerProvider) RunContainer

func (p *DockerProvider) RunContainer(ctx context.Context, req ContainerRequest) (Container, error)

RunContainer takes a RequestContainer as input and it runs a container via the docker sdk

func (*DockerProvider) SaveImages added in v0.25.0

func (p *DockerProvider) SaveImages(ctx context.Context, output string, images ...string) error

SaveImages exports a list of images as an uncompressed tar

func (*DockerProvider) SetClient added in v0.17.0

func (p *DockerProvider) SetClient(c client.APIClient)

SetClient sets the docker client to be used by the provider

type DockerProviderOption added in v0.13.0

type DockerProviderOption interface {
	ApplyDockerTo(opts *DockerProviderOptions)

DockerProviderOption defines a common interface to modify DockerProviderOptions These can be passed to NewDockerProvider in a variadic way to customize the returned DockerProvider instance

func Generic2DockerOptions added in v0.13.0

func Generic2DockerOptions(opts ...GenericProviderOption) []DockerProviderOption

func WithDefaultBridgeNetwork added in v0.14.0

func WithDefaultBridgeNetwork(bridgeNetworkName string) DockerProviderOption

type DockerProviderOptionFunc added in v0.13.0

type DockerProviderOptionFunc func(opts *DockerProviderOptions)

DockerProviderOptionFunc is a shorthand to implement the DockerProviderOption interface

func (DockerProviderOptionFunc) ApplyDockerTo added in v0.13.0

func (f DockerProviderOptionFunc) ApplyDockerTo(opts *DockerProviderOptions)

type DockerProviderOptions added in v0.13.0

type DockerProviderOptions struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

DockerProviderOptions defines options applicable to DockerProvider

type DockerTmpfsMountSource added in v0.13.0

type DockerTmpfsMountSource struct {

func (DockerTmpfsMountSource) GetTmpfsOptions added in v0.13.0

func (s DockerTmpfsMountSource) GetTmpfsOptions() *mount.TmpfsOptions

type DockerVolumeMountSource added in v0.13.0

type DockerVolumeMountSource struct {

	// Name refers to the name of the volume to be mounted
	// the same volume might be mounted to multiple locations within a single container
	Name string

func (DockerVolumeMountSource) GetVolumeOptions added in v0.13.0

func (s DockerVolumeMountSource) GetVolumeOptions() *mount.VolumeOptions

func (DockerVolumeMountSource) Source added in v0.13.0

func (s DockerVolumeMountSource) Source() string

func (DockerVolumeMountSource) Type added in v0.13.0

type ExecOptions added in v0.27.0

type ExecOptions struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

ExecOptions is a struct that provides a default implementation for the Options method of the Executable interface.

func (ExecOptions) Options added in v0.27.0

func (ce ExecOptions) Options() []tcexec.ProcessOption

type Executable added in v0.25.0

type Executable interface {
	AsCommand() []string
	// Options can container two different types of options:
	// - Docker's ExecConfigs (WithUser, WithWorkingDir, WithEnv, etc.)
	// - testcontainers' ProcessOptions (i.e. Multiplexed response)
	Options() []tcexec.ProcessOption

Executable represents an executable command to be sent to a container, including options, as part of the different lifecycle hooks.

type FileFromContainer added in v0.12.0

type FileFromContainer struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

func (*FileFromContainer) Close added in v0.12.0

func (fc *FileFromContainer) Close() error

func (*FileFromContainer) Read added in v0.12.0

func (fc *FileFromContainer) Read(b []byte) (int, error)

