
package module
v0.0.0-...-7f0bc7a Latest Latest

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Published: Sep 4, 2019 License: MIT Imports: 45 Imported by: 0



Londo is a Certificate Management system. Primarily, it is designed to work with Sectigo.


Go 1.12+ RabbitMQ 3.7+ MongoDB 4.0+




Londo is distributed under MIT License




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const (
	PrivateKeyType = "PRIVATE KEY"
	PublicKeyType  = "CERTIFICATE"
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const (
	EnrollExchange = "enroll-rpc"
	EnrollQueue    = "enroll"

	RevokeExchange = "revoke-rpc"
	RevokeQueue    = "revoke"

	CollectExchange = "collect-rpc"
	CollectQueue    = "collect"

	CheckExchange = "check-rpc"
	CheckQueue    = "check"

	DbReplyExchange = "db-rpc"
	DbReplyQueue    = "db-rpc-replies"

	GRPCServerExchange = "grpc"

	// Commands
	// Db
	DbDeleteSubjCmd                = "subj.delete"
	DbAddSubjCmd                   = "subj.add"
	DbUpdateSubjCmd                = "subj.update"
	DbGetSubjectCmd                = "subj.get"
	DbGetAllSubjectsCmd            = "subj.get.all"
	DbGetSubjectByTargetCmd        = "subj.get.target"
	DbGetUpdatedSubjectByTargetCmd = "subj.get.update"
	DbGetExpiringSubjectsCmd       = "subj.get.expiring"
	DbUpdateCertStatusCmd          = "subj.update.status"

	// Tell consumer to close channel
	CloseChannelCmd = "stop"

	ContentType = "application/json"

	Version = "0.1.0"


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var (
	Debug       bool
	ScanHours   int
	RevokeHours int

	CrtFile string
	Keyfile string

	DefaultFlags = []cli.Flag{
			Name:        "debug, d",
			Usage:       "enables debug level logging",
			EnvVar:      "LONDO_DEBUG",
			Destination: &Debug,
			Name:        "config, c",
			Usage:       "load configuration from `FILE`",
			EnvVar:      "LONDO_CONFIG",
			Destination: &cfgFile,
			Value:       "config/config.yml",
View Source
var (
	SFile string


func AuthIntercept

func AuthIntercept(ctx context.Context) (context.Context, error)

func DecodeChain

func DecodeChain(chain []byte) ([]*x509.Certificate, error)

FIXME: refactor

func EncodeCSR

func EncodeCSR(b []byte) (string, error)

func EncodePKey

func EncodePKey(key *rsa.PrivateKey) (string, error)

func Fail

func Fail(err error)

func GenerateCSR

func GenerateCSR(key crypto.PrivateKey, cn string, c *Config) ([]byte, error)

func GeneratePrivateKey

func GeneratePrivateKey(bs int) (*rsa.PrivateKey, error)

func GetCertSerialNumber

func GetCertSerialNumber(ip string, port string, sn string) (*big.Int, error)

func ParseIPAddr

func ParseIPAddr(ctx context.Context) (string, string, error)

func ParsePrivateKey

func ParsePrivateKey(k string) (*rsa.PrivateKey, error)

func ParsePublicCertificate

func ParsePublicCertificate(c string) (*x509.Certificate, error)


type AMQP

type AMQP struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

func NewMQConnection

func NewMQConnection(c *Config, db *MongoDB) (*AMQP, error)

func (*AMQP) Consume

func (a *AMQP) Consume(queue string, wg *sync.WaitGroup, f func(d amqp.Delivery) bool)

func (*AMQP) Emit

func (a *AMQP) Emit(exchange string, key string, msg amqp.Publishing) error

func (*AMQP) Shutdown

func (a *AMQP) Shutdown()

type CertParams

type CertParams struct {
	Country             string `yaml:"country"`
	Province            string `yaml:"province"`
	Locality            string `yaml:"locality"`
	Organization        string `yaml:"organization"`
	StreetAddress       string `yaml:"street_address"`
	PostalCode          string `yaml:"postal_code"`
	OrgUnit             string `yaml:"organizational_unit"`
	OrgId               int    `yaml:"org_id"`
	Term                int    `yaml:"term"`
	BitSize             int    `yaml:"bit_size"`
	FormatType          string `yaml:"format_type"`
	CertType            int    `yaml:"cert_type"`
	MultiDomainCertType int    `yaml:"multi_domain_cert_type"`
	Comments            string `yaml:"comments"`

type CheckCertEvent

type CheckCertEvent struct {
	ID       string
	Subject  string
	CertID   int
	Serial   string
	Port     int32
	Match    bool
	Targets  []string
	Outdated []string
	// TODO: it may not be possible to deserialize it and from JSON
	Unresolvable time.Time

