1803 |
Count Pairs With XOR in a Range |
Go |
Hard |
1802 |
Maximum Value at a Given Index in a Bounded Array |
Go |
Medium |
1801 |
Number of Orders in the Backlog |
Go |
Medium |
1800 |
Maximum Ascending Subarray Sum |
Go |
Easy |
1799 |
Maximize Score After N Operations |
Go |
Hard |
1798 |
Maximum Number of Consecutive Values You Can Make |
Go |
Medium |
1797 |
Design Authentication Manager |
Go |
Medium |
1796 |
Second Largest Digit in a String |
Go |
Easy |
1795 |
Rearrange Products Table 🔒 |
Easy |
1794 |
Count Pairs of Equal Substrings With Minimum Difference 🔒 |
Go |
Medium |
1793 |
Maximum Score of a Good Subarray |
Go |
Hard |
1792 |
Maximum Average Pass Ratio |
Go |
Medium |
1791 |
Find Center of Star Graph |
Go |
Medium |
1790 |
Check if One String Swap Can Make Strings Equal |
Go |
Easy |
1789 |
Primary Department for Each Employee 🔒 |
Easy |
1788 |
Maximize the Beauty of the Garden 🔒 |
Go |
Hard |
1787 |
Make the XOR of All Segments Equal to Zero |
Go |
Hard |
1786 |
Number of Restricted Paths From First to Last Node |
Go |
Medium |
1785 |
Minimum Elements to Add to Form a Given Sum |
Go |
Medium |
1784 |
Check if Binary String Has at Most One Segment of Ones |
Go |
Easy |
1783 |
Grand Slam Titles 🔒 |
Medium |
1782 |
Count Pairs Of Nodes |
Go |
Hard |
1781 |
Sum of Beauty of All Substrings |
Go |
Medium |
1780 |
Check if Number is a Sum of Powers of Three |
Go |
Medium |
1779 |
Find Nearest Point That Has the Same X or Y Coordinate |
Go |
Easy |
1778 |
Shortest Path in a Hidden Grid 🔒 |
Go |
Medium |
1777 |
Product's Price for Each Store 🔒 |
Easy |
1776 |
Car Fleet II |
Go |
Hard |
1775 |
Equal Sum Arrays With Minimum Number of Operations |
Go |
Medium |
1774 |
Closest Dessert Cost |
Go |
Medium |
1773 |
Count Items Matching a Rule |
Go |
Easy |
1772 |
Sort Features by Popularity 🔒 |
Go |
Medium |
1771 |
Maximize Palindrome Length From Subsequences |
Go |
Hard |
1770 |
Maximum Score from Performing Multiplication Operations |
Go |
Medium |
1769 |
Minimum Number of Operations to Move All Balls to Each Box |
Go |
Medium |
1768 |
Merge Strings Alternately |
Go |
Easy |
1767 |
Find the Subtasks That Did Not Execute 🔒 |
Hard |
1766 |
Tree of Coprimes |
Go |
Hard |
1765 |
Map of Highest Peak |
Go |
Medium |
1764 |
Form Array by Concatenating Subarrays of Another Array |
Go |
Medium |
1763 |
Longest Nice Substring |
Go |
Easy |
1762 |
Buildings With an Ocean View 🔒 |
Go |
Medium |
1761 |
Minimum Degree of a Connected Trio in a Graph |
Go |
Hard |
1760 |
Minimum Limit of Balls in a Bag |
Go |
Medium |
1759 |
Count Number of Homogenous Substrings |
Go |
Medium |
1758 |
Minimum Changes To Make Alternating Binary String |
Go |
Easy |
1757 |
Recyclable and Low Fat Products 🔒 |
Easy |
1756 |
Design Most Recently Used Queue 🔒 |
Go |
Medium |
1755 |
Closest Subsequence Sum |
Go |
Hard |
1754 |
Largest Merge Of Two Strings |
Go |
Medium |
1753 |