type FromDockerfile added in v0.0.8

type FromDockerfile struct {
	Context        string                         // the path to the context of the docker build
	ContextArchive io.Reader                      // the tar archive file to send to docker that contains the build context
	Dockerfile     string                         // the path from the context to the Dockerfile for the image, defaults to "Dockerfile"
	Repo           string                         // the repo label for image, defaults to UUID
	Tag            string                         // the tag label for image, defaults to UUID
	BuildArgs      map[string]*string             // enable user to pass build args to docker daemon
	PrintBuildLog  bool                           // enable user to print build log
	AuthConfigs    map[string]registry.AuthConfig // Deprecated. Testcontainers will detect registry credentials automatically. Enable auth configs to be able to pull from an authenticated docker registry
	// KeepImage describes whether DockerContainer.Terminate should not delete the
	// container image. Useful for images that are built from a Dockerfile and take a
	// long time to build. Keeping the image also Docker to reuse it.
	KeepImage bool
	// BuildOptionsModifier Modifier for the build options before image build. Use it for
	// advanced configurations while building the image. Please consider that the modifier
	// is called after the default build options are set.
	BuildOptionsModifier func(*types.ImageBuildOptions)

FromDockerfile represents the parameters needed to build an image from a Dockerfile rather than using a pre-built one

type GenericBindMountSource deprecated added in v0.13.0

type GenericBindMountSource struct {
	// HostPath is the path mounted into the container
	// the same host path might be mounted to multiple locations within a single container
	HostPath string

Deprecated: use Files or HostConfigModifier in the ContainerRequest, or copy files container APIs to make containers portable across Docker environments GenericBindMountSource implements ContainerMountSource and represents a bind mount Optionally mount.BindOptions might be added for advanced scenarios

func (GenericBindMountSource) Source deprecated added in v0.13.0

func (s GenericBindMountSource) Source() string

Deprecated: use Files or HostConfigModifier in the ContainerRequest, or copy files container APIs to make containers portable across Docker environments

func (GenericBindMountSource) Type deprecated added in v0.13.0

Deprecated: use Files or HostConfigModifier in the ContainerRequest, or copy files container APIs to make containers portable across Docker environments

type GenericContainerRequest

type GenericContainerRequest struct {
	ContainerRequest              // embedded request for provider
	Started          bool         // whether to auto-start the container
	ProviderType     ProviderType // which provider to use, Docker if empty
	Logger           Logging      // provide a container specific Logging - use default global logger if empty
	Reuse            bool         // reuse an existing container if it exists or create a new one. a container name mustn't be empty

GenericContainerRequest represents parameters to a generic container

type GenericNetworkRequest deprecated added in v0.5.0

type GenericNetworkRequest struct {
	NetworkRequest              // embedded request for provider
	ProviderType   ProviderType // which provider to use, Docker if empty

Deprecated: will be removed in the future. GenericNetworkRequest represents parameters to a generic network

type GenericProvider added in v0.0.7

type GenericProvider interface {

GenericProvider represents an abstraction for container and network providers

type GenericProviderOption added in v0.13.0

type GenericProviderOption interface {
	ApplyGenericTo(opts *GenericProviderOptions)

GenericProviderOption defines a common interface to modify GenericProviderOptions These options can be passed to GetProvider in a variadic way to customize the returned GenericProvider instance

type GenericProviderOptionFunc added in v0.13.0

type GenericProviderOptionFunc func(opts *GenericProviderOptions)

GenericProviderOptionFunc is a shorthand to implement the GenericProviderOption interface

func (GenericProviderOptionFunc) ApplyGenericTo added in v0.13.0

func (f GenericProviderOptionFunc) ApplyGenericTo(opts *GenericProviderOptions)

type GenericProviderOptions added in v0.13.0

type GenericProviderOptions struct {
	Logger         Logging
	DefaultNetwork string

GenericProviderOptions defines options applicable to all providers

type GenericTmpfsMountSource added in v0.13.0

type GenericTmpfsMountSource struct{}

GenericTmpfsMountSource implements ContainerMountSource and represents a TmpFS mount Optionally mount.TmpfsOptions might be added for advanced scenarios

func (GenericTmpfsMountSource) Source added in v0.13.0

func (s GenericTmpfsMountSource) Source() string

func (GenericTmpfsMountSource) Type added in v0.13.0

type GenericVolumeMountSource added in v0.13.0

type GenericVolumeMountSource struct {
	// Name refers to the name of the volume to be mounted
	// the same volume might be mounted to multiple locations within a single container
	Name string