func (CheckCertEvent) GetMessage

func (CheckCertEvent) GetMessage() amqp.Publishing

type CollectEvent

type CollectEvent struct {
	CertID int

func (CollectEvent) GetMessage

func (CollectEvent) GetMessage() amqp.Publishing

type CompleteEnrollEvent

type CompleteEnrollEvent struct {
	CertID      int
	Certificate string

func (CompleteEnrollEvent) GetMessage

func (CompleteEnrollEvent) GetMessage() amqp.Publishing

type Config

type Config struct {
	DB         `yaml:"mongodb"`
	AMQP       rabbitmq `yaml:"amqp"`
	Rest       `yaml:"sectigo"`
	GRPC       `yaml:"grpc"`
	CertParams `yaml:"cert_params"`
	Debug      int `yaml:"debug"`
	JWT        `yaml:"jwt"`

func ReadConfig

func ReadConfig(file string) (*Config, error)

type DB

type DB struct {
	Hostname, Username, Password, Name string
	Port                               int

type DeleteSubjEvent

type DeleteSubjEvent struct {
	CertID int

FIXME: not being used?

type EmptyEvent

type EmptyEvent struct{}

func (EmptyEvent) GetMessage

func (EmptyEvent) GetMessage() amqp.Publishing

type EnrollEvent

type EnrollEvent struct {
	Subject  string
	Port     int32
	AltNames []string
	Targets  []string

func (EnrollEvent) GetMessage

func (EnrollEvent) GetMessage() amqp.Publishing

type EnrollResponse

type EnrollResponse struct {
	RenewID string `json:"renewId"`
	SslId   int    `json:"sslId"`

type ErrorResponse

type ErrorResponse struct {
	Code        int    `json:"code"`
	Description string `json:"description"`

type Event

type Event interface {
	GetMessage() amqp.Publishing

type ExpiringSubjectEvent

type ExpiringSubjectEvent struct {
	Subject  string
	NotAfter time.Time

func (ExpiringSubjectEvent) GetMessage

func (ExpiringSubjectEvent) GetMessage() amqp.Publishing

type GRPC

type GRPC struct {
	Port int `yaml:"port"`

type GRPCServer

type GRPCServer struct {
	Londo *Londo

func (*GRPCServer) AddNewSubject

func (*GRPCServer) DeleteSubject

func (*GRPCServer) GetSubject

func (*GRPCServer) GetSubjectForTarget

func (*GRPCServer) GetSubjectsByTarget

func (*GRPCServer) GetToken

func (*GRPCServer) RenewSubjects

type GetExpiringSubjEvent

type GetExpiringSubjEvent struct {
	Days int32

func (GetExpiringSubjEvent) GetMessage

func (GetExpiringSubjEvent) GetMessage() amqp.Publishing

type GetSubjectByTargetEvent

type GetSubjectByTargetEvent struct {
	Target []string

func (GetSubjectByTargetEvent) GetMessage

type GetSubjectEvent

type GetSubjectEvent struct {
	Subject string

func (GetSubjectEvent) GetMessage

func (GetSubjectEvent) GetMessage() amqp.Publishing

type JWT

type JWT struct {
	Issuer       string `yaml:"iss"`
	Audience     string `yaml:"aud"`
	ExpiresAfter int    `yaml:"exp"`
	Secret       string `yaml:"secret"`

type Londo

type Londo struct {
	Name       string
	Db         *MongoDB
	AMQP       *AMQP
	GRPC       *GRPCServer
	RestClient *RestAPI

func Initialize

func Initialize(name string) *Londo

func (*Londo) AMQPConnection

func (l *Londo) AMQPConnection() *Londo

func (*Londo) ConsumeCheck

func (l *Londo) ConsumeCheck() *Londo

func (*Londo) ConsumeCollect

func (l *Londo) ConsumeCollect() *Londo

func (*Londo) ConsumeDbRPC

func (l *Londo) ConsumeDbRPC() *Londo

func (*Londo) ConsumeEnroll

func (l *Londo) ConsumeEnroll() *Londo

func (*Londo) ConsumeGRPCReplies

func (l *Londo) ConsumeGRPCReplies(queue string, ch chan Subject, done chan struct{}, wg *sync.WaitGroup) *Londo

func (*Londo) ConsumeRevoke

func (l *Londo) ConsumeRevoke() *Londo

func (*Londo) DbService

func (l *Londo) DbService() *Londo

func (*Londo) Declare

func (l *Londo) Declare(exchange string, queue string, kind string, args amqp.Table) *Londo