Maximum Score From Removing Stones |
Go |
Medium |
1752 |
Check if Array Is Sorted and Rotated |
Go |
Easy |
1751 |
Maximum Number of Events That Can Be Attended II |
Go |
Hard |
1750 |
Minimum Length of String After Deleting Similar Ends |
Go |
Medium |
1749 |
Maximum Absolute Sum of Any Subarray |
Go |
Medium |
1748 |
Sum of Unique Elements |
Go |
Easy |
1747 |
Leetflex Banned Accounts 🔒 |
Medium |
1746 |
Maximum Subarray Sum After One Operation 🔒 |
Go |
Medium |
1745 |
Palindrome Partitioning IV |
Go |
Hard |
1744 |
Can You Eat Your Favorite Candy on Your Favorite Day? |
Go |
Medium |
1743 |
Restore the Array From Adjacent Pairs |
Go |
Medium |
1742 |
Maximum Number of Balls in a Box |
Go |
Easy |
1741 |
Find Total Time Spent by Each Employee 🔒 |
Easy |
1740 |
Find Distance in a Binary Tree 🔒 |
Go |
Medium |
1739 |
Building Boxes |
Go |
Hard |
1738 |
Find Kth Largest XOR Coordinate Value |
Go |
Medium |
1737 |
Change Minimum Characters to Satisfy One of Three Conditions |
Go |
Medium |
1736 |
Latest Time by Replacing Hidden Digits |
Go |
Easy |
1735 |
Count Ways to Make Array With Product |
Go |
Hard |
1734 |
Decode XORed Permutation |
Go |
Medium |
1733 |
Minimum Number of People to Teach |
Go |
Medium |
1732 |
Find the Highest Altitude |
Go |
Easy |
1731 |
The Number of Employees Which Report to Each Employee 🔒 |
Easy |
1730 |
Shortest Path to Get Food 🔒 |
Go |
Medium |
1729 |
Find Followers Count 🔒 |
Easy |
1728 |
Cat and Mouse II |
Go |
Hard |
1727 |
Largest Submatrix With Rearrangements |
Go |
Medium |
1726 |
Tuple with Same Product |
Go |
Medium |
1725 |
Number Of Rectangles That Can Form The Largest Square |
Go |
Easy |
1724 |
Checking Existence of Edge Length Limited Paths II 🔒 |
Go |
Hard |
1723 |
Find Minimum Time to Finish All Jobs |
Go |
Hard |
1722 |
Minimize Hamming Distance After Swap Operations |
Go |
Medium |
1721 |
Swapping Nodes in a Linked List |
Go |
Medium |
1720 |
Decode XORed Array |
Go |
Easy |
1719 |
Number Of Ways To Reconstruct A Tree |
Go |
Hard |
1718 |
Construct the Lexicographically Largest Valid Sequence |
Go |
Medium |
1717 |
Maximum Score From Removing Substrings |
Go |
Medium |
1716 |
Calculate Money in Leetcode Bank |
Go |
Easy |
1715 |
Count Apples and Oranges 🔒 |
Medium |
1714 |
Sum Of Special Evenly-Spaced Elements In Array 🔒 |
Go |
Hard |
1713 |
Minimum Operations to Make a Subsequence |
Go |
Hard |
1712 |
Ways to Split Array Into Three Subarrays |
Go |
Medium |
1711 |
Count Good Meals |
Go |
Medium |
1710 |
Maximum Units on a Truck |
Go |
Easy |
1709 |
Biggest Window Between Visits 🔒 |
Medium |
1708 |
Largest Subarray Length K 🔒 |
Go |
Easy |
1707 |
Maximum XOR With an Element From Array |
Go |
Hard |
1706 |
Where Will the Ball Fall |
Go |
Medium |
1705 |
Maximum Number of Eaten Apples |
Go |
Medium |
1704 |
Determine if String Halves Are Alike |
Go |
Easy |
1703 |
Minimum Adjacent Swaps for K Consecutive Ones |