GenericVolumeMountSource implements ContainerMountSource and represents a volume mount

func (GenericVolumeMountSource) Source added in v0.13.0

func (s GenericVolumeMountSource) Source() string

func (GenericVolumeMountSource) Type added in v0.13.0

type ImageBuildInfo added in v0.0.8

type ImageBuildInfo interface {
	BuildOptions() (types.ImageBuildOptions, error) // converts the ImageBuildInfo to a types.ImageBuildOptions
	GetContext() (io.Reader, error)                 // the path to the build context
	GetDockerfile() string                          // the relative path to the Dockerfile, including the fileitself
	GetRepo() string                                // get repo label for image
	GetTag() string                                 // get tag label for image
	ShouldPrintBuildLog() bool                      // allow build log to be printed to stdout
	ShouldBuildImage() bool                         // return true if the image needs to be built
	GetBuildArgs() map[string]*string               // return the environment args used to build the from Dockerfile
	GetAuthConfigs() map[string]registry.AuthConfig // Deprecated. Testcontainers will detect registry credentials automatically. Return the auth configs to be able to pull from an authenticated docker registry

ImageBuildInfo defines what is needed to build an image

type ImageInfo added in v0.25.0

type ImageInfo struct {
	ID   string
	Name string

ImageInfo represents a summary information of an image

type ImageProvider added in v0.25.0

type ImageProvider interface {
	ListImages(context.Context) ([]ImageInfo, error)
	SaveImages(context.Context, string, ...string) error
	PullImage(context.Context, string) error

ImageProvider allows manipulating images

type ImageSubstitutor added in v0.26.0

type ImageSubstitutor interface {
	// Description returns the name of the type and a short description of how it modifies the image.
	// Useful to be printed in logs
	Description() string
	Substitute(image string) (string, error)

ImageSubstitutor represents a way to substitute container image names

type Log added in v0.3.0

type Log struct {
	LogType string
	Content []byte

Log represents a message that was created by a process, LogType is either "STDOUT" or "STDERR", Content is the byte contents of the message itself

type LogConsumer added in v0.3.0

type LogConsumer interface {

LogConsumer represents any object that can handle a Log, it is up to the LogConsumer instance what to do with the log

type LogConsumerConfig added in v0.28.0

type LogConsumerConfig struct {
	Opts      []LogProductionOption // options for the production of logs
	Consumers []LogConsumer         // consumers for the logs

LogConsumerConfig is a configuration object for the producer/consumer pattern

type LogProductionOption added in v0.28.0

type LogProductionOption func(*DockerContainer)

func WithLogProductionTimeout added in v0.28.0

func WithLogProductionTimeout(timeout time.Duration) LogProductionOption

WithLogProductionTimeout is a functional option that sets the timeout for the log production. If the timeout is lower than 5s or greater than 60s it will be set to 5s or 60s respectively.

type LoggerOption added in v0.13.0

type LoggerOption struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

LoggerOption is a generic option that sets the logger to be used.

It can be used to set the logger for providers and containers.

func WithLogger added in v0.13.0

func WithLogger(logger Logging) LoggerOption

WithLogger returns a generic option that sets the logger to be used.

Consider calling this before other "With functions" as these may generate logs.

This can be given a TestLogger to collect the logs from testcontainers into a test case.

func (LoggerOption) ApplyDockerTo added in v0.13.0

func (o LoggerOption) ApplyDockerTo(opts *DockerProviderOptions)

ApplyDockerTo implements DockerProviderOption.

func (LoggerOption) ApplyGenericTo added in v0.13.0

func (o LoggerOption) ApplyGenericTo(opts *GenericProviderOptions)

ApplyGenericTo implements GenericProviderOption.

func (LoggerOption) Customize added in v0.29.0

func (o LoggerOption) Customize(req *GenericContainerRequest) error

Customize implements ContainerCustomizer.

type Logging added in v0.13.0

type Logging interface {
	Printf(format string, v ...interface{})