func (*Londo) DeclareBindQueue

func (l *Londo) DeclareBindQueue(exchange string, queue string) error

TODO: refactor

func (*Londo) DeclareExchange

func (l *Londo) DeclareExchange(exchange string, kind string) *Londo

TODO: refactor

func (*Londo) GRPCServer

func (l *Londo) GRPCServer() *Londo

func (*Londo) Publish

func (l *Londo) Publish(exchange string, queue string, reply string, cmd string, e Event) error

func (*Londo) PublishGetAllSubjects

func (l *Londo) PublishGetAllSubjects() *Londo

func (*Londo) PublishPeriodically

func (l *Londo) PublishPeriodically(hours int) *Londo

TODO: needs to be improved for reusability

func (*Londo) RestAPIClient

func (l *Londo) RestAPIClient() *Londo

func (*Londo) Run

func (l *Londo) Run() error

type MongoDB

type MongoDB struct {
	Name string
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

func NewDBConnection

func NewDBConnection(c *Config) (*MongoDB, error)

func (*MongoDB) DeleteSubject

func (m *MongoDB) DeleteSubject(hexId string, certid int) error

func (*MongoDB) Disconnect

func (m *MongoDB) Disconnect() error

func (*MongoDB) FindAllSubjects

func (m *MongoDB) FindAllSubjects() ([]*Subject, error)

func (*MongoDB) FindExpiringSubjects

func (m *MongoDB) FindExpiringSubjects(hours int) ([]*Subject, error)

func (*MongoDB) FindManySubjects

func (m *MongoDB) FindManySubjects(s []string, filter string) ([]Subject, error)

func (*MongoDB) FindSubject

func (m *MongoDB) FindSubject(s string) (Subject, error)

func (*MongoDB) InsertSubject

func (m *MongoDB) InsertSubject(s *Subject) error

func (*MongoDB) UpdateSubjCert

func (m *MongoDB) UpdateSubjCert(certId *int, cert *string, na *time.Time, sn *big.Int) error

func (*MongoDB) UpdateUnreachable

func (m *MongoDB) UpdateUnreachable(e *CheckCertEvent) error

type NewSubjectEvent

type NewSubjectEvent struct {
	Subject    string
	Port       int32
	CSR        string
	PrivateKey string
	CertID     int
	OrderID    string
	AltNames   []string
	Targets    []string

func (NewSubjectEvent) GetMessage

func (NewSubjectEvent) GetMessage() amqp.Publishing

type Rest

type Rest struct {
	Url, Username, Password string
	CustomerURI             string `yaml:"customer_uri"`
	Endpoints               endpoints

type RestAPI

type RestAPI struct {
	Client *resty.Client
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

func NewRestClient

func NewRestClient(c *Config) *RestAPI

func (RestAPI) Collect

func (r RestAPI) Collect(certId int) (*resty.Response, error)

func (RestAPI) Enroll

func (r RestAPI) Enroll(s *Subject) (*resty.Response, error)

func (RestAPI) Revoke

func (r RestAPI) Revoke(certId int, reason string) (*resty.Response, error)

func (RestAPI) VerifyStatusCode

func (r RestAPI) VerifyStatusCode(res *resty.Response, expected int) error

type Revoke

type Revoke struct {
	Reason string `json:"reason"`

type RevokeEvent

type RevokeEvent struct {
	ID     string
	CertID int

func (RevokeEvent) GetMessage

func (RevokeEvent) GetMessage() amqp.Publishing

type Subject

type Subject struct {
	ID             primitive.ObjectID `bson:"_id"`
	Subject        string             `bson:"subject"`
	Port           int32              `bson:"port"`
	CSR            string             `bson:"csr"`
	PrivateKey     string             `bson:"private_key"`
	Certificate    string             `bson:"certificate,omitempty"`
	Serial         string             `bson:"serial"`
	CertID         int                `bson:"cert_id"`
	OrderID        string             `bson:"order_id"`
	NotAfter       time.Time          `bson:"not_after"`
	CreatedAt      time.Time          `bson:"created_at"`
	UpdatedAt      time.Time          `bson:"updated_at"`
	UnresolvableAt time.Time          `bson:"unresolvable_at,omitempty"`
	Targets        []string           `bson:"targets,omitempty"`
	AltNames       []string           `bson:"alt_names,omitempty"`
	Match          bool               `bson:"match"`
	Outdated       []string           `bson:"outdated,omitempty"`

func UnmarshalSubjMsg

func UnmarshalSubjMsg(d *amqp.Delivery) (Subject, error)

func (Subject) GetMessage

func (Subject) GetMessage() amqp.Publishing

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