Go |
Hard |
1702 |
Maximum Binary String After Change |
Go |
Medium |
1701 |
Average Waiting Time |
Go |
Medium |
1700 |
Number of Students Unable to Eat Lunch |
Go |
Easy |
1699 |
Number of Calls Between Two Persons 🔒 |
Medium |
1698 |
Number of Distinct Substrings in a String 🔒 |
Go |
Medium |
1697 |
Checking Existence of Edge Length Limited Paths |
Go |
Hard |
1696 |
Jump Game VI |
Go |
Medium |
1695 |
Maximum Erasure Value |
Go |
Medium |
1694 |
Reformat Phone Number |
Go |
Easy |
1693 |
Daily Leads and Partners 🔒 |
Easy |
1692 |
Count Ways to Distribute Candies 🔒 |
Go |
Hard |
1691 |
Maximum Height by Stacking Cuboids |
Go |
Hard |
1690 |
Stone Game VII |
Go |
Medium |
1689 |
Partitioning Into Minimum Number Of Deci-Binary Numbers |
Go |
Medium |
1688 |
Count of Matches in Tournament |
Go |
Easy |
1687 |
Delivering Boxes from Storage to Ports |
Go |
Hard |
1686 |
Stone Game VI |
Go |
Medium |
1685 |
Sum of Absolute Differences in a Sorted Array |
Go |
Medium |
1684 |
Count the Number of Consistent Strings |
Go |
Easy |
1683 |
Invalid Tweets 🔒 |
Easy |
1682 |
Longest Palindromic Subsequence II 🔒 |
Go |
Medium |
1681 |
Minimum Incompatibility |
Go |
Hard |
1680 |
Concatenation of Consecutive Binary Numbers |
Go |
Medium |
1679 |
Max Number of K-Sum Pairs |
Go |
Medium |
1678 |
Goal Parser Interpretation |
Go |
Easy |
1677 |
Product's Worth Over Invoices 🔒 |
Easy |
1676 |
Lowest Common Ancestor of a Binary Tree IV 🔒 |
Go |
Medium |
1675 |
Minimize Deviation in Array |
Go |
Hard |
1674 |
Minimum Moves to Make Array Complementary |
Go |
Medium |
1673 |
Find the Most Competitive Subsequence |
Go |
Medium |
1672 |
Richest Customer Wealth |
Go |
Easy |
1671 |
Minimum Number of Removals to Make Mountain Array |
Go |
Hard |
1670 |
Design Front Middle Back Queue |
Go |
Medium |
1669 |
Merge In Between Linked Lists |
Go |
Medium |
1668 |
Maximum Repeating Substring |
Go |
Easy |
1667 |
Fix Names in a Table 🔒 |
Easy |
1666 |
Change the Root of a Binary Tree 🔒 |
Go |
Medium |
1665 |
Minimum Initial Energy to Finish Tasks |
Go |
Hard |
1664 |
Ways to Make a Fair Array |
Go |
Medium |
1663 |
Smallest String With A Given Numeric Value |
Go |
Medium |
1662 |
Check If Two String Arrays are Equivalent |
Go |
Easy |
1661 |
Average Time of Process per Machine 🔒 |
Easy |
1660 |
Correct a Binary Tree 🔒 |
Go |
Medium |
1659 |
Maximize Grid Happiness |
Go |
Hard |
1658 |
Minimum Operations to Reduce X to Zero |
Go |
Medium |
1657 |
Determine if Two Strings Are Close |
Go |
Medium |
1656 |
Design an Ordered Stream |
Go |
Easy |
1655 |
Distribute Repeating Integers |
Go |
Hard |
1654 |
Minimum Jumps to Reach Home |
Go |
Medium |
1653 |
Minimum Deletions to Make String Balanced |
Go |
Medium |
1652 |
Defuse the Bomb |
Go |
Easy |
1651 |
Hopper Company Queries III 🔒 |
Hard |
1650 |
Lowest Common Ancestor of a Binary Tree III 🔒 |
Go |
Medium |
1649 |