Logging defines the Logger interface

var Logger Logging = log.New(os.Stderr, "", log.LstdFlags)

Logger is the default log instance

func TestLogger added in v0.13.0

func TestLogger(tb testing.TB) Logging

TestLogger returns a Logging implementation for testing.TB This way logs from testcontainers are part of the test output of a test suite or test case.

type MountType added in v0.13.0

type MountType uint
const (
	MountTypeBind MountType = iota // Deprecated: Use MountTypeVolume instead

type Network deprecated added in v0.0.7

type Network interface {
	Remove(context.Context) error // removes the network

Deprecated: will be removed in the future Network allows getting info about a single network instance

func GenericNetwork deprecated added in v0.5.0

func GenericNetwork(ctx context.Context, req GenericNetworkRequest) (Network, error)

Deprecated: use network.New instead GenericNetwork creates a generic network with parameters

type NetworkProvider added in v0.0.7

type NetworkProvider interface {
	CreateNetwork(context.Context, NetworkRequest) (Network, error)      // create a network
	GetNetwork(context.Context, NetworkRequest) (network.Inspect, error) // get a network

NetworkProvider allows the creation of networks on an arbitrary system

type NetworkRequest deprecated added in v0.0.7

type NetworkRequest struct {
	Driver         string
	CheckDuplicate bool // Deprecated: CheckDuplicate is deprecated since API v1.44, but it defaults to true when sent by the client package to older daemons.
	Internal       bool
	EnableIPv6     *bool
	Name           string
	Labels         map[string]string
	Attachable     bool
	IPAM           *network.IPAM

	SkipReaper    bool              // Deprecated: The reaper is globally controlled by the .testcontainers.properties file or the TESTCONTAINERS_RYUK_DISABLED environment variable
	ReaperImage   string            // Deprecated: use WithImageName ContainerOption instead. Alternative reaper registry
	ReaperOptions []ContainerOption // Deprecated: the reaper is configured at the properties level, for an entire test session

Deprecated: will be removed in the future NetworkRequest represents the parameters used to get a network

type ParallelContainerRequest added in v0.14.0

type ParallelContainerRequest []GenericContainerRequest

type ParallelContainersError added in v0.14.0

type ParallelContainersError struct {
	Errors []ParallelContainersRequestError

func (ParallelContainersError) Error added in v0.14.0

func (gpe ParallelContainersError) Error() string

type ParallelContainersOptions added in v0.14.0

type ParallelContainersOptions struct {
	WorkersCount int // count of parallel workers. If field empty(zero), default value will be 'defaultWorkersCount'

ParallelContainersOptions represents additional options for parallel running

type ParallelContainersRequestError added in v0.14.0

type ParallelContainersRequestError struct {
	Request GenericContainerRequest
	Error   error

ParallelContainersRequestError represents error from parallel request

type PortForwarder added in v0.31.0

type PortForwarder struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

func NewPortForwarder added in v0.31.0

func NewPortForwarder(sshDAddr string, sshConfig *ssh.ClientConfig, remotePort, localPort int) *PortForwarder

func (*PortForwarder) Close added in v0.31.0

func (pf *PortForwarder) Close(ctx context.Context)

func (*PortForwarder) Forward added in v0.31.0

func (pf *PortForwarder) Forward(ctx context.Context) error

type ProviderType

type ProviderType int

ProviderType is an enum for the possible providers

const (
	ProviderDefault ProviderType = iota // default will auto-detect provider from DOCKER_HOST environment variable

possible provider types

func (ProviderType) GetProvider

func (t ProviderType) GetProvider(opts ...GenericProviderOption) (GenericProvider, error)

GetProvider provides the provider implementation for a certain type

type RawCommand added in v0.27.0

type RawCommand struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

RawCommand is a type that implements Executable and represents a command to be sent to a container

func NewRawCommand added in v0.27.0

func NewRawCommand(cmds []string) RawCommand

func (RawCommand) AsCommand added in v0.27.0

func (r RawCommand) AsCommand() []string

AsCommand returns the command as a slice of strings

type Reaper

type Reaper struct {
	Provider  ReaperProvider
	SessionID string
	Endpoint  string
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