Create Sorted Array through Instructions |
Go |
Hard |
1648 |
Sell Diminishing-Valued Colored Balls |
Go |
Medium |
1647 |
Minimum Deletions to Make Character Frequencies Unique |
Go |
Medium |
1646 |
Get Maximum in Generated Array |
Go |
Easy |
1645 |
Hopper Company Queries II 🔒 |
Hard |
1644 |
Lowest Common Ancestor of a Binary Tree II 🔒 |
Go |
Medium |
1643 |
Kth Smallest Instructions |
Go |
Hard |
1642 |
Furthest Building You Can Reach |
Go |
Medium |
1641 |
Count Sorted Vowel Strings |
Go |
Medium |
1640 |
Check Array Formation Through Concatenation |
Go |
Easy |
1639 |
Number of Ways to Form a Target String Given a Dictionary |
Go |
Hard |
1638 |
Count Substrings That Differ by One Character |
Go |
Medium |
1637 |
Widest Vertical Area Between Two Points Containing No Points |
Go |
Medium |
1636 |
Sort Array by Increasing Frequency |
Go |
Easy |
1635 |
Hopper Company Queries I 🔒 |
Hard |
1634 |
Add Two Polynomials Represented as Linked Lists 🔒 |
Go |
Medium |
1633 |
Percentage of Users Attended a Contest 🔒 |
Easy |
1632 |
Rank Transform of a Matrix |
Go |
Hard |
1631 |
Path With Minimum Effort |
Go |
Medium |
1630 |
Arithmetic Subarrays |
Go |
Medium |
1629 |
Slowest Key |
Go |
Easy |
1628 |
Design an Expression Tree With Evaluate Function 🔒 |
Go |
Medium |
1627 |
Graph Connectivity With Threshold |
Go |
Hard |
1626 |
Best Team With No Conflicts |
Go |
Medium |
1625 |
Lexicographically Smallest String After Applying Operations |
Go |
Medium |
1624 |
Largest Substring Between Two Equal Characters |
Go |
Easy |
1623 |
All Valid Triplets That Can Represent a Country 🔒 |
Easy |
1622 |
Fancy Sequence |
Go |
Hard |
1621 |
Number of Sets of K Non-Overlapping Line Segments |
Go |
Medium |
1620 |
Coordinate With Maximum Network Quality |
Go |
Medium |
1619 |
Mean of Array After Removing Some Elements |
Go |
Easy |
1618 |
Maximum Font to Fit a Sentence in a Screen 🔒 |
Go |
Medium |
1617 |
Count Subtrees With Max Distance Between Cities |
Go |
Hard |
1616 |
Split Two Strings to Make Palindrome |
Go |
Medium |
1615 |
Maximal Network Rank |
Go |
Medium |
1614 |
Maximum Nesting Depth of the Parentheses |
Go |
Easy |
1613 |
Find the Missing IDs 🔒 |
Medium |
1612 |
Check If Two Expression Trees are Equivalent 🔒 |
Go |
Medium |
1611 |
Minimum One Bit Operations to Make Integers Zero |
Go |
Hard |
1610 |
Maximum Number of Visible Points |
Go |
Hard |
1609 |
Even Odd Tree |
Go |
Medium |
1608 |
Special Array With X Elements Greater Than or Equal X |
Go |
Easy |
1607 |
Sellers With No Sales 🔒 |
Easy |
1606 |
Find Servers That Handled Most Number of Requests |
Go |
Hard |
1605 |
Find Valid Matrix Given Row and Column Sums |
Go |
Medium |
1604 |
Alert Using Same Key-Card Three or More Times in a One Hour Period |
Go |
Medium |
1603 |
Design Parking System |
Go |
Easy |
1602 |
Find Nearest Right Node in Binary Tree 🔒 |
Go |
Medium |
1601 |
Maximum Number of Achievable Transfer Requests |
Go |
Hard |
1600 |
Throne Inheritance |
Go |
Medium |
1599 |
Maximum Profit of Operating a Centennial Wheel |
Go |
Medium |
1598 |
Crawler Log Folder |
Go |
Easy |
1597 |
Build Binary Expression Tree From Infix Expression 🔒 |
Go |
Hard |
1596 |
The Most Frequently Ordered Products for Each Customer 🔒 |
Medium |
1595 |
Minimum Cost to Connect Two Groups of Points |
Go |
Hard |
1594 |
Maximum Non Negative Product in a Matrix |
Go |
Medium |
1593 |
Split a String Into the Max Number of Unique Substrings |
Go |
Medium |
1592 |
Rearrange Spaces Between Words |
Go |
Easy |
1591 |
Strange Printer II |
Go |
Hard |
1590 |
Make Sum Divisible by P |
Go |
Medium |
1589 |
Maximum Sum Obtained of Any Permutation |
Go |
Medium |
1588 |
Sum of All Odd Length Subarrays |
Go |
Easy |
1587 |
Bank Account Summary II 🔒 |
Easy |
1586 |
Binary Search Tree Iterator II 🔒 |
Go |
Medium |
1585 |
Check If String Is Transformable With Substring Sort Operations |
Go |
Hard |
1584 |
Min Cost to Connect All Points |
Go |
Medium |
1583 |
Count Unhappy Friends |
Go |
Medium |
1582 |
Special Positions in a Binary Matrix |
Go |
Easy |
1581 |
Customer Who Visited but Did Not Make Any Transactions 🔒 |
Easy |
1580 |
Put Boxes Into the Warehouse II 🔒 |
Go |
Medium |
1579 |
Remove Max Number of Edges to Keep Graph Fully Traversable |
Go |
Hard |
1578 |
Minimum Deletion Cost to Avoid Repeating Letters |
Go |
Medium |
1577 |
Number of Ways Where Square of Number Is Equal to Product of Two Numbers |
Go |
Medium |
1576 |
Replace All ?'s to Avoid Consecutive Repeating Characters |
Go |
Easy |
1575 |
Count All Possible Routes |
Go |
Hard |
1574 |
Shortest Subarray to be Removed to Make Array Sorted |
Go |
Medium |
1573 |
Number of Ways to Split a String |
Go |
Medium |
1572 |
Matrix Diagonal Sum |
Go |
Easy |
1571 |
Warehouse Manager 🔒 |
Easy |
1570 |
Dot Product of Two Sparse Vectors 🔒 |
Go |
Medium |
1569 |
Number of Ways to Reorder Array to Get Same BST |
Go |
Hard |
1568 |
Minimum Number of Days to Disconnect Island |
Go |
Hard |
1567 |
Maximum Length of Subarray With Positive Product |
Go |
Medium |
1566 |
Detect Pattern of Length M Repeated K or More Times |
Go |
Easy |
1565 |
Unique Orders and Customers Per Month 🔒 |
Easy |
1564 |
Put Boxes Into the Warehouse I 🔒 |
Go |
Medium |
1563 |
Stone Game V |
Go |
Hard |
1562 |
Find Latest Group of Size M |
Go |
Medium |
1561 |
Maximum Number of Coins You Can Get |
Go |
Medium |
1560 |
Most Visited Sector in a Circular Track |
Go |
Easy |
1559 |
Detect Cycles in 2D Grid |
Go |
Hard |
1558 |
Minimum Numbers of Function Calls to Make Target Array |
Go |
Medium |
1557 |
Minimum Number of Vertices to Reach All Nodes |
Go |
Medium |
1556 |
Thousand Separator |
Go |
Easy |
1555 |
Bank Account Summary 🔒 |
Medium |
1554 |
Strings Differ by One Character 🔒 |
Go |
Medium |
1553 |
Minimum Number of Days to Eat N Oranges |
Go |
Hard |
1552 |
Magnetic Force Between Two Balls |
Go |
Medium |
1551 |
Minimum Operations to Make Array Equal |
Go |
Medium |
1550 |
Three Consecutive Odds |
Go |
Easy |
1549 |
The Most Recent Orders for Each Product 🔒 |
Medium |
1548 |
The Most Similar Path in a Graph 🔒 |
Go |
Hard |
1547 |
Minimum Cost to Cut a Stick |
Go |
Hard |
1546 |
Maximum Number of Non-Overlapping Subarrays With Sum Equals Target |
Go |
Medium |
1545 |
Find Kth Bit in Nth Binary String |
Go |
Medium |
1544 |
Make The String Great |
Go |
Easy |
1543 |
Fix Product Name Format 🔒 |
Easy |
1542 |
Find Longest Awesome Substring |
Go |
Hard |
1541 |
Minimum Insertions to Balance a Parentheses String |
Go |
Medium |
1540 |
Can Convert String in K Moves |
Go |
Medium |
1539 |
Kth Missing Positive Number |
Go |
Easy |
1538 |
Guess the Majority in a Hidden Array 🔒 |
Go |
Medium |
1537 |
Get the Maximum Score |
Go |
Hard |
1536 |
Minimum Swaps to Arrange a Binary Grid |
Go |
Medium |
1535 |
Find the Winner of an Array Game |
Go |
Medium |
1534 |
Count Good Triplets |
Go |
Easy |
1533 |
Find the Index of the Large Integer 🔒 |
Go |
Medium |
1532 |
The Most Recent Three Orders 🔒 |
Medium |
1531 |
String Compression II |
Go |
Hard |
1530 |
Number of Good Leaf Nodes Pairs |
Go |
Medium |
1529 |
Bulb Switcher IV |
Go |
Medium |
1528 |
Shuffle String |
Go |
Easy |
1527 |
Patients With a Condition 🔒 |
Easy |
1526 |
Minimum Number of Increments on Subarrays to Form a Target Array |
Go |
Hard |
1525 |
Number of Good Ways to Split a String |
Go |
Medium |
1524 |
Number of Sub-arrays With Odd Sum |
Go |
Medium |
1523 |
Count Odd Numbers in an Interval Range |
Go |
Easy |
1522 |
Diameter of N-Ary Tree 🔒 |
Go |
Medium |
1521 |
Find a Value of a Mysterious Function Closest to Target |
Go |
Hard |
1520 |
Maximum Number of Non-Overlapping Substrings |
Go |
Hard |
1519 |
Number of Nodes in the Sub-Tree With the Same Label |
Go |
Medium |
1518 |
Water Bottles |
Go |
Easy |
1517 |
Find Users With Valid E-Mails 🔒 |
Easy |
1516 |
Move Sub-Tree of N-Ary Tree 🔒 |
Go |
Hard |
1515 |
Best Position for a Service Centre |
Go |
Hard |
1514 |
Path with Maximum Probability |
Go |
Medium |
1513 |
Number of Substrings With Only 1s |
Go |
Medium |
1512 |
Number of Good Pairs |
Go |
Easy |
1511 |
Customer Order Frequency 🔒 |
Easy |
1510 |
Stone Game IV |
Go |
Hard |
1509 |
Minimum Difference Between Largest and Smallest Value in Three Moves |
Go |
Medium |
1508 |
Range Sum of Sorted Subarray Sums |
Go |
Medium |
1507 |
Reformat Date |
Go |
Easy |
1506 |
Find Root of N-Ary Tree 🔒 |
Go |
Medium |
1505 |
Minimum Possible Integer After at Most K Adjacent Swaps On Digits |
Go |
Hard |
1504 |
Count Submatrices With All Ones |
Go |
Medium |
1503 |
Last Moment Before All Ants Fall Out of a Plank |
Go |
Medium |
1502 |
Can Make Arithmetic Progression From Sequence |
Go |
Easy |
1501 |
Countries You Can Safely Invest In 🔒 |
Medium |