Reaper is used to start a sidecar container that cleans up resources

func NewReaper

func NewReaper(ctx context.Context, sessionID string, provider ReaperProvider, reaperImageName string) (*Reaper, error)

NewReaper creates a Reaper with a sessionID to identify containers and a provider to use Deprecated: it's not possible to create a reaper anymore. Compose module uses this method to create a reaper for the compose stack.

func (*Reaper) Connect

func (r *Reaper) Connect() (chan bool, error)

Connect runs a goroutine which can be terminated by sending true into the returned channel

func (*Reaper) Labels

func (r *Reaper) Labels() map[string]string

Labels returns the container labels to use so that this Reaper cleans them up Deprecated: internally replaced by core.DefaultLabels(sessionID)

type ReaperProvider

type ReaperProvider interface {
	RunContainer(ctx context.Context, req ContainerRequest) (Container, error)
	Config() TestcontainersConfig

ReaperProvider represents a provider for the reaper to run itself with The ContainerProvider interface should usually satisfy this as well, so it is pluggable

type StdoutLogConsumer added in v0.28.0

type StdoutLogConsumer struct{}

StdoutLogConsumer is a LogConsumer that prints the log to stdout

func (*StdoutLogConsumer) Accept added in v0.28.0

func (lc *StdoutLogConsumer) Accept(l Log)

Accept prints the log to stdout

type TestcontainersConfig added in v0.20.0

type TestcontainersConfig struct {
	Host           string `properties:"docker.host,default="`                    // Deprecated: use Config.Host instead
	TLSVerify      int    `properties:"docker.tls.verify,default=0"`             // Deprecated: use Config.TLSVerify instead
	CertPath       string `properties:"docker.cert.path,default="`               // Deprecated: use Config.CertPath instead
	RyukDisabled   bool   `properties:"ryuk.disabled,default=false"`             // Deprecated: use Config.RyukDisabled instead
	RyukPrivileged bool   `properties:"ryuk.container.privileged,default=false"` // Deprecated: use Config.RyukPrivileged instead
	Config         config.Config

TestcontainersConfig represents the configuration for Testcontainers

func ReadConfig added in v0.20.0

func ReadConfig() TestcontainersConfig

ReadConfig reads from testcontainers properties file, storing the result in a singleton instance of the TestcontainersConfig struct

type TmpfsMounter added in v0.13.0

type TmpfsMounter interface {
	GetTmpfsOptions() *mount.TmpfsOptions

TmpfsMounter can optionally be implemented by mount sources to support advanced scenarios based on mount.TmpfsOptions

type VolumeMounter added in v0.13.0

type VolumeMounter interface {
	GetVolumeOptions() *mount.VolumeOptions

VolumeMounter can optionally be implemented by mount sources to support advanced scenarios based on mount.VolumeOptions


Path Synopsis
bigtable Module
cockroachdb Module
consul Module
datastore Module
firestore Module
mongodb Module
mysql Module
nats Module
nginx Module
postgres Module
pubsub Module
pulsar Module
redis Module
spanner Module
toxiproxy Module
modulegen module
artemis Module
azurite Module
cassandra Module
chroma Module
clickhouse Module
cockroachdb Module
compose Module
consul Module
couchbase Module
dolt Module
elasticsearch Module
gcloud Module
inbucket Module
influxdb Module
k3s Module
k6 Module
kafka Module
localstack Module
mariadb Module
milvus Module
minio Module
mockserver Module
mongodb Module
mssql Module
mysql Module
nats Module
neo4j Module
ollama Module
openfga Module
openldap Module
opensearch Module
postgres Module
pulsar Module
qdrant Module
rabbitmq Module
redis Module
redpanda Module
registry Module
surrealdb Module
valkey Module
vault Module
vearch Module
weaviate Module